Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, May 21, 1872, Image 3

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<f|jp^nitt|ent^pfniitEr. L O o A lT T n e s it a y , M a y 2!, 1 8 7 2. Fiivate letters should not be directed to the firm: or to the office; but to the person only foi whom intended. Business letters should be directed to R. A Harrison «fc Co. Mr. John A. Orme, has charge ot tue Sub scription list, and to him all business letters aipertHiumg to Subscriptions &c., must be directed. Reading matter as Advertismetits, or special notices appealing in the first Local column will be charged for at tho rate of fifty cents per line; in the second column. twenlyfice cents per line-, in the third, twenty cents, and for the remain ing, the regular price, $1.00 per square HAIL HOAD TIME TABLE. Arrival and Departure of Trains at Mil Icdgeville. MACON & AUGUSTA RAIL ROAD. Down Train to Augusta- Arrives at Milledgeville, 8.14 A M. | Up Train to Macon. Arrives at Milledgeville 5.35 P. M. MILLEDGEVILLE BRANCH C. R. R. Up Train to Eatonton. Arrives at Milledgeville 8.45 P. M. Down Traiu to Gordon. Arrives at Milledgeville 2.35 P. M. post omen Mu.lkdgeville, Jan. 18, 1872. From and after this date, Mails will close as follows : Ma Is for Atlanta and Augusta and all points bevond, going North nnd West, will close at 8 o’clock a. m. Mails for Macon and Southwestern Road and points beyond, going Southwest closes at 5 o’clock p. m. Mails for Savannah and Florida closes at 2:15 p. m. Eatonton and Monticello mail closes at 8:45 p. m. Office hours from 7 a. m. until 6:30 p. m. Office opens on Suudaj's from 8 until 9:30 a m. Money Orders obtained lrom7 a. m. un til 5 p. m. SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRATION. The following is the order of exer cises at the Sunday School Celebration tomorrow, 22d inst. The Presbyterian, Baptist and Midway schools will join the Methodist school, in the Methodist Church, at 10 o’clock, A. M. 10 o’clock, A. M. Invocation by Rev. C. W. Lane. Reading Scripture*, by Rev. A. J. Jarrell. Singing by all Happy/ Greeting. Opening Speech by a scholar of the Presbyterian Sunday School. Siuging by the Presbyterian S S. Speech by a scholar of Baptist S. S. Singing by Biptist Sunday School. Speech by scholar of Midway S. S. Singing by Midway Sunday School. Speech by scholar of Methodist S- S. Singing by Methodist S. S. Address Mr. John Orme. Hymn, Coronation. Repair to the State House Square. Dinner at 1 o’clock, P. M. 6 P. M.—Hymn Unity. Bkndiction. question. A\ hen families in unhealthy districts that icSrrt f.e this wholesome vegetable tonic, as a preventive, escape periodical fevers, and their immediate neighbors, who neglect ibis precaution, are prostrated by the disease, how is it possible that the phenomenon should be without iis lesson '! In like manner when it is seen that obstinate cares ot dyspep- nij, of liver complaint, of constipation, of nervous weakness, and of general debil ity, yield to the operation <>f the famous remedy, bow tan even incredulity itself withhold its endorsement ? Lye-wit' nesses of the salutary effects of the Bit' ters are to Le found in every civilized settlement on this continent. The tl ou sands upou thousands who owe their restoration to health and strength, or their preservation from sickness, to its extraordinary medicinal properties, are enthusiastic in its praise. The multi tudes who recommend it in a neighbor ly way to their fiiends and acquaint ances, as well as those who make public their estimate of its virtues, are always ready to statu their reasons for the faith that is in them. They have all felt or witnessed its Leniticen-t operations, april 20 rpn lm. SEE A D tERflSEMEST$> SPECIAL NOTICES. Early Days of Milledgeville. Hon. I. L. Harris will address the Public, at the State House, on Thurs day uight, at S o’clock, on tho above topic. All ate invited—seats free. BY THE COMMITTEE. May 21, 1872. Tins Early County News.