Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, September 05, 1871, Image 3

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■mhmm (tljrik 4* Mi ■>f> - £mkm X.* O O All. | a6t W ^1 place the Sheriff after parties j A Lit# Seme Journal—Notallo Change- who may be suspected.' - j La-*t.(*etotibr, Hearth tf Home \)ar,.«ed | _ I We were on board the train once to | 5,,to lbc Jla,,ds of Messrs. Orange Judd witness as above stated, and the Con. 1 & C ’•> of 2J5 Broadway, New York, the j ductor informed us that New Advertisements- Wood! Wood!! SLrflal SlbCcvt i sc me nt s. Tocsifny, September 5, 18 71 ; happened once before. the same Lad wc ‘^ known publishers of the American rj~SHE UNDI RSGNED is now prepared to ! Agriculturist— a journal long without a 1 ,, L / ur ? ish "’ oJ „ qaanritj,- o 3 : t or two horse wagon load $2 ; by the cord, ^4. Private letters should not be directed to the firm; or to ilie office; but to the person only for whom intended. Pu-iuess letters should be directed to R. A Harrison & Co. Mr. John A.Orme, has charge of the Sub- feriptiou list, and to biin all business letters Appertaining to Subscriptions &c., must be directed. Reading matter as Adv( rtismeuts, or special j * D f> an °P ll, t t3| t| SO great was the excite- notices appearing i i the fir t Local column will ! meut against the prisoner, he charged for at th i rate al fifty cents per line; I ri,. - , , " , (lie second column, twent /Jive cents per line-, * ® lQUlctlDfcDt charged that the pns- . tie third, twenty coils, a d for the remain- oner did, on the 31st Mav 1861 at iuir the regular price, $1.00 per square. n j , ^ ' Bedford county, V irgima, intermarry with Anua H. Robbins, of New York, . % . \ . _ „ by l ■ rival in sterliug value and circulation.’ AH'orders left at the jail will be strictlyat- m ii- , .i .. j tended to. JOHN T. ARNOLD. The marked improvements then expect- * Trial of $ii*k1—Bigamy. On Friday the State, vs. John T. e ] to ap p ear j„ Hearth and Home have | Snead waa called, and lrnth the proven- ; , ^ lfcgdj aud It * B0W onc of BAIL EOAD TIME TABLE. Arrival and Departure of Trains al Mil ledger ilie. MACON & AUGUSTA EA1L ROAD. Down Train to Augusta- Arrives at Midedgeville, 8.17 A. M Up l rain to Macon. Arrives at Midedgeville 5 23 P. M. MILLEDGEVILLE BRANCH C. B. R. Down Train to Gordon. Arrives at Milledgeville 2.35 P. M Up Train to Eatonton. Arrives at Milledgeville 8.45 P. M Gratifi’ing.—It is with great pleas ure that we rico.’d the fact that all of the Churches in this city were opened for divine service last Sunday. — i »i Clone.—The myriads of worms that, at the date of our last issue, were de stroying the vegetation in and atound the city, have entirely disappeared. GOOD TEMPLARS. Col. MtJier Grieve, Jr., will deliver an a Idress before the order, at, their Hail, ou Friday evening at 8 o’clock. The public are cordially invited to atteud. SrPERion Court.—Judge Robinson, adjourned the above Court until Tues day. the 7th of November next. A large uumber of cases upon the various dockets were not reached. Parties in terested will take notice of the above. The resolutions of the Committee ot fie members of the Bar, appointed by Judge Robinson to make a suitable re port upon the lamented death of Capt Lewis 11. Kenan, will be found in an* other column. The ladies ot the Presbyterian Church will again serve up Ice Cream at Mil* ledgeville Hotel, Store No. 1, Wednes day afternoon. Hours 6 to 9 p. m., Sep tember Gth 1871. M'S. McKinley, Mrs. Briscoe, D R. Tucker, “ it. Tripp, “ 1. L. Harris, “ J. Nisbet, —Committee. Straws show. tfc—In another column W be found the proceedings of a lar.c m t-tiog nf the citizens of McDuffie co., relative to the location of the Capitol at Atlanta. The resolutions are puitictm Lily decided and emphatic, and embody the views of a very largo number of the citizens of Georgia. Notice.