Newspaper Page Text
COUtiTRI PATCH, : •• •. : •• flVH DOLLARS.
No mail North of CUatioatoo, wua xecci-
•wil last night.
V Advertisement! omitted this day, will
be attended to to-morrow.
We sre requested to mention, that Mr.
Stasens' Lectures will commence To-Mor-
low evening, at 7 o’clock, in the Sunday
School Room, and be delivered three tunes
& week, on such evenings as shall host ac
commodate thr. Clneo. Tickets are left at
the Bookstores.
The eighth of January, (Saturday) was
celebrated in this city, with becoming spirit
by sslutes, parades, &c. Ail the volunteer
corps turned out in full strength to do hon
or to the anniversary of a victory, equally
decisive and glorious.
We have the pleasure this day of insert
ing the official act, granting to La Fayette
two hundred thousand dollars, and a town
ship of land. The Cougress of the United
States in this munificent donation, have
Well represented their constituents. A joint
committee was appointed, in both houses, to
wait on the General to announce the fact,
and request his acceptance of this sincere
testimonial of public gratitude.
We also insert the official letter of Com
modore Porter, containing his account of
' the transactions at Porto Rico. It does not
materially differ from the statements here
tofore made. A disposition appears to pre
vail in Congtess to investigate this affair
His Excellency Joseph Canas, minister
plenipotentiary from tiuataniala, arrived in
Washington on the 30th ult.
His Excellency Pablo Obregon, minister
plenipotentiary from Mexico, and suite, ar-
ived on the 28th.
The timber ship Columbus hat arrived in'
rnent in the British Cabinet.
It is said the Greek Government is about
to make an appeal to all Christians in the ^ c j ose d. bout pistol shot froTn their forces, drawn up Wo had a renewed demand &’i Cotton lust
four quarters of the Globe, totakea part in! Mr. Hamilton gave notice that, on Men- on the outskirts of the town, and sent in a week, and upwards of 12,0(10 bules Pave
a vast crusade, the object of which would day the 10th of January, he should call up flag requiring the Alcalde, or Governor,; changed hands, Pornsm and Egyptian at
' , , „ , the consideration oi tho*Militin Chains of with the Captain of the Port, the pi-iiicipa*
bo the conquest of Egypt and the xloiy Massachusetts, offenders, to conic to me to .' ske atone
Duke de Noailles, died at Paris, November
8th, at a vary advanced age.
'matters beyond the circuit of the fortresses
they moy occupy. It is said, that the re-
snltof this communication was the immedi
ate transmission of some fresh proposiluu
on the part of Ferdinand, which was likely
to end in a modification of the intended mea
sures ofthe French Government.
The Couxrier Francis, under date of Ma
drid, November 9, gives an account of ar
rangements making by the Spanish Go
vernment to preserve the public tranquillity
when the Franck army retires. The Jour
nal dos Debate contains a paragraph which
seems to confirm the accounts already pub
lished in this country, relative to the inten
tions of the Spanish Government to attempt
s new expedition against South America.
It states a corps of 2000 men to be at Co
runna, which is about to be embarked for
Cuba. Some disturbance appears to have
occurred among the soldiers destined for
thisservieo, in consequence of which many
were taken into custody* Desertions are
represented to have been frequent among
their comrades, who sought, but in vain, to
obtain the liberation of those confined.
In allusion to the expedition said to be fit
ting out in Spain, to net against Sout h Ame
rica, the Paris Eton© ofthe lGtit of Novem
ber, says“ Tito Spanish frigates, whose
departure F*»r America, has been announced
will not sail these six weeks. The Regi
ment of the Union which is destined for
Spanish America is organizing. 1 ”
Ferdinand has been baffled in his at
tempts to raise money by loan in Europe, in
consequence of his refusal to acknowledge
the constitutional debt.
Portugal.—'There had been another abor
tive attempt at revolution in Portugal insti
gated by the purtizans of Prince Miguel —
Having been suppressed, the king, who, ~p j
pears to bn very popular, with the army gen-!
erally, and with the people, passed over the ;
occurrence as slightly as possible. j
There is another talk of a Oongrc«g to be j
held at St. Potersbnrgli. The object is sta
ted to be the consideration of the affairs of
Greece, Spain, and South America.
