Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, May 28, 1872, Image 1

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_ Volume LID. MILLEDGrEVIHE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1872. Numbers 20. THE $ o u t a c x a c x o v A c v. i: \ 2. A. UAEEISON, & 0HM2- " ;rnlS) $2.00 Per Annum in Advance vLitn Diccftovn. NATURE’S cIT Y G 0 VEUNM E A T. . r— Samuel Walker. 1 nl AUeimen—F B Mapp, E Trice, \ (jaraker, Jacob Caraker, J M McComb, j':’ n r V Temple- * K and Treasurer—Peter Fair. ^ irs l lfl ;_j U Fair. Policeman—-T Tuttle, j l.-jut y Marshal and Street Overseer—Peter s,'; hi—F Beeland. * ; ,• Surveyor—C T Bayne, i ;, v Auctioneer—S J Kidd. 1','nance Committee—T A Caraker, Temples. Street. Committee—J Caraker, Trice, Me- i.:u:J Committee—MeCcntb, J Caraker, Ccurtery Committee—Temples, Mapp, T A ;] meets 1st and 3d Wednesday nights • each month. COUNTY OFFICERS. ' il"o M li Bell, Ordinary, office in Masonic u.,11. * p L Fair, Clerk Sup’r Court, office in Ma* Hall. ‘ , , i! in lialt Arnold,SbcrifFi office in the Mason- Hall 0 1* Bonner, Deputy Sheriff, lives in the josi-is Marshall, Rec’r Tax Returns—at l 1 ,!.! Office. h y' tjaiiaway, Tax Collector, office at his H Temples, County Treasury,office at his Ui Cushing., Coroner, res on WUksonst. ,/ ..u Gentry, Constable, res on Wayne si ii-ai ifte Factory. MASONIC Benevolent Lodge, No. 3, F A M, meets - and second Saturday nights of each month j Mas,utic Hull- J C FillEA, W.M, t.l 1) CaSe, secretary. T aijile Chapter meets the second and a tit Saturday nights in each month. ' S G WHITE, II # P # G 1> Case, secretary. Mi lsdgeville Lodgf of Perfection, A A S E Lo ts every Monday night. SAMUEL G WHITE, S, P # G. ( M # Gtt» D Case.Exc Grand Fee’y. * /. O. G. T. MTedgevilie Lodge, No 115, meets in the ■;;ait> Chamber at the State House on every Fiitlav evening at 7 o’clock. C P CaAtVFORn, W C T K P Lane, secretary. vl Water Templars meet at the State iit every Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. CH f RCH J)l«ECTOU¥. baptist enupen. Service 1 st and 3d Sundays in each menth, 1] o'clock a m alid7 p ui. Sabbath school at 9.j o’clock am. S N 3lighten,supt. Rev D E ButLek, Pastor. METHODIST CHURCH Hours of service on Sunday. 11 o’ clock, a u. and 7 pm. Sunday school 3 o’clock p m—W E Frank- ai. superiiPeudent. Prayer meeting every Wednesdav at 7 pm. Rev A J J ark ELL, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sabbath (except the second -ah month) at 11 a m and 7 p ni, Sabbath school at 9 1-2 a m T T Windsor a.'rintendent. i rayer meeting every Friday at 4 o’clock m. Rev C W Lane, Pastor. The Episc opal Church has no Pastor at resent] , _ _ JMl H H ' 5 jMSM/ 19 fi W h Free from the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs us ed in other Hair Prepara tions. Ko SUGAB OF LEAD—Wo LITHARGE—Wo NITRATE OF SILVER, and is entirely Transparent and cLar a- ..rye'al, it will not sal t;-.e finc-t fabric—perfect y S \FE, CLEAN and F. F F I C I E N T—de>ii!-raiums LONG SOUGHT FOil AND FOUND AT LAST 1 It restores ami prevents the Hair fiom be coming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy appear ance, removes l'a d uff, is c4ol and refreshing to ’.he head, cheeks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great exieul when prema turely lost, prevents HeadwTics, cutes all hu mors, cutaneousern, and nunatnral Heat. AS A D It ESS IN G F t) it TEE 1141 It I F IS T11E BEST A R71 CEE l.Y THE MARKET. DR.G. SMITH, Patentee, Gruion Junction, Mass., Prepare,! only by PRuCTOlt BROTH ERS, Gloucesior, Mass. The Genuine is put up in a pannel bottle, made expressly for it with the name of she artie’e blown in the glass. Ask your Diuggiat for Nature's Hair refto.a live, ar.d take no other. For sale in Mi Hedge villc by L. W. HUNT & CO. In Sparta, by A. II. BIRDSONG & CO. p July 2 ly- h Feb2S’71 ",y. WORCESTER’S QUARTO ID ictionary. THE STANDARD. U ’• C§ () li C E S T DICTIONARIES Have been a iopted by the State Board s of Education of VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, ALABAMA, and. ARKANSAS In use in the cities of RICIIMONO, V. 1., NORFOLK, VA. MO 11 ILL, ALABAMA. SAVANNAH, GA ATLANTA, GA , <jc. The Standard in Orthography anci Pronunciation in Washington and Lee University, The University of Virginia, The College of William and Mary, The University of Georgia, The Wesleyan University, Alabama, fte., BREWER & TILESTON. ID IVTillm Street, BOSTON. may 7 1 -72 rp 3m. RADMY'S READ! RELIEF GViiXiS '£S1H W OftsT Films in ii om one to twentx minutes. Not One hour. after reading this advei tisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. Raduay’s Ready Relief la a Care for every PAIM. It was the first and is THE G\LV PAIM UEIUEDY that instantly stops the mist excruciating pains, allays Iuflaniation, and cures Conges tions, whether of the Lungs, stomach. Bow els. or other glands or organs by one appii cation In (roin one to twenty miuutes, no niatteg. how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bed-'iddeu, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with dis ease may suffer. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where Iho pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops ill half a tumbler of watel will iir a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms Sour Stomach Heartburn, Sick Headache Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and a Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle ol Radway s Ready Relief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water It is betater that French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulenf TJEVEU AMD AGUE, Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents-.; There is not a remedial agent in this w orld that was cure Fevei and Ague, and all other Malarice- Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and ether Fevers (aided by Radway’s Pills) so quick a Railway's Ready Relief. Fifty cents a bottle, HEALTH ! BEAUTY!! Strong and pine rich blood—increase of flesh and weight—dear skin and beautiful complexion secured to all. DU. RAD WAY’S MW’UULLID MA&3£ «; e j a t; i: i ■on AttiLV TS. We wil i pay $50 per v. eek in cash, am 1 ex pauses, ir you will engago with i :s AT ONC F,— Evtrythii jg furnished aud expen ses paid. Ad- dress, F £ .. ELLS & CO. , C'liar lotto, Mic it HUME SHUTTLE Sewing Machine- Agents wanted in every county m North Car olina, South Carolina. Georgia and Florida, to sell this popular Machine. If makes the lock' stick (alilie on both sides,) Price. $25. For circular, address D. G MAX >\ DLL, General Agent, Charlotte. North Carolina. HEAT MEDICAL BOOK cf useful knowl- V JT ed go to all Sent free for two stamps. Address Di . Bona parte ft Co , Uincinnatti, 0. May 20, rpn 4t J T C P JANO CO-, 1st class $290. No U O A gents. Nann s of patrons in forty I States in Ci rciilar. THE GREAT- BLOOD PPR1FIER- -PR0PERTIES2-A PlEASAf'TT QRINK. ILSKIN Dl SEASES-&ERUPTTONS> SPEPSIA 2r GENERAL DEBILITY: NERVOUS DI SEASES. LIVER COMPLAINT and arc a preventive of Chills and Fever. All yield to their powerful efficacy. I* E COODfORTHE MENTAL0RCANIZATION M3T WICLRESTQR E YOUTHFUL VICOR 1RREGULARiTY'OFTHE B 0WELS-. QURESAtsl EVER WELL P EO PEE I The gTand Panacea for all ilie ills of life. Tra Otnndnnjl PHYSICIANS THERE, ;; ■ ' ;J1 prescribe it a -"-iif In Youig orOld, ii ani L ; JVox Single,:hesc Bitters are un-- t-cualifcd anc have often beea the' means of caving life. try one bottle. Dd.UR. BISSF.LL & BUHRUM. Whole ■' agents, and Wholesale Grocers and Coin- "!?'] m Merchants, 177 Broad Street, AU- jly FA, GA. ELECTIC GALLERY OF Fine Steel Engravings c o PORTFOLIO, 'SCRAP-ECCir, FRAMING, 03 FOR PURPOSES OP ILLUSTRATION. Xciiriy 300 Different Subjects, COMPlilSlSll. HISTORIANS. PORTS, ARTISTS, WAKKI- MliS, LMPEIiORS, KINGS. STATESMEN, HISTORIC AND IDEAL PICTURES, Etc., etc, rg~D!ESE Engravings have appeared in the .L Ecl.l'.CTIC MaCAZISK during the pasl 25 years. The subjects have been selected with great care on both sides of the Atlantic. They are printed on different sized paper either small size, 7 by it), or quarto size, 10 by 12. rater: : Small size, !0c. ; quarto 6iz9, 15c.— A specimen of each s-ize and Ciealogue sent on receipt of 25c ; and. on receipt o! §1, five of each size will be sent. . Catalogues sent Free to axy Address. E, It. BELTON, BulHisIier, 103 Fuhon St., Ncw-York. april Kirpnlra. Sewing jUSilL Sewing Has made the most astonishing cures so quick so rapid are the changes the body un dergoes, under the influence of tins truly wonderful Medicine, that Every day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. 'M'Btjtt moon pvtttntitt Every drop of the iSaisapariliau Resolvent communicates through the Blood, Nweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the sys tern the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with now and soud material. Serof ula, 5'yphiiis, Consumption, Giaudular, dis ease, Elects in the throat. