Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, December 05, 1871, Image 2

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Cjp§Diitljfm$fforilH From ; lie Louisville [ Kv. ] Led gw. Watchman. Tell Us of the Night- Wbcu the tun rides high in thtTbeav- Georgia Legislature. Senatf..—Atlanta, November 29. , . The hill to establish Agricultural Col ons, anil no clouds da-ken the sky men j at Dl |,l oaega a!ld Milledgeville, pass along the high trays rt life JglUj ; al f N a leng , hy discussion. was lost. Both liouses met in convention and elected Heuipbill, of the Constitution and freely, without ’thought of danger and careless of guards, but as the day king sicks in the west, and tho dark mantle of night begins to spread, like a funeral pal!, over ibe face of nature , when the light cf the muon and stars but faintly struggle through heavy clouds, or are totally obscured ; when the vivid lightning flashes its lurid glare to leave a darkness more profound ; tsLen heav~ en’s loud artillery crashes through the air, the men who in the broad light of i dny, were bold, proud and defiant, steal State Priuter, the vote being; Hemp hill 154, Grubb 7, Born 1, Rough Rice 1. ' ’ The Senate passed a bill to incorpo rate the Hawkiusvillc and Eufaula Rail road Company. terly worthless on thoir hands, in order | that they may sell off the remnant for 11 1 to 13 cents; sod permit the speculators j to pass it over to consumers with all cus tomary grace sad margin. To bur in the South at 12£ and sell in New York ; or Liverpool for 2.7, is a tbiug set*'cd by precedent to be due to tbe middlemen, j NEW ADV, ITISEMENTS- CUNDIRANtiO! Biiis Keens A Co's Fluid Eitract I The Wonderful Remedy for Cancer, Syphilis Scrofula, Ulcers, - . *. - • , - „ . '■ PULMONARY COMPLAINTS- 8alt Rhenni * t ® C totuel^folly end madness and all CLronic Blood Diseases, is prepared people who iuterfero with this arrange- . front the Genuine Cnndurango Bark, from meut by advice, counsel or eo-operatiou L >ja. Ecuador secured by the assistance of cannot be too much deprecated by tbe ; the authorities oi that country. It is the most Southern prints. It is a clear flying in- I eJ f rc, ‘ ce ’ vrom ^ anA alter *i ive 8uJ THIRTY YEAR<» EXPHCftWC I IN THE TREATMENT OF Nwr Advertisements- Chronic and Sexual Diseases. ! \*7 ATCH FREE t< j v v articles that sell i A Physiological view of Marriage. *. Co- Pittsburg, Pa. to Agents to introduce in every house, Lattv Tiie cheapest book ever published—contain ing nearly three hundred pages and one hun dred and thirty tine plates and engravings of the anatomy of the human organs in a state health and disease, with a treatise on early errors. Its deplorable consequences upon the j mind and body, with the author’s plan of treat- | meut—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as show u by a report of cases treated, i A truthful adviser to the married and those con- , 8 o ’< ; [ slSg id Company. ; J P ri 1 .J 5 * c,ca ^ nyu o * ‘ | blood purifier Known. Sold by all Druggists | templating marriage, who entertain doubts of Adopted a resolution to suspend the . * ace °* Iro»idencs. It, la a spe- j j n pint bottles, having on them cur name | their physical condition. Sent free of postage revision of the code for tbe present. j ! quietly away, shrinking from the storm of Slate bl!nd3 and darkness, then the faithful watch-; tb re f cies of Ku Klux rebellion which ought trade mark and directions. Send for acircuj Also a resolution providing for tbe dis-! J*® punished by martial law, n known ^r. Office continuance of suits against the ueasu~ a ud efficacious teinedy in these days for j ■— deposits and j a ‘‘ !r justice and wrong doing in politics f,ll|pa(fn ting bis ex- or finance. every plauter abjure ■■•v/iuvagv to any address, on receipt of twenty-five cents stamps or postal currency, by addressing Q <: K A MON 1 H Horse and Ca;. furnished ; expenses j ... pies free. H B. SHAW. Alfred. AlV ** illVI,tS t SUOT.VlX«, Kr V.Jl |> Gnn materials of every kind. j,", List, to Great Western Gun Works, Pis;„!>;j V,' Pa. Army guns and Revolvers bought ortu : edfor. Agents wanted July 29 $100 to 250ST-” 1 " *’*•»- "teed sure to A rer to recover interest on and deviating AND ITS Destruction. iDa. LA CROIX, No. 13 Maiden Lane, Albany ! ^ , N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any, j " ,*?“ L°Z. r ‘ | mail comes forth to guard and protect I life and property. ‘‘The rains may dcs i cend and the flood come the air may j be at times lighted by tbe transient j glow of the electric fluid, penetrating tbe dark pall, but in light or darkness the faithful-watchman must be at his post, danger may link in the atmosphere, i or death ride upon tho storm, bat the ,ts decision depends Us supremacy or j walchraan to £ ho30 caro 5s entrusted MILLEDaEVILLE 'TUESDAY. DECEMBER5, 1871- Organize or Disorganize ? That is the question for the Democrat ic Party of Baldwin county, and upon eruption therefor. , _. Also a resolution requesting Congress “®. S ( *f s reidy to sell it. We have gtv to pay the Cherokee Indians now h, j en him warning. Let him see bis dan-4 this State all amount due them under ! g® r -_ When these journals quoted by any treaties with that nation. Bills were introduced as follows : this lolly—and hold on to his