Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, June 18, 1872, Image 4

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Jjflriruliiitiit frpHtofttt, From the Maryland Farmer To Young Farmers. Keep Accounts—Raise the best Stock Keep the Best Animals—Buy the Best Tools—Get the Best Seed— Hire the best Help—And Do Every thing in the Very Best Way —Use Tabor-Saving Machinery. In order to know whether he is making or is losing by his opera tions, and to know in which part of his business, from year to year, he is making or losing most, the farmer should keep accurate accounts of all his transactions, and with every part of them ; it is as important and advantageous for him to keep sys tematic and true accounts, as it is for the merchant and professional man ; and particularly so for the young farmer, the new beginner, that he begin rightly and safely. For many years the writer of this kept' complete and accurate ac counts—and soon found it perfectly easy—with every field, crop, ani mal, orchard, garden, laborer, his own labor—everything—charging regularly, each crop, or field, or an imal, with all the labor, fnoney, srpri. manure, or olher ^expenses de voted to it, on one page of the book ; and on the next page, credited the same with its value, in sale or con sumption; thus, it could be ascer tained what was the profit or loss on every colt, or cow, or calf or sheep; on every field of grain, or grass, or roots, or fruit trees, &c. Besides, this process continually led to closer attention and wiser application of t vfery outlay, and in all arrangement of affairs; while, also, a more pleas ant satisfaction was all the time en j >yed, from the fact that more mind and thought were constantly exer cised, fuller knowledge derived, and higher pride and dignity felt for the vocation. Then, we advise and say to every young farmer, begin rightly and wisely, by keeping accounts, me thodically, as other kinds of business men do, and you will learn to ob serve and notice everything more closely and thoughtfully—and di rectly find out that true farming is really the most intellectual profes sion followed by man; and soon loo, you will begin to see and real ize a charm, in your daily and year ly toil, that you never before even dreamed it possessed of—or to be found. This system will elevate your judgment, quicken j’our perceptions and refine your tastes ; so that you will, at once, see the wisdom and profit of keeping the best of stock as it costs no more to feed them than it.does the poorest; while they are always more saleable at good prices. You will want the best tools and im plements ; and it is just as easy to keep them in order as poor ones; and your hired hands will take bet ter care of them, and do more work thereby. You will, also, hire the most iaithful and effective laborers, for it costs no more to board and lodge a good hand than a poor one ; and he will be tar more trusty in your absence. Then you will see, too, that it is judicious to work gbod, strong double teams; for one man can drive two horses as well as one, and do the work more than twice as well ; or, he can drive two yokes of oxen, at a stout plow or heavy load, as well as one yoke ; and his labor is, therelore, much more profitable, tjian when expended on a less team. And, further still, you will use all labor-saving farm machinery of which your premises are, or can be made, capable; for they eat noth ing, nor do they get tired ; while the same amount of human labor is worth far more than when applied directly to the work. Land Mark. Wagti of Laboreri in Foreign Connlriei. One great disadvantage to the For eign workmen especially, is the number of holidays and village fetes which distract the attention of the laboring population and divert them from their daily toil. In Austria these occur on about one hundred ^laysin the year; in Russia, at least seventy-six; in Turkey, forty-eight, and are very numerous also in Bel gium, Spain and Switzerland. -.TA^xWrW^oaid to In Austria, 9d a day in summer, and 6d in winter. Diet good. Belgium—7d to 1 shilling per day for men, and 4£ to 8d for women. Food—coffee mixed with chickory, brown bread, butter, lard, pork and vegetables. Denmark—Is 3d to Is 8d a day, or 5d to lOd with food—12 to 13 hours work required. France—Is 7d a day in summer, or Is 3d in winter. Women 7d and 10th. Diet—soup made of pigs’ lard