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system, Sure Eyes, Strumorotis disebaiges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, King Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Acne Black Spots. Il’oftns m the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and pa nful discharges, Night Sweats,* Loss oi Sperm and ail wastes of the life principle are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, amt a few days use will prove to any person using it for either of bese forms of disease its potent power to cure them. A'ot only does the Sarsapardliau Resolvent excels all known remedial agents in the cure ot Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary Bad U'otnb diseases, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine trtglu’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all ta ses where there are brick du»t deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substauces like the white oi an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark biilious ap poarance. and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. DR. RADWAY’S fEiiFEUT TUKUATIVl FILLS, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated witti sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Radway’s Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Biadder, A’crvous Diseases, Head ache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion,' Dyspepsia, Billiousuess, Bilious Fever, In flammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all De rangements of the Internal Viscera. War ranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Veg etable. containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. Observes the following symptoms resulting t’ro.n Disorders of the Digestive Organs: A few doses of Radway’s Pills will free the system front all ihe above named disorders Price, 25 cents per Box. Sold by Druggists. Read •-False and True.” Send one letter- stamp to Rad way &, Co., No 32 Warren St., Cor. of Church Street, New York. Informa tion worth thousands will be sent you. r July 4 1S7 1. 26 ly DALiliY'S,, FKuPHYLACTIC _ The Last Scene, at Appomattox. I in life? time aecmutHishes n gr>at Sttctch of a Federal Officer. ! w< * r ^* . . | Ao give any just luea ttf lUe ilis- There was a re union ot the fcoci- j course m this Lnei nonce utmlti b** ety of the Army of the Potomac, j impossible. Tiie iiiea, however, vyh> held at Cincinnati, on the 7th inst. that this earth is to be changed and At this celebration the oration was I Prepared as i<» be the tical abod delivered by Gen. Stewart L. Wool- , io|) „ e |lot , a „ llv 3ivil ,„ llwl ,,, ford, of New Y r ork, anil from ' ihe tins following ex- FLUID f I Uiib ui valuable family Medicine, toi purifying, cleansing, removing baa odors tu ail kinds of sickness; for burns sores, wounds, stings; lor Erysipelas, rheumatism, and all skin diseases; for oration we make w tracts : 'The morning crept slowly on— first into gray dawn, then in o rosy flush. Still on ! still on ! The mists crept upward and into line yon wheeled, and on your muskets lay down, each man in place, to get scant rest, which even in the ex- haustion of those thirty-six hours of terrible marching you neither sought nor heeded. You were squarely across Lee’^ front, and had closed forever his last line of retieat. The enemy reaching your cavalry advance, iaw the serried line ol Union troopers. Gordon gathered and massed his men for their lasL charge. Tattered and hungry, worn by ceaseless marching and fighting, with no hope ot victory, with little possibility of escape, they closed their lines with a fidelity of discip line and soldierly resolution, to which words can do little jusiice— but which each soldier’s heart must recognize and honor. As the old guaitl close*l around their Emperor at Waterloo, so these lien closed round the tligsot their lost cause. My heart abhors their treason. Rut it warms beyond re- iraint to their manhood so grandly brave, even in disloyalty. Slowly they advanced to their last attack. No bailie yell, no crack ol the skir- nisher’s nile broke the strange still- tiess ot that SaDbalh morn. Steadi ly, silently they came, when Siteri- dan drew back Ins horseman, as parts some mighty curtain, and there stood the close-formed battalions o! your infantry, the cannon gleaming in the openings, quietly awaiting the coming ot Gordon’s men. Instinctively your enemy halted. Meanwhile Lee has turned back to meet Grant and surrender his com mand. Sheridan swung his caval ry around upon Gordon s left, and was about to charge, when Cusiar reached Longstrcel. As.