Newspaper Page Text
jjy Joseph Clisby..
the North succeeded in erecting a Federal ad- j Tns Valley Department.—Wo are gratified to
ministration, the corner stone of whose polifc-1 * ieaT t ? at Trimble, an active and gallant offi-
. . , -..Tit b. l , I cer, whose address to Marylenders appears in our
FROM VICKSBURG 10id tboor F was ^ a *- * be States were creatures j columns to-day, has been ordered to the command
T F„r tbft firct limn in terr of lbe Federal government, and stood in re- of the Valley department.-where he is well known
JaOsoF, June J.-tor the nrst time n teff as one of Jackson’s officers in his glorious valley
W*** 8 . . , [States. After tha( nothing.was left to ^ V
hoped for from discussion or the ballot box.—
No man of common sense could see a year’s
£ boors. All eyes arc turned to Gen. John-
who is in front superintending in person,
The cruelty, faithlessness and mendacity -of the
rm,„„ „ i Abolition armies ravaging our country ‘have been
security for State institutions. They wero as ^ ^ conspicuous that it is bfft natural that an in-
; -h are the seprocy of his plans that it is sta
arc unknown to bis commanders. . . , ... , ... WP ——. —,
' j r f f much gono, asthoy would bcshould thohordos tense spirit of resenttnentshouldhavo seized upon
The next ve ay i . I of the Federal tyrant occupy every county in J our people- Hence wo find many who are eager
*f»i10.—A special dispatch to the the Confederacy. The destruction might not bo vandals who are Bpreading desolation and woe
dated Jackson, Oth, says Kirby Smith as snddcn > bnt 5t would be not less soro. Every wheffcver they penetrate our borders. That they
***. ,. J, . »!it;L„nV TA.r.,1 .■- man saw that he held his rights just SO long as, deserve such a doom, in tho eye of heaven and en-
• g wdoubtedly at MilliUen s Bend. and n0 longcr than a Foderal majority chose li S htcned civilization, there is no question; but
c»ii. Johnston is superintending at the front. , ° ’ . „ „ }. " , 1 thero are considerations of policy which should be
„ , * n h L. division com- to concsde them > and y. cars ° f ‘ irrepressible taken into account, and which should oitimes eon-
P 08 ,J I conflict” taught him to count little upon the I tool our actiona against the dictates of passion* or
wafers. - .j tnn ^ If vr I even of abstract principles of justice. The black
Five «lays.wlU determine the fate of Grant’s I ine * c y ^ U WttS then, tis a las | fl a g j g j ng jg n j a D f a desperate thirst for revenge
resort that the South sought safety in political j which wc have every reason to feel, but whose
i nrivatc dispatch to tho Tribune, from I isolation and independence, and it was then j vindication^ is a Divine prerogative. “Vcngcnco
fenolit the 8th, says wc have whipped them also that in tho literal insani ty of passion But from morjJ cons ;a cr aUon.,
< Vicksburg and Port Hudson, sunk three I flowing from disappointed ambition and greed, J there is abundant argument against raising the
* boats and captured the Essex. *• I that tho North in her ‘ solicitudo to defeat and I black flag, to be found in mere considerations of
I destroy us; armed her own government Mth 1 ^Thewmo^ Seenpleo otlr soil. Ho has' driven
powers fatal to the liberties of her people. jirom their homes thousands of our people, wnose
lu the late movements of the Northern Do— Miouaehold altars ho now* desecrates,and thousands
mocracy, we trace evidences of the return of J more* with hia lines are subject to the exercise of
and Texana at the I cbarac * cr ®* the concessions they havo made, I to be assured that the innocent will atone for tho
a 1 . and the extremity of their political degrada- revenge we wreak upon tho guilty heads of tho in-
Tma Trouble Regarding thb Eichanoe or I NOTICE.