coltou till j A tail aid complete history of Chicago, her ■ -tkdx ... — • 1 past, present and future. With graphic scenes, iucidents and full details of the disas ter, by Geo. 1’. Upton and J. W. Sheaban. edi tors of the Chicago Tribune. With over 40t) pages, and 50 illustrations. It is now ready The House recuusidered the bill lost i ® re 0u |y 19 cents Don t j ; | yea see *be folly of ‘‘bolstering up l — the Couiier raised their -warning voice on tbe 6th instant, middlings were ISA ! cents in New York, and now at this time subordination Late elections and still later demon strations show that it is able to cootrol, in tbe county, but that a hearty co-opc- ration of all its elements are necessary to its success. In order to a concentra tion of its energies, creating a power that will crush out all opposition, its or ganization must be perfected and con solidated, through committees, blanch ing all through the county. So the | the safety and property of the people I must never falier in his dutv, and as he yesterday, exempting lands in iacorpora-j y. ; ted towns nsod lor agrtcultur 1 purposes n 1 from taxation. A resolution was adopted looking to the debts of tbe penitentiary. _ the diseases upon which his book treats, tith er personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any pait of tho world. •verywhere selling our new seven V * net. Sells readi'v » e "OI- ! every house. Samples free. Address ti: j HARD WIRE MILLS Philadelphia ] FIRE u * i8 ^v«r walks upon his rounds the scared citi- j _ r -'• A resolution to appoint a committee zen calis to him, ‘‘Watchman, tell us of the night." When peace, with its silver pinions, hovers over the land, the patient farmer, the contented artisan, the plodding mer chant, the gay pleasure-seeker, all pass along their daily routine without care for the present or thought for the future, but let the scene change, let squadrons be embattled aud armies be gathered misguidance of selfish ‘rings and cliques’ together, let invading toes come with a may be avoided, and an equal voice sc cured to every member of tbe party martial tread, and the faithful sentinel is placed upon the outer walls, while ' I tbe meu who so lately pursued their av- Proper nominations, acceptable to the j ocations, in timid whispers gay, ‘‘Watch- masses, may be made before every clcc tion, “independent candidates,” divis ions and disorganization avoided, and victory made certain. Tbe day of the Governor’s election, the 221 ins.., is a favorable time and the Court-house a good place to inaugurate it. all you Democrats ? Come and let us organize on the 22d. For the Southern Recorder. A Sabbath School Concert and Mis sionary Jnbilee. Early last spring a zealous Sabbath School teacher at Union Point gave 24 grains of corn to every teacher aud schol ar in the School, with the understand- man, tell us of the night. Who are the watchmen ever upon their rounds 1 who has sentinels always upon duty ? "Tbe daily press. That is, those of them who have honesty and manhood to control them, who seek only the good What say I t^ ie people. Such are ever on guard, i ever looking foith in light or darkness. | in sunshine or in storm, by day and by j night, to discover when danger ap proaches, and the people know it. Theirs is a high mission, a lofty sta tion. They must look into the past for of the Legislature in ihc interest of tbe Western and Atlantic canal to visit Washington City, was not adopted. Bills were introduced as follows : By Mr. Woodward, to exempt married persons from poll tax. By Mr. Edwards, to incorporate the Elberton Railroad Company. Also to exempt Justices of tbe Peace and Notaiies from jury duty. By Mr. Duun, to compel tax receivers to take returns of agricultural statistics. In the afternoon all business was read up and both houses will attend Thanks giving services tc-morrow. The House will hold P. M. session ture w ill hold for forty days aud no Ion- ! gtr. Speako. Smith is thought here to have the best cbauce for the nomination for : Governor. SENATE. Saturday, December, 2. 1S71. 1 The Senate was called to order by | President Trammell, and prayer by j Rev. Mr. Warren- Tbe journal was read and adopted. j The unfinished business was taken j A New Radical Order.—The Wash ington correspondent of the Charleston Courier writes that a political organiza tion called tbe “the JVttional Guard,” will take tbe place of tbe Union Leagues in tbs Southern States. This organi zation is entirely in the interest of the election of General Grant. Its declared object is to secure voters for Grant, par ticularly tbe timid, from apprehended interference from any other party. The “Guard,” following in the wake of the anti Ku-klux operatives, will be relied upon to carry Southern States for Geu- eral Grant. for delivery. A GENTS WANTED. Send ?l.00 for out- /m fit and choice of territory. Union Pub lishing Co.. Chicago, 111., or Phils.. Pa. PLANTERS. FARMERS AND GARDEN ERS subscribe for The American Farmer, Now combined with The Rural Register, and published monthly at No. 9 North Street, Baltimore. Md., by SAMUEL SANDS & SON. It is fAe oldest Agricultural Journal in Amer ica. and was conducted over 25 years by our Senior! New series begins January 1st. 1&72 $150 a year, in advance; 5 copies, §5; 11 for $10. Send for Prospectus, Premium Lists, &c. ‘•It is not remarkable that revenue of ficer Krzyzanowski should be suspected T be Legisl"- > Q f having a ‘bad name.’ ’’—Bost. Post. Superintendent’s Office. ) Georgia and Macon and Augusta, R. R. > Augusta, Ga,, November, 28. 1871 ^ DELEGATES AND VISITORS TO THE Democratic Convention, which convenes at Atlanta. Ga , on WEDNESDAY. December 6th, 1871. will be passed over the Georgia and Macon and Augusta Railroads for ONE FARE; full fare required going, and Agents selling tickets to furnish return ticket free. 8. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. Dee. 5 It. , Beit,-, shirts, B a ,i. gea, Trumpets, &c„ tor Servi . and Parade. At the old M r.ufacti rv j 1 Grand Street, N. Y. CAIRNS A BR< >. . H T Gratacap. Send for circulars. M precedents, obseive the present for facts, ^ up. It is a bill to create a County Court in each county in the State. The consideration of tho several sec tions was resumed. Mr. Welch muved to arneud section be and peer into the future for results, and as tbeir vision flashes from the past, over the present iulo the future, calm judgment must hold an inquest and ce- | teimino what is to come, whether they ! second sous to require said court ti ing that eacli one, with his or her own shall cry out “All is well,” or raise their held at the county site. Adopted. Section 3rd was amended to the same effect; other slight amendments were made. Mr. Erwin moved to lay the bill on the table. Lost. The bill as amended was then passed, j The Finance Committee, to whom was j ; referred a tesolu'ion directing a settle- ; ! rnent between John Jones, Esq, late; hands, was to plant tho corn, cultivate ; warning voices and speak or danger ap- it, and gathering the little crop in the fall, it was to be brought in little sacks proaebinp In the long since passed days when . Republicanism was not a mere nams in to a Missionary meeting, sold at auction j thig j and( when wo were a great and free and tho proceeds appropriated for Mis- people, when ail who sought to govern sionary purposes. The whole school en- ° ur country were patriotic and honest, tered upon the plan with spirit, aud two j *] ien t:j0 skies were bright and tho sun .... .. , , , , . ! of prosperity shone with a brilliant Sight, liberal gentlemen each volunteered to -- - - - 0 contribute in money an amount equal to j cea ter to its circumfereuco. it was a tbe entire proceeds of the Missionary sending bis life-giving beams from its Treasurer aud the present Treasurer, j reported a resolution that the last Leg- corn. Last week the auction took place, and was so surrounded with attractive and j to cheeifully cry out “All is well. | But alas, all is changed, the murky appropriate exercises os to be made an j clouds of despotism hang over us, tbp ccasion of intense interest remembe present. The programme was made np of chant and song well accompanied by pleasant duty for these guardians of the ! islature had fully investigated the books, j people, these sentinels upon the watch* accounts and vouchers of Mr. Jodos, by ! towers, these watchmen on their rounds j joint special Committee, that said Com- ] us, mittee reported that Mr. Jones had pro duced and exhibited to them bis books, vouchers and accounts showing a proper disposition of the funds of the State that long to be J iron tramp of armed men threatens aered by the laro’C assemblage j a heavy mist of corruption and crime j bad came into his hands after his last „„ c , 'darkens the atmosphere, and in' the annual statement in October 1S66; that . I he programme was made np ^ ^ wq gee d ‘ ire portcuts of com J-.:.i n. 1 1-:- a: ing ruin and desolation. No longer can • parlor organ, two addresses, then tbe i wc respond when the call comes to us, ! books, etc., to the present Treasurer; auction of the corn, then a most touch ing Temperance Tableau, more eloquent than any Temperance Address, howev er able. In the addresses wholesome truths were uttered ; the music was fine, the whole school joining in the singing for the mo3t part, and music and tab leau, made the occasion a brilliant en tertainment. The corn brought, in all; §30 45, so that this simple plan yielded in money for Missionary uses nearly a hundred dollars, and better still, has begun to awaken youthful hearts to the luxury of doing good. Why may not all Sabbath Schools have some plan of tbe kind ? It would introduce new power into tbe work of the World's conversion. ’Tis pleasant to be able to record such a success in a “Watchman, tell us of (he night,” that ; that in accordance tberewiih Air. Jones “All is well,” but we must raise the loud j had alarm that “danger approaches.’ 7 I Trea 1 Principal Office 101 W. Fifth St , Cincinnati, O. i The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the country ! L. D. SINE’S Eighteenth Grand Annual I> i s tribution .« To bt Drawn Monday, January 1st, l872. $200,000.00 IH VALUABLE GIFTS! Two Grand Capital Prizes ! $10,0011 in American Gold ! $lt),O0O in American Sil ver ! Five Prizes of $1,000, Ten Prizes of $500, each in Greenbacks ! One 8pan of Matched Horses, with Family Carriage and MLTER MOtATFI) H (R * ESS, worth $1,500 ! Horses and Buggies with Silver-Mounted Hntness, worth $6000 each ! Five Fine-Toned Rosewood Pianos, worili $500 each! 2 > Family c-ewmg Machines., worth $500 each ! 