Newspaper Page Text
., <r
jC levies—V o\. \ 11.
8WANNAH, MONuW MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1825. J-J}^ 7- /
Mo. Sft.
®tsK9 ( l§«*M«»>
1* THU
Ev G. £5 ' v . Ruobbtbm,
t T Horn- W»
« published to meet the
,,toL' (litre times a week, (Tuesdtj
VutHrv >' d6a.uvday) at the Office of h.
A',Ur.. #11 J coiitaira al' the in elli
Kefcomme^al, Political and Mi.ieHan-
* nctnAing advertisements. pub ihad 11
%L?cZ'W ?•?'''* * ’to all partao!
. .... . p .| Union* or delivered w the oil),
Oell.r rV--n»m, Tiayableindv^c.
*' Advettisei'itii'.s arc
SS^W“ ,uc “ edinfpub
Ijoitirti, «. «| ait «-«<■/ fig Pott p iul
A-'--' ■
cj H ]c S tfUnd required.
tr.s, V.x-'ciitora I- . s 'I'uridsv nidi'
t,ta ,T’hr(w*en'bi- hmi-softe-in It" fore
throe in the afternoon, at the Court
'•’" . f h. tfountv ill which live property 's
" ; „ -Notice ■ f h, « sales must be *»««
* ... previous to tb.
, „ p„hlle gsayttc ***! 'lay
diV 'fuele.
of the s,.le or personal properly mus.'
tir give in I *.• manner. F. ij> i*y* ptevou.
to die ay ' f-u-le- .
N'.tir,.' to th- debtors am' <-.editt-r» of a.
estate must he publiahml lor Foty nays,
Nopee (bat application will be matle to th.
Court of O'tVinarv »-r leme to sell l»"d> mua
be j-.iibli hed .Vine Months,
To be drawn on the 5th of January, 1025,
and finished in a few minutes.
J.B.YATES& A.M’INTYttE, Manners.
1 Prise of
10,0'HI Dollars is g5" 00'",
5 000
1,0. 0
20 01*.
10 000
4 ‘>00.
7 8(."
24 060
1 fl.OdO
H AS removed his DRUG STORE, to
the corner <ff Broughton and Whitta-
kfr-gtrectj, opposite Col. Shellmun't Mansion
House, where he exhibits for sale, a choice
assortment of
ond various other articles suiting his line.
Hu abstains relating the whole string of
nmnes of the things ho otters, and only men
tions a few which are not commonly found
in every Drug Store, viz
Fol Suhina \ Church's Cough
l\vro Uinbrlhita < Drop*
Digitalis Purpurea [ Aromatic Vinegar
Scullcap, Hyssop l Toilet, Vegetable &
German Leopard’s $ other Soaps
1» . : ... . i AT.. /Ml
liant ,(arnica mon- 5 Macassar Oil
' 2,120 11 r' 1 '*. ^ 34,220 Ticket..
22,100 Blauka,
tana) i Phosphorous
Elecumpane, (Inula * Ox. Mur. Potasso
Helenium) \ James’s Fever Pont-
Hope, Ergot S dors
Tonquin lleana j Infantile Powders
Squire’s Elixir * Read’s Stiptic
Half’s do } Spirits Soap
Ess. Mustard \ Fumigating Pastills
Ess. Tyre < Pyroligniou3 Acid
Jesuit Drop * Black Drop
Respecting the utility of this last article,
he refers to the last, but one, page of the
Georgia ami South Carolina Almanac, of
this year.
or.t 9 70f
In this Scheme, with eight drawn ballotf,
here vil-he 5* priz*** with M«ree i.umherso«
bv.m, 1456 with two numbers on them, su.d
IC* 608, with one number on them- Tbofii
r c.k :ts having none of the dravn ballots or
them being blanks
lo dctemi no the fate of vtt the tickets i:.
?ht* shove, lottery, 6r duir't », foom one t-
ilxty ircdirive, will «ever»!|y be placed in
.vheel on the day of drawing, and e ! ght oi
• n:m \vit| be drawn, and that ticket having or
-1 «s a combiontion, the aiul third num
ers drawn, will b-' e’t fli-d t..« $50 M0.
