Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, March 05, 1872, Image 3

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(Llji'^iuif|mt|iprorkr. LO C T. rifwii iriii'TB^wWH^ff aawftesgHPeaa mrnmtmcmteK——■ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T o c s d a y, March §, 1 8 7 2. Private letters should not be directed to the (irm; or to the office; but to the person only foi whom intended. B usiuess letters should be directed to R. A Harrison & Co. ili John A.. Orinc, has charge of the Sub scription list, and to him all business letters appertaining to Subscriptions &c., must be directed. Heading matter as Advertismeuts, or epecia notices appealing in the first Local column will be charged for at the rate of fifty cents per line; in the second columu, txcnnjfice cents per line; in the third, ticenty cents, aud for the remain ing, the regular price, $1.00 per square. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE. Arrival and Departure of Trains at Mil ledgeville. MACON & AUGUSTA RAIL ROAD. Down Train to Augusta- Arrives at Milledgeville C.14 A. M. Up Train to Macon. Arrives at Milledgeville 5 35 P. M. MILLEDGEVILLE BRANCH C. R. R. Up Train to Eatonton. Arrives at Milledgeville 8.45 P. M. Down Train to Gordon. Arrives at MilleJgeville 2.35 P. M. post orricE MiLl4dgeville, Jan. 18,1872. Prom and after tkis date, Mails will close as follows : Mads for Atlanta and Augusta and all points beyond, going North nnd West, will close at 8 o'clock a. m. Mails for Macon and Southwestern Road and points beyond, going Southwest closes at 5 o'clock p- m. Mails for Savannah and Florida closes at 2; 15 p. m. Eatonton and Monticello mail closes at 8:45 p. m. Office hours from 7 a m. until 6:30 p. m. Office opens on Sundays from 8 until 9:30 ft ra . Money Orders ob.aiued Irom 7 a. m. un til 5 p. m. s AMU EL A. COOK. Grocery and Provision Market. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. Ikcon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Fine Teas, Sy- iup. Hams, Pickled Beef, Beef Tongues, Breakfast Bacou, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Crack ers (of all kinds ) Soaps, Starch, Soda, Can dles, lirooms, Buckets Baskets, Tubs. &c., Ac. Next door to the Hotel Give us a call, TERMS CASH. jau9»3m. Penitentiary convicts have been leased to Graut, Alexander & Co., for two years, at §50 per annum. They r,um-. her about 400. ;300 lbs choice butter at Sani’l A- Cook’s. (Jui esteemed townsman, Win. Dar nell. has been commissioned Principal Keeper ol the Penitentiary. Good ap pointment. Tea drinkers can secure a fine article of tea at Sam’l A Cook’s. The “American Farmer & Rural Re gister,” for March, is at hand. As usu al, we welcome this Periodical. This number fully sustains its well earned reputation. Hoes Axes Wheelbarrows &c. at Satn’l A. Cook’s. The following planters strongly re- CJinmeud the Collins Steel Plows to all Georgians, who wish to get the best ar ticle made. W. S. LAWTON, Savannah, J. C. CAltLINGTON, Calhoun, J. 13. CAMPBELL, Augusta, JOHN H. ARMSTRONG, Calhoun, L. R. ItAMSOMER, Fairmount, C. H. McLEOO, Savanuab. Fine grades of Flour at Sam’l A. Cook’s. Imperial Young Hyson Gunpowder Oolong and English Breakfast Teas at Sam’l A Cook’s. Gilt Edged Butter at Sam’l A. Cook’s. The State Road. The Atlanta cor respondent of the Savannah News of yesterday, says it is understood “that Capt. A. J. White, one of the State Road lessees, has sold his interest to B. H. Hill for §15,000. It is farther stated that the net earnings of the road for January were about §90,000 1” The Great Hair Producer.—Hair Oils, Pomatums aud Pomades have had their day. They belong to the musty past. Nobody that understands the chemistry of the hair and the pbilos- pby of its growth thinks of usiag them. Instead of clogging the pores of the scalp with thick onguents, and thus ob structing the insensible perspiration which is essential to the health of the fibers, we now toue the surface of the head with an invigorating application which penetrates to the roots of the hair and stimulates them in the same way that the fertilizing agents spread over the meadows stimulate the grass roots and cause the blades to spring up in myriads, coatiug the earth with verdure. The invigorant best adapted to this purpose is Lyon’s Katiiairon. It may well be called the fertilizer of the head. To the barren scalp it communicates vegetative power. If the Lair is dropping out or becoming dry and withered, it arrests the process of dilapidation or blight.