Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, February 20, 1872, Image 3

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4 ^ ^ A ..V... [ Sunarinr rSmirf L%t* D J.i...:_ . 1 .*.*,*.~t Z "T " " ^ * LOC ikr,. T n c s «l a y , February 20, 1 8 7 2 ilie offi should not be directed to the ce; but to the person only fur i should be directed to R. A Superior Court for Baldwin countv convenes next Monday. The dockets are not large, but behind hand, we learn. It is to be hoped they will be cleared off this next sitting. (Obitmuu ii urinwn iX bo. Mr. John A. Orme, has charge of the Sub scription list, and to Inin all business letters appertaining to Subscriptions ic., must be K jading matter as Adveitisments, or special notices appealing in the first Local column will be charged for at the rate otfifty cents per line; in the second column, cents per line-, in the third, twenty cents, aud for the remain ing the regular price, $1.00 per square. SAIL BO AD TIME TABLE. Arrival and Departure of Trains at Mil led Seville. MACON &. AUGUSTA RAIL ROAD. Down Train to Augusta* Arrives at Milledgeville, 1 8.14 A. M Up Train to Macon. Arrives at Milledgeville 5 35 p. M. MILLEDGEVILLE BRANCH C. It. R. Up Train to Eatonton. Ar.ives at Milledgeville 8.45 P. M. Down Train to Gordon. Arrives at Milledgeville 2.35 P. M. PQS2 OFFICE. Mill.kdgevii.le, Jan. 18, 1872. From and after this date, Mails will close as Hoes Axes Wheelbarrows See- at Sam’l A. Cook’s. Bonham s Parlor Entertainment las* 'light attracted a full house of delighted visitors. So far from tiring, after three nights, our people are more ex'ravaganl in their admiration of the wonderful Art i ist. Gilt Edged Butter at Sam’l A. Cook’s. We call the attention of those who want commercial fertilizers, to the ad vertisement of Wattsoo & Clark’s high grade Superphosphate. The testimoni als of mauy of our most efficient plant ers accompanying the advertisement, is a sufficient guarantee of its virtue. I. L. Hunter, Agent, Milledgeville, G i. DIED, at his residence in Washington county, near the Baldwin county line, on the ist instant, Mr WILLIS WHITAKER, in j . 0 f5 *‘^ }'. e ar of his age. Burn, raised and lived in ties county, except one or t«o v«»rs of Ids eariy life, at the Old Agency on Flint River. Has been totally blind for the last five i years. ^ He died as he had lived, loved and re spected by :t!l who knew him, trusting in his God whom he had worshipped in Use Metho- dist Church for oyer fifty years, lie had be-n feeble ami suffering at times for the iast six months ; prayiug to be taken from this world of trouble. Jle leaves a wife and five daugh- i U ': s !; o mourn their loss. He being the last of ■ a family o! ten brothers and sisters A Relative. . r^ id way. on Thursday, 6th inst., Mr. ABALn, HANMOMD, in the 63rd year of lnsage, long a resident of this community, he [ had the good will of ail who knew him. Wt china know that tor cleaning paint, windows and glassware ; for polishing knives, tin, iron brass and copper wares, and for re-- nnvuig stains from marble and porcelain, and rust from machinery, Enoch Morgan’s Sons 3apoliois the best thing in use. rpnr4w NEVy ADVERTISEMENTST - "" Imperial \oung Hyson Gunpowder Oolong and English Breakfast Teas at Sam’l A Cook’s. Ma ; for Atlanta and Augusta and all points , going North nnd \\ est, will close at 8 Ma: ■k )>• m. dls fir ! ;on and Southwestern Road and going Southwest closes at 5 The Berger Family Swiss Bell Ring ers give one of their chaste and unique entertainments in our city* on Thursday night last. Everybody and any other man was pleased. If anybody was not pleased, let him call around and get our old hat. Fair Warning. A LL P erson ’ having any legal demand.