Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, April 02, 1872, Image 3

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(I ‘|ji\§Hitttj)frn Attorney Genkhal.—Gov. Smith hat appointed Col. Nat. Hammond. Attor ney General, vice Farrow, rccigned.— Death of Mrs. Kenan. Oil Friday evening- ‘29 li nit, died, Mrs It. Kksam widow ol the late Capt T i: XiOO AL id ay. A p ril ?, Latvia II Kenan, of this city. For long, wt a It is belicveu that this appointment niil ,. y liu , u ,h*, the sad sympathies of »hc people 18 7 2. ,!<• letters should not be directed to the ", ,1k* office; but to the person only for givegcneral satisfaction. stTstephens of tiie con hi intend p.isiness letters should be directed to R. A nil & Co. H* rr , >hll A Orine, lias charge of the Sub- ' on list, and to him all business letters ' ’V-dn’iiV to Subscriptions &c., must be erected K ■ tatter as Advertisineuta, or specia • m the first Local column will •rS _ _ pd for at tho rate ot fifty cents per line; -ond column, liccnlyfioe rents per line-, t'lord. twenty rents, and for the remain- q,',“regular price. $1.00 per square. have clustered about the afflicted lady with uo common tenderness. Pressed dov. n by mortal sickness and the severest of social sorrows, . . _ her conscious hours have been hours of bitter- At a meeting of the congregration of ness, to human seeming ‘Why hast Thou St. Stephens Church held on Easier me ? ’ Not all forsake,, 1 Pang and ^ ^ grief did wing her inn.d and boiv, but calm, • iuonday, Col John Tlioiuas and Dr cele.stal peace tetri td on her puie spirit—tie, James W. Hetty, were elected Senior ’ »‘ eftCfc of "7'"" * ,iver ;, d . eep ? r ?" d j j 1 str ng-r day by day. I have nothing to fear — I know whom I am trusting,’’ were her dy- ; iug words ; and with unshaken trust sn« pas-ed • from the world of pain .aud death. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- Tax Notice. i and Junior Wardens and Fleming G Grieve, John M. Clark, Bernard IJ Horty, Parish C. Furman, Thomas M Kenan, and John W. Wilcox , Vestry men. The SPECIAL NOTICES. WILL commence receiving the Tax Re- turns of Baldwin C..uutv. for the year 1872, at the Post Office in Milledgeville. on Monday April 1st. 1872. where I will be in , attendance every day, except when attending to the county Districts until Juue :50tb, 1872, j at which time the Books wiil be closed. The following appointments are an non net fl for :hr County Districts. 321 District—Monday April eth; Tuesday April 16th; Wednesday May 1st. 322 District—Tuesday April 9tlu Wednesday i April 17th; Thursday May 2ud. 319 District—Wednesday April 10 li; Thurs- , SOLUBLE PACIFIC GU A WO. j. W O N, "Vestry elected, Fleming G. gATL KOAD TIME TABLE. , ra l an ,l Departure of Trains at Mil ledseville. MiC0 N & AUGUSTA KAIL LOAD. Down Train to Augusta- -es at Milledgeville, 8.14 A. M. Up Train to Macon. . ftt Milledgeville 5 35 P. M. ‘mU.LKDGEVILLE BBANCII C. R. R. Up Train to Eatonton. vfS at Milledgeville 8.45 P. M. Down Train to Gordon. . iv „ at Milledgeville ‘2.35 P. M. — * I day April 18th: Friday May 3rd. PREMATURE LOSS OF THE HAIR, may j 3jg District—Thursday April 11th; Friday be entirely prevente-l by the use of Burnett’s j April 19th; Monday May 6th. Grieve. John S. Thomas and James W. Focoaine. '■»-■ * - 1 lierfy, as delegates, and John M. Clark. Farish C. Furman, and Thomas H. I Iur " ,e u “ l - | Kenan, as alternates, to represent the CAST flit J1 OL T. If there are auy dis- j • 1 ! ca^es which deserve the name demoniac, Dy«- ‘ lii-3 next Cnlive 11- pepgiais one of them. It racks and tears the \ O. M A T HEWS ^Lgent for tlie Company. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. It has never failed to arrest decay, and to promote a healthy and vigorous growth. It is at the same time unrivalled as a dressing i for the hair. ^represent the Church and parish in tion of the Diocese to assemble at lumbus Ga , Stb May next. 115 D strict—Friday April l‘2th; Monday April 22nd; Tuesday May 7th. 105 District—Monday April 15th; Tuesday April 23rd; Wednesday May 8th. JOSIAS MARSHALL, li T. R. I’ R l C K REDUCED! $48 Per Ten ‘'ash:. $55 Without Interest on time, No Charge for Dravage. Co POST OFFICE- Millkugeyille, Jan. 18, 1872. ,,,J a fier this date, Mails will close as The Hunt Prolific Cotton Seed. This is the ‘ Old Hunt Variety,” hut highly improved by four years can ful j selection of seed —with the object of in*- . creasing both the quantity of seed cotton and of lint. This result has now been ' certainly reached—and in offering' this | -ystem like a veritable fiend, and renders life a burden. The medicines of the dispensary will not expel it. Cast it out with l)r. Ilalkcr’s Vegetable Vinegar Bitters. There is no form of indigestion or liver complaint that can with stand this potent tonic and alterative. NO LADIES TOILET COMPLETE Unless there be the fragrant Sozodont—unto the breath sweet odors it imparts, the gums a ruby redness soon assumes, the teeth quick rival alabaster tint, and seem as pearls set in a vase. MONTGOMERY SHERIFF'S SALE. $50,000 WILL BE PAID for any Remedy which will cure Chronic Rheumatism Pains •„ for Atlauta and Augusta and all points ' • - ling North mid West, will close at 8 in the limbs, Back and Chest, Sore Throat, „r . ,, ... T , Insect Stings, Croup, Dyseuteiy, Colie, 5 lj public, I atn 8ar6 Sprains and Vomiting, quicker than Dr. To- J they will find them to yield fully 10 per j bias’ Venetian Liniment, established iu 18-17. * I Never f*<uls. j ' ceut, more than ordinary seed. It is a. in Macon and Southwestern Road and Southwest closes at 5 Mails for ;,, !s beyond, going •'nek p-111. fur Savannah Mai s ->• in and Florida closes at tun ton and Monticello mail closes at 8:45 « in hours from 7 a m. until 6:30 p. m. opens on Sundays from S until 9:30 1 Money Orders obtained from? a in. un- Depot long limbed prolific cotton, which stickc Sold b the Druggists. 10 Park Place, New York. CaRBOLIC SALVE, recommended by the well in the boils, yet picks easily, yield- i lca< Iing Physicians and the President ut th c , . , , , J ! New York Boar A M U EL A - COOK. Provision Market. (ir eery ant. t/1LLEDGEVILLE, GA. p • n Flour. Sugar, Coffee, Fine Teas, Sy- ij am , Pickled Beef, Beef Tongues, i V f , 1 U ic-.m. Lard, Butter, Cheese, Craek- a 7, kinds ) Soaps, Starch. Soda, Can- , j |{,„ im)s , Rackets Baskets. Tubs. <Skc., . i" duor to the Hotel Give us a call, TER M S CASH. n ,P»3m. f uNVEcncuT Election.—The entire Republican State ticket is elected. t a fine short staple cf lint Price—S4 00 pc r Bushel. — Money should be sent in Registered letters, or Post Office orders, or by Express, to II. A. Hunt, Sparta, Ga, who will send | seed as directod. H. A. HUNT. P- S. Best time for planting is from 1st to 20th May. March 30—r. p. n. 4t. d of Health, as .'he most won derful Healing Compound ever known. Gives ] instant relief to burns, cures all kinds of sores, j cuts and wounds; and a most invaluable salve i for all purposes. Sold everywhere at. 25 cents [ per box. John F. Henry, Sole Proprietor, 8 J College place New York. 8VAPN1A is Opium purified of its sicken ing and poisonous [ v .perries discovered by Dr. Bigeiow, Profess r of Botany, Detroit Medical College A most perfect ano lyne and sooihing opiate. John Farr, Chemist, New York. Tiie Atlanta Constitutionalist luxuri ate in redundant proof of Clews’ ras- ei litv. A5/ mortals nisi bunum. If you Lave no mercy, Brother, at least draw tack Irom the stench ol the carcass. Oar City Fathers can strengthen their already strong claim upon the gratitude [the commune, by abolishing the union leagues of cats and canines, that make aisrbt hideous, when better people wish repose in the “arms of Murphy.” The Lecture at Templars' Hall.—Col. If. G McAdoo will address the citizens gthe State House, on Thursday night. A i are invited. Come and enjoy. GOOD TEMPLAR. The Atlanta headless rooster has singed ins way to New Orleans. He has idvauced in value to $900, the most costly chicken iu America. Our esteemed and amiable neighbor of the Union, thinks that fowl will sure- v die, ou the hypothesis that Atlauta is tiie only spot, oa the ‘.ootstool/’. where J brainless biped can live and crow. A Melancholy Break-Down.