— the hair thickens and becomes glossy and flexible under its genial operation, aud a *> a dressing it is uuapproached by any preparation that has yet been laid on tha toilet of Fashion. If you desiie rosy cheeks and a complexion fair and free from Pimples an J Blotches, purify your blood by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis covery. It has no equal for this pur pose. rplt. A Beautiful Woman.—The percep- ( tive faculty ot women is usually koeuer than the same phrenological organ in Presentments of the Grand Jury — men. Women know that beauty rather February Term, 1372. than genius is worshipped by the stern- j GEORGIA. Baldwin Coun er sex. A man may talk of the latter to his lady-love, but the keenucss of the woman knows that he is thinking of ‘.he former. \\ omen are fond of admira- tiou ; hence one of their longings is to be beautilul. The grand secret ot fe male beauty is health, the power to eat, digest and assimilate a proper quantity of wholesome food. Take Vinegar Bit ters. It will cleanse the stomach, toue SPECIAL NOTICES. GKOKGIl STATE L l.Y 4TIC A * T L U « YOU ARE TROUBLED with a bad breath. It annoys your friends as well as well as your self. You would like to gvt rid ;.f it, but scarcely know what means to ado ,t. We ., r. , . . . will tell you, Use the fragrant Sotodont; it \M/L the Grand Jurors sworn and selected ; will cleanse and beautify your teeth and leave v v forthe said 1 ebruary Tei in. have dili- 1 vour breath pure. T gently searched into the affairs of the countv, and as the result cf our investigations make the following presentments : We find the public buildings in good condi tion except, that the Jail needs a new covering aud h gutter on the west side. Some bed clothing should be bought for the use of the Jail. We find the roads have all been worked during the last two weeks. Some are ; a good the Vital organs, give a perfect digestion, j order, but some of them we are sorty to say purify the blood, clear up the complex- are sii S t ‘ ti y worked, aud wc recommend the ion and produce a state of mental and I Commissioners to examine and have those u • , . . . 7. . . ; slighted put into good condition as soon as physical electricity, which gives sym- possible. rnetry of form, bright eyes, white skiu, j After due examination we find the records lossy hair and a genuine type of fe- j ^ Ordianry, Treasurer and Clerk’s offices genuine vr _ __ __ male loveliness, which uo cosmetic can produce. f e b 1 rpu lm. The Swedes in Jefferson county are not doing very well. In fact they are doing badly, as they have BullQcked. Old Predjudices are Dying Out.—New facts are killing them. The idea that invalids weakened by disease can be relieved by prostrating them with des tructive drugs, is no longer entertained except by monomaniacs. Ever since the introduction of Dr Walket’s Vine gar Bitters it has been obvious that their regulating and invigorating properties are all sufficient for the cure of chronic indigestion, rheumatism, constipation, diarrhoea, nervous affection, aud mala rious levers, and they are now the stand ard remedy lor these complaints in eve ry section of the Union. feb 9rpu lm. What Dvspepsia may End In.—In digestion is not dangerous, say the fac ulty. Perhaps not in itself, while it re mains mere indigestiou ; but look at the Consequences to which it may lead, and often does lead when it becomes a chron ic disease. A spark of fire is a small thing. A pressure of the foot will put j it out; a breath will extinguish it. Yet it may fire a powder mill, or kindle, a I Hama that will consume a city. In like ! manner indigestion may produce gas- ! tritis cancer of the stomach, congestion I of the bowels, apoplexy, liver disease, j and many other dangerous maladies. Is it not wise, then, to check it in the gertn 1 Nothing is mote clearly and indisputa bly established than that Hostetlers’ Stomach Bitters will eradicate dyspep sia in all its stages. The true policy, however, is to extinguish it in the first stages with this wholesome, powerful, and infalliable tonic aud alterative. It is easier to quench a spark than a (lame, and it is easier to cure dyspepsia when it is