Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, October 17, 1871, Image 3

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(Tljflkintljent Jiernrk. la O OAX. f u e t d a y .October 17 1871 '-^T''JTjetters should not be directed to the " ri prto the office; but to the person only for whom intended. Business letters should be directed to E. A. A° C rmc ’ bas cliar & e of the Sub- Mr '. jj s t, and to him all business letters 8Cfi Yrtaining to Subscriptions &c , must be ^‘welding matter as Advertisments, or special *: .. u „eaiiug iu the first Local column will k° rhare-ed for at the rate ol fifty cents per line; b , ■ second column, twenlyfive cents per line-, lD third twenty cents, and for the remain- the regular price, $1.00 per square. . M. i. .M. M. BAIL road time table. Arrival and Departure of Trains at Mil Ar hdgeville. MACON & AUGUSTA BAIL ROAD. "Down Train to Augusta. ‘millEDGEvGja'BKAKCH CJIU Down Train to Gordon. Arrives at Milledgeville...... — — 2.35 P. Ar Up Train to Eatonton. Arrives at Milledgeville 8.45 P Religious.—The Quarterly Meeting of the Methodist Church in this city ters minuted last Sunday. Rev. C. Key, P. H W as in attendance, and the exercises were of a very interesting character. ^ 0TICC —An address will be deliver ed in the Lodge Room of the Good Tern.. pirns, ia the Capitol Building, next Fri day Night by Benjamin Barrow, Esq. The members and citizens generally are cordially invited. We bespeak a full attendance. A number of our Good Templars vis ited Pleasant Grove Lodge on Saturday last. They speak in glowing terms of tbe pleasure derived from their visit. An excellent dinner was provided, to which all did ample justice. An address upon tbe subject of Temperance was de livered by Mr. Robert Adams, who han dled his topic in a most masterly manner! Altogether the occasion was one of great eojoymeir. to all present. The Pleas ant Grove Lodge is in a most prosperous condition. Messrs. Editors : Please state that the Extra Train on our Road will leave Mil ledgeville daily at 6.45 A. M. and re>, turn same day at 7 o’clock, P. M., du ring the continuance of the State Fair at Macon. J. H. NISBET, Agent M. & A. R. It. Milledgeville, Oct. 16. Murder.—A negro man, known as Adam Waller, was murdered iu this county, on tbe 9th inst. Several par ties, who were arrested on suspicion, were discharged by Justice Fair. The perpetrator of the act, supposed to be a white man, Taylor Brown, has succeeded in effecting his escape. Almost a FiRe—We learn that a fire, caused by friction, occurred at the Cotton Factory in this city on last Wednesday. The flames were prompt ly suppressed with tho loss of two or three spindles. Fine.—We saw on the Streets last week, a noble trout weighing ten pounds, captured in the mill-pond of Mr. Ed wards of this county. This huge spec imen of the finny race was raffled at the handsome sum of two dollars and a half. We are authoiized to announce JOHN HAMMOND, Esq., as a candi date for Clerk of the Superior Court, at the election on the 31st October instant. The Sight Restored and Pre served. Personal.—We acknowledge the re-, ception of an invitation to the wedding of our confrere Grady, of the Rome Commercial. We extend our most cor dial congratulations to the happy couple. Glad to see—That the City Council are constructing Fire Cisterns in various portions of our city. This is a move in the right direction. Free Exhibition.—The gorgeous posters of Old John Robinson’s Grand Circus and menagerie, in front of the Milledgeville Hotel, daily attracts crowds of the curious. They cover a fence, ten feet high, and two hundred and sixty in length. The display of animals is said to be unique and exten sive. Our Streets daily wear a more ani mated appearance. Cotton is fairly on the move, and sellers, with their sam ples, are constantly on the hunt for the highest bidder. The merchants wear a more satisfied appearance, as the circu lating medium increases. Imported Cigars* The following brands just received : Partagas—Cabanas, Antiquedad—Legitimid ad, Figaro, La Aclaracion, By the box or at retail. SAM’L A. COOK. Wayne St. oct. 10 2t. PROi. COHEN, the renowned opti cian and spectacle maker is revisiting our city with a large