Newspaper Page Text
L*‘ >4*.
BY a. & W. ftOSiLft^GN,
No mail north of Charleston was receiv
ed last night. Several mails north of that
city remain due.
Captain Miltimore, of the ship Juno, who
came up yesterday, left New-Vor|t on the
13th instant, but brings no papers later than
the 11th. He informs us thut the late in
telligence from England, had caused a con
siderable revival of business in Now-York.
Several transient ships had been taken up,
and were loading for Liverpool. Freight
-1 a |d. The accounts from New-Orleans
were also very encouraging. Freights to
France quick at 2 cents; Liverpool Id ; to
northern ports 1 cent per lb. It was calcu
lated the export of Cotton this year from
New-Orleans would exceed 2110,000 hales.
Several ships had already sailed and many
more were fitting out for tha latter port.
Letters from New-York of the 14th inst.
received at Charleston by the schooner E-
rie, quote cotton at 13 to 15 j cents, and ex
change on England at lOj per cent, pre
mium. %
Robbery.—The grocery Btoro of Mr.
Wilmam Williams, on the corner ofYork
and Drayton-streets, was entered on Satur
day night, or Sunday morning, (presumed
between twelve and four o’clock,) and rob
bed of five or six pieces of cotton checks,
several pairs of boots, men and women’s
shoes, and a number of small articles con
tained in a .hew case. The entry was ef
fected by placing one of the city ladders
against a window of tile second story,
through which the thieves entered, and pro
ceeded down the stair case into the store.
They also rummaged the till, and took from
it 75 dollars in Jos T. Bollfs’a change
bills, being all it contained. They then
made their exit, through one of the doors of
the store, carefully closing and drawing a
barrel against it, and laying the ladder in
the street- It is supposed that their object
Wae money, though probably from the want
of a light, the rogues missed a desk contain
ing in it 150 dollars. Two negro fellows
are suspected.
From the Mediterranean Squadron—The
Norfolk Beacon, states that tire shy> Mo-
haw)!, of and bound to Baltimore, 45 duyr.
from Gibraltar, which had arrived in the
Chesapeake, reports having left the U. 8.
Frigate Constitution and sloop of war Cy-
aucat that place, the former in 25 days
days passage from Now-York. We regret
to learn also by this arrival,-that Commo
dore M’Uonongh was in very low health at
the time of her sailing, and that there was a
great want of harmony among the offi
cers of the squndren on that station. Mid
shipman Kurr (or Carr) had fallen in a
duel, but with whomlio had the encounter,
is nut stated, or any other particulars re
lative to the affair.
to Tim EniToni or Tire oroaatAr
A correspondent of the Freeman’s Jour-
O. S. AND N. 8.
Understanding that the anniversary oftho
landing of General Oglethorpe, which took vviishington,
place on the 1st of February, 1732, is about
to be celebrated for the first time in Savan
nah, on the 12th of February, and that t
difference of opinion exists as to the propria-,
ty of celebrating the 12th, instead of the
1st, I am induced to make the following.
Was the year 1752, when eleven days,
the excess of time gained by the Julia* me
thod, were struck from the calemjar, con
sidered in England and America, is one
entiro civil year ?
Is it proper that an event which took
place on the first, on any month prior to
1 Judge Huger, Capt. PhlMoh. Messrs. Ro
bins, and Tomes, and 10 for Augusta.
Ship Edward, , Liverpool; ship Lou
isa Matilda, Wood, New-York; brig George
nal, in Mexico, who complains of the policy ; that period, should be now celebrated on
of the government of the United States, in
delaying the appointment of a minister to
that republic, remarks—
“ A revision of the tariff will take, place in
January. Our domestic cottons, which are
in universal demand here, will still pay a
heavy duty—such a one ns now prevents
their importation here from the U. S. un
less great loss is chosen to be sustained by
the importer. This evil will still exist, from
the circumstance, that wc have no one hero
to explain, and direct, and influence the
matter. A reduction of the duties on' Brit
ish dry goods and stuffs will take place, be
cause the British Agent has made efforts to
bring this object about. An American min
ister might do the same.—It is a matter of
general compluint.' }
General Lafayette,was to leave Wash
ington on the 11th instant, in compliance
with invitations to visit Richmond, and to
pay his respects to the Legislature of Vir
the 12th ?
If lliis principle is established—why not
take into consideratou the intercalary day,
struck from the calender in the year 1800,
and celebrate the 13th instead of the 12th ?
