Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, May 07, 1872, Image 1

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* THE ^outturn Jtrmdrr. E.'A. HARRISON, & OEMS- Terms, $2.00 Per Annum in Advance vCitn Diccctorn. CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor—Samuel Walker. Hoard ol Aldermen—F B Mapp, E Trice, T A (Jaraker, Jacob Caraker, J H McComb, Henry Temple. Clerk and Treasurer—Peter Fair. Marshal—.1 B Fair. Policeman—T Tuttle. Deputy Marshal and Street Overseer—Peter Ferrell. Sexton—F Beeland. City Surveyor—C T Bayne. City Auctioneer—S J Kidd. Finance Committee—T A Caraker, Temples. Mapp. Street Committee—J Caraker, Trice, Mc Comb. Land Committee—MeComb, J Caraker, Trice. Cemetery Committee—Temples, Mapp, T A Caraker. Board meets 1st and 3d Wednesday nights in each month. Notice. T^^HE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens that they are prepared to furnish Timber, any amount and size, at their Luni. ber’iard in Milledgevilie, at low rates Cal °n our Agent, Mr. C. B. Mundy. for terms and Prices. N. & A. CARMANNEY. decl9-tf NATflUTt 1 ^ nm' mm COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge M R Bell, Ordinary, office in Masonic Hall. " PL Fair, Clerk Sup’r Court, office in Ma sonic Hail. Obadiah Arnold, Sheriff, office in the Mason ic Hall. O 1* Bonner, Deputy Sheriff, lives in the eountry. Josias Marshall, Rec’r Tax Returns—at Post Office. L N Callaway, Tax Collector, office at liis store, H Temples, County Treasury,office at his store. Isaac Cushing, Coroner, res on Wilkson’st, Joliu Gentry, Constable, res on Wayne »t near the Factory. MASONIC Benevolent Lodge, No. 3, F A M, meets first and second Saturday nights of each month at Masonic Hall- j C SHEA, W # G D Cask,secretary. Temple Chapter meets the second and fourth Saturday nights in each month. S G WHITE, H. P # G D Cask, secretary. Mi ledgeville Lodge of Perfection, A A S R moots every Monday night. SAMUEL G WHITE, S # P, G„ M. Ge<> D Cask,Exc Grand iSec’y. /. O. G. T. Milledgevilie Lodge, No 1 15, meets in the Se late Chamber at the ."state House on every Friday evening at 7 o’clock. C P CkaWkoiih, W C T E P Lane, secretary. Cold Water Templars meet at the State Htuse every Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ClITRCII 1)1 KECTOItY. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CUBES XHE HORST PAINS in from one to twentz minutes Not One hour. after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. Sadvai'i Head)' Relief Is a Cure for every P1I.Y It was the first and is THE OXLY PAIN HE.TICDY that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Intlamution, and cures Conges tions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bow. eis. or other glands or organs by one appli* cation. In from one to twenty minutes, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bed-'idden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with dis ease inav suffer. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford case and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms Sour Stomach Heartburn, Sick Headache Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and a Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Kadway’s Ready Relief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water If is betater than French Brandy or Bitters as a stiumlent- FEVER AND ABLE. Free from the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs us ed in other Hair Prepara tions. No SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITHARGE-No NITRATE OF SILVER, and is entirely Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric—perfectly SAFE, CLEAN and EFFICIK N T—desideratuuiR LONG SOUGHT FOR AN D FOUND AT LAST ! It restores and prevents the Hair from be coming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy appear ance, removes I)a. druff, is cool and refreshing to ’.he head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prema turely lost, prevents Headaches, cutes all hu mors, cutauoouseruptions, and unnatural Heat. AS A DRESSING FOR THE II AIR IT |,S j Has made the most astonishing cures so quick THE BEST ARTICLE IiV THE MARKET. I 80 ra P ld a,e the '"kunges the body uu- A c rJ. From the Newnan Herald. “ Twenty Per Cent." Hell is full ol money lende Heaven has no money lovers. The Back Boers- The Ciucinnuli Time: nexed : A man staggered into this morning who bore anee of having been i>;idlv u-cd.