Newspaper Page Text
js'cvf ftftsies—\ (A. V VA.
B\ G. § V. Rouebtson,
IS publinhed to meet the zroiiinttmeitt o
the nail, three tnne» » week, (Tueailay,
Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of h.
Daily Ot or,;i»u, und contsint aV the itrelli-
gente.Cnn.nicicisI, Tolilical sod din tcllan-
eoua, including adecrtiaementa. pub iahed in
the Daily Taper. ,
1 he Country Paper it «e tto all parti o!
the State and Union, or delitortd in the city,
at Svc duller! per annum, payable in dvan«.
Advert'Bementa.areinaerteoin both pa >rr
at 7-> uehta per aiiuare, of 1* l.ue*i n/r i hie
Insertion, and 37 J foi every succeeding pul)
lication. . .
Conununlealiona bv ffir, mini be r it pud
Sale ..f land and n i;rne» bv Cdmuoa'v.
tom. K* oiituci or goardiana. are jeqmred.
hyl w, "I be held Oh Hi fits Suna-lsv inth
rnf. It. boused, h ■ le.urs of -.eo in h fon-
II,.00 »!,.l three in the afternoon, a! Ill ■ Court
H use of the enure v in which toe pvperty is
■itub'e. —Nolice ■ f h ae ra’.c-s inu-t b 'given
in a public gsz-.-tU sixty days previous to ibr
day of sale.
Notice ofthe Ss’e if •lermnsi property mus
be in i ke maimer, Fo :y days preside
to the ay f rile ... , •
Notice to tin; debt on and cvdi'.ora of «■
a,tu'.« must be pubiislind hr Fo r ly >z., R .
Notice I hi .ppl'Cction »'i I o- made to tl,
Ceur* 'f O dina-v forlestruto ar.ll hud, nos
be mihlMir I .Vine Mimtbi
Whiskey, Share Muuils, Pa-
per, esc,
C. C. ORIS IF (11.O, offers for sale,
rn rA \mm. tvhiskuy
tfj hd Id toils ahiu'u niuiiids
3 tons steel
12(1 kegs tvhile lead
16 tio Vuriligria
lii do black paint
100 reams copying and letter paper
nov* -ii
Butter, Lard, " c.
Just raeieul by ship William Wallare,
KEGS first quality Goshen Butler
SjJir20 K*'g> Lard
30 Burivlb prime beef
200 Basket* table .salt
4o lbs superior American mustard
10 Barrels Servant’s ci ackers
5 flarid* smoked beef
20 Barrels prime pork
10 Half barrels F. Market beef
For sub- i»v
Anciuux’d Wharf.
dec 9
P. M’Dermott,
H AS just rcceivid by the ship Globe,
from Philadelphia.
16 Lunch; beef, put up expressly for
family use, by Mr. Shuster
6 puncheons N-Orleans rum, 4th proof
3.i bunds whiskey
6 capes lints
fi bales domestic goods
20 jack hcicwb
4 duz. patent cotton gimlets
200 barrels supfa Philadelphia flour
IV) half do do
2iMi bbis No 3 nmrkernl
2o ban's black pepper
di- '
O R DEBS received fur Tickets, in the
llillmving, or any other Lotteries, in
the Southern anil Northern States.
R40,000 20,000—10,000,
Capital Prizes in Grand State Lottery of
Maryland,drawing every week in Baltimore.
Maryland University Lottery, No. 3, to be
drawn 27th iust. in a few minutes.
S 10.000—5 000—3 000,
University Lottery, No. 4, tin* drawing will
take place this month in Baltimore, und
finished in a few minutes.
Quantum Canal Lottery, Fillli Class, draws
ill Richmond, Cth February, in five minutes.
Charleston Lottery. Second Class, fur the
benefit of the Academy of Fine Arts, draws
on the *«!6lh instant.
Literature Lottery, N. York, the scheme
of the next class, will be received in a few
lays, at
Jan B
leather Reds Roisters and
I UST received, an assortment of the
above articles, warranted to be of the
best quality, for sale bv
net <?6
Georgia—Camden Cuuwy
O v the first T■ e.-uay in March next, I .viB
* B nt .1* $fi!PMn # io na *1 county, • nr*gr-
man, amed Ob met, the property of th«» nr*
tntc t f -1 p. j » Uvewp, .le «»B* nf V pursuant ti
leuve granted by the Court of O di
M;V Y CHEW3, Execii fix*
J - 14 41
1 iverpool ■ round ^alt
SACKS Liverpool Ground Snlt,
received per sj'»op Good Intent,
and for sale by J. 13. HERBERT & CO. fi
1 an p Glasses
if * ROUND and plain, of every description
nJf (Bass Peg Lamps
Tin japanned do with candlesticks
Tin Lamp Feeders
Lump Wick, assorted. &c.