—The lady members of the G od Templars will furnish refreshment o l Ice Dream on Wednesday, from 6 to 9 -clock P. M in the Supreme Go ir Runtn in the Old Capitol. The piOceeuS aie to be applied to the purchass of an or^an for the use of the Lodge. Let all aid the worthy cause. Base Bal>.—A friendly struggle for tlii: supremacy will take place on Wednesday at 4 o’clock P. M. between tin- Old Capitol C ub of this city and a picked nine from Eatonton. The game will be on the State Hou-e Square. It is hoped that a large concourse of our citizens will encourage the players by their presence. The Band from Eaton- ton will be in attendance. Farmers, Please tion and defence having atmopneed j S^ee^rniustratet! journals any- 1 Yv? E are in receipt of “ready,’' a jury was impanelled. It was , hefe ; g8ued for the fami l y c ircle-a- uoteoi that thirty-.* jurors had diiquali- ' ^ to bofh the juvenile and aduU fied themselves by forming a.itfejtpr^s- | p|>ople> and meeting , he fipcc j al wants j of the housekeeper. Besides it supplies i very useiul chapters for the garden and j and farm, and an important news sheet, j giving a valuable resume of the news for a week, up to the moment of issue. From - A a. . r . | §500 to §800 worth of very fine engrav and that said Anna is still living, un ii- vorced from prisoner—and that in April 1871, prisoner intermarried with Sarah E. Myrick, in Baldwin county, Georgia. O. J. Cowles wituess for the State, testified that he saw Snead in New Crop #r D7i- !Lawton and Willingham, SUCCESSORS TO LAWTON A LAWTON. CAMPBELL I JONES, COTTON FACTORS. MACON. GEORGIA. Thanking Hi ir friends for the lib rat t« trun- 300 bushels Red Clover SEED. 100 “ TIMOTHY. 3ii0 “ Kentucky Blue GRASS. 200 “ Orchard GRASS 200 Red Top or Herds GRASS. 25 " ALsike and Sapling CLOVER. These SEED have tieen selected and pur chased by us in the West, directly from the growers, and are fresh and pure. We keep a complete stock of every class of Application for Leave to Sell Eeai Estate. / Georgia, Baldwin County— vJT ^hereby give notice to «ll parties jviv- ingInterest in the estate hf' TY-tfllitis^d Fort, late of sai l county deceased, that I have ap plied to the Ordinary of sari county for leave toseil. in accordance with law, all of the real , — —. , estate of Tomlinson Fort, deceased, lying an.! , age ext. niDd to them the past se isnn, would being in said county and State! The reasonA renew the tender of rheir services as for this application to sell, is lor the purpose of j -ny /a -»-» distributing the proceeds of ,aiJ sale among AAljaAiOLTBEI the legatees of ill- estate of Tomlinson *'T : i -AND- dcce&sed. It uo olnectiou is filed, an ordei , - ■ • * will be issued by saidConrt granting the leavo i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, to sell on the 1st Mendav ,n Octotw-r next. M. L. FORT, Ex’rs. of the estate of Tomlin-on Fort, deveftsed. August 29, 34 tds ings beautify cadi weekly number. We , ,, u ^ 1 3 JaeKson Street. Augusta, Ga. G i EOliGIA, B\LDWIN CO UNTY— T Court of Ordinary, suit County, August 28, lt< 1. Whereas, Harman Fields appl es for letters nf Administration ou the estate of his deceased IMPLEMENTS, MACHINERY and SEED, i father, William Fields. which we would be pleased to have you call j These are to cite all persons interested, to ap- aud examine. ! pear at said Court ou the first Monday of Oc- ECHOLS Sr WILSON, -j tober. 1871. to show cause,' if any exist, why Boat Bare.—A contest of speed took place last Thursday afternoon, ou the liver, betwien the race bout Katie Ireunoi and a batleau, the latter being allow-d one hundred and twenty-five y rl- the advantage. The distance to be accomplished was from the tniil-dain, to the mouth of Fishing Creek. At the appo.rited signal the crew of both beats buckled down gteadiiy to their work, and wi'li panting breath and corded muscles struggled vigorously for the victory.