- against the Estate of J. S. GODARD, art hereby notified to present them to me al once, as I am preparing to make a final return for a discharge. o. 1>. BONNER, feb20 It Administrator ADMINISTRATOR^ Wit .vannah and Florida closes at U ln - tuitou and Monticello mail closes at 8:45 ce hours from 7 a m. until 6:30 p. m. ;-e. opens on Sundays from 8 until 0:30 Money Orders obtained from 7 a m. uu- SALE. be sold befure the Court-house . ri in Dublin, Laurens County, on the first luesday in April next, within the l*gal iiouis of sale, three lot* of land in sai l county known as the late residence of Sarah Burch, dec d. i lie property of >]^a estate of Sarah ell, and sold for distribution by virtue ol an ordtrof f.he Conrt of Ordinary of said conn ty- Terms of sale—Cash. This February 9th, 1872. WILLIAM BURCH, fob 1 o tds Adm’r Sarah Burch “Low prices seldom command a good arti prices Hint can complain of. Slmold | Marshal’s Sale. W ill be sold before the Mnrket house door in the city ofiliUedgeville, on Saturday ; the 9th day of March, 1872, .within the legal ► hours of sale. One house and lot. No. 180, on North com mon, containing two (2) acres, more or less:; | teved on as the property of W. A. Westbrook to saii.-fv two (2) taxs executions issued by j i lie Mar or of Milledgeville. Three and 13-16 acres of land in lot No. 163, j North Common of said city, levied on as the j property of Elam S Wail to satisfy two fi fa’s j issued by the honorable Major of said city i (forcity tax) vs. Elam 3. Wall. Also, house and part of lot No. 183, eon- I laiuing two acres, more or less, levied on as I the property of Mrs. Erajmns Vaughn to satis- j fy three fi fa’s issued by the honorable Mayor j of sai.l eitv (for city taxes) vs. said Mrs. Erav- ’ mus Vaughn. Ai*o, iii« house and lot co*taining four acres of land, property of the estate of the late Mrs. Peter Williams, to satisfy four fi fa's is sued by (he honorable Mayor of said city, against the estate of said Mrs. P. Williams. Also, one lot in said city, known as the Gin House lot, together with the gin house and en gine, levied on as the property of John Jones to satisfy one fi fa issued by the honorable Mayor of said city, for city tax vs. said John Jones. Also, one four-horse Omnibus, in the hands if W. 8. Darnell, levied on as the property of Seaton 1). Grantland to satisfy one tax fi fa ssued by the honorable Mayor of said eitv vs. said Seaton D.Grantland. " J. B. FAIR Marshal Milledgeville, Jan 15, tds BBSljI A € SOLUBLE IFIC GUANO. J. O. M A T H E W S O N, A-gent for the Company* AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. PRICE REDUCED! GUANO l P URE PERUVIAN, OF DIRECT IMPOR TATION, at GOVERNMENT PRICES. i.24D POUNDS to the Ton. Send for pam- dilets to R.G. LAY, Agent for Consignees iu U. »S. feb'23 2m r Savannah, Ga $48 Per Ton n asll: • C ’ 55 Interest on time, No Charge for Dravaa*. Tl, -r for reliah^'VxceMen^nnsur" 16 "1 TV— '''* ye * rS past * I( lias acquired after thorough trial nn fact lire, and the unusual IVo-ilo^'' 1 *? rertil«i™ 0 . fre0e,lt introduction. ’ GUANO is well kn«nvn in lev allconditition of season, a character now s"l.i'.7l”t!m llsSTCOST V™ s', of the PACIFIC II 8. REESeV ^General Agents, Ba. linMre , M^' MATHERSO * Age*. Augns.a, (5a . JOHN Fish. Mr. TV. II. Easterling received by ! yesterday evening's train a lot of fine | freeli SHAD, which lie is disposing at S A M U E L A . CO O K . (in eery and Provision Market. MILLEDGEVlLTJd, GA. I! icon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Fin=i Teas, Sy- ni;>. Hams, Pickled IJaef, Beef Tongues, Ik mI, fist Btcon, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Crack ers (of all kinds ) Soaps, Starch, Soda, Can- JI s. Brooms, Bucket* Baskets, Tubs. &c., Ac. Next door to the Hotel, Give us a call, '1' E II M S CASH. iau9»3m. A Pinisiiiil Ural. During the February Court week the People of Baldwin county will be ad dressed at the Court House, by the Georgia State Agricultural Society’s Cjmmissioner, Samuel Barnett, Esq All who desire a noble entertainment, or Cel interested in Georgia, will be sure to attend, if able. No man in Georgia bolds higher position than Mr. Barnett in all that command? respect or wins c nfidence. He is .one of many gifted sons of Wilkes county, whose shining and worthy names make their county illuslrious. Come all to bear him—La dies and men of Baldwin, fail not. lbs choice butter at Sam’l A. We notice for the last few clear days that I icii's Pavilion, on Capitol Square, lias been crowded. The various styles this artist takes, together with the ex cellence in which they are executed, is creating quite a sensation among our art loving friends. Mr, Pugh is cer tainly a fine artist, and having fifteen years experience in the Photographic line, he has improved to that extent that he can really make the picture look better than the original.