2300 Gold and Silver lever Hunting Watches (in a II.) worth from $2t) to $300 each ! Lad es’ Gold Leontine andG nts’ Gold Vest Chains, Solid and Double-Platad OVER ONE HUNDRED PAGES. Printed in Two Colors, on superb Tinted Pa per. Four Hundred Engravings of Flowers, Plants and Vegetables, with Descriptions and TwoCoiored Plates. Directions and plans for making Walks. Lawns. Gardens &c. The handsomest and best FLORAL GUIDE ia the Worid. All for Ten Cents, to those who think of buying ; Seeds. Not a quarter the cost. 200,000 so:d j of 1871. Address. JAMES VICK Rochester, N. Y. j iRTON HOU8E., a new Southern Nov ; el, by the author of ‘ Valerie Aylmer.’’ j 8vo paper, four illustrations. Price §1, cloth f 1.50. It is a s'ory of the South, thirty years ago ! and the scene is laid entirely in that region. The young authoress who is a lady of North j Carolina, has in her second effort iuproved ! upon the first. Bent free by mail to any ad- j dress, on the receipt of the price, D. APPLETON & CO,, Publisher?, New York I & FAST A SLEEP,” $10,00 pair of sajerb French Oil Chromos— subjects LIFE blZE,—exquisite facsimiles of original Oil Paintings, GIVEN AWAY to every subscriber to HESRY WARD BEECHER'S Great Literary, The Great Pictoiial Annual. Hostetter’s United States Almanac for 1872, for distribution, gratis, throughout the Uni ted States, and all civilized countries of the Western Hemisphere, will be published abont the first of January, in the Euglish, German, French, Norwegian, Welsh, Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages, and all who wish to understand the true philosophy of health should read and ponder the valuable suggestions iu contains. In addition to an admirable medical treatise on the causes prevention and cure of a gieat variety of dis eases, it embraces a large amount of informa tion interesting to the merchant, the inechai - ic, the miner, the farmer, the planter, and 1 TIIE HELPER shows y. 11 k-w professiona! man; and the calculations have been mace for such meridians and latitudes as are roost suitable for a correct aud com prehensive National Calendar. The nature, usps, and extraordinary sanita ry, effects of Hostetler's Stomach Bitters, the 8 r aple tonic aud alterative of more than halt the Christian worlJ, are fuiiy set forth in its pages, which are also muir.-per***! with picto rial illustraii <n.«, valuable recipes for the household and farm, humorous anecdotes, and other instructive aud amusing reading mat ter, original and selected. Among the Annu als to app-; ar with the opening of the year. I rhis will b one of the most useful and may be ■ had for asking. The propr etors, Messrs. Hos- 1 tetter & Smith, Pittsburgh. Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forw arrf a copy by mail to any person w ho cannot procure one iu his neighborhood. The Bitters are sold in every city, town and village, and are extens vely used throughout the entire civilized world. Nov 25 rpn t* • FREE TO BOOK AGENT-. ~ We will send a handsome Pro-pectus of, ur N«ie Illustrated family Bible, containing u V - 200 line Scripture Illustrations to anv |t 0 < t- Agent, free of charge. Address. Nath; , Publishing Co., Philadelphia, I’a. Atlanta* i ; :t or St. Louis, Mo. 20,000 FARMERS. bow to make money on the Where" look for the profits, and h. w t,i obtain ti- How to ciear $600.01* from Mav \ tree to every farmer sending name a';. ;• j address to ZIEGLER &. Met URDY delphia. Pas AGENTS WANTED, The Great Chicago Fire! The Crowning Horror of the \'.)th Cintury 100.000 persons rrrfueid to beggary. />„•. Scenes. Ueartrendering Incidents 5f*0 to 1000 copies of tills B<.ol; s lime p^ r Sample Copy, post paid, 50c Addiess J. GOODSPHED, Cincinnati. O.. St. L u - v j or New Orleans. La. LEG A l. A D V E R Trs E M EN TS. Expcntrix’s Sale. ORDER u f the delate and rcire«b.r;» fr«fraii(-e of ffonulac- far.. .» r '^ v ^ s Co!cffne W arcr. and i * ■“ tk* Taflat ^ •▼•>7 Uf; ar Gta-" UeauB. MdirUnsrlitr U4 Dealers la PEHFCHEkC L WIDE AWAKE TTNDEIi AN ORDER ,.f the Court of wJ Ordinary of Baldwin county, Georgia, obtaued at October Term, 1871. will be sold a r public outcry, before the Court House door in said county, within the lawful hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January, 1872, the toi- ’ lowing property, to wit: One lot with tiie improvements there- * on. situated on the corner of Wayne and .tan- cock streets, bounded as fo lows, viz : com mencing at the corn 1 ’- of Wayne & Hancock; streets and running We t sixty-nine (69) feet, ; thence North two hundred and seventy one j (271) feet parallel with Wayne street, thence! East 69 feet to Wayne street, thence South to ’ 0 f postage, 01 the beginning Corner. 271 feet. Said io*. has i 8 ; V e territorv on it a Uvo-story Irarne building, under rert ‘ lie present year for $325 to Mr. Le>ken, and also a Wood Shop and Blacksmith Shop. Thea-Nec aW * * V oCsl is A PURE BL £ F t with the Great Tea i, Warranted to -nit sb t For sale everywhere, for sale wholesale oi the “Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea 1 Church 8t., N-w York. P O Bus. 55ui. for Thea-Nectar Circular And AGEN TS W ANTED. Bound cany . (, SENT FHEEl on receipt of 75 cents and cx*. grsnted on the P!