Lord Strangford had arrived from Con
stantinople, at Trieste—having received
presents from the Sultan to the amount of f le ^ a '^ cnx '- L S a '
50,000 piastres. Theatrical.—The New-Ynrk Daily Ad-
Algers had declared war against Spain, , hat th# ra;eiptB at t | lePark
and the Spanish Commerce, particularly , c ,„, , „
\ J Theatre, were 1560 dollars on the evening
that of Cadiz, is much hurrassed in conse-
tl. The Aidwnteos had totally disappeared, flu a *v**Tjbr > Pn»i^ent , of Uie*UnUe*d
but great mortality had prevailed in tne {States in thirHouse, the members, instead
garrison. The-troops, however, when the j of voting collectively by states, should vote
iespstchos were fotwarded, were m*h«lJ-;incliviilusto.M on any other question.-
with me the schooiy
le, and the boats off
Japr.. Dallas, and
men, and marines,
Faxyarffo, wltero,
'bis officers, sea
deeded to the port oi
lag preparations wer
—1RO Alshamss, in nr. 8,30 stlMPtt 3.4,
100 at 8 I -1, ordinary to good; 381 Orlianj
8 I-8, timing, very middling to middling
lair i 56 4 Egyptians, -JU(l at 101, 894 at #,
off at II, linr to good i 841 Sundries. To-
WishingtObrinesuoh a measure into die- making to tire on ns from tne battery 011 tal 43nl bags Cotton,
thy state. cuBsion.dfiJ moved for the printing of all the shore,! sent a party of seamen and murines AuuWmh- 19.—Our market has revived
The German papers are filled with ac- three amendments—giving notiee that he to spike the guns, which was done in a lew again and pretty nearly rceovered what it
C(,nnf, nf devastation bv inundations. ' : dlraumjuove tor the eotisideraticu ofthe minutes, as the Spaniards tied on the land- lost; the sales for ilie first three days of
I whole snbjeut on the ensuing Monday. ing of the party. I then landed with two this week amount to Iff lltlff bales, of wlii.di
The motion for priming > as then agreed hundred men, and marched to the town, 7000 are Uplands at 8{ to S)£ ; gno Bea ls.
spilling on the way the guns of a small bat-1 lands at lsj to 8«<l; anil 3100 Egyptian at
• tery pis"' 1 - e - •—« *• ■' •
Mr. Dwight, of Massachusetts, gave no- tery placed for the defence of a puss on, d) to 10yd. Wo notice tins latter io show
the Thames. A report of her arrival waB j t0 .
oreviouslv published and contradicted. I M- , , , —, , , , .. . .- , -
H tioethat, as he had moved to lay theme- the road, and reached the town in about, hmv extensively they are shout to he used.
It is said Mr. Broug .am nas an «ppc>iui- t j on res j iec ting the Georgia Claims on the thirty minutes after landing. I found them The deimuid is not so brisk just now,
table, simply to allow the discussion on the prepared for defence, os they hud received but there is ovory appeaiauco of prices be-
Niagsra Claims to proceed, he shuuld call information from St. Thomas’s of my in- 1 j n g supported.
the former as soon as the latter should teiff.ionB of visiting the place. 1 halt' d a- I.anilnn Market* Turtduy, Nm. 23 —
r - - Pprnani and
pal: jd. India at. Jd pel- lb. advance. "Seine tine
Carolina Rice has realised 35s and 110 Bon-
The Nisgara Relief Bill was then ta- meat for the outrage, giving them one hour g a ] white offer under 14s a 14s Gil.
General Lafayette’s father-in-law, the 'ken up and disenssed for the remainder of to deliberate. They spoearud according-
. «, „ . -r . 1 the day. ly, and after bogging puriknifinthepresonce
..Co ,li.*3 .I Pnna. Novamhor - j. bK . 1 , .
o all tho omceisj ot the officer who bps ‘
[From Ike Jfeu-Priet Current. JVov. 19.)
Cotton.—The demand for Cotton, both ip
... .... .... | Board nf Commissioners under the St. Fe- boon insulted, and expressing great pent- London amUh«out.BJrls,isi>n the most »x.
