Newspaper Page Text
v ,T o s k p ix •
r- . i.:..i..U ••
gqH.h try.1 -juno-t—wiod
.: tors; : r V if oH f , 1 A } M . , t ;|4W^.»»p^ST :u ki I . NOT.CK.
[wki-"> fiis head ab^ve.tlie parapet. I ^
'mis the ri"V:t. McPbf-roon it? etntrelare- detwwmed'-to * have.-(-indepeodene.e — etcr"«" - ’ !
j^uSi (J.ft^tt. Theadviufcr-ri-grojenta Fsgfrrhioii/w^. tha^oi#.—Ktfrxtfk. Neguter
tr. sl> tr.M> t >» .l!ul>. , . I Tmf. “X^iv.u." C«svxNtio.v Ax'Uiici.—The ‘cfel-j-TT^uitoiA W1LKISSON CUU^iy: v ‘ *..
dispaioli mthe.Bnllertn 3:l J 3 L^itLn^of Wednesday [at Ctic»] was depriv d of Y.. .. . •' Ordinary's Office otsatdCouii y.
•Am P<>rf UftVft! t' i rc-1 -. tKJt.roBAnAp nf f?ih qrib inr^' 1. Whfi’iias LoVc UcrL'don Atiiuinitrtifttor OH tlMJ t ’tat
_*#«!• t s :i. lit f-.ii* the piist'len" ,'ihl's.— I r ui>!edm:uiy of the Wyal speeches by vdciferoub dt- j bylaw, and show cause if.any tb-y can, why Utters I ■
w*dlwo<'ll:crffnnhoats. iw«f. 3P.1 Idly] mdhstratiotis fortb'eyoung amfl Brravu General? hosHj^i*DFml-sioaeboiddj^ii3i^touiuappl'c:i J 0c
HiUciansWho had invited thesoldiers to he hares. 1- ■ *V*_z± ,
a tn be co"mpalle<Ho withdraw froA UiertrraJp^is everywhere lovgtl.
.77i«; v. ‘ «| • . ,JinopposjU&r -•* -
v i\S . ..j, , *.'... 2 •* l titfliifciofls v.— ^ r _ . ,
with..?W.‘»€A* ^Uacke^l JGd^li *gao, J e fo t hoping*toinako political Capual by their pros-
r.l Clinton ibe 4tb iiwt-Tbe * lemy j onee.—Joumat vf Commerce. ** •
rtwrty tepulsdd And^ drivBiivoff^i UhkV s * # * :r -
:V;'-.:yJncIniiini;.'Cff/pri?oners“ 'tt£| lois
ind fourteen wounded., a a. v
lUundcr norm occurred hero (Jackson
ie«nJ the hardest rRin-TWenforyeare! n :
V<evCaCS^l.VKt.lw^<tMl«rr otb.)
' 7. -
77 “ .
-'imt'lO.—Tb* irownjfU Rouie.tlie o JjTft
Sk*e Yanke®', w^^str^jidTy £ro 1
*• .;.'tA,qnvf^pr, flowwMwdaiit of the P< sf,
r jpreveiUe<£ jin attack 1 .-k^jca has
tbo BcllelSir —
.aiiniklrujiii xi&aa«v^ till «.i
.JcAOiUuir -ioe«A.Q« SB$!|^Pja.aui.,ua LllEeiiit’l -Notices—f&Ukxnsort <Eertn)K I J&egal Notiies—3oh«» fiomi%
Our telegraphic dispatches this morning announce J > J - * V i ■ »<-- K-—*■- f. ——^
■ YSoMSamtStK’ SON- QOUKTSC: i r fioSOlAv JONES CCAJKTtfs tujyr r’5rrrr>
:‘^£;S^ a -VT •*»• Qrdin$ry*8 Olffcc loc'taid^'ount v I (jp • . • ordinary'*) Offleo fo* said Coo ity,
, ^ ^ r K f ‘a.yp‘a$a. nfcKCred P^t with acc is-,I ^nierea^.tW. W. Coilins-ippjics toYuC for *lx?U*er 1 oT| » Whereas -fraicifl S.. Johnsoii, petition^ the tm lr-
’‘itgtflhVity;.but WO >are some laith Ttt he | Admintstratlon*on the c»tat© of CoiumouaiOcdline, ate I signed Ibr Letters of Administration upon tne'ea a
*' T -* 4 oir,''ag~tlfe'i?e^fe0nirfio~b'e'so me JotBaldoopnty, d<*oeased t * y r?^ **\ r ^ - *| or Kcrrj Willianreo2i,*lato«f said conn<y, *tieceahetl
^ oiBBmwpi;, wv«i»os»v* t 1 ui nerrj n luuuuswu, mw wi wMuwumj, ^v%-.