—That was a rough joke of yours, brother Grou- by, at our expense. “No more of that, Hall, an thou lovest me.” Base Ball. Dolly Varden vs. Mount Zion.—Our hopeful young friends, the D. V’s ofJVlil- ladgevilie, having cleaned out every thing about here, discovered a victim among tha classic shades of Mount,Zion, and "went for ’em.” Sparta was the the arena chosen for the disgrace of the Hancock school boys. We accepted their invitation to witness the rout, on en Friday last, and accordingly went ever to the Laconian village, in compa ny with our champions, exultant with the foretaste of victory. A lively sea son laid the dust, and Sparta beauty crowned the neighboring heights. Bat tle joined aud we left. The score was, Dolly Varden, 29; Mount Zion, 41. Our boys can do them chil’en so again, too, BOW. A NEW BEAUTIFYING AGENT.—All Dentifrices Lid their drawbacks, until the Sa lubrious Bark of the Soap Tree was brought from the Chilian Valleys to perfect the flagrant Sozodont, the most delightful article for the teeth that a brush was ever dipped into. “CHILDREN’S LIVES SAVED FOR 50 CENTS.”—Every class of Croup can be cured v lieu first taki n by Dr, Tobias’ Venetian Lin iment, warranted for 24 years, and never a bot tle returned. It also cures DiariLcea", Dysen tery, Colie, Sore Throat, Outs, Burns, and Ex ternal Pains. Sold by the Druggists. Depot, 10 Park P.ace, New York. VENUS herse’f would not have been beauti ful if her complexion had been bad. If beauty is skin deep, it is necessary to secure and re tain that part of it ; and ladies, inst ad ot re sorting to paints add powders, should remem ber that au impure, blotchy, or sallow skin is the proof of feeble digestion, or torpid liver, or vitiated blood, for ail which L>r. Walker’s California Visloau Bitters is a safe, sure and effectual remedy. BURNETT’S COCOAINE.—No oils, neith er pomades or alcoholic washes—foreign or do mestic—can compare with Cocoaim ns a 11 AIR DRESSING. It anchors ilie hair firmly in the scalp—gives it new life and lustre—and ren ders it the “crowning glory” of both sexes, old and young. PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL.—More acciden's occur from using unsafe oils, than from steam boats aud railroads combined. Over 200,000 families contiuue to burn Pratt’s Astral Oil, and no accidents directly er indirectly have oc curred from burning, storing or handling it.— 011 House of Chas. Pratt, Established 1770, New York. A BEAUTIFUL WHITE,soft, smooth and clear skin is produced by using G. W. Laird’s • Bloom of Youth.” It removes tan, freckles, sunburns and a 1 other discolorations from the skin, leaving the complexion brilliant and beautiful, sold at all druggists. This prepa tion is entiiely free from any material detri mental to health. JUST THE REMEDY NEEDED.—’Thanks to Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, we have for years been relieved from sleepless nights of painful watching with poor, suffering, teeth ing children. FOR DYSPEPSIA.—Indigestion depres sion of spirits and general debility in tbeir va rious forms ; also, as a preventive against Fe-» ver and Ague, aud other intermittent fevers. The Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazard £f Co., New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for patieuts recovering from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. RISLEY’S GENUINE GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE WATER according to the origin al formula of Prevost, Paris, so long and favor ably known to the customers of Haviland Har- ral and Bisley and their branches, for its line, permanent fragrance is now made by H. W. Risley, and the trade supplied by his succes sors, Morgan & Risley wholesale Druggists, N. Y, THURSTON’S IVORY PEARL TOOTH POWDER.