— Tii hatteau reached th appointed goal »h ut one length ahead of her adversa ry. The crew f of the Katie appealed for the first time in their new and be- c uning uniform. Their practice is showing itself in the amiraole manner with which they handle the oars, and in the improvement of the time since their last trial. A dangerous practice has been ins.'i fated, either by accident o r design, near flie water tank below Carr’s Station on tlie M. & A. It. R. Twice a piece ot timber, evideuily a portion of a fence tail has been placed on the track, caus- ln o a considerable jarring to the cars as fh- wheels pass ove r the object. Whether thi> happens by accident, or is doue by ignorant or designing perso :s, it is not n °w within our knowledge to determine. Die appearance ol several individuals at fit® place wlteu the cars hive passed. Dads us to suppose that it may be done Fuller by children or those who are not aware of the great danger of this foolish practice. At ai.y rate it ought to be -f°pped, aad we thiuk a repetition ol the York city, in June, 1S68, in company with a womau, (now present in Couit) whom he introduced to wituess as Mrs Snead, and that prisoner was in h e r com pany uearly every evening for a month aud introduced her to other gentlemen us his wile. Witness further sat i that prisoner was a friend of witnes.s father Jerry Cowles, anil was a geutlemau in all respects, save ond, and so esteemed in New York. Wuness had been a common sailor for a number ofyears an l had just returned from Australia, when he made S's. acquaintance in 1868. Wit nees is a Civil Engineer, learned the Scieuce from Gen. Stewart, during the month ol June, 1868. The State produced a letter, purport ing to be signed by J. T. Sueal, aud addressed to Mrs. J. T. Snead, “iny dear wife,” w.iiteu f, <m Boston, in 1SG9. The State offered an exemplification from the Clerk ol Bedford c;*uuty, Va.. an unsigned paper, seeming to be a mem- oiaudom of “application lor a !icen n e • m irry.” This paper bore date 3rd Jla ,. 1861, and contained, the names of prison er and Anna H. Robbins. The Clerk’s cer tificate stated that there was u» otin r record, touching the matter in his office, Gen. S.P. My rick, testified to prisonei’s marriage to Sarah E. Myrick, in Apri, last. For the prisoner, no evidence was ot tered, though his counsel objected to all the evidence adduced by the State. For the State, the following attorneys appeared, Sol. Gen. Jordan, Guild, r Briscoe, \\ cems, Sanford and Furman For the prisoner, Lofton, Crawford and Williamson. The argument was oppned by W T eems of Macon, who for foity-five minutes en tertained the crowded hall, with a beautiful piece of Mosaic, gathered from poets aud dramatists, executed with COu siiierable artistic skill. Mr. Crawford followed in an argument of an hour and a half, hi rected mainly to the legal sufficiency ot admissions in bigamy cases. All ibis may hive been appropriate, but discu.s ug li.v to a jury is rather dull business Tliere was one notable p unt in his re- mai ks however. It seems that marriage iu Virginia must be by license or it *s vnin—that the liceuse must be recorded before its issues from the clerk s office and the clerk certifies that there is no such record. Judge Conder followed for twenty minutes, iu a beautiful spi ech, replete with chaste language, bold figures and elegant diction. He seemed to fear the testimony and kept clear of it. C«pi. Wiiliamsou followed for tbe prisoner. His was the speech of the day. Bold, clear, logical and with the true pathos of oratory and chisre rheto ric, he wasted no words, bin dr >ve right to the mark. Tru y he had a “word ibr every place and a place tor every word. ’ It there had been any doubt of the r '- suit, from the beginning, it was all <1 is -ipated now. B.u we cannot do-justi e to this effort and will only say was