Onstontlv on hand and f*»r sale by
GEO. RVERSON, Druggist,
Corner of Buy and W’hittaker-StrcctB.
nov 20
i>t Y floods.
Rcrrivnl prr sIhd/i Delight,
A N invoice of 6-4 cambrics.
Shirtings, Garment Dimities
Fancy printed chock lnmlin
Fancy chintz printed jacouet muslin
Marseilbs h« d quilts
Cambric prints d/c.
For sale by J. b. HERBERT & CO.
dec 7
f hoes and Quills
L ADIES’morocco heeled and spring heel
cd thick find thin soles
Do. leather, thick and thin Boles
I>o. Denmark satin
Gonllcnicn’s line und common boots
Do. Bootee a and shoes
•Boy’s shoes and boots
Children’s morocco and leather bootees
Also Negro shoes, and
10*000 Dutch Quills
For sale low nt
nov ltt
Liverpool Ground Salt
DIVLtfl BUSHELS afloat—for pule
doc 13
Cabanas Seg rs.
IPdvL Wi) received and for sale by
nov 24
Ncrthcrn Gin and New-Eng
land Rum
J& fit BARRELS Gin, high proof
JS/w 30 bnrrcls New-Englandj’iim
Landing from Fhip Oglethorpe, and for sale
low irom the wharf.
dec li
Ivory and Horn Combs,
gy, CASES bark, side and fine horn combs
' 1 case fine ivory do
R< ceived per ship Emperor, and for sale
ow, bv JV*. B. WEED.
dec. 23
State f.iterat,ure Lottery,
2 Prizja of j( 10.000 ib i'O.fiQO
3 5,000 15,000
1 3,062 3,062
17 1,000 17,000
20 500 10.000
11 200 6,200
51 100 5.100
51 60 3,060
1734 12 20,606
11175 6 611,650
13,305 P,iz«o
20.626 Biank:
P 71,100
34,220 Tickets.
In this scheme with nipe drown ballots
there will be 84 prizes with three numbers
on them, 1836 with two numbers on them,
and 11,475, with one number on them.—
Those tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on them bung blanks.
To determine the tote of the 34,220
tickets, the 60 numbers will severally be
placed in a wheel on the day of drawing,
und nine of them will be drawn, and those
tickets having on them ns a combination
the 1st, 2d and 3d, und 4th, 5th and 6th
numbers drawn, will be entitled to $10,000.
Those having on them the 7th, 8th and
8th—1st, 2d and 4th—1st, 2d and 5th, will
each be entitled to $5,000.
That having on il the 1st, 2d and Cth,
will be entitled to $3,032.
Those having on them the
1st,2d, and 7thj3d,5th & 6th 3d, 7th and 9th
1st,7th ami 9thj2d,7th & 9th 3d, ft!li and 9th
l8t,lltli and Oh 2d & 9th 4th,5th and 8th
2d, 3d and 4th 3d,4th & 5thj5th.6th and 7th
2d, 3d and 5th;3d,4th & 6tiijtitJi,7th and 8th
2d, 4th und 9th 3d,7th & Uth* each J1000.
Those having on them the
1st,3d and 6th 2d,4th & 5th
at,3d and 7th 2d,5th &. 7th
3d, 5th and 9th
4th,Cth and 8th
4th, 6th and 9th
5th, and Bill
6th, 7th and 9th
•Jth.Oth and 9th
each $500,
Jiruss Wire Sifters.
A N nssortmnut of the above article re-
*X ceived per the Augusta, and for sale
by N. li. WEED.
Ta It.
FEW barrels just received and for
i sale, by A. BASSET,
No. 1, Jlfungin'x new Buildings.
nov 9 3
Liver fool Giomid Suit..
SACKS landing from sloop Ex«
prcts, and for sale bv
1st .3d and 8th 2d,5tli &. 8th
1st .3d and 9t.ii 2d,5th & 9th
1st,4th and 8th 2d,6th & 7tli
ist,5th and 7tli 2d,4th & 9th
2d 3d and 6th 3d,5th &. 6th
All others (being 41 Tickets! having
three of the drawn numbers on tncin, will
ouch be entitled to {200.