Test having on it 'lv 4th, 5th ar.d 6th, will
Whiskey, Share Muu.ds, l*a- b ^"^*“Tmtb*3A.4b.nd5„
per, esc.
c C. (IRIS WOLD, ojfurtf'srsale,
*n - 4, H1ID8. whiskey
J6 © 1 j tons share mould*
3 tens steel
tuo begs white leud
16 do Verdigris
12 do black paint
100 reunis copying and letter paper
nnv -26
liu ter. Lard, c. £ c.
Just received by ship IViltiam Wallace,
B f , kegs first quality Goshen Butter
Vi) 20 Kegs Lard
30 Barrels prune beef
200 Baskets table salt
40lbg superior American mustard
10 Barrels Sergaill’s crackers
5 Burrels smnkod beef
50 Barrel** prime pork
10 Half barrels F. Market beef
Per sale by ^ ^
Anciaux’s Wharf.
dec h
1*. M’Ocrmott,
AS just received by tlie ship Globe
from Philadelphia,
10 barrel:* beef, put up expressly for
family use. by Mr- Shuster
o puncheons M.Orleans rum, -llh proof
35 ha mis whiskey
6 coses Int s
f* bales domestic goodi
20 jack screws
4 duz. patent cotton gimlets
SCO ImTrols supf. Philadelphia flour
li-0 half do do
200 bbls No 3 nmckernl
bai's bla« k pepj or
iii\ Vsoods.
Received per sloop De'ight,
A N invoice oi tL4 cninbrics,
Sliirtings, Gnrtcent Dimities
Fnncy printed check muslin
Fancy chintz printed jaconet muslin
Marseilles bed quilts
Cambric prints. &c.
J’or sale by J. B. HERBERT &. CO.
dec *7
i hoes and Quills
I AHtF.S'inorocco heeled and spring heel
i cd thick and thin soles
Do. leather, thick and thin soles
Do. Denmark satin
Gentlemen’s fine and common boots
Do. Bootees and shoes
Boy’s slices and boots
^Chihiren’s morocco and leather bootccB
ALu N«‘gro shoes, and
10,000 Dutch Quills
For sale low at
th v 1H
Livt rpool Ground Salt.
C) r,,f /.V BUSHELS nflont—for sale
Si'Jt/li.'ky by J.B. HERBERT & CO.
dec 13
iut 3d, 7ih and 8th, ewch $.i,U‘JQ
Tiint having /-n it the -d, 3d and 4th, wii
be entitled to $4,7 0.
Thosr; having on them‘he
2d, 5'hand8*.h
2 -, 6th and 7\
< ’d l 6ih and 8th
2d. 7:hand 8ti
d 4'.b and 6i'
3 4th anri 7> !
3d,4'U and 8-1
3d, 5th and 6'.h
3d, 51. a« cl 7ti-
3d, Silt and 8-h
3d, md 7t!i
3,1,6’h ant' HtM
4 1 Si.S'band 7’h
itli,5ih and 8ihJ
A h 5fh and 7t
4 1 ! 6’h and 8
nb,7U»3 dR
•th.6lh and 7
5th.6th and 8
5'h,7th and 8
each g .OOl
All others, being (30 tickets) having lire
f the d'awn numbers on them will each ju
ntitied ;o $500. S-
Tl»e 52 ticket* having the 3d and 4th draw
numbers on them only will each be entitled u
The 156 tickets having on them *hc 4
and 5th, or 4tu and 6 b, oi 4lh an<! 7tb* draw
•umbers only, will each be ent'dled t*» $50.
All others (being 1248 tickets) with an;
wo of ihe d awn > umbers on them, will eac
beectilicd to g '0.
Ad th >Be. havojf >n them any one of th
1 rwn numbiujH(i?*: : ng '0,608 txketg, or 13 (-
drench drsA.ii mnnbcr,) wiil each be enti
tled to $10.
Notick.t which shall hav» d r awn a p»iz
of a superior denomination can he* entitl d •-
an inferior p It!. Pri/..^ payrbh: tlririy da* •
a»*ier the dvHvp'g, and subjvct, as utuaS^ In .
deduction nl tj per cent*
A considerubie portiu** - f this lottery is pu
up in pared'* of 20 t-ck.js, embracing all ti-.
rombma'inp m’.mbe s, from one to «i;.t
Admit parcels are wr.rrarted to draw at !.•»«
$80, l* .‘S In* deduction of 15 per cent, wit
o many nuances f * the capital prize.