The Rev R. C. Maturin, well known in iterthargh, Convention, If athinglun, Dec. IS, tcnce, I permitted them to return to the tensive scale : the fir.4 impulse given to the
. , , , [ 1824—The Mowing Rules have been a- town,on their promising to respect all A- market, was the damage done to the crop
e literary world, died lately in Ireland. | t0 , ; merican officers who may visit them here- in tb £ ‘ Unit sd States, s.uine which tho great
The election returns for » member of the
House of Representatives of the United follows
States, from this State, to fill Mr. Cobb’B
vacancy, give Mr.
man 3,165—Majority for Wilde 1837.— j sliali be permitted, from lime to time
From eleven counties there are no returns, j take out of the office ofthe Commissioners,
their original documents and papers, giv-
Ordrredy That the third* Order, made on ; after. We then returned to thu vessels, • increase in the rnnnufnc.-hire, and the eon-
tho 14iU intit* be amended, so as to read rs ; and lelt the harbor, after being at anchor sequent extensive demand by tho tradn, has
ithree hours. (been the chiefrnuse of the brisk market:
As we wore getting underVray, a mim- j the quantify taken on speculation is a ho
ber of persons appealed on the beach bear- gr^at. Tho sales hn-p for t.l»« present we«*k
ing a white flag, and having with them already exceed 10,000 hugs: we estimate
some bullocks, and a number of horses ap- the advance in Brazil Cottons at Jfl to ^d
That the claimants, respectively, or
...... * their agents, upon producing a special hu-
Wilae 5,00l—-jyn. thority to that effect from their principals,
. it. to
and in all probability no election was held
! in them.
PernambucoBy an arrival at Philadel
phia, in 34 days fium Pernambuco, we luiirn
i ing to the Secretary an engagement for
their safe and punctual return within rea
sonable time, or whenever the Board rnay
specially dire« i.”
Ordarcd, That, depositions shall be deem-
ed duty authenticated, which shall be ta-
that on tho sailing of the vessel, a report j |j en be ^ re H pij ()tarv Public, Judge or Jus-
vvaj circulated,though not gor*-Ta]ly credit-1 tice ofthe Peace, provided they be accotn-
ed, that part ofthe troops at Bahia had re. ! »y a certificate of the Clerk of the
' v v : County or District Court within the
rolled agiiuifii the emperor, au.'. nad retired jurisd^ion of which the officer resides,
into the interior, after having killed their * ^
genera’ of arms. Markets dull.
The ship It AHC Hicks, Macy master, for
Luvrpool, which cleared at Charleston on
T'iursdt!.y v had a cargo of 1520 bales cot
ton—-weight 460,000 ibs—vulhc $67,000.
j In Augus^last, the second daughter of
! the Emperor of Brazil wns baptired by the
name of—Donna Fruncum-Carolina-Jonn-
na-Churlol ta- L wpaldvvt of the An gels-Rama-
na-Xavier dr Paula-Jiicuclla-dabrielia Ra
Latest from England.—By the arrival at
Charleston of the ship Surah & Caroline,
••uuuiofthe packet ship Paci
fic, Liverpool papers to the 26th and Lon
don to 24th November, inclusive, have been
received. The most important intelligence
by these arrivals, is that relative to the cot
ton market.
The sales of cotton, last week, (says the
Liverpool Mercury of the 26th November,)
amounted to 26,556 bales, which, we believe,
h nearly the largest quantity ever disposed
ofin one week. The regular and exten
sive demand for this article, shows that
there is an increased consumption of our
manufactures; and this improvement, we
suppose, is principally to be attributed to
the shipments of manufactured goods which 1
are making to the new states of South
Greece.—'The intelligence from Greece is
of an extremely gratifying naiure. The
accounts which we some time ago published
telative to the defeat of the Turkish and
Egyptian fleet are fullyAonfirmed. It is con
tained in the Faiitfdtaxtear ofthe 10th of
November, and is derived from letters from
Trieste and Constantinople to the 12th of
October. It appears that the Turkish Ad
miral had set sail from Mytilene, for the
purpose of attacking Samos a second time.
He was met by the Greek Admiral and driv
en back to Mytilene. Canaris pursued
them into the port and set fire to five or a x
Turkish or Egyptian frigate, and after
wards completely dispersed them. The Cap
tain Pacha, haa arrived in the Dardanelles,
having it is e&id, under his command,
but one ship of the line, one frigate,
and five or six transports. A part of the
fleet ofthe Pacha of Egypt, has gone to
Smyrna. It seems, 44 the Sultan ascribes
the disasters of his fleet to the relaxed devo
tion of the Mussulmans, and has published
a firm an, forbidding the women to use em
broidered feteshes or veils, which show the
face, and which he considers unbecoming
the modesty of the 9ex.” The Greeks have
been successful in the operations of the ar
my as well os the navy. The campaign is
now closed on the part of the Turks, and
letters from Constantinople of the 21st Octo
ber, represent the city ns in the greatest
consternation. It is even said, that the
Greek fleet, was at the mouth of the Darda
nellcs, and had consequently cut oif the ne
cessary supply of corn and provisions, for
the capital* The Turkish empire totters to
its base.
