Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, January 16, 1872, Image 2

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Or iantljrni ilrcoriir* ^received S-, aud Anderson, of Cobb,32 1 ted. All this he solemnly swears to do. votes. S But recurring to the occasion which The House met at 4 o’clock., and pro - \ has brought us together to-day, it can cceded to the election of a Speaker, , not escape the mo.^t careless observer which resulted unanimously for J. B. tfest we have assembled under circum Chig tons are being put to a new use. A merchant of Sioux City, Iowa, had beet: trying to defraud his creditors, who finailv we it to bis bouse aimed with a search warrant. They were unsuccess- NEW ADVERTISEMENT* New Adverlisemenls* Cuaaming, 130 vote*, and W" D. Ander- gjances of an extraordinary character — f ul ^ ,ra lon ? ; b “ l t ^ son, Speaker, pro tem. The late Governor whose uucxpired The House adjourned to 10 o’clock j term of office I have been chosen to fi !. to-morrow. «* ls a voluntary fugitive from the State of Much interest is felt as to Conley’s hig adoption. During h:s brief ineum j message to morrow. It is generally be- • hency there has been an addition of uu- j lievid he will retire under protest. told millions to the public debt. lie Conley will transmit the vote for Gov- ; j, a3 ] e ft the gnauces of the State iu the ernor to morrow. utmost disorder and confusion ; so that mitb will be inaugurated on Friday. j s impossible as yet to say what bonds iog his wife’s luxuriant hair, prospected and found. * deftly hidden there” £2,000, which considerably swelled the rate per cent they bad expected to obtain on the dollar. ‘ A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and injunction.” IlAHFElfs Bay,An. No’, ids cf the Pres*. It is really the only illustrated chronic'er of fashion iu the country. Its gupp,„ mcu ,[. $100 lo 250^'*' = u "» n New ADVmtSElIE.Vj, everywhere selling onr :d sure to A?*nt FREE TO HOOK iGENTs gent, _ W wili send a hand* sae Frost),*" »tr«4 I Family Bible, contact’’ White Fiat in* Clothes Lints;. -Sells readiiv A •-* a * Scnptwre Illustrations to ■■ 'J* every h v : v Sam plea free- Address the'GI* Ageat. free of charge. Address .v,':’ KNUD WIRE MILLS.^elj.hia, fa. ' ‘- L — f *’ new serea FREE TO AGENTS Litk*n S C#.,Fluia., Pa., Atlanta Q.. Louis, Mo. lUHTOKYTTp «/ Psi mil dgeyille TUESDAY. JA1HJABY IS, 1272. It is thought that the Legislature will ■ adjourn Monday, but it is doubtful. I The Constitution has the following in I its evening edition : ! “It is rumored that Conley has par- j doned Foster Blodgett and his son, E ) F. Blodgett. W e have good belief that | the rumor is true. It is also reported j that Conley refuses to pardon W. Hotch kiss.” -4 S'gnji tint Order Jr am the I Vnr Department.— It is reported, upon good authority, that the Secretary of War telegraphed on Saturday to General Jefferson C. Davis, Snperiutcndant cf alone are worth the subscription price k: ;hc , A Lou ml Canvassing book of the PIC’TOi j paper While fully maintaining its posit... j RIAL HOME 1 — mirror of fashion, it a ! so contains poems, brilliant essays, beside general and per sonal gossip.—Boston Saturday Evening Ga zette. There never was any paper published that so delighted the heart ol woman. Never BIBLE. Contains over 3<Ml| 4\ith a Comprehensive Cyclo- THE GREAT FIRES In CHICAGO and the WEST b UOODSPEED, D D 7 Kev.E. j. These pardons are on indictments | aicer tajn the !e.ral obligations of th charging the parties with State lioad j ]: Cj an( j {o make provision tor thei frauds. Salutatory. T he last issue of the Recorder an nounced a change in its editorial con duct, begi ming with this number. “We” have resumed the tripod and the royal pronoun, after ten or twelve years' re- j made pnblic. tiremeut from the sanctum. Custom de- i Inaugural Addin' of GOV. Smith- mauds a salutatory, and circumstances \ Gentlemen 0 f J lt General Assembly : forbid. Indeed, we •‘have no policy”— t .. ■ . • “■'ll appear in this presence to-day, in issued under his adswnistration are le gal and what illiegal. To correct these and other abuses much time aud labor the Recruiting Service, to c< minue re- mind if it does cost you a new bonne;: it will will be required, aud I ar.ii myself of cruiting, aud to retain all recruits in ' save you ten times the price tn the household the occasion to invoke the patience and co operation of the people.^ And it may here bs proclaimed that the people of Georgia have no thought of repudiating anv part of the indebtedness of the State tilities, induced by the aspect of our lations with Spain. The young lady who buys a single copy of Harper's Bazar is made a subscriber for iife.— On the contrary, it is their purpose to the pub- eir pay ment, principal and interest. It is their The Investigating Committee on these j p ur p 0se to respect vested right, frauds and stealings have made startling j t j ie ] awS) and’suppress crime disclosures, which are not yet to be New York, instead of sending them to Western stations, as has been the cus tom hitherto. Among army officer* X. i’. Evening Post. Stationed in New York this is regarded The BAZAR is excellent. Like ail the pe as a sign of preparation for possible hos- riodieals which the Harpers publish, it is all most ideally well edited, and the class of read ers for whom it is intended—the mothers and daughters in average families— an not but profit by its good sense and good taste, which, we have no doubt, are to day making very many homes happier than they may have been before tlie women began taking lessens in perso: al and household and social manage ment from this good natured meutor.