Why bus not the anniversary of Ameri
can Independence been celebrated on the
5th instead of the 4th of July, since the
year 1800 ?
Why is the birth of Washington, which
took place on the 22dofFebrunry, 1732,still
celebrated on the 22d of February f
Why was the birth of George III,celebra
ted on the 4th of June ?
Was Christmas celebrated on the 14th of
December, prior to the year 1752 >
If not, why is not that day now celebrated
on the fith of January ? X-
Thc ship Juno, has beon got off from the
Oyster beds, without injury, and was at an
chor yesterday in the Horse Shoe.
A ship anchored,abreast of Tybee yester
The schr. Eliza Jane, Davis, from Hava
na, bound to Charleston, put into Tybee oil
Saturday, on account of head winds.
The U. S. ship Hornet, Capt. Kennedy,
arrived at Norfolk on Friday, 14th instant,
from Havana, via Key West, and last from
ofl’St. Augustine. Left the U. S. schr.
Grampus, at Key West, to sail in a
days on a cruize.
At New-York, 10th inst. ship Savannah,
Bcbee, 7 days.
At New-York, 11th instant, schr. Mars,
Simpson, to sail 13th.
R ICHMOND superfine Flour, Ilaxall's
Falmouth, Va. do do Tliistla
brand, in whole and half bbls
Philadelphia, do do in whole and j bbls
For sale in quantities to suit purchasers,
and on accommodating terms, for approved
jun 24 50l
Grocer> and Provision (store.
An Act authorizing repayment for larid er- ! f IUIE Subscriber begs leave to inform his
roneously sold by the United States. | -L friends and the public, that he is at
B E it enacted bv tho Senate aud Huuse P^sent opening ut the Brick Store, south
of Rcnresentnliveo of the United States: (“'i. 0 ' Market-Square, (formerly occupied
of Representatives of the United States:««» " MarKet-Hquare,
f u ^ of America, in Congress assembled, That, Mr. Geoige Relpli,)
Jt General Assortment of
all of w hich, will be told on the most mode
rate terms for good payments.
Frazer’s Buildings,
jan 24 50c
m urn
SAVANNAH, JAN. 94, 1335.
So great is the difficulty of procuring
seamen in Now-York, that the ship Consti
tution, Capt. M’Roa, was compelled to
leave that city for Norfolk, with only the
captain, two inales, and a rigger. The C.
arrived safely in 56 hours at Norfolk.
Department of Shite, Jan. 12, 1824.—A
loiter, of which the following is a transla
tion, has been received at this Department,
from the Baron do Markuil, Envoy Extra-
ordinany and Minister Plenipotentiary from
France. It is published as a notifiatiou to
all persons whom it may concern.
Duron de Mnrcuil to the Secretary of State.
Washington, 9th Jan. 1825.
Sir.—The products oftho soil and oftho
industry of the United States, imported into
France in American bottoms, to enjoy the
conditions of favour stipulated by the C'on-
A correspondent who signs himself “ A
bolder in Congress-6treet,” is desirous of
learning from the assignees of the Affairs
*f Jon T., “ whether there is to
he any redemption of his change Bills.”—
lie adds, that the holders of these bills have
been looking forward with some considcra
hie patience, for the public invitation of the
assignees to receive the amount to be re
deemed. His object will probably be attain
'd by the publication of his note in this
We omitted before to state that during ve " li "“ °. f .. 24th Jun . ,! ’ must beHC,;0 "'-
, , „ „ , , * pained with a certificate of origin, or speci
the alarm ofhre, on Thursday night, a desk * -
which was removed from the store of Mr.
Our Cotton market seOns to have great
ly improved by the late European occouuts
—and though the crops may be considera
bly short ot what was made last year, yet
we hope the increased price will lie some set
off against this deficiency. We believe
from the early part of the season, there has
been an advance in the price of the article
ul manifest delivered by the Collectors of
the Customs of the United States, upon the
Waterman, was robbed of several dollars sworn declaration of the shippers, and ex-
jn silver.
aminedby one of the Consuls or Consular
Agents of his Majesty.
— — The last formality is indispensable to ren-
The Revenue Cutter Crawford, Payne, dor valid in France, the certificates of the
sailed yesteiday on a cruize of two months
on the coast of Florida. She will proceed as
far as Pensacola to survey proper sites for
Light-Houses, and to examine those at
present existing. She may, perhaps, also
extend her cruise to Thompson’s Island.
