Southern cultivator. (Augusta, Ga.) 1843-188?, April 01, 1867, Image 1

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radical an& Scientist ftcfosp|cr, YOL. XXV. SOUTHERN'cDLTIVATOIi, IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY, AT ATHENS, GEORGIA, BY WM. N. WHITE. — Terms.— Two Dollars per year, or $1 for six months; . Fifty Cents for three months, in advance. Single copies, Twenty Cents. talf All communications for the paper and subscriptions must be addressed to WM. N. WHITE, Athens, Ga. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A WORK ON SQUASH RAISING. HOW to Select the Location—Prepare the Ground— What Manures to use, and how to apply them— How to plant, cultivate, gather, store, keep and market the crop. Illustrated by several engravtngs, including a section of a Squash House. The work will he found as thorough as my treatise on Onion Raising. Sent to any address for 30 cents. If any person, on reading it, does not find his money’s worth, he may return the book, and I will refund the money. JAMES J. H. GREGORY. April 66 2t Marblehead, Mass. CHESTER WHITE TIGS. A FEW pain, of pure blooded CUKSTER WHITE FIGS now ready, for sale by McGOWN & WARE, Cultivators and Dealers in Shaker Garden Seeds, April 66 It South Union, Ky. ATHENS BIBLE SOCIETY. NOTICE is hereby given, that through the liberality of the American Bible Society, we have been furnished with a supply of liihlesand Testaments for sale and gra tuitous distribution in this and the adjacent counties. The Depository of the-Society i* at the Hook Store of Win. N. White, in Athens, where the Scriptures can be purchased in various styles of binding, at the price-list cost charges of the parent Society. Applications for do nations to individuals, Schools or Churches, may he made at the Depository or to the undersigued. YOUNG X. G HARRIS, April 67 It President Athens Bible Society. ATHENS, GA., APRIL, 1867. S. B. HARRINGTON, dealer in every variety or HOUSEHOLD & OFFICE FURNITURE, Chairs, Mattresses, Spring Beds, &c. Has in Stork, and is Constantly Receiving, a LARGE & VARIED ASSORTMENT OF ' GOODS, ADAPTED TO A SOUTHERN MARKET. Letters of enquiry promptly answered. WAREROOMS: 178 BROUGHTON ST., (NEARLY OPPOSITE ST. ANDREWS’ HALL,) Savannah, Ga. April 1867 — 6 m. L. P. WORK ALL, GENERAL AUKKT FOR SPEAR'S FRUIT PRESERVER. OFFICE;—No. kl Httflfov Sihcct, New You a. April 67 ts STANDARD ROSES. 4 FI N E assortwent ju«t received from Franc*, firat ciaaa 1\ iJauta, and tb« heal of varietiea. Price %\H to %i-> per 4ostcu. MAR r 4 witham Maich Ibtil -u* A»tona, L. IJL V. NO. 4.