Spain.—The withdrawal of a part ofthe
French army from Spain, ha» taen deter
mined on in the French Council of Minis
ters, of which the Spanish government
have been notified. Garrisons were to be
loft in Cadiz, Pampeluna, and Pome other
places ; but the Charge d'Affairs, it is ad
ded, was instructed to tell his Majesty, that
Mr. S- Canning, formerly Minister to the
United States, was to leave London on the
26th November, on a mission to St. Peters
burg h.
The King of France ia to be crowned at
Rheims. . . ,
A most extravagant rise is stated to have ’ 1 ? ay^commence
taken place in the value of the shares of
the company recently established in Eng
land, for working the Mexican mines—a
rise of from seventy pounds, the money ori- , .
. „ * , , , . tre is not bo large as that of New-\ork.
gmally paid in, to upwards ot seven hundred
pounds a share.
parently laden, no doubt a present, from the | per !b-—on India descriptions the improve-
authorities of the place, which they intorm- j mont. is about }d per lb.
ed me they should tend me. ~ . j Ry:e. -The demand for Rice is not so ex-
There »s no doubt our persona anJ our tensive, hut. prices are maintained. Car-
flag will be more respected hereafter than j olina, 32 a 34a.
it has been by the authorities of Porto Rico.
Every officer and man, on this occasion,
conducted themselves in a umnuer to meet
my entire approbation*
Theatre, wore 1560 dollars on the
of Mr. Barnes 1 benefit. Such was the anx
iety to reward this gentleman for his able
performance, that almost every seat was
taken many days previous—and on the
night of performance, the house was cram
med to 6uch a degree, that it was found
necessary to close the pit door, aoon after
Mr. Pelby, an American actor, haa re
cently concluded an euagoment at the Bos
ton Theatre, by a benefit of upwards of
eight hundred dollars. The Boston Thea-
1 National Legislature.—In the Senate, on
The coasts of England and Ireland,and of Wednesday the 29th ult. the bill for the a-
tlie Continent, have again been visited, du- bolition ol imprisonment for debt was ta-
ring the month of November, with most di- Z ^ *'
° m.Mioment of Mr. Lobb, when the bill was
sastroua gains of wind—the last occurred on postponed to tho next day.
the 23d, in which a great number of vessels In the House, Mr. Thompson, of Georgia,
were wrecked. • accor, !‘ u g t0 nowse, moved to discharge tlw
• committee of the whole from the former
Notwithstanding the utmost exertions to consideration of the report ofthe Comiuit-
anve the life of Mr. Fauntleroy, the Privy toe on Military Affairs on the claim of thi?
Council, after a long deliberation, hail de- Btat ,°‘' or 1 cnn, t"''f ti ? n «yice» parlor-
. B med by her militia, m VJ83—4.
tor mined that he should be executed on the The motion was carried—ayes 63. noes 56
30th of November. | Mr. Thompson then moved to recoinmr
Mr. V. Fitzgerald was to proceed early in ^ report toll,c same committee, within-
° J ; struc.tions “to report a mil maiuuganap-
the spring, to take upon himself the duties propriation for the payment ofthe said
of Minister Plenipotentiary to the United claims; the appropriation to be conformed
to the report of the Secretary of War, made
to this House upon the subject of those
The British Parliament was not expected • claims, in the year 1603. and to embrace
to meet before the beginning of February. , each class of claims respectively, os dcseri-
- One of the vessels of the Norther* expe- j b{ ' , J r in ™. at re P ort ”
* Mr. Thompson addressed the House at.
dition, the Griper, capt. Lyon, hats returned length in support of the claims which are
having met with the most violent storms, in riie subject of his motion. Mr. Dwight, of
. • i i . . , 1 Vines. Ini* tho ftlltWisf nl linr.mniv un ilio
Wiiich she lost her anchors, &c«
under the ivml of‘.ho Court, and the sig
no hire of ti e Cle rk, certifying that such
Notary Public, Judge, or Justice of the
Peace, is bona fide the character he repre
sents himself to be; and provided, also,
that in all cases where a regular seal of of
fice Inn not been affixed, such certificate
certify t ie .signature of such officer to be
genuine ; or, by a certificate under the
signature and seal oi n Governor of a State
or Territory of the U. Slntes, or a Consul,
Vice-Consul, or other British functionary,
to the same effect.
Extract of a letter from a gentleman (late
ly return-’dfrom an excursion through sev
eral countries of Europe,) to his corres
pondent in Richmond.