( TOKi \.L hi O M E B I B L E . Contains over 3i*0 Illustrations L u c . „ ... TI . plete Library of Biblical knowledge. Excel;* A* s0 I * iC Dwelling House and lot, ! all others. In Eng i»li a d German, .-c.i Religious, Weekly Newspa *Lh all the improvements thereon, of the late • ,-ine ereaf, success. One took ^ r - Tomlinson I ort, situated on tbe corner of . lor Circulars. WM . 1,000 names in 3 months; another 672 in 35 Ureeu and Liberty streets, said lot containing j i days, another 118 in one week, one 47 in one i Giree-fourths of an acre, more or less, and hav- j FLINT A. C.. Pbila. I'a. * day, and many others equally as well, making on a two story lrame dwelling from $5 and $10 to $40 per day. Takes 011 j ^^e (mentioned above) hav,ng 8 large rooms sight! An old agent who knows, says : I " "* u 1 think it the best business for canvassers ever with closets iu most of them, besides a bases ment Containing a large dining-room, servant.- j offered. Sorry I did not engage sooner.” Pays j roonl an ^ closets ; also a large Kitchen, Binoke j better than any book agency. A rare chance I House, M ash House, Stable, Carriage House : nnd Cistern. made three applications at the . Silver Table and Teaspoons, Tkoiograph Al- mry to be relieved from his bond We should be false watchmen, uufaith- j aad get the proper receipt therefor and j ful sentinels, if we did not warn the peo- j was each time refused. In view of all pie of our land, warn the children of pa triot sires, warn those who have sought our shores in search of peace and free dom. that a terrible crisis is upon us ; that it will take tiie united action of all good men to preserve the freedom we once boasted of. Shall it he said that Ihe children of those who battled with the horrors of a wilderness, who wrested liberty from the mightiest nation of the earth, who have transformed in so short a time a desert wild into a blooming garden, who have themselves almost conquered time and annihilated space, who have bound the Atlantic and the Pacific with a wedding ring of iron who snatched the light nings from tbe clouds and made them a noble cause as was this Jubilee at Union ! servant, are unworthy of their heritage ? Point. ‘‘There is life in the old land yet.” And Union Point, blessed with a few good earnest Christian gentlemen, ready and skilled in urging on every thing that is good, is taking a high po sition amoog the few wide awake com munities of our State. VIATOB. Mrs. O’leary’s C«*w.—Chicago, No vember 25.—From evidence taken be fore the Fire Commissioners yesterdjy it was ascertained that Mrs. O’Leary’s cow was the cause of tbe great fire, al though that lady had no more responsi bility in the matter than what was affor ded by her ownership in the cow. It appears that her friend and co-tenant McLaughlin, the fiddler had a social time that evening, that wishing to cook a few oysters for the social crowd, and ! beiug 6hort of milk, he “went for” Mrs. O'Leary’s cow, and while engaged in surreptitiously obtaining the lacteal fluid from the baste, 6bc became indig nant at their dishonest practices and kicked over the lamp. Hence tbe great conflagration. A party of negroes went into the woods near Ludlow, Miss., one night last week, and built themselves a camp fire. While they were dancing around it and having a good time generally, a socond party of negroes came up in the darkness aud fired a roily upon them, killing one inau instantly andwoundiDg several others. Several arrests have been made. Shall it bo said that the gallant spir its who, flying from oppression abroad, sought freedom here, are unworthy of tbe boon of liberty, or will they not all. both native and foreign, need the words of warning and drive back the spectre which stalks over our laud, disperse the mists that darken our fieedom, shatter the clouds of despotism and disperse tho J cohorts of tyranny. Wo believo they will, aud wo warn them now, wc ask them (0 look calmly upon the signs of the times, to read with observant eyc3 parsing events, confident that if they do this, they will see with us that “danger approaches” aud will unite to meet anu quell it. When this is done, and wo hear the call “Watchman, tell us of the night,” we can answer, “All is well.” which, Ihe Committee directed the ac count closed. The report was adopted A bill requiring the Governor to with hold his endorsement on railroad bonds until an amount shall have been con tributed by private persons equal to the amount of the endorsement applied for. Passed A bill to equalize tax returns in this State. Pending its discussion the hour of adjournment having arrived, the Sen ate adjourned until 10 a m. Monday. HOUSE. Mr. Johnson, of Clay, moved to re consider the loss of a bill to make penal the breach of contracts by laborer or employee. Mr. Johnson said it was a bill of vi tal importance. It would give the far mer a reliable system of labor. It will only affect tho evil doer. Ignorant minds do not recognize the moral obli gation of a contract, aud the law must make them do il. The law, as it now stands, is inadequate and the people de mand the passage of this law. Tho motion to reconsider was lo6t. Ths “Folly of Bolstering up Cotton." We sec copied iuto the Charleston Courier of Tuesday, a couple of articles showing what one of them calls "(he ful ly of hoping the cotton marled artificial ly bolstered up.” One of these is from bums, Jewelry, &c.,&c. to make monev. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. Intelligent men and women wanted every where. If you wish good territory, send early for circular and terms! J. B. FORD &. CO.. 27 Park Place, New York, 11 Broiutield St, Bosiou, Mass; 286 West Madison St., Chicago, 111. 50lh YEAK- . NEW Y0KK OBSERVER $3 per Annum, including year Book for 1872. SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR. & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Composition Stone. For House trouts. Docks. Piers. Culvot. Walls, Fountains, a:.d ail buiiu vg piupt— harder, more durable and one Luudndptr cent, cheaper than natural stone, Fur State and County Rights large two story fire- proof 10 manufacture, apply to Cha-. Darrinr Si- - ...r ' V.-H'Di-iOtTr-VT’l flagration. WO III)’ '. IIOlSLUOLB 11AG.4 *5 5E3.%E is offered free during Numbers of Gifts 25,(00 ! Tickets limited to l *? e conm, K year to every subscriber of Merry’s Museum, the Toledo Blade, Pomeroy s Demo crat, c:e., 100,600! Agents wanted to sell ticket* to whom Liberal Premiums will be Paid. Single Tickets; $2; Six Ticke s $10. Twelve Tickets $20; Twenty-Five Tickets $40 Circulars containing a full list of prizes, 0 description ol tbe manner of drawing, and and other information in reference to the Dis tribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed to L. D. SI.YE, Box 86. ofvick, 101 VV. 5th St. Cincinneti, Ohio. 95 5t. rpn till Dec 25 THE NEW YORK Evening Post for 1872. PRICES REDUCED. \ which is an evidence of its worth aud pop ularity. HoraceJ Greeiy, James Purton, The odore Tilton, Gail Hamilton. etcT, write for every number. In clubbing, it offers for the price of one Also—A • j Brick Building s tuated on tbe corner of Wayne rotary New York FREAR bTGNE ( O , ' and Hancock streets, containing three sDa- ! Broadway, N Y cious Store-rooms, occupied at present as fol j /^i - , , n lows, viz: Storeroom, No, 1. on the corner of I; 111 Pf) 0Y) JUKI tip lirpnt | sard streets, occupied by Mr. J. M. Clark as a I UilU lliL \j> 11 u , L Drug Store, and Nos 2 and 3, South thereof, j on Wayne street, occupied by Messrs. Moore, j Fowler & Co., and by Mr." T. A. Caraker, I Agent, as Grocery Stores. The location of this property is probably the best in tbe city for business purpo>cs. Tbe above store rooms will be sold separately or all together as may be determined on the day of sale. Also—A two story brick building di rectly east of the above mentioned building and on tire south side of Hancock street, now occupied by Henry Temple and E. J. Lewis as Grocery stores, with four rooms above, suit able for offices. Also—The following lots on the North Common of the city of Milledgeville, v:z: Numbers 173, 1/4, aud 179, containing tour acres each; the west half of lot No. 180, containing two acres, and three fourths of lot A concise history of the past of tL!- i,. wonderful of cities, and a detailed, circuit.- - tial and vtvid account of its destrrutii : fire; with scenes, incidents, Ac. By .Vr-- Colbert Sf Chamberlin, City Editors of t ■ Tribune Fully illustrated ttoni PLoicc;; j taken on the spot. AgesTS Waxtld. A it- J. F. VENT, Cincinnati or New York. AGENTS WANTED FOR NAUTILUS. CRUSHING UNDER. CANVAS.-. By Capt. John N. Maffit, of the ia>e C erate Navy. 'lire most tin filing, popular humorous B»ok in the Market. j-Ynd mi urns on equally l.oeru terms. xr » an or- j are desi g nate d „u the City Map urinal, first class magazine. Volume X begins 1 4 J F .®!.I. b Alcrv 1 Afc Vrvo O x kith Also—Lots Nos. 3 and 4, in No. 73 of the city of Mrlledgeville, » 411 St. Louis, or 177 West 4th direct, Cincinnati. tqaare desig- January 72. Three specimen copies free.— j nated oa the Map thereof, unimproved, con We will supply the Evening Post as follows DAILY. One year $12 For shorter periods $1 per mouth WEEKLY. Single Copy one year $! 50 Five copies one year..... 7 00 Ten copies one year...... ...... 1250 Tweuty copies one year 20 00 SEMI-WEEKLY. Single Copy one year $3 00 Five Copies one year ..........12 50 Ten Copies one year 20 00 Or wo will send tbe follow ing periodicals to subscribers, in connection with the Evening Post, at the prices named: With With Weekly Semi-Weekly Evening Post. Evening Post. Harper’s Weekly $4 50 Harper’s Bazar I 50 Harper’s Magazine 4 50 Saturday 5 00 Address taining one acre each. Another Radical is in trouble. Tbe Washington correspondent of the Cin cinnati Gazette says the Department of Justice has. at the request of tho Sec retary of War. instructed the United States District Attorney at Louisville to institute proceedings against General 8. C- Burbridgo for alleged complicity in tho prosecution of fraudulent claims agaiest tbe Quartermaster General's of fice. , U. S. Navy Movements. Washington, November 29.—It is supposed at the Navy Department that the Terror, having yesterday been or dered to Havana, will arrive there to-day Tho Worcester, now at Boston, will be tho flagship of the North Atlantic fleet Admiral Leo having, it is Washington to-day to join Swatara, now at Norfolk, cannot inline- i diately join the squadron, as the captain reported this morning that she first re- i quires repairs. The Severn is nominal- ; ly in commission, but will not be lilted for sea. The Worcester takes her place. The Kansas and Nipsie will soon join the squadron. The Sbawrnut, which re cently started for Brazil, will bo recalled for temporary duty in the squadron.