ITr The above is the mo^t splendid Let
tcry in the United Elates, and the Tickets
are at a comparatively moderate price.> I Oil TI KbTS,
from the Country (PoxL-paul) directe d t*i
the subscriber, at the OFFICE OF THE
GEORGIAN, Favnnnuh, w ;1 .' liu immedi
ately attended to, and for warded free of ex
Savannah, November 23, 1824.
chewing tobacco.
j UST rpfiuivcd, a supply of Cavendinli
PlllOg Tobacco, and it is recommended
as being a very superior aftiele, for sale by
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings,
nov io
feather u, da holsters and
J UST received, an assortment of the
above articles, warranted to be of the
best quality, lor sale by
ort 26
Superior sweet Oil.
i UST received in bottles and linsks, for
sale by A. PARSONS,
Druggist, No. 8, Uibbons’ Buildings,
nov 16
Bloom Kaisins,
J UST imported for family usn, and for
sale by A. PARSONS,
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings,
dec 10
I 0
Markin?; tit waives,
F a superior quality, just received and
for sale by GEO. ltYERSON
nov 20
Hide Whips.
GROCE Hidu Whips, received and
for sale by J\\ B. WEED.
dec 13
llogfe Water-
A FEW dozen superior French Rose Wa
ter, in large bottles, just received and
for sale by GEO. EVERSON.
OCt ‘iifi
SUPPLY ofHuirand Wire Sifters, re
ceived and lor snle by
26 No. 6, Gibbons’ Range.
V wrievi Vi air A’- at? asses
J HE subscriber has just received an as-
", sortmnnt of the above articles, war
ranted to be of the best qunlitv, for sa le by
J. W. JlOUllEL.
OCt 26
| NFORMS his friends and the public gen-
crnlly, thut he has received by recent
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment of
Groce, ies, Hardware and .Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale and re
tail, on the most reasonable terms. The
following articles comprise a part of his
present stock, viz.—
10 Hogs e Is prime ?t Croil c ’ng*f
10Bovs* White«nd> A.
0 U-.«;s lirown \ H,v,n * d "
60 B-v rc I9 Loaf and > limp da
50 flags Hsvnna Gr *en Coffee
6 Pj. os superior 4th r»root' Brandy
r Pines dr* Holland Qm
5 P'mb Itnilulion Btandv, 4th proof
5 D> do Gin
2 Pipes »»ery :uperior o'd T ’each Br»nd>
?PuMch»*ons do r]<> I iah Whisker
50 lloj;!*h i»daancl> Phiiidelphia Kyo
100 Hturcla 5 Whinkey
100 Barrels Northern Gin
2 Pipes superi r old Hadeira Wine
5 Ha’tf Pipes superior old Lisbon do
11/ Q tarter tinsks fene >ffi do
Yer\ suo-.rim* old MaUeii's Wine am!
(foqnar Rraixly in demi.i- hni
150 Whi'e and J Barrels sup. »ff t e fresh
100 Half 5 FI .ur
10.1 oriels No* 3, New Mucb*<«r<?|
5(» 8-r-t Is No 2, do do
1600 K iakcts Twble Salt
20 Casks Gf ■’lien Cheese
V0 Hs*.»r‘-L t’.oppe*a»
200 IL ains W rnpninn Paper
50 fl-ijcN H'.-ick Pepper
10 (’.hoenlwte
2(t Five Culhn Demijohns
5 BariehsGiue
100 Kegs HE.iiid HF Dupont* Gunpoudi'r
5 Pound CVims.e u ot snr*enur do
100 Piectfi 4 1 inch Cotton Bagging
2 Twine
10 Whole and ) Boxes S. Whitlimore*.s
6 Half > genuine Cards
10 Boxes Wo»t H;its
5 tl ix a S:.*aw li nnets
10 Oui*‘ Rid*. KopG
5 O'Zcn lievl Cot'-'S
SO Do P.ougli L'ncs
100 Pounds Sx.-h Cords
6 Buies I'v'inl, Loudon Duffle
10 Cases colored and b'e.inhed and un-
bte vched Homespuns
70 G' ogf. L on Table f-jpoona
15 D* do Tea do
0 IJ iTou'ania Table do
Tlaled I J-hle and Tea do
Coppf,Ca-t, Wrought and Compo9i.