The 5! Tickets having the 1st and 2d
drawn numbers on them only, will each be
•ntitledto 100 dollars.
The 51 Ticketshaving the 3d and 4th
Ira .vn numbers on them only, will each be
entitled to 60 dollars.
All ot hers (being 173 4 tickets) with nnv
Uvo ofthe drawn numbers on them, will
each be entitled to 12 dollars.
And those having on them any one of the
drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or
1,275 for each druwu number,) will be each
entitled to fi dollars.
No tieket which shall have drawn a prize,
of a superior denomination, can be entitled
to hu inferior prize. Prizes payable forty
days after the drawing, and subject as usu
al, to a deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery is
put up in parct-ls of 20 Tickets, embracing
all the combination numbers, from one to
sixty, which parcels are warranted to draw
at least 5 4 dollars less the deduction of 15
per cent, with so many chances for the cap
ital prizes.
J. B. YATES. )
A. M’LNTYRE, { Mana g crs *
The peculiar advantages of this scheme,
are, that it has two highest prizes—the
number of Capitals is unusually large for
the amount of cash to be disposed of in pri-
zes,( 171,100 Dollars) and the price comes
within the means of every man. Orders are
received as usual, at the office of the Geor
gian, by
whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot
tery, have produced a lurge amount in pri
zes, among which were one of a thousand
dollars, 100, 50’s, &c.
Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte
ry, l itli Class, received as cash.
Jan 18
SUPPLY of Hair and Wire Sifters, re-
. ceived and for sale by
2fi No. 6, Gibbons’ Range.
L rockery,
CRATES low priced assortedcrock-
- ery, landing this day, and for sale
by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
dec 1
of WlftOlf.
bth January, 1825. \
T HE average priceofFlour being <$fi per
bill. 206 lbs. weight, the weight of
Bread for the present month must be
12 A cents Loaf : : 2 lbs. 15 j oz.
6* “ “ : : : 1 Uf
Of which all Bakers and Sellers of Bread
will take due notice.
City Treasurer.
Jan 7’ 36
lutatt W
FEW dozen superior French Rope Wn-
i ter, in large bottles, just received and
for sale by GEO. RYERSON.
act 26
O AS removed his DRUG STORE, to
the corner of Broughton and IVhilhi-
ken-streets, opposite Col. Slid/man's Mansion
[loose, where he exhibits for sale, a choice
assortment of
and various other articles suiting his line.
Ho abstains relating the whole string of
names ofthe things he others, und only men
tions a few’ which are not commonly found
in every Drug Store, viz
Fol Sabina J Church’s Cough
Pvro Um bell at a r Drops
Degitalis Purpurea ' Aromatic Vinegar
Scullcap, Hyssop i Toilet, Vegetable &
German Leopard’s | other Soaps
Bane,(arnica mon- 5 Macassar Oil
tana) , Phosphorous
Elecampane, (Inula * Ox. Mur. Potasse
IMenium) \ James’s Fever Pow-
Hops, Ergot \ dors
Tonqiiin Beans r Infantile Powders
Squire’s Elixir ' Read’s Stiptic
DatPs do j Spirits Soap
Ess. Mustard j; Fumigating Pastills
Ess. Tyre j Pyrolignious Acid
Jesuit Drop * Black Drop
Respecting the utility of this last article,
lie refers to the last, but one, page of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of
tliis year.
oct 9 70f
T O be drawn on Wednesday, the 9th
Mo reli, 1825, and finished in a few
minutes—sixty numbers, eight ballots to be
1 Prlz- of 30.060 DtALri it RIO 00',
l 10 0' 0 lo.u 0.
A S 000 10 001/
* 2.108 4 55
20 l.O'O 20600
30 5K> 15,000
32 100 5 00
’01 5 ) 5 ■-or,.