or beef suet, vegetables and bread porridge. Germany—6d to Is a day for men, 7d to Sd for women, house rent f ree, and potato land and medical attendance, or £3 to £4 10s and board for men per annum. Italy—Is to Is 7d a day without board. Diet—very little animal food, principally maccaroni, biead and fruits, etc. Netherlands—Sd to lOd a day for men, and 6d to 8d for women, or £5 to £ 10 a year with board. Russia—By the day Is, by the mouth 7Jd a day. At harvest 2s a day. Diet—cabbage, buckwheat, bread eaten with milk, oil, or butter and rye bread. Spain—men, l2d io l4d. Wcrnsn 7d to lOd. Diet—bread, vegetables and cold soup of slices of cucumber and bread, steeped in vinegar and water. Sweden—For men, 7d to 2s ; 2d in summer, and 2d to Is in winter. Women, 4d to Is lOd. Diet—po tatoes, rye, oats and barley, .with salt herrings and beer, but no meat. Switzerland—Working day, 13 hours; wages, lOd. to Is. Sd, in win ter, and Is Sd to 2s 6d in summer. Board for a man averages from 5s 7s 3d a week. / In Ireland and Scotland the wa ges are equally low, and the diet for the most part rye or oaten bread, potatoes, herrings, and meat only occasionally. But we talk ol population. We boast of London and New York.— Rome had a population of between three and four millions. The wood en theatre of Scararus contained eighty thousand seats ; the Coliseum built of stone wculdseat eighty-sev en thousand and afforded standing space for twentytwo thousand more. ’he Circus Maximus (think of it, Old John Robinson) would hold three hundred and eighty-five thou sand spectators. There were in the ty 9.000 pnhlir halhs. those ot Diocletian alone accommodating 3200 bathers. Even the sixth cen tury, after Rome had been sacked and plundered by the Goths and Vandals, Zachariah, a traveler, as serts that there were 3S4 spacious streets, SO golden statutes of the gods, 46,097 palaces, 13,052 foun tains, 3,785 bronze statutes of the Emperors and generals, 22 great horses in bronze, 2 collossi, 2 spirit ual columns, 31 theatres, 11 ampin* theatres, 9,026 baths, 2,300 shops of perfume, 2,091 prisons. As a set off to Mr. Sprague’s “monumental tombstone,’" we may merely mention the Mausoleum of Augustus in the northern part of the Campius Martius, consisting ot a large tumulus of earth raised on a lofty basement of white marble, and covered on the summit with ever greens, as in the manner of a hang ing garden, the whole surmounted by a bronze figure ot Augustus. At the entrance was two Egyptian Obe lisks fifty feet high, and all around was an extensive grove divided into walks and terraces. We have not space to speak of the Forum Romanum, the Forum Juli- um, the Theatre of Pompey, the Pantheon, the Palace of Nero (en tirely overlaid with jewels and mother-of-pearl) the Claudian Aque duct, the Flavin Amphitheatre, the Coliseum, the Arch ot Titus, lhe Villa of Hadrian, the baths of Car- cula, nor the great Ronan roads, straight as an arrow, paved'like the streets of a city, divided by mile stones, and having houses for trav elers every five or six miles, afford ing uninterrupted communication from the Wall of Antoninus, through York, London, Sandwich, Boulogne, Rheims, Lyons, Milan, Rome, Brunsducium, Dyrrachium, Byzan tium, Ancyra, Tarus, Antioch, Tyre, Jerusalem—a distance of 3,470 miles. Nor have we space to refer to Thebes, in Egypt, (which had a pop ulation of 2,500,000, and that noble palace within its ground columns, whose cornices were inlaid with ivo ry mountings, or sheathed with beaten gold—nor Alexandria, whose annu il poit dues were $6,000,000, and library’, in an age when books were rare, contained 700,000 vol umes—nor to Capua, the second city ot Italy—nor Rhodes and its 3000 statues, and 106 colossi (one of them one of the seven wonders of the world, costing $3,000,000)—nor to Antioch, with a street four miles long, perfectly level, and double col- onades through its whole length— nor to Athens, and the Parthenon, and the Theatre of Bacchus, the most beautiful iu the world, which seated 30,000 persons—nor to Syra cuse, and its fortress one mile long by a half mile in breadth—nor to Tyre and Carlhage, and Babylon, and Bagdad and Memphis, and Ephesus, and Byzantium, and a hundred more. . I B B E H D BEO Sew iDVERTis£$i:8 ? rs' ftEW advertisements. 