— ’Ihe Nation, N. Y- >vEu explanatory ci the Scriptures. In Eng. 1 hOUBomi), D_ D of Cbicag. ’ •J ud German. \VM FLINT & .O-Phill s: ra - mgs. /0,010 already sold. Price J‘» GFitv , agents made in 20 cays. Profi:, -VV '* ' XTED. II S r* Row. New y .t D r v ^v change for agents r travr’inisi s ‘ fua? * on :w agent, local .--PERL) «fe CO., .17 Park •20 per'day s-^ ance t0 ^ t0 , S Tlip A mp r ipq n L iwhke wi^ ciotC^'j a * w * str f nd; A American r forever : sample T,! - t “f 1 ! *heie is no risk. Address at ouce Hudson River v - w ■ cor. Water street Mai Jen Laue^l? ”S. 1 or 240 W Randolph street: Chicago. * or *- , The Casus Belli.— Ihe ofneers of .t° ooe 3 the Florida confirm, under oath, the tale m their that they were tired on, brought to and midst; to require a faithful disc.iarge of j boarded by the Spanish Dous of the public duty on tne part of officials ; to y asc0 Nunez de Balboa ; and now, if the protect and elevate the puolic faith and government of King Amadeus does not credit ; to maintain o»der ; to treat ail ga y { , w , e are sorr y f or ^—the frigate arnier. Published at BALTIMORE, MARYT i vr SAM’L SANDS A- SON. 7 January number is new out, and wi! i to every Planter. Farmer and (iari ei / vill send his address and a stair-. ]. ' / Iiv WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS, I-V Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness j fo^Uy 7° Subscrip tionfl iuese iab.cts present the Acid m Combi-,^ w ;tn very liberal r. ation with other efficient remedies, in apopa- f. -1S72. slasses with justice and impartiaality, and to welcome and treat with hospital- had no such otders, and such an affiir shall not happen again,” we must fight. we want none. Whatever may conduce j obedience to the Constitution and laws, . ity all men, from whatever quarter, who We reckon they will say as much ;°biit ..1 1 •• V .« I . i . I /» M V I A t. A _.tln sl.n Sin*. c.T I • p , . . ' ' iu fear, or in hope, that they won’t, Sec- to the moral, social and material pros, to take the oath of office aud assume ] come among them with the perity of the cotanKiiity, we will advo- j the duties of Governor of Georgia. I performing the duties of g a,to -1= in.. i-.• ; come in response to the call of the peo- W e desire to live in peare, cate as occasion requires. Our politics are our own individually, and are of the ‘ j^!^. them with the intention of good citizens, to restore our response to the call ot tne peo r pie of my native State—a people who, 1 waste places, and to bring the Govern- t0 (_t u h a . The Secretary’s iron ships SUBSCRIPTION. Terms: I Harper’s Bazar . 34 00 An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for ~ . . i every Club oi Five Subscribers at 34 00 each, retary Kobeson is scorning up his iron j in one remittance; or, Six Copies for 320 00 pots and getting ready to float them down j without extra copy „ been scourged with fire and I ment of our State to the ancient land- fearfully and wonderfully made, and will ! era G2 and G3. Ot:r patriotism, like a [ sword, have had their patience still more marks of the fathers, circle in the water, weakens as it widens, j sorely tried by want of integrity in offi and by corruption in high places the traces of its utmost ripple disappear ing between the banks of the Ohio. The sail equally well, head, side or stern , . ce,, With a profound sense of the responsi- I f oreai ost; and, revolving constantly in I green morocco c.oth,wi lut : bilities I am about to assume, and with j the water while tlleir tl f rret8 reV o!ve al- t prepaid, for,..- e. . I r . _ 3 I 1 1 hp nncffl (TP nn ri arnr Bu after a long and cheerless night of mis- , a fervent prayer that providence may 1 a0 tjiev can cover the whole lierizon bject of our supreme desire. Educa- peace, happiness and prosperity to our ; will to perform my duty to the utmost er> ; 3 ; n t [ !C wa ^. of sinking, and such of ion, industry, temperance ami cliritsti- i fetricken people, is already dawning np-1 of my ability, I now take the oath of of the enemy as may be underneath them i fice prescribed by the Constitution of 1 - .... ,, , . rule, let us unite in indulging the hope ; bless our efforts, and temper the wind w ;tli their two guns every four minutes, re-iiabilitation ot the ftunny South is the t jj at a brighter day, bringing with it to our shorn people, and with a resolute Their best point of performance, howev- object c 1 1 ' * .... I_-., c a I - • ■ r lion, anity are the cardinal means for its achievement. The Press of the State is laboring manfuily towards its consum mation, and we aspire only to an bumble place in their ranks. Years ago, we enjoyed their fraternity and confidently anticipate a renewal of kiudiy relations. Brethren, we salote you. C. P. CRAWFORD. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The four volumes of Harper's Bazar, for the years 1-68, ’CD, : 70, ’71, elegantly bound in ‘il be sent by express, eaeh. The postage on Harper's Bazar is 20 cents a year, v.hieh must be paid at the subscriber’s post-office. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. rpn&r It New York. nati' H wun omer emaem remedies, in a pop Jar form, lorii he cure of all Throat aud Lung Diseases. Hoarseness and ulceration of the Throat are immediately relieved, and state ments are constantly bein2 sent to the propri etor, of relief in cases of Throat difficulties of years standing. CAUTIOK ’ Dink be deceived by worthless imitations. Get only \\ell’s Car bolic Tablets, Price 25 its per Box. JOHN SUMMER FLOW Q KELLOGG, Is Platt street. New York, j Now ready. Consik 1NG BrL? ' Sole Agent for U. S. Send for Circular. 1 ,-e. practical paper, needed by e , U. ‘--so.WW premiums.' MilGG’S 4 BROTHERS Fhvn, and r, c . EDS 5 AGENTS WANTED. A complete history Chicago jt 3 u Destruction. 40,00-1 copies sold. In English aud German, i pl ate *- In^the first order. , rose tinted paper, witff or over 13o p ; - j rate cats. Six BeautifulT- a*^ < i 4— i er, a beautiful design, in 6'. re ' ; l Date? i Catsdogue ever published. Y 3 \ . " copy, not one-half the value 1 on our beloved State. The duties required by the Constitu- i the State, tiou and laws, of the Chief Magistrate of the State, are clearly indicated by the 1 oath of his office. lie swears to execute , faithfully the office of Governor, and to ; preserve, protect and defend the Con stitution of the State and of tho United States. When he takes this oath, lie pledges his sacred honor before Al mighty God, and the assembled people s t au d. Cunifv’s Pardon of Blodiell. No Radical outrage has received more stern and prompt ceusure, universally, than Conley’s pardon of Blodgett. The Savannah Republican says that such patronage of crime would be atro- | cious if lawful, but doubts if it can will be hurt. It is also said that orders for vigorous recruiting have been sent North, so that we shall be on a war foot ing by the 1st of April, if not sooner.— Macon Telegraph ‘A Co iplete Pictorial History the Times.” SPECIAL NOTICES. who have conferred upon him the high est office in their gift, that he will lion- Tbc Augusta Chronicle says thi iloa will, in all future ti A BODY AND .HIND DISEASE. Such is djspepsia. The stomach aud the brain are too intimately allied for the one to ,£ Tho best, cheapest, and most success ful Family Paper in the Union.” HARPER’S WEEKLY. Splendidly Illustrated. Love-letters Inviolable, In the case of Stokes <fc Mansfield is. Fisk, last week Judge Brady of the Su i -r • . • ,i / a I r 1 , c v v i , most oi his ability, maintain the luudti- ^ thought Coulev nersonallv honest but preme Court of New Tork, decided that ; mentul laws of t h 0 land. How can these 1 ° ° * personal honest, Notices of the Press. The Model Newspaper of our country. Com plete in all the departments of an American : estiy and faithfully execute the duties j ley . g naine O di ou3 to the of that office, and that he will, to the ut j $ ta t e the love-letters from 1 iek to Mansfield, great duties best be fc met and discharg- That heretofore good men have Conley personally lu ! they will now think differently e says this par- I SIlffer without the other, so that dyspepsia and ?i ete ., in “** ,he departments of an American me, make Con- | despondency are inseparable. It may beaddt J a,,1 . lly ,F ape T’, r s . h f ‘oiri.ed 3 people of the j ed,too, that irritation ot the stomach is almost 1 pf i. tse ‘ f a ,T Ig v v r* 7> ft ' ,ourn '' 1 °J J n A * | ° ! invariably accompanied by irritation of the ' Y ^n,ng lost. accompanied I temper. The invigorating and tranquilizing opera tion of Hostetler's Bitters is most powerfully The best publication of its class in America and so far ahead of all other weekly journals as not to permit a comparison b-t-.vec-n it and Price 3 - oil. CAUTION.—Since issuing this work, smaller and very inferior histories are sure the book you buy is by Upton & Sht-han, a full octavo, GxD inches, nearly 500 pages, and overdo illustrations. Send $1 for outfit, with choice of territory. two beautiful CJbromos. CHJCAGO AS IT HAS, and CHICAGO IS FLAMES. Circulars aud terms free. Profits Large. Union Publishing Company, Chicago, Phila delphia. or Cincinnati jTkDT e b a. It is n t a Physic—It is not what is popular !v called a uitt'-rs, nor is it intended as such It is a South American p ant that has been used for many years by tt-e medical faculty of those countries with wonderful efficacy, as a powerful Alterative and Uneqoaled Purifier of the Blood : is a sure and perfect remedy for ail dis eases ot the Liver and Spleen, Enlargements or Obstruction of Intestines, Urinary, Uterine, or Abdominal Organs, Poverty ora want of 13 uod. I uterinittent oi Remittent Fevers, In- less than 31, the price of CaUlo-wiX" 2 . ’ ; be refunded in seeds. New custon .* ~ on the same footing with old. Free; r tomers. Quality cf seed - , size ■ prices and premiums offered, make ■; ~ ' advantage of all to purchase seeds of j j Catalogue for extraordinary indu emt . You will miss it if you do not see C u: ; ogne before ordering Seeds. Either of our two Chromos f r 1-: ■ 19x24—one a flower piste if Bo | consisting of Lilies,&c.—theot!.