-uranee of surrender was given, and the end had come. That Sabbath day, with tears and in sorrow, Southern men folded the banners ot the ‘’Lost Cause, and their bravest and best sought hon orably to bury them Horn sight for ever. How sail it is that poor ambitions, jealousies of race, the wretched greed of pel) and place, arid the mis erable hates ofsoJial rivalries,should so often disturb the hearty reconcil iation of that surrender and for a time revive the bitterness which you then sought to bury in a common grave. This hour ts no time tor polities. Mine not the lips, I t,rust, to intro duce them heie. But when l think of that heroic past, which your faces and presence so vividly recall, and then how trading, trickster politic cians, forgetful of what baptism of blood sealed the new birth of th* nation, seek to array races in need' less hostility, to exude the ignorance of the one and the brutal prejudices of the other, l would like to summon a guard, half from the rebel army of Northern Virginia and half from the loyal army of the Potomac, take such malcontents out, give them a drum-head court-martial, immediate execution and soldierly burial under the apple tree at Appomattox. most omineiit auil suggestive pfi. —oo yioughl of the text was n.-wue.-s ; there was to be a new heaven anil a new earth. That the heaven here referred to unquestionably meant not the starry heavens and the boundless ser-ths to he pr* ferred in th • South o Gen. Grunt, and it is uni forgot ten that be was opp ised to the war in tiie outset, sought to stop it in ii - progress, and at its close came to Richfnond. and iieeame bail tor J - ffetson DavD, an act which, >t that tone, involved the exercise ■f no ordinary moral courage. It •ii<o seems to be considered that ihere is no way of defeating General Grrtiti' tViij by the union of Liberal Republicans and Democrats in sup- unit ot Horaya Greeley, and that even it a Democrat could be elected space bey on J our earth, but the ui- t, e would only be m the condition of mospheric world about us which is Andrew J hnson, liable at any mo- catarrh, sore mouth, sore throat, diptheria; for colic, diarrhoea, cholera; as awash to soften and beautify the skin; to remove really a part of the e irth—us gar ment. Peter described the manner in which the earth was to lie change ed and purified. It was to be. done Ly fire. Tne arguments to !>e drawi; from Scripture were numerous. The leading idea was redemption. Not only was man to be redeemed, but restored to the possession of an in lierilance from which he had been alienated by sin. This argument was fully explained and strongly enforced. The earth had been the abode of sinless beings in the per-, sons of our first parenLs. Tne chib dren of Israel believed m an ear.hly paradise restored to them us a elm sen people. God himself had dwell on earth, in the Shekinari, between the Cherubim ia lfie temple at Jeiu Salem; and tfie Divine Redeemer appeared on the earth in the person of the babe of Bethlehem. Besides this, the Holy Spirit now dwells and ministers in the church on earih At the resurrection the saints shall arise with bodies glorified, spiritual bodies, but bodies still, and they shall live and reign with Christ up on the earth. The earth will lie. changed to adapt it to the new con dition and wants of the rt-m saints, but it wiil be the earth still. There shall be no more sea, or storm, or disease, or death. The grossness of the earth, as of our mortal bodies shall be purified and changed. The speaker dwell on the un- scriptural and fanciful idea of heav en as popularly entertained. He contended that the shadowy nothing mom to im]>e tchmenl or removal While this is n >t a political jour nal if is in full syinpa by with the noble and unhappy Southern people, whose conditions is such that their section cnfHiot survive another four years of misrule and oppres-ion.— I’fie appeal from Charleston to the National D. mocracy to consider their uioii is most mo irnlul and touching. If that app al is disre garded we shall uot iw* surprised to see die South acting upon the prin ciple that self preservidon is ihe first law of iiaiuie, and t > hear the cry ringing th'ough h*-r borders, *' To your tents, () Israel.” The. Sunday Mercury (New Yoik) also decia-res iu-eff f*r G ei-by and Brown with no uncertain sound.