Newspaper Page Text
Somalia expells
Russian advisers
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — So
malia, angry at the Soviet Un
ion’s tilt toward rival Ethiopia,
is expelling the Soviet navy
from its chief bases on the Horn
of Africa and ordering
thousands of Soviet advisers out
of the East African country,
Radio Somalia has announced.
The broadcast Sunday said
the Marxist government was
also breaking diplomatic rela-
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tions with Cuba, renouncing the
1974 friendship treaty with the
Soviet Union and ordering a re
duction in the Soviet Embassy
staff in Mogadishu, the Somali
Somalia has been the Soviet
Union’s chief ally in East Africa
since 1969. But recently Moscow
has been pouring arms into
Ethiopia and denying them to
Somalia in an attempt to end the
rebellion in Ethiopia’s Ogaden
region by Somali tribesmen who
want to join the territory to
neighboring Somalia.
Somalia claims that the
Marxist military regime in
Addis Ababa is also being aided
in the Ogaden war by Cuban
' troops, a charge which Cuba
1 denies.
Neither Moscow nor Havana
had immediate comment on the
Somali action. But Somali Pres
ident Mohammed Siad Barre
had repeatedly warned the Rus
sians that the Soviet-Somali al
liance was in danger, and the
announcement Sunday was no
It has appeared for some time
that the Russians thought either
that the Somalis would not go so
far or that Ethiopia would prove
a more valuable ally. But with
much of Ethiopia in revolt and
the ruling military clique in
Addis Ababa a hotbed of
dissension, the Kremlin may
have made a serious
Information Minister Ab
dulqadir Salad Hasan an
nounced that the Soviet military
and technical experts in
Somalia, who are believed to
number between 3,000 and 4,-
000, had seven days to leave the
country. He said the Cuban
embassy staff had to get out in
48 hours.
Abdulqadir said Soviet use of
Somali facilities “on land and
sea” would end immediately.
The Soviet navy’s Indian
Ocean fleet has been using the
port of Berbera, on the Gulf of
Aden in northern Somalia, and
Kismayu, on the southern coast.
Western experts say the Soviets
also had missile storage silos at
Berbera. Somalia exchanged
these facilities for Soviet
weapons and training for the
Somali armed forces.
Somalia denies that its army
is fighting in the Ogaden desert
of southeast Ethiopia although
it admits to arming and aiding
the rebels, who are Somali tri
3 men
in gaming
Three Augusta men have been
acquitted of federal gambling
charges in connection with an
alleged sports betting oper
A U.S. District Court jury
Saturday acquitted James
Moore, 77; Thomas Oscar Groo
ver, 51, and William Wallace
The jurors were unable to
reach a verdict in the cases of
five co-defendants, and U.S.
District Court Judge Anthony
Alaimo scheduled a new trial
for them later this month.
The 11-page indictment
charged the defendants with
conspiracy, operating an illegal
gambling business and using in
terstate telephone lines to facil
itate the operation.
j K V** j| M Until Tuesday
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'\{Wx"x —III < lew
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FORECAST FOR GRIFFIN AREA — Fair and not so cold tonight. Lows in the mid 30s.
Sunny and little wanner Tuesday with highs in the low 60s.
National Guard general,
3 others found dead
MIDWAY, Ga. (AP) — Carbon
monoxide fumes apparently overcame
a retired state National Guard
brigadier general and three other
Georgians found dead aboard a yacht
near the Georgia coast Sunday, Liberty
County authorities say.
The bodies of retired Brig. Gen. R. E.
“Ed” Evans, 65; his wife, Cynthia, 62,
and two of their neighbors, Robert
Cawdor, age unavailable, and his wife,
Sally, 47, were found aboard the 40-foot
yacht, said Sheriff Robert Sikes.
Sikes said Evans’ yacht, “Cyn II,”
was found anchored in the Half Moon
River off Colonels Island.
The four, all of Savannah, left
Gym teacher, who posed
nude, wouldn’t do it again
Three years ago, gym teacher
Lou Zivkovich doffed his clothes
to become a Playgirl centerfold.
His wife left him, his school
tried to fire him and he now has
two lawsuits in the works.