Travelling as I did, without, a companion,
having but a smuttering of French, and no
knowledge ofthe Dutch language, I was oc
casionally perplexed about bills and pass
ports. 1 ulwziys made things smooth by
declaring that I was an American citizen,
this frequently operated ok a useful pass-
port; indeed if any thing could have infu
sed pride into me, it would have been the
very exalted point of view in which the
American character stands; abroad.
I wa much pleased with the republican
manners and kind attention:; of our foreign
ministers and consuls, to their countrymen
whenever met.
We wore ably represented by our kite
minister at Paris ; hi;; successor will not bi
wanting either in talents or energy in as
serting our rights, but I think the evasive
pleas of offsets which have been thrown in
the way of a settlement, will greatly retard
the recovery of what is so justly due to A-
mericft.i ci*izen8. *1 sometimes think that
if Emperor of Russia is as good and
great a as I hope he ;s. he could ren
der great and essential service to Europe,
And to the world, by acting as a kind of
national Chancellor. The peace of nations
would be better preserved by expounding
national law, ami .set ling di?pu;cs among
tuitions, than by continuing a member of
the holy aiiiancr— I saw a’ number of A-
m rican medical graduates, attending the
hospitals and lectures at Paris, but none at
tracted rny attention more than a professor
, from Trvn.iylvanift ; whuther that Universi-
tunbit.ious of improvement, sent, him over
( have the honor to b»\ very respectfully,
your inont obedient servant,
Ho?. Sam’l L. Soiithahi),
Sec’ry of the Navy, Washington.
Extract ol’ a letter received by a House
in tnis city, dated Liverpool, 20th Novom-
icr. “1 beg leave to transmit you tiui
sales of cotton at this piace, lor the throe
days ending 23d inst. {Since then, the Biur
et has been very dull and prices scarcely
supported* {Speculators are aUo desivoun
>f Nulling out. Egyptian Cotton, is an ar
ticle gelling much into usu, and will mate
rially affect vuuous other descriptions oi
olton. Thu crops in Egypt, will, without
loubt, be “200.000 bags.”
Another letter of same date, says—>‘Tiie
sales of ection wore limited Lins week
probably about 8O11O baies; and Uplands
are J lower limn iasc Week. The demand
to-day. is but moderate."
Liverpool^ JSTuuutovr VO.-—Stained 8ea-
A letter frem New-Fork, ffntrff Di'com-
ber 30, says that the Cotton Market in N.
York was much the same ns it wue bel'ore
tie: arrival of the Pacific, stiff tiiut no ex
tensive sales !>tul been made since she came
in. Upland* were 13 a 15 cents on the
3M.fl. Tho Shipping anil Commercial Lit!,
quotes i cent advance—old,crip Georgia
war Sold to manufacturers off the 951 li at
l r )L—The quotations are, Upland HI a
—Ses-lsland 21 a 23.
ra wmmh
3A T'AN/NTAti JAW. i© 168?;.
o’t'jii Up M’uJ, (»i n;.: 1 ; r ir tngr.oc,
Strii; bland, 4 JO.
4; inf
f *k- .8 >-
yLur —«dvfp-‘ ia, B Iti'Tiore,
v.n' A ex:: di .’•» vnpcrhiic. «>,
’'•'©>'*< -4i » IV c ntr p. i b a .ei
<■«# 30 d: do
•' • ■ .8 50 d- . r *r
// y !'f mr* N .rr.rrn, fcU .a
lih'.ykey-venns l> s 4 30 ;ent? per gah
no : U, / tnu Hwn— Z, . 8 .
.\© (i a Gin- it* - V do c ) 0
't'ulmrcfi Kent 'ck; , Geo-ghi. An 44 H y
hum'otr—bo:.r \h&- Sc.n * In*g, SO * I : F : * or
mg Boards, 12 l 14 ; tcunging Timber' 4 «
5{ Staves pipe, J5 ^ \0 , 1) .. WUr.*: 0‘*tc
hod lb, if.-.: Ork, do. JO h h
Shingles, 2 a 3 ; hnu Pine Boards, 10 xi2-
Tu! wp 8 *. I' ** "-il .
Fo-.k— dc. , ; P* me-, l
lt(icfrire‘— >-u -J. , No. v, 4 „ 4f.
Ha con B 8*. pleniv.
L ;vd 10 u U
•' u’lev -17’ 1 • *'< tt.he.rn, inferior. 8 k 1?.
Che #.•? -S v 7 oenw .