— V erify, lhal muca talked of 4i ground swell” lor ibe philosopher of the “ white ft it,” begins Hi rock political circles to their very ceil re. Such a shaking and quaking in old fogydotn ami such c •us'eru uioii to;he knaves and thieves who run die govern ment machine, haven* ver been sceu before. Soon lliey will begin to cry for die rocks and hills i>> fall upon diem hr hide their confusion But listen to tiie Mercury : The first duty the Democracy h ive to perform is to aid in ridding the country ol the pre.-ctil corrupt ailuiinisiralion, and to exterminate the party of misrule and seclmua! haired which sustains it and seeks to perpetuate it. The great majority of working and voting Democrats in this Slate, feel it intuitively that this duiv rests upon them, and they ex- ness ot heaven, in which spirits j pect their representatives in the con floated in ether, suspended on noth-| venlion to declare it boldly to tile big a»d anchored to die throne of! world, that with die Cincinnati plat- God, enjoying a series ot raptuous j form and candidates they arc ready sensations, of which could dream, J a(H | wilting to undertake die tasl of but which we could not understand, kicking Grant out of the White and with which we could not syrn : flnuse. This feeling among Demo- pmhize, was iepugnaut alike to tea-, ,-rats has become so gtneral and in- son and the word of God. His pur-1 u-tisified as to assume the force of a pose as expressed was to learn wlrat j conscientious conviction that the at- die scriptures teach of heaven, tis locality and Ide ot the redeemed in that abode. His ideas may strike some as novel and speculative, but those who heard the sermon will he likely to admit that it is difficult to escape his logic an I his interpreta tion ot the various texts quoted in support of his position. The sermon ought to be published and have an extended circulation. nk spots, luil'Jew, lruit stains, taken in- | ternally as well as applied externally; so Ui Notice. jYfE undersigned respactfully informs the j ' ‘"•dzens that they are prepared to furnish L r y er ’ any amount and size, at their Lnm 0|1 ' ‘ lr, l in Milledgeville, at low rates. Cal- ti,; 0ur Agent, Mr. G'. B. Mundy, for terms and ct| N & A C ARM ANNE Y. eeI9- t f O mines highly recommended by all who have used it—is for sale by ail Druggists and Ooun- ry Merchants, and may be ordered di rectly of the DARBY PROPHYLACTIC CO. Ma chines. 161 William Street, N. Y. p Dce24’70 ly. iai rMay2 uJnne3 ly ‘ HOME IIUTTLE ’ .-ewinff ‘ Machine Onlv §125. This is a Shuttle Machine, has the underfeed, and makes the ‘Lock Stick” alike on both sides. It is a Standard First Class Machine, and the only low priced ‘Lock Stick’ machine in the United State-. This machine received ihe Diploma at die ‘ Fair cf the two Garo'inas,” in the City of Char otte, N. C., in 187L “PALMETTO” Family Sewing Machine only 31o- This machine has tiie celebrated “under feed,” and is so simple ii never gets out of order. It stands entirely above and be- yond any cheap machine ever produced before l^'The above Machines are Warranted for LF" A*MACHINE FOR NOTHING! Any person making up a club for 5 machines will be presented the sixth one. as commissions Agents Wanted.—Superior inducement, given. Liberal deduction made (o ministers of Ike Gospel. Send stamp lor circulars and samples of sewing. Address Rev. C. H BEliNHEIM, General Agent, Concord, N. C april S) r n p 4w RS» HOTEL. Augusta, t»a. The only Hotel in (he City where Gas is used throughout JCH\ A. GOLDSTEIN. ’S HOTEL, Opposite Depot, MACON GA. W- F. BROWN & C3., Prop’rs j (Successors to E. E. Brown & Son,) W F. Brown. Geo. C. Brow* CHARLESTON HOTEL E. If. IACKSON, Proprietor. CHARLESTON S. C A Eemarkable Sermon. Those who attended the Presby terian Church yesterday morning had the satisfaction of listening to one of the most remarkable discourses perhaps ever delivered in this city. The sermon was preached by Jos. 1L Wilson, D. D., pastor of the church ; and his subject was “ The New Heaven and the New Earth,” founded on the first three verses of ihe 21st chapter of Revelations. Dr. Wilson is a man whose dis courses are uniformly able and inter esting—full of fresh and vigorous thought, showing profound erudi tion, anil careful elaborate prepara tion. But, as with other men of his class, there are limes when his whole being seems imbued with a great theme; he rises above the plain of his ordinary preaching, and speaks with an authority anti a power above and beyond himself. The conditions j j roin destruction, of such an almost inspired c-tiorl are ^ however, seems not entirely accu that the speaker has discovered, in ra ^ e which represents Mr. Greeley In the last issue of the Baltimore Episcopal Methodist, we find the following article, which is copied en tire, to show the calm, sober view, even of the religious element of the country’, respecting the Cincinnati nominations. This journal is one of the leading organs of the denomina tion it represents, and Baltimore has shown herself as loyal to her suffer ing brethren of the remote South, as the needle to the pole, or the light artn to the volitions of the brain in the human organization : The Political Situation.