—1 L ‘re are lively break downs that make an au dience laugh, and there are sa 1 and sor rowful break-downs that make an audi ence laugh, and there are sad and sor rowful break-downs that make the kind- hearted grieve. To the latter class be longs the enervation of body and mind which is usually called “general debili- ity.” or “nervous weakness,” and which, when neglected, too often terminates in atrophy and death. A wholesome rned- | icated stimulant is the one thing needed ! iu cases of this description, and science I and experience unite in pointing to Plan tation Bittkrs as the true specific.— ! The fact that it.combines the properties l of an invigorant with those of a regula- j tor and alterative, in exactly the pro portions necessary to produce a radical change in the tone of the system, and the action of the digestive and secretive organs, is an unanswerable argument in its favor as a general restorative, “ti. HI. D.” Don’t stand aghast with awe and fear, eyes wide open hair on end and fingers tightly clinched with the idea that these mysterious symbols are cabalistic signs and represent some secret organization of masked demons, who carry terror and | dismay with their midnight prowliugs and disperse on the dawn of morning — No ! they are only the initials of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, that j New York, pleasant medicine which has acquired a Natioual reputatiou and proven so ef ficacious in Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption and kiudred diseases. For these complaints it has no equal. Said by all Druggists. rp It. CHRISTADOKO’S HAIR DYE is the safest and best. It corrects the bad effects of inferior dyes, while the black or brown hair tints it produces are identical to nature. Factory 68 Maiden Lane, New York. PRATT’S A8TRALOIL.—Safest and Best Illuminating Oil ever made. Does not take fire, nor explode if the lamp is upset and broken. Ov r 150,000 families continue to use it, and no accidents of any description have occurred from it. Oil House of Charles Pratt established I77C, New York THE PUREST and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Hazard & Casweli’s made on the Seashore, from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New Yoik. It is abso lutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken preterit to all others Physicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in the market. JOUVTNS Indorous Kid Glove Cleaner re stores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goofs D< a'ers. Price 25 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & C >., New York. RISLEY’S PHILOTOKEN isa:i establish ed, warranted remedy for Painful Menstrua tion; and equally efficient as a Nervous Anti dote iu all cases of Nervous Excitement, Stom ach and Sleeplessness in male 0: female. Sold everywhere at $! 00 a bottle. Morgan & Ris- ley, Wholesale Druggists, New York, General Agents. A YOUTHFUL APPEARANCE and a Beautiful, Clear Complexion is the deiire.of everybody. The effect is piodrcel by using G. W- Laird’s “Bloom ->F Youth,” a harmless beautifier of the skin. Will remove ail Dis coloration, Tan. freckles and Sunburns. The use of tins delightful toilet pri p .ration cannot be detected. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Stores. Depot 5 Gold Street, Mrs. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP. It relieves the little suffeier from pain, cures Wind, Colic, Regulates the stomach and bow els, corrects acidity, ml during the process of teething it is invaluable. Perfectly safe in ail rases in all cases, as millions ef mothors can testify. marcb7 p t n 1m Mrs. Iloldridge, we notice, has return ed to the city, and we judge from a has- 1; survey, that she will be able to please the most fastidious taste either in the Allincry or D> ess-making Department, la a few days the Ladiea will have a hir opportunity to judge for themselves, »-;en Mrs. H. is prepared for her “open- A.” ot which they will be duly notified. Luxury Killkd Him.