Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, October 31, 1871, Image 3

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MWIfc? , IWBBM t[‘ij!\§oHtf)niiJiprork. LOG A L. Tocsrt*y,October 31 18 7 1 Private letters should not be directed to the drill: or to the office; but to the person only for whom intended. Business letters should be directed to It. A. Harrison & Co. Mr. John A. Orme, has charge of the Sub scription list, and to him all business letters appertaining to Subscriptions directed. Reading matter as Advertismeuts, or special notices appearing in the first Local column will lie charged for at the rate of fifty cents per line; j j[] e second column, heentyfice cents per line; in the third, twenty cents, and for the remain- inn-, the regular price, $1.00 per square Ac., must be HAIL HOAD TIME TABLE. Arrival and Departure of Trains at Mil Icdgevillc. MACON & AUGUSTA RAIL ROAD. Down Train to Augusta* Arrives at Milledgeville, 8.17 A. M. Up Train to Macon. Arrives at Milledgeville 5 23 P. M. milledgeville branch c. r. r. Down Train to Gordon. Arrives at Milledgeville 2.35 P. M. Up Train to Eatonton. Arrives at Milledgeville— 8.45 P. M. Col. I). W. Lewis tenders his resigna tion to the Georgia State Agricultural Society. Ho! for the Augusta Fair, which is opened yesterday and is now in full blast—co see it by all means. It prom>- i,es to be one of the finest ever witness ed in the South. From certain papers and circulars be fore us wc see that a platform has beeu established in Baldwin county, a few miles east of the Oeoneo river bridge, for the accommodation of shippers of cotton and other freight in that section. The thanks of the people are due Mr. Porter Fleming, of Augusta, who, has been ins'.i umental in procuring this con venience for them. See Mr. Fleming’s card in another column. Goon Templars Rising.—The in solation of the officers elect of the Mil ledgeville Lodge will take place next Friday eveniug at 7 o'clock. The pub lic are invited. Dr. J. W. Hcrty, D. G. W. C. T., will establish a Lodge of Good Templars in the Rev. M. Shivers’ school room, next Friday at 2 o’clock P. M., nine miles West of Milledgeville. Members of other lodges are invited. Pickpockets were on the rampage at the State Fair last week. Dr. A. A. Means was robbed of eleven hundred dollars in money and a fine gold watch. Our old friend, Col. Peterson Thweatt allowed twenty-five dollars to be distrib uted to the light fingered gentry. Col. McKinley of our city and one or two others are reported to have suffered from that ‘‘Craft.” Those smart men should keep their eyes open. The “Central Georgian” seems to have forgotten itself if we are to judge from the recent personal and injurious notices published in it respecting the re cen unfortunate and uunatural homicide that occurred in Washington county. The editor should remember that there are always two sides to a question, and in a case like the above, strong personal feelings on either. Wc think it deci dedly improper and unprofessional for au editor to take sides in such a case Merely stating the facts is sufficient. Ii. M. ORME, Esq. The above name is quite familiar to the readers of the old Recorder; but as known to them, Mr. Orme retired from the editorial chair the first of this year, and made Savannah his home. He is now connected with the Commission House oi Davant, Waples & Co., Factors and Commission Merchants. An adver tisement of the house lias been in our columns for tho last month. We were satisfied that it was a house of excellent standing when we were in tho city soli citing business; now we unqualifiedly endorse it, since Mr. Orme represents it, a; he values his own reputation too high to represent any man or house that he does not think or know would deal justly, honorably and fairly with those who in trust their business to those he repre sented. He is now in our city, and will visit the planters of Baldwin county at their homes as far as lie is able. We bespeak for him a kiudly encouragement. He will also visit the surrounding coun ties where ho is knowD. The North- Western