— : His hit was gone, Ins do lies soiled, .. . | and his lace dirty, Moaled’and dts- earih is full of extortion. Hie world fj , Nviih Cvounds. I) is mad, ror the love ol money. -Mil-! promiscuously info a 1 .tons sing paeans to the Golden Calf, i f )oar , P | v J : Men go down into the earth, search j 4 g ac j. doors ’ the sea bottom, explore the ether for | , wiial is maUer with you, old mone '* fellow ?’ we inquired. Consump-| ‘Rack doors, I tell ye, (hie) ilia’s er ma’e.’ J f :rd returned to England with ti5,- has ihe an-I pHpids, or abnui $375,000 in gold.—English Paper. >nr sanctum t he a ppea r- nipping chair, he I saw a miser dying, lion’s ghastly form’ was there. Dis-i w [•pj ease had drained his last drop of hlood, bill not his purse of gold. There were no tears for his death. Dying alone in a dark room, with a dark past, dark dreams, dark future. His eyes had a sickly glare. His long hand the purse-strings, and the pale lifts ‘Explain }< ursell.’ ‘Read Mayor’s order closing front door s’loons Sunday didn’t ye?’ ‘\ es.’ ‘So’m I ! Too gran’ lour’ vesliga - , tion yesterday to see if laws’heyed.’ trembled as it clenched ! t W ell what was the result ?’ The Boston Jubilee. For the hern fit of its country cous ins, and those living in the Provin cial cities of New Vork and Chign on, who desire to know how H iston is going to put through Giilmore’s great mush al jubilee, the bulletin of iliat city says: Everything w II he done on a big scale, the chromatic scale will lie nothing to the weigh this will be managed. CJun|o\vdrr and nitro-glvcerim will be einj and a trum I»v il e same agency. All ilie leading bakers are now employed in preparing rolls for the s’- menus ami emeriamec iloyeil to flow ihe organ, ■ „ - 1 becoming manner, cans pci blast may be expected] i. „ , .... i J 1 j smoke cigars, eat swee muttered a demon’s soliloquy, not for mercy but lor money. On the ,y (S ilrmns. This is er’ sault, Ha! ha! (hie) j Skilled navigators have been sent lie! drunk’rn biled owl.’ joui to bring (’ape Horn, and George anybody can sec that ; but Francis Train has been engaged to | is not a remedial agent in this world that was cure FeTei and Ague, and all other Malarice, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by Radway’s Fills) so quick a Kadway’s Ready Relief. Fifty cents a HEALTH ! BEAUTY - . ! ., .j , but Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents; There » Jrl 11 ^dcilt liver, leady t () j ( |j ( J y OU fjlld ihe front door el >sed f’ j 1 ,l«»w il cross over ami be nn.r.orlr.1 ... HU I, j , u yes , ,|,e I'ronlrloors .veri-close,I, The Vru,,,,. , ,iaiKls co ,1IS <eCl *j ,s ! bul lortly ! how many back doors l j to be present, n it i - . icart edd, bis sou damne.1, he; foU | ul cn. Dida’t know there was An amaicur wh Kadway s ReAdy Rebel. Fifty cents a buttle- j begged for gold. I Here had been j S( , , ' back doors in Cincinnati.