first developed, than when it has made headway by neglect, and bpcome complicated with other ailments. There is not the shadow of a doubt that the bitters are as directly antagonistic to dyspepsia as water is to fire. There are thousands of cases on record proving this fact. The remedy is safe and agreeable. All the liquors of commerce prescribed as stimulants leave a sting behind. But the sting is taken out of the spirituous basis of this great remedy by vegetable medication, aud, moreover, the stimu lant thus medicated is of exceptional purity. Of all tonics taken as safeguards or remedies for fever and ague, bilious remittents, and other epidemics, it is the only one that can uniformly be depend ed on. march 1 rpn lm. Heavy on Grant.—General Thomas A. Davies, of New York, announces himself a candidate for President, and thinks he can be elected on the follow ing platform : “I will not accept any gift or present duting my continuance in of fice. I will not accept any gift, or pres ent, or money, or benefit of any kind, directly or indirectly, or knowingly al low others to do so, for or by reason ol any influence or vote of mine, or others so influenced, for or against any law, or for or against any measure upon which l shall be entitled to vote or cau influ ence, nor will I ever take money or ben efit, directly or indirectly, by reason of any public official act I may do, excep' such as the law then provides I may then receive when in office.” A Nice Crew.—The Governor of Tex as is threatened with impeachment. The Governor of Louisiana has been brought before a Congressional investi gating committee. ’The Governor of Alabama was driven out of his office al ter his term expired. The Governors of Nebraska and North Carolina have been impeached, aud that of Georgia fled the State. Governor Scott, of South Carolina, is threatened with impeachment. Such arc the fruits of the great party of “moral ideas.” Lexington Dispatch. Immigration to Georgia.—Mr. B. H. True, of Morgan, was in our office yesterday, and stated in conversation that about fifty Northern families had been introduced into that county since the war, bringing with them between three and four hundred thousand dollars in capital, and adding largely to the im provements in the county. They were generally well pleased with the situation, and permanently improving their lands and habitations. They were introduc ing white labor very extensively, and of late Lad obtained a number of Eng lish farm laborers, who gave great sat isfaction,—Macon Telegraph. kept in a neat, legible and correct manner. The follow in- officers also presented their dockets for inspection and we found them kept in good Oi der. viz : Peter Fair, N. P, Clayton Vaughn, J. P„ David Bundrage, J. P., Thos. Finney, J. P.,\V. J. Ray, J. P , Sam’i Hughes, N. P. Our Finance Committee report after exam- iniig the Treasurer's books that he has re ceived iu ca«li from all sources § IN, 187 4J Paid out as per voucher* 17,322 40 Commissions tor receiving and disbursing 1.060 28 18,382 68 Deducting ara’t collected 18,187 41 Balance due Treasurer 1 95 27 i We recommend the passage of a bill reduc i ing the Treasurer’s commissions of this coun ty 50 per cent. We recommend the Bridge across Oconee j river and its appurtenance- be leased for one year, or more, at public outcry, for a sum not less than one thousand dollars per annum, ob ligating the lessee to discriminate as hereto fore with the citizen* of this county by con tracting for the year, at reduced rate*, includ ing marketing, milling, also favoring physi cians practicing their professions and persons attending chu ch Sundays. Thelessee to give bond and security for the punctual payment of the rent and to keep the same in good order except tlie common wear and pi evidential casualties, and the payment to b« made quar terly. We recommend that one doll ir per day be pad each Juror for his services attending Court; and two dollars per day to the School Commissioners as specified in the Schanl Bill. We have eh'Cted J N Moore, J M D Webb, J W Vinson, for two years, and Rev C W Lane and John Ilammonu for four years as School Commissioners. In reference to the County Court, although his Honor the Judge in his charge spoke of it approvingly, and in our room it had zealous advocates, still a majority of the Jury doubting