Fanner for Octo ber, comes to us enlarged to an octavo form. It is filled with choice reading and well illustiated. The publishers announce that all new’ subscribers will receive the paper for the balance of this year and the entire year 1S72, for the regular subscription price, $1.50. I hey also publish a very liberal premium list for clubs, which will be sent on applica tion. Address, Caldwell & Kingsbury, Indianapolis, Ind. Schlatter, superintendent of the Brunswick and Albany Railroad, has left without notice. Kimball has sold out his interest to Lyons & McLendoD, Blue &: Co., Hines & Hobbs, aud others, for one hundred and fifty thousand dol lars. Bullock has had signed, sealed aud delivered to himself, bonds amount ing to five million one hundred and eigh ty thousand dollars, being the full amount that the Brunswick and Albany Railroad would be entitled to when com pleted, while the road is far from being Completed. can Store. r. 42 tf. THOMAS & SANFORD have a large lot of Men’s and Boys’ Hats and Caps of the lates styles, at all prices. THOMAS SANFORD have a large lot of Irish Linen, Laines, Damask and Towels. Very Cheap, The sentence of Rec-se the murderer> who was to have been hung in Craw fordsviilc, has recently been commuted. He will be sent to the penitentiary for life instead. John Eobinson’s Poetry. 'Tig more than forty years ago, ’Ere you and I did see a show. There was a man lived in the w. st, He had a farm, ’twas none the best; lie hired a man to carry it on, Whose name it was John Robinson. John Robinson he soon got tired, And wished the Lord he ne’er had hired ; And said to me the facts I know, I’ll make more money with a show ; Threw up his land aud started east, Bought twenty cages of wiid beasts ; And through and through the country went. And many and many a dollar spent, All to perfect his monster show, To please the boys and girls, you know , And now it is his great delight -O give two shows both day and night, Puts up three tents upon the green, The biggest ever yet was seen. Take my advice young man and go With your true love to old John’s show; For a spangled dress is bound to win, And your love will always go again. JHin Robinson will surely come. Thro’ all the land with fife and drum ; Make way for the great mastodon, He is the only Robinson. Now young men all, be warned in time, And save your meney, every dime; And from your pocket plank it down, When John Robinson comes into town, To buy the tickets for the show, And when you’ve seen it homeward go, Tell every body that yon meet, That you’ve enjoyed the biggest treat And if old John comes ffire again, To North, or South or on the plain, There’s naught can stop me, wind or rain, From visiting his tent again, And for one ticket you pass free, Through Museum, Circus and Menagerie, The biggest elephant in all the land Will gently eat from children’s hands. The camels, too, both black and white, They are the people’s great delight. The monkeys, they are full of fun, And to their cages boys will run. We’ve said enough, and we are done, Now go and see John Robinson. Old John Robinson will exhibit iu Milledgeville, Monday, November 6th. r it. MAGAZINE NOTICES. Eclectic Magazine.—Those who think that investigations into the Life of Sbaks- pcare, and criticism upon his plays are overworked and barren themes, would do well to read ‘Shakspeare aud His Times,’ which forms the leading article in the Eclectic Magazine for November. For those who can appreciate such a combiu- ation of instruction and entertainment as is presented by no other periodical, it would be well to examine the remaind er of the table of contents for this num ber. They will find such articles as ‘Modern Geology and the Mosaic Ac count of Creation ‘Cathay, with Notic es of Travelers to that Country ;’ an ad mirable and appreciative essay of Wm. Wordsworth, aud another ‘On the Char acter of Cleopatra;’ the conclusion of ‘Darwin’s Descent of Man ; ‘Secret His tory ol the Loire Campaign ‘The Opi um Trade with China;’ ‘Food Economi zers;’ ‘M. Thiers;’ Burns and Sir Wal ter Scott;’ a continuation of ‘Patty,’ and a short story, ‘The Street-Sweeper of St. Roque,’ by the same author; and copious Editorial Miscellany’. The number is embellished with a fine portrait of Beethoven, E, It. Pelton, Publisher, 10S Fulton Street, New York. Terms $5 per year; two copies $9; single copies 45 cents. The Phrenological Journal—one of the very few Magazines which are pub lished at the present day for the radical benefit of readers,—is represented on our table by its November number. The conteuts should interest every live mem ber of our community’. The following are particularly interesting; Jame6 Me- Cosh, Presideut of Princeton College : A Man among Men ; Spiritual Piesence ; The Educated Man in American Socie ty ; Alex’r H. Stephens; Thoughts on Phrenology ; The Tagals and Yisayans; Healthy or Diseased Children ; ‘Fill up up the (Mental) Measure ;’ Pie-historic Man; The Boa Constrictor; Consump tion; His Recommendations, or the Boy who got a Situation; etc. The pub lisher offers the last three numbers of 1S71 free as a premium to subscribers for 1S72. Terms $3 a year, Single Nos. 30 cts. S. R. Wells, 3S9, B’tvay, N. Y. The Illustrated Christian Weekly, published at 150 Nassau Street, New York, offer for teu new subscribers with the money, $20, to seud the beautiful chromo, “asking a bleslixg,” postpaid by mail, free of charge to any address. This chromo, the regular price of which is $7 50, is 20 by 15 inches in size, and is an exact reproduction in colors of the original oil painting by Prof. Jordan. Demo rest's Monthly for November pre sents us with a full and varied choice of Winter Fashions, so essential to our cli mate and the tastes of the ladies. The present issue ba3 its usual variety of Mu sic, Literature, Household, and other useful articles, and the new list of Pre miums for 1872. The terms for clubs are very liberal, and should be examined by all who require—and who does not?— a Family Magazine. $3.00 per year. Published at 83S Broadway, Now Yuik. SHEEtUuUSIC. Any piece of Sheet Music, no matter where published, or by’ whom, can be ob tained by calling at the Store ol L. W. Hunt & Co. ^ r. 42 tf Pianos and Organs for sale. Try them them before you pay for them. They be seen at Wiedenman’s Jewelry PIANOS and ORGANS for sale.— Try them before you pay for them. Call at Recorder Office. THOMAS & SANFORD have a lot of Ladies’ Furs, Cheap. Messrs. Editors: Please state that the Extra Train on our Road will leave Mil ledgeville daily at G.45 A. M. and re turn same day at 7 o’clock, P. M., du ring the continuance of tho State Fair at Macon. J. II. NISBET, Agent M. & A. R. R. Milledgeville, Oct. 1G. T H O M AS & SANFORD kecpWa 1 e r - falls, Curls, Switches &c. Imitation aud real hair. Sheet Music.—Auy piece of Sheet Music, no matter where published or by whom, can be obtained by calling at the Store of L. W. HUNT & CO. Oct. 10, 1S71 — tf 2L c 3 a l SHibertisemeuts G 1 EORGIA BALDWIN COUNTY, t Office of Ordinary, Oct. 28th, ls71. DR. G. D. CASE applies for letters of Ad ministration on tlie estate of Mrs. Maithi Russell deceased. This is t.o cite all and singu lar the uext of kin and creditors of deceased, and ell other persons interested to appear at the December Term of the Court of Ordinary | of said County, viz: on the first Monday of December, 1871, to show cause, why said Letters should not be granted to said Dr. G. D. Case. M. R. BELL. Ordinary, B. C. Oct- 3I. tdc. ‘Low prices seldom command a good arti cle,” but in the case of Sumter Bitters the ex ception proves the rule—it is the best tonic known. For removing mildew from clothing, use Darby's Prophylactic Fluid diluted with water. No more Gray Hair. Nature's Hair Rcsto- rutice brings back the origiua color. It is not a dye, and clear as crystal. Contains nothing injurious. See advertisement. For House cleaning, washing dishes, lioois, oil cloths, tables, cleaning windows, paint, knives and polishing tin, brass and all metals- use Enoch Morgan’s Sons’ Sapolio. It is cheap, er and better than soap. Get it from your gro cer, or at 211 Washington street, N. Y. rpn New Advertisements. Just