— j hope for him, love lor h.m, mercy j Thev tnusl , 1HV< . Sf . llt ., way ail(l „ „ j i lor him, bul be died a beggar with , i ... , c i\ , • ,, i some Hack doors soniewlnie. oa- btronp and pure rich blood-increase of flesh colters lull. He beffoed his wav to i i , • , , and weieht-clear skin and beautiful |T i| . I .HI gt? V 1 loons closed nr front lull they Were complexion secured to all. ! ’ a0tl sl1 ,C £'* j as open be (hie) hind as a tunning DR* RAD YV \ Y’S i ' aSget ! r Ilh l,ln “ C< ! mill. I tried cm all. Some had one ' A Chinese Wedding —LuYucck, the chief Chinese manufacturer of cigars in Portland, Oregyu. rec-mlv imported a wife lion his native country, and wedded her with great display. Alter the ceremony had been performed at ihe Joss House, the bride an I her waiting maids were driven to the residence of her lord and master, on First street, where her husband, who had pre ceded her, received the party by filing a feu de joie, composed of a quantity of crackers of the largest size. The bride was at once dis robed by her attendants and put to | I ed, while the groom receivi d his friends and entertained them in a ing them 10 t meats, and Irink wines and same shuev. In the evening a feast of roast pig, duck, game, and all the delicac e> known to ilie Chinese cuisine, was served in tfie chamber of the bride, who, robed in an elaborate ruhe d< nun, and reclining on her couch, received not pla\ed o plays upon words luei with auo’iier by drv SARSAPAII1LL1A.\ RESOLVEAT BAFTInT CHURCH. Service 1st «nff 3d Sundays in eacli month, at 1 1 o’clock a in and 7 p m. Sabbath school at 9.) o’clock am. 8 N BouRhten.supr. Rev D E Butlkr, Pastor. METHODIST CHURCH Hours of service on Sunday: 11 o’ clock, a in, and 7pm. Sunday school 3 o’clock p in—W E Frank- iaud, superintendent. Prayer meeting- every Wednesday at 7 p m. Rev A J Jarkf.I.l, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sabbatli (except the second in each month) at 1 I a m and 7 p m. Sabbath school at 9 1-2 a m T T Windsor superintendent. Prayer meeting every Friday at 4 o’clock p m. Rev C W Lane, Pastor. The Episcopal Church has no Pastor at presentj THE CREAT’ BLOOD PURIFIER PROPERTIES&A PLEASANT DRINK These Bitters are positively in valuable in usEmsMEmssEmm They purify the system, and will cure DYSPEPSIA 2k- CENERAL DEBILITY NLRVOUS DISEASES.LIVER COMPLAINT SESOFTHE KIDNEYS BLADDER ARE C000 FORTHE MENTAL ORGANIZATION THEY WILL RESTOREYOUTHRJLVICOR iR.RFCULARITY OFTHE-’BOWELS. CURES NEVER WELL PE/OPLE TRY ONEjBOTTLE PHYSICIAHS THERE, r Foit\. phesgeibe it n BrTTER ’ 4 - r AfTs'' DESHA5T f In Young or Old, Married'' nor Single, these Bitters are un-’’ ^equalled and have often beea the' means of saving life. TRY.OKE BOTTLE. DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Groton Junction, Mass., Prepared only by PROCTOR BROTH ERS, Gloucester, Mass. The Genuine is pul up iu a pannel boitle, made expressiy for it with the name of the article blown in Ihe glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature’s Hair restora tive, and take no olher. For sale in Milledgevilie by L. W. HUNT &CO. In Sparta, by A. H. BIRDSONG & CO. p Julv 2 ly K Feh‘2S’7l ly. Stevens' Mineral Fertilizer. E- C. STEVENS !c CO- LISBON, N. H- Mann faciurers and Proprietors. Send for circular containing full information from those who have used it for two years, to 8am 1 N-Robbins, 8ec. and Gen’l Agent. Lis bon. N- H., or Chas. Parker, 14 Park Place, N. Y. Agent. Portable Soda Fountains $40, $50, 75, ai.d $100. GOOD DURABLE & CHEAP. Sh ipped Ready for Use. Manufactured by J. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Madison, Iud. CF* l-endf r Circular ..A I THECMISTIAY^^ monthly, religious, family paper, full of inci dents, providences, music, poetry, true stories for young, old, saints and sinners. No secta rianism. controversy, politics. puffs, pills or patent medicines. 60c, a year! I0cop;es.$5! 8end 10c.. for 3 papers before you forget ! Lit tie Christian, 8 copies $1 H L. HASTINGS, Tract Repository, 10 Lindall St., Boston Mas sachusetts. OEJNTS WANTED for “Con' vent Life Unveiled,” by Edith O’Gorman, escaped Nun, w hose disclosures are thrilling and startling. Agents are taking from 10 to 20 orders a day. It is the best selling book published. Western Publishing Co., Cincin nati, O. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. Wwill send a handsome Prospectus of our New Illustrated Family Bible, containing over 20 no Scripture Illustrations to any Book Agent, free of charge. Address National Pub lishing Co., Phila., Pa., Atlanta, Ga., or St., Louis. Mo. CARPENTERS. BUILDERS, and all who contemplate Building, supplied withjour new Illustrated Catalogue on receipt of stamp ty-A. J. Bicknkli, & Co., Architectural Book Pub’rs.27 Warren St.. N Y <= ^3 I rainENSU SL’CCIiSS — Agents Want ed. male or female, in every county in the United States and Canad’as, to sell our new and most useful Patent , from one to six used in every family 100 per cent guaranteed. For samples and terms, inclose ten cents and ad dress FERGUSON & CO., 645 River Street Troy, N. Y. A GENTS WANTED.—Agents make more money at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Par ticulars free. G. Stinson & Co., Fine Art Publisher. Portland, Maine. TT Q P 1AN0 co ’’ ,8t elas!; ^ 90 - No RJ Agents, Names of patrons in forty States in Circular. jlf Reward l/UD For any eas.e of Blin.d Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles that DeBing’s Pilx Rkmeuy fails to cure., It is prepared express ]y to cure the Piles, an d nothing else. Sold by all Druggists. Price. $100. dergoes, under the influence of this truly wonderful Medicine, that Every day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. run atvooo t'l ttint ti Every drop of the Sarsaparilian Resolvent communicates through the Blood, A’weat, Uriuo, aud other fluids and juices of the sys tern the vigor of life, for it repaiis the wastes of the body with ntw and soud material. Scrof ula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular dis ease, Ulcets in the throat. Mouth, Tumors. Nodes iu the Glanus and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, S’ti umorous discharges I from the door ol a mansion. The poor thing, it begged lor bread. 1 I saw the lears gather on the [talc check as the child turned and al most staggered ot: ils way to a starveling’s grave. 1 knew the fa- liter of that child. In the bright days of peace he pressed it to fiis manly heart and thanked Gotl for the gift of a son. His country called liun. He fought on many fields. The enemy never saw his hack. He tell beneath a streaming banner in the very arms of glory. The child begs for bread while the rank weeds ! hack doo r , others hail two or three from the Ear*, and the worst forms of Skin wave Oil the liehl of faille, above a diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, .Scald Head, I , 1 , ,1,1 , Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Acne I tidier S sepulchre. 1 he Iasi prayer Black .Spots. H'orms iu the Flesh, Tumors, j he uttered was, tor the banner of Ins Cancers in the Womb and all weakening and ; coumry an[ J t l, e children of his loins, panful discharges. Night Sweats, Loss of 1 . J , , . Sperm and all wastes of the life principle j L saw a pale hand, eager to grasp a are within the curative range of this wonder j penny, pushed away, and I said : of Modern Chemistry, aud a few days use j t , i - .. ‘ ,k p n ;|| Hrs n < will prove to anv person using it for either of I . P* hese forms of disease its potent pow er to j xiell. cure then,. | 1 saw a soldier’s widow weeping. Not only does the Sarsapardliau Resolvent *|'| Jt . y were biller tears and many, excels all known remedial ag- lit..-, m the cuie J . . . . J ol Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, a: d | * luee lender orjjflHliS Stood beside .Skin diseases; but it is the on'v positive cu.e f -r Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinaiy Bad Womb diseases, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Ur ne tright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all ta ses where there are brick du-t deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances iike the white ot an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark bill ions ap pearance. and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back aud aloug the Loins. DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PUKCATIVE PILLS. perfectly tasteless, elegautly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Kadway’s Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, A’ervous Diseases, Head_ ache. Constipation, Costiveness, 1 ndigastion. Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Bilious Fever, In flammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all De rangements of the Internal Viscera. War ranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Veg etable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. Observes the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: A few doses of Radway’s Pills will free the system from all the above named disorders Price, 25 cents per Box. Sold by Druggists. Read “False and True.” Send one letter- stamp to Radway & Co., No H? Maiden Lani New York. Information worth thousands wil be sent you. r July 4 1871. 26 ly DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID Be StaniarJ THEIR .PRACTICE. MILLER, BIS8ELL & BURRUM, Whole ^al« Agents, and Wholesale Grocers and Com mission Merchants, lii Broad Street, A L- GUST A, GA. Cotton Food. 4 FERTILIZER specially for COTTON. Send for circular before purchasing, uv it. Try it, and you will never regret it 7 * A F SKINNRR, Agent Milledgevilie. F. W. Sims, General Agents, janl6-8mr Savannah, Go. G REAT MEDICAL BOOK of useful knowl edge to all. Sent free for two stamps Address Dr. Bonaparte ft Co ■ Cincinnatti, O. KLKCTIC GALLERY OF Fine Steel Engravings FOR THE KS Nearly 300 Different Subjects, * COMPRISING. HISTORIANS. POETS, ARTISTS. WAKRI MRS, EMPERORS, KINGS. STATESMEN HISTORIC AND IDEAL PICTURES, Etc. tc. T HESE Engravings have appeared in the Eclectic Magazine during the past 25 years. The subjects have been selected with great care on both sides of the Atlantic. They are printed on different sized paper, either small g i xe , 7 by 10, or quarto size, 10 by 12. PhiCe: Small size, 10c.; quarto size, J5c — A specimen of each size and Catalogue sent on receipt of 25c.; aud, on receipt of $1, five of each size sent ' , Catalogl’es sent Free to anv Address. E. R. FELTON, Publisher, 108 Fulton St., New-York. april 16 rpn lm rpiiIS iuvaluable Family Nlediciue, toi j J- purifying, cleansing, removing bao odors in all kinds of sickness; for burns sores, wounds, stings; for .Erysipelas, rheumatism, and all skin diseases; for catarrh, sore mouth, sore throat, diptheria; for colic, diarrhoea, cholera; as awash to soften and beautify the skin; to remove nk spots, miloew, fruit slains, taken in temally as well as applied externally; so highly recommended by all who have used it—is for sale by all Diuggists and Ooun- ry Merchants, and may be ordered di- rectly of the DARBY PROPHYLACTIC CO. 161 William Street, N. Y. pDec24’701y. rMay2 nJune3 ly lie r. At the gateway ot the wealthy she asked for shelter, a home and u irietid. The night was dark, ti.e storm was high, the wind shin ked ils bitter wad atitl the thunder ut tered his voice. The beasts ot the lord ot that castle were housed, and the vety dogs slept soundly, warmly and barked not at the stranger's feet. No mite the widow had, and in the dark night, the unpitied wander er, forlorn, desolate and dying, press ed her orphans to her bosom, breath ed a prayer and entered the gates ol pearl. Next morn saw an unshroud ed form. Light shone around the lowly head ; il was heaven’s own sunshine. No church bell lolled her requiem, no funeral train followed her. In an unwatched, unmarked spot, the heavy sod pressed a sol dier's widow. His orphan’s were the only mourneis there. 1 counted the tears of the homeless, friendless wanderers, and l said : ‘The world is damned for the love of money.’ 