Prisoners or War.—A New York' paper of I rpHE undersigned has recotved authority from Brig. I
yesterday stated that the exchange of prisoners Ucn - Uo '’ c ‘i Cobb io rai*c a Comp- ’ e_.-_4.v-__ . ...
had been stopped in cpnsequence of the refusal I SiegG Artillery, J boruotiling 01 importance to tho
of the rebels to continuo to carry it out aj here-1 With the privilege or cxtcndlngthe tamo to a Battai-1 Afflicted.
tofnra. Tho fact is that the rebel authorities I lon i to bo stationed at tho defences on the Chatiahoo-^ ■" 1 —
rT^t . ! Choe river in Florida. This being a fixed post, perrons T HE u “d«»tB a pd has located at Augusta, lor th. pur.
refuse to. parole or exchange the ouje^rs of Col. or conscripts cnltating will thereby avoid* tho-long I -A poae ot treating Chronic Complicated Complaints
Streieht’a command, captured recently in Geor-1 larches, picket duty, severe weather and short rations I grail characters, on Males and Females, no matter ol
gia, they having been.Semandedby>_e Gov-|^ ot 10 lh0 lar ^ r —ics or Tennessee Vir-1 '
ernor of the State, under tho retaliation act | ^ This la the most desirable arm of the service, aB wIU 1wmeh.comebeforeMi^ in lrom two to fourand six
officers will bo released or paroled until an ar- 10 a Lieutenancy, with the chances of a higher J “ a 0 ^ 0 c “b^°*cumS^a 1 ^jS'portt'on dHhe nwS
rangement can be made by which all of our! Tho usual BOUNTY OB FIFTY DOLLARS Is offered I ia S' B Urine, In case any person being unable to give
officers that may fall into-their, hands shall be I toftether with a complete outfit. I P”"*” 1 - M y9>
released. Theexchange of the enlisted men SoSw-SWK®
will be continued as heretofore.
The large number of prisoners taken by]
General Grant and by- General Banks in their ]
operations will no doubt bring the rebel author-
operations wmnoAiouoL ormginerooeiautnor- ft ncar G t a ' deavUlo , Juphr county. Qa., one whtte dlclncshyexpro«k
1.1CS to an equitable arrangement for the fu-1 bob-Ulled sow with six shoaU, marked with an nnder-1 Jane and, 1863.
turc. The commissioners lor th8 exchango of I ! ll , t ? an . d m 9*° right ear and spiit ln tho
prisoners,^’coloneb^ Ludlow .and1 Ould, have | 4
Gladcsville, June 11—wttt
FROM MOBILE., Juno 11.—Tho Yankeo propeller
l^m arrived bore this morning, captured b;
iprty of sixteen men from this city, noar
f0 Loutre. On her way hero sho burned the
f«kce barks Lennox and Texana, at the ^
*sth of tho Mississippi; both bad valuable I A poTt ion"of the New*York Democracy I vaflere. Innocence and virtue—so ligliUy regard-
for New Orleans. Tho crew of the , . , ,.a . . I ed now, and so insecure within the roach of the
.„d nart oftlieothcr crews arc urison. I haV0 had th ° boldneSS t0 “P 1 ^ tho ancient tainted’breath of tlio lustful and malignant foe-
laiton, a P ‘PI banner of Slates Rights and rally as a forlorn J would then be their readisfc objects of revenge, and
«* **" I hono around it. Senator Wall, Fernando Wood, | t0 cry of desolation which now goes up Horn
— — I ‘ .a ... . . . ,, I our blackoned plains will bo added the shrieks of
0T All letters for tho Missenburg’s Bal- and others are full of tho opinion that tho re- outcaged T ; rtue , md the wUd wail of tho helpless
tbould be addressed to Wartrace, Reserve I formation can bo effected by tho ballot box; I and broken hearted.
irtULri' Battalion. • . I but, if so, they, will bo the first people on earth If we raiso tho black flag, wo can only wreak
Krrco-• . „ c them by peaceful remedies. It may bo that I aggressors as may fall into our power through the
plied from New Orleans called on us yc. cr I tho successful vindication of Stato Rights in j prowess of our arms, while tho enemy may exer-
(Ur. The Rev. Mr. G. S. Moore, a Presby-1 South by the arms of her gollantsons, may cisc it upon the whole population of the districts
yrian clergyman, pastor of a church in New by a reflective influence, re-establish thein in I which he occupies. Decrepit age, female pnrity,
i. 1 „.„nK«n nnrl an old nennain- the North. If we should destroy or drive'offl and helpless infancy—would all bo subject to his
Odens b one of these, and an old acquain Ue fnvader ignominiously from .our soil at unbridled powers of outrage.and torture. There-
tmcc, M -. Randolph, fornjerly of Florida.