-r<; * . Biennal and Perennial Plants, guar,in- | MOST ELEGANT FLORA L CHRQXi , ever issued in this country. A i ornament; mail, postpaid, on r also free, on conditions specified q • i Address BRIGGS & BROTHVp ~ I Established 1045. | Noch sttr. \ y Bloomington Nursery, lli u j>. 20tb year ! 600 Acres ! } '.} Greet H V H Low Pr„ were not admissible in evidence. Fisk bud purchased the letters for ten thou sand dollars, aud paid halt' the amount, when Mansfield withheld them and sought to introduce them in evidence. Whether this exclusion wa3 on the score of’ breach of confidence, or because they were the property of Fisk, doth not ap pear, by our exchanges. Says one, “a range of English decisions for a hundred years back establish the inviolability of private correspondence. Iu New Y’ork these precedents had beeu broken in one or two cases: Hoyt vs. Mackenzie, 3 Bar. ch. R. 320, and Wetmore vs. Sco- ville, 3 Ewd. ch. R. p. 515. But these cases were overruled in Woolsey vs. Judd, 4 Duer, 379. “The theory enunciated by Judge Brady and supported by the reports is that the sanctity of private relations must be preserved, and it is against es tablished legal policy to allow the pub lication of private letters, unless to vin dicate right, assert claims, or serve the public interest. To warrant publication they must either refer to matters of pub lic interest or to pecuniary transactions between the parties.” The Louisiana Legislature seems to have gotten over its troubles, so far as to resume the form of business again. The opposing factions, both Radical, succeeded in disgracing themselves and allies. Every successive “falling out among the rogues” developes a more in tense degree of diabolism than its pred ecessor. We have no objection to it. These things precipitate the great day of retribution, upon the enemies of the South. So mote it be—yea, come quick- ed l The answer to this question is ea- j j sily made ; but how difficult the per- t formauce of the duties here set forth ? | All civil government should have for j j its object the preservation of the rights The Savannah News says a more in- \ developed in cases of iutligesLon. Tire first : any of their number. * * It illustrations i iquitous prostitution of official power was j e ff ect of M is agreeable tonic is comforting and J nr • numerous and beautiful, being furnished F. K. PJHEXIX. BloeiB^gtM. I P r o A t a b 1 e Business never known. That it is an act of crim inal villainy that deserves universal exe cration, and that lie should be promptly its object tne preservation ot tne rignis | eXpe lled from the Senate, of the persons and property of the peo- < These are specimens of the indignant encouraging. A mild glow pervades the sys- i by the chief artists of the country tem, the chronic uneasiness in the region of | traveller. the stomach is lessened, and the nervous rest lessness which characterizes the disease is abated. This improvement is not transient.— It is not succeeded by the return of the old ■Boston The Legislature. Wc take from the Constitutionalist of Thursday, the following proceedings of the Legislature, reported to that paper by their Atlanta correspondent : Atlanta, Jan'y 10.—Both Houses ■were organized at 10 o’clock, the Sen ate by President Trammell, and the House by J. B. Curaming, Speaker pro 1cm. The Senate passed a resolution for a joint committee of five to notify Conley, acting Governor, that they were ready to receive any communication from him. They reported that he would send a communication to-morrow, at 12 o’clock. After the passage of one or two reso lutions the Senate adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow. In the House, calling of the roll show ed that many were absent. The resignation of Speaker Smith was received and read. The House concurred in the Senate resolution to inform Conley of tbeir or ganization. The committee report was the same as the Senate report. A motion for a recess of one hour, for a Democratic caucus, was offered by Dunlap Scott aud W. D. Anderson. A message was received from Conley that be had accepted the resignation of Smith as member from Muscogee county. Pierce, of Hancock, moved to elect a Speaker forthwith, which called forth several amendments aud much debate. Finally, a motion was made to elect a Speaker at four o’clock in the afternoon, after which the House decided to take a recess. At that time tho Democratic members remained in the ball aud held ;i caucus for a candidate for Speaker. In the caucus Curaming, of Richmond, pie ; aud it is the first and highest duty ^ comment by an outraged people, of governments, by wise and wholesome ; YV e } jav ’ read Blodgett’s petition for legislation, to provide security for these pardon in the Era. There is no bet rlrrlit j Rnf flvri m Or si otiOfflmonf . 11*1 1/ .1 * sacred rights. But the mere enactment of proper laws is not sufficient for the accomplishment of the object indicated. Unless there is also a strict and faithful enforcement of the laws, society must be without that feeliDg of security upon ter established fact than that criminat ed innocence will never rest under the unjust charge. Injured honor seeks its vindication, and leaps to meet scru tiny to remove tarnish. Blodgett’s re quest for pardon is as damning a con- Harper’s Weekly is the best aud most inter esting illustrated newspaper. Nor does its value depend on its illustrations alone. Its . . - ,, , .. . reading mat er is of a high order of literary symptoms with superadded force, as is always j merit-varied, instructive entertaining, and the case when umnedicated stimulants are giv- i nnexceptionable.