—The best article known for clens- ing and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & Co , N. Y. CaKBOLIC SALVE, recommended by the leading Physicians and the President ol the New York Board of Health, as the most won derful Healing Compound ever knuwn. Gives instant relief to burns, cures all kinds of sores, cuts and wounds; and a most invaluable salve for all purposes. Sold everywhere at 25 cents per box. John F. Ileury, Sole Proprietor, 8 College place New York. SVAPNIA is Opium purified of its sicken ing and poisonous properties discovered by Dr. Bigelow, Professor of Botany, Detroit Medical College- A most perfect anodyne and soothing opiate. John Parr, Chemist, New York. CHRISTADORO’S HAIR DYE is the safest and best. It corrects the bad effects of infeiior dyes, while the black or brown hair tints it produces are identical to nature. Factory 68 Maiden Lane, New York. May 1 rptn lm Hon. John Milledge.—We are pain ed to announce tlie death of this well- known Georgian on the night of the 13th, in Forsyth, with typhoid pneumonia, af ter a painful illness. Of aristocratic Georgia lineage, and great wealth. Col. Milledge for a long number of years was prominent in the politics of Georgia. He represented Richmond county for a number of years in the State Assembly. Thus another of the old land marks paisas away. He had removed to the pleasant little village of Forsyth to live quietly his de clining years in retirement. His last moments were full of Christian resigna tion to bis fate. He leaves a widow and two children, one an accomplished daughter, and the other our fellow townsman, Captain Jno. Milledge.—Atlanta Constitution. James A. Wray & Co.* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dry Goods Merchants, 194 and 190 Broad Street, AuausTA, GEonaiA T A AKE pleasure in informing their friends aud the public generally, that they have Moved into their New Store, Especially constructed by themselves for the "\7VLlL03cA,l€5 cUULCL JrL©- t£Lil IDr'y- G-oods Business. Having Four Floors 125 x 41 feet, or twenty thousand five hundred aupeificial feet of Flooriug, for the comfortable airsiigemeut and display of Stock, we eoutidently assure our friends and patrons, that we have now on hand one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL and Immense Stocks of STAPLE, FOREIGN AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Which it has ever been cur pleasure to exhibit. Purchased EzciUSi y Por Cash And every article leaving our House Warranted and Guaranteed o the Best Quality, aud at the Very Lowest Prices. WE KEEP always iu -Stock, Large Assortments. Notions of all Kinds. FANS of all Kinds, nmhs. Hair Bnisl'ptj XpIk Iu4Hip«s Bnu-q Wow*- Ktv.ina« iv-.kot bmidered Goods, Laces, &e. Ladies Embroidered Setts, Cuffs and Collars, and Sleeves and Collars. Mourning Setts iu Linen. Muslin and Crape •’inno, uiouimu, ‘-UI.1 IU iiniLii. a.'* wnun Aim Choice Goods of all kinds for Ladies. Misses and Children. Specialty for Spring and Sum er wear, Eureaka Stripes, Favoiite Stripes, Mariposa Stripes, New White Goods very desir able. Gents Furnishing Department, Everything in fine, Balbriggan, Lisle &e., EnglisliH-2 Hose, Hem Stich and Hemmed Linen Hdk’fs. &c. Casimcres and Cloths, The Latest and Choieat Novelties in English, French and American CASIMEIIES and CLOTHS, HARRIS Extra Casimeres, Black DOE SKINS and Light Pant Materials of all Kinds. WHITE LINEN DUCK and DRILL, Bnnvn LINEN DUCIv and DRILL, Fancy LINEN DUCKS, Choice assortment, New Styles, COTTONADES, &c. House Furnishing Goods, LACE CURTAINS, PIANO and TABLE COVERS, LINEN and COT TON SHEETING, all Widths, Pillow Case Linens, 42,45, and 54 inch P. C. COTTON QUILTS, Marseilles and Domestic DAMASKS, NAP KINS, DOYLIES, TOWELS, TOWELINGS of all Kinds. Superior Mourning 1 Goods For the Season, Black Chuily, Black Tarnise Cloth, (light make) Black Crape, Maniz, Henrietta Cloth. Drap D’Aima, Bombazines, Albert Crape, English Ciape, Mousselines, Delaines, and Twisted Silks. Handsome Silks and Dress Goods. The True Grounds of Confidence.