assortment of the Celebrated Crustal Spectacles of his own make. The superiority of his glasses over others are in the careful mathemat ical accuracy in the construction, made of the clearest crystal and the exact shape of the eye, which makes them the most perfect spectacle now in use. Ve ry few persons use perfect spectacles- Some approaches nearer perfect vision than others, while many plod through life subjecting .themselves to great pain and inconvenience to the eye. Many are cut off from the full enjoyment of the realities of external objects through the ignorance of spectacle makers and sellers. Prof. Cohen is very thankful to the citizens for their past patronage, and hopes for a continuance of the same Owing to previous engagements Prof. Cohen will be able to stay in our city a few days only. Those wishing to consult him will find him at his office at the Milledgeville Hotel. For House cleaning, washing dishes, floors, oil cloths, tables, cleaning windows, paint, knives and polishing tin, brass and all metals, use Enoch Morgan’s Sons’ Sapolio. It ischeap- er and better than soap. Get it from your gro cer, or at 211 Washington street, N. Y. rpn Wm. H. Tisoa. W*. W. Gordos. TISON & GORDON, (established, 1354 ) COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants^ 112 BAT STBSET, SAVANNAH, GA. B agging and iron ties advan ced on Crops. Liberal Cash Advances made on Consign ment of Cotton. Careful attention to all busi ness, and prompt returns Guaranteed, oct. 9 r * n 4m. Notice- A LL persons are hereby notified that I shall apply at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of Montgomery county in December next, tor leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of James B. Hall, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. JOHN WHITE, Adm’r. Oct. 17,41 2m PIANOS and ORGANS for sale.— Try them before you pay for them. Call at Recorder Office. Latest Markets by Telegraph- LIVERPOOL, Oct. 14, P. M. Cotton 9§d. NEW YORK, Oct. 14 P. M. Cotton Uplands 20Jc. SAVANNAH, Oct. 14 P. M. Cotton, Middlings lS^c. . AUGUSTA, Oct. 14, P. M, Cotton iSgc. MACON, Oct. 14 P. M. Cotton ISc. MILLEDGEVILLE, Oct. 14 P. M, Cotton 17j|c. Gold 14J. “Low prices seldom command a good arti cle,” but in the case of Sumter Bitters the ex ception proves the rule—it is the best tonic known. For removing mildew from clothing, use Darby's Prophylactic Fluid diluted with water. No more Gray Hair. Nature's Hair Resto rative brings back the original color. It is not a dye. and clear as crystal. Contains nothing injurious. See advertisement. [communicated.] Dim, in Washington Co., on the 9th day of Sep. 1871, Mr. Skaton DuBignon Grantland iu the 23d year of his age. The subject of this notice, was the grandson of one of the oldest and most highly esteemed citizens of Baldwin County, to wit: Col. Sea ton Grantland, formerly Congressman from this district, in the old and honest days of the Republic when, only honorable men represent ed Georgia. Born in affluence, blessed, with kind and af fectionate parents ; endowed by nature with a manly form and face of uncommon beauty, pleasant and courteous in manner, young Seaton Grantland, had just entered upon the threshold of manhood, when death claimed his manly form and closed his bright eye forever. He was generous, forgiving, warm hearted and brave. His soul was the embodiment of friendship and chivalry. Had he lived earlier, there is little doubt, that as a soldier in the “Lost Cause,” his name would have been high on the roll of fame, and among the noble spir its of the South. He would have illustrated in battle, what he so truly did in that manly sport, the Tourney. Many who read this notice, will call to mind, that splendid figure and truthful representative of chivalry that at the Tournaments of Milledgeville and Macon ap peared as the knight of the “Lost Cause,” and can scarcely realize that, one so full of hope and life and future pleasure, has thus and so suddenly passed away forever. Peace to the ashes of the young and beautiful brave. An affectionate father and mother mourn his untimely death, and the South mournone who, hereafter, had he lived, would in battle have vindicated her wrongs and illustrated her name. Savannah