Newspaper Page Text
January 5, 1995 AUGUSTA FOCUS
The original D.S. Clarke Au
gusta Antique Show & Sale s
back in town at the Bell Audito
rium. The show will open on Fri
day, January 6, from 12 p.m.-
8 p.m., Saturday, January 7,
12 p.m.-8 p.m. and Sunday,
January 8, 12 p.m.-6 p.m. Gen
eral admission is $4.50 and chil
dren under 10 are free. For fur
therinformation, call Bud Maron
at (305) 565-3484.
ook ok
The Preview Discovery Cen
ter,of the National Science Cen
ter at Fort Gordon, invites the
public to “Experiment!”, atrav
eling exhibit from the Maryland
Science Center. The exhibit
opens on Saturday, January 7,
1995 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Admissionis $2 for adultsand $1
for military personnel, children
4 to 17 and Depart
ment of the Army ci
vilians. The center is
on “B” Street, just o
Chamberlain Avenue
on Fort Gordon. For di
rections call (706) 791- ‘
* ¥k
Tuesday’s Music Live con
cert series will feature jazz mu
sic by All That Jazz on Tues
day, January 10, 1995. Perfor
mances take place at Historic St.
Paul’'s Church, 6th Street and
Reynolds at the Riverwalk.
Young People’s Concerts will be
ginat 10 a.m. & 11 a.m. Regular
concert begins at noon. This per
formance is sponsored by an
anonymous benefactor. Lunch
will be prepared by Calvert’s
Restaurant. For more informa
tion & reservations, call 722-
Martin Luther King, Jr. Ap
preciation Day Ceremony will
be held at the McDuffie Woods
Community Center, 3461 Old
McDuffie Road on January 12,
1995 from 4 p.m.-6 p.m. Pre
registration is not required. A
fee will not be charged. Singing
and speaking has been planned
for this great occasion. For more
information, call Jeanette
Thurmond at 771-1390.
The First Annual Older
Adult Day with the Augusta
College Jaguars takes place on
January 14,1995 at the Augus
ta College Athletic complex be
ginning at 3 p.m. The Augusta
College Jaguars men’s basket
ball team willtake on Kennesaw
State. Refreshments will be
served to the Older Adults at
halftime. Door prizes will be
awarded throughouttheday. For
more information & complimen
tary tickets call 667-4171.
The Aiken Community Play
house on Two Notch Road proud
ly presents “Pygmalion,” a non
musical version of “My Fair
Lady,” January 13, 14, 20, 21,
22, 27 and 28. Friday and Sat
urday performances areat 8 p.m.
and the Sunday matinee is at 3
* %ok
The Augusta Jazz Project,
What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?
It’s time for a program which is designed for adults to complete a bachelor of science degree by attending
class one night per week. The program is convenient for working adults as well as practical in their work.
Courses improve students’ communication skills, leadership abilities and decision-rnaking skills.
Classes begin in February 1995. Call Now! Apply Now!
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Aiken, S.C. (Aiken Career Center)
Call 1-800-446-6241 or
1-800-446-6250, Ext. 7328
SR Calondar of Loents
Augusta’s own professional 18-
piece big band, announces the
second in its second annual se
ries of 18-piece big band jazz
concerts at the Imperial Theatre
on Saturday, January 14 at 8
p.m. The group is made up of the
best professional jazz perform
ers in the region, conducted by
Dr. Rudy Volkmann. Reserved
tickets are sls, balcony seats are
$lO and $5 for student tickets.
Call 722-8341 or 738-3094 for
additional information or to or
der tickets.
Augusta College, the Medi
cal College of Georgia, and
Paine College will celebrate the
birthday of Dr. Martin Luth
er King, Jr.on Sunday, Janu
ary 15, 1995 at 3 p.m. in the
Gilbert-Lambuth Memorial
Chapel on the campus of Paine
College. The celebration is open
to the public and free of charge.
For more information call
Mark Adkins at (706) 821-
& ) 8322.
- 1
he Augusta College
Lyceum Series will present
The National Players in Peter
Shaffer’s Equus and
Shakespeare’s The Tempest dur
ing the last week of January in
the Maxwell Performing Arts
Theatre. Performances of Equus
are scheduled for Thursday,
January 26 at 2 and 8 p.m.
Performances of The Tempest are
scheduled for Friday, January
27 at 2 and 8 p.m. and Satur
day,January 28 at 8 p.m. Pric
es for matinee tickets are $6 gen
eral admission and $4 special
admission. Evening tickets cost
$8 general admission and $6 spe
5 ) a\d 2 “,f‘; [/
} N 2 N ,@g@%&
6 9 ;.m’.'//' /—‘\‘§
o 3_, HOURS: . 0
P .\\“ e o)
£ AT | ‘
w:: ‘
« No Credit 3837-A Washington Rd. (Mantinez-Across from K-Mart
- Necessary 3108 Peach Orchad . (Bening Taco Bell) |
s E-Z Payment 13th St. at Jones St. » 722-1664
All December Pawns Register to Win SIOO
in Lottery Tickets. .
Open Late Tuesday & Thursday Through
(Must have already earned 50-60 hours of college credits to qualify)
cial admission. For more infor
mation call Augusta College at
(404) 737-1444.
Ergo Sum Gallery, 302-304
Sixth Street, opens a group ex
hibit called “Transitions -
Death, Rebirth and Pointsin
Between” beginning
January 7, 1995
Ry until February
% 4 \4, 1995 Artists
include Janis
P . ‘ Hutchison and
" Joyce Lifsey. The
gallery is open
Tuesday through Friday
111a.m.-6p.m. and Saturday
from 12-sp.m. For more infor
mation contact Gretchen
Lothrop at (706) 722-8494.