Uom sdcs. —15 to !8 { Sf-ipci), IS to
10 : | hs ks '4 lo :5 ; 4.4 «k. 17 10 20 - t
R dllcU ng. 25 34; lihirnrijr, } 9 to 1/,
d \ 7-*8, J1 lo i4 ; v'lie* t nc 4 •», '4 ft* ’. A ’ .*
d BkaCiY-j, if / do 5 4, . 2 ,* ^tuning,
7 8 14» 15
H'g: : ing— (>-ndee and liu cruess 4* inch,
•2* 5 dull
Ihn ibiophs—1 > 8 i?,*
Cognac H ■a uiy —t ■ ) 1 j 37' t; per g»f.
Hoi hind fc’ n 9 '.'5, do. dy.
/ on—.Sweden. 9 » - 95 per ton ; E do,
8> .!•». } American, flu i 83 -:85; bluet
cwl. p a 9
•Volt L v. rpool, coars'-'. in bulk, 60 c9,
M ;•!
during the recoHa. or wiioth^r he was prompt
ed by his own zeal and thirst for science, I
cannot Kay. but I will venture to assort,
from hhi dcvoVotinu.-s mid industry that his
olnsb will derive infinite advantage during
the ensuing course.
Two large fires have taken place in Lor,,
don, one in Ludgute-street and another in
Mass, lor the purpose of bringing lip the
disruspion of the Niagara Relief Bill, tno-
vod that the report of the committee un
military affnirs, referred lo by Mr. Abbott,
bo laid on the tubie tor thu present, which
Fleet-street, the damage by the latter is es- was carried.
titnated at £100,000 sterling. I Tim bill for the relief of the sufferers on
, the Niagara, during th f late ivar, wds then
A destructive fire took place in Ed;n- taken up. and was puppiirusd by Mr. Tra
burgh on the 15th November. It broke out ''. v » when on motion of Mr. Vance, the com-
* 1< a ^ A rommunicat.ion was received from tho
Assembly Close, High-street, in premises President, ou the subject of the attack on
occupied by Mr. Kirkwood, tho engraver. 1 Fa'ardo by Com. l’orter, oncloaing a re-
It was thought to be CKtic^e.l oa
17th, but on that day again broke out, and j quent column.]
continued burning on the lath. Two sol
diers wore killed, end a number of persons
dangerously wounded. There wore des
troyed, on High-street, four houses of six
stories each ; from there downward-: to tho
Cmvgate, by Can’s Close, two wooden hou
ses ; in the Assembly-Close, four houses of
t» or 7 stories; six smaller tenement. 0 in
Burthwick's-Cluse ; four houses of 6 stories
in the Old Fishmarket-Closo and along the
front ot'Parlimnont-Square four double hou
ses of from 6 to 11 stones high. The num
ber of families rendered houseless by thie
calamity is estimated at least at 250.
A report had existed of a conspiracy
against tho life of Charles X. hut there was
no foundation fur it. He appears to be ex
tremely popular.
Despatches, dated the 7th of Sept, were
received at the Colonial Department, Lun
in S'-nate. on Thursday, December 30th,
j Mr. D'YYoIfu gave notice that he should,
next day, ask leave to introduce a bill to
grant a drawback upon articles manufac
tured from foreign materials imported into
the United States.
A re ohttipn war received from the House
ofReprosenialives proposing a joint com
mittee to wait on Gen. Laf-potto, and to
announce to him the passage of the act in
his favor, and requesting his acceptance of
the provision therein made for him.
The resolution was- agreed to item. ron.
and Messrs. Smith, Hayno, and Bouligny,
wore appointed by the Chair the Commit
tee inffthe part of the Senate.
Navy Domutmf- t,
-tithe fnciitlb-r, 1924.
8m—In answer to a resolution of the
House of Representatives of the 27th iusi..,
“ thajMliH President ofthe United States
be requested to communicate to the House
any information in Ins possession, not. im
proper to be communicated, explaining the
character and objects of the visit ofthe Na
va! officer of the United Status commanding
m the West Indies, to the town of Faxyar
do, in tile Island of Porio Rico, on the
day of N' v inber last I have tile honorto
enclose to you a copy of a letter from Cap
tain David Porter to the Department, dated
15th November, which is the only informa
tion on the subject in possession of this De
part mo it.
An order has been given that Captain
the troops would in no way interfere with doh, from Col. Grant, at Cape Coast Cos-
Islands are not inquired lor, and we cannot
value yours ut more than tod. as & lot.—
Egyptians inlerfero with them very much.
November 25—-Ye.-terday we had only a
very limited demand tor Cotton, the r-aies
being about 800 hags, and wo have no bet
ter an appearance this morning.