t*cn feu K .fries of all 'Z-.’s
Bios K for making preserves
20 Sets of Di h Covers
20 Tn..sbS ’»r kL>uids
1 I) > ST-d l/ons
1 l)o fla-’ Lead
1 D > Sheet Don
10U C. sky « v;or»ed Cut Nm'iI.i
Mill, -loss Cut mid W'lip Saw, m*d
express'” foi tliin markei
20 D ’zen Har.ds tWa, WootiSi'Ws and Ter
nsnt Saws
Pl»< ksmitb Sledg' a imd Handhp.mmcr.i
Anvils, from I to 200ibs. ival mouut.
PUckam-tb'* PrttowE.froin 24 to 36 in.
6it gle and Oi uMe Screw Plates
Corn Mills, from No. I to 5
2 'I ons Huossand Hinges
Brnss Andirons, from $ \ 50 to $3
Bra>s and Wire Fende a, with shove a
ard tonira to match
5 p fl8kfl Lraid’-r Palem Heel
100 D zen PndlocVs
1 levlya da lo wc’/h from 200 U» 500|h:
2 3 o/it of Sicel,con8.8tiog of Shevr,En t :-
lirh, Ufs'eied and Cast
Stoves with Pip s
1100 Pound. Waggtn Hehs, asiorUd
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Pag' 1 Trace Chsh't
2 Hi zen Currying Knives
200 Dnzt-n Curry Combs
6 Sets White handle Knives and Forks,
consisting of 50 p eces each
10 Sets Britaimin Teapou.
Sngar so* 1 Cream do
6 I) zen Patent Shot Uelts
2 I) zen Game lisps
2 D son Powder Horns and F ! s*ks
1 L ae double and single ban el Guns
]01) <;:en Wire and 20 dos Hair & ; .(ters
2 Dt.zon Fancy Hall Mats and 50 sets of
Table Mats
A general assortmri K ofCsrienter'c Planes,
• u 1 t*s, and Krney Bellows, with many other
f r'esin the above line,too tedious to enu*
fxpfctf.d DAILY,
20 Tons of«'.arron r.sstingi, which will be
sold low f* ->m the wharf,
nov 15
T HR subscriber has received by the late ar
rivals a large and general assortment o!
Hardware Cuiterj,
Knives and Forks of all kinds
Pen, pocket, 2 blade, Sportsmen's and
Dirk Knives,
Knives and Scissors on cards
Razors in Cases
Bread, Butchers Shoe, Cook, and Carv
ing Ksivfss
Drawing Knives
Plane Irons and Gouges
Files nud PaRps of all kinds
Teutsnu, Britannia aud Iron Tee h Table
Gravy and Soup Spoons.
Pistol and silver top Castors
Tea Trays and Wa'ters
Bread and Knife 1 rays
Jap'd Dressing Canes and Spice Boxes
Urn** and Japaned Lumps
Bisss, J paued and Iron Candlesticks
Pohshed Steel snd common bituffeis and
Snuffer Trays
Plated Snuffers snd Tray#
Plated acd Silver Pencil Cues & Tooth
Pocket Books and Wallets
Brass Commodes, Knobs snd Kings
Cloak and Curtain lhns
Brass Socket Castors
Worn! and Irou Red Castors
Wood and Bed Screws
Wrought and Cut Tucks and Brads
Round Bolts
Knob, Closet snd Mortice Locks
Stock a"tl Pad Locks of ell kinds
Chest,Till, Dup’d and Closet Locks
Brass Flush Bolts
Piatcd Chain Spurs
Plated fftir^up Irons
Gilt and Metal Buttons
Iron aud Bone Suspender Butters
Coat and Vest Moulds % ,
Pcsrl and Bone Shirt Buttons
Ivory nnd Horn Combs
Pack ami Pound Pi? ®
Brsss »nd Block Tin Liquor Cocks
Common and fine single and double bi>r«
rell Ilifles and Fowling Guns
Fusees wi^i Bayone s
Dill, Cross Cut nod Hand Saws
Sash and Tenant Saws
.Bench and Moulding Planes
Hair, Cloth, Sweeping, S :rubbing* Fur
niture and Dust Brushes
Horse and Shoe Brushes
P:'»te Blacking
Shoe fhreRd and Twine
Anvil'*, Vices, Sad lioi.s. Trace Chains
and Ho°s
Smith »»d Srnal* Bellows
B »ss Au'lkonasnd Shovels snd Tonga
‘ Brassard Green Wire Feodora
Block Tin (.offer Potami-I Cand’^slicka
Caul Iron Pois, Ovens, Doga, Spiders, &
W«ggnn B'*xes
Composition, Copper and Japaned Tet.