its usefulness declined its adoption, and en dorsed the recommendation of our la«t Grand Jury that laws be passed reinstating the old system of Inferior Court. We*vecominend that our Ordinary request of Gov. Smith the use of the Supreme Court room and adjoining offices in the basement of the old capitol for county purposes. Our attention having been called to the County Hospital known as the Grady Place, by the Ordinary and County Physician, had tlie same examined by a special committee, who report it to he in a very diltif idated con dition, the almost ready to fall down, and tota ly uusuited for hospital uses. We recommend the sale of said property at public outciy at not less than one thousand dollars in thirty days notice. The proceeds to be used in the erection of a suitable house, not to exceed in cost the sale of the land, on a site propsed to be donated by the City Coun cil fertile purpose. We respectfully teuder to his Honor Judge P. B, Robinson and the Solicitor General, Fleming Jordan, our thanks for their kindne ss and court,asy extended to our body. We request that these presentments be pub lished in the Milledgeville papers. 1 Samuel B Brown, F’oremau. 2 J John Stembridge, 13 David R Hill, Lovic II Thomas, 14 Peter Echols, 4 Elam H Walls, 15 John D Minor, 5 Eliphelat Chandler. 16 James Supple, 6 David Bateman, 17 Wm II H Barnes, 7 William S Elam, 18 James Ivey, 8 Janies Dunn. 19 Isaac N McCrary, 9 Corn’ls Y’oungblood, 20 r Ihos B Moore, 10 Dionysius M Smith, 21 Clayton Vaughn, 11 Samuel h Whitaker, 22 Thomas M Green, 12 Robert R Brown. BALDWIN SUPERIOR COURT, ? F’ebruary Term, 1872. 3 Ordered, That the. foregoing General Pre sentments of the Grand Jury bo entered on the Minute* of this Court, and't.hat the copies be furnished the newspapers published in the city of Milledgeville for publicatufli. By the Court: A true extract from the Minutes. P. L.FAIR, Clerk. March 2, 1872. our Great li p BURNETT’S Standard Flavoring Extracts. Lemon, Vanilla. &c. Charge your servants and dealers and observe that they do not sub- I the propos stitute iu their stead any o' the pernicious uu- articles furnished palatable extracts with which th- market is flooded. Burnett’s Standard Flavoring Ex tracts are established as tlie strongest, purest and the best made. THE TERRIBLE DUEL Between Prussia and F'ranco is over, but thousands of battles between Ur. tValker's Geyttable I’inegar Bit ters and Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are now going on in every State of the Unou.— The issue of such contests is never for one moment in doubt. The conflict may last longer in some cases than in others, but the leading Vegetable tonic and alterative of the nineteencentury, invaiiably triumphs. TO OWNERS OF' Houses and Cattle— Tobias’ Derby Condition Powders are war ranted superior to any others, or no pay, for the cure of Distemper, Worms, Buts, Couoffi, Hide-bound, Colds, &c, iu horses, and Colds, Coughs, loss of milk, blaek-tongue, horn dis temper, &e, in Cattle. Price 25 cents, depot 10 Park Place, New Y’ork. CaRBOLIC SALVE, recommended by tlie leadii.g Physicians and the President of the New York Board of Health, as the most won derful Healing Compound ever known. Gives instant relief to barns, cures all kinds of sores, cuts and wounds; and a most invaluable salve for all purposes. Sold everywhere at 25 cents per box. John F. Henry, Sole Proprietor, 8 College place New York. SVAPNxA is Opium purified of its sicken ing and poisonous properties discovered by Dr. Bigelow, Profess r of Botany, Detroit Medical College. A most perfect anod vne and sooihing opiate. John Parr, Chemist, New Y’ork. • CHRISTADORO’S HAIR DYE is the safest and best. It corrects the bad effects of infeiior dyes, while the black or brown hair tints it produces are identical to nature. F’actory 68 Maiden Lane, New York. PRATT’S ASTRA L OIL.