•Mr. Monroe's Claims.—From the mode
in which Mr. Monroe, in his late communi
cation to Congress, referred to the matters
to which he wished to direct the attention
of Congress in reference to himself, some
misunderstanding appeared to.exist among
some of the members of that body as to its
exact intent. Whether it became the Pre
sident to speak more definitely or not, is not
a question of importance—if there is aught
due to him, it should be, and we have no
doubt will be, cheerfully rendered—lie will
receive justice to its fullest extent. As to
the claims of Mr. Mouroe, the Richmond
Whig states that they are principally found
ed upon extraordinary services rendered in
his diplomatic capacity, for which he has
received no compensation. When at Paris,
for instance, he was transferred to London,
or Madrid, aud had to encounter all the
expcnces of removal, purchases of furniture,
&c. and only received the salary and outfit
for the year. At another time, after being
recalled by Gen. Washington, the illness of
his family detained him for six months in
Paris, during which time, though unauthor
ized, he continued to discharge his ordinary
diplomatic duties. It seems to us, adds the
Whig, that these facts give him a strong
equitable claim on the justice of tho gov
ernment—and, wc understand, the practice
of the government 1ms since been to allow
double salaries iii the case first stated. Thus
when Mr. Gallatin, then Minister to France,
was KjppbmlcO to negociato the treaty of
peace in 1814, with others, he received an
equal salary aud outfit, with those members
of the qpjbasyy, who were taken directly
from the Unituil States. This is but fair
and reasonable.
Customs, by establishing the authenticity
of their signatures.
Nevertheless, some American ships from
Mobile arrived lately at Havre, with the
certificates oftho Collector of the Customs
i in that port, which had not tho formality of
the authentication of any Consular Agent
of France. Notwithstanding this omission,
the administration of the customs consen
ted to admit,for that time, the products of
the United Stales, borne upon the manifest
to the privileges of the Convention ; but
formally declaring, at tho same time.that a
similar favor should not be granted in fu
ture ; and that the owners of American
ships despatched to France from a port
whore there was not a Consular Agent,
must provide the authentication demanded,
from the nearest residence.
I hasten,Sir, therefore, to infirm yon of a
decision which is not only a confirmation of
the measures already prescribed, hut which
is so important to the American trade, as lo
render it essential that it should be kept,
warned oftho necessity of conforming there
with. The Consul-General was disposed
to make a formal annunciation on tho sub
ject, in the newspapers ; but I thought that
vour interposition in it, would have still
more effect. I ought to add, that in trans
mitting to the Consuls of the King, the or
ders which he has received from Paris, the
Consul General has invited them for the
greater facility of commerce, to delegate,
in the ports of their districts, whore clear
ances for France are most, common, per
sons who enjoying their entire confidence,
may be authorized by them to examine the
rtificates oftlie Collectors ofthe Customs.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my distin
guished consideration.
Memoranda To-Morrow.
of from 25 to 33} per cent. Wo have un
derstood, and we believe from good author
ity, that a parcel of cotton from Mr. Paul
Fitzsiroons’ plantation, in Jefferson county,
was sold by a coinmission*house in this place
a day or two since, for 16$ cents. We shall
be glad to announce some future sales on
terms equally favorable to le planter.—
lug. CVtron.
Extract from a letter dated St, Thomas,
Dec. \5th.—“ flour is selling from $6 to 6
25: the retailers are pretty well supplied
but* the quantity atloat is by no means con
“ Rice and Rye Flow are scarce and un
asked for. Beef. Pork, Laid and Corn
Meal in puncheons and barrels, would, we
think, meet with ready sale at the quota-
I ions.
“ The new crop of Coffee has commen
ced coining into market, and sells at $12 to
13. Sugar is scarce at the moment, but. we
have no doubt it will be Abundant in the
course of next month. Annexed we hand
you quotations.
“ Flour, $6 a 6 25, sales ; Rye, 4 25
4 50, do. ; Rico, 5 25 a 4 50 ; Com Meal,
puncheon, 15 a 15 50 ; do. bbl. 3 50 a 3 75 ;
Lard, 12 a 14, sales ; Beef, prime, 7 a 7 50,
do. ; Pork, do. 13 a 14, do.; Hams, lb. 9 a
II cents; Mackerel, 3 25 a 3 50; Sugar,
6 50 a 7, scarce ; Coffee, 12 a 13 ; Cocoa,
24 a 26, scarce ; Hides, 11a 13 50, do. ;—
Rum, 34, puncheon included; Molasses.