complete. Mr. Furman follow- d for forty minutes jo a close, powerful speech, allowing g* a t ,ct ioMi|p»it of a lost cause. Thi. gentleman, it is said, was earnestly op posed to goiog in, - a tr-1! at rhia term'd Uiiluie notice now a still further mark of enter prise on the part of the publishers ; they have secured the exclusive services of Edward Eggi.bst<>n, so widely and fa vorably known by his writings in Sndi ner's Monthly, and many other JIaga* zines and Journals, and especially as ti e chief superintending Editor of the New York Independent for some time pas'. With this notable addition to the previously largo and strong editorial force, Hearth & Home can not fail to merit and command a prominei t place in every household, in city, village and country. Specimen copies can doubt less be obtained of the publishers as a- buve. Terms only S3 a year. Single numbers S cents. Hearth § Flame and American Agriculturist together, 84 a year. Belter add onc or both of them to your supply of reading; they are each worth infinitely more than the small cost. Street, Atlanta, Ga. September 5. 35 tf r and Broad Tinner Wanted! said Hannan Fields should not receive said tet ters. M. K. BELL, O. B, C. August 29, 34 ot GOOD TINNER wanted inimedistaly None but a go>>d workman need apply. A while mail preferred. J. STALEY. September 5, 35 tf r Old Tin Shop- J. Staley i* still at work, and smash* ing up T n into any shape you want and in a workmanlike manner : repairing done of ail kinds in double quick tim- at low figures. Ho is now prepaied fo fur lisli parlies with Tinware, at whole- >a e prices as low as can be bought m Macon. Come and fry him. Guns, Pistols and Locks repaired; I\-ys fitted at short notice. July 11. 1871. 27 tf. C II Phinizy. F. B Pin izv C. H. PHINIZY 1 CO. Cotton Factors, JACKSON STREET, ALGUSl’A GA. Consignments respectfully solicted. September 2. 4fi 4m p r jl SuBSCKIBKKS TO PtTkKs’ VI (JSICAL M<>.\TH- II o lv get all the latest, and best Music at one III H and two cents apiece. Every number con- j] tains from §4 to $5 worth of new Music ; I E and it can ie had far 3(1 cents. The July U and August numbers contain Thirty Pie U I ces of Music. (72 pages, sheet-music size,) I * and will he mailed for 50 cents. Address, I I) J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, N.w fl I York t August 26, 85 2 m prn Administrator^ Sale- B Y VIRTUE of an order af the. Ordinary of Jefferson county, will be sold ntthe Court House of LiHtirens, on the 1st Tuesday in Oc tober next, a tract ni laud known as Lot No. tiff, in the District, of originally Wilkin- j son. now Laurens county, lying on the waters 1 of Bay Creek. Kmd as the property of the es- j tate of Bryant B asley, for distributing. Terms I R. J. Davaut, Jr. W. D. Waples J. Myers Cash. August 10, 1871. ELI McCROAN, Adm’r. August 29, 34 tds. iu the disposition of the CROP of 1871. Ib-om- isiog;t* spare no efforts to promote the inter ests of those w ho may place their COTTON in their hands. Asrours-for THE VYINSHiP IMPROVED COT TON GIN. Warranted to do good work. August 15, 4 m. r Hardeman & Sparks, WAREHOUSE —AND— Commission Merchants, Macon, SeoigL. leader their Services to the Planters of and Sonthvrestern Georgia for the SALS and STOBAGE of COTTON. Aug.i>- H 31. 4mo Fourth street. Macon. *»a-. WAREHOUSE, COTTON AND COMMISSION erohants. GF 4 N O DEALERS. Advances made on Cotton in Store when Desired. August 8, 31 4mo. Jonathan Collins. W. A. Oouma Jonathan Collins & Son, "W" arehouse —AND— Oommission MBROHANTTS, Third Street,— JvZacou, Ga. | We offer our services to our Pisnting friend® | as FACTORS AND COMMISSION MER j CHANTS.pledging personal care and prompt j ness in all business '-ntnisred to our care | Plantation Supplies Furnished When Desired. i r 29 J uly a. 4m. NOTICE. 