-N Y Sun en for the complaint. Each dose seems to j impart a permanent accession of healthful in- vigoratio.u But this is not all. The aparient and anti-billious properties of the preparation are scarcely secondary iu importance to its ton ic virtues. If there is au overflow of bile, the secretion is soon brought wiihin proper limits, and it the bilary organ is inert and torpid it is toned and regulated. The effect upon the d: SUB SC RIFT ION.---1372. Terms : Harper's Weekly, one year, . Si 00 Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The Postage on Harpers Weekly is 20 cents dark logic of the act cannot be evaded. The trembling criminal pleads tacitly his ci ime and asks absolution from a cur .... - , . . - -j r o - , chaiging organs is equally salutary, and in ca- wtuck the prosperity and happiness of j f esg joQ of guilt as Bullock’s flight. The ses °f constipation die cathartic action is just .l a j mu- 1 — -r * 1 — ------ - . 1 sufficient to produce the desired result gradu ally aud without pain. The Bitters also pro mote healthy evaporation from the surface, which is particularly desirable at this season I ' rupt confederate unfortunately exercise when sudden spells of raw, uupb-asaut weath- : rur dcot CCDinnif'ftl O nr Tur n*v ing Executive tower. j er are apt to check the natural perspiration and I ' DLol rtniUDIjALb Ur THE DAY, °«7i , ' f- ■ . , • i , i produce congestion of the liver, coughs, and When we add to this irresistible con- £ old ,. The $ cst safcguur d against all diseases is bodily viger, and this the great Vegetable Restorative especially promotes. rpn lm. the people depend. The honor ol the State, as well as the be^t interests ol the citizeD, demand that laws passed for the good of society, should be promptly aud justly enforced. We may pity the crim inal, but when we go beyond this and interpose to shield him from tbe punisb- memt due to ^ie wrong-doing, this feel ing ceases to be mere sentimental weak ness, and becomes an act of cruel in justice to society, Prompt and certain execution of the laws is the surest, and indeed the only effectual means of pre venting crime. The courts, whose pe culiar province it is to try persons ac cused of violations of the penal code, and to pronounce judgment upon the guilty, should be left to the discharge of this sworn duty, free from interference on the part of the Executive. When, by the abuse of a power vested in him, to be exercised only when the ends of justice and the welfare of society de mand it, the Chief Magistrate of tbe State grants dispensations to criminals, and suspeuds the operation of the laws prescribing the punishment due to con victed felons, he becomes the greatest of all criminals himself, and merits the punishment from which he seeks to shield the less guilty. Under the Constitution, it is the duty of the Governor, with the concurrence of the Senate, to fill the judicial offices of tbe State. If be would faithfully discharge his duty, be must see to it that uone are invested with the ermine of justice but honest and capable men. A virtuous and independent Judieiary is a blessing to any people. Ignoring all distinctions growing out of condition, race or color, and holding the scales with an even and steady hand, it metes out justice alike to the rich and poor, the proud and humble. It encamps around the weak and defenseless, and keeps watch and ward over them with a vigi lance that is sleepless, aud unpurchasea ble with gold or power; But it is of the last importance that the Chief Magistrate should himself have clean bands. He may appoint none but upright and faithful men to office, and, yet if he be not also upright and faithful, these good acts will count for but little, lie must not only call around him honest men, but he must himself be honest in the widest and deepest sense of that word. Neither the litter of wealth, tbe seductions of pop ular favor, nor the whispers of ambition should be permitted to allure him from the path of duty, let it be ever so thorny and rugged. It is not necessary, however, on an occasion like this, to enumerate all the duties required at the hands of the Chief Magistrate of the Commonwealth ; and yet it is not amiss, iu times like the present, to recur to those cardiual prin- ciples which underlie all good govern ment. It is known to be the duty of the Executive to co-operate with the Legislature in tbe passage of wise and wholesome laws, and with the Judiciary iu enforcing those laws. He must see to it that public order is preserved, and that the Treasury of the State is protec ted, and must in all proper ways pro mote the general welfare aud advance he true interest of the people. He must take care that the laws bo exccu- fession the fact that it is upon the re quest of Bui ock, the colleague of Blod gett in these crimes, and the confessor of said crimes by implication through his ignominious flight, that Conley gives the pardon, the