—The political world of the United Slates has been stirred-to its profoundest depths hv the nomination of Horace Greeley for the Presidency by the Cincinnati Convention—which also nominated Gov. Brown, of Missouri, for the Vice Presidency. This nom ination, which might have been sup posed to have no strength except in the North, seems to have its chiet strength in the South, of whose in stitutions he has been the life-long opponent. But it seems to be con sidered in the South, that its present and future are more important than its past, and that its true course is uphold any legitimate agencies of deliverance which promise to restore its peace and prosperity. As a drowning man ‘would not re fuse to be rescued from death by an old enemy, if such should generous ly come to the assistance, the South is ready to receive aid from any quarter which will help to rescue ii The illustration, the Scriptures some truth which has eluded the grasp of others, and the knowledge of which he believes to be essential to a harmonious and perfect system of theology, and to the happiness of mankind. Only in. dependent and original thinkers preach such sermons, and he who produces a half dozen of that order as on enemy of the South. His abo litionism seems to have been an honest fanaticism, which is at all events more respectable than the patronage of negroes by Gen. Grant, who once said he would sooner join the South than use his sword for ab olition purposes. As the friend of amnesty and peace, Mr. Greeley tempt to nominate straight out Dem ocratic party candidate® to profit by the threatened split in the Republi can party would be a blunder worse than a crime. The mistake the Democracy committed in 1S68, by nut nominating Chase instead of Seymour, cost the country four years of the most detestable government the Republic was ever cursed with. A little mistake now in 1S72 would increase the evils we suffer, fasten corruption still more upon the coun try, and inflict upon it another term of Grant, endangering the very life of true republicanism. The almost universal appeal made to us in the North by the people South, to sink for the moment all personal preju dice and p arty pride, in order to deal the death blow to Grantism as embodied in national corruption and sectional persecution, calls for a prompt, generous and hearty in dorsement of Horace Greeley, which we hope the Rochester Con vention will not tail to proclaim.— Should the Democratic party of Baltimore insist on making indepen dent party nominations, and (Jisre** gard the evident desire of the people to replace, greedy Grant by honest Horace, the whole country will be sadly disappointed and betrayed, and Grant’s continuance in the pow er he has so criminally abused wilt become assured. Tub Shallowness of Betting. The habit of offering to bet, which besets many persons inordinary dis course, is A mark of untutored intel lect. The man who has no better argument is perpetually offering to bet: it seems as if tie wanted rea soning powers, ami therefore he backs every trivial allegation with a bet. This is an expedient, howev er, which no rational |»ersoii should resort to. A company of well in formed and sensible men will enter tain each other with easy conversa tion lor a whole evening, and amidst lighter mailers, settle many ques tions in morals or m logic, without ever so much as thinking ol a bet. )t is no more necessary to reasoning than swearing oi " slang are to lan guage, but, on the contrary, disgrace it; and hence, even as a matter ol taste, the sensible man rejects it. Several citizens of Hall county have been prospecting for gold aud diamonds lately, with some success. The steeple of the Pre *bj terian church in Columbus, ray* the Enquirer, is 164 feet iu height. f Coiom-1 John Forsyth, the well- known political editor of the Mobile Register, and a member of the Dem ocratic National Committee, has