Vicksburg and other points of our invaded fore » m raisin e tbe blac k flag, wo not only expose
criri' iMLll-rq and THF “LAST AR pterritory, and tho legions of the despot be ourselves to the same desperate and unchristian rc-
STATh RIGHTS AND THE LAST AR burled ^ ck mort ifi e dand discomfitted upon but wesubjeetto its untold horrors of
Although the STsutcs Government their own ^ hgM. theMbincol^d.
<S the States, and its foundations were laid I Northern people, and the ballot box may then I Let us temper our thirst for vengeance with dis-
iJooc in I heir voluntary consent, and active 1 peaceably dispossess it. But success in^ this I cretion,which Is the better part of deplomacy as well
npport and cooperation—although it is a I war upon the South must be the final ruin of J as valor; and if we fail to secure the practical recog-
truth too apparent for argument, that such a Northern liberty, until restored by tho last nition of a system of civilized warfare, wo may
uihii iw -mi e» n • | irpnawt of.anna. ‘ J maintain for our struggling nation a character for
1 manliness^and forbearance which will flhiuQj^I^
piremmcnt must rightly ceaso to be, tho very
■Ament ihe_cbnsent of the States is withdrawn
-although the doctrine of State coej
;a. jnkLUU, ui d.
jane 11—dfitt
tlApt. A. BOKAUD.
TT'EOM my plantation, about tho 1st or February last,
JC near GladoavUlo, —
W ticn not at my office, may bo found at Glebe Hotel.
Medicines moat bo paid lor on delivery lu every case
■ Augusta, Ui.
F. S. Persons redding at a distance can receive mo-
■ jj. j, u. D.
r,greed upon an exchange which covers a large I
number of prisoners heretofore released on I
both Bides. The official announcement of the ]
classes of prisoners of war restored to duty by!
this oxchango will be made in a few days.
Yesterday morning,Lieut. Smith a brother of Lieut '
Bart Smith,who was lulled at.the first battle off
Manassas, arrived here from Jackson, Miss., in |
ohargo of a squad of Yankoe prisoners. To him, |
- ' ' oliti * “ ~ * ’
For Sale,
doz. Wool Cards,
ICO pair Cotton Cards, Tw
40 kegs Macoboy Snnff,
350 boxbs O.’obacco,
as caaks Rice,
15 barrels Floor,
S Hhds. Sugar,
3 barrels Pot Asb,
10 casks Sal Soda.
Vineville Prouertv
F )R SALE, about twelve acres of thd Bryan Lot, o
tbo west side fronting on Vincvillo road, lonr hun
J — J "id twenty feet,near the residence of Jadgo Ouely
cudicg back to Macon & Western Rtilroad. O
;is a beautiful location ior building one '.o
' it .V. r-h.*,
dred and twenty
and extend
I the tot is l
more residences. Inquire at Mr. J. DeLoache's, Macon
apr 39-tf D. W. ORR.
- 820 Rtwdrd.
on HOLLARS REWARD will be paid for thede-
4U Uvery of two Horse Male, in Albany, that strayed
trom me on the aid May, one a brown or black, th.