—Feb. 20. It. <^Z2> + Tea drinkers can secure a fine article of tea at Sam’l A Cook’s. he meet with sufficient encouragement from our citizens, he will open a regular piscatorial market, supplying them dai ly with different varieties, at the lowest prices possible. ♦ + The History of A National Remedy. —Here is the history of the most cele brated tonic of the age in a nutshell. In 1SG0 it was announced that a certain combination of vegetables ingredients, with a pure diffusive stimulant, was working wonders in the cure of chronic j dyspepsia, nervous debility, liver com- : plaint, periodical fevers, rheumatism and | constitutional weakness. The uepre- j tending name given to the specific was j Plantation Bitters. The statement at- j tracted the attention of invalids every where. The new remedy received a fair trial, and the results more than con firmed all that had been said in itg praise. Thence-forward it was a grand success. The business columns of the press spread the glorious news far and wide, and the martyrs to indigestion, biliousness, physical prostration and premature decay, as if by common con sent, sought relief from the new vege table restorative. They found what they sought. From that time to the present the increase in the demand for Planta tion Bitters has been one of the most striking events in this age. For Coughs, Bronchitis and Consump tion, in its early stages, nothing equal Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery rp It. known. For removing mildew from clothing, use- Darbys Prophylactic Fluid diluted will, water No more Gray entire brings bad a dye. and clear ;i ii'iurious. See a Hair. Nature's Itnir Piste ; the origins! color, ft ; s I10 , ' crystal. Contains nothing ment. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY’S Compound Acid Phosphate of Lime, For Composing with Colton Seed. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF DR. Si. JCL1EN UAVF.NF.L,Chari Price Reduced ! A h Pomn C o«r as ■‘ffio'-e stated, is prepaid tor Composting with Cotton seed. essarv to we, " lit of this article and cottonseed, funrshes the cotton seed with the Soluble Pits,hate, wLi h is eston, ?rti> A Fresh snpnlv just received, and for sale \v HUNT RA.NKIN& LAMAR, febfi 4t necessary to make it effective. appli^I at from lOOto 60U pounds per acre onnorU 6 ^ 3 be ‘ 0repIant “ l?t| m ,i ’ 1,1 orJe! ' that decomposition may take place, and should q ,j. ( | • . 4 ui mill c« This acid Phosphate is now^put it, to mark'd it* he Tow pri^ ^ "^economic*1 and eff ctive Fertilizer for Cotton an 1 Corn 7or ChW8 Ferti,i - a miffinl n ou^ <“• ^rayage) at which ■ - J o. MATHEWSON, A Full .up,,I V of Pi-ruviun Guano, Croon,, Bone an,1 fXiei, U ttfa-creirxrx.Tvi -u ■ ..g B rfr — H 0 M E I N DUS T 1! Y. be NE fV A D VER TISEMENTS. Money Sn both Poeket WATTSON & CLARK’S iXi ilIi Grade I0t Is sold at popular prices. 8lo 00 Cush, at SAVANNAH. $-5-5 00 Payable November 1st. And 15 Cents per pound fur Colton guaranteed. V h \? r T e ! t ; Pu ; eS . t ’ m °, g ? Re)i ? hle - Cheapest, and Best Fertilizer now offered on the southern Market for Cotton, Corn, Wheat, and all Vegetable products. .f a n .' t V^j iKRK having associated t.inisell T. '\ lth Ml - M A Collins, in the Carriage Making business, respectfully informs the citi zei.s of Milledgeville aud surrounding countr that he >s prepared with material, an- the best oi Workmen to execute all kinds o work in a superior manner, not surpassed Nor,h or South. J he public are requested to cal, aud examine his woik. Among which