4 LL PERSONS are hereby uufjfied that I shall apply at the regular term of the Court of O.dinary of Montgomery county, In October next, for leave to sell ail the lands be longing lo the estate of Hiram Swain, deceas ed, for ihe bent-fit of tire lo irs. This July 28, 1871. JOHN PEARSON, Adui'r. August 29, 34 5t Davaut, Waples A CO., j FOR SALE! COMMISSION MEKCIIANTS. BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. August 15, 4m.r n T HE NICE aud COMMODIOUS FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, now occupied by the undersigned. All neeessa y outbuildin attached to i he premises. Call soon if a bar gain is wanted.. M. E. WILLIS. August I5,3t.'r S o r i* Lyes! 8 o r o Lyes! W. S. SCOTT, has for sale a NEVER FAILING cure lor SORE EYES. Cure warranted or money refunded. Try it and be convinced. August 29, 31 4t tirorgid Stale Luuaiic Asolum. Office Treasurer and Steward, f Near Milledg- ville, Ga , Aug. 20, 1871. J | IHE UNDERSIGNED will rec.-ive under l authority of the B-.ard of Trustees, up to the 20ih September, 12 o’clock, St-aled Propos als for furnishii g the articles specified below, i’aities offering bids, will be at liberty to bid for any one or more of the articles iu the list— al! being required to lur ish with their bbis, samples of the ariicles proposed to be supplied— and any articb furnished not coming up fully to Ob bow 1 have suffered with my “he di Ail on account of using the poison, us ban pupa tions. J now us. 'attires hair liesr, r n ive, and it has icmoveil fie puis -n and re tore I my hair to its f.-ruu r . igor. S- . adveriist-m lit. “God helps those who help themselves ’ therefore, ve afflicted ones, take Sumpter Bit ters. and be cure . of Dyspepsia, Indigestion I such s-mpi s may be rejected and return'd at and Hartburn. | the expense of the bidder. AU articles must be — st.icrly sound aud of good merchantable qual 13 s " It there is a striking combination under ( ity. Th- meal must be delivered iu such the sun, it. is poor whisky and fr.ed o : ons G EORAIA, LAURENS COUNTY— Court nf Ordinary William "Burch having filed his petition for letters of Administration on the estate of Sarah Burch, late of said county, deceased— These are to cite all and singular, the nejri oi kin and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at the r-gular term of this Court in Oc tober next, to show cause if any they can, why said letters should not b- granted. Witness my hand and official signature tins, August 4th, 1871. J. B. WOLFE, Ord’y. August 29, 34 5t EORGIA. MONTGOMERY COUNTY— Court of Ordinary, duly Term. i-71. Whereas. Bright Butler having tiled his pe tition for of Administration on the es tate ot James Hall, la e of said county, deceas ed. :'J ft f*»U These are to cite all and singular the next of kin ami Cieditors ■ f said deceased, to be and appear at my offic- within the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause if any th-y can, why said letters should uot. be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, July 7 th 1871. JOHN A. MCMILLAN, O. M. C. August 29, 34 5t Whenever we scent that odor, we involurtarily be delivered at Milledg ville, freight prepaid, exclaim. “O for Daiby’s Prophylactic Fluid !" j by 1st October 1871. The purchase m.-ney —^^j will be due 1st January. 1872, a d paid as / ' EORGl v, vioNTGOAfERYCOUMY— V.1 Court of Ordinary July Term 1871, Wherea . Joseph W. McAllister and Jam' s VfcNatt. having filed (heir petition f-r letters of Administration on t lie estate of Hugh Me-- amounts as required we.kly All «rticles must) Natt late of said county, deceased New Adveriisemenls. ini IMVIV stPl RIOH COURT The Committee appointed to report Resolutions on the death of Capt. LEIVIS II KENAA', to wit: L H Bn,cot. mover, Gen A R. IVright Col. I fin McKinley, W T William son Eleming Jordan. E■ C Furman and Af. N Murphy, report as follows : Another breach is made in the circle of our professional i lotlierhood Capt. Lums H. Kinas departed