15 a 16, do.; Indigo, very scarce and high.
Spanish Dollars, l per cent, prem.; Bills on
U. S. par.”
His Britanic Majesty’s brig Rifleman,
Capt. Webb, arrived at New-York on Tues
day morning, tiie 11th inst. from liulifax
via. St. Johns. The R. has on board, the
captain, mate and crew, of a piratical ves-
ael. The latter are brought as evidence a-
gainst the officers. They are from Jamaica,
and are to be delivered over to the civil au
thorities of New-York.
The following appointments have recent
ly been made by the President, with the ad
vice and consent oftlie Senate.
James W. M’Coifin, of Kentucky, to he
Consul ofthe United States at Acapulco,
in Mexico, in place of Win. Steele, de-
George R. Robinson, of New.York, to
be Consul for the port of Tampico, in Mex
ico, in place of Nathaniel G. Ingraham, Jr.
William Wheelright, of Massachusetts,
to b>* Consul for tho port of Guayaquil, in
the Republic of Colombia.
John It. Thompson, of Pennsylvania, to
be Consul nt Canton, in China, in place of consignee.
Ship Juno, Miltimore, (reported on Fri
day,) 7 days from New-York, with mer
chandize, to S. B. Parkinun, G. F. Palmes.
C. C. Griswold, II. Cleland, Bradley, Clag
horn & Wood, Butler & Scranton, L
Baldwin & co. J. Bentley, G. B. Lamar, G,
Nowhall, J. W. Long, and II. B. Hatha
way. The Win. Wallace, to sail for
this port in a few days. The Emperor,
Bonnet, arrived on the evening ofthe 12th
instant. Spoke, in sight of the Floating
Light on Capo Hatteras, brig Charles Faw
cett, from Now Orleans, tor Providence,
It. I. The Juno, was up with Cape Halte
ras, the second day out, and has since ex
porienced very tempestuous weather. Off*
Cupp Rornain, saw a quantity of new lum
her, supposed some vessel had lost a part
or the whole of her deck load.
Brig Osgood, Gardner, Liverpool, 70
days, with Coal and Sait, to S. Wright,
Richard R. Thompson, deceased.
Abraham B. Norris, of Virginia, Consul
atthe’port ofMaricaibo, Republic of Colom
bia, in place of John M. Macpherson, re
Having stated, some days ago, that the
seat of Mr. Call, recently elected to the
House of Representatives from Indiana,
would be contested by Mr. Blake, of that
Schr. New Polly, Mayhew, Richmond,
(Va.) 4 days, will) Flour,to Pouqe & Mac
kenzic, consignees.
Schr. Halcyon.Brown, Newburyport, via
Wilmington, N. C. 22 days from the former,
to the master.
Stenm Boat Altamaha, Harfonl, Augus
ta, 56 hours, with Boats No. 7 & 15 in low,
1478 bales Cotton, toO. Taft, J. W. Long!
R. Campbell, Duehtnel & Auz<\ H. Lord &
State, and the fact having turned out other- !co. C. Kelsey &co. Geo. Gordon, B. Bur-
wise, wc think it proper to state the author
ity on which wo made that statement. It
was no coinage of ours. The information
was obtained by ns from & publication in
the Georgetown (Ky.) Sentinel.—Nat. bit.
roughs, J. Meigs, G. R. Jessup. Ponce &
Mackenzi P..Hill, and Steam Boat co.
Steam’Boat Pendleton,Bracken, Charles
ton, 2 days. Passengers, Miss Cidman,
Rev. Dr. Codman aud lady. Rev. Mr. Low,
Colton—Upland, prime 15$ ; lair to good, 13 d
14; inferior, l'$ ; Sea lsla d, ^6 « 30.
m<e- 82 a 83
A>7 7Ur _f>!:ij i i'le!p|iit l B.lti no'-e, Richmond,
aid Alexand-ia,5$ t £
Com —4 ’ a 45 c.-.ts p;r bo.*>i;et.