other a bay, both smalt moles. Tho brown had a swol
len knee, when he lelt.. Any information wUlbe Gnd-
ty, Col. Jesso A. Glenn’s Hogimcnt, at the batue ot I LANIER HOUSE COMPANY. • 1 AjbanyflilanoB.Mta-tw 6t*
Baker’s Creek, 16th May. The company was under I rpHE annual meeting of Stockholders, Lanier House | SnntllTO’PC’i’Pm T.Qrt/-)o f/vr' Solo
command of Lieut. Hudgins during tho actions. I X Company avlll bo held at tho office of tho Secretary I aJUXmwOouOill XIQ1UU.0 1U1 OtlltJ-
Killed: —Luncefordand W. P. H. Jolly. I and Treisurcr, Monday, 15th inst., 11 A. M. A full at-1 T II AYE 8 Plantations for sale t» »outh western Gcor
Supposed to be killed ( Lieut. W. E. C. AVUson, I tendance, personally or btrproxj^hurequestcd.^^ ” "
*\vlunde 1 J, , c^pTurod 8 aud paroled; J. F. Blunt. 1 Macon,JuneUth, 1883.‘ ‘ _
J T.PrTcCd, e i d e!tey^ J “ oEIroy ’ legam P utatod * Estiay CoWr
■ Prisoners sent North: Tl P. Wells. E. M. Kit-1 -rp STRAYED from my lot, on la*t Wednesday night,
tredeo, L, W. Cash, Robert Womack, Corporal S.lili tho 3rd Instant, a red no horned Cote and Caf, ono
Flowers, Wra Clark, James Bostick,— HendersoD, I teat ipoilort. A liberal rowand wIU bo paid for her re-
(son of Rufus Henderson,) John Nash, Wm. Hill., turn, or for information to I r WOQD
Atlanta Confederacy. I M .Juno 11th. 1363. dlw*-
NEGRO’S opinion op the ChOu Baker Ooniitv Land a t PabllffSate.
t big negro fellow, who wa3 for aomotimo in tho 1. ’ . .....
A big negro
from them, and was recently brought to thia county
I gla, allImornv**. riices from SCO to2,000acres id a
boay. Any one wlthlng to purchase can qUl on or ad
dress me in Albany. JAMES U. HILL.
June 9,1S63—twlOt* ^
r « Calhoun County, S. W. Ga. A fine plantation of
750 acres—800 under feces, 200 cleared, fresh and
productive. This la one of the most doalrable places
in S. W. Georgia, ltilea near and partakes of the nature
or the famous Spring Creek Linds, than which there
are none better fu Georgia.
It mare-land la wanted, there lies adjoining tome
15 or 16 lota, uncleared. Which can be bonght law.
friends a few days since about tho. ceitfulness °f I ker county. No’s! 145,146 and lit). These lota are |
tho Yankees. “ Dem Yankees,” says he, “tends to I wc)1 looted, lying in the most fertllo portinh of Biker I
ba mighty good frens to nigger, but jest let ’em get I county, and lying together miko a body of 750 sores.—
hold ob him ono time, an’ he’ll find out day are da 1 Parties desiring an investment should not let this I
most ’ceitful folks in de world. Dey link nigger chance escapc-UUesgood. ’Attomev. Tor
lnndo outeu iron, an’ can do more work dan a steam I rnhv i to* or”' 1 * Wr
ingine’thout teel in’ Ured a bit. Dev don’t Unk * joBiTb GALLl’S’d.
nigger got any stomach to eat, an would star!be aim I q s j^e 1», lfcOi-dtlll 7july
to death. e£ he'd let ’em. I tells you what it Is, boys, I — ,,
ef you wants to hab good times, stick as close to | SUBSTITUTE*. WANTED ■
your marsters as de bark on a gum tree, for if dem |
sartin,’ccptin you gits away lr
For my part, I’m glad our white talks done cut de
quaintance ob Buch poor kin as dem,’
v EK 4 1 ) years of s * *
May 26th, 1863.
Bering Creek, ColhounCoantj^Ga
ankees gits you. you is gone up do fPout. sura and QVER 45 yca«o^ I a PP{y i ^ ERt , 0RUi
irtm, ’ccptin you 1 janelO-dBf
$360.00 Bew&rd. •
Headquarters 61$t Georgia Regiment, >
NcarFroderlcksbnrg, Va., May 15th, 1S6S.I,
A REWARD ot tpot thirty dollars will be paid for
U A f >k.. fAllAMJw SIS— •*“
, to oversoe on my
, . I next, between
plantation I per (y c r tli!