K;-tiles sod Sauce Pans
Cuffee Mi I In, Spit Boxes
Stalia sod Pockut G **«?<.-•
Composition Oipes^ i
Hither ami Jxek chums
Window G’h.js
Beers Axes
Tngether v th almost every other article
th- hue whied will be sjld on sccoimno-
latmg te;nic, by
No* 6, Gibbons* Bang ft. Sign of
the Pad Lock.
VnfovmaUt>n WanteA \
IF tibOKUK MII.LKK, otherwise DAN-
1 tBL OLAND UILI.F.K. who in the year
18)5. arr ved in Savannah, in the Aberdeen
irnnsport, belonging to Messrs. D< wson &
Sons, nf London is living, snd wiil apply tc»
his f itndu in England, He will hear ol
■■u meth*ng much to hi* advantage, He left
the Aberdeen wtuleshe tay at Savannth, and
has not been beard of by his f iends sinct
that period. He bad been many yesrs s "tSi
1 or, anil while on board the above vessel.
w**s employed as a carpenter. If he left S«-
viimah at that time, it is probubte that he
•nt’Tfcd *ome vessel going to the Brszil Is-
Unf'a, as >n Ins lust letter, he stated that it
vst; his intention to do so. Should he have
•!it;d at any piuce where a register or ce: lift
"ate of h'l burial can he obtained, it would be-
than Huhy received snd all expen es attending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
—r* O 5*
Savannah Female Asylum.
,1 N «Ioction for a Matron to this Inatitu
> tion, will take place at the Asylum
Hotwe, on the first meeting in February—
Application for the above to be handed in
to the subscriber.
By order of the Bonn),
E. M. LLOYD, S«Vy.
nnv13 94
C ONTINUES to do busiress in Milledge*
vide, and tenders the offer of his ser
. ires tf* h's friends und the public, in the trsns
mtiun of ngciu y business generally,
or.t 5 6P.fh&t§
Glass, Paints, Oil, &c.
ioo K**g« English Vhitc Lead,
first quality
200 Dn American 1st & 2d qua!.
$00 Pounds Lamp Black
80 Box‘S Window Gluts, assort! d
50 Ci<ni»tcrt Green Paint
Verdigresse, dry and ground
Snaiii-h Brown di do
Y How Ochre do do
• Spirits Turpentine
Painter** Brushes, he k
For sale by GEO, KYRflSON*
DMiecist.nnyner Bv & Whi'twker-.Sts.
ileti*a Axes.
L SUPPLY of tho above .Axes, received
and for bale by N O. WEED.
oct 27
— 9
1 I’rljc ol - g,*0,0fiU is
1 I’rlie oi—...0,0n0 it
1 Prise o- 10,0(K.' i8
2 F of- — 5,000 is
30 Friars .,f 1,000 is
”0 Prises ol——500 is
50 Prises of ——100 is
1'<U Prises of 50 is
5000 Prises oi ——10 is
4n 000
t o 000
10,0' 0
3( .000
J 0,000
5,’ 00
Doilt rs.
5 05 Prises.
14 9'Blanks.
180,000 Dollars
20000 Tickets at 5H9, is 180,900 Bo''a s.
The whole of the prises to be floating
from the commencement of the drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in tile wheel at definite periods, viz .-
On the S'h day, : : : : 410,000.
Oil tho 10th (lav, : ■ : 5,000.
On the 16th day. : : : 20,000.
On the 20th (lav, : : t 40,000.
Tile whole to be completed it.
Twenty I only \\
The prizes only to be drawn.—The whole
payable in cash’, sixty days after the com
pletion of the drnwing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Comminiuntrs appointed Inj the Governor and
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, on WEDJXESDJIF, nth Inst.