News, Atlahta Sun and Columbus Enquirer please copy and send bill to Sothcrn Recorder office. HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION. A lexander s. henry, has applied for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the same on 25th day of October, 1371, at 10 o’clock a. m., at my office in Mt. Vernon, Ga. Witness my hand and official signature. Oct. 2d, 1871. J. A. McMILLAN, O. M. C Oct. 17, 41 2t M ontgomery court of ordinary October Term, 1871. John White having filed his petition for the guardianship of John Hall, minor of James B Hall, deceased— These are to cite all concerned to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any, why said letters TI „ . T „, Tr . . ., should not be granted. Witness my band H If. A T /T IT ! A TTTV f f and official signature. Oct. 2d, 1871. llUilUlll i DPjilUll I I JNO. A. McMILLAN, O. M. C. Oct. 17,41 5t Milledgeville Hotel Bar - Boom. T HE UNDERSIGNED most respectfully invites his triends and the public gener ally to give him a call and test his fine Whis ky, Brandy, Wines and Cigars, as he thinks he can compete with any Bar in the city. GEORGE W. HOLDER. Oct. 17,41 4t RADWATS READY‘RELIEF CUKES THE WORST PAINS In from one to Twentv Minutes. NOT ONE not K after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. Radway's Ready Relief is a Cure for every pain. It was the first and is THE ONLV PAIN REMEDY that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflamation, and cures Conges tions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bow els, or other glands or organs, by one appli cation. Iu from one to twenty miuufes, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with dis ease may suffer. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms Sour Stomach Heartburn, Sick Headache Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and a Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Radway’s Ready Relief with them. A fen diops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water It is betater than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulent- FEVER AND AGUE, Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents; There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fevei and Ague, and all other Malarious Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by Radway’s Pills) so quick as Radway’s Ready Relief. Fifty cents a bottle, LAWTON, HART & CO- FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, Usual advances made on Cotton in Store, oct. 9 r * n 4m. NOTICE. TO CITY TAX PAYERS. A LL persons in arrears of payment of their City Tax on or by the 15th day of Novem her, next, will Le considered in default, and that the Clerk do indiscriminately issue execu tion against said defaulters. True extract from the Minutes, and By Or der of Council. P. FAIR, Clerk. Milledgeville Oct. 10th, 1871. 40 5t. Groceries and Provisions! New House in Milledgeville. For Sale. T HE large and splendid Residence of the late DR. FORT, containining Eight Large Rooms with suitable Closets to each room, and necessary out buildings, and a large Cistern of water in the yard. The lot Con tains about one half acre. Stable, Carriage and Smoke House and every necessary con- venieuce for comfort. The house has a large Dining Room in the basement, Iron and Ser vants Rooms with closets, «fcc. Tho best gar den spot in the city. For Terms, apply to P. M. COMPTON. Milledgeville, Ga., Oct., 10 1871. tf. Partition Sale. W ILL bo sold before the Court nouse door in Dublin Laurens county on the 1st Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, One Thousand Acres of Wild Land more or less, in the county of Montgomery, on the waters of Mercer’s creek, lying near to the Oconee river on the East side, and well timbered. Sold by Order of the Honorable Superior Court of Laurens county, foi paitition. Terms on the day. HARDY SMITH, Adm’r. de bonis non of Y J. ANDERSON, deceased, and DANIEL ANDERSON. oct. 9 40 tds: Homestead Notice. AMOS L DaNIELL, has applied to me for exemption of personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homes ead, and I will pass upon the same at my office on the 17th day of October, 1871, at 12 o’clock, M., This October 3id, 1871, 40 