uni be found Sarveils’ Patent Wheels, famous for their durability and adaptation to our' roads and which m the end Is ihe cheapest : and the best wheel that is now in use or made i He also will do all kinds of plantation work ! with neatness, cheapness and durability. | Give us a trial, and you will not be disap- j pointed. All work guaranteed to give satisfac I t,0 I n ' _ , PARKER & COLLINS. Jan. 2 ly r 4'lie Collins Steel Flow is said to be wonderfully durable. Such elegant steel implements of course are costly, but they are far cheaper for cur plan ters in the long run, than the old fash ioned iron plows, Fine grades Cook’s. of Flour at Sam’l A. Good Templars—Public Meeting. On Friday night. March 1st, the Mil- ledgeville Lodge, No. 115, will bead- dressed by Iiev. C. W. Lane, at Tem plars’ Hall, in the State House. The public is invited to attend. This noble Lodge is pushing ahead in its work of Charity, with full equipment and lawful fellowship, notwithstanding the malicious endeavor of the G W. C. T. to annuli its Charter and rule it out of the Order. Tho Mutual Loan & Building AssocD ation progresses well. Its permanent to be effected at the first meeting in March Probably the whole, or nearly so, of the authorized stock will be taken by the time the Charter is secured. lines’ Bulbs and Hauls. This Illustrated Catalogue is a vol ume of unrivalled merit of its kind, Its descriptions and representations of gar* den vegetables, flowers and ornamental slnuhbery, are complete. The informa- fi m contained relative to the habits and culture of the plants named therein, j make it a very manual for the land- scipe aud kitchen garJner. To the am- F-cur Florist it is an especial treat. Its engravings, many of which are .beauti- Ddy colored, are numberless and gotten U P in the highest stj’le of the art. In deed. this Catalogue alone would cs- taolisli conclusively, the claim of the Hoprietors to a degree of energy and enterprise, that must be very satisfacto- r .Y to their business correspondents. As 1 ‘duceinents to patronage, they offer pre- n um- of Chromes that are spoken of in battering terms by the press, Address Briggs & Brother, Rocbes- te b New York. Old Pred/udiccs arc Dying Out.—Xcw facts are killing them. The idea that invalids weakened by disease can be relieved by prostrating them with des tructive drugs, is no longer ei tertained except by monomaniacs. Ever since the introduction of Dr. Walker’s Vine gar Bitters it has been obvious that their regulating and invigorating properties are all sufficient for the cure of chronic indigestion, rheumatism, constipation, diarrhoea, nervous affection, and mala rious fevers, and they are now the stand ard remedy for these complaints in eve ry section of the Union. feb 9rpn lm. SINKING SLOWLY. Diseases that progress rapidly to a crisis are not the only ones to be dread ed. Canker or dry rot does not blast a tree as suddeuly as a stroke of light ning, but unless arrosted, it destroys it as certainly; and in like manner chronic debility, although it does not kill with the swiftness of yellow fever, is as sure to sap the springs of life eventually as any acute disease, if not checked by in vigorating medication. There is some thing inexpressibly touching in tho spec tacle of premature decay. Languor, pallor, emaciation, depression of spirits, ‘ and a distaste for exertion, are its ordi nary symptoms, and they should be j promptly met by tonic treatment. The I best invigoraut and exhilerant that can i be administerod in a case of this kind is i Hcstetter’s Stomach Bitters. The stim ulating principle of tho preparation rouses the dormant energies of the system, and the strengthening and regulating proper ties give a permanent and healthful im pulse to the vital forces thus brought in to play. The failing appetite is re awakened, the process of digestion and assimilation arc quickened, the quality of the blood is improved, the secretions become more natural, and every organ that contributes to the nourishment of the body undergoes salutary change. By