1 saw the crowded city. Men pressed their way in the busy mart, dome sold, some begged, some bor rowed. Some iu purple, some in linen, some in rags. 1 saw smiles, 1 saw tears. I gave my last penny to poor blind boy. One moment ire and I saw it snatched from his nd. Not one in all that multitude BROWN’S HOTEL, Opposite Depot, MACON GA. W- F. BROWN & CO., Prop’rs (Successors to E. E. Brown & Son,) W F. Browk. Gio. C. Brown GUANO! P URE PERUVIAN, OF DIRECTIMPOR TAT ION, at GOVERNMENT PRICES 2.240 POUNDS to the Ton. Send for pam phlets to _ R.G. LAY’, Agent for Consignees iu U. S. feb23 2m r Savannah, Ga. exlra ones cut in especially, and one saloon in er West End had (hie) hole j back end taken out to aceommodale j umi -tit. the crowd. I ought to be on ihe J Tin* HeiJelhurg tunnel has been board of health, he continued, after | rommcicd for Ihe bass drum, and i pause ‘ know more about the con- four elephant skins are now being 'er alley , . j her guests with a bland, languid aim is »X|kcI(( j stnilo. Down in the shop the groom "'V* j was doing the agreeable to liis guests after thi-y had been dismissed by the lady of the house. He wore a happy, don’t care tor-1 he-expense sort of a smile, and would every minute lire off a cracker. The fes- livi’ies were kept up until a late hour of the night, and then, with bunch of lisinissed and silence reigned. will perform who blows a i loud. There will be overtures goods di ummer.s. New York Judges will not be ad milled to the orchestra as instru ments of the Tammany Ilisg ! the burning of another i.\Leen locornoiives will "L.sile t - ra<jk< rs< |he guests were , Yankee Doodle, with bell accompa- 1 dition of Vr alleys and hack yard than any man in the city. Tut re’s one thing about it, il this thing of closing front doors Sunday keeps on they will have to widen ’er alleys. Alleys wasn’t half big enough yes day to com’dale the crowd.’ ‘Was the rush for drinks as bad as that r’ ‘YV as ! S’loon lull all the lime and alley lull of thirsiy men waiting their lime to get in. Had to lake turns, same’s barber shop on Sun day morning.’ ‘Lfid any saloons have ti.eir front doors open P ‘A few, but ihey didnt have any customers to mention. Faicis, folks rather like sneaking ihiough alleys atid into hack doors for a drink.— Hain’l been drunk’fores’clog’s age myself. I can walk boldly !>y a sa loon with her front do >r open, but shut it and hint about a back en trance, and I’ll find it. sure. It’s human nature, sure as ye live.’ ‘The new relations appear to have affected you rather disastrously.’ ‘You are mighty righiv right. I am suffering from too many ba~k doors. The absence of front blin Is has ’fee ted my (hie) constitution. ’rfitler myself a martyr to er may’rs d—d old procermation bolishing Ironl doors, and I want monslrale gainst iL through er press. ’Nuttier Sunday with them oussed back doors and your uncle is gone. Alleys is too many for me. Back doors is my ruin,’ and with this he departed. K Diamond Romance of a Poor Old Han. • At Old Calabar I met an English man in November last, who was ac tually suffering from the want of the neretsaries of life. This English man was formerly a wealthy dealer in the sugar trade of Liverpool, and failed in IS64- Since that time cir cumstances went heavily against him, until the A fricaa diamond up roar aroused his ambition. After some difficulty he procured a loan from an old friend so that he might pay his way out here. Months and months passed, and the unfortunate Mr. Sand ford, formerly merchant of Liverpool, became disheartened.— He lived upon the charily of those that spoke his language. On the fifih morning ot last December, Mr. Sanford renewed work on a little lot which he had frequently abandoned. On that morning he discovered ten stones, averaging ten carats each. tanned for the heads of il, and in place of sticks two pile drivers will be used. The Chinese national hymn will be perloriin d by the band of the Em- I peror of China, who are expected in junks. Iu their absence three hun dred cats and sixty saw filers have been secured to prevent disappoint ment. There will he a number of cele brated air tin; contesting heir to the Tichborne estate is anxious to be present, if he can get beyond a lew liars. Finn ly, Mr. Gillmoie will give a new version of the March of Prog ress, with full orchestral and vocal accompaniment. The Fastest Town Yet—At lanta Beaten.