iuiquity of the pardon is complete. Blodgett says that Le took the Super- intendency of the road only expecting to manage its “public and political poli cy.” The damning character of this cool, impudent admission is only to be surpassed by that inimitable jocularity for which the jocose Blodgett has be come notorious. This unique division of the labors of Superintendent, and the fine classification under the head of “political policy,” of that particular branch of the management which squan dered the entire proceeds of the road, incurred a debt of a million, put in op eration a wholesale system of stealage, and elicit^ numberless indictments of tbe criminals by the courts of the coun try, are certainly tbe richest matters of this whole ponderous State Road wrong. Jocular, comical Blodgett ! We shall PENETRATING tothesource of the disease in I lie secretions and the circulation retjuiatii'g a year, which must be paid at the subscriber s post-office. Addreis HARPER & BROTHERS, rpn&r-lt New York. THE GREAT English Quarterlies, AND Blackwood's Ediuburgli .llagaziue 20th Largest Assortment. Best Stoa Trees, Shrubs, Plants. Bulbs. Grafts, Ac. 100 Page Illu-;iated ( 10 cents. Bulb. Plant, Seed Cat;-:, ... for JO cents. Wholesale Price Lt> flamanoi, oi tne Liver, Dropsy, Sluggish (Jir- j Send for these before bating ei- culatlon of the Blood, Abscesses, Tumors. 1 " “ —* * — Jaundice. Scrofula. Dyspepsia, Agu- & Fe ver nr their Concomitants. Dr. Wells’ Extract oj Jurubebti, is offered to the public as a great invigorator j Will be given one or two persons, of and remedy for all impurities of the blood or for ! sex, in Milledgerille and adjoinining town, organic weakness with their attendant crib For the foregoing complaints JIRIBEB4; is o nfidently recommended to every famiij a.» a household remedy which should be freelj taken in al! derangements ol the system, it give: heailh. vigor and tone to a:l the vital forces and animates and fortifies all w eak and lym phatic temperaments. JOHN Q KELLOGG, Platt St., New York Sole Agent for theUnited States. Price One Dollar per bottle. Send forj Circu lar. A Month to sell our Universal OD I r , crnP nt, Combination Tunnel, Button Hole Cutter, and other articles. Saco Novelty Co., Saco, Me., every organ and bracing every nerve and fibre I reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Co., of the body, Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar 140 Fulton St.eet. New York, at about°one- Bitlers, are effecting the most astonishing | third the price of the originals. The EdilX - cures Of indigestion, biliousness nervous weak- burgh Review, The Westminster Re- ness, rhenutism, scrofulous disOideis, and v j eW) Th e London Quarterly Review, witnessed WUmp , h lhe world has ever j The British Quarterly, Review, and M AGIC OF THE MOUTH—Odiferous Soz- odont, renders the mouth enchanting, com posed of rare antiseptic herbs, it imparts white ness to the teeth, a delicious flower like aroma . to the breath, and preserves intact, from youth I ®' 01 ’ a uy one Review, .$4 00 per annum Blackxvood’s Edinburgh maga zine. (A fac-simiie of the original.) Pub lished Menthly. TER VS OF SUBSCRIPTION. to age, the teeth. “WHO WILL SUFFER?”—It is now twenty-four years since DR. TOBIAS’ Venetian Liniment was put before the public, warranting it to cure chronic rheina- tism, headache, cuts, burns, bruises, old sores, pains in the limbs, back and chest; and it has never failed, -sold by Druggists. Depot 10 Park Place, New York. For any two Reviews, 7 00 For any three Reviews, 10 00 For all fojir Reviews, i...P2 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine, 4 00 For “ and 1 Seview«..7 00 For “ and 2 Reviews.10 0'i For “ and 3Reviews..l3 00 , For “ and the 4 Rev’s 15 00 “ , Postage, two cents a number, to be prepaid by the quarter at the office of delivery. TIIE HUMAN HAIR.— Burnett’s Cocoaiuc, i C T IT H ^5 a compound of Cocoa-uut Oil, etc., is unrival ; O fi O n O, ed as a dressing for the hair. For sale by all j A discount of twenty per cent, will be a- Druggists. ^ lowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL.—Not the Cheap- j fo .^f C0 P’ es of Blackwood or of one Review i v , - « f|n , est, but Safest and Best Illuminating Oil f cr ' Wl “ be sent to one addi-ess for $12.00: four uever knovv^ bis like ag«un. ^ Abe cool family us^ ever made. Burns in the ordinary C0 P 1CS of the four Reviews and Blackwoodfor - .j ' *’ ' 1 1 kerosene lamp. Does not take fire, nor explode and so on. if the lamp is upset and broken. Send for Circular, Oil House of Charles Pratt establish ed 1770, New York audacity of his quips, the harlequin cor ruption of his jokes, create the ghastli est of grins. They make the very gal lows rattle iu penitentiary glee. They shake iti grin merriment the very bones To clubs of ten or more, in addition to Use above discount, a copy gratis will be allowod to the getter-up of ihe club. RISLEY S LINIMENT—Of Arnica, Hops, Carbolic Acid, acts as a universal external cure- ot the dead scamps oi ages. Ah, those j all, acting on the. nerves connected -with the COStly Cast-iron quirks of Blodgett’s j skin. It prompt'y relieves Neuralgia Pains gory humor ! IIow they send feloniously Cleanses and cures old sores and ulcers, flesh, r .’ e ., 1 * i.i " wounds, burns, bruises, sprains, Ac. Hold eve- i ,u ‘- but funnily through the pockets of a peo- r j W j,ere at 50 cents. Morgan & Risley, Whole- i O r instead ot the above, new subscribers to j-c. Sold eve- ! subscribe for. PREMIUMS. New subscribers for the year 1872 may have without eharge, the numbers for the last quar ter of 1871 of such periodicals as they may pie No time will ever wash from Conley’s hands the black stain of that bad, foul, j delightful toilet prepared for beautifyin damning pardon.— Constitution. sale Druggists, New York, General Agents. LAIRDS’BLOOM OF YOUTH.—A mm-t the , any two. three, or four of tho above period!* cals, may have, as premium, one of the ‘Four Reviews’ for 1871 ; subscribers to all five mey have two of the ‘Four Reviews’ for 1ST 1. Neither premiums to subscribers nor dis count to clubs can be allowed unlet-s the mo- ney is remitted direct to the publishers. No from the bellows of the New York Sun freckles and sunburns, giving the skin a youth- ; premiums can be given to clubs, and Now York Herald, in behalf of a ful appearance. Sold at all Druggists and Fan- rr “ war with Spain, are ominous that some ! Y 0 rk° 01 ^ ^ to,e “’ ^ e P ot 5 Street, New mischief is afool. Th* bun is the grand ! THANKS TO THE TIMELY DISCOVERY skin, has been established over ten years ; du ring that time ov< r oie million ladies have m/ c -7 r.u i -i ii used it; in every instauce ii has given entire J he bp an >s a Wai. Ihe dauy masts satisfaction; it removes all imperfections, tans, To seeurc premiums, it will be necessary to make early application, as the stock available for that purpose is limited. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 Fulton Street, New York. rpHIS IS NO HUMBUG Q g* 4 By-sending <30 CENTS with age, height, color of eyes aud hair, you will receive by return maii, a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer, No. 24 Fultouville, N. Y. Profitable Employment. We desire to engage a few more agents to se 1 the World Renowned Improved Buckeye Hew ing Machine, at a liberal salary or on commis sion: A horse aud wagon given to Agents, Full particulars furnished on application. Ad dress W. A. HENDERSON & CO-, General Agents, Cleveland, Ohio, and St. Louis, Mo. which they may realize from $3w to SI year, with but little interference with orcinarv occupation, in selling HOUSEHOLD CLES of real merit and universal us-, if whole time is devoted a much larger sum s . v be realized: Circulars free, giving compete list of articles and commissions allowed T. S. COOK & CO.. Hoboken. X. J 4 JQy A MONTH! Horse furnished. Ei espaid. H. B. SHAW. Alfred, Me. ^^GENTjS WANTED.—Agents cake- money at work for ns than at else. Business light and permanent. U:- ars free. G. STINSON A CO.. Fine Art Put ishers, Portland, Maine. OPTTT1T EATERS.—If you *v ”-t -t-*JL to be cured of the u. address T. E CLARKE. M. D.. Mount V, non, Ohio. HEBMIA OK It UP T I RE R S. SCHEVENELL’S TRUSS etf'c, :Li . quickest cures, with the great--: «m- j fort to the wearer. Has no Steei Springs to | irritate the person. Receives the hige j praises from all who use it. Recommended ! Jeading physicians. Full directions wiihc*. Trass. Try one—you will be pleased, i Single Truss, $5; Double Truss, two pad- - EP~Orders enclosing Cash, pr mptlv fillet. Address L. SCHEVENELL. Gen’. Agent. Athens, Gi. .rV-JD KSYMnOJ- offered Nr p? Tno proprietor t<! llr. ‘■-l -e'shlf ' ■ o-7"! HciT'.-rr fo- n m-i of -. i i 1 t v or Ul | tsoflKft.utticn imeanm irnr “t3 l‘y tcui-p-ia at m cu fi jan. LI, r n p 4w. (grand American organ of tlie Cuoan Iievolu- 0 f Mrs- Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, the he»rts tionists, and the Herald is now the most of many parents have been made glad by wit- influential advocate ol Graut’s lenomina- nessing the beneficial effects, which tbisreme- tion. Both arc busy tickling him with dy nver fails to produce during the critical the straw of “manifest destiny.” “Such 1J )'° u vr v n • n . , J , . , f. TI , ,, CaHBOLIC 3ALVL—Nothing like it ever a splendid opportunity (says the Herald) ! kll0wn bpfure . Cures cuts, burns, sores, ’ :. n<1 xhClTv ’ ’T-Tr ' for a stroke of overwhelming popularity wounds, &c, like magic. Physicians speak ,2 s Kr S i 1 ’ m 1 f u . r f Ste ‘ and lasting distinction, as that which is j of it in terms of the highest praise. Pric« 25 ^ F -t R : Ed>ab ™~ h ’ ** ^ J- P. now offered to General Grant in the set- bu , x ’ Henry, Sole Proprietor .1 . l- .1 <. ...... ,, r 8 College place New iork. tlement of the manifest destiny of: PHYSICIANS who have prescribed Svap- Uuba and Mexico ! Wc can gain noth- , nia or Purified Opium use no other form of lie quarrel With Opium in their practice. ‘ ' ! CRISTADORO’S HAIR DYE.—If all his hairs were lives, Othello said, “my great re- i venge hath stomach for them all.” But hair ing by postponing Spain—and nothing in delaying to deal with auarchy in Mexico. “The intol- cable insults ot the bpanish naval offi- th $ s gray or 8andy , white or red, the ladffis! eers to our flag—the continued proseeu- j have no stomach for at all. Use Cristadoro's tiou oftlie slave trade iu Cuba and ihe Dye and the evil is remedied. Manufactory, fib savage atrocities of Valmascda. afford sufficient grounds for a decisive ultima tum.” And then follow flaming appeals the Ashore, from fresh, selected livers, by to Grant to imitate tue policy which re-1 Caswell,Hazard Sc Co., New York. It is abso- suited in the acquisition of Texas, New j lutely pure and sweet. Patients who have Mexico and California, and substitute ! , once l , ak f? P r ? ferit t ?