—Safest and Best Illuminating Oil ever made. Does not take j fire, nor explode if the lamp is upset and j brokt n. Over 150 00** families continue to use it, and no accidents of any description have occurred front it. Oil House of Charles j Pratt established 1770, New Y'ork. THE PUREST and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil ! in the world is Hazard & Caswell’s made on j the Seashore, from fresh, selected livers, by j Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. It is abso lutely' pure and sweet. Patients who have j once taken preterit to all others. Physicians j have decided it superior to any of the oilier i oils in the market. JOUVINS Iudorous Kid Glove Cleaner re- I stores soiled gloves equal to new. F’or sale by ; Druggists and F’aucy Goods Dealers. Price 25 j cents per bottle. F\ C. Wells & C >., New York. ! RISLEY’S PHILOTOKEN isaa establish- j’phlets to ed, warrautod remedy for Painful Menstrua tion; and equally efficient as a Nervous Anti dote in all cases of Nervous Excitement, Stom ach and Sleeplessness in male or female. Sold everywhere at $1 00 a bottle. M irgan A- Kis- ley, Wholesale Druggists, New York, Gene nil Agents. LAIRDS’BLOOM OF YOUTH—A most delightful toiiet prepared for beautifying tlie skin, has been established over ten years ; du ring that time ov-r o e million ladies have used it; in every instance i has given entire satisfaction ; it removes all imperfections, tans, freckles and sunburns, giving the skin a youth ful appearance. Sold at all Druggists and F'an- cy Goods Stores. Depot 5 Gold Street, New Y'ork. Mrs. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP. It relieves the lilt'e sufferer from pain, cures Wind, Colic, Regulates the stomach and bow els, corrects acidity, and during the process of teething it is invaluable. Perfectly safe in all cases iu all cases, as millions of mothers cau testify. F’eb 1 p & n lm Office Treasurer and steward. Near, it II: February. 1-72. f HE undersigned wiii ri ceive under author ity of the Board of Trustees, op to the 12th i f MARCH 12 o’clock M., Scaled Proposals for furnishing the articles specified below. Parties off -ring Ot is will be at liberty to bid for any cue or mure of the articles in tiie li.-t ; al being required to furnish with their bid* samples of d to be supplied, and any n >t coming up fully to such samples may lie rejected aud returned at the expense of tiic bidder. Aii articles must be | strictly sound ml of ^ood inert hautab e qual- t ity. The ntea' must he delivered iu such i amounts as required weekly. 1 One-third ot the articles must b.- delivered at I Milledgeville, freight pre paid, f<y the l.-t of i April, 1872. and cash mill be pm t the sa:nc. j One-third must be delivered at Milledgeville I freight pre-paid by the 1st of May. 1872, and I cash tcill t>c paid fur the same. | And one-third must be delivered at Milledge- j vilie. freight pre-paid, by the 1st of June, 1872, | to be paid for on 1st of July, 183 ! LIST OF ARTICLES. | 300 Bushels White Corn. 430 •* Oats 28,000 lbs Timothy Hay. 12.000 “ Clear Kib .Side Bacon. 3,500 “ Sugv-cured Hams. 1,500 “ Leaf Lard. 42 000 “ White Corn .VIe tl (water ground) J 5,500 ‘* Good F’amily Flour. 3 500 “ Brown Sugar. 1 000 Crushed Sugar. 2 500 “ Choice Rio Coffee. 250 “ Choice Java Coffee. 540 “ Tobacco. 240 gals. Molasses- 50 “ Apple Vinegar. 1,200 lbs Turpentine Soap. 800 “ Adamantine Candies. 1,200 “ Goshen Butter. 25 '• Gveeu Tea. 3,000 “ Rice. 10 Sacks Salt 2,0(10 yards Osnaburgs. 1,000 “ Columbus Eagle & Phoenix 1.HI0 ‘‘ 3 4 Brown Shirting. [Stripes. 100 Pairs Men Waxed Brogan Shoes- 100 “ Women slippers, low heels. The bidder must specify the prices at which each item or kind of goods is proposed to be fuuished by the pound, bushel, gallon or yard, as the case may be. The right being reserved to award the contract lor supplying the above named articles to any one or more of the bid ders, or reject any bid offered. Bids should be marked “ To furnish supplies,’’ and addressed to the undersigned. M. R. BELL, ~ 2t. Treasurer cV Steward S. L. A GUANO 1 P URE PERUVIAN. OF DIRECT IMPOR TATION, at GOVERNMENT PRICES. 2.24!) POUNDS to the Ton. Send for pam- R.G. LAY, Agent for Consignees in U. S. feb‘23 2m r Savannah, Ga. A F'rh supply just received, and for sale by HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR. feb6-4t ___ We know that for cleaning paint, windows china and glassware ; for polishing knives, tin. iron brass and copper wares, and for re moving stains from marble and porcela’n and rust from machinery, Enoch Morgan's Sons Sapoliois the best thing in use. rpnr4w NEIV ADVERTISmiENTS. The King of Sweden is said to be an excellent locksmith, arid to devote much time to the improvement of the branch of mechanics. The King of Portugal excels as a turner of wood and ivory.