On the plus side, the center
fold shot did bring Playgiri’s
1974 “Man of the Year” some
television and commercial
parts, friendship with Mae West
and a second marriage to a
former Miss Arizona. But he
says now he’d rather get into
show business through an
“I wouldn’t pose for another
magazine nude,” the 35-yearold
Apple Valley High School
physical education teacher
said. “It’s OK if it’s in statues or
museums, but when you do it in
the flesh, it doesn’t work.”
Zivkovich says he expected
some public notice, but nothing
Bridge players
head for Atlanta
ATLANTA (AP) - An inter
national field of thousands of
bridge players is expected in
Atlanta Friday at the opening of
the American Contract Bridge
League’s Fall North American
The 10-day tournament at two
local hotels will include nation-
B y
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Savannah Friday with a flotilla of small
craft headed for the island to attend a
meeting of the U.S. Coast Guard
Auxiliary, Sikes said. He said Evans
recently was made a captain for
Division X of the auxiliary.
Sikes said the four apparently were
killed by carbon monoxide fumes
leaking from a generator used to power
the heating system aboard the boat.
The bodies of Evans, his wife and
Cawdor were found on the galley floor,
and Mrs. Cawdor’s body was found in a
bed at the rear of the yacht, he said.
Sikes said he believed “that the three
found in the galley discovered there
was something wrong, but the fumes
overtook them too quickly.”
like the “disaster” that resulted
when the skin magazine arrived
on the newstands of Apple
Valley, a desert town of 1,000
about 75 miles northeast of
“I thought there was nothing
to it. I had told school author
ities,” he said in a recent tele
phone interview. He received
SI,OOO and an enjoyable week
end in Hawaii to pose for the
The school board voted to fire
Zivkovich. He appealed, and a
three-member state appeals
panel agreed in March 1975 that
he was “indeed a responsible
individual and fit to serve as a
teacher in the district.” He
could be admonished for a
“mistake in judgment,” but not
fired, the panel ruled.
But the school district refused
to restore him as tennis coach
and department chairman.
ally ranked competitors in
mixed pairs, life masters men’s
and women’s pairs, blue ribbon
pairs and reisinger open teams.
A number of regional cham
pionships and competition in
novice pairs also are scheduled.
Page 5
Zivkovich has filed a suit in San
Bernardino Superior Court
seeking SB,OOO in back pay for
the extra duties taken from
him. The matter will be heard in
December or January.
He also has pending a $2 mil
lion invasion of privacy suit in
Los Angeles Superior Court
against Playgirl Magazine. He
claims the article that accom
panied the photos was tasteless
and fabricated.
The story talks about a “rest
tless” 6-foot-4, 216-pound young
man who played Canadian pro
fessional football, fought off
groupies and tried to avoid bar
The article did not mention
Zivkovich’s wife and two chil
dren. His wife was not amused.
They were divorced in 1975.
Some of the centerfold fallout
was exciting for Zivkovich. The
publicity from the dismissal
hearings brought calls from TV
figures. He was on “To Tell the
But despite the benefits, Ziv
kovich says, “If I had to do it
over again, I wouldn’t.”
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957-2062 Phones 957-5770 McDonough, Georgia
Griffin Daily News Monday, November 14,1977
Lobbyists legislation
heads Common Cause list
ATLANTA (AP) - A bill to
force lobbyists to reveal more
about their legislative efforts
and financial backing leads the
list of legislation Common
Cause Georgia will push in next
year’s General Assembly, the
group’s governing board says.
About 45 representatives
from Common Cause groups
around the state met in Atlanta
during the weekend to set pri
orities for their organization,
which they call “the citizens’
“The Georgia Legislature is
literally infested with powerful,
big money special interests who
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Griffin, Ga.
get their way year after year to
the detriment of the people of
Georgia,” said Larry Thomas
on of Decatur, the group’s state
“Only the passage of our pro
posed bill to regulate lobbying
and to make lobbyists account
for their money can truly re
store our citizens’ faith in their
government,” Thomason said.
A lobbyist-disclosure bill was
introduced in the state Senate
last session, won passage after
being watered down, then
foundered in a House com