these means the repair of the physical structure is effected and its health and I vigor restored. Iu no class of diseases has the beneficent operation of the Bit ters been more marked and striking than in those characterized by general debil ity and nervous prostration. Ladies af fected with these ailments find in this most wholesome of all tonics and cor rectives tlie safest and surest means of relief. It is strong to restore and pow eiless to injure. Such is the uniform testimony of “clouds of witnesses.” feb, 1 lm. rpn. It took tin field. R E A D T E S T I M O NIALS. Premium at Augusta in 1370, for the lar st yield of Cotton on a ten acre P. O’DONNELL It gave a bale and a half p r acre from all I planted, and on some fields over two U.Ds to the a W.L .DAWSON. Summerville, S.' C. SPECIAL NOTICES. I prefer the W. A U. brand to ail others. Have used it for two years. R. P BYNUM. Sheriff Washington county. The W.& C. brand excelled E. Frank Coe. I shall use it hereafter. J. J. PUGIILEY, Washington county. I have used it for two years, side by side with Peruvian Guano, and if there fa is been an y difference gained in the result, I hive not been ablo to detect it. It is in high repute with our best farmers here. GEORGE W MOODY Brooks county Ga. I used several tons of your W. & C. The general result on my place was very satisfactory I would as soon risk it as any Guano on the market. * ^ WM. LUNDY, Bibb county, Ga. As a Fertilizer, I prefer it to all others. Applied to Cotton, it yields 100 per cent. J. L. ARH^TRONG. Pulaski county. E. W. CROCKER, Fort Valley. ANALYSIS BY DR. A. MEANS, Slate Inspector, al Savannah. AMMONIA 2-37 SOLUBLE PHOSPHORIC ACID . . * ‘ 7 .q« For Sale by Iverson L, Hunter, At Milledgeville, Ga. S>olom 0r r t!e * r3 atUl Communications b J Mail Promptly attended to. Cotton Planters V ill please notice that we are now offering the Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer At Reduced Prices, and will allow the privilege of paying for it in Cotton at 15 Ce its next ” «* *"**• “> *»<*■- lor full particulars apply to our Agents at iuterior town. WHELESS & CO, COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA GA., T rT General Agent?, Iverson L. Hunter, Agent, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. feb6-] m —r p YOL ARE TROUBLED with a bad breath U annoys yuur friends as well as well as your self. You would like to get rid of it, but scarcely know what means to ado'it. We will tell you, Use the fragrant Sozodont; it will cleanse and beautify your teeth and leave your breath pure. BURNETT’S Standard Flavoring Extracts Lemon, Vauiila, &e. Charge your servants' and dealers and observe that they do not sub- statute in their stead any ot the pernicious un palatable extracts with which the market is llooded. Burnett’s Standard Flavoring Ex tracts are established as the strongest, Durest and the best made. ** THE TERRIBLE DUEL Between Prussia and franco is over, but thousands of battles between Dr. IFal/eer's Vegetable Vinegar Bit ters and Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are now going on in every JState of the Unou.— 1 he issue of such contests is never for one moment iu doubt. The conflict may last longer in some cases than in others, but the leading Vegetable tonic and alterative of the nineteenth century, invariably triumphs. T? ?^ N £ R S °F Horsks and Cattle-— ietnas Derbj’ Condition Powders are war ranted superior to any others, or no pay for the cure of Distemper, Worms, Buts, Congh Hide-bound, Colds, &c, in horses, and Colds' Coughs, loss of milk, black-tongue, born dis’ Carbolic SALVE, recommended bv the leading 1 hysicians and the President of the }?r rk £ oar £ of as the most won derful Healing Compound ever known. Gives instant relief to burns, cures all kinds of sores ents and wounds; and a most invaluable salve i for all purposes Sold everywhere at 25 cents per box. John F. Henry, S„] e Proprietor, 8 College place New York. SVAPNiA is Opium purified of its sicken ing and poisonous properties discovered by Dr. B:ge!ow, Professor of Bot-mv tw i 3 ’" dyes, while the black or brown ha>r tiuts it I W • produces are identical to nature. Factory 63 Maiden Lane, New York. J PRAIT S ASTRAL OIL.