— The authorities hero do not appreheud any difficulties at Havanmih with Amer ican citizens, but 6ay the return of the squadron to the North Atlantic is in ac cordance with the usage to Lava a force convenient for tho ptoteclion of aur cit izens should the necessity for it occur.— They look upon tho recent disturbances at Havanuah as merely of a local char acter, and as significant of the assumed importance of the volunteers against the fipanivh authorities, Memphis to the Journal of Commerce, j JSc Momldy-lV-V.V.V"/ 4 00 dated November 6th, and is eloquent a- j Onr Young Folks 3 00 bout the lop crop which is so prodigious, ! Scribner’s Monthly 4 50 that estimates have arisen in conse- ! ■Uhe Galaxy.... 4 00 quenco, from 2,700,000 to 3 600,000 bales, and what is more wonderful still— planters aro getting 32 to 35 pounds of lint from the hundred pounds of seed j cotton, against 26 to 28 pounds last year.! The correspondent says the general *»s-! tiruate of the crop is 25 per cent, less than last year, but every body says his oicn said lef* c »op will be good—leaving tbe plain iu- hcr ' The lerence that only his neighbor’s crops will run short at all—aud some over run. The next article is from tho New York Evening Tost, and deplores the folly of j planters speculators and factors in “keep ing the cotton market artificially bol stered up.” We trust those paities will i see and confers their sins at once, and ! by way of reparation straightway koock 1 out those artificial props and bolsters and i let the thing como down to a 6atbfacto- j ry level. The Tost says the crop will be j 3,750,000 bales, and high prices will hurry East India cotton to market thro’ the Suez Canal till European manufac turers will become quite independent of American supplies, and thoroughly dis gusted. We note these articles in order to fol low suit with the Courier and scare plan ters into hurrying what little is left of thoir crops forward belor# il bteopies ut- $6 ui)! 6 00 ! 6 00 | 6 50 j 5 50 i 4 50 ! 6 00 5 50' 4 00 525 5 00 The Agriculturist 2 50 Hearth and Home 3 75 Christiau Union — 3 50 To each subscriber to the ‘‘Evening Post’ and Christian Unton for one year will be se t two exquisite French Oil Cromos, entitled “Wide Awake’’ and “Fast Asleep ” which are worth at retail $10 for the pair. TRY IT ! TRY IT!! For 25 cents wo wil! send the Weekly E\ ENING POST from now to January 1. or for 50 cents we will send the Bemi-Weekly EVENING POST during ihe same time. Specimen Numbers of tiie Evening Post sent If e. Ad Iress rpn WM. C. BRYANT & CO., Dec2 tf. New Yo.-k. S. S WOOD, Newuurgh New York Peters’ Musical Monthly. The Dec No., price 30c., has 15 pieces Vo cal and Iustr’l Piano Music, worth $4 in sheet form. We will mail two back Nos. for 50c., our for 90c, or Jan. to Dec. ’71, for $2 25, (regular price, $3) Bound copies for 1871, gi‘t sides and edges, $5. The Music is by Hays, Thomas, Kinkel, Gounod, etc.. Address J.L PETERS, 599 Broadway, N. Y. P. O. Box 5429. Bloomington .Nursery, Illinois. 20th year ! 600 Acres ! 13’Green Houses ! Largest Assortment. Best Stock. Low Prices. Trees, Shrubs, Plants. Bulbs, Seeds, Stocks Grafts, &c. 100 Page Illustrated Catalogue. 10 cents. Bulb, Plant, Seed Catalogues, all for 10 cents. Wholesale Price List, free.— Send for these before buying elsewhere. F. Iv. PHCEN1X. Bloomington • I 11 BURNETT’S —r v* COCOAINE , . St J'romoter o/' the growth anil beautu of the h/nr. ;3C. EU22I27X A CO., Boston, Mass, fco.d by all druggists. Beware of imitutions. AGENTS WANTED.- $300 I per month. Send stamp fori circulars. &c. Address JAMES E. TATE, West Point Georgia. WELLS’ CARBOLIC TAELEIS, For Coughs, Cuius and hoarseness. These Tablets present the Acid in Combi- Alloftln above d-scribed property will be ! nation with other efficient remedies, in a j' j sold lor one-halt cash, the balance payable in j lar form, lor he cu>e of all Throat anh Lit; j notes due twelve months after the day of sale, ■ Diseases. Hoar ?eness and uiceiation if tie with legal interest on the same; the Executrix j Throat are immediately reiieved, and giving her bond for titles, said titles to be per- raents are constantly Lein sent to the ; re; in fected when said notes are paid, Mrs. MARTHA L. FORT, Executrix. Milledgeville. Ga., Nov. 15, 71 46 tda Executor’s Saie. B Y ORDER of the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county, granted at the regular October Term, 1871. of said Court, will be sold at public outcry before the Court House door in Milledgeville on the first Tuesday iu January next, during the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Two lots, Nos. 3 and 4, in Sqnare 89 of the plan of the city of Milledgeville, con- taining two acres; also, an undivided half in terest in a parcel of land on the North West \ .’ Common of the city of Milledgeville known as i * - lots Nos. 125 130, 132 and 139, containinir 40 1 dve t0 Club argai.iz-rs. , , , • wiuwiuiug^v ___ (1DPIT A I'.TT-T? etor, of relief in cases of Throat difficulties if years standing. CAUTION Don’t be dec iveri l>r worthier* imitations. Get only V. e.i’ ( - boric Tablet*. Price 25 cts per Box JOHN Q KELLOGG. 