written some interesting letters home to his paper. From his last, we ex tract the following paragraphs r*- girding the future action ot Lite Dem ocratic party: “I have been called a ‘Bourbon,’ and I know it is a very pretiy thing to say, ‘SiamI by your guns,* but I trust 1 have good si use enough to know that when your guns do not reach, they must be movt d up io withm range ot the enemy. Hence, while 1 greatly prefer lhal the Dem ocratic parly J*tr se> under its own flag, sliail prove ihe Moses to loud •is out of the land of bondage, i shall he sure to follow’ the Moses who mourns the peaks of I’isguh and shows us the Way.” ‘ However, and in whatsoever di- r *cti*m we move, we should move together, and thus preserve, for pres ent efficiency and for In ure useful ness, the unbrokt n integiiiy of our party- J say it is premature io de termine npoujlu course. The Na tional Committee has purposely giv en two mouths lor consideration of the important question. It saw that there was no me.l of precipitancy. At this moment, we hold in ihe palms ol our hands the destinies of the Presidential election. Cincinnati has already made us the arbiters in ihe case, and our ability to beat Gram, by siding with Greeley, is already assured. So much we have clearly gained, so tar. Nor are we in dan ger of losing that advantage. The Greeley parly can afford to w’ait tor us, because it must wail for us, and cannot budge a step without us In deed, Mr. Greeley is open iu the declaration that if we do not help him, lie w ill not stand to be crushed between the upper and nether mill stones, but will come down. But he is not a man lo resign hope of the glittering piize, while we are under <>ur ‘thinking cap.’ Nor do l per ceive that a little suspense will cause them to value us the less, or tend in the 1* asi lo narrow the breach be tween the Republican factions.”' *‘iVe know not what sixty days may develop. As strange things as have happened may happen again by the 9lh of July. Who believed sixty days ago that the bugbear of Radical invincibility, which has been the cause oi such spasmodic efforts to ‘depart’ and ‘passivise’ and aban don the firm and only sate ground of truth, was so near an explosion ? Now we see it was but a bubble, needing only to be pricked to col lapse into nothingness. Grant is doomed the day and the hour the De >.ocralic Convention says, “\Ve nominate the Cincinnati ticket.” Don’t be uneasy about the he ding of this schism whilst theie is a gho-t of a ctiance fur the Democracy to throw its weight into the scales. Don’t believe that Grain will not fight it out on the Phil •delplna fine, and if he is choked off, don’t be sure that it will not be to take venge ance on bis own deserting adherents “Well, then, we are in no danger of flanking movements from either of the forces in the field. The split is a real one, and means the final disintegration ot the Radical party. It has lived its day, and it goes to its grave and the final judgment of pos terity. Then the Democratic party has lime to think aud to ‘build wise ly.’ If we can do no better, we are sure that we can slay Grant, the gi ant, with the bucolic Horace; the disciple of Tubal Cain, who ‘fash ioned the sword and the spear,’ with the pen oi the civilian and the ploughshare of the man of cabbages, who ‘knows about farming.” But may we not do better ? It is at least worth the thought. Of this anon.” •‘By appointment, not of my seek ing, 1 had the honor of an interview this morning, with a gentleman I have long been perfectly acquainted with, but never saw before, to-u’it: the gentleman who is now selling the fashion of white hats. Had I space, it would puzzle me to tell my readers anything new about Mr. Greeley. He was very fr^mk in his talk in the main, and 1 followed his example and told him the South would go for him, if we could do no better, to beat Grant; but we thought we could do belter and were going to give it a fair trial. The old gen tleman pleased me as a man, but I was not stunned. I have an idea that he has in him the stuff to make a ‘bully’ Democrat, could we get him in proper training. And I am ready to swear that had he been Southern born and bred, he would have slept with a cockade in his night-cap and have been a ‘red hoi’ before breakfast secessionist! I do not think he would have ‘licked’ his niggers hard ; for he has a benevo lent look—but as. Grant has said about himself, he would havejusi ns soon owned slaves as any other kind of property.” “J. F ”