2t. J. B. WOLFE, Ord’y. Administrator’s Sale- U NDER an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the lstTuesday in November next, within tbe legal hours of sale, at public outcry, before the Court House door in the town of Dublin, Laurens Co. Ga , the following la^ds belonging to the estate of Jonathan Mullis. deceased, to wit: No. 54, in the I6th District and Nos. 71, 80, 99 and 101 in the 17th District, all in said coun ty. Terms of sale cash, or at the option of Ad miuistrator. Small notes ith mortgages and pergonal security. This Sep. 15th, 1871. JOHN T. ROGERS, Adtn’r Jonathan Mullis, Sep 26, 38 tds New Advertisements* Fine Furniture I T H O -A. S "W O O 3D, next to Lanier House, MACON GEORGIA Parlor Suits, in Walnut and Mahogany: Cham ber Suits, in Walnut, (Oiled and Var nished,) Mahogany, Oak and Maple. Also, Enameled Painted Sets, in large variety. Large lot of Maple and Walnut Bedsteads, from *5 to 990- Chairs of all descriptions, Mattresses, and Pillows, Wall Paper, Window Shades, and well selected stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths and Mattings, CHEAP FOR CASH. OOPPI UNT S Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut, Cedar and Imitatations. Metalic Cases and Cas kets, new styles, at reduced prices. Oct. 17 41 tf Sheet Music.—Any piece of Sheet Music, no matter where published or by whom, can be obtained by calling at tbe Store of L. W. HUNT & CO. Oct. 10,1871—tf Flour! Flour!! The attention of dealers and consu mers is especially invited to my stock of flour now in store and arriving daily. All brands at various prices. SAM’L. A. COOK. Next door to Hotel, 2t Partnership Notice. T he FIRM of COLES & SIZER being discontinued, the members of said firm, to wit :JohnS. Coles & W. S. Sizer, have dav associated with themselves, as special nartners Mr. B C. Flannigan. and W. W. Fffinnizan, of Charlottsville, Va. John M. Clark of Augusta, Ga., and Job C. Crane, of Elizabeth, New Jersey,for the manufacture of lime &c., and for carrying on a general bnsi- ness under the firm name and style of Coles. Sizer A Co. Each of the above last four named gentlemen, have put in the amount of $7,500 into said firm as special partners as aforesaid, and the said J. S. Coles Sc W. S. Sizer will, as the general partners, transact the business of the said firm- COLES, SIZER & CO. r S COLES, W. W. FLANNIGAN, W S SIZER, JOHN M. CLARK, B C. FLANNIGAN, JOB C. CRANE. Augusta, Ga , Oct -17 41 Gt Old Eyes Made New. All diseases of the Eye successfully treated by Ball’s new Patent Ivory Eye Cups. Read for yourself and restore your sight. Spectacles and Surgical operations rendered useless. The inestimable Blessing of sight is made perpetual by tbe use of tbe new Patent Improved Ivory Eye Cups. Many of our most eminent physicians, oculists students and divines, have had their sight permanently restored for life, and cured of the following diseases: 1. Impaired Vision; 2. Presbyopia, or Far Sightedness, or Dimness of Vision, commonly called Blurring; 3. Asthenopia, or Weak Eyes: 4 Epiphora. Running or Watery Eyes; 5. Sore Eyes—specially treated with the Eye Cups, cure guaranteed; 6. Weakness of the Retina, or Optic Nerve; 7. Opthalma. or Inflammation of the Eye and its appendages, or imperfect vision from the effects of inflammation; 8. Photophobia, or Intolerance of Light 9. Over- Worked Eyes; 10. Mydesopia—moving specks or floating bodies before tbe eyes, Amaurosis, or Obscurity of Vision; 12. Cataracts, Partial Blindness; the loss of sight. Any one can use the Ivory Eye Cups with- out the the aid of Doctor or Medicine, so as to receive immediate beneficial results and never wear spectacles; or if using now. to lay them aside forever. We guarantee a cure in every case where the directions are followed, or we will refund the monev. 2308 Certificates of Cure. From honest Farmers, Mechanics and Mer chants, some of them the most eminent lead ing professional and business men and women of education and refinement, in our country, may be seen at our office. Under date of March 28, Hon Horace Greeley; at the New York Tribune, writes; “J. Ball, of onr city, is a conscientious and respon sible man, who is incapable of intentional de- ception or imposition.’’ Prof. W. Merrick, of Lexington, Ky .. wrote April 24th, 1869; Without my Spectacles I pen you this note, after using the Patent Ivory Eye Cups thirteen days, and this morning perused the entire contents of a Daily News paper, and all with the unassisted Eye. Truly am I grateful to your noble iuvention, may Heaven bless and preserve you. I have been using spectacles twenty years; I am seventy-one t'ears old. Truly yours, PROF. W. MERRICK. Rev, JOSEPH SXIITH, Malden. Mass., cured of Partial Blindness, of 1? year’s stand- ins in one minute by the Patent Ivory Eye, Cups. E. C. ELLIS, late Mayor of Dayton, Ohio, wrote us Nov. 15th, 1869: I have tested the Patent Ivory Eye Cnps, and I am satisfied they are good. I am pleased with them; they are the Greatest Invention of the age. All persons wishing for full particulars, cer tificates of cures, prices, See., will please send your address to us, and we will send our Treaties on the Eye, of forty-four pages, free by return mail. Write to Dr. J. BALL Sc CO., P. O. Box, 957. No. 91 Liberty Street, New York. For the worst eases of Myopia, or Near Sightedness, use our New Patent Myopic At tachments, applied to the Ivory Eye Cups, has proved a certain cure for this disease. Send for pamphlets and certificates—free* Waste no more money by adjusting huge glasses on your nose and disfigure your face. Employment for all. Agents wanted for the new Patent Improved ‘Ivory Eye Cups, just introduced in the market. The success is unparalleled by any other article. All per. sons out of employment, or those wishing to improve their circumstances, whether gentle men or ladies, can make a respectable living at this light and easy employment. Hundreds of agents are making from $5 to $20 a day. To live agents $20 a week will be guaranteed. Information furnished on receipt of twenty cents—to pay for cost of printing materials and return postage. Address, Dr J- BALL Sc CO., P. O. Box, 957. No 91 Liberty Street. New York. Onr Agent for Hancock, Bibb, Washington, Wilkinson Baldwin, Pntnam and Jones cJuSi... i. A- j-muse. BUMp.m.,0, p if June 24, J871. 76 ly. Strong and pure rich blood—increase of flesh and weight—clear skin and beautiful complexion secured to all. DR. RAD WAY’S SAIISAPABILLUN RESOUIAT Has made the most astonishing cures so quick so rapid are the changes the body un dergoes, under the influence of (his truly wonderful Medicine, that Every day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. TMtB (>ttli.tT BLOOD P CRll'IHR Every drop of the SarsapariHan Resolvent communicates through the Blood, .Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the sys tem the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and soud material. Scrof ula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular dis ease, Ulcers in tbe throat. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of tbe system, Sore Eyes. Strumorous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Acne Black Spots. Hoi-ms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers iu the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss ol Sperm and all wastes of the life principle are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Cliemi-stry, and a few days use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. Not only does the Sarsaparillian Resolvent excels all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all ca ses where t.ln-re are 1 rick-dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substauces like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark billions ap pearance. and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. DR. RAD WAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Radway’s Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Iiiadder, Nervous Diseases, Head ache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Bilious Fever, In flammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all De rangements of the Internal Viscera. War ranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Veg etable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. Observes the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: A few doses of Radway’s Pills will free the system from all the above named disorders. Price, 25 cents per Box. Sold by Druggists. Read “False and True.” Send one ietter- stamp to Radway & Co., No 87 Maiden Lane. New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. r July 4 1871. 