-— Whence comes that firm reliauce, that absolute, undoubting faith in the effica cy of Hostetler’* Stomach Bitters as a remedy for indigestion, bilious disorders, intermittent and remittent fevers, which notoriously prevail in all parts of the United States? This confidence has been growing for twenty years, aud it is still extending. It is not the result of credulity ; it has not been engendered by any human device, but is the spon taneous and natural consequence of ex perience. What people see daily goiug 00 under tbeir own eye* they cannot NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Georgia State Lunatic Asylum, OFFICE TREASURER & STEWARD, \ Near Millldgeville, 2uih May, 1872 j TFNHE undersigned will receive under au- -1 thorit.y of the Board of Trustees, up to the 14th of JUNE. 12o’clock M , SEALED PRO POSALS for furnishing the articles specified below. Parties offering biils, wilt beat liber ty to bid for any one or more of the a-ticles in the list—all being required to furnish with their bids, samples of the articles proposed to be supplied ; and any artcles furnished not com ing up fully to such samples may be rejected and returned at the expense of the b dder. All articles must be strictly sound and of good merchantable quality. The meal must be de livered in such amounts as required weekly. One-third of the articles must be delivered at Milledgeville, freight prepaid, by the 1st of July, 1872, and rash will be paid for the same. One-third must be delivered at Milledge ville, freight pre-paid, by the 1st of Agust, and cash will be paid for the same on the 15th of August. And one-third must be delivered at Milledgeville by the 1st of September, freight pre-pa^d and cash will be paid for the same on the 1st Oct., 1872. LIST OF ARTICLES. 135 bushels White Corn 475. do Oats 25.000 lbs. Timothy Hay 10.000 “ Clear-rib side IJacou 3500 “ Sugar-cured Hams 2000 “ Leaf Lard 3000 “ Choice Rio Coffee 250 “ Java Coffee 3500 “ Brown Sugar 500 “ Crushed Sugar 23,600 “ Family Flour 23J500 “ White Corn Meal, water ground 540 “ Tobacco 300 gals. Molasses 50 “ Apple Vinegar 1000 lbs. Turpentine Soap 3000 “ Rica 25 “ Green Tea 800 “ Adamantine Candles 12 Sacks Salt. The bidder must specify the prices at which each item or kind of goods is proposed to be furnished, by the pound, gallon, or sack, as the case may be : the right being reaerved to award the contract for supplying the above- named articles to any one or more of the bid ders, or reject any bid offered. Bids should be marked “To furnish supplies” and ad dressed to the undersigned. M. R. BELL, Treasurer Steward S. L. A. May 33,1872. 3t Grenadines, Organdies, Mohairs &e. DOLLY VARDEN STYLES in all Kinds of Dress Goods. Ties, Culls See TT© Merchants Buying AT WHOLESALE, we offer them Goods at N. Y. Jobbing prices, Do mestic Goods at Factory prices, and a Large and Varied Stock to Select from. We are Constantly in Receipt of Bargains in Different lines of Goods from Auction and forced Sales, often selling you Goods much lower than cost of Manufacture or importation. We Respectfully Invite Eveiyfody to an Inspection OF OUR SUPERIOR STOCK, Confident that from the Styles, Quality and LOW PRICES of our Goods, you will find them worthy your attention. James A. Gray & Co., 194 and 196 Broad St, AUGUSTA, GA. may 7 1872 rpn I0t. Real Laces. P ATTERN Valenciennes Edging. French Valenciennes Edging. Real Valenciennes Laces. Real Thread Laces- Point Applique Laces. Real Point Laces. Point Applique Collars. Real Point Collars. Black Guipure Laces. Black Thread Laces. Black Lima Paletots. Black Lima Parasol covers. Embroidered Edging aud Inserting. New and most beautiful Goods, something very fine. Just received at JAS. A. GRAY & CO’S. Fast Colors. P ARIS LAWNS at 124 c,s - per yard. Striped Grenadines, assorted J5 els. per yard. Full Lines Hosiery of superior English man ufacture, in cotton Lisle Thread—Balbriggan and Extra Long --Ladies and Childrens’. At JAS. A. GRAY & CO S Black Silk Grenadine, V ERY BEST QUALITY, in Plain and Fig ured and Satin Striped, just received at JAS. A. GRAY & CO’S. Dress Goods. O VER 15,000 Yards Handsome Dress Goods at 15 cents per yard—something worth looking at—just received at JAS. A. GRAY & CO’S. Parasols- A LARGE Assortment of the Newest and most Elegant Goods, at from 50 cents to $39 each, just received at JAS. A GRAY & CO’S. Piques. One Case Fine PIQUE at 12c per yard. One Case Extra PIQUE, 20c- per yard. One Case Superior Quality, 25c. Just received at JAS. A. GRAY & CO’S. Ladies’ Under Garments. LARGE aud Beautiful Assortment of La dies Under Garments, in Linen and Cotton, just received at JAS. A. GRAY & CO’S. BEAUTIFUL rp I HE new styles Swiss and Organdie Suits, Ovorskitt* and Polonaise; also, Lawn Suits. Just opened at JAS. A. GRAY A CO’S. Tlickings and Tucked Trimming, In every desirable style ef Plait, Fold, and Width, at JAS A. GRAY 4k CO’S. 194 and 196 Broad St. Swiss and Lawn Trimming, lN every style, Puffed, Plaited, Combination, «&c., Quadruple, Sextuple and Octuple, at T1Q A fl t> a V A. i»Aia JAS. A. GRAY 4k GO’S, 194 and 196 Broad St. Paris Lawns, C HOICE Styles. Just opened at 124 eents per yard. JAS. A. GRAY A CO’S, 194 and 196 Broad St. F ( Summer Sailings, OR Ladies, in Chambertine, a new Linen material, at 20 cents per yard, at JAS. A. GRAY A CO’S, 194 and 196 Broad St. Striped Suitings, j^)ATIN STRIPED Linen Goode for Lades' Suits ; new and popular Goods at JAS. A. GRAY * CO’S, 194 and 196 Broad St. Grenadines- "V ARIOUS Colors, assorted, in striped Grenadines at 15 cents per yard, at JAS. A. GRAY & CO’8, 194 and 196 Broad St. Embroidered and Tacked. ANDSOME Robes for Infants; Embroidered Flannel Skirts aud Blankets, Embroidered Infanta’ Waists, at JAS. A. GRAY * CO’S. 194 and 196 Broad St. C Linen Damask. SPRING, 1872. J. B. Ross & S. T. Coleman, AT MACON, GEORGIA, OFFKIt TO THK TltADK «n unusually large stock ot Dry Goods, Notions, —Soots djf Shoes, Hats and Clothing. And are Agents for the Largr>t Cotton Mills i n the State Merchants wi.-hing Goods Mill p!e:me give us a call. TERMS will be made LIBERAL. r april 9 Jin •tones & Baxter, General Commission Merchants, ANIi DEALERS IN Produce, Provisions, Staple Groceries, Fertilizers, Lime, Plaster, Cement, d'c., NO. lOO O HER.R.Y STREET, i AprilO 3m MAOON, GA. TO THE LADIES OF MILLEDGEVILLE. -:o:- T'he Least Call I MRS. N. S. HOLDRIDGE Is now offering the FINEST STOCK of MILLINERY, EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY, AND hits a fine assortment of HEADY MADE DRESSES «>f the LATEST STYLES, and an entiles* VarirtjLol REAL ami irnu*r tion H A Real and imitation i n a o o b L A O B S , and in fact you cannot enumerate the endless variety now offering. SHE may tect-ive the last SUMMER STYLES from the 20ih to the 25th, and from that time for 30 days will sell AT NEW YORK COST 2 Tne ill-health of Mrs. H. has compelled her to close out her stock, whtdi wiil be done at a GREAT SACRIFICE FOR CASH. You can buy CHEAT. COME ONE, COME ALL, and at the be ginning of the