^ f^Tw !T~Woaka. — A dky-Q, ^MNHOLa,PO«.y1kv G A_ 1 jf
r-~ - -- . ih^'iiawahannock.-at Deep Run• 7^-^rst, .,!oi,rs cap.a r ,-d
"Sle' , t'i>nstitul , o n as a vroposiUon ^ oollao ^*f 0 '?^| cffenlrench-1 a " d ^“ >a ^ I( ^^ > l ;^’ne l ar^ha Wg^Bl'ack 1 . 3 ’heYan-
Ruici.lal io be .cnterUincd—although, ib Inver -ml length, extending from K r0 ^ 3 h ° a ^ ^ n ihrou ghthat country and instructed
Wf^he 1 whol*> govermnent and people ol the 1 house up to Deep ^^uid I !^®^^^ordin"i^the/measured n off tho fana^-itii .
rnite.1 states started OU 1 ’
^ the mostunquest.onedn^og ^, 6 Gr0SS f nE , but K Notice to the stockholders of
Central ^
tho legal’hours-of sale es thoj»ro-
nrst Tuesday In i inches hti-uroine eyes. Igbt. hair, fair complexion.
ilto bo’ “
in Irwin County,
l ^tflgff&’^'VoBlt' Ga.,‘for which I ^‘a«e^UdrthiT muUUon^kuown ns to ihuvu
ULer.t wages wrn bo ll^ddre.^ „
S ,'p‘t C. S. Laboratories.
•0rikhHonder*on ; Co,R k 3b^o^e,^fcetM_g_b.
Administrator of lingo*. |
for sale
oSST* centra
Co.'C. 80 years of ago, 6 feet h inches
tad to rear
By order or
luno 12—d5t*
F. ROSS, Vreed’t.
5 «d uSToin’s rabbers wiU occupy every farm
~ toThe thick-headed African will be de-
Augusta Suuff Factory-
•*_ .1 1’ /..m 4 Vi n nhnVO f»«t<lhlwh
J. A
Albany, Ga
Forjartlcnla’rs call I BuSondaonT tS. C, 20 yoars of age, 6 Orel 6
WILLIS W90D. UlSios hlRb, black eyes, light tuflr, fair complexion.-;-
— —— an v^‘^.li O 0 wa^ci?cr«j“™'<>f ago, 6 feet high.
P ARK Ibi-c'crcs Hgh/’hAlr, lair complexion. Snpposcdto
A rt IV p CapUlu’Blocker’s^Cavalry Company to
West Florida. ’
esmapractically themoot
on earth, in which even individual opinion an rctard J EOlne supposed that half his present lu
-edbv bayonets and dun- has been a dead faihiro is ai*eaay 1 would bave t0 bo ,<h«i
nkiiASAnhers about tho self vi S Junction. We would most strongly 1 - , r ; ' „ at.’ rp
tor^recelved^from tho a^Ye^cstabiYshmcn^a J T^Curoulc^, thatdml8^x^rience^o^j
to Vto ^^Sutenant^A^Mja^-
App r° TCa ’cM Commanding61st Gco'rgii Heglmcnu
May MU), 1863. diuwlm
13,826a Acres of Land.
a the United States been enjoying civi. liber placos, of „ lUo fi ncs t nrruy on the
to discuss, BCUIO tViino-1 01 . hb cannot tum.hia » ac! ^ bardfightiilg in this war, es^ — ■
is freemen—only to throw away every 11 o an d 6U ch an a ™L dv pretended to despise I „i icr che received a painful wound. Ho hasnlways
.1 ■ v onliirhtened freeman should prize ? up0 n a foe he has a'^oyP « b ut tjiat distinguished himseir; but at Wilderness his promt-
■htchan enlightened ire n0 theories 1 -wherever ho IS . while we and signal bravery in battle were such, in-
What then becomes of alt youiun wcshall soon hear fromhim. Lvenwu to extort promotion, had there been any
.tout the enobling tendencies of civil liberty weena^ battle may ba J® If e Tu 0 ’tScei ? nacc 0 LmgR-an ideathat is forbid,
talk about a worid^.do j ham «, that^the Yankc^^ g ^ j, S for’thnConfedcrate service
want anything remember
j. H. ZE1LIN 8o CO.I
.have -
fob sale
5000SSKSSB& .
ponnda Chamomile flowers
5Q Iodide i*otask * *
50 *» Calomel
a dozen Bay Ram _ .