1 an I • -These arc tncrelyi'ato CUc*:»ca Jtdmomfh ail perr msjThese arc therefor® to cite and admonish
rnrsai*.- Mon -bnrn-iof-libertv can-• never rooon UffHiiter-sstotl.ib Be andappesr aCmyJ»tMoe-o<i ore 1 ^ingaiarthe kindrcdUnacredttnrsof saiddccc
^uThfri^HlftnanriZe^of^hoiflrtt Monday in July daeit.ltoebow. cadse, jjkhy j <y, and appear at my o*ice, WltilnUife time-presd: bed
inn ui. ?, !!! t Vittb*? Baye.why eald letters ot AdminlBtralion ail uldl-by JJw, and'ehow eaaee, if any they have, why laid
)£K1.1 have so reckleaaly been throwing tneuvnpejhe. ?lf notbograntefl the adpiii^nt. '• ••-iri* ■•» -^lJeltcrs ehouldnut hp grantei, j.- ' ■ *■, , *
4ft« ...„• «r-r . „..n l,.= the hop^ bf | Givaii under in>,official riftnktnrc, this ith dn oT| ((jvcT] under my band aad official rljnatnro, this) 4tb
1 w ^rSAwulEBlnWi 4)‘
_ BaMrtrnofthe «l,.say S Prico d*ve 1^^"now^Jie.beKmf.DB tamu .
xt lleleiut on Ttiiivi«ljiy'L»W5i : ni ? ht -1 of the:?uH.lITheTutirre;tto^dwnbtfdms in its w. mb ulv ‘ e ^ ^ dcr my official signature
- ■ ■ of the waring el amenta -, but through l we I jnnei J3«3. *. . KL
. v :-- u ? " *. annnn ;nrr *l.n / ItrIr 1 . r A. 4AJ - -- - « .-••
‘our L miich.
h- tita'antlcii)idie<i tJftot by"tli«rpresencenl tfiBsoldiers;!.’! WhcJ-eaa LoVoHerndon Adminiatrator on thee taeI ^EOltGLi', JOMBS COT»TY: 1 ' • ~
- .-r--,-. - who gut Ip ail the euJuaiaum. but got it up tod Me- ^ ‘ ?LffiS?*5&0kiTSSSSSt SSuohn | ^ m s&
Rhboo hu boon exiiiwed teva-tremrer iourt „„ „ « hnUtinn w ithering.- and i
ir>ia have, sidled from Port^Kojw! t > xe-
»1“ —— .-Aboiitrongiierih^^"^1 ^f5?lg‘^ t 5^SSS®5a2rf^g&Sa£^£ ^l
r *- Sfr tJrnptddtu'ft'nynf the Wyalspeuebosby vdclferou — ,r —■* ,*“« whv witeml- :r *"~ "— •*'—
l bo grained said applicant. ... ... _ ,,
Given tinder my nandatollico, tnla 21st Fell nary,
] KuLAliU) T. KOSS, Ordufery.
LlSCS. [mar 4]
|t41uil4 at Vlflffl6pri,®js. UtVP., - . jjesiwtiou or misgiving.., «e un UUL, .lu.euui^, i ^ „ ||( ,.,. A WIIJelNrioN COUJUTl: ~ •
orrs captureiliy .Qur. o.tva'tyxday j )jn 0 w wlietliiir ornotthiscorrcspondentspcftt i.“by I (jp Ohlinary’ B o51 oe. 'C.o all whomdtmay cone iru,
J’a-Drpnt, arrived (his morning. 1 thicara ’•’ but, wctlduU the signs pointdo the.t roba- vvimreas JohuK. Orugg, Admmistrator he bo*J) non
" 4hw * S?1 4 1 blHty that Gen. Jolmstoff will not'long; delat the of r J " -
j^jjupV |0..f’ia^i>CJs^4perB.t|Tth& J hsay I d cc tuivc blow. lie very, well knows that rein orce * These nee!therefore to clt6 and
Inwii TO W«»'w<w i.l'nvv ^fled pkrrutt *t ns onlments arc-poaring-dbwii;th§ MissSsippi to ( cant, fjngulhr the kindred and creditorsof y-er..—c „
rtWa.whhiwUOO yards-ot-our.worka.-. 'I -I and!<hafW^«>pe^ ttmefer lam to strikfi i8l efore I heandap^oaratmy^offlea vwt t ^ cy . ci ^ w by let orCotl. ‘I’heatarato-citeuuul admonish.
M . .du»d -s*snuni j
fcniflfl,Kenfaokji. j for a time;frbmbH'rcinforeemeiitg. While tmith ■
Aiscthither from Por.tSIudson and *>u httte J. taT&in{ns th 0 Hessiansatthat point,the occaJ •- . - - 771 ,i,.Mmie1 »w*,- ■" —
ttratbsa ^1 ja^igiSgaiTOo^gM
enemy. ro[ ulsed. j u(VBlack and the Mississippi. . We.eanpoti egard tl)r i„nve to Fell the _land aud ljc^roea ncl ind ^ • * • ■ - •
;; TaSTutlm^Acnesm.Lieutenm ^Lf Sportion pf ; the tw^forcesnn t ie an- «uiw of
etfeWS^^WfiAott. .near Iroachiug bittle ftaaltpgdther.aisadvantagp uj to coa.ed^ e
were. |ur aider Jdhp^^^uWess move 3ow wi.U I
m *jt. sag jastfagSwg* ^saat!a?a*g»a^^^pt5
Hmn4«v«f-tsuthe..wJUtari. tmlhpnlws, to bo I . . fAn nt tack his right ttonh- -I* :I» laLenry \Yard,'jdn«ase<i,--fpr Uiu benelij, flL.lh<
V .laiiieei to-hflmUod r1«t«s jUan probable that be has tortitied both lUnfs.aad ol.saif ««!•»-«.<>j ks!41 5 U foAHftkbl., -
'■■:■• I i,ia rear but ah at Chaiil-cllorsville'aml elscwhcie, I-., ... , • ■•■• • •• -Admlmi trator.