this iue suddenly, on the 3d .lay of July of this year. He was stricken down in the prime aud vigor of bis manhood. Cast by recent providential dispensation, by the death ot his distinguished sire and partner, on his own powers ot self reliance, he bad just girded up las mins for the race of life by new cuergies iu Oil iuess. with commendable res .'lotions not only to sustain himself but benefit his fellow citizens, w hen lie met his melancholy fate. Capt Kenan iu his brief career had by rea son of his popularity amt talent, been elevated to several public offices of trust and responsibil ity. As Secretary ot the Senate of this Stale, and Senatorfrom this Senatorial Districtjiis dis charge o dmy refirct ed credit on himself and gave saiisfacti n to the public. When the toe sin of war called for the sons of th- South in Ihe great civil strife recently ended in this country, he instantly responded, and as Cap tain, led a nobie baud ot Georgia Regulars to ihe field. Tiieie he remained, wways ready, iu the oeicest of ihe fight, till compelled to retire by reason of a perilous wound received Sue h word as fear never efuered into the vocabulary of his instincts; »ud no officer or soldier was ever more endeared to his companions tn arms V\ hen the ii*-wh of his tragical fate was tiemb ling oil the and sped through Georgia, hundreds of hearts which uev soon as drawn from the State Treasury. LIST OF ARTICLES. 650 bushels of White Corn. 3 U0 “ Oats. 40.000 lbs Timothy Hay, 10.000 “ Clear Rib Side B'con 1.000 “ Sugar Cured Hams. 2,500 “ Rice 1.000 “ Crushed “ 12.500 “ Flour. Good 35 500 “ White Corn Meal—water 2d 0i> “ Rio Coffee. [ground. 250 “ Jav* “ 25 “ Green Tea, Good. 150 gals Molasses. 40 “ Apple Vinegar, I 500 lbs La d 800 •* Adamantine Candles. 1.000 “ Turpentiue Soap. 400 “ Tobacco. 1.000 “ Cheese 800 “ Goshen Butter. 2i 0 “ Fresh small butter crackers. 300 pairs good Heavy Blankets. These are incite all and singular, the next of kin and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause if any they can, why said letters should no’ be granted. Witness mv hand aud official signature this, July 7th, li-7l. JOHN A McMILLAN. O. M. C. August 29, 34 5t NOTICE. 'TUVO MONTHS after date application will JL be made to the Court ,,f Ordinary of Mont gomery County, Georgia, at the 1st tegular term after expiration of iwo months from this notice for leave to sell a pari of the lands be longing to'he estate of Jossi- Wilks, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol said decease 1. July 7th, 1871. • JOHN WILKS, Executor of Jesse Wilks, dee’d. August 29 34 ids CARPENTERS, BUILDERS AND ALL OTHERS IN NEED OF doors, sashes, blinds, Monldings, Balusters. Blind Trimmings, &<•„ will do well to call w Blair <5z> Bickford.. 171 Bay treet. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WHO ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVIMG FRESH SUPPLIES IN THIS LINE. August 15. 4m. r A LARGE Assortment of 50 75 50 50 50 20 10 20 20 60 60 25 25 24 2o0 Woolen Coats. “ Woolen Pants. No 9 Good wax brogan shoes, men “ 8 “ “ “ •< i() « « .. .. .. •'ll *« <l « <> !< “ 12 “ 7 “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 “ 7 “ 8 Soft leather, “ women Wool Hats, men, Yards Good Red Flannel. The bidd. rs must, sp cily the prices at which each i em or kind ol goods is proposed to be furnislicd. by the pound, bushel, gallon or yard . as th-case.may be. The right being reserved idi eds ot hearts which uev.r quailed m bat- , ,,, award the contract for supply lug the above tie willed down v\iib grief. 1 lie 1 uncut was named ariicles to any one or more of tlie bid taken up aud in niourntui cadence came echo ing back—“G-id rest his soul’’—and now as friends a d prote.-sional brethren ws join in saying—‘8o mote it be.’’ Resulted, That iu the death of Capt Kenan, the legai profession has lost a courteous and promising member; has lo.