5 gross Brown Wind-orSoap
25 oallon Sweet Oil
« *ozett Olivo OU
200 gallons Castor Oil
*“ Boa
wb “
himself tetho Wiojs, textbo^of
becomes ot all your tam. auout.« man j‘"~ nd cd the Mattaponi.
politic il evangelization, in which all h “l -sk.a rent
taele upon the hypothesis of tbo. tempo } j ^ rivers is unciuim' j th f armer s are therefore, Professor elect of this important.depart-1
meat to' the ends of pecuniary profit—next pro ductivo » 8CC ti° 7 u an ex . I ham: f th nmount of open and!
own prejudices, passions, religious opinions, reccnt intelligence an d Kanawha ^nc'^f mihury tribunals
I ^*“°l was moro inovi—I circulation and «£35E:£S«I^^eigsssAsfA^
900 pounds Extract Logwood
am PrtL; .-.merlcanH._
Tiio •• EnriioU Glue
.800 “ -S4h?»
joo Flg^uo ’’.
ion “ Camphor
95 « Blister Plaster
10 groas Shoe Black 1 n g
&00 pounds Lamp Bluett
0Q0. *• Potty
100 •« * Citric Add
100 “ Sccdlet z MLxtur o
75 “ AEeafartida
-iro “ -Pulverized Gam Arabic
10 000 yards Adhesive Plaster
* in pounds Oil Bergamot
^?ZusMtucT rRoot
; B S P fiT di &-opavla
a dox.Townsc:. . • Saroaparllla
3 do. McLanc's i>10od Putlfior
gOO pounds Super C rbonate Sodit
. Soo do. )
100 do. • ri
He tea appMod ^oatiauial the College ot
tho different “choo'® pteparaUMs'ror’tho I TTNDKR R decree of Chancery, in the Saryerlor Cot
iclf’ the v c 2-'^J c r r E ( P j?^ u loaa'lorms, TR?HurketSnity. tho undersigned Kx«ntor. ^
MLidiMted'by certain circumslancw. tam«gvcly j R^P. JonM./^aodjOffere^a boloro the ZlrA
1 *
tanob-dlw* — ; ’1 W. B. JONES,)
For Sale I Dcmdon, Burke, County,
A Beantiial Lot, wlthJO<***2££t£ t j;li?c a2B%‘ “» « ■
SSleit. Oaa.toR tegJytS^gfSerortori. »>, “
Alt of which ’w«?i d b S? I B ?rn’ P CUT1U1KKT, GA.
i^^aha.^ 1 ggsjjji copy.’
june 8-d8t #
For Hire.
r; aiBoanegro DUNLAP-
I house work. Apply vo
juuuo—to* y* TUT
PT antation for sale in
r-xONTAlNING 1,3» ^fi t id^ w^mmprav^lfu to
,arv upon a larm; besides 111= * 3cd {or g-uing
borbood, hears <Aurchi ThQ jg bo divided into
yi i>ounds I per acre, cash. Porlur 1 jjiSbK K^YNOLDS,^
jane 8—dlOL*
tioolj, • n , t J3 max
yr$ii is i99M
- St!l 13 *00
. S50 13 V3
m « six
Dougherty, « Jg
75 do.
sou do.