,’300 16 20 8 0
’0.** 8 8 ,:.4
§Sa,l :t V30Ticket..^ VW*
3.,2 0 Ticket! it gs, jj u4i j., 0
In till. Sch'ine, with eijrbt limn b.ltoO,
•here will he Sfiprlx- , with tl:r< e ?, nthc.nii
them, 1456 with two numhe-s on Iheni srd
10,6"!8. with one number on them Tiiei
I chr:t» li.vint- none of the Jra» n ballot! or
t'o rfetr m its the fair of "II the ticket! in
the above lottery, 6o l umi-e s, from one to
■illy inr.ltiMvt, will aevera.L be plnr.eii i > k
wheel on the oay of drawing, and ( : j : i 0 i
’hem will he drawn, end that ticket hivinK on
t *» * eombineiion Hie lut, 2d end thltd mini
tiers drawn, rill be entitled to gSOffiiO
’lh»t luving on il the 4lb,5tii and 6th, will
he entitled to gtOOoO.
Thru,- h vit, g n them the 3d, 4 h and 5th
t,n,l 6d 7til and 81;., eath gJ.OJI)
Ti.oaelitying on them the 1st, 6 land 8tb-
in t i:.t, Till and Rth, eat:b J,U3
Tbost 70 h iving on them he
21,6th ami 7th 3 1, 5th end 7tb 4tlt.6th «nd 8th
"d 6<h end 8 It i l, 5 It and 8 '. -il. 7.1, «i d 8 1-
21 7tna,d8t 3’. Sthantl7l. /tlt,6'ban.i 7h
•il 4:lt and6t 3 .6 it ttm 8t.. 5tlt.6thaml 8th
3.: 4t!t anti 7 4i,,,5'ltand 7 !t oth.Ttlt ain, 8’It
31,4tIt an-' 8 . 4t.i,Sili»ndHtl eecl. glOOO.
3d, 5tb and 6- It 6th and 7iL|
All othe,a being (30 licHcts) having dire
if 'he d »n mimhcia on them will vault ti
nt [tied to g500.
T he 52 iicavta having on them two of the
drawn i.umbers and tboai 1 a , the 4tb and
tit, wi!l be entitled to jj'.OO.
The 104 tickets having on them two of
the drawn numbers, .nil tlnae two the 6 It
and 7th, o 6 it and 8. it, will each he entitled
o 850.
Ad oflinra (being 1300 tickets) hiving two
of the drawn numbers oil them, will each be
entitled to 816.
A'l thme . avtng „n them any one of the
1 iw,t iiumlie,s,(he ng '0 608 t c.f.ti, or 13 6
I'.irejab tint,.n mtnb.r) will each be enti
tled to 88.
Notickit which sh-ll have drawn a prize
°f* '-tip'-tinrtlt't-, tlti . .tion can he entitl.-d to
on inferior I'tiz. s payable thirty uajs
after tlic dra • "g, and stibj /ct, aa tianai, to .
il dtiction ,,| 15 per cent-
A cttiiS'dtttitote portion tfthis lottery ia pu-
ip in p, ri:rli of 20 t eketa, embracing all tin
. o'lihinaiion numbers, from one tu siatt,
- > ioh parcels are warranted ut draw ot leas*
864, less li drdunlioii of 15 per cent, with
so many chances f r the capital pt a.ta
Packages ,,f 20 tickets, bj c. nific.te, mt.t
iso be hail by the payment of die .1 flerei.c
tetween lh- price of the nckelti anil tbt
amount wVta they mil t f nceca.ity dra.,,
such • iflr rettce being 865 60.
The t„k ta wilt lemain at Ihe
r> ice, (86; until Wed,its,Jar, tile l'tti me
whe n ihv) red tie :rlv ,-»d ,„ *7.
J. B. YATES, ) ,,
A. Al’LVTV RE, J Mantt B ers -
Philadclput J .,:u« y 5, lti'25
■ •**--
[C7 Orders for tickets or shares, received,
and prize tickets in fourteenth class,
taken in payment at
Jan 18
lufuvuuvlun SVikuUd \
Jf G.iOoGP ltlLI.hR, otlivrw'ae DAN
I tKLOLAKD ItlUaLEH who in the »e*r
.4*5. arrivei* in Shvsui.Ji, in ’he a<heid t-n
ii!»p..rt, belonging to Me.Sbr .D wK i. k
Sons, of London is iivirg, and u id Hjiplj to
’» f"i ads in Kuj*.Un<>. he w.ll lu:*' o»
• inett'tig much to his a(lvuht;.ge« He lei
he .\uerdeen hue she lui ut .•'a vs nr mil, uie
U H9 n>t been ! e d - f b> his f icmL sine,
•’hat pe’iod. lie httd b- en many ycurss .-si*
•or, and wl »!e on buurd the sb ive vess I.
enipluyed ng =♦ carpenter. If he itfi S> •
vunnuh to tftiMi time, »l is firobnhle tl u h;
• t red Kome vessel going f the BiHZ.i Is-
:<«it'Si ns mi his ir-'it letter, h> sts ul lh d it
van h.s intention t« do s *. Should he huv
Ji d at any pi&ce vhmeit egistci or cert'fi
'ufie of tiia huri*l chp be obtained, it would b;
linn-ful y received Aiiduil exper. eiaUendiiig
it, paid by
Savinnah, or
W.W fcT.L. Ci;E8 » EB.