-t a devotee; ilia, it | c [,j va ir v a model; friendship a cheiiatier; and | society a gentleman. Residced, That in commemoration of his ex ee lence and character, this humble tribute be entered on the minutes ot this Court: and that a copy "f these pro e-ding- be tiaosniitteh by | the Clerk to the family of the deceased and published iu the city papers. der-, nr reject any bid offered Bids should be marked “To furnish supplies,’’ and address ed to the undersigned M. R. BELL, Treasurer & Steward, S. L. A. August 29, 34 3t. ran lie a .os over O C niect 11 tne Court, pied c should they at 'em ruled and the -c u ness ol liis ju . • ieu Col. L dlOt C "Sei uuu nr of forty -five <iid the failure of '• ht under his expo-itiun. Uiat hi mv 8-iruii-Od an-. vim* llldlgiiHii i ha tjcuiion sho .1 =■ be- pres-cd u - > f.iuudatmn as Was pre-ei t t <*'i me -ia,.J Ilia Honor tlieo cliaiged ill* jury tiiat. Bigamy eonbisted in having two wives at Once. It. wtien prisoner mar id Miss Cloy ai Ui nun’s So clea prosecution appea w e.i -m l On motion It is . r e cd a’ the request, ofthe Com mi ee. tlini the above d f r going r-so lutio is basp'ead ou th - in ies i Ibis Court, and that the O'er, rau-m c) iy 1 the fami ly of deceased . nd > tlie c.i,. papers fur pub lication. PHILCIP B RifBINSON. Judge O- iiiulgce Circuit. A true exiraci ho the minutes, Neptemb r 4tn, 1-71. S. J. KIDD, Clerk. September 5, 35 It r L in pus Sheriff's S«ile. V , ILL HE SOU' before the Court H‘>u«r do r i . the town of Dublin, between the legal h nir- ol -aie.ou th ist Tuesday iu Octo ber next I- t f a id No I’.vo hundred and six ty - x iu ihe s-.-nretth l)isf. (17th.) of Lau rens coun yalj 'ioiiig iandg >f Haid » Gu\,Wm. Gild, rail o .taiuing two hundred two Mtrick, he had any other w.| H Jiving j a,ld * i-r-sinore -r iess. Levied J ^ _ I «»n as rio ru r v ot I h«M. I*. Lock ro satin fy (und his ad missions were tlfficietil evi- , ouejusti.-e c.-uitti. la. from tlie 543d District dence that he had,) then he is guilty. | 1 1 oma- B.acewedx-s. fhos F. Lock, up ; ^ property p 'lilted oat l»y pU’.ntiflf and levied »»n The jury retired in charge ol the bai , and returned t" me by Jas. T. Fa k. Constable. Dublin. Ga. August. tSih.1871. liff, and after ab 'Ut twenty minutes, re turned with a verdict of nut guilty Thus end. d a sensation that has agi tated <>ur community f >r months, eugco dering leeliugs of bitteinoss, threatening violence. OE<>. CUKKElL, Sheriff. •8eptember5, 35 ids r B A quack doctor in Moscow, who had thousands of patients, was recently or dered by the police to leave that city. Upon his refusal to do so, lie was Bog ged and seut for a ye-u to the work- house, \LDWIN SUPERIOR COURT— August Term, 1871. luDsRi u, That this Court bo adjourned to the h 'U'of9 o’clock a. in., on Tuesday, 7th fiav of November, 1871. Ordered further. That the Jurors in attend ance at the present Terra, do serve at said Court iu November next. PHILLIP B. ROBINSON. Judge Superior Court, O. C. A true extract from the minutes, S. J. KIDD, Clerk. September 5, 35 If SPECIAL ELECTION —FOR— Tax Collector. / 1EORGI a , b a ld w in county— "T Whereas, n vacancy now exists in the office of Tax Collector of Baldwin county. Now therefore. I, Mathew R. Bell. Ordinary of said county, by vi tue of authority in in vest- d by law d<> It reby order and d-rect tha< an eiectum b- h ld fur Tax Collector in said county, to fill -aid vacancy on Friday the tiventy-se ond day of September. I67I ” The election will be hold at the Court House in the city of Milledgeville, and returns of the same to be made as directed by law. Officer- whose duty it is to hold said election will take due notice and see that the same is properly and legally held, and their attention is called to < ’hajiters one and two, title thirteen pan first, of Irwin’s Revised Code, prescribing the mode and manner of ho’ding