Received AT Holler Store, 1 OO C00K STOVES with fix A ' J V/ tures complete. Also, a large as sortment of Ladies latest style Hats, Shawls and Fancy Goods generally. O. E. BESORE, Under Milledgveille Hotel. Oct. 31, 43 It POTER FLEMING, COTTON FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Office, Jackson Street, opposite C. H. PHINIZY A CO. AUGUSTA GEORGIA. AYING made arrangements with the Planters Loan and Savings Bank, to advance on cotton in Store, at the lowest rate of interest, many years experience, and the low rate of commissions, I trust will insure me a full share of business. Oct! 31,43 oin IP For Sale. ^IMIE large and splendid Residence of tlie l late DR. FORT, coutainining Eight Large Rooms with suitable Closets to each room, and necessary out buildings, and a large Cistern of water in the yard. The lot Con tains about one half acre. Stable, Carriage and Smoke House and every necessary con venience for comfyrt. The bouse has a large Dining Room in the basement, Iron and Ser vants Rooms with closets, &c. The best gar den spot in the city. For Terms, apply to P. M. COMPTON. Milledgeville, Ga., Oct., 10 1871. tf. SECOND Grand Fair OF THE COTTON STATES FAIR ASSOCIATION, EXEC UTO 1CS SAL E NO TlCE. A GEEEABLY lo an order of the Court of Ordinary of Laurens County, will be sold on tlie 1st Tuesday in December next, at the Court House door in the town of Dublin, in said county, within the legal hours of sale the following real estate, to wit; Plat No. 2 containing Nine Hundred Acres more or less, from recent survey, joining the lands of Loftin Smith, and the surveys, made bv W. S. McLendon, the Homestead Place, and others. Two hundred or more acres im proved, and lying immediately on the eastern | bank of the Oconee River and being very fine Cotton Lands- Plat No. 3 containing Three Hundred and Eighty-one 3-10 acres, according to recent sur vey, adjoining the Homestead Place, David Wilkes, and others, aud entirely covered with fine timber of Pines, and near enough to the Oconee River for Rafting. Plat No. 4, containing Three Hundred and Ninety-nine acres, by recent survey, adjoin ing lauds of Loftin Smith, John Smith, the Swraringha claims, and also, very convenient for lafting. Plat No. 5 containing Four Hundred acres, according to recent survey, being wild lands, well timbered aud also, convenient for rafting, adjoining the Mason lands, Butts place and others. Plat No. G containing Four Hundred Acres, according to recent survey, being wild, well timbered and convenient for rafting, adjoining lands of Mrs. Maria McLendon, A. W. Gra ham and others. Plat No; 7 containing Two Hundred and Fifty acres, according to recent survey, known as tlie Flat Rock Place, adjoining lands of Stark Swinson, Burfield and lands of the estate of Wm. McLendon, with dwelling and other houses, fine spring and fifty acres in a high state of cultivation, well timbered and conve nient for rafting. ’ Plat No. Scontaing Five Hundred and For ty acres according to recent survey known as the John Roach lands, lying on Shadrach Creek, adjoining lands of W. L. Ballard and others, also finely timbered. Also, Four Hundred acres known as the John J. McLendon place, aud adjoining lands of the estate of Wm. McLendon. Also the Williams Level Lands. Plat No. 1 containing Seven Hundred and Forty-six and 6-10 acres by recent survey, ad joining lands of W. J. Baker, Mrs. Ann Smith and others ; a choice piece of Pine land well timbered, and convenient for rafting Plat No. 2 containing Four Hundred and Forty acres according to recent survey, adjoining lands of Burfield, Guyton, Stark, Swinson, and others; being wild lands, heavi ly timbered and convenient for rafting. All of the above described lands lying on the eastern side ol the Oconee River begiuing on the banks of the same, and adjoining in large bodies and all containing Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-six Acres, more or less, and all being fine farming and tim bered lands and titles perfect. Also, Lots No. 9 and 10 in the 18th District of said county, each containing 202£ acres more or less, being wiid lands. Terms one- third cash, the balance in twelve months.