* 1 ! °‘h«rs. Physicians the deadly lively issues of war for the stale political trash which is now sour ing ou the popular stomach.—Macon Telegraph, THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO , also publish THE FARMER’S GUIDE to Sden- Norton, Professor of Scientific Agriculture in Yale College, N'ew-Haveu. Two vol. Royal Octavo. 1600 pages and numerous engravings. Price, $7; by mail post paid, $8. Maiden Lane, New York. TIIF. PUREST and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Hazard & Caswell’s made on Subscribe for the Recorder. have decided it superior to any of the other oils iu the market. JOUVINS Indorous Kid Glove Cleaner re stores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by Druggists aud Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 25 cunts per bottle. F. C. Wells & Co., New York. Bee 1st, rptn lm. American nSKVrV, Monthly, with Su„ a Cundnv Ja ? St-hool Lesson, O v ** u y Ex posit ions, Illusta- tions, Questions .Send TcnCphnnl Blackboard EC Vis. for OyHOOI e cises &c f * r specimen each Sabbath ccpy Lesson Pa- \IJqy]iCTerms, perand our own If for 1872 List of Lessons $1.50 for 1S7'1 and per year €lub Rates. advance Scholar's LESSON TAPER, Monthly, with Lessons for every Sabbath, 12 cts. a year ; or per 100, $0 a year. Address, J. W. JU I.Vri KU Publish crsST. LOU IS, MO. Change of Schedule. GEN’AL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE CENTRAL RAILROAD, Savannah, May 27, 1871. gjgBga e nf O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, a7tfi INol Passenger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad will run as follows ; UP DAY TRAIN. Leave Savannah 7:15 A. M. Arrive at Augusta Arrive at Macon Connecting at Augusta with trains going North, and at Macon with trains to Columbus and Atlanta. DOWN DAY TRAIN. Leave Macon 7:00 A.M. Arrive at Milledgeville.... ...fc-.45 P, M. Arrive at Eatontcn * 10-45 P. m! Arrive at Augusta 5.33 p. M. Arrive at Savannah.... 5:25 p. M. Making same connection at Augusta as above. NIGHT TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Savannah ...7:00 P. M. L^ave Augusta g : 30 P. M. Arrive at Milledgeviile ...8:45 P. M. Arrive at Eatonton 1C:45 P. M. Arrive at Macon 5:15 A. M. Connecting with trains to Coiambus, leav ing Macon at 5:25 A. M Trains leaving Augusta at 8:30 P. M. arrive in Savannah at 5:30 A. M. NIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Savanuah 7:00 P.M. Leave Macon 6:30 P. M Arrive at Augusta 3:30 A. M Arrive at Savannah 5:30 A. M Making close connection with trains leaving Augusta Passengers going over tbe Milledgeviile and Eatonton Branch will take day train from Ma con, night train from Augusta, and 7 P.M, train from Savannah, which connects daily at Gordon (Sundays excepted) with Milledgeviile and Eatonton traius. WILLIAM ROGERS. Get • tel Superintendent: " Mar|5,1861 L AhGE and VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE, lying Eight miles north LUMPKIN, Stewart County, Ga., embr: ; the rich lands of tbe Hannahatchee CretL. TL place is well timbered and watered: a fine ton, corn, gram and stock farm: unsurjKi.-- : by any in this section of the State for the fer tility ofi ts soil. The place is invaluable s stock farm. Will be sold on reasonab'e tcrmi by application to the undersigned at Lacpk:: Ga. The place is well stocked and previsionc. JAMES K. BAKNTM. Jan l-4w rpn 5:38 P'. Ml ! pr0 T P* r action. 4.5J p M | January 1 1871. T. W. WHITE, MILLBD&EVILLE GA WILL PSACnaUf SHIS Ain las i2V.2~A" 3B05TE. tjb Applications for Homestead Exemp tions under the new law, and other basin -• before the Court of Ordinary, will receive fj- W. Dlscas. J. HJohsstos. M. MiClIa DUNCAN & JOHNSTON. Cotton Factors AND General Com mission Merchants, 92 Baj Street. SAVANNAH, Cl. We are prepared to make the I*.--- adrance od Cotton. oct. 9 rcc^ 4m. MANSION HOUSE Three doors above Globe Hotel Broad Street, Augusta,“Georgia. Board pfr Day, Single Meals, fJ'J 00 ,. 50 J-lT.SaltL. W. P- C:s" r - Jennings, Smith & C:. COTTON FACTORS AND General ronmiission Merchants No. 6 McIntosh St. Augusta, Ga. We are Agents for the Sale of the foIlow-D FIRST CFASS FERTILIZED; Sell's Superphosphate—Cash, ” “ “ u Time, 66 00 ono Soluble Guano—Cash, $53 •’ “ “ “ Time, 60 tug 12,6m.p SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. MRS. C. A.IH’DSOiY, Proprietress Nov. 5,1871. 43 ly C H Phinizy F. B. Phinizy. C. H. PHINIZY 1 CO. Ootton Factors, JACKSON! STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Consignments respectfully soiivted. September 2, 4B4m p r F. Baras, W. S- McDr.-a bryanJHUH BECEimc, PaEWAW** 6 AND Commission Merchants. No, 140 (KELLY’S BUILDING) BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA! Agent, for Ml. of th. “I‘HATT COTVOS GIN. Prompt attention giver, to the sale ol Cota- Wool, and Country Produce of every r tion. Liberal eash advances made on * u when in store. Correspondence Solicitor. Nor, 17 22 3m,