• • • Pte'vlo^b^S know how to get ever cntxenobme.L and -r-
Sknow hnw-toleave „^ e%a [, Nflte^gO^JOttlU
Utlmr dn Hgild^v^d^A^y
iiiMp, JnuthlLmtUV’ w»ntf..t«(.’i 1l '>0 yip lily of. .Iilo'dy battle, bu^we trust, ami! «fB|-n
daiKrwpnrt'GtantliauUng'Watnnfprhi? rooph glorioui one’.to the Confederate arms. ^
1 .'‘ t !',r!'h : .' , gl^ S finil opc-iiiAl 1 S lire COURT LIKK AKUTI1E 1’ltlNCK OF,.\VAi.KS v
S£ Tho firiiig SIlEpSt.O.mvioJn' ‘bU^s Jife In Uhglwd..
- ■ —
Jnneduiiysajatiie. latesfc.nnws fv n Port
-is a contlirfled'bSmbdrdnwmt of tl(»1 lace,
lia* definite ItomTort Hafijo* or \ icks iujg-
*ipedalto.tUeM»bfl[e Advertiser and I cgist^r
^•teismedate'giVee a'l’anbla dlspatchof t ie.Ilili v
litnijs that Uateh eam'e as farsoiftlras f rir.aba,
lifprh county. The citizens of Sfofh.T ake re-
«l!hirty.»svfcillr.msporto loaded with Jro( ps an
Wksgoingdown to Vicksburg. .r-,uoV
Lm.-u-Z.TZZ*M a ^.reivr. tOii+Tcrr* T'imp.s ftdnPi8«Q»
•* tame cut with A ilbuitenaut Gol
< ^y siifecorretptriicldHtsays 'hFedt O'.
^wurspulsedion jiio li<StHih. c k.bS lSt ^'
i?«i sll working well. •• The gaaisoaai 1
r";ii><ut irplf^npjilihi' Vitli' jyatep" auji ®{c visions.
Sibrlmtlittle damage 1ms beoa ■ done bj| the on,
»»’j1^‘^ , nifi I to^l : loss otilm.-baVri? ’ ‘
*^*4«e* nut exce-inl Slio. » c> i t \tAtJLj'iugwas
fttatUstill 'tpeggiog away v nwthJ*>* ste ;e guns
’•ifeApaflUeH, Nbftrtachi^f
'1W are-ramnrs that ila^udt*.ls.jnare dnfE'on
'•tiriAlx-lrclos. ■ aau * rotr t- -'
.t^bdoghhanljiiis liftdrnooil.. Noftj^ seen of
■* tvu.1 y'a fAvalry- nee tii&^Efnish' y^tlrday.
Wini^ihg'.Hmkson'itiSttfe^ht th«y*a egivpp
hiringhvkrd Diglit beferelimt;^
J »CKso-,,Juiie 1U.—ArpcclatijOthesippuuy
• iLo Kitii, Siiyd that (Jou. Mm Ta^dutoe
^p’.urcd on® traxuftarL&iul sunk another ntfir
~ l Ua u
H*ncu:nt3 vroro sent ( frOTn Helena agattisc
^butbo routed tlicui and drove thorn Lank to
'««. I:"*-
br*.Price is uiarnldug xd Otd.'fbsidlloi height-
belowdielena. ~r''T f**5
l»»My-tiv<r(Winpamosof Northom^iprd
• Sported f* (nifjrumWthwIirtetuil
V»k WJaUior cvco^ivol/ warm. ^ ^
«x%^«*a«w ~'+i
r *P«ftsd capturt-d and several gunboats di4»W«
junb ie, ise$. : ■
this <i3t da r of J
Ht.t.lH HMtVtl L, 'J
- t.[(jrd!i atJ.1
1 and official r1znat-ire,-thJi
^KbLIS liAliVl d.,
.' ' . Orel lary.
Notice id tVMnt it -may- Coma r«
P. . ..|JJf Sixty days after date application will be mi lie U>l Gr^A^cnaBAere.Oi'ebruary Slat, 1883, ••' .
THE FIVE i)AYS. •• . l ill,- H.iuoralue flio Coilrtol Ordinary of said Ci.iiuty, I ordinary’s ijifce ot raid Couity,-
bro-ii A , I71E iiyiu.a/ . P- - f for leavatoacUnU the lands belonging to ttte ojtitoot wudroas Bicnard IL liutchlugs Administrator,. f the
The telegraphic correspondent of the Mobil iTri-1 j*a. j. doliins, late of said County,, deceased, f( r the I of william Moreland, dceoased,- tcpplicepo m»
- - r - - - — . «.V. .... .,1,1 iiKmi,-. 1 -1-^] jC tiera Bbmlssory from ehid-enili - ” v '
‘ reforo 10 cite and admonish all persons
1 itOLAMl) T. HOs r,;
•. ..n'. ... . - .’Ordfc iry.
*- Oobb’s Urlgade.