— The members of the royal house of Ho henzollen—possibly with a view to some future contingency — have all been trained up to some useful art. The AGENTS WANTED F'OR THE LIFE OF OEN.R.E.LEE The (Jmy Authni ized and Official Bio graphy of tiie GREAT CHIEFTAIN. C 1 i TTrrrrkTVT Old and Inferior ) cm VJ JL ivrl™ Lives of General Lee are being ciiculated. See that the bo>ik you buy is accompanied by#upei b lithographic portrait of Gen. Lee, on a sheet 19 by 24 inches, suitable for framing. Send for Circulars and see our terms,and a’ full description of the work. Address, National ’ Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Atlanta, Ga. or St. Louis, Mo. rpn maro 4w .Laurens Sheriff' Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court-Louse door in the town of Dublin, on the F'irst Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale, one tract of land on the east side of the Oconee River, containing one hundred and three (163) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Geo Kuo, and others, at Holmes’ Cross Roads, known as the land on which Lewis C. Beacham now lives. Levied on as the property ol Lewis Beachaw to satis y one fi fa. from Laurens Superior Court; Elisha Wilkes, administrator, and Julia A. Gay, ad ministratrix, vs. Lewis Beacham. Property pointed out by John Rivers, plaintiff’s attor ney. Dublin, Ga. March 1, 1871. GEORGE CURRELL, mar5-tds Printer’s fee $2 50 Sheriff. M ' ONTGOMERY ISHERIFF’S SALE.— Will be sold before th« Court house door in Mt. Vernon within the legal hours of sale, ou tha first Tuesday in May next, lot of land No. (260) two hundred and sixty, in the 10th district of said county, sold as the prop erty of James Yeomans to satisfy two Justice’s Court fi fa's issued from the 393d District. G. M., in said county, in favor of C, H. Hughs vs. said James Yeomans. Property pointed out by defendant. Terms cash. Levy made aud returned to me by a constable. MARTIN COUEY, Sheriff, M. C. mar5-tds. SARDY’S Ammoniated Soluble Pacific GUANO. CASH PRICE AT FACTORY, §45 PER TON. TIME, $50. P H p S P H O-P E It U V I A N GUANO. CASH, $50.3TIME, $ 55> ACID BONE PHOSPHATE. CASH, §25. TIME, §30. GROUND CAROLINA PHOSPHATE. CASH, §15. TIME, §20. NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER. CASH, 13. C ’q EORG1A Laurens County— If Court of Ordinary. William Dixon having filed his application for letters of Guardianship of Waver J. Nancy and Gray, orphans of Jacob Gray, late present Crown Prince is said to be an i deceased. ,, „ . * t , , i. j ji-;/ i Ihese arc to cite and admonish all the next expert bookbtpder. and his wife an ac- j 0 £ an Q person concerned to be and appear complished miniature painter. I he ; ;i t the regular terra of this Court in April next Queen of Hollaud is a poetess, but poe- j to show cause if any they can why said letters trv is an inspiration and notan art.— j shall not be granted. . - _ - . ‘ \r-„. • Given under my band and official signature, Louis Napoleon and Queen Victoria | this February 1873- have both essayed to write books. I he j. b. WOLF’E, Ordinary, wife of the Prince of \Vale6 is a superb j F’eb. 27, '72. 5t.^ musician, and has but few equals among amateurs as a pianist. The Czarina of Russia paints miniatures well. The Queen of Belgium is a horse trainer aud a fearless rider, while the Queen of Denmark is a great housekeeper aud one of (he best cooks in her dominion. It is also said that some of the junior male members of the royal family of England are proficient as practical com posers, while the Prince Imperial of France is a printer. 4 Z. ’ EORG1A Laurens County. Court of Ordinary. Hardy Gray having filed his application for letlers of administration on the estate of Jacob Gray, late of said count}' deceased— These are to cite and admonish, all aud sin gular, the next of kin aud creditors, of said deceased, to be and appear at the regular term of this court in April next, to show cause, if any they can, why said application shall not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this February 20th, 1872. J. B WOLFE, Ordinary. Feb. 27, ’72. bt- -:o:- T FIE above-named Ammoniated Soluble Pacific and Phospho-Peruvian Guanos are rich compounds of the highest grades of Bone Phosphates, rendered soluble and ammoniated with No. 1 Peruvian Guano and animal matter, making the most concentrated and