—The following de scription is given of the new town of Birmingham, that has recently sprung up on the Alabatna and Chat tarmoga Railroad, in the Northeast ern part of Alabama : A little more than seven months ago the site ol Birmingham was a cotton field. There was not a hut upon the place. When the founder, the indefatigable and enterprising Colonel Powell, {the present Duke,) with his surveyor, Mr. Parker, and his clerk, Mr. Miller, landed at Bir mingham to lay off the streets, they were compelled to go into camps.— On the 8lh wf August, 1S71, the foun dation for ihe first house was laid, and on the 29th of August it was ready for use. On the 19th of De cember thereafter, the city was in corporated by the Alabama Legis lature, (applica’ion having been made only three weeks before,) and a Mayor and city Council were im mediately elected. Colonel it. H. Henly, a talented young lawyer, and the editor of the Sun, tias the honor of being the first Mayorofthis prom ising young city. There are now over three hun dred buildings, eighty framed store houses, twenty brick stores and houses, two and three stories high, and forty brick stores under contract and to be built this summer. There are also two planing mills, aud sash and blind factories, two grist mills, one cotton factory (being built,) one foundry and machine shop, two ho tels, five restaurants, ten boarding houses, one Episcopal Church, eight brick yards, two lime kilns, three stone quarries, two butcher pens, which made their aggregate value I two market gardens, six physicians, 1,000 pounds or $5,000 in gold. His | s j x lawyers, two newspapers, two BAR AND Lager Beer Saloon. I hftve got it. What? The best of Whis kies, Brandies, Gin, Rum. Wines, La ger Beer, Cigars, and everything found in a first-class bar My terms are cash, but for 15 cerA yon can get a good drink at my bar under the Hotel orLinch’s old stand I will endeavor to give perfect satisfaction. Give us trial. fan IASib O’ W, HOLDER, ead, some to lend il, some to ard it. ‘Truly, said I, ‘The gates of Hell e golden gates.’ I saw the crumb ling steeples of Cod’s own temples. 1 heard the holy man of God beg tor means to raise an altar ot wor- hip. For fashion’s sake, the par- aon’s hat was filled with dimes. The preacher sighed, and I said in my heart: ‘The way to Hell is pav ed with gold.’ 1 saw great governments tottering to decay. Great men and little men, old and young, greedily bartering liberty for gold. 1 saw States plun dered lor tilihy lucre’s sake, nation al honor tarnished, the shire ot pa- Itioiism desecrated and God defied. All this 1 saw, and then i said : Priests, prophets, kings, princes, people, all damntd for the love ut: [ate'had' otitic dry. Still luck hauul- j Do »’ 1 U>1 llie ,110 =s gather on the money. 1 h \ e(J , lim> j° r „„ t h e I6ih of December rtK,i ol >'o..r buildings. It may be ra jged $10,000 worth of garnets ! or ' ,ai,lc,,l;u lo f0 ne * ,U J, 1,01 Pei sons ought Lo exercise every j and diamonds, on the 20ih he PL,, i very to .-hinglco. tey effort to make home bright. Never fortune did not abandon him at 1,000 pounds. On the following day he was offered .£5,000 for his lot or ob printing offices, one livery sta ble, three blacksmith and wagon shops, two paint stores, two news ‘claim’, as the English call it. He j depots, five bar and billiard saloons, refused, and that same night came j ^ vo hardware stores, two furniture seeing Sanford the master of 20,000 j stores, and last, but bv no means pounds, or $100,000 m gold. He least, a perfect Mohammed’s para- still continued lo work, bul for sev- Jj sc oflovely women. eral days his toil was fruitless, and j < he began lo think that his little es frown on innocent enjoyment among chddren. It is as natural to their age as your arm chair and slippers are lo yours, and yet