ClOQMTStfinU. riTiwfr . , —I— ——B
To all whom it may^oncsr n. I are requested tn >oln. Military, aocoutremants vi; i bo
t L. Barge, Administrator ,pf M nth 1 fuftilahcd by the Govcmmcnt. ynrlongbs w
.-appHescotheundsmigned fotleai otol graiftfd toad volontoersnnltl tho-tet■ o!' Jaly. •
ahtynirweloaebigtovaidoeceassdo’v I .jnnel3—dlb,* „ _ J. W- SOLOMOSS, Cap .
etherefora.uiClMiTdl.inter'cjlo.d ty.PS ' 1 J
Court of Ordinary on the Srst Monos f
to.Mio w eanse, If any tteyhave; why sail
tn« urst Monnay nre «uiy pe^i-v *0 =“«» ‘‘ 1 lesvo sBonldarot he- granted to- said, applicant.. V,
any they have, .why said letters shonld not be gr,r ited Oivcn under my hand And official signature, this 4th V i’ syth, on. the nlgl
the-amdicant. ••• ' > ■>'- •> ■-[ day of Jnnh.lECSc; - ‘ * ".ItOL& 8. I Mare, 0 of T years bli
luce 4 , -w48d 1 jC .--Ordii
r^i-n <■[! r.-.l- - SKffiEJJv. 1 --r
XPKOM tin subscriber, residing i miloB west of
4th t JP syth, on. the night ot tho-sth inst.-, a dark,
8, I Stare, (i of T years old; black main and tail, rather
O, I .warn, U ui 1 JUUD uiu. umwi Xltj
ary. | dashed face.. AMberal reward wl[l ho paid for nr r rc-
r> EORlilA, .TONES COUNTY; ‘ ;
V* "At diambbrs,' May lat,18e8,'OnILiiary’r Ofltt sj
Whereas FyanciaB.. JqtesKinrapplles.ta me. for ms-
xnlssion .front
h I.igh’lmnrn, de
Tne.-e are thorefore-to cite and aumeuirh ah am-1 O 4 madiun
4 Goonty., ~».t. - f Monday in Ndiv. next, and show cause, if any l
, siASl'tJd C. BOW It,: I have,why Lcttcfsnlsmlssory.shdald not be grantfci
KL1BA liAVISV 1 - J applicant. - *, u.'"* hi-* - - ’ - b - -r_ * - -*a
AiRniniltkaton*.|,, UH^-jmder^y.^d, ^otactoUgnatm^ Ssouj- . , .._ _ LQ g T
• si..,.. .Ordi ipryi ^ small black pocket book," containing about
—: :—- i I eight 4S bills, and Iho balance In eblnplasu-rs.
I . *» - ---IIS 1 ’ Vll.^- ill.. .a,...irdA/l latr lnuvilHT It It
k! t A
Z t!*c L'ourt.of Ordinary.ou tho 1
m U next to ehmv cause, if any they I
era of Dismission, should not, ba granted tn©
.l^’ uu^my.ha^o^^tlds Mirthjutb. |
: (marlS) " ItOBAMD T. BOSS, Ordlh
i5tJ\ IjWT
-...- AdministratoriM ,SaIe..
are OUt »KUWBi,^wj /-*' •_> 1 i onr .: cl I iQDCl*~VrOUd . . , r. .; »*-.»t —^.—-si s«.i■ ■ ■■••«—
'■■'■■ - 1-1 nr Horn J.a.kis.reportAhu 13 seven ire «e« 0 r\,uality. They appear to bo jummm mu pmim, v m i mmmi m
%tfm« ) s r .I.lft.u.’g,: ty "igbt .t)ueen would The^to, ^ Ucr M it?L
, ,.., r ili.ii, nny J'" 1 beard. .WmUUt^ear. -ry^f,, ni( . an3 ^ llBne Mmsolf to | effidal slghhturc; L ' ~ ^'^SBS&r.
of'the 1
hd Wfival of our reinforcements. . A aau
- arid desl'u.-rate, battle then took l*lk;'<‘. Whh 1
nfhiftfe timefclie ei«n>y rtUrtod f .or diive
Of tills battle. hgJS
dred oar * . iw nera
oerinen.- 0 *^ , t „' s k .^ nt ydw« huudred.pfisoner 3
^idcaiinon.-iwd f tooktw««;^ . f w hs,t we can
A«d t\^>mn*k^Sitvv orthy source?, we b3ieve
Jearu lrom r>5nH veiV nearti e truth.
kilW *“ d wveaty c neighty
'v’^sM^lundioMded Were removed ram^
-) ankees killt d.and ^ 0 mean8 , f *»cer-
i severe
MjbVbvitW ttnPtbigb.i tlaptato -4*iUii«<f tl e Blaok
-''•’I Yankees-
8AIlA Admini“ll : a , uis I c.maWned to show cause ij an;
Admlmsi Atux. I t ^v gJ^gnaHwl on saldeslal
I" 11 ■" I ICrS Ot AJiCUAlODW** Boea-ww.-
-Not ice' U> whuut il • tuity -iU.tMMlern, cdat the next September term of this court, Ids UdaPr UB umll ,, Fi , I1L . rt h8S received authority fron
iVfHKte Ud -mu« - _ :,;|^ w ,a wm y band.iffiW,, 1 !•««».How.UCohbto^a^a-Con^ny of
O.-UUIUIUUI BflW^W —J 'll rry^v ■
leave -to ttell
, a KOItUlA. BOOBY COUNTS-: -.•••
tn Ordinaly'a Office. To»ll*wf >k“f
ertate \
U, t/uuutf] sxCCCi?© 1 YJ^' # * 4 i ■
and nlimonfafi flll'ifd &int
11 And tocidentio the larger armies of Tennessee m 1 Vlr
; f einRnlar the kindred and ^dltore of eaid de mart, lg ^ m0 Bt dcslrahlc arm of the service. ibitUI
■i to he ana appear at my offlcd K^thc first Mo dajvIn I bd A ^ b tbo Dllin erouB anpri^Uodi for baiffifi r fronk.