4; i MANUFACTURERS OF AND m,/|. | made from 50 (its. Calbmd examine or 5b I Ul2 sampler sent (postage free) for 50 cts.that retail quick for *> 10. EL WOLCOll 181 Chatham square N Y, 1 BAIM'lIm. li!f Young Men IN wholesale: and: retail dealers LADIES MEN’S AND BOYS’ SADDLES OF ALL KII5DS. CARRIAGE, BAROUCHE, PHAETON and SINGLE and DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS, WAGON HARNESS, SINGLE & * ‘ DOUBLE, for four, six, and so’on, STAGE AND CART HARNESS, WOOL FACED COLLARS. We manufacture the above extensively, and are therefore prepared to fill orders at short notice Also keep constantly on hand a complete stock of Saddlers’, Harness, Shoemaker’s Hardware & Tools. Harness Leather, Skirting, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather- KIP, CALF AND LINING SKINS, LACE AND PATENT LEATHER OF ALL KINDS ENAMELED MUSLIN, DRILL AND DUCK, PLAIN AND FIGURED. Bu£r°T, Carriage, Wagon, Riding and Drovers’ Whips. “Linen and Woolen Covers for horses, Fly Nets, Linen and Woolen Buggy Robes, et c {^Merchants, Planters and all, will find it is their interest to purchase our goods. Do not fail to call or order from us. We pay cash for all kinds of Furs anil Skins, Hides, Leather in the rtur VV n v nrwl Wflfll. 6 iv MfYWE'V made RAPIDLY with JSlvlMl-jl Stencil and Key Check Outfits. Catalogues, samples and full particu lars FREE. S. M. SPENCER, Brattleboro,A t. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. We will send a handsome Prospectus of our New Illustrated Family Bil/le, containing over 450 fine Scripture Illustrations to any Book Agent free of charge. Address National Pub lishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Agents Wanted for the autobiography of Horace Greely or Recollections of a Busy Life. Illustrated. The Life and Times of so great a Philanthro pist and Reformer cannot fail to interest every true American. Send $3 50 for sample copy E B TREAT, Pub. 805 B’way, N Y u rough, Tallow, Wax and Wool. Macon, Ga.. May 23. 1 Q 71. E. J. DUZILK. r n \v. R. WALlUiT" DOZIER & W liolesale WALTON, Orocers, AND Dealers in "Wines, Liquors, Etc., 269 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. L IBERAL Terms to Wholesale buyers, and usual time rates allowed kept on hand constantly. Purchasers visiting Augusta wdl jdease^ call and examme. april 23 3m A large stock and examin DOZIER A* WALTON Planters. Read This! ney, or soul Charming.” How either sex may fasinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose, instantly. This simple mental acquire ment all can possess, free, by mail, tor ’25 cents, together with a marriage guide, Egyp tian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies’, &c. A queer, exciting book. 100,000 sold, Address j T WILLIAM & CO. Pnbl’s, Phila. AGENTS WANTED For GOODSPEED’S Presidential Campaign Book. The great work ot ttie year. Prospectus, post paid, 75 cts Immense sale guaranteed. Also for my Campaign Charts and Haps. _ J W Goodspeed N. Orleans, Cincinnati, tit Louis. CUKES XilE WORST PAlans in from one to twentx minutes- Not One bour. , alter reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. Radvay’s Ready Relief ts a Cure for every PAIS. It was the first and is TI9E Oi\IA FAIN’ SEdlEDY that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflamation, and cures Conges tions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bow els, or other glands or organs, by ono appU cation. In from one to twenty minutes, no .matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Iufirin, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with dis ease may suffer. * ' The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of watei will in a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms Sour Stomach Heartburn, Sick Headache Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in tbt Bowels, aud a Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle ol Radway's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or paim from change of water It is * betater that French Brandy or Bitters as a stimuleaf FEVER AM* A«EE, Fever arid Ague cured for fifty cents; There is not a remedial agent in this world that was cure Fevei and Ague, and all other Malarice- Bilious. Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by Radway’s Pills) so quick a Radway’s Ready Relief.' Fifty cents a bottle, HEALTH! BEAUTY!! OF THE SOUTH Trained for a successful start in business Life taught how to get a living, make money, become enterprising, useful citizens, at East man Colledge. The oldest Practical Business Training School, and the only one provide,. ing ocnooi, anu me cniy one providing situations for Graduates. Total expense for prescribed course, $100 to $125. No vaca tions. Address for Catalogues of 3.000 i n iness, and full particulars, H. G. EASTMAN LL.D., Pres’t. Po’keepsie, N. Y., On the Had-’ CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advertisements occupying one inch of spat* .Til kn i anr t A J i ft i \ OtX SnOTtAr. 1 • will be inserted in 269p<ewspapera, inel*dia» 23 Dailies, in * AGENTS WANTED FOR Iff If JESUS - ■ bv 6ilI’ELE8 jTbEBMB. D. !p. Hi. dkUitT aalTOed— issued.!’ 1,., 11,rcul.ra. t-tbUltUlsiTTuriry:. 1 CTncmSnTSScIsQor at. Loan. BURDICK BROTHERS’ IS THE HEADQUARTERS FOR Grain & Provisions (S3 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA-, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN HOG. WE HAVE NOW IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE, 50.000 pounds BACON C. R. SIDES and SHOULDERS, 30.000 pounds BULK C. R. SIDES and SHOULDERS, For sale at Lowest Market Price by BURDICK BR-OTHBH-S. 5.000 bushels prime WHITE CORN. 2.000 bushels prime MIXED CORN, Which we will sell as low as anybody. BURDICK BROTHERS. RECEIVING THIS DAY 100 BARRELS Belle of €reorgiaFlouP( This is our favorite brand, and cannot be excelled in this market. One car load “Kenesaw” Mills EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. One car load “Marietta” Mills FAMILY FLOUR, One car load GOOD SUPERFINE, in barrels and sacks. For sale low by BURDICK BROTHERS Three car loads PRTME WESTERN HAY, One car load CHOICE FEED OATS. Just received by BURDICK BROTHERS. MAGNOLIA HAMS, FRESH MEAL, WHEAT BRAN, SHORTS, PREPARED COW FOOD, LIVERPOOL and VIRGINIA SALT, SUGAR, COFFEE, etc., now in Store. CHOICE LEAF LARD IN TIERCES AND CANS. A bottle of arnica should For bruises, cuts and burns Arnica. house if applied immediately, it is most magical in its effects. W e find it also recommended for ear ache, to be used as fallows : As soon as any soreness is felt in the ear—which feeling almost always precedes the regular “ache”—let three or four drops of the tincture of arnica be poured in, and then the orifice filled with a little cotton to exclude the air; and in a short time the uneasiness is forgotten. If the arnica is not re sorted to until there is actual pain, the cure may not be so speedy, but it is just as certain. If one applica tion of the arnica does not effect a cure, it will be necessary to lepeat it, it may be, several limes. Ammonia for Snake Biles.—The Inspector of Police to the Bengal Government reports that of 930 cases of snake bites, in which am monia was freely administered, 702 We offer the above on as reasonable terms as any house in this market, for Cash or approved City Acceptance. Give us your orders, and we will try to please you. BURDICK BROTHERS. D0N0TFAK" c y ~ North to secure one of the celebrated improved Stewart Cook Stoves, With its special attachments, Roaster, Baker & Broiler. The Stove and Furniture carefully- packed for shipment. Books sent on applii tion, FULLER WARREN & CO., 236 WATER St.. N. Y. Southern States, covering thoroughly the States of Mtrying Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carl olina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, sissippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee,Kea. tucky and Missouri One Month for $148. More Papers, More Dailies, Larger Circui*. tion, Lower, Price than any other list. gp*,. al rates given for more or less space than or« inch, and for a longer period than one mouth Equally favorable quotations made for uj single State. Copies of Lists, Circulars, Esti mates, and full information furnished oa tD4 plication. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Newspaper Advertising Agents, 41 Park Sow New York P3 PS <1 Burnham’s New Turbine is in gener al use throughout the U. S. A six inch, is used by the Government in the Patent Office, Washing ton, D.C. Its simplicity of construction and the power it transmits renders it the best water wheel ever invented. Pamphlet tree. N. I' • BURNHAM, York. Pa 3111 .BLOOD.PURIFIER Is a Powerful Tonic, specially adapted for use in Spring, when the languid and debilita ted system needs strength aud vitality, it will give vigor to the feeble, strength to the weak, animation to the dejected, activity to the slug gish, rest to the weary, quiet to the nervous, and health to the infirm. It is a South American plant, which accord ing to the medical and scientific periodicals ol London and Fans, possesses the muoi tonic properties known vo the Materia Medica, and is well known in its native country as hav ing wonderful curative qualities, and has been long used as a specific in all cases of Impurities of the Blood, Derangement of the Liver and Spleen, Tumors, Dro’psy, Poverty of the Blood, Debility, Weakness of the Intestines, IJnterine or Urinary Organs. DR. WELL'S EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA Is strengthening and nourishing ; like nutri- eions food, taken into the stomach, it assimi lates and diffuses itself through the circulation, giving vigor and health. It regulates the Bowels, quiets the Nerves, acts directly on the secretive organs, and, by its powerful Tonic and restoring effec’s, pro duces healthy and vigorous action of the whole system. JOHN Q.KELLOGG, Platt St., New York Sole Agent for the United Styles. Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for Circu lar june. 4 r p n lm. april 6th 1872 rpn 3m. A. M. JACKSON, COTTON FACTOR AXD COMMISSION MERCHANT, 10 CToiNTOBH STREET, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. april 20-3m LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. rn. D. QUINN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY, MUSIC and PERIODICALS, M3 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., tMsr&samt, ORCESTER W ORCESTER’ QJ DICTIONARIES O Have been aiopted by the State Boa.ds Education of VIRGINIA., NORTH CAROLINA, ALABAMA, and ARKANSAS. In use in the cities of RICHMOND, VA., NORFOLK, VA. MOBILE, ALABAMA. SAVANNAH, GA ATLANTA, GA., &c. The Standard in Orthography and Pronunciation in Washington and Lee University, The University of Virginia, The College of William and Mary, The University of Georgia, The Wesleyan University, Alabama Sec BREWER & TILEST0N. ’ l’Z IVCills. street, BOSTON. may 7 1872 rp 3m. Manufacturers’ Agent and Wholesale Dealer in all kinds of Blank Books, for Meicantile use, including Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Re cords. Pass Books, Memorandum Books, Time Books, Drawing and Scrap Books, Autograph Eooks, Copy, Cyphering and Exercise Books, for school use, &c., &c. The Writing Papers include Cap, Letter and Note, American, English and French Ruled and Plain, Stamped and Unstamped. The stock of Envelopes embraces Letter, Note and Offi cial sizes, of all colors and qualities, beside a full line of General Station ery, including all the innumerable minor items for use in the Counting Room. Also many articles that would be appropriately desigraed as Fancy Stationery. In the Book Department, will be loond the Stand ard Text Books for Schools and Colleges, Dictionaries, Bibles and Prayer Books, Music Books, and a large assortment of Juvenile and victims have recovered, and in the ! Toy Books, and a well selected slock in General Literature. In the cured instances, the remedy was not Miscellaneous Slock, in which we’deal, we cau offer to buyers as favor able terms as any establishment in the trade. A new price list will soon be issued, which will enable purchasers to make selections and or der by mail, if desired. Such orders will receive prompt and carefnl attention, since the most thorough system marks the mode of doing busi*. ness in this establishment. " * 1 april 16 rn 3m, DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID IDRIS invaluable Family Medicine, loi purifying, cleansing, removiutr hau removing bau odors in all kinds of sickness; for burns String and pure rich blood—increase of flesb aud weight—clear skiu and beautiful complexion secured to all. DR. RADWAY’S SABSAPAWLLUS BESOLYEM Has made the most astonishing cures so quick so rapid are the changes the body un dergoes, under the influence of this truly wonderful Medicine, that Every day an Increase in Flesh and W eight is Seen and Felt, i Tiz/i aim. 12' BLOOD PI'B tPt Mi B Every drop of the Sarsaparilian Resolvent communicates through the Blood, /Sweat, Urine, aud other fluius and juices of the sys tem the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and soud material. Serof ula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular; dis ease, Ulcers in the throat. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glauds and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumorous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases. Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Acne Black Spots, fibrins in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and ail weakening and painful discharges. Night Sweats, Loss ot Sperm and ail wastes of the life principle are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, aud a few days use will prove to any peison using it for either of hese forms of disease its potent power to cure them. Not only does the Sarsapanliian Resolvent excels all know n remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is the on'y positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary Bad Womb diseases, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine tright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in allca ses where there are brick du>t deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark biilious ap pearance. and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back aud along the Loins. DR. RADWAY’S FKllFELi’ RUKUATIVL RILLS. perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet 2-11 m. re>ffiihiLa, pnriiy. rtl&vjioo, .nJ strengthen. Radway’s Fills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, JVervous Diseases. Head ache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billionsuess, Bilious Fever, In flammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all De rangements of the Internal Viscera. War ranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Veg etable. containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. Observes the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: A few doses of Radway’s Pills will free the system from all the above named disorders Price, 25 cents per Box. Sold by Druggists. Read “False and True.” Send one letter- stamp to Radway & Co., No 32 Warren St., Cor. of Church Street, New York. Informa tion worth thousands will be sent you. rJuly4 1871. 2G ly M. Neblett. Wm. M. Goodrich AUOUSTA COTTON GINS* W E the undersigned, respectfully inform the planting community that we con tinue to manufacture COTTON GINS- We were awarded the Premium, open to the world, for the Gin at the Cotton States Me chanics' and Agricultural Fair, held at Au gusta last season. Also, received the First Premium at the State Fair rf South Carolina. We feel warranted in saying that a trial of our Gins is all that is necessary to guaranteo satisfaction. Orders solicited early in the season to prevent delay. Old Gins repaired on reasonable terms. NEBLETT & GOODRICH, rn april 23 6m. Grover and Baker Sewing Ma chine. For Simplicity, Ease of Operation, and Du rability, the GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE is unrivalled. Responsible Agents wanted in every town in the State. GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., 21.i Bull St., Savannah, Ga.— apri!23 3m rn. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, Price, six ceuts- sores, wounds, stings; for Erysipelas, rheumatism, and all skin diseases; for catarrh, sore mouth, sore throat, diptheria; for colic, diarrhoea, cholera; as awash to soften and beautify the skin; to remove administered till about three and a halT hours after the attack, on the average. In the fatal cases the cor responding duration of time was four and a quarter hours. nk spots, miloew, fruit stains, taken temally as well as applied externally; so highly recommended by all who have used it—is for sale by ail Druggists and Coun- Merchants ry and may be ordered di- rectly of the DARBY PROPH YLACT tC"co7 161 William Street, N. Y. p Deo2470ly. rMay2 nJune3 ly " A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cure of SpermatokriIoka, or Sem inal Weakness, Involuntary Emmissions, Sex ual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage, generally; Nervousness, Consumption, Epilep sy, and Fits, Mental and Physical Incapacitv, resulting fiom Self-Abnse, etc., By ROBERT J. CUIA EKWELL M. D., author of the “Green Book,” etc: ’ The World renowned author, ia this admir able Lecture, clearly nroves from his own experience that the awful consequences of self abuse _ may be effectually removed without medicine, and without the dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his con dition may