—Safest and Best I PTO VP Illuminating Oil ever made. Does not take* fire, nor explode if the lamp is upset and broken. Over 150.000 families continue to use it, and no accidents of any description have occurred from it. Oil House of Charles Pratt established 1770, New York. w a N D o FERTILIZER! FOR Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Tobacco. IPJR-IOE • *50 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. IfoTflojjT 1\T£REST* f>e,,,T ’ W ,We N ”' Ut ’ ^ East end Basel St.; Mines on Ashley River WAND© Acid Phosphate of Lime! for COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. PRICE. tumf’ If? P cr 2000 lbs., at Factory. 1IML, $35 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov- 1st, 1872, Without Interest. ^ WM. C. DUKES & CO., general agents, No, 1 South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. T. T. WINDSOR. Agent at Milledgeville. Ga. A. HOPSON & CO., Getting Too Hot for Him.—The re cent developments of tbo State Road robberies and the arrest of sundry of the small Fry robbers eas bad a moving ef fect upon the little Perjurer, and ire Las we learn, very quietly aud secretly left Atlanta for parts unknown. He doubt less felt that be could not give bond, and bis guilt being certain, impelled him to shake Georgia dust from bis feet and seek retreat in a more congenial clime. —Savannah News. N. A. Hollingsworth Block, CAN SUPPLY MEGRATH, MACOiT, GrA. YOU ALL WITH coux, BACON, LAUD, FLOUR, MEAL, RICE, SUGAR, COFFEE, SVBUP, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, WHISKY, My Terms are Cash, or such Paper as can be used to raise Cash and I will Sell you as U tv as anybody. N. A. MEGRATH, Macon, Ga. r June 6,1871. 22. ly THE PUREST and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Hazard & Caswell’s made on the Seashore, from fresh, selected livers bv Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. It i s absos I lutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken preterit to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in the market. JOUVINS Indorous Kid Glove Cleaner re stores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale bv Druggists aud Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & Co., New York. JtRISLEY’S PHILOTOKEN is an establish-1 ed, warranted remedy for Painful Menstrua tion; and equally efficient as a Nervous Anti dote iu all cases of Nervous Excitement, Stom ach and Sleeplessness in male or female. Sold everywhere at $ I 00 a bottle. Morgan &, fiis- ley, Wholesale Druggists, New York, General Agents. LAIRDS’ BLOOM OF YOUTH —A most delightful tovet prepared for beautifying the skin, has been established over ten years’; du ring that lime over o e million ladies have used it; iu every instance it has given entire salisfaetiou ; it removes all imperfections, tans freckles and sunburns, giving the skin a youth ful appearance. Sold at all Druggists and Fan cy Goods Stores. Depot 5 Gold Street, New York. Mrs. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP. It relieves the little suffeier from pain, cures i Wind, Colic, Regulates the stomach and bow els, corrects acidity,and during the process of teething it is invaluable. Perfectly safe in all cases in all casjs, as millions of mothors can testify. Febl p 4 a lie received this day a choice variety of the Latest styles of LADIES’, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S SUITS. ALSO SWISS OVERSKIRTS, CORSET COVERS, •“ALSO— A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT DRESSING SKIRTS, PIQUE WRAPPERS, T A . , AssuKTMEllT ©F Black. mL Ga & Ca ’ 41 See#Bd St ” 20 Tfi 20 Triangular Re’c. 71 Feb. 14,18 tf. H. & J. WEED, ! IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Iron, Steel, Tin Plate and Hardware, Rub ber Belting and Carriage Material. rys SL US J^caL^filari SPt. tlftlH71 f SAVANNAH, oct. 10 1871. r 4 n6m. 1 6 A.