S?= I Ansrhst next, * to* Bhow .xanse/dr-any they hav \f whj l A d cavalry to artillery/ , x
v « l^^aljeltera of diamisbiou may uotiasuo.. j . «/ .1 |» tir aovi« rccrnltinK from hwonlytoi thirty man ivill be
cern-' 1 Given umUrfray hand ofilclany tills 15ihdayol Tanna-1 1 arsons
t^ffidl w. iSS “ “Si . BOLANDTK, BOSS, Ordi uiry.-
fislate I *+-**-*■'*-*•* \ j. , ** t1 - ri ’*?**■—" ’ * '"■ - - - —
it»i§br «AUf -ocfcsdditobe
Sikh AiilMltfiWdufWopSHn uw worijs, ou« J^^WlVwSSiitilig thw«*g«>=tl^WnO t
gtlie into piPorbHadwwia** l^cks-;
tens Jijhsic auX. s^eeiitl fW thd* Missis: ippiari «e out okndstVery rfght.,^^3!
.. ’ vUt:*X.;;ra tViVYanknn cavil
___jJ lii'lfit j
I TrAbSfi .'JSK,*.-
- Oi linary.
AdminiatratorJa'* Salem
ccAsod, three Lota of -■ .
ker county. No’s. 145, 143 and L.3-
well located, lying in the_most -
| county, nnd lying tov
I Parties desiring <n
These Dts are
fertile portloh o Baker
male© a hotly of 750 a 2rea.-<
^ 'TlnVBb^h^kt’.^liouid not^l t this
chtinc" eJuapiwtifles^oU^ jjqjjggj Attomoy0
' JA8.McUBNHXiBx.of
’OnN Ii. GALLl K, dec’d.
ill and I In July
*MDtoF«adia Sse of anyUiing* ooc.prrlngl to Ihe-J .Xb«o ^TeheUsand crediwtB .of.aiid.deieaf d to be betwee
S^BE^im88DHlSH . umm II
‘ ■ ' ^-^‘/‘dtollffiVribunMatOd ^ti“bie^;-iuti^ an^^t,HeebsH.M _ Administoator’* Sak)i BVutoauCoSnty, wfll’b5itosSay I ■ . JOHN ii. GALL,K d,
jhW4*Juau 1~. A Vpipif f pufs u * l »ff about tK^ h g t, etriin ufevvc IL J-#et I will*hi ^StSiVre tlie-CouftjttowodporiA [i C .j Q iy I tndSyno«,-at*hcGourfrHoiK«x*toor, iasaid Jounty,|' Albany^Xja.,!JaheItC QO^dUli7}nly
Iksssan^Jsjff^ Si R^d^St^aie
■. i-^m.tho.Biebmon'a Examto^ J^ *%£ I^Ett ''*** B Y c5nn^^{^^JSr^ottoart Hou^oo^
.1 .... .TllE .BATTHEiUr CULEEPEIJ. | ^ ol th8 Co^^W Grttnary.Of««ld '^ d ' L -iu|o,5«<fNcan5e*-of'eiw<r«o^fd( Kjwib' alto,^ a I of the ^“nty^^^^ ^^• honn or B .^ 0 a8 t ho pro-
Tie m-i-lvals from Culpeper last evening.y e have Mncdt of the and hrcdltora.^ay*^ N Womaifand her tour children..-TiwmB «f ““1 ^L^a»S£RBa&«3 Uonton, latoot sal . cotm-
junc4-dlt , | ‘^* % ‘ ^ i M.Hy. w Admit! 5trator.
MnbUeivi3thf-A4 officer. Toiegt
® m |HH
many horses. The pursmi. was lih all y .<% .uibarv 1 triini s*l«estate, ' :'Z '11a^admonisk aU md- sin- Uuo wtii annex*), of Suorgo- Wi Iiamb, Jab)
in Ko-
Sp§#» - -
'ffiftnacr my handAudoffliHal -riguW, A
day of May, 1863. - ^ JJ: tf- b3 J
miy 11—wGm
■itoam e. s<i o} Ps.rt stotls© fiQ
oil jsiih-tba oi •* .irh.’il)? d-ejC
itUrrs ot aja
y-^r<>■&-■ Sale.
Bare Com,. > -
)VVV WO bags Ground l’eas,,,
CowFcod. -wer) OJi
ino bbls. flrst-ratc Flour, ** fjoh-'trr
. £9 bpxea Tobacco, all grades', _
:.K>X '(01 bbla. Beach and Grape Brandy,’..
.*} * ».ri 10 •** r Corn-Whisky, linc article, .,
Ai ^'GJ30 Gross Matches, • f • TV”, d.
' ' l‘JU bags Salt,
. ^00 ‘bags Cow. Peas, cheap 1o close out
' lime la-d'H?.^' 1 ■ BOBBRfS & QPtitA ‘,
■Sfer -‘wOtmcB. ;
AM authorized tatalao a Cavalry,Company for.<|en;
— - *». ~j*©raoo#-«nfc4©ct u>.Ci
—-1 coVery,ami any-iulormatian thar.kfnUjr rcoeivjld.
