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Though the human skin pro
vides the same functions for ev
eryone, certain conditions are
more common because of skin
MCG researchers seek link
between calories and breast cancer
Calories are being cut and fe
male hormones are being regu
lated by researchers at the Medi
cal College of Georgia who want
to pick the major players in 95
percent of breast cancer cases.
“We know there are certain
genes, hereditary genes, that
account for familial hreast can
cer (but) that’s for only 5 percent
ofbreast cancers,” said Dr. Nurul
H. Sarkar, MCG virologist.
“Somethingelseis goingon. What
is the cause of those other 95
percent of tumors?”
Dr. Sarkar believes the body’s
fuel — calories — is one of those
players, because just as calories
provide energy for routine ac
tivities, they also increase ex
pression of certain genes and
hormones. It’s the increased ex
pression of genes, coupled with
the increase of hormones, that
each month makes the breast a
very dynamicenvironment which
leads tothe abnormal cell growth
that is breast cancer, he said.
In past research using as his
model mice injected with a mam
mary tumor virus, Dr. Sarkar
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color. Skin cancer is more pre
dominant in white skin because
black skin contains more mela
nin, or pigment, which provides
cut caloric intake by 35 percent
to 40 percent and reduced breast
cancer formation by about 70
percent. Mice usually take in 16
calories a day, and in his labora
tory he simply cut daily intake to
10 calories.
Now he has a better model for
studying human disease in ge
netically altered mice — called
transgenic mice — which are in
jected as developing embryos
with cancer-causing oncogenes.
In humans, oncogenes have been
shown to cause cervical and co
lon cancer and leukemia, and
their role in breast cancer is vir
tually certain, Dr. Sarkar said.
“If you analyze human breast
tumors, you find certain genes
activated which are not supposed
te be, so there are good implica
tions that (oncogenes) probably
cause the tumors.”
Everyone has oncogenes,
which are key in embryonic de
velopment, where nature pro
vides nine months for a single
cell to become a baby. But that
same kind of rapid cell growth
can be deadly when it’s a cancer
a darker, richer skin tone and a
built-in shield that protects skin
from the sun.
“But there is a trade-off,” says
Patricia Treadwell, M.D., Asso
ciate Professor of Dermatology
and Pediatrics at Indiana Uni
versity School of Medicine.
“While African Americans are
resistant to skin cancer, they do
have some skin problems all their
own.” Hyperpigmentation (dark
ening of skin), keloids (enlarged
scars), and ingrown hairs are a
few of the more specific skin con
cerns, however, dry skin or
“ashiness” is by far the most pre
dominant skin complaint among
African Americans, and fortu
nately it’s easily treated.
Characteristics of ashy skin
Ashiness, which occurs when
dry, dead skin cells clump to
gether, becomes a bigger prob
lem during the winter months
due to low ambient humidity,
windy conditions and colder tem
peratures' — is most prevalent
on those areas of the body that
are less efficient at replenishing
natural oils, according to repre
sentatives of Vaseline Research.
These are the legs, hands, el
bows and knees and, to a lesser
extent, the arms the researchers
While the problem of exces
sively dry, ashy skin is a cosmet
ic concern, if it is left untreated,
the problem can compound itself
and lead to more serious symp
toms, including flaking, chap
cell. More typically, oncogenes
lie dormant after birth, except
for occasional jobs such as help
ing injuries heal.
“When a disturbance is caused
in this gene, such as diet, hor
mone, radiation or spontaneous
mutation, they express more,”
Dr. Sarkar said. “Ninety percent
of the tumors are most likely
caused by oncogenes. The idea is
how could you prevent the onset
of these oncogenes?”
Hormones involved in the re
productive process, including
progesterone, estrogen and pro
lactin, stimulate each other and
are key to cell proliferation as
breasts go through the normal
changes of each monthly cycle.