—An ancient Ethiop, known a9 Uncle Dick, lately hving in the valley between the State House and Cemetery, was found quite sick, lying on the floor of his hovel, (his asual bed) last Friday, in most abject squalor. A temporary stead was con trived for him, fitted with a bed and some of the “first principles” of comfort, and the patriarch exalted thereunto. The ‘ change of life” was too great for him, ami he migrated to the city ul ilie dend R‘quitscat in sub sodo. Starved to Death !—Our people were greatly shocked, on Tuesday last, to learn that a white woman had been found dead, in the city, with every iudi- cation, that want caused her death. The Coroner’s jury confirmed the rumor Mrs. Liu Robinson, whose name and ex igence was known to few of our citizens, ^ud whose condition was known to none, died of want, in a little house, towards the bridge. How gladly would many a Lind hand have relieved her wants, had they been known. Isn’t it well worth lie while to avoid a similar result by ■ rnilar neglect of the needy 1 M ARR1ED In Milledgeville, March 26th, by Rev. A. J. Jarrell, Mr. Lovick II. Thomas and Miss Mary A. Thomas. N E W ADV ERT1 r$£ M EN TS. ICf XVXEIVZORXAZUE. The spring flowers have again begun to steal forth from the dust, and to breathe their beau ty and fragrance around ihe homes of the liv ing. and the resting places of the dead. For the first time, they bloom m ar a new-made grave in the Milledgeville Cemetery, where, a few weeks .ago, mourning friends sadly deposi ted all that was mortal of Mrs Col Peterson Tiiweatt, amid the sepulchres of her kiudred. Though she had ceased to live among us, and had became a resident of Atlanta, where she f died, the large concourse of our people at her funeral from the residence of her brother-in- law, Dr. Jarratt, indicated the high esteem in which she was held by those who knew her best. A daughter of Col. David C- Campbell, so well remembered as one of the prominent citi zens of Georgia, the greater portion of her rife was spent here in Milledgeville and at Midway. Whilst yet in early womanhood, during a revival space twenty-six years ago, she united with the Presbyterian church of this city. In her subsequent life, the loveliness of her character as a wife, mother, friend ; her lively interest in the cause of Christ; her anx iety for the salvation of those she loved; the keeuness of sense of privation when sickness kept her from the sanctuary ; and the delight which she manifested in religious conversation, all gave evidence that she was indeed a sub ject of regenerating grace. Of a fragile con stitution ahe was often called upon to patiently endure weary invalid hours, and to learn the deaper lessons of th? Christian life amid sut- lering and pain. Her last sickness came in the first week of the present year. The Loving Master saw tit to send her for many days, severe and distress ing illness. When relief was sent on the af ternoon before her death, expectation of re covety brightened, and ’twas a marked exhi bition of lier piety when she called upon one dear to her, to help her give thanks to God for his goodness in sending relief and the pros pects of restoration. But as the day wore on and the night advanced, symptoms of speedy’ dissolution became more and more painfully evident. Then tiie f rithful Saviour drew nearer and nearer to his suffering child. She spoke of “ the river, the river. ” As the light of the Redeemer’s glory shone down through the gates ajar upon her spirit unfolding its wings for the home above, she said in the triumph of faith, “I can cross it, I can cross it.” A little later, New Stock! Fred. Haugh I > ESPECTFULLY invites the LADIES & l VGENTLEMEN of Milledgeville and vi- cinifv to call and examine Iris SUPERIOR. AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF LADIES, GENTS AND BOYS and ill Bools and Shoes. Feeling assured that they cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any other establishment. He Warrants His Work —HE— Ivl! sbnufsbotures AND R e p a i x* s TO ORDER, and all work entrusted to him shall be faith fully and cheaply executed, with dispatch. April 2, li-72. fit. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Baldwin County, Gi MilledgeviUe, April 1st, 1872 ii Y^IBL be sold to the highest bidder before the court house duor in the city of Mil ledgeville, on the r.r.-t Tuesday in MAY, all that tract or parcel of land known as the Coun ty Hospital Place—containing forty-five acres, more or less, lying upon the waters of Fishing creek and adjoining lands of Dr. Jarratt, Jos. Fannin and the commons of the city of Mil- iedgeville. Terms , credit until 1st day of No vember, 187 2, and titles to be made when the money is paid. M. R. BELL, Ordinary B. C. Alilledgeville, April 1,1872. 12 tds. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Baldw in County, Ga., Milledgeville. April 1st, 1872. j^EALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until the 15th day of April, 1872, in the early Sabbath morning of Feb’y 12 o’clock M., to rt-cover with good heart pine r II Page, of Milledgeville, endeav 0lc 'I to inveigle the Ordinary of Lee junty into buying some counterfeit a ° ne y, But the Ordinary scornfully re- the proposition Lsgo’e letter. • He Sumter Republican contains a 'rrespondence, to which the above re-. er E which, to our mind, shows clearly l ' je plastic hand and prolific genius of ° ar friend, Capt. J. K. Warren, of Lee eo,lnt y. No such person as C. H. Page tan gR out” hereabouts. This is a pure -' ax, wc take it, an overflowing of the PM-up humor of Capt. W. 4th, 1672, her breathless lips and pulseless form told to weeping friends that the dark river was peacefully crossed, and that before the Sabbath sun had reddened the eastern sky, shingles, the Jail of Baldwin county. M. R. BELL, Oid’y B. C. April 1st, 1872. 12 2t. the had entered “ the city that has no need of j the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it: for . the glory of God doth brighten it, and the Lamb : and published is the light thereof.” “ Another hand doth beckon us, Another call is given; And glows one* more with angel steps The path which reaches Heaven.” Husbaud, children, kindred, friends, lament her gone. Her Christian life, Jier peaceful death, not only give brightness to the sorrow GEORGIA, Baldwin County. April 1st, 1872. ^lyHEREAS, on the 15t’u Dec, 1871, said county, an estray, medium sized bay mare mule, having saddle maik on right side, was taken up by Wtlborn Scott, which was appraisrd by T. O. Powell and IV. T. Lockhart at $150. And although said mule has been advertised as required by law for the space of sixty days, and no person has claim ed the same. This is to give notice in con- of bereavement, but touchingly and tenderly fornrity with an order ot the Court of Ordina- appeal to all whom she loved and left behind, j ry, that I will sell said estray, valued as afore- “ to give diligence to make their calling aad j said, at §150, before the Court House door in election sure.” We cannot again joyously Milledgeville on the 1st Tuesday of May <rreet the saiuted dead, unless we too hasten to j next, at the usual hour of sale, to pay, all costs “ the fountain filled with blood.” j and charges. O ARNOLD, q. W. L. 12 00d Sheriff of Baldwin County. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door in Mount Vernon, Montgomery coun ty, within the legal hours of sale, on the first ’Tuesday iu May next. Lot of Laud No. 32. containing two hundred two and one halt acres, more or less, and one hundred and fifty acres of Lot No. 29, all in the 11th District of said county. Levied ou as the property of II. T. Bush, to satisfy three justice court, ti fa’s issued from the 393rd Co. District. G. M , in j favor of John M. Stubbs assignee &c , vs. H. j T. Bush. Property pointed out by both, plain- ! tiff and defendant. Levy made and returned to me by John Gillis, Constable. Sale Cash,! purchasers p»}ing for title and stamps. This March 16th, 1872. tds MARTIN COUEY, Sheriff, M. C. This GUANO is well known in the Cotton States, from experieino in its n<e for sis years past, l» has acquired after thorough trial, un ler all condititiou of season, a character for reliable exc ‘Hence unsurpassed, and which z annot attach to Fertilizers of recent introcu -t oo.