-iuna l3—(1st* . . T - IlOB’T COLtAKH
Jllil W'^y’oCThoMqMjsSii. . . Forsyth.C
’A 3 1st
■'t' ‘Wanted*to Hire,
TANTKD, at tI[o JL S. Cenlial Lahoralory
0 , d(d3*‘e r !* 2!'T9vr-o
No. 1035-
House and Land for Sale.
rpHB sabseiiberoffers for sales Honso and 11 acres
Jl‘ of.laud attached, situated, about one mile and a
half from tho Court House, In rear of the Confederate
mvnaXtrmorr, In a healthy locality, all under cult.ra
tion, consisting of corn and a goncraT variety of due
vegetable*, alsou 2 acres of Ground Peas. ~ -
• .Pot fur .her particulars apply to P, KBftWIN,
Qnltou Avenutv or to Cornelia* SulHvan, on the pro-
misea. ■ *'. ' , June 12—deodiat*
XL who' may desire tea void Contcriptloa can do
c.BhVy lolntne,my Company of binge Axtllleiyror
Gen. Howell Cobb’s command In Florida, to render.-
vohfl at Macon on tbo lath Inst. A. BUN AUD,
June H—dtodlilUSSlt-^ .. - Capt. P. A. C. 8.
Mvri -T«JT®.‘-*e Reward.
n/k DOLLARS UKWAH1) will bo paid for thede-
AV livery of two Horse Males Id Albupy', that Strayed
iropi roe on the. 2td May, one a blown or black, thu
other a bay, both small mules. The brown bad A swol
len knee, when he lclt. Any information will be kind
ly seeolvod - - -JAMBS H. BILL.
, Albany, Jana9,1863—tw St* .
onthwestern Lands for Sale
Ii AVK 81’lantationa for sale In South western Gcor-
_ gia, aU ImpiroToi.-' Places from 900 to 2,000acres in a
hour, .Any ono wishing to purchase can call on or ad
dress me in'All-any. JAMLS u. HILL.
JunC9,1383—tWIOt* ■ .•:-...
p n8i,
W*5? Cordage,'Twiiie; or Biggig —oldjficmp
•or-Jute, In any form. Por-sachafatr- price vdll be
jiaid, a'ccoidiug W s Snallty hull cohdlttonv* Aptly at
uhbofflceon 3d street. - ;bJ. W. MAXLKT, CeA.
Jnnel2r-tUf .. Sup'U). ». Laborato4r-
Notice to thoStoeldioidersi if
bcptemlnr liexll’w'ny said dismission'i honld (The Central Ca. . .Insurance [Co.
iuai._juu.i- — .g—meeting of the staekholilers of the Central pcor-
A cla Insurance,Company Is called at the o! Ice or
the Company, on Wednesday noxt, the 17th in t., at
10 o’clock, A. M., to consider the proprloty of »u In
crease oTthercaplul stock of said Company.
Py order .Of the.Board ot Directors,
iune 12—dbt* . If. F. HQ3B, Pre tft,
Pint -i'-lf ! COMFANYt
- ?ir, . 2 . .-DIVIDEND NO.-*.
,— ,. . | . The President and .Directors of. Oie.Ueorgil Salt
; HOLyXG T. ltOBS, Ordh ury. |'Munufiicturinir Companv have declared a div dond
-J,— i . ' I of HgUty-ifvo'IsS) pound* • per hjiure at 1A eec ta per
fvBOltGlA, jdNES COy.Nly.^ 1 'iurkv.if-ridu.itiHd Ii) liu-charged $2.0 J.
Ai* Aiiiif ,f C^n liarrop, (IcceMcd, abdIica to Aie L r Lei- l-TT. 14. 'J Ocakb, Prexidfiot. ' ■* ,
of Mill ^ . ,J(Ltoii fromihe administration if said | A: J. 1'i.omb, Secretary and iVeasurer, Aiimu :i
■>'t'alheun County. B. W. Ga. A fine plantation of
Jf 750 acres-K0 under fence, S00 cleared, fiesh and
prodnctlve; This la ono of the most desirable places
in S. W. GeoVgla, it lies near and partakes of the muuro
of tho famous Spring Creek L.nds, than which thcro
ard none better In Georgia. ^ , . .. ...-.
‘-Ii more laddie Wanted, there lies adjotalrg some
16 oris lets, niickitred, which can be bought low.
. The plsco Is well improved, having boon settled but
8 years, and has a geod new framed dwelling, with tho
propci* outbuild lags. Come and examine.
Address, .. Mrs. bAiSAU THOMPSON,
’ - ■ * ■ Spring Creek, Calhoun County. Ga
May 26th, 1863. daurwlit.
13,8261 Acres of Land.
TTNDKR a decree of Chancery, [n the Superior Conrt
U of Bnrko County, the under.lgucd, Kxccuturs of
UtmiyP; Jones, deceased, offers for rale tho following
Hit* of land; and ft not sold privately beloro -the Brat
Tuesday In July noxt, will bo sold on that day. at pub.
lie outcry at the place of public sales In tho city ol Al-
^Application can bo mado lo ub by letter at Herndon
Burke County, or if moro convenient personally, tc
lion. O. G. Sparks, Macon. '•*
^ y JONHS,!
J. B. JONKS, 1 K „;„| ON
1XW. JONKS, f b-xccutors.