— Bond for titles till the land is paid for. Purchas ers to pay for deeds and stamps. All sold as the property of William McLendon, deceased, and for the creditors of said estate. All the lands have been recently surveyed and platted. Plats will be shown any one. Call on John J. McLendon on the place, and he will take pleasure in showing the lands at any time, before tlie sale, or addres Rollin A. Stanley, Esq., Dublin, Ga , and inquiries will he answered. Dublin, Ga., October 12, I.'71 EMANUEL B. JOHNSON, Executor of William McLendon. October 24, 41 tds GOODS. Thomas & Stanford Have now in store a large and complete assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, flats, Caps, .Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, &c., Which they invite tlie citizens of Baldwin and adjacent counties to rail and examine and price before purchasing elsewhere, as they feel assured tffi t they can make it to the isiteiest of all who come to buy, as they are determined to seil at small profits and Do not intend to be undersold. Under Newell’s Hall. THOMAS & SANFORD, Milledgeville, October 17, 1871. STOVES ! 1 Now is the Time to Buy a Cheap Stove! 1 AM SELLING a’l my Stoves now on land at COS'/’. Cal! and see f »r yourselves. and if my prices do not suit you, you need not buv. Sep. 19,37 tf r ' ' J. STALEY. Groceries and Provisions! 31, Opens at Augusta, Georgia, October continues 5 davs. $15,000 I N P 1C E M I U M S - $1,000 on field crops! $2,100 special pre miums for speed of horses. GRAND TOUR NAMENT For Premium list and information, address E. II. GRAY, Secretary. Sep. 29, 22 tf u F { HOUSES! HOUSES!! OR SALE privately, a very pleasant house aud large lot in Milledgeville, where Col. Buckner now lives, adjoining Fielding Lewis’ lot. Also, 406 acres of land on Town Cree k, eight miles from Milledgeville, called the “Davis Place,” adjoins the John Callaway and Trice land; about 125 acres good crop fields, and some rich low grounds. Price low. Apply to myself, P. M. Compton,or my attorney, Wm. McKinley. Mrs. ELIZA A.ROBERSON. October 24, 42 tf ADMINISTRATRIX SALE NOTICE. ,4 GEEEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Laurens county, will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in December next, at tlie Court House door in the town of Dublin, in said county, within the legal Lours of sale, the following property to wit : The place Known as the Horne Place, consisting of lots of land No. 129, 130, UK), 107,198. 169, 179, 180 and 181, each lot containing Two Hundred Two and one half acres more or less, in the 1st Dis trict of said county, adjoining lands of the Ba ker place, Wm. K. Scarborough and others On said place is a good dwelling and other houses, and a good Grist and Saw Mill in suc cessful operation, on a splendid stream. Terms cash. Possession given 1st January next. Purchasers to pay for titles and stamps. 8old under the encumbrance of the Widow’s dower, as the property of John W. Yopp, deceased, and for benefit of the creditors. October 13. 1871. MARY FRANCES YOPP, Adin’rx. Oct. 21, 42 tds Notice- 4 LL persons are hereby notified that I shall T\- apply at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of Montgomery county in December next, tor leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of James B. Hall, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. JOHN WHITE, Adm’r. Oct. 17. 41 2m MlLLEDULVlLLi: HOTEL BAR AND Lager Beer Saloon. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED most respectfully JL invites his Iriends and the public gener ally to give him a call and test his fine Wliis ky, Brandy, Wines and Cigars, as he thinks he can compete with any Bar in tlie city. GEORGE W. ifOLDER. Oct. 17, 41 4t Fred. Haugh, R espectfully invites the ladies a. GENTLEMEN of Milledgeville and vi cinity to call and examine his SUPBRIOH —AND— FASHIONABLE STOCK —OF— LADIES, GENTS, AND BOYS Boots and Shoes, Ptl Feeling assured that they cannot be surpass ed, if equalled, by any other establishment. H e Warrants His Work —HE— lS/1 amifactAires EiOHESTEAD EXEMPTION. V LEXANDER S. HENRY, has applied for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the same on 25th day of October, 1871, at 10 o’clock a. m., at my office in Mt. Vernon, Ga. Witness my band and official signature. Oct. 2d, 1871. ,T. A. McMILLAN, O. M. C Oct. 17. 