Tickets ^12—Shares in proportion,
received at tho Baltimore prico, and prize
tic kets taken in payment, at
No. 3, Commerce-Row.
nov o — - 91
Qvpoaite the Academy.
M SCASSMl* Russia, Bear* and Antique
Oils - Pomatums in huge and small puts.
a'! s«. is of n*-rfome
Rose, Orgpce FJ jw r and Lavender Waters
• Cologne Water in ooXtts
Milkol Rtws, i*t Bt‘4Uiv*s Preservative
Low's Huperio*- suent«d Shaving and wash
Soups, nit sons of perfume
Naples Ho-, Cake and Quintessence^ n
5h*>vi'tg Soav-a /
Windsor P-.rfum d Soaps, bye
the box J So *P ,
Hair powder, Plain and Scented Powder Puff
lissom d sizes
Toadies* a; d Gentlemen's Pocket Books, with
snd without clasps, uf all sz-jg
LaFay.’ttc, Silk and H ir Stocks, an elegan
article f: r Gentlemen's wear
Lsdies* Indispenswibles, assorted patterns
jilt Card Cases) allotted siZ-.B
Visiting Cards do do
iiiver Pencl Csaes, best quality
D«>. Tooth w’*th tweuzura do
Lead Pencil^ warrarued ol the best
Penknives, Segar Boxes, I)nmnit>es do
Fancy .Smell Houles, Dice, Piaymg Cards
Ladies* Toile t Diess Cases
Gftntlemcn*a Shaving do.
Vlarsball's Super.or Deutifridk
^pHou'i do do
flip ton's do do
Prepared Charcoal, from the willow bark
Do do Common Chat coal
Eye Stones, Snuff Doges, a tine assort ^e-1
Reeves* colours
Floating Nuremburgh and French Tapers, fo
burning on oil
Durable Ink, Aromatic Spirt's of Vinegar
Phosphorus Boxes, Hair Powder Roves
Platina ar.d Fancy Word Shaving Boxes
Round Shaving Cake Soap do
Superior and large Ivory, Bone and Wood
Tied Shaving U ushes
English. French and American Superior and
Fancy Penetrating Hair Brushes, ofaii
Fine Htir Cloth Brushes, all aizes
Da Whist Cl thi do
Plate, Nail and Comb Bnishf f
Furniture, Shoe and Whitewash do
Sweeping and Hearth Brushes
Also, his much admired durable and Fancy
silver wire Tooth Brushes, made on at
Improved plan, and to older, with plan
and fluted handles
John Barber's ir-d Thoms* SCargill's su *erlor
Kaz rs, in single and double case* made
to order, warranted to please the pur
chaser, or to be returned
Day.and Marlin's imported Shoe IVackmg
Genuine Otto of Roaes, large and smalt size
Pearl Powder for beautifying the akin
Mfecobo), Scotch and Cephalic Snuffs
L rillard'a fine cut Chewing Tobacco
Ponnuin and V .nella Beans
Apothecary's Scale* *nd Weigh s
Evans' Crown Lancets. Sprinir Lancet* with
extra blades, with a fine assortineiit of
burgical InsUumen's, Apothecary’s
Glass Ware, **c. &c.
Together with every general and ertensive
.ssortm mt of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals
Patent Medicines, 8 ices, Dye Stuffs, fcc.—.
All of which has been sheet'd by him* If
m>d in lieu-of the word Per Oe. tage, ire all
.ffered at Wholes de and Retail, each and ev
ery article allow priced at his neighbors.
Druggist, No* 8, Gibbons* Building*
R espectfully informs her friends
and the public, that her acitouL ts now
oven, opposite the Chatham Academy, for
the nvcEi-TioN op i-upii.». Assisted by
her daughter Miss E. A. Habbuon, aim
oflers hoi- services in teaching the folluwirtg
useful and ornamental branches of educa
tion. Whilst she relurns sincere thanks for
the patronage hitherto oKtcmlcil, she
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to further the pro.
gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
ther extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
are received, are—
1st Class—Spelling, Reodinp. Sewinp and
Marking, per quarter, : 44 00
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, ::::::: 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter.: : 8 00
ID" The most careful attention will he
paid by Mrs. Keh, to the deportment und
more's of those entrusted to her charge.