W. Ii. JONKS,)
-Herndon, Burke, County, May 4ih, 1863. trwtd
County. No. Ills, Ac’s.
officially, February ISt i,
SSSLI chTOrivcrln Florida”' Thlsbcftig it DKca*post, tbrsons
creasJamcso.jJarneSjAumiiusLpwroi i .hiirle»|nueorjyi.t . i t ^ ^ thereby avoid th s long
Macarthy, deceaaeSj applies to me iu propsort rm far pfekot duty, severe wed.her iu.d shorjfntlons
K 16aVbtt^“ffil’tre'land'bulOM[lngw tho i «Jtato oi] xb tha 3rd instant^ a
SamuolHilimaa.deceased, luto.ol'.iiud county,
Samuel Hillmhu, deceai
ecefft-oi the hoi
may 28—warn*
Agent? Atlanta.
• june 9-1 e 3t
Sic^e Artillory,
-With tbcprivHege of -extending the- rameto a llttal
ion. to be ataiioiied at tbo defences on tho Chat anoo-
*-i. J. - ... tsi -•!x. n’Hldliafiiir n llYi'il'TiAaL 1 9.niOnB
Infantry and cavalry
Persons recruiting — — ..hi
entitled to a Lieutenancy, with the chanced ofn higher
The usual BOUNTY OF FIFTY DOLIjAfa is dTercd
I together with a complete outfit. . '
1 Ail who^wish to joiu will report, to meat Cap] Coop-,
I cr, Macoc, or S.ivauLah, iu pertoii. .
june 11— d5tt 9*Pf-
.bon ud.
olYTY days, after date appUcaUoflvrSf^.r Jd®.^I - r -,i iT i> A YKi)" from n!y^X,' cm^hi-^yediiceila
E th«3rd toitin“aTed
I night,
foMbc I icat flirted, x A4ibertl rew&rd-win to paid lo*
I turn, or for information so 1 canget her. ^
Macon, Juno 11th, 186'l,
ary of’ ChoiC8 Baker Gbiffity Land atPnblicjSale
Tjaesday I . . ipn C g(j a y in* July noxt willbc-iold bftfon
fonnty, J 0 N t b?^ooSrtS35fet Dou g bcrty county at Al*
hany,Ga;,&btboTnaertrof.MMor le, de-
County. No. Bis.-Ac’s,
&££«< Z im
u ^ r - ■ & n £8
212 14 260
261 14 *30
130 18 250 .
346 16 250
„r,tj XU V*U
•ti 90 950
36 7 202M
93 1* 203X
SOI 13 193M
311 13 109M
349 18 200
350 18 72
337 13 UK
Dougherty, 221 1 *50
Sriy, 37 4 230
a 117 4 230
255 4250
162 & 230
* ,2.3 5 >60
119. 6 250
• S3 10 260
194 18 SM
• 36 18 250
178 56 250
273 2« 350
60 27. 259
68 20 903*
177 4 945
428 8 490
307 9 -*r
2(7-11' 490
63 15 490
4 12.203*
I. ft. 3 roe -»
114 9 250 •
•• 2?S 9 250
Muscogee, 2S1 10 203*
Fnlaeki, 118' 16 2i’2*
•• 174 -» 202*
•• 183 10 202* *
- 63 12 902*
29 19 201*
Randolph, 300 8 902*.
Spaulding, 84 S 203*
Stewart. 63 19 202*
205* 21 203*
M 17 250
204 17 250
StS 17 250
190 23 203*
201 -1 490
8 202*
£03 13 202*
*J*rS2EEb\ fynsufirii' MPa. Carttline Wdy-inakei her written
1 n pj )llCft tton lo me ior^Letter© ©fvtdminifitraftt< u, witk
C i’*r'tlos desiring to purebaso A good cak andi defiory
I plantation would do well to aUeuil. . y'-q. i i:*r,
=' ■ ‘ • ' Adfttaisli' AT 6. iLjjJ
Albany, Ga.. A-fiHt30th.'lS63.^ i jne-.f-d^
For Sale
of said I A provimipuwnot shuwi' ^"* ^ O ^,o“ 9 kmrt . water
: , g^oon, orehfd lies *v ell, edll
... all and | O xcollent. - OiiO*^ Auvetul ftnwyspr igs, by
d creditors Of said dcf^jsed-toj !ftthBLti^t"roubiO a lino pond pouKtho
*a V my oflJcc on ot 1 bjr the fU^t wonld"ben «af© ana profitable lhv ulmunt
to'sftoVci'asCs. U any they'* hate, wbyJ A 11 ofwliich wnm oea mi » •CUTHBKK'!
^ESSrisa^-iwMwaS^ h-asiatiom fob nmm
L,„. ■—’* rr^ soomw»«»ia GEoawA.
.. to the estate .of. c
U ThiTe 1? are Tb ciW'i* h)*ro«fcih-UMberaM'ifcpcar M
the court of 4)rt,l«»i|T« t^fi.-»MOTi^oJ (I^-Ydgmanijs .flffi
,*»« !*S” gismarpui
jgfelu^rgai^H s
JJL ■ ! Aiartnlat*tt.:-wu'ihe f*»-m«k,‘lateof Twi«* . Ailpfcret ns hold-
2S2ft ^td P deceaaed,,«ll^« ^
Aijniiilw .ratig
. i /*NQNTjd!!UNG4,3;-J.Aerts, altualcd.on Lnko Mbglo-
tf Ivin J. miles from. Balnlirbigc. well Improve^, n ro
,dKd acres dented,’ and ovary hmwrtos*
‘ tygZi XS1Sfairia»*«i m a mfugig
on u!Sd .’K^“tc isndon pUbeia £« U W
.wc, curb. For lurthcr fejggSjW^fei,
iuneff-dlOf * - | Bsinhrid,
if n* i4Mi* “Tx. IS ' ' i-’- ’'”
Tffajr; 1803.