41 2t ITONTGOMERY COURT OF ORDINARY -L»J- October Term, 1871. John White having filed his petition for the guardianship of John Hall, minor of James B. Hall, deceased — These are to cite all concerned to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any, why said letters should not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, Oct. 2d, 1871. JNO. A. McMILLAN, O. M. C. Oct. 17, 41 5t s e p a i t TO O KB B SI, and all work entrusted to him shall be faith fully and cheaply executed, with dispatch. Oct. 3, 39 4t NOTICE. TO CITY TAX PAYERS. A LL persons in arrears of payment of their City Tax on or by the 15th day of Novem ber, next, will be considered In default, and that the Clerk do indiscriminately issue exeeu tion against said defaulters. True extract from the Minutes, and By Or der of Council. P. FAIR, Clerk. Milledgeville Oct. 10th, 1871. 40 5t. Partition Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Dublin Laurens county on tlie 1st Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, One Thousand Acres of Wild Land more or less, in the county of Montgomery, on the waters of Mercer’s creek, lying near to the Oconee river on the East side, and well timbered. Sold by Order of the Honorable Superior Court of Laurens county, fo, paitition. Terms on the. day. HARDY SMITH, Adm’r. de bonis non of Y J. ANDERSON, deceased, and DANIEL ANDERSON. oct. 9 40 tds: Administrator’s Sale. U NDER au order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, before the Court House door in the town of Dublin, Laurens Co. Ga., the following la ids belonging to the estate of Jonathan Mullis, deceased, to wit: No. 54, in the 16th District and Nos. 71, 80 99 and 101 in the 17th District, all in saidcoun-’ ty. Terms of sale cash, or at the option of Ad ministrator. Small notes^ ith mortgages and personal security. This Sep. 15th, 1871. JOHN T. ROGERS, Adm’r Jonathan Mullis, Sep 26, 38 tds New House in Milledgeville. The undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Milledgeville, and the Farmeis of the surrounding Country, that he has opened a house of the above description in th s city, where be will Keep Constantly on Hand a Choice Stock of Famiiv Groceries and Plantation Supplies, which will be offered at the very Lowest Market Prices FOR CASH. In Addition to the More Substantial Embrace articles, My Stock Will Canvassed, Uncanvassed and Sugar Cured Hams. Crushed, Powdered and Granulated Su gars, Choice Rio and Java Coffees, Finest Hyson and Gunpowder Teas, Pure Lard in kegs and cans. The best qualities of Butter and Cheese, Breakfast Bacon, Beef Tongues, Imported Crackers, Floyd Hams (very Fine.) The best grades of Family Flour. A choice lot of Mackerel, Onions, and Potatoes. All at Lowest Market Price,, either in Large or small quantities. A L berai Share of Patronage Solicited. SAM’L. A, COOK, No. 1. Milledgeville Hotel IFock. P. S.—I Will make a specialty of FLOUR—Keeping on band every Grade from Superfine to Fancy. Country Merchants i.i this vicinity supplied on favorable Terms. My Stock of Onions, Potatoes and Apples very large and at Low Figures. Oct 9, r 4t S. S. MILLER, -DEALER IN — Mahogany, Walnut, and Pine FURNITURE, French! and Cottage Chamber Sets and Locking Glasses Mattresses made to Order. SAYANNAI-I, GA. 169 k 171 BHOUGHTON STREET, Next to Weei> & Cornwell. oci. 9 r & n 3ii IN’OXE BUT GOOD ARTICLES AT REASONABLE PRICES. W. & E. P. TAYLOR. DEALERS IN FINE AND PLAIN FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS RUGS AND OIL CLOTHS, OF TI1E LATEST PATTERNS. Metalic Burial Cases, Coffins and Caskets, All Styles, promptly tilled. Oct 9 p & r 3m. Any order by Telegraph will be w. & E‘ P. TAILOR, Macon, Ga. p i IE3 ’ S Palace PolBai* Store. 