0a»-.O do do
Pam—SO do do
%-r'nme Northern, 80 r:t«
Wiikeir*Penr sy i vanfe, 27 a 18$ centi per gal
A en-England /firm—36, Sides, do do
A o th in Gin—35 a 36 do do
Tebitco Kentucky; Georgia, &c. 4$ a .4
Lumber—Boardaand S.:antimg, 10a l ; Floor-
nip Boards, 12 a 14 ; Uawgig Timber* 3 •
5, S-aves pipe, 35 40 ; De. Wl ile Oik
had 13 s 2* ; Do Red 0. k, do. 10 a ;
Single?. 3 »4; White Pint Boards, 10 a :3
7Vi%b>—8 certs, - a.I.
uric - Moss, $14; Prime, 11.
tfoefc’ire’— No* 2, $5 , No. 3,4 a 4$,
Haem ■ 8 - 8$, plenty.
IsiVtl iO s
Biitcr—10 j 19; Northern, iuferior, 8 a 12.
Ckesi—5 a 7 ce»ds
So p Yello-v, 4 g 9 cents
OundL't -Northern lu’uld tallow, 10 a 10
(t.n gin, 15 ; Sperm, 3* m
Doftr.Wcs. ~P’.aiiL, 13 to 18; SHpea, 14 t<
15 : i .-hecks, 13 to 14; 4-4 do. 17 to 20 ,
B d joking, 25 ' • 34/ Shirting, }, 9 to 11
do. 7-8, U to l- ; $ ; v.eetmg. 4 , \o to 4 .’
d i Bhach ’d, 15 a U; de.5-4, 0 j. 2t ; Slur
ting 7 8. 14 a 15.,
Blinking—Dundee and Inverness 42 inch,
j -i 5 dull
Oznahw'Cfh—10 a 12,.
Cognac ft'unity—\ Oa i37 G per gal.
Ho', and G n 9f :»95, do. do.
/••om—S cue* 93 a 95 per t »n English do
83 . 85 do.; American do; 85 >i 85 ; Sh-c>
per cwt. 0 * 9.
;ait~ Liverpool, coats?, in hulk, 50 cts. salcH,
n* nty.
Sugar—Havana white. $12 a 13 t Brown, 8 /
M sc'ivado, 7$ a 10 ; S „ Croix, prime, JO u
10$; Nv *-Or e.»nr 8 i 9; Refined Loaf, 16
; 2J % dull
Coffee—Havana gr^en, 18 ; St. Domingo, from
iod o gree •, 15 a 17
fty*on Tea—100 a li>5 cerua per lb.
Hum ,Umaica. 90 a 100 ceil J, dull; West In
d: • 65, nomin -I.
HoUur t—Wert India 28$ —None in market
H<lit 1 ! Dry Goods —30 a 60 per cent, advance
Cmckery. ■ 0 *• 30 per cerU do
London Porter— $ ’ 75 a 3 00, per dozen.
United State* ft .nk —V > *»&!'*■.
Rank of the Stale of Georgia— 83 for 106
d in-
Pinning’ Rank— 67 for 80 paid in.
Darien B..nk -No sail a
Steam ft at Comp any —No sales.
Mamie and fire Insurance Company— No ash*.
N B t»tale B k A G, payable in
MWntiab, Piame.s* Bank, and Bank of Au
gnsta, notes, received in payment for boiuis
On England—10 to 10$ per cent- prem. sale?.
F ance—S 15 a 5 0—oom."al,
Bos'on —60 days, $ to 1 ; sight, 21< ?$.
JY York. 60 d ,ys, par a $ : L 1 $ a 2.
Ptrlailetphia t do. do.
Baltimore, do. do.
ChartcHfo»,n igbt, 1 to 1$
JV. Carolina S Bank JWca,lto 1$ ds.
Cape Fear and A ewte n do 3. d a-
To England 5 8 $
Fnvt 'e, 1$ in '$ in French vessels.
jVeil) Fork - $ " .
COTTON—Tie Iran.a.lions in Uphr.-l
dll'in# the past week, have been limited.—
We do not alter *r quota ions—they sifil a‘
all p 'ic- s, from 11 $ «i 15$, Fine pir :cJ* a-
he'd't iff
t here h'ts been a ijood business dine in
ie l :-uids. ^a'es are princiTjellj' made a<
6 a CO Favorite ' rar.ds go considerably
'•ovf ur highest quotation.
RI'JE—Has also ne ;r* iu r eq reat $ ■» 95 r
$ ’. Prime ia held at $ * 25; but there
hw? been no sxlct at that rate, of wc
ha«9 hi»ard.