be, may cure himself cheaply; privately, and radically. KP’ This Lecturewill prove a BOON to Thousanps and ! housands. hent under seal, in a plain envelope, to aDy address, postpaid on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also DK. CULVERWELL’S “Marriage Guide,’ price 25 cents. Address the publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO , 127 Bowery,N. Y„ Post Office Box 4,586. may 1 p r 23 tf PLAHTEBS’ HOTEL, Augusta, iia. The only Hotel in the City where Gas is used throughout A Centnry of Triumphs over dyspepiig liver disease, bowel complaints and’ varioai febrile and nervous disorder s, has immortaliMj the Seltzer Spa, and these victories are now repeated throughout this hemisphere by Tar- rant's Effertescent Seltzer Aperant; containing all the elements and producing all the happy results of the Great German Spring. Sold by all Druggists. FANNING’S PATENT KID FITTING SKELETON CORSET. Recommended ly lead ing physicians * Should be worn by a'.l ladies who value halt! and comfort. They are particn'.ai ly recommend, ed for summer weir and warm climates, a!th*s(h adapted to all season ot the year, For sale by all first- class dealers. WORCESTER SKIRT CO.,1 Sole Manufacturers, Worcester, Mass. CHEAP FARMS! FREE HOMES OS TJIF, LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAND GRANT OF 12,000,000 ACRES IN THE Best Farming and Mineral Land in Ameriei. Nebraska- 3,0G0,000 Acres in in the GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, [the GARDEN OF THE WEST NOW FOR SALE! These lands are in the central portion of tki United states, on me 4lst degree of North Latitude, the central line of the great Tta pirate Zone of the American Continent, ud i'or grain growing and stuck raising unia:- passed by any in the United S ates. CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favorabu terms given, and more convenient to msrkit than can be found elsewhere. Free Homesteads for Actual Settler*. The Best Locations for Coloniei. Soldiers Entitied to a Homestead of 160Aer«i. Free Passes to Purchasers of Land. Send for the new Descriptive Pampfaiit, with new maps, published in English. Garmai, Swedish and Danish, maile d free everywhere Address O. F. DAVIS, Laud Commissioner, U. P. R. R. Co.. Omaha, Nth EXTRAORDINARY IMPROVEMENTS CABINET* ORGANS The Mason & Hamlin Organ Co. reipW.- fuliy announce the introduction of improve merits of much more than ordinary intc/est-- These are Reed and Tipe Cabinet Organ. being the only successful combinatioa i! REAL PIPES with reeds ever made; Days Transposing Key-Boari, which can be instantly moved to the right * left, changing the pitch, or tranapoaing tkc key. For drawings and descriptions, see O cut New and Elegant Styles of dotbit Reed Cabinet Organs. at $140, $132 and $125 each. Consideriaf Capacity, Elegance, and Thorough Excellea** of Workmanship, these are cheaper thaa asJ before offered. rile MASON & HAMLIN Organs are « knowledged BEST aud from extraordiasrT facilities for manufacture this Company afford, and now undertake to sell at pnw* which render them Unquestionably Cheapest. Fonr Octave Organs $50 each; five Octiv* Organs $100, $125 and upwards. Withtt/H sets reeds $150 aud upwards, Forty style*, *p to $1500 each. New illustrated Catahf*** and Testimonial Circular, with opini»a*“ more than one thousand musicians, sent fra*. MASON & HAMLIN Organ Co., 154-Tremont St-, Boston. 596 Broadway,*.« Portable Soda Fountains $40, $50, 75, and $100. GOOD. DURABLE A OSSA? Shipped Ready for Lse. Manufactured by J. W. CHAPMAN &■ CO., Madisen, W- ^ Sendf Circular. .£3 CURE that COLD. Do not suffer your Lungs to become ed by allowing a COLD to become Thousands have died Premature Deaths— 1 ^ Victims ot Consumption, by neglecting•t'** Dr. Wm. Hall’s BALSAM foTihe LUNG* Will Cure Coughs, Colds and ConacoP I: ' , ‘ surer and quicker than any other remedy-. nagic. For sale by all Draff 1 ** acts like magic. For sale by aud Medicine Dealers everywhere. 1,000 Reward For any cas e of Blin d Bfeedj*^' Itching or Ulcerated Piles thatDtB 1 * 6 s ^ Sdhf UI U ICClalCU A Itco gj. Remedy fails to cure. I,t is prepared ly to cure the Piles, and nothing elf*, all Druggists. Price, $1 DO. JOHN A. GOLDSTEIN. GENTS WANTED.—Agents »**•■"! money at work for ns than at _ _ else. Business light and psrma■*■»• _ ticulars free. G. Stissoh A Co., /■* ublisher. Portia a d, Maine.