Fall season, if health improves, will be on the field and compete for the pi fee. HOICE selected Pattern* in Double Satin Table Dama*k, all qualities, from 75 cents to $3 per yard at JAS. A. GRAY fr CO S. 194 and 196 Broad St. Towels, Of every quality at very Low Price*, in Huckaback, Dataask and Plain French Grass Towels, at JAS. A. GRAY dr CO’S, 194 and 196 Broad St. New Suits, I N PURE LINEN, and other Handsome Materials, Beautifully Trimmed, inst re- ct feed at JAB. A. OKAY 4k CQ'B. THE DEPARTMENT FOR DRESS MAKING AND FITTING Will be well represented, and at the same time the SEWING MA CHINE Department will be represented by MR. ROBERTSON and his assistant, and there is NO MACHINE he cannot make, or any peace of work he cannot accomplish. At any time will give instruction, and adjuat any and all Machines that need repairing. MRS. N. S. HOLDRIDGE is Agent, and has tccured this Cele brated Machine. I cannot sav more, but the opportunity to VISIT the opening will be a TREAT TO ALL. Milledgevilfe, April, 16th, 1872. tf. MRS. P. A. tllNDRUM, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. Has Just Returned from New York where she Purchased and (is Now Keoeivi&f! a larft Assortment of MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, AMONG WHICH ARE French Organdies, Rahye Goods, Percales, Figured Chem Goods, English Chintzes, Genoese and Chinese Grass Cloths, TABLE LINEN OF ALL KINDS, WHITE GOODS, Plain and Striped Jackonetts, Organdie and Swiss Muslins, Pique Trimmings and Buttons of all kinds, Guypure Edging and Insertions. Real and Imitation Lace Sets, Hosiery, READY-MADE SUITS of all Descriptions and Styles, IXOIiUBIXa BOIjIjY VARBMDarS’. Also Patterns of Every Description, from the First Medistes aid Importers of New York. Hats and Bonnets of Every Description, Hair work of all kinds, A general Assortment of Toilet Articles, Stationery and Jewelry of all kinds, A full assortment of Ladies,and Children’* Shoes. Umbrellas and Parasols of all kinds, A full assortment of Ribbons, Doiles and Napkins, Musketo bars, Pins, Needles and Sewing Colton of all kinds, Thompson’s Glove-Fitting Corsets. All Of which she will sell VERY LOW for cash. She invite* her friends *sd the public te Call and examine for theiuaelve*. > 83rShe expect* to have en OPENING SOON, of wbick «he will give timely notice. Milledgeville. April 16; J872. .. tHE 08EAT SOUTHERN freight . AND P A SS ENGER LINE, Via Charleston, S. C. | To all points in the South and Southwest. The Attention of Merchants aud Shipper* i* { cm led to the great facilities—LOW KATES ; ani QUICK TIME—offered by this Favorite and Reliable Route; forming, as It does, a uniform and unbroken j Gauge fr»m Charleston to , all Points iu the South and South-West. freights received at all hours of the dav. and THROUGH BILLS ISSUED AS FOLLOW8: From BOSTON—Metropolitan Steamship Line. 54 Central Wharf. H. M WHITNEY. Agt.. Boston. '• Fiom NEW YORK—Sailing tri-weekly. Pier 29. North River. The Nen York and Charles ton, and the New Y >rk and Sonth Carolina Steamship Lines. HENRY K MORGAN 4k CO.. Agents, 177 West St.. N Y. From PHILADELPHIA -The Philadelphia and Charleston Steam-hip Line. sailing from Pier 8. North Wharves. WM P. CLYDE 4k CO.. Ageuta, 12 South Wharves, Philadelphia Pa. From Baltimore—The Baltimore and Charles ton Railroad and Steamship Company's Lice, sailing from Boyces' Wharf, toot of Concord St MORDECA1 4k CO., Agents, 45 South Gay 8t.. Baltimore, Md- . For further information, address above par- ties*or any of the officers or ageuta of the line Central Agent. BENTLEY DHASELL. NO 317 BSOADVIT I. T. apr 16 prtf. J M.NrbletL Wm. M. Goodr.cfc .A.TJ OTJST-A. GkA... COTTON GINS- W E tLe undersigned, respectfully inform the planting community that we con tinue to