4TH STREET UNDER BROWN’S HOTEL, MACON, GEORGIA H '^^^L^k.T’.LElNISllED the immense stock of Rare Goods, is now opened on a more magnificent and extensive scale than ever, with a stock comprising an endless variety of novelties, all of which are to be disposed of for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Manufacturers are astonished, Importers are perplexe I, Jobbers are diimfounded, Retailers Stand Aghast! At the immensity of the sales at the uniform price of ONE DOLLAR, while fhe public is delighted, and our thousands of Patrons smile with satisfaction at the facilities of fered by the Great Palace Dollar Store. For securing such unprecedented bargains as are continually offered, and the list of which is never exhausted or lessened. Among the marvels of this Palace of Luxury and Taste, which can be purchased for ONE DO oLAR, are first in point of practical usefulness. Housekeepers will be delighted to hear that they can purchase a first-rate Silver-plated 3 bottle revolving DINNER CASTOR, or Silver-plated 3 bottle revolving BREAKFAST CASTOR, for ONE DOLLAR. Silver-plated Ware, consisting of Engine-turned burnished silver plated Cake Baskets, Salvers, Butter Dishes, Cream Pitchers, Syrup Cups, Sugar Bowls. Cups and Gob- ets, silver-plated, gold-lined; Table,Dessert and Tea Spoons; Fashionable Shapes, all for ONE DOLLAR. 5 Cut glass Wine Glasses, fine cut and engraved Decanters, Sugar Bowl, Butter Dish, Cream Pitcher, Spoon Receiver—ail these elegant and useful articles for ONE DOLLAR. Lava Smoking Sets, Elegant Terra Spittoons, Handmade Brushes, finest quality. Fine Leather Bags, with Gilt Clasps, Fine Leather Writing Desks, furnished, Chinese Ivory Fans, elegantly carved. Chinese Sandal Fans, elegantly carved, Chinese Feather Fans, elegantly carved, Ladies’Companions, furnished, only ONE DOLLAR. Fine Table and Pocket Cutlery, Sets of Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, 4. 6. and 8 blades, are fairly given away for ONE DOLLAR. Particular attention is called to the Magnificent display of MILTON GOLD JEWELRY! Malachite Ladies’ Sets. Cornelian Ladies Sets. Etruscan Ladies’ Sets. Ruby Ladies Sets. Emerald Ladies’ Sets. Turquoia Ladies’ Sets. Ladies’ Garnet Sets. Ladies’ Japers Sets. Ladies’Steel and Jet Sets. Handkerchief Holders. Any of which elegant imported articles can be purchased for OISTE DOLLAR. Chessmen, Dominoes, Cribbage Boards, Albums, 50 Pictures, Backgammon Boards, fur nished, Meerschaum Pipes in cases in gre it variety. Daily aid lions made, aud any of which are sold for ONE DOLLAR. This is the only Original Palace ONE DOLLAR STORE-: Aud has no Connection with any other Dollar Store iu the South. Its past reputation for fairness, and upproachable excellence of its stock will insure a continuance, of the extensive patroLage for which the proprietor must ever feel grateful. L. ;B. PIKE. The Original Palace ONE DOLLAR STOKE, 4th St., under Brown’s Hotel. Oct. 9 r St p In. EXCELSIOR Fire Kindler. Something Entirely New & Novel. Will take the place of LigliUvcoI iu Kindling F*ics. IX ill Kindle auy V ood or Coal Fire Instanta neously. The Kindle itself is cot consumed, and v ill last for years. TEN CENTS worth of Material will last a Family or.e Month. It is less than one-tenth the expense of Light- wood. HOTELS BOARDING HOUSES, and other public places will find the kiiidler indis pensable. The COST of this useful invention will be saved by its use in one week by any Family. PRICE, 75c. For sale by L. W. HUNT & CO Sep. 25, 38 tf r CiTYTAX-PAVElfS: CLERK Aic TREASURER’S OFFICE ) City of Milledgeville, September 7th,’71. ) rpiIE CITY I AX-BOOKS a;e now open for I- the collection of City Tax tor the present year Parties owning or having charge of Real or Personal Estate, aud those subject to Street Tax, will come forward and settle. P. FAIR, Clerk an 1 Treasurers September 12, 36 7t r. Partnership Notice. rpilE FIRM of COLES & SIZER being J- discontinued, tlie members of said firm, to wit: JohnS. Coles & W. S. Sizer, have this day associated with themselves, as special partners, Mr. B. C. Flannigan. and W. W. Flannigan, of Charlottsville, Va. John