elections. Given un der my hand and offi ia) scat. M. R. BELL, O. B. C. August 29, 31 tde We are authorized to announce the name ol JOHN I ARNOLD as a caimi ate for the office ut Tax C’ollector of Baldwin County at tin- election on September 5J2d. August 29, 34 tde. We are authorized to announce A. O. JEFF ERS an a candidate fur Tax Collector of Baldwin County at tbo election on 22d Septem ber. August 29, 34 tde, Tlie name of L. N. CAL- LA WAY is before the people as a candidate for the office of Tax Colhctnr of Baldwin Couuty at the ellecMOu ou tb* 22d September. August 89, 34 tdt. /GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY. V.1 Application to Sell Real Estate. I hereby give notice to all put ties having in terest in the estate of George W Fort. l»te of said county deceased, that I have applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell in accordance with law, ail the real estate and in terest in real estate of George YV. Fort, deceas ed, lying and being in tin- county of Baldwin and said State. The reason for this applica tion to sell, is for (he purpose of collecting to-, getlier the assetts iyid distribution ofthe same; to the legatees of the said George \V. Fort, de ceased, and if no objection is til-d. an order will be issued by said Court granting the leave to sell on the 1st Monday in October next JN’O. P. FORT, Executor o f Geo. W. Fort, deceased. August 22. tds Oct. 1st Laurens Sheriff’s Sales. W ILL BE SOLD <n the first Tuesday in September next, uetween the legal hour of sale, before tlie Court House door in the town of Dublin, one Saw and Grist-Mill, known as the Sam’t Yopp’s Mi 1. Levied on as the property of S, ami J VV Yopp, to satisfy one cost fi. fa. from Laurens Superior Court. Har dy Smith, clerk and Joel E. Perrv. Sh* riff rs David Ware, Administrator <>f Sam’l Yopp and Mary F Yopp. Administratrix of lohnW. Yopp property pointed out by Ilardy Smith, Dublin, Ga., August. 1st, 1-71 GEO. CURUELL, Sheriff. August 15, tds r G 1 C 'l EORG1A, MONTGOMERY COUNTY— f Couit of Ordinary Pet-r Morrison. Guardian of H. R. Clarke, liavin<r filed his petition for letters of dismis sion from said guardianship Th-se are to < ite all and singular, whom it may concern, to file their objection, if any th*y have, within the time prescribed by law, why -aid letters should not be granted to applicant in terms of the law Witness my hand and official signature, July 25th, 1871, JNO. A. McMILLAN. O. M. C. August 15, infim r —r- — i , i EOKGU, LAURENS COUNTY. Court of Ordinary. Whereas, R W. Cubbege has filed his pe- ition for the guardianship of Clifton L. Vigal, a minor orphan of John A. Vigal, deceased— These are to cite all and singnlar, the next if kin and creditors of said orphan, to be and appear at the regular term of this Court In September next, to show cause, if any they can, why letters of guardianship should not be granted to applicant iu terms of the law. Witness my Laud and official signature this, July 22d, 1871, J. Ii. WOLFE, Ordinary. August 1, 5t< .„ NOTICE. A LL PERSONS concerned, creditors Atuf % legatees of Byrd C. Allen, deceased, late nf Laurens county, are hereby notified that I shall apply at the n-gnlar t>*rni of the Court of Ordinary of said county in October next, after t.his notice has been published sirt^ days in conformity to law, for leave to sell all the lands belonging t.o the estate of said Byrd C. Allen. This July 22d. 1871. JAMES T. CHAPPELL, Adm’r cum testa annexe of BYRD 0. ALLEN, dec’d. August Jj td*. Curtain*, Just Beceived At Joseph’s. May 2. 17 tf. May 30, 21 tf. N. A. MEGRATH, Hollingsworth Block, CAN SUPPLY M A COUNT, GA. YOU ALL WITH COHN. BACON, LARD, FLOUR, MEAL RICH, SUGAR. COFFEE, SYRUP, MOLASSES, TOKACCO, WHISKY, Wy Terms are Cash, or such Paper as can be used to raise Cash and I will Sell you as low as anybody. _ . 1HTI N. A. MEGRATH, Macon. Ga. rJ«a« •,1871. *