manufacture COTTON GINS. Wa were awarded tho Premium, open to tho world, for the Gin at the Cotton States Me chanics’ and Agricultural Fair, held at Au gusta last season Also, reoei»*d tha First Premium at the State Fair of South Carolina. We leel warranted in saying that a trial of our Gins is all that is necessary to guaranteo satisfaction. Orders solicited early in tha season to prevent delay. Old Gius repaired on reasonable terms. NEBLKTT;* GOODRICH, rw april 23 6m • Grorer and taker Sewing Ma* chine. ■ For Simplicity, Ease of Operation, and Du rability. the GROVER A BAKER 8EWING MACHINE is unrivalled. Responsible Agetto wanted iu every town in the State. Address. GROVER A BAKER S. M. CO . 214 Bull St., Savannah, Ga — april 23 3m rn. 50 CENTS For Mix Months on Trial Every Mason should subscribe to the Rftyynle RuaitflT, published monthly at Golds boko, N. C. Devoted strictly to the Sciences, Philosophy, Symbolism and Ju risprudence ef Masonry, and newt of sp cial interest to tbe Fraternity South. The Moki- tos has received the highest eneouinms from the impartial and intelligent Press of the coun try. The proprietor solicits the patronage and support of tha Fraternity. Address. J. A. BOrilTZ, Managing Editor, Goldsboro, N. C. r April 30,4w W ANTED. AGENTS—f 100 to $250 per month—everywhere. Male and Female, to introduce the genuine improved MAR- g HALL SEWING MA- HINTS- This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord, quilt, and em broider in a most superior manner. Price, on ly $15, fully licensed and warranted for five years. We will pay $1,000 for any machine, high price or low, that will sew a stronger, more durable or more elastic se'im than onra. It makes the ELASTIC LOCK STITCH. Ev ery second stitch can be eat, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it We pay agents $100 to 250 per month, ana expens, es or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. For circulars and terme, apply to or address, 8. MARSHALL A CO. N«. 102 Nassau Street, New York. CAUTION.—Do not be imposed on by oth er parties traveling the country palming off worthless cast-iron machines under the sam name or otherwise. Oar* is the only genuin and really cheap machine manufactured. r April 23, 3m PARKER A COLLINS. (GARDNER’S OLD STAND) Makers and Repairers of Vehicles Generally. INVITE your inspection of their work now on hand at their shops, feeling confident it will gaiu for them your patronage, and confi dence. Repairing done promptly, and com petition defied, as to style and durability. Bring on year old Carriage* and Buggies, and let us make them new. PARKER * COLLINS. Milledgeville, Ga., April 23, 1872. ly. Railroad Time Table- Macon and, Brunswick Railroad. Mateon AKRIVK 525 pm 650am 925pm 700pm 7 45 a m 645 pm 10 30am leave ..... S20 am 7 45 p m Brunswick 545 am Jacksonville, Fla 7 00 a m Savannah... 7 00pm (Macon At Hawkinaville 6 45 a m Macon 3 05pm Central Railroad. leave Macon........... 8 00am 6 20 p iu Savannah 7 15am 7 00pm Train from Gordon to Milledgeville and Ea tonton connects wi h down night train from Macon and up dav train from Savannah. Southwestern Railroad. arrive 461 p m 5 15am 6 15 p m 5 30 »*m Macon........... LEAVE Aaaiva 4 35 p m 8 50 p m 5 00 am Eufaula 458pm 5 10pm 1000am Muscogee Railroad. LF.AVE AJIRrrK Macon 5 25 am 612 p m 8 15 p m 410am Columbus........ 12 46pm 11 00am 8 05p m 4 45am South Carolina Railroad. LEAVE ARRIVI Augusta 330pm 6 00 p m 5 40 am Charleston....... 4 25p 0 3 30p m 7 06a m Western and Atlantic Railroad. LEATE ARRIVE Atlanta.......... 1 42 am 6 00a m 132pm 245pm 10 00 am 5 20pm 616am 630a m 121pm PLANTERS* HOTEL. ARfiita, fit. The only Hotel in the City where Gas i* used throughout JO HA A. GOLDSTEIN. CHARLESTON HOTEL I, H. VACKSON, CHARLESTON,