* In view of reduced c >st of manufacture and the unusual facilities of the PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, this Valuable Feitier now sold at the L E AST CO < T. looking t» Large. Sales and Small Profits for compensation. Wo Warrant th Stock in Market this season preciso'y the -ame in composition and quality as that heretofore sold. For specific terms, apply to J. O. MATHER.SON, Agent, Augusta, Ga. JOHN S. REESE & CO., General Agents, Baltimore, Md. FAC IF 1C GUANO COMPANY’S To Contractors. Compound Acid Phosphate of Lime, S EALED Proposals will be received until 12 o’clock noon, April 2, 1872, for altera tions and improvents on the Masonic Hall, at Pi this place- Piaus and specifications for the work will be found at the Drug Store of John M. Clark. The Trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Address SAM’L G. WHITE. Chairman, or, GEO D. CASE, Secretary. Milledgeville, March 18, r tf For Composting wiib Cotton Seed. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF DR. St. JUL1EN RAVENEL, Charleston, Price Reduced ! C rith ths Soluble DR. W. H. HALL Tenders hisprofessional services to the public. Office over Drug Store of 8. M. Ch.rk, Esq. march 19-3m r Y OXT ZST Gf MEN Contemplating a Business Life should at tend the BftTUT, SlRlTTOJI, ,V SIDDlF.ll B U SIN E S S C 0 L L E G E For Circulars and specimens of Penmanship, enclose two stamps, and address, VV. H SADLER, President, Nos 6 & 8 N. Charles Striet, marchl6-4w nip Baltimore, Md. Ribbons, Miiiinery, Straw Good . 1872. White Goods,Embroideries &C,, &C , &c. Armstrong, Cator A Co. Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers Bonnet, Trimming, Neck and Sash Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velvets and Crapes, Floorers, Feath ers, Ornaments, Frames, &c. Straw Bonnets, Ladies nntl Children Hals trimmed and untrimmed. And in connecting Warerooms White Goods, Linens, Embroideries, Laces, Nets, Collars, Sets, Handkerchiefs, Veiling, Head Nets, Ac., Ac. Nos. 237 aud 239 Baltimore St., BALTIMORE. MD. These Goods are manufacriired by us on bought for CatL directly from the Europear and American Manufacturers, embracing all the latest novelties, unequalled in variety and cheapness in any market. Orders tilled with care, promptness and despatch. r* march 12 3t Phosphate, wl i;h is and slu t Id be This article, as above stated, is prepared tor Composting with Cotton see 1. A Compost made with an e pal weight of this article and cotton seed, fnrnrishes the cotton seed necessaiy to make it effective. The Compost should be ina Ie from four to six weeks before plantLig time, in order th.V decomposition may take place, "pplied at from ;00to 600 pounds per acre ormore. General experience for two years has shown tha Compost to be a most economical and effective Fertilizer for Cotton ant Corn. This acid Phosphate is now put into market at the low price of $30 per ton cash, $35 on time, without interest (no drayage) at w rate every planter can supply himself with a first elass Fertilizer at a miniinun outlay per acre For sprc'ifie lenns apply to J. O. MATHEWSON, Agnit Pacific Guano Company, Augusta, Ga. Messrs. COTHERN & WATKINS, Agents at Span i, Ga. A Full supplv of Peruvian Guano, Ground Bone and Laud Plaster, on hand at all limes, feb 22 101 rp tf. P URE PERUVIAN. OF DIRECT IMPOR TATION, at GOVERNMENT PRICES. GUApV® ! [Money in both Pockets. WATTSON & CLARK’S High Grade ?;j. Superphosphate, 2.240 POUNDS to the Ton. Send for pam phlets to R.G.LAY. Agent for Consigner's in U. S. feb‘23 2m r Savannah, Ga. II 0 M E J- I N D U S T R Y- IT. PARKER having associated himself ; with Mr. M. A Collins, in the Carriage j Making business, respectfully informs the fiti '■ zens ot Milledgeville and surrounding country j that he is fully prepared with material, aud 1 the best of Workmen to execute all kinds o i work iu a superior manner, not surpasstd j North or South The public are requested to call aud