18 Pia 0 street. New York, sole Agent for U. $. femd tor Ciiciriai REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CON FOB M TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES- Great Saving to Consumers BY GETTING UP CLUBS,. Send tor out Nsw 1‘ricv Li.-t, anu a iinu . : - will secompanv it Containing iuilcirecrioii>i> «£• ! ing a large raving to tnd rtimmrr.-.- 5.000 HOTEL, FOR SALE. H aving purchased the catoosa SPRINGS, and intending lo give my en tire attention to improving and making them one of the most desirable -SlimnEK BESORTS— in this country, I offer for sale the Lease and Furniture of the well known GLOBE HOTEL of Augusta, Ga. This Hotel, favorably kuowu tq all travelers, enjoys as large, if not larger, share of patronage than any hotel between Baltimore aud New Orleans, and will prove a paying investment. W. c. HEWITT. For terms, Ac., addreea.tbo above, caro of JCey Bo*, 86, Augusta, Ga. Nov. 18 tf p r n 97 HERNIA OR RUPTURE. R S. SCHEVENELL’S TRUSS effect* the . quickest cure 0 , with the greatest com fort to the wearer. Has no Steel Springs to irritate the person, Receives the highest praises from ali who use it. Recommended by leading physicians. Full directions with each Truss. Try one—you will be pleased. Single Truss, $5; Double Truss, two pads $10 ISTOrders enclosing Cash, promptly filled. Address L. SCIIEVENELL, Gen’. Agent. Athens, Ga. A GENTS WANTED.—Agents cake more nt'-ney at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Particu- j lars free G. STINSON Ac, CO., Fine Art Pub- 1 iishers, Portland, Maine. ' A A Oi J) QUACKS- A victim of early indiscretion, causing nervous debility, ; premature decay, etc., having tried in vain ' every advertised remedy, ha< discovered a simple means of self cure, which he will seud to h.sfel ow sufferers. Address J. t H. REEVES 78 Nassau street, N. Y ; acres, more or less; also, the place known as | the Jarratt place, in Baldwin county, adjoin- ! ing the lands of Mr. Henry Stephens and Mr Ivey, and about one mile from Whiting Sta« ] non on the M. & G, R K., and upon which J. Miller now lives—said lot of land containing j 2024 acres, more or less. Terms.—Halt cash, balance to be paid in twelve mouths with interest from date. Said property sold as part of the estate of Geo. W. Fort. JOHN P. FORT, Ex’r Geo. W. Fort, dec’d. November 21,1871 46 tds ■TI'riE —All persons concerned, next of THE GEEAT AMERICAN TEA COX- PAH Y 31 A 33 If bey Street, P, O. Box 5643 Nrw Yo-k. 77 4r>. N J U it U B E B A. It is not a Physic—It is net what is p ; ly called a Bitters, nor is it intended as s Itis a South American plant that has fc* e;. 1 • : for many years by tbe medical faculty of tl;. ^ countries with wonderful efficacy, as a powc ■ Alterative and Unequaled Ptnilit-r 0.’ - , - 1 „ . Blood ; is a sure and perfect remedy lor to. I h l“,n .nuv? V DOt r 6 t d eases Of the Liver and Spleen, Enlarged :> I sh ,11 app, v at the l ebruary l erm of the ; ' obstruct. ‘ ' " ,o art of Ordtnr-y „f Laurens county for leave casell all the lauds I elonging to the estate of a rah Burch, late of said county, deceased.— his November 21st. 1871. WM. BURCH, Adm'r. Sarah Burch, j ^ Sc^D^pe^;' AgZ ^ v ‘ - ^ I ver or their Concomitants. orObstruction of Intestines, Urinary, l :,: ! or Abdominal Organs, Poverty or a »art Blood, Intermittent ot Remittent FVr<:/■ , - flauiationof the Liver, Dropsy, biupgHi c culation of the Blood, Abscesses, d A I-' 6 A MONTH! Horse furnished. Expens ■ $4A!/ es paid. H.B. SHAW. Alfred,Me. PULASKI HOUSE Sataskah, Ga W. H. WILTBERGEW, Propriatox. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—Agreeably to an order of the Court of-Ordinary of Lau rens county, will hi soid at the Court House door in tbe towu of Irwinton, Wilkinson conn ty, on the tirst Tuesday in January next, with in the legal hours of sale, the residence, with twenty aces of land attached, known as the Capt. Eli Cumroing’s Honse, notv occupied by Mrs. Brown, one-half mile from the Court House, and immediately on the public road leading to No. 16, adjoining residences of J. H. Lindsay, Esq. and Mr. Wm. Harville. Said place is well improved, with a splendid dwelling and other houses, orchard, Jkc.,and in a desirable locality, with a good well of wa ter and convenient to a fine spring. Sold as the property of William McLendon, deceased, late of Laurens county, for the benefit of cred itors- Terms —Bond for titles—one third cash, the rest in 12 months. Purchasers to pay for ti - ties and stamps. EMANUEL B. JOHNSON, Ex’r. November 21, 1871 47 tds Vr. Wells’ Extract 0) Jurubebv, is offered to the public as a great invip n -• and remedy for all impurities of the bioodo; ^ organic weakness with their aiundant tv;- 5 For the foregoing complaints JURUBUitA; . is confidently recommended to every as a household remedy which shen'd e : e \ taken in all derangements oft he system- if -' y health, vigor and tone to aii the vital f and animates and fortifies all weak and 0 phatic temperaments. v JOHN Q.KELLOGG, Platt St., X<* I Sole Agent for theUnited S»»‘V‘ Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for tu lar. Nov.21,rnp CHARLESTON HOTEL. E. hTjackson, Xroprietor. CHAWiBSTON, S.c,