.Wfier-inbcr 25.—We have had s very ani-
»wed demand tor Cotton at improved pri
ces Speculators have bought freely and
arn stiil sanguine, but the trade fire now
stocked lor a short time, and until they re
turn again for supplies there is no chance of
amendment. The sales lbr the throe days
ending 23d, were only 44*»1 bags, which
shews that tho transactions are trilling com
pared with those of last week, which wore
upwards of 25,600 bags, nearly half on sp^c
illative account; yesterday and to-day we
have little or no inquiry, and the market
though steady, is dull, barely supporting
last week's prices. Tho following may be
considered the nominal quotations for Up
lands, ordinary to middling fair, 8 a 8-\; ful
ly fair even parcels are salcabln at Of a 9 ;
good fair to good a 9-j, and tor prime lots
up to U)d is demanded ; Sea-Liamie are
now confined to a very few bunds and much
interfered with by Egyptians, in which ex
tensive sales have been made and large
supplies calculated upon ; ordinary to mid-
dliwr quality bring 1 11 a ifl-J ; good clean,
not fine, llh a 20; fine 22d a 2s 6d ; stain
ed 8al» There is a complete ;• -curcivy
if good and fine Orleans, ordinary up ro
good fair rate from i>\ a 'Jj: good 10 a 10jt;
fine lid a 12} f Tenessee, Mobile, &c. if a
November 2.1.—Our market for Cotton
was dul* in tho week ending the 12th inst.
particularly in tho early part of it, so that
prime wave way in Uplands fully a j per lb. i i*b.tutors /tank 08 . '• •mitre,
and nearly up much in most other descrip-1 Darien B.i k - No sale*
lions. Tho sales were 7.500 hags, nil to | o
the trade; of which 400 were Seu-IHands,
15 a 20d ; 2(ioo Upland, «l 8 a 9* : 43(1 Or
leans a 10«; 340 Mobile and Tenessee
Ho 0 ; un«!2IOO Egyptians 9ja 10) per lb.
On the 13th fh-t. we had a very lively de
mand, and considerable sales were made,
ho that we. nearly recovered the above de
pression. Throughout last week we had
thetume animated inquiry and large sales
were made daily ut some little further im
provement in prices. The total business a-
mminted to 20,534 bags, of which the fol
lowing are the particulars viz: 742 Soa-Is
land, 102 a 154 5 18 n 15f, and 117 at >*3;
middling to fair, 50 at. 16} ; 60 at UU ; and
123 at 17; good fair, 94 at 18; 10 at 19
whit**. 5551*3 ti 13 ; »•.
vuc!«, 7} it 10: 8>■, Ciocx, pfiirif. ;o»
r^; NcW'Or.eAt:« 8^ 9; Refined l.uatj i6
VJ, dot!
( offer. -Hsvans gr* en, !9 ; Si D mtngq^raca
..•>od to gree , 16 a 18
flyon Tea—100 u lOfcenls per ib.
Hum Jnimdca 90 i 100 cen h, <iuilIn*
u 65 noatin 1.
MoUtss-#—.West India 28J —Sslei
U . * • Dry Goods —.'?(• •, 60 per cent adranc .
Crock:'y 0 .• JO per cent. rtt>
London Porter JS * 75 :« 3 00, per dozen.
United States H nk —No -,d*. fl.
| Hunk of -bn ' «*c -f (>eo>ym- 80 ;n^es.
Porter should return to } iris place, without! 140 ut2.0, and 10 at 22, good and fine ; 161
unnecessary delfcy; and an officer will sail
front the United States to relieve him and
take command of the squadron in a very
few days, a8 soon as the vessel can be pre
pared for the purpose.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully,
your most obedient servant,
The President of the United States.
U. S- Skip .Town Adams,
P usage Hand No e fiber 16,1824.