examine his woik. Among which will be found Sarvens’ Patent Wheels, famous for their durability and adaptation to «nr roads, and which in the end is the cheapest and the best wheei that is now in use or made, lie also will do all kinds of plantation work with neatness, cheapness and durability. Give us a trial, and you will not be disap pointed. All work guaranteed to give satisfac tion. PARKER &. COLLINS. Jan. 2-1 y r Is sold at popular prices. $ 15 00 Cash, at SAVANNAH. §55 00 Payable November 1st. And 15 Cents per pound for Cotton guaranteed. It is the Pr/est, Purest, most Reliable. Cheapest, a id Best Fertilizer n >w ofl'eie 1 on the Southern Market for Cotton, Corn, Wheat, and all Vegetable j rod nets. It to >k field. th READ TESTIMONIALS. Premium at Augusta in 1370, for the largest ) ield of Cotton on a ten acre P. O’DONNELL 1III.LEDGEVILLR HOTEL It gave a bale and a half per acre from all I plantel, an 1 on aome fields over two b ries to the are - W.L.DAVSON. Summervi le, S. C. Lager BAR AND Beer Saloon. I prefer the W. Sc U. brand to all others. Have used it for two years. R. P. BYNUM, Sheriff Washington county. W The best of Whiskies Brandies. Gin, Rum. Wines, Lager Beer, Cigars, and everything found in a first class bar” My terms are cash, but. f« r 15 cents you can get a good drink- 1 am a mixer. Give me a trial. jaul6-3m G. W. HOLDER. I h-r W. & C. brand excelled E. FrRuk Coe. I shall use it hereafter. J. J. PUGHLEY, Washington county. I have used it for two years, si le by side with Peruvian Guano, and if there has been auy difference gained in the result, I h rve not been able to detect it. It is in high repute with our best farmers here. GEORGE W. MOODY, Brooks connty, Ga. W A N D O FERTILIZER ? FOR Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Tobacco. PRICE CASH, $50 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $55 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, WITHOUT INTEREST. payable Nov- lft, 1872 Factory East end Hasel St.; Mines on Ashley River WAND© Acid Phosphate of Lime! FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. PRICE. CASH, $30 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $35 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov- 1st, 1872, Without Interest.' CO., Janl6- WM. C. DUKES & GENERAL| AGENTS, No. 1 South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C- T.T. WINDSOR, rp&n 3m Agent at Milledgevillp, Ga. I used several tons of y ,ur W. &. C. The general result on my place was very satisfactory I would as soon risk it as auy Guano on the market. WM. LUNDY, Bibb county, Ga. As a Fertilizer, I prefer it to all others. J. L. ARHSTRONG. Pulaski county. Applied to Cotton, it yields 100 per eent. L W. CROCKER, Fort Valley. ANALYSIS Blf DIt. A. MEANS, Slate Inspector, at Savannah. AMMONIA SOLUBLE PHOSPHORIC ACID For Sale by Iverson L, Hunter. 2:37 7:38 At Milledgeville, Ga. ff?* All Orders and Communications by Mail Promptly attended to. feb20—2m r S ARMY’S Ammoniated Soluble Pacific GUANO. CASH PRICE AT FACTORY, $45 PER TON. TIME, $59. PHOSPHO-PERUVI AN GUANO. CASH,$50, TIME, $55. ACID BONE PjHOSPHATE. CASH, $25. TIME, $20. GROUND CAROLINA PHOSPHATE. CASH, $15. TIME,$20. NOVA SCOTIA LAND P L A S TJE R. CASH, 13 -:o»- T HE above-named Ammonia’ed Soluble Pacific a id Phospho-Perovian |Guxm s are rich compounds of the highest grades of Bme Phosphates, rendered soluble aid xamoniated with No. 1 Peruvian Guano ana animal matter, making the most Concentrated aid profitable Fertilizers in use, combining the ingredients require! to produce and snpport the Cot on Dlar I and Cereals. p While these Fertilizers are warranted to be kept np to their standard,’ the prices have been materially reduced for the present season. Manufactured and for sale at Charleston, 6. C., by Messrs.G. A. TBENHOLM^SO^ie^irA^^^ ^ SOIL* IVERSON L. HUNTER, Agfnt at Milled* For analytes and certificates send for pamphlet. igevilte. nh 27 2m. ■ i> tup nanc wav tvitn a small tun in i t ■“ | icavc iu us inai.o a i-uuu, siiuuu uujz* I I'lcaou. «.»■ vtvv,wu. •i »• iwv *■>iu— - nuuv,R UIIU