CO'*N—C» r go sales of corn, b«ve hern
mad- a 45 a 45; -The sto< k in maiket isn'-
>nd prices will probably be maintained
every person, or the legal representative of
every person, who ia, or may be, a purcha
ser of a tract oflund from the United States, j
the purchase whereof is, or may be void, by
mason of & prior sale thereof by the United
States, or by the confirmation, or other le
gal establishment of a prior British, French,
er Spanish grant thereof, or for want of title
thereto in the United States, from any other i
cause whatsoever, shall be entitled to re- 1 Q/lfk Hampmv IRISH POTATOES
payment of ally sum or sums of money.paid OuU just received, and for sale by ‘ ’
for, or on account of, such tract of land, on , PllILJlHICK & SCKAIVfON.
making proof, to the satisfaction of the Se- j j an 24.
notary of the Treasury, that the same was — - _
erroneously sold, in manner aforesaid, by i | .
the United States, who is hereby autlioriz-1 UrRIIgeS.
od anil required to repay such sum or Bums; J0QQ0 SVVE ET West India Ornn-
of money, paid as aforesaid.
"ges Just received, and for
II. CLAY, (sale by
Speaker of the House of Representatives. PII.LBRICK & SCRANTON
President, of the Senate, pro tempore.
Washington: Approved. Jan. 12, 1825.
300 Bales Cott n
Are wanted on freight to com
plete the lading of the ship
— Master,
for Liverpool, apply to
jav 24 50e
To the Grand Sechetary, a. i.
ROTIIER—You are requested to sum
mon the Grand Lodge of tho Statdof
Georgia, to assemble at the Grand Iimfge
CLOCK, for the purpose of adopting mea
sures preparatory to the arrival of our jfis-
tinguished Brother, General Lafayet'I®.
Fratimai/1v i/nur's,
Grand Master*.
In obedience with tho above request, the
members of the Graftd Lodge cf the Sivte
Georgia, are hereby required to attend an
extra communication, to be held at. tiie
Grand Lodge Room, on MONDAY NEXT,
24th inst. at SEVEN O’CLOCK, P. M.
Grand Secretary, a. i.
Jan 24 47
Jan 24
Market Square.
A » T B. O X O JVl L 0 A L
forms the Ladies and Gentlemen of
of tiuvaunah, that he will deliver a Lecture
at the Sunday School Room, THIS EVlvV
I.\’G, to commence at 7 o’clock; in the
course of which he will repeat all the ic,~
portant illustrations of his whole series.—1
See handbills—Admittance 50 cents at tha
OF LECTURES, will commence To-Mor
row evening—Those subscribers who no
not attend the first course can obtain tick. tc
for the Second gratis,
jail ‘.’4 so
Astti!.nouuctt\ liV cVui-ti i.
JpROM England, proposes at the
Lottery N otice.
The Drawing ofthe New-York
Literature Lottery,
Will take place on the 6th of April, and nut
on the First of March, as before stated.
Canal Lottery,
14th CLASS,
will be drawn in Philadelphia on tho 9th of
March, and finished in a few minutes, when
the following brilliant capitals will be dis
tributed to adventurers
30 000,—10,000,—5,000—
5,000, «?C.
Tickets will advance in a faw days,
Present price g7.
Orders received as usual at
jan 24 50
Bi ass Anduvns,
R ECEIVED by the Augusta, and_ for
sale by “ ”
Jan 24
Attention !
YOU are hereby ordered to
be aud appear on your Parade-
Ground, on Thursday next,
the 27th inst. by 9 oVWk, A.
M- completely armed and e-
qumped for Regimental Pa
By order of Copt. TTinter,
\sl Sergeant.
jan 24 50
0 50
0 62
0 b()
0 60
Reductio n in Prices !
Goods lo he what they are Sold for !!
AndHiincst Weight Measye Given HI
T IIE Subscriber as willing ns others to
arrange his business to suit the pre
sent. times, iind save the public the trouble
of making bargains, adopts a mode lately
made nse of in this city of advertising the
Prices of his Goods, (Die whole being too to-
dions to enumerate, although not hovine
those enormous quantities tfiat are usually
said to bo sold when called for,) names thi
following articles, and assures the Public
iliat the rest of his Stock is reduced in tiie
same proportion:
Lamp Oil (but not the best quality)
per gallun (
I>o do do '
Do do best quality, per gall.