profitable Fertilizers in use, combining the ingredients required to produce and support the Cotton plant and Cereals. While these Fertilizers are warranted to be kept up to their high standard t,he prices have been materially reduced for the present season. Manufactured and for sale at Charleston, 8. C., by £>. Sardy & Son. Messrs. G. A. TRENHOLM & SUN. General Agents. J VERSON L. HUNTER, Agent at Milledgeville. For analyses and certificates send for pamphlet. feb 27 2m. W. A. HOPSON & CO.,. Have received this day a choice variety of the Latest styles of LADIES’, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN S SUITS. ALSO SWISS OVERSKIRTS, DRESSING SKIRTS, CORSET COVERS, PIQUE WRAPPERS, ALSO A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Ladies’ Undergarments. . W- A- HOPSON & C0-, 41 Second St., 20 Triangular Block. Macon, Ga. Rn’c, 71 Feb. 14,18 tf. H. & J. WEED, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Iron, Steel, Tin Plate and Hardware, Rub ber Belting and Carriage Material- IJ3 SL oct. Iff 1871, r ft nfim. Mj-auxtfitan. ~ft. SAVANNAH, Money in botii Pockets. WATTSON & CLARK’S High Grade Superphosphate, Is sold at popular prices. $4-5 00 Cush, at SAVANNAH. S5-5 00 Payable November 1st. Ami 15 Cetiis per pound f«»r Cotton guaranteed. It is the Dryest. Purest, most Reliable. Cheapest, and Best Fertilizer now off, red on tha Southern Market for Cotton, Corn. Wheat, and all Veg.fable proiucts. READ TESTIMONIALS. It took the Premium at Augusta iu 1-70, fo- the largest yield of Cotton on a ten acre field. P. O'DONNELL It gave a bale and a half je. - acre from all 1 plante 1, au 1 on some fields over two bales to the acr9. W.L DAWSON, Summerville, S. C. I prefer the W. & C. brand to all others. Ha\ e U9ed it for two years. * R P. BYNUM, Sheriff Washington county. The W. & C. brand excelled E Frank Coe. I shall use it hereafter. J. J. PUGHLEY, Washington county. I have used it for two years, side by side with Peruvian Guano, and if there h-ts been any difference gained in the result, I have not been abie to detect it. It is in high repute with our best farmers here. GEORGE W. MOODY, Brooks county, Ga. I use! several tons of y >ur W. & C. The genera! result on my place was very satisfactory I would as soon risk it as any Guano on the market. WM. LUNDY, Bibb county, Ga. As a Fertilizer, I prefer it to all others. Applied to Cotton, it yields 100 per cent. J. L. ARMSTRONG. Pulaski county. E. W. CROCKER, F’ort Valley. ANAI^^fsIS BY DR. A. MEANS, Siate Inspector, at Savannah. AMMONIA • . . . 2:37 SOLUBLE PHOSPHORIC ACID . . . 7:33 For Sale by Iverson L, Hunter, At Milledgeville, Ga. iff 3 All Orders and Communications by Mail Promptly attended to. feb’.O—2m r W A N D o FERTILIZER! FOR Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Tobacco. '. PRICE: CASH, $50 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TJAIE, $55 per ‘2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Npy. 1st, 1872 WITHOUT INTEREST- Factory East end Hasel Si.; Mines on Ashley River ff AJfDO Acid Phosphate of Lime! FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. PJRICE. CASH, $40 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $45 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov- 1st, 1872, Without Interest. WM. C. DUKES & CO., GENERAL AGENTS, No. 1 South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C- T. T. WINDSOR. JanlO* rp&n 3m Agent at Milledgeville. Ga. Cotton Planters Will please notice that we are now offering the Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer At Reduced Prices, and will allow the privilege of paying for it in Cotton at 15 Cents next FaU. The “ EXCELLENZA ” is one of the best Superphosphates sold in the South, and estab- ished a high leputation wherever used the past season For full particulars apply to our Agents at interior town. WHELESS & CO:, COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA. GA , General Agents. Iverson L. Hunter, Agent, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. febC-1 m —r p ga- JN. A. MEGRATH, Hollingsworth Block, MJ^CON, CAN SUPPLY YOU ALL WITH CORN. BACON, LARD, FLOUR, MEAL, RICE, SUGAR. COFFEE, SITRUP, MOLASSES. TOBACCO, WHISKY, My Terms are Cash, or such Paper as can be used to raise Cash and J will Sell you as l( w as anybody. N. A. MEGRATJL, Macon, Ga. r June 6,1871. . * R ly