Paine College’s Lyceum Se
ries presents “Painting with
Yarn” by LaGrange, Georgia
artist Annie Greene opening
Sunday, January 8, 1995. The
exhibit reception begins at 3
p-m. in Collins-Callaway Library
at Paine College. The exhibit con
tinues until January 31, 1995.
A concert to aid Rwandan
children will be performed in
Augusta at Trinity on the Hill
United Methodist Church, 1330
Monte Sano, on Friday, Janu
ary 6, at 7 p.m. Contributions
collected for performances by the
26-member African Children’s
Choir, sponsored by Friends In
The West, will be used to provide
food and medicine for Rwandan
children. For more information,
please call Trinity Church at
(706) 738-8822.
* Financial Aid is available
* Classes are designed to improve your
, leadership and communication skills
* Attend class only one night per week
o Adults can complete a B.S. degree in
| Organizational Management in 18
~ months
~* Convert life experiences and
~military experiences into credit
¢ Excellent instruction is presented in
a small class setting
* The B.S. degree opens a number of
~exciling possibilities
Voorhees College Management Institute
Denmark, South Carolina 29042
The Gibbs Memorial Li
brary is looking for adult vol
unteer tutors to help other
adults learn to read. Free
Laubach Literacy Workshops
will be held January 10,
12,17 and 19 from
6:30-9:30 p.m. Vol
unteers will need
to attend all four ses
sions, and all materi
als will be provided by the li
brary. For more information or
to volunteer, call 863-1946.
The Euchee Creek Library
will hold Pre-School Storytime
each Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.
for ages 3-5. Registration is not
required. The Gibbs Memorial
Library holds Pre-School
Storytime Wednesdaysat 11a.m.
and Two-dler Time Wednesdays
at 10:15 a.m. Registration is re
quired. The Harlem Branch Li
brary holds storytime for chil
dren of listening age each Thurs
day at 4 p.m. Registration is not
Augustans for Nonsmokers’
Rights will meet at 6:30 p.m.
on Tuesday,January 10, 1995
at S&S Cafeteria, 1616 Walton
Way. For information call Rich
ard at (706) 791-7780.
ok k
The Wildflower Club of the
CSRA, Inc. will have Dr. Jim
Hudson speaking on the Augus
ta Canal at its meeting on Sat
urday, January 21, 1995 at
10:15 a.m. at Friedman Library,
1447 Jackson Rd., Augusta. All
visitors are welcome. For more
information call Jo at (706) 790-
YTt e
Augusta Focus will gladly print church news, obituaries
& announcements.
For more information, call 724-7855.
7403 or Joan at (706) 650-1310.
The Senior Citizens Coun
cil of Greater Augusta and
»” . the CSRA,
- Georgia, Inc.
will have its
o next meeting
. wes for the
- support group
™ on J anuary
2 6, ™ 1995fr0m 6:30-
8:30 p.m. at the Senior Center
located at 535 15th St. For more
information call Kathleen J.
Ernce, Advocacy Programs Di
rector at 826-4480.
Registration for the Spring
semester at Paine College will
take place on Friday, January
6, 1995 in Haygood-Holsey Hall.
Preregistered stu
dents may register \
from 8:30-11:30 ,
a.m. on Jan- /
uary 6. ‘ / Col
lege-wide registra
tion will occur between the hours
1 and 4 p.m. on January 6. Late
registration begins on Monday,
January 9, 1995 at 9 a.m. A late
fee of sls will be charged to any
student registering after Friday,
January 6.
A free badminton clinic will
be held January 21 at Augusta
College and sponsored by the
Georgia State University Bad
minton Club. The clinic will start
at 10 a.m. and continue
through noon in the mezza
nine of the AC Physical Educa
tion/Athletic Complex. A series
Augusta Regional
- Medical Center
e ———
Augusta Regional Medical Center offers a variety
of screening and educational programs for the
community. Preregistration is required for all
educational and prenatal programs. For more
information or to register call (706) 868-2450
unless otherwise indicated.
No registration required.
Thursday, 1/26/95
8:30 - 10:30 AM
Classrooms 1 & 2
Thursday, 1/26/95 :
8:30 - 10:30 AM
Classrooms 1 & 2
Thursday, 1/26/95
8:30 - 10:00 AM
Columbia County
Medical Plaza
Call 868-2450 for more
Monthly series of health topics
and concerns
"Tuesday, 1/3/95
6:30 - £:00 PM
Classrooms 1 & 2
of evening badminton classes be
gins Monday, January 23 from
6:30-8 p.m. A registration form
will be available at the clinic.
The cost is $44. For more infor
mation call Augusta College at
(404) 737-1444.
Adult recreation and open
play basketball will be held at
the McDuffie Woods Communi
ty Center, 3461 McDuffie Rd.,on
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m.
. 5 4
day from 4 ’
p.m. until
T »Hn. :
from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Prereg
istration is not required. For more
information, call Jeanette
Thurmond at 771-1390.
The Georgia Trust for His
toric Preservation is accept
ing nominations for its highest
honors—its annual preservation
awards—through January 15.
The awards recognize outstand
ing restoration projects in com
munities throughout Georgia.
They also honor exemplary pub
lications and programs that con
tribute to the preservation of
Georgia’s historic resources. Its
annual awards ceremony will be
March 26 in Thomasville. For
more information or to request a
nomination form, write to the
Georgia Trust for Historic Pres
ervation, 1516 Peachtree St.,
N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30309-2916;
call (404) 881-9980; or fax (404)
Wednesday, 1/11/95
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Cradle Club Classroom
Thursday, 1/19/95
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Staff Development
Classrooms 1 & 2
Wednesday, 1/18/95
7:00 - 9:30 PM
Cradle Club Classroom
Wednesday, 1/4/95
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Cradle Club Classroom