M. Clark of Augusta, Ga.. and Job C. Crane, of Elizabeth, New Jersey, for the manufacture of lime &c , and for carrying on a general busi ness under the firm name and style of Coles, Sizer Sc Co. Eaeh of tlie above last four named gentlemen, have putin the amount of $7,500 into said firm as special partners as aforesaid, and the said J. S Coles «fc W. S. Sizer will, as the general partners, transact the business of the said firm COLES, SIZER & CO. J. S. COLES, W. W. FLANNIGAN, W. S. SIZER. JOHN M. CLARK, B. C. FLANNIGAN, JOB C. CRANE. Augusta, Ga , Oct 17 41 6t hr r RADWAYS READ! RELIEF CUKES THE WORST PAIXS Xu from one to Twenty minutes. RIOT ONE HOUK after rcadiig this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. Badway’s Ready Relief is a Cure for every PUN. It was the first and is THE ().\8,V PAIN KOIEDY that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflamation, and cures Conges tions, whether of tlie Lungs, Stomach, Bow els. or other glands or organs, by one appli cation. In from one to twenty miuutes, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the RheumaticT Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with dis ease may suffer. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms Sour Stomach Heartburn, Sick Headache Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and a Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Radway’s Ready Relief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water If is betater than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulent* FEVER A AD AUL, Fever an J Ague cured for fifty cents; There is not a remedial agent in this wcild that, will cure Fevei and Ague, and all other Malaricus Bilious. Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by Radway’s Pills) so quick as Radw.-y’s Ready Relief. Fifty cents a bottle, HEALTH ! REALTY I! Strong and pure rich blood—increase of flesh and weight—clear skin and beautiful complexion secured to all. DR. RAD WAY’S SAKSAP.VHILLIW RESOLVENT Has made the most astonishing cares so quick so rapid are the changes the body un dergoes, under the influence of this truly wonderful Medicine, that Every day an increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. TMME twBE'MT BLOOD !• l’I£It'SS\It Every Crop of the Sarsaparilinn Resolvent communicates through the Blood, ' Sweat. Urine, aud other fluids and juices of the sys tem the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and soud material. Scrof ula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular dis ease, Ulceis in the throat. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumorous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores. Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Acne Black Spots. IVorms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers iu the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle are within the curative range.of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. Not only does the Sarsapariliian Resolver^ excels all known remedial agents in the enre of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, aud in all ca ses where there are brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark billions ap pearance, end white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back aud along the Loins. DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Radway’s Fills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, A’ervcus Diseases, Head ache. Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Bilious Fever, In flammation of tbe Bowels, Piles, and all De rangements of the Internal Viscera. War ranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Veg etable, containing no mercury, miuerals, or deleterious drug3. Observes the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: A few doses of Radway’s Pills will free the system from all the above named disorders. Price, 25 cents per Box. Sold by Druggists. Read “False and True.” Send one letter- stamp to Rad way & Co., No 87 Maiden Bane, New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. r July* 1871. - 261/,