Hi irk Pepper J
-pound. csr b -»‘ a ^ a
*S dfzenLnbiiA Extracts
: ; if.c.: nothing was more 1I10V1 I ad “ncing from^Louisa Court House upon ^
• • N ” th shouIJ c * a 1 a ‘,Tto devoted town. For ^“^armers bid I . R Yankxe —Among a lot of prisoners
she invoked M tho instrument and pander to mighty flur ry and cxdl ^“ t ^ e an d all *'hero^rom Vicksburg, yesterday who
h.r n«ria.-s«.lflsh creed or lust for domination— lheir Worses, people ran into t ° ^roug 11 ^ oftbe gun boats sunk by our
ZSlSttSEZ* U* with
and inai/f upon 'confining so dreaded an agon- ' a ? c .] P at t his very timo the re P^ Jgrcr^ a boyabout hisown'age managed to get
- * -l!XSi!Sk»<i^BSsSjSi
^!°M" „laer. ’he could “lam” any
' —t-ionalcly was gaining dally >n voter, and I RtclevMnd Examiner,
in States, tivery y« ar she mado new progtess _ A old chain weighing eleven
^, 'r jAr unlimilcd Federal supremacy, bce f utdy found in a field in
.\ r „ U r ancient allies, (the Deraoc- * £ , and an d on proper inquest was tturn^
and every year .-our an hf)me pTeS -1" “ to the Queen, as the law diracte. It is
.,r the severe home pres-1 ovcr to me vuecu, ~ —- —■ . f fi«ltic
1 ;• w-ik' in the faith of the supposed to havo been the ornament of a CelLc
■re, more and more wea and l King- At list all detoce* s«te «>J »nd
CUtap v oKnnt to Dtich 1C
Vl lAin d»*v ^ — — - ■ . , •
^very much .his d.scretion^^^^^ EfpM \fan
8 t d «s*ortnmnt D orBraM and Medicines, | _, nK .nbscrlber offers for sale, on reMOnaWo terius,
o‘^“4_r ipl0to ,t0CkB ^ Coafcdor ‘d c 5i* IT Iur martet ‘ l
SmUhville, on 3. W. K- *■ t uqMAS T. ELLISON.
dividend NO. *.
The P res ‘. d ent and Dir^teni^f UtO Gsonjia^Salt
Manufacturing Company have ue oe ntsper
“ » 2 ’°°-
P °&uUo^ to take place from date.
n. Treasurer, Angaria.
jipfl CoBefetl
A. j. PI-«* B - nmerri Platributing and CoUecttng
B. Pair.airs,-General i u> iune 9-1 c3t wioi.
’ Agent. Atlanta.
« . to avoid Conscription can do
4 Jjlt who may company of Slego Artillery for
A-jSS&sa - SMfT
T0 j ^J l 1 l^dSdtUUIi3U og i> k p - A -*
^aue 5—
FOtt mggb land at-
Aoitortbertoformrilouappljt^ R W0RTULL
Amencu?, u».
June 2-dl0»
4U1 8 2501
7 14 850
31 14 250
212 14 250
901 J4 250
rill 16 250
340.16 250
72 19 2501
362 19 250
... nn ‘.'it
5r 20 ono
26 7 902M
|l? . 1* 202*
• I IS 193X
Bailor, •
• 225
' 162
* to
4 250
4 250
5 200
5 250*
0 250
3S 10 250
1»4 18 ««
SO 13 250
178 26 250
978 20 250
No. Dls. Ac’s.
60 tn 250
68 20 2U2X .
177 4 245
493 8 490
307 9 490
211 U 490
63 15 490
4 12 202)4
’,105 12 201%
111 9 »0i
114 9 250
322 9 250
SSI 10 202X1
(118 16 202X3
173 16 202X8
.123 16 202X1
63 -12 S0»X i
99 19. 201X »
300 * 202X1
903 21 202X
129 17 250 ..
305 17 250
u- 815 17 250
Twiggs, 190 23 201X
201 r 490
wrikorison, 21 8 202)<
303 13 20*X
Final Notice to ^"bscribora u.
XJVUDUUJJ H—retary 0 r tho Trcsanry
QuABikitoASTXB'S’Oirrica. jJgj. f
. f« Ihc District of Gvorg'a ha-
LV »“Pl“ lco ;,, , ”^'_o?irirther instrncted, pay $1 50 lor I
District will. an*{Ftnrt ^ the - 1 BeYem i Depots, and 1
corn, sjekeff L?v,i»de fodder neatly baled. 1
83 per hnndred for moo Capt, and A. Q. M. I
next, wiUbe entUleJte ree«,» -* tTWnSa wiU
%gmt5%*£S%S&§ Interest Notcs-rccoirable
for subscriptions UU 1st of & CLAYTON.
General Agents Prodoco Loan, for Georg.
Robert Habersham A Bons, Bav*nmH>.
D. Adams, Columbus.
tj C Munroe. Macon,
jes+c McLendcn, LaGraDgc,
j. J. rinzon, ^c\ynwi,
IU*»well Kim',
KViutt & kuuacI, Home,
v* •• 3aD ° “ t2m
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