Breasts are very active areas of
the body, where cells are con
stantly in an evolutionary pro
cess as hormonal surges prepare
the premenopausal women to
lactate each month. It’s known
that hormonal therapy after
menopause to regulate hormone
supplies also cuts a woman’s
chance of breast and endome
trial cancer. “These hormones
Dry, ashy skin a special
concern of African
Americans, but easily treated
ping, itching, cracking — and in
extreme cases, bleeding and in
fection, according to Vaseline
Research. To prevent this, the
researchers say, one must main
tain the integrity of the stratum
corneum —the skin’s outer most
layer and natural moisture bar
rier — by keeping it well-mois
Preventing ashy skin
Researchers say the best treat
ment for ashy skin is daily and
thorough cleansing with a soft
wash cloth, to stimulate circula
tion and gently exfoliate dead
surface skin, and daily applica
tion of a therapeutic protectant
for exceptional moisturization.
According to Tony Johnson,
manager of Skincare Research,
“If skin is not moisturized regu
larly —especially during the cold,
dry winter months —the skin’s
barrier function will be affected,
hindering the skin from retain
ing the moisture it needs to re
main soft, supple and healthy
According to a dermatology res
ident at MCG, many people think
that moisturizing will prevent skin
conditions such as wrinkling, but
what they really need todo is stay
out of the sun. “If your skin’s not
dry you really don’t need a mois
turizer,” she said.
Vaseline Research warns that,
if skin conditions persist for a
long period of time or seem “ir
regular,” seek professional at
canalso cause breast cancer, but
not alone. They work in associa
tion with other things.” He be
lieves the “other things” are ex
cessive calories.
Dr.Sarkaris manipulating the
key factors, seeing if he can pre
vent activation of the oncogenes
that he knows are present and
will cause the transgenic mice to
develop cancer within four to six
months after birth.
Dr. Sarkar is following the
transgenic mice throughout their
normal life span of about three
years, again restricting total ca
loric intake by 40 percent with
out worrying about specific fac
tors such as fat intake. He noted
that fat intake is an issue only
because fatty foods are higher in
calories. Dr. Sarkar is measur
inglevels of circulating hormones
and watching how the expres
sion of oncogenes and hormones
in the breasts are affected by
cutting calories. |
Some women who consume
excessive calories may be giving
breast cancer an edge.
AUGUSTA FOCUS January §, 1995
Cryosurgery may put the
freeze on prostate cancer
Cryosurgery may prove to be
the deep freeze for large prostate
cancers that cannot be treated
with surgery or radiation.
The new procedure, now avail
able through May Clinic Jack
sonville urologists, uses an ul
trasound scanner and special
probes to expose cancer cells to
liquid nitrogen cooled to minus
204 degrees Celsius. The liquid
nitrogen freezes and kills the
Cryosurgery is still being in
vestigated, and no one knows
how effective it will bein the long
run. But the procedure appears
safe, says Dr. Michael Wehle, a
urologist at Mayo Clinic Jack
sonville. According to Dr. Wehle,
long-term follow-up is needed to
measure the procedure’s true
“This is not first-line treat
ment,” Dr. Wehle says. “It doesn’t
replace surgical removal of the
prostate or radiation treatment.
It adds another option for the
patient. We think it will be espe
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cially useful in treating patients
who've had radiation that didn’t
kill all the cancer. Before, we had
little to offer them.”
Cryosurgery also may be used
to destroy tumor cells that re
main after surgery. And, in some
cases, it may be used in place of
surgery for large but localized
The procedure is done at St.
Luke’s Hospital and involves an
overnight stay. Because it re
quires only five small punctures
for the probes, it is much less
disablingthan other treatments.
Recovery takes only a few weeks.
And it can be applied more than
once — a big advantage if cancer
cells return.
“The treatment is good from
an economic standpoint,” Dr.
Wehle says, “because the hospi
tal stay is so much shorter.”
About 200,000 men in the
United States are diagnosed with
prostate cancer each year. About
38,000 a year die from the dis
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