26 ly Fred. Haugh, R ESPECTFULLY invites the LADIES Sc GENTLEMEN of Milledgeville and vU cinity to call and examine his SUPERIOR —AND— FASHIONABLE STOCK —OF— LADIES, GENTS, AND BOYS Pli Bools and Shoos, rt Feeling assured that they cannot be surpass- ed, if equalled, by any other establishment. H e Warrants Bis Work. —HE— Ivl amifaotures —AND— Repair s TO O RDB &, and all work entrusted to him shall be faith fully and cheaply executed, with dispatch. Oct. 3, 39 4t EXCELSIOR Fire Kindler. Something Entirely New & Novel. Will take the place of Lightwood in Kindling Files. Will Kindle any Wood or Coal Fire Instanta** neously. . The Kindle itself is not consumed, and will last for years. TEN CENTS worth of Material will last a Family one Mouth. It is less than one-tenth the expense of Light- wood. HOTELS BOARDING HOUSES, and other public places \\ ill find the kindler indis- pensable. The COST of this useful invention will be saved by its use in one week by any Family. PRICE, 75c. For sale by L. W. HUNT Sc CO. Sep. 25, 33 tf r STOVES ! ! Now is the Time to Buy a Cheap Stove 1 I AM SELLING all my Stoves now on hand at COST. Call and see for yourselves, and if my prices do not suit you, you need not buy. Sep 19, 37 tf r J. STALEY. “CITY TAX-PAYER. CLERK & TREASURER’S OFFICE ? City of Milledgeville, September 7th, ’71. $ rriHE CITY TAX-BOOKS are now open for A the collection of City Tax for the present year. Parties owning or having charge of Real or Personal Estate, and those subject to Street Tax, will come forward and settle. P. FAIR, Clerk and Treasurer. September 12, 36 7t r■ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H. & J. WEED, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS ID Iron, Steel, Tin Plato and Hardware, Rub- ber Belting and Carriage Material- 77^ SL MSauahian fift. SAVANNAH, GA. oct. 10 1871, r * n 6m. W. Dukcaw. J. II JOHNSTON. M. Macleak. DUNCAN & JOHNSTON, Cotton Factors AND General Commission Merchants, 92 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. We are prepared to make ike Usual advance on Cotton, oct. 9 r * n 4m N. A. MEGRATH, Hollingsworth Block, MACON, Gr-A.. CAN SUPPLY YOU ALL WITH CORN, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, MEAL, RICE, SUGAR. COFFEE, SYRUP, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, WHISKY, My Terms are Cash, or such Paper as can be used lo raise Cash and I will Sell you as U w as anybody. N. A. MEGRATH, Macon, Ga. r June 6,1871. 82 ly. The undersigned respectfully Announces to the citizens of Milledgeville, and the Farmers of the surrounding Country, that he Iiah opened a house ol the above description in this city, where he will Keep Constantly on Hand a Choice Stock of Familv Groceries and Plantation Supplies, which will be offered at the very Lowest Market Prices FOR CASH. In Addition to the More Substantial articles, My Stock Will Embrace * Canvassed, Uncauvassed and Sugar Cured Hams. Crushed, Powdered and Granulated Su gars, Choice Rio and Java Coffees, Finest Hyson and Gunpowder Teas, Pure Lard in kegs and cans. The (eat qualities of Butter aud Cheese, Breakfast Bacon, Beef Tonguea, Imported Crackers, Floyd Hams (very Fine.) The best grades of Family Flour. A choice lot of Mackerel, Onims, and Potatoes. All at Lowest Market Prices, either in Large or small quantities. A L beral Share of Patronage Solicited. SAM’L. A. COOK, No. 1, Milledgeville Hotel Block. P. S.—I Will make a specialty of FLOUR—Keeping on hand every Grade from Superfine to Fancy. Country Merchants iu this vicinity supplied on favorable Terms. My Stock of Ouions, Potatoes and Apples very large and at Low Figures. Oct 9, r 4t S. MILLER, DEALER IN— Mahogany, Walnut, and Pine FURNITURE, Trench! and Cottage Chamber Sets and Looking Classes Mattresses made to Order. 159 & 171 BBOTOHTON SHEET Next to Weeds Sc Cornwell. ff-i SAVANNAH, GA. oct. 9 r ft n 3m PIKE’S Palaee Dollar Store. 