T> Y
- ■ oner.Ava llonse
— Ir-cawis,
1 1KBN-.
ri'HK subscriber oilers for sale, °a reaMmablJ terms,
1 Blot ol MUch Cows and young LalvcS, ana siame
led KeleVes! WBl deliver the bout ready for n^arat
bml^hvnU^on s. W. H. R. T „ oiIAS T . kLLISON.
E'OLv hXXxLE. [
a raffiitite Bouse and ridojrtcn acres of land at
• Fm-ffertherinfurtBatloa applj^^ ^ ^yualrULL
"iuu^^dlfi* r . ... Auii#us.Ga
Public Sale 6/the Entire Cargo of the Steamer
Victory, -with Consignments per Steamers
Sirius and/Cate.' . .-
- By Johnston, Crews & Co*, *
. 41 llnyuc stKccr,
On THURSDAY, tho 18th Jnne, without-reecrve, will
be sold,
131KI sacks Salt • - ** •
35 barrels Moss and. Clear Fork ■
GO *• Pickled Beef
80 boxes Palm Oil Soap 1
15 “ CaBtUoSoap . . ,
10 barrels Alcohol > - • •- -
10 •• Bourbon Whtsky * . *
20 “ N.B.-Kum -
10 caeca Geneva Gin . -, - .
10' cates Martelle Brandy
10 caBea Champalgne
8 casks W. L Rum
•j half pipes Jamaica Rum .
7 casks Alcohol
8 barrels Whisky
1 hogshead bnpcrlor Old Brandy
20 casks bnpcrlor Gin
13 caecs.KngUsh Matches .:..<:
2 cases Chloroform, 2 pound bottles, 100 pound!
ltlcrco Pulv.H. 1. Rhubarb, 1 lmand bottles, 70
2 cases > Llf. 3 Ammonia Fortls, 12 bottles each,-113* •
1 caseCtSoroform, 2 pound bottles, 50 pounds
6 barrels Kpsom baits, 236 pound a each
68 kegs BICarh Boda, 113 pounds each
60 boxes Extract Logwood, *5 pounds each
3 kegs Printers' Ink, 103 pounds
'j caeca Ex. largo Short Boot*. 100 pair . .
1 case Ex. Large Magpie Bluchers, 1WJ pair - Keg.SbortBlacherB,800pair
2 trunks Ladies’Black Cloth Boots, 131 pair
l ltunit 1-udles’ Cashmere Boots,72pair
1 trunk Fiench Boots, 14 pair ^
2rtt-es Xidlus’ Colored Cashmere Boots, 120 pair
t-rnnkjf Mon’s HcftTT KIpBlacficw 144 pair
SB? So«^DoSbl© Tic WaUing Show, 70
2 trunks"Afru's Spring Boots, 72 ^Br
1 unnfeUeu’sPat. Spring Dress Boots, S4 pair
2 trouts Ladles’ Black Cloth BooU, 131 pafr
1 tru; h Ladles’ Colored Cashmere Boots, 72 pair
.. L,ibes*Black Chaehmero Boots, 73pair
2 trunks m s'* Boots, 90 palr
lease Mon - . luchers, 288 pair * *
11) cases M .-uu’s Blocking, 1 groes each
2 cases MJaou’s Blacking, 102 dozen ’
Hardware. .£
lDtons Hoop Iron, 1* inch
50 boxes Tin Plates . -
70fioxps lln Plate, 14x10
• i case Pocket Cutlery and Scissors
-lease Knives and Forks
lease Bone, Suspender-aml Agaio Shirt Bnttoua
3J5- great gross. Black Bono Buspcnder Bui ton-
56 gjeat gross Whito Bono Snspaider Buiusm
8 cases Pcrcuftslou Cays lOO M- «“*
_1 c^so G. D. Percussion Caps, 1,000,000 ^
Dry Woods.
• ■ 1 bdlo Flax Osmbnrgs
♦ease* Sap. Botid Check Gingham
a case Madder Prints
1 cane Assorted Glove# and Bose, Ladles’) MlsBea’,
Men's and Boy’s •
1 case Merino and CottonSbirts and Drawers
' V caaies’and Gents'Linen Cambric Hdkls.
' } '• l*lax Thread
3 castis Madder Prints
5 canes Madder Prints, Wplecos o[ 23 yards in each
1 case Black and White Muslins
5 casts Fancy Printed Muslins
3 cases Fancy Ginghams
Piecefe Linen Dowlas
' Dozen Hnckaoeck-Towels
, Damask Table C.oth*
Half Blcachod T»b>o Ootha
1 case Mj-u’j and Boy'sg^wavt 8
6 cases Envelopes, assorted, 300 H
,<W, iMFtUm ben
on the day of (
xnay 6
onia non 1 june 1&—d3t*
Wanted • .
rrrrtpnfcRaite, ahBdeff Calrtkgd. ln«lne four feats
T^siftes l*«P orfvdr vi* with ■ harness- complete ; also,
pair well broke ho,-aee■ WJ Jk,jrk in iho <suuio r - also V*'“*l”jr. Tin,rf)I■,U.
June ID—deodot* ’ * 1
tmui —, .
Chronicle and
Son, Richmond 1)w*