Consumptions. I oughs, ^c.
F on the cure f Cold,, Cough., rvn.ump. .
tions, Sp.ig of Blood, A»thnm«,und
•-Jis<*se» ofttiebieasi and lungs
There ia ptrnupi* ro mvdiral observattn|i
belter e-ufo isbed, none more h. e er«lly con*
firmed by the experience of tf e best physi- U
ur.sof all ages and count’i s. and nmie of
‘:on- importance to the human family, Mu
- lie fact that many of the most difficult and ia*
curable consumptions originate in neglec' d <
colds- In BSlisiaic so variahle ufluw. —~
i.he changes of «be weather ate tr quC-lly
sudden and unexpected, it »♦ quiresm* re care
i»nJ attention lo guaid againsi thr? r u§
enemy of life, than most people imagine *>*
are ..bleand willing to besow. j 7 be bids of
mortality exhibit the melancholy fnct that the
proportion of dea’hs by tL is disease m*y he
oiikidcred as about five to one. I asm"ch
then as ibis fstai disease fr/quently hi. a fi
ance to the skill of the most lesined pli;sici-
ans, it is a gratification to the pronrietor that
•e ia enabled to offer to those i-ffl cted with
it, ago dly prospect of relief, in that lighly
/alusblc remedy, ’he Vegetable I titan fip.d-
Jtc. Tht* Indian* are happy in their know-
edge ot m diral plants; governed wholly hy
xperience, they aiecertain m to their .ffret,
inn it is said by an author of great character,
that a true c« nsumption is s disease never
known among them.
1 bis SpeciHc is obtained by extrsetion from
’evbs, ro'-tr, flowers, pi nt-, &c when in ptr-
foci inn. In consequence nf a happy eninkimu
lion of the most vxluabie herbs, Ac. it becomes
; bals-m of a t>uperinr value. It heais the in-
eduarti, opeii'he po<es, nnd composes
ie disturbed nerves, after the manner«f an
tnodyne; conavqt ently the obstruction of
lie chea ana the ungs which constitute th.a
disease, particularly need its use. It piomoti a
apLctorstion, which isconstantl> culled for,
and whilst it cleans:* a d heals, it also gives
: length to the tender lungs In this
a removes the hectic fevc, improves dig vs-
turn, gives strength to the uery* s, repairs the
pp< titc snd improves the si iritu TLi* speci
fic mav always be giv« n in safety it is r. Id,
pleasant toibe tas e, and muyaafi ly be g ven
o infants, for which it is of ineiiitnabl*: value.
I', affords vcdief in bowel complaints, t e i ing,
/hooping c.-ugba, Uc and ia found {lsruru*
i«r*y useful in hypochondri *Chl, nervous and
i storicsl diseases. Each bill ol direction
ontains a di taib d accourv of tfii; di-eane in
•i) its diff'*font fitugra, und w.ll b.‘ accoirq a-
«»*d v i*li hcaigrature ol ii»c propi ietur in
fled Ink. H is ff -cd for >*le by GKO. PY-
U i> , only (m; a o agent) D.uggist, < or-
•e.’Buv Nin Whiuaker-strceta, Savannah, at
one dollar per bottle.
dvc 30 30
Northern Gin and 1 ew-tng-
land Rum.
AJjf. Ba\RRKLS Gin, high proof
ViJJ 30 barrels New-England rum
Landing from ship Oglethorpe, and lor sale
low from the wharf.
dec 16
Liverpool < round ‘•alt
fit CVK\ SACKS Liverpool Ground Salt,
D 5M11
and for sale by J. B. HERBERT <fc CO.
nec 6
Lamp Glasses
G ROUND and plain, of every description
Glass Peg Lamps
Tin japanned do with candlestick*
Tin Lamp Feeders
Lamp Wick, assorted, Sir.
Constantly on hand and for sale by
GEO. RYERSON, Druggist,
Corner of Bay and Whittakcr-Strects.
nnv 20
Srvmuds Puna ea.
n j* DOZEN received per brig Frances-
1D Druggists in this statu will be sup*
plied at the original priees, by applying to
A. PARSONS, Aitnt,
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings,
duo 4