4TH STREET UNDER BROWN’S HOTEL, MACON, GEORGIA- H AVING REPLENISHED the immense stock of Rare Goods, is now opened on s mom magnificent and extensive scale than ever, with a stock comprising an endless variety of novelties, all of which are to be disposed of for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Manufacturers are astonished, Importers are perplexed, Jobbers are dumfonnded, Retailers Stand Aghast! At the immensity of the sales at the Uniterm price of ONE DOLLAR, while the public is delighted, and our thousands of Patrons smile with satisfaction at the facilities of. ft-red by the Great Palace Dollar Store, For securing such unprecedented bargains as are continually offered, and the list of which is never exhausted or lessened. Among the marvels of this Palace of Luxury and Taste-, which can be purchased for ONE DOLLAR, are first in point of practical usefulness. Housekeepers will be delighted to hear that they cau purchase a first-rate Silver-plated 3 bottle revolving DINNER CASTOR, or Silver-plated 3 bottle revolving BREAKFAST CASTOR, for ONE DOLLAR. Silver-plated Ware, consisting of Engine-turned burnished silver plated Caka Baskets, Salvers. Butler Dishes, Cream Pitchers, Syrup Cups, Sugar Bowls. Cups and Gob lets, silver-plated, gold-lined ; Table, Dessert and Tea Spoons; Fashionable Shapes, all for ONE DOLLAR. 5 Cut glass Wine Glasses, flue cut aud engraved Decanters, Sugar Bowl, Butter Dish, Cream Pitcher, Spoon Receiver—all these elegant and useful articles for ONE DOLLAR. Lava Smoking Sets, Elegant Terra Spittoons, Handmade Brashes, finest quality, Finn Leather Bags, with, Fine Leather Writing Desks, furnished, Chinese Ivory Fans, elegantly carved. Chinese Sandal Fans, elegantly carved, Chinese Feather Faus, elegantly carved, Ladies’Companions, furnished, only ONE DOLLAR. Fine Table and Pocket Cutlery, Sets of Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives. 4, 6. and 8 blades, are fairly given away for ONE DOLLAR. Particular attention is called to the Magnificent display of MILTON GOLD JEWELRY! Malachite Ladies’ Sets. Cornelian Ladies Sets. Etruscan Ladies’ Sets. Roby Ladien Sets. Emerald Ladies’Sets. Turquois Ladies’ Sets. Ladies' Garnet Seta. Ladiea’ Japerm Seta. Ladies’ Steel and Jet Sets. Handkerchief Holders. Any of which elegaut imported articles can be purchased for 01STE DOLLAR. Chessmen, Dominoes, Cribbage Boards, Albums, 50 Pictures, Backgammon Boarda, fur nished, Meerschaum Pipes in cases in great variety. Daily additions tt ro made, and any of which are sold for ONE DOLLAR. This is the only Original Palace ONE DOLLAR STORE- And has no Connection with any other Dollar Store in the South. It* pad reputation for fairness, and approachable excellence of its stock will insure a continuance of the extensive patronage for which the proprietor must ever feel grateful. L. *B PIKE The Onginal Palace ONE DOLLAR STOKE, 4th St., under Ft >wn’s Hotel. Oct. 9 r Sc p lm. NONE BUT GOOD ARTICLES AT REASONABLE PRICES. W. & E. P. TAYLOR, DEALERS IN PISE AND PLAIN FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. A LARGE STOCI OP CARPETS RUGS AND OIL CLOTHS, OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. Metalic Burial Cases, Coffins and C.skets, All Styles. Any order by Telegraph will b• promptly filled. Oct 9 p & r 3m. W. & E* P, TAlfLOR, Augusta, Ga. Josiah Sibley. S. H. Sibley. Geo. R. Sibley. Robt. P. Sibley. J. SIBLEY & SONS, COTTON Commission Merchants and. Dealers in Guanos, NO. 159 REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA., AGAIN tender their services in t he WAREHOUSE BUSINESS to the PMie. Are at all times prepared to make Liberal Cash Advances on Cotton consigned to them. Believing the rate of interest which has been current since the war to be detrimental to tbe general welfare of the country, they will, after the 1st of October next, make their rate six per c-nt per annum less than heretofore charged. Orders for BAGGING and TIES promptly filled. Commissions for advancing 2£ per cent. Commissions for selling and other charges, are those generally current here. They keep constantly on hand full supplies of WHITELOCK’S VEGETATOR, WHITELOCK’S DISSOLVED BONES, SIBLEY’S SOLUBLE I X L GUANO. PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, PJRE NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER, September 16, 88 lm p 19 lm r