Sin—I have the honor to inform you that,
on my arrival at St. Thomas, I wits inform*
good Orleans, 8$ ; mid. ro good fair 94 good
fair to 9? good ; 1723 Tcnessee and Mo
biles 8 inferior to 9 ) good ; 11,676 Uplands,
492 at 8$ ; 536 at. 8J ; 1109 at 31; 53* at »i$
—1792 at 8? ; 1056 at 8$ ; and 2317 at fid;
middling to fair. 860 at 9J; 1520 at. 9}, and
108 at 9§ ; good fair, 1274 at 94 and 78 at
9$ good; 4638 Egyptians, 9jf middling to
10| pretty good, and the remainder Brazils,
&c. It is estimated that 7000 American,
1000 Egyptians and 2000 Brazil wore taken
on speculation, and that the advance in the
two first was ^ a 4. fully more in the 8oo-
— - — Islands, and } in" other descriptions; the
ed that Lieut. Commandant Piatt, of the import was 2699 bags. For the last three
i «ai. 11 — 1 L J days the demand has only been moderate,
o nii.mii; j;a
In trie House of Representatives, Mr.! United States* schooner Beagl-, who bad
Strong of New-York, referring to the no*. visited Faxyardo, a town on the east count
tice of Mr. M’Di-ffie, that on Monday, the • of Porto Rico, about two milcpfrom the sea,
3d January, he s hould call up the amend- for the purpose of making inquiries respect-
nmnl to the constitution proposed by him ing a quantity of dry goods, supposed to
at the last session of Congress, on the sub- have been deposited there hy pirates, was,
jec.t ofthe election of President, and the no- after being recognised as an American offl •
tice of Mr. Livingston, of Louisiana, that cer, by the proper authorities there, impri-
when Mr. M’Dume’s amendment was cal- soned and shamefn I/ treated,
led up ho should call up an amendment to Indignant at the outrages which have
it offered at the last session, observed, that been so repeatedly heaped on us bv the au-
he now wished to propone an amendment to thoritieB of Porto Rico, I proceeded to this -~ ¥ _ W| „ v „ T , Wl . ^ lflw
the amendment of the gentlemun from Lou- place, where I left the 6hip, and taking 228 at j, 78 at | ( 86 at }y middling to fine eargoe* have arrived)
but prices have been very steady. Wo an
nex the particulars of the sales in the above
Carolina Rice has been in very limited
demand ; only about 100 ca^ks having been
sold nt 13s for good new.
Safes from the 20f/«* to 23d instant.—300 S.
Islands, 100 at 16^, 41 at 17, 10 at 18, 40 at
19, 35 at 19J, 44 at 20, 30 at. 21, fair to fine couio not be tffecied over 42 a 45 3 be
—2115 Uplands, 65 ot 84, 30 at 8f, 80 at "
239 at 9, 200 at j ft 853 at 196 at
im II at wap ny ■ No sales
Mu-utc :,n / fin Junta: <v (Dnip.wy—Xn aalrf.
N U It . k «». G oipiv. i.t»yablo in
vtvaniiah, Plant* t P *n'-. and hank *6 An*
$ st;., imtvs, received in paymeul for bonus.
On En-tland —11 s«* li ,:er • premium.
F a nee—5 15 u 5 O nominal.
Mon on -50dr.3 / I 'o ; sight.'V^ W 3
,/V. lo k, 60 d vc*. 1 : sig'-t, 2 » 2$.
y/riht'.'e/phiu, do do.
IJi.'iimwe d f ». do.
Chat vs 1 im, sight, t to 1J,
JV. C'(i olina S M ink A oat, Ho 1J. dii.
Cup: Fear and Am e n iv 3. diA*
To England j.
New Yw'k 4 r *«
COTTON—During the U lidayg we ha**
•’milled puhlif.n'.ion of our w -:Wy Rej-.ort.
The Jhle mtettigence, w hich we . oldish thi*
day, was rec ived on flaturdnv ifigh». VVe
cannot, therefore, stale the t ft'-ct it t»»s hud
upon our market. What we now r< mark hat
inference, of c- ursc, to p»ecedii’g nc.ruunK.
Tne account* fv Etgland to «he 6.l» Nev.
have laid an tlfv.t i« ntlvxece Sea Island*
about f> cet'ts *.v» ihe lowei q
10 improve, tin: fiarr bvan.-.s 1 hey may b«
quoted at . 4 a $5 .1 '30 an’* up.v«- da. Uplands
h ive not txpti e ictd any niutenal cliange.
They a*"c gen-.rally held at higher than '1h
• ales ptevi ms \ a.iked \ bu*. purchasers, be*
having hut they had previously aftt-Ci'p,.tcd
the advance on the other iide, do not seem
willing to meat the expectation of hoWets.
They miiy he quoted at 12 a 5$, auk* hav
ing been m* le wi'h n tli' se rate* The ptin*
cl pal cab s have beun m : de at 13 * '4
HIDE--is at 2a £3,in Imfiteddemand.
CtsUN— Is etaUiuga* 4»s50. cargo s*le»
si'if ijf h»p been much teduced, and i* now m<>*
derate- [Since the **>ove wa* if tttUfl* tb***