Paint do do do
Spirits Turpentine do do
Mixed Paints (but not the best
Greens, Blues or Yellows) per lb. 0 U
English White Lend, per 28 lbs.
(not because put up in iron bound
American White Lend, ?8lb kegs
laboratory manufactured Brook
lyn, New-York, (manufactory
price per cwt. 412 50, which
may be seen by looking at the
New-York Price Current)
8 by 10 Glass, but not the best
American, per box
10 by 12 do do do
A large and constant supply of the above
articles and goods generally' in the Paint,
Oil, Color, Glass, Varnish ami Brush trade
will be kept. The subscriber having
made arrangements with Manufacturers in
Nev.-York, Philadelphia, Boston, aud else
where. from which places he will continue
to receive those goods direct, of the best
description, and on the moBt advantageous
terms. He also offers his Professional ser
vices in
Painting, Gilding Glazing,
which he executes on improfed principles
at reduced prices, in Town sad Country.
Mo. 5. IFhilaker-street, 5 dnorifrom the Bay.
jan 24 50
3 50
3 121
3 50
4 50
E ZRA A. STEVENS respectfully in
forms the liftfline nntl ftunlli.nion «♦'
% . .... clw»e
of Jiis present Course of Lectures in
the city of Charleston to v/sit.Savannah &
Augusta, and to deliver a COURSE of
EIGHT LECTURES on Astronomy, and
an Introductory Historical Lecture(which
last will be gratis, though with some ar
rangement to secure places tor Ladies, and
lor young people) in each of the above ci
ties, providing that Theatres or other pub
lic Rooms ran be obtained, capable of dis
playing the following Instruments, by which
the Lectures are exemplified :—
1. A Transparent Terrestrial Globe, con
taining upwards of fifty square feet of sur
face, including all the recent discoveries.
2. A Horizontal Tellurian\ Lunarian aud
Eclipsareon, the Earth’s Orbit performing a
course of forty-feet, with an elegant Zodiac
fifty-four feet in circumference.
3. A Vertical Transport nt Tellurian, with
designs of the Four Seasons, and a double
Zodiac, its circumfi rrence thirty feet.
4. A Transparent Climate Instrument, em
bracing four Zones ofthe Celestial Sphere,
forty-five feet in circumference.
5. A splendid Transparent Orrery, con
taining the Sun, with all the Planets and
Satellites, fitly feet in circumference.
6 and 7. Two elegant Transparent Plan
ispheres of the visible Starry Heavens, for
ty-five feet in circumference, (one with the fi
gures ofthe Constellations, the other with
out) they can he rectified to time, and to
any place in the Atlantic States of the
8. Plan of a Universal Si stem ; or System
of Solar Systems, thirty feet in circumfer
With smaller instruments and Mathemat
ical auxiliary Diagrams, amounting in num
ber to nearly forty.
The whole of this Apparatus has been
constructed at. great expense, either by the
Lecturer, or under his immediate inspec
tion, and it is esteemed by competent jud
ges better calculated to elucidate this sub
lime science than any yet exhibited to the
Mr. Good acre hopes to arrive in O r
ria in the early part of February, and pled
ges himself to u.^e his utmost exertions to
merit a continuance of that liberal patron,
age which has been conferred on his Lee.
lures in London, Liverpool, Boston. New-
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing
ton, Richmond, this city, and other pkc f
on both sides the -Atlaoiic,. in fh«>
threu yours he has travelled ns a public
Lecturer, he has had tho honour of deliv
ering his Lectures.
Charleston, Jan. 22d, 1825.
jan 24 f>0p
Office of tue Marine and Fur
Insurance Company.
Savannah, January 24, IS25
A N ELECTION for two Directors .4'
this Company, will take place THIS
GEO. SCHLEY, President.
Jan 24 • 50
Information W anted
A NY informationfrum, or relative to Mr.
Fiutf-rick Loive, Printer, a native ot
Manchester, England, and who, when las:
heard from, resided at MonUeello, Jasper
county, Georgia, where it was understood
he had married a young woman of the name
of White, addressed to Robert C. Lowe, to
the care of the editor of the Charleston
Courier, will be thankfully received.
U'The editora of papers ia the State of
Georgia, aud in the Western country, will
confer an obligation upon an anxious mo
ther, by giving the above one or two in
sertions in their papera.
jan 22 49
A A BOXES Negro Pipes, for salt lo*
Jan 7 30