it is just as proper too. Let children"enjoy their youth in ail its innocent gayety ; meir future may be dark enough to need the memory of a happy child hood to make it endurable- very beneficial to rhingle covered $30,000 worth of the finest I rot oul * asl eilou oL by the stones ever seen in that quarter, and ! moisture it letains ; so sprinkle some on Christmas Eve he had the greatest I ^ ne ^ me u P <m , l ie ™ J 1181 be ore a luck of all. Fifteen large and splen- 1 ram ; aml >' ou W|H ,' e . surpr-iie-l to did diamond, found on that ,!», * how dean n tv,II he taken off. brought him 35,000 pounds. This j was his last hit. Then the yellow j Early county—Poor stand of corn; clay begun to appear in his lot, and little cotton planted, says tbe News, yellow' clay is a sure sign that the Small gram looks well, such as rye aud diamonds are all exhausted. San- oats, Soul Engravings.—Daniel YY'eb- ster never uttered a truer or grander thought than the following—couched, too, in that sturdy Saxon he handled so well: “If we work upon rnirble il will perish. If we Work upon brass, time will efface it. If we rear temples they will crumble into dust. But if we work upon immotlal minds—if we imbue them with high princi ples—with the just fear of God and their fellow men, we engrave upon those tableis something which no time can effhee, but which will brighten to all eternity. “in this way we may all be art ists ; and even the most ordinary and unlearned, if he has bul an earn est and loving heart, may produce a masterpiece. Th'- pmle.-sor or lec turer may cut d< ep lines and lash- ion wondrousformson the unwrought material before him. The le;n lit-r in the common sriuml or ih< S hi.a.h school ma\ may. with ihe -unhylit of truth, photograph up mi the ten der min.Is coin nine.i n» t,i- ,-n a thousand charms of holy i> amv- The humblcsi, mosi q-iiet man may write upon Ins neighbor's h ari, go ><l thoughts and kind words which will last forever. And such a monu ment will be a real immortality, ‘more enduring than brass, and loft ier than the regal majesty of the py rainids.’ “Such a record, instead of grow ing dim with lime, will grow deeper with eternity, and w ill still be bold and legible when the sculptures of Ninevah, which have omlasied the centuries, shall have faded out, and the steel pictures of modern art shall all be forgotten. And when the things which the dimness of time obscures shall be revealed by the light of eternity, the names of these unknowm artists shall be found writ ten, not orxtablets of bronze or stone, bul on ‘the fleshly tablets of the heart’ and the unfading pages of the soul.” The Great Spanish Oratop,.— It is certainly worth a pilgrimage to Mecca or Madrid to see and hear that man of men, the perfect orator. Such an orator, Senor Custelar says, is Figueras, the Spanish Republican leader. He has the purest, noblest character imaginable,—he is frank ness, sincerity, fidelity peisonified. He has indomitable energy, the most delicate political skill, ardent devo tion lo conviction, and excellent cul ture. So much for the framework of his eloquence. His speeches are sober, correct, and brilliant; earnest, courteous, calm, and reasonable; wondcifully acute, and at the same lime persuasive. When it is ne cessary he knows how lo thrill the Cortes with his passionate fervor; and al li i es he rises to sublimity. He has the keenest perception of the weak points in the enemy’s ar mor, and the most .exquisite sense of oportunity; he can call up storms upon the Opposition benches with the same facility with which he calms them among his own partisans. He has a prodigious memory, unal terable serenity and self-possession, wears a benevolent smile when his lips are sending forth shafts of bit terness, and holds himself in perfect calm while his hearers are quivering with the excitement produced by his elequence. And, v ithal, his face, attitude, aud action are full of majesty and simplicity.