9 *7
Lavannah female . sylum.
<V N election for a Matron to this Institu
tion, will take place at the Asylum
House, on the first meeting in February.—
Application tor the above to be handed in
to the subscriber..
By order of the Board,
E. M. LLOYD, Sec'ry.
nnv 13 94
( i^N i INUE9 to do bnsi» fs« >n Milled^#-
J villtr. und tende r th»* offer of Ins ser-
ierstn his friends s*.d th^ public, in the trsns
ictiun of agency bu«i •< m g’*nersw|*’
net S .
Hep.iv’ Axes.
A SUPPLY of the above Axe», received
anil fur talc by A’ li. WEED.
oct 27
1 Pri-e of- g4U,0 0 is 40.'J UPotlara.
1 Prize 0! J0,0t,0 is Vt/000 DolI. ra.
1 Prize 20,00U is 10 JiODulI ra
2 P z.s of- . 5,000 ia 0,000 DO,la,a
30P- Z -S ,f -13 01 is S',000 Holl.ia
“0 I* z.s ol 5'it) ta 10,000 Ool'aia
50P zes of 10.1 is J, Oj DolI .ra
UK) P .zes of Si ■; 5,0’K.t Dollar!.
JOuo Puzos ol 10 ta 50.000 Dollaia.
5 '05 i rizea.
!4i9i Blanks.
18 ,t) u Dollaia.
lO' OO Tickets «t 89, ia 180.000 Po''a a.
The whole of the prizes ... he flouting
from the commencement o the drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz i
On the 5th day, ; i i t «I0,000.
On the 10th day, : • . 5,000.
On fho 16th day, : : t on mat.
On the eotb day, tilt 40,000.
The whole to be completed ii
Twent’s i tanvva s only \\
The prizes only to be drawn. -The whole
(livable ill cash, sixty days after the com
pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Cvmmiuiontrt uppiiinttid hy Ihi Governor and
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, tin WED.YESDjt Y. 1 Vk hut.
Tickets g!2— proportion.
received at the Baltimore price, and prize
tic kets taken in puyincut, at
No. 3, Commerce-Row.
nov 9
Consumptions, Coughs, i$ c.
the cure of •;oi.n, (loughs, Consumn-
lions, Spitting B'oodj A .lhmgs,*md
ms* q sc» of tne b< t-Hit arid iungs
<hc e is perhaps no nK-dioal obse vatinn
b.o.tei es’R’- ishid, none mete \ e -«*ral»y con*
'•r.ned by the experience of the best phyoici-
• ns of all and count*i s, arid none of
• orr in»p»iunce to the h‘inMn f«riti!y, than
he fnC! that man, of Ike n.ost and in
curubte uoriBumptions originate in nugleut (i
colds.. In a clin a;e so variable as our-, where
he changes ol <he wtah:r are tr* qurntlv
sudden un! unexpected, vi tcquiretmuie cave
■«nd at eniion lo gusid agbina* thia daiigcrr u
.ii’imy ofliie, than moat people imagine or
.:re able and willing to bus ow '•'he bids o*
tiioi'Uhiy exh bu the meinncnc’y fact that the
propi ttion of deud.g by this Unease may h'
conaidcred -s al.-cul five lo one. I axmock
• hen hs ihisGlaidueasc f. quently bj la uth
ance o the skill of the most learned ph;s <:i
-ii**, i'. is a gratification to the pr»t*irietor ihni
; .e w enabled to offer to those afflicted will
i^ ago> d'y prospect of relief, i’« .hat light}
valuable seuiedy, ihe Vugt-txble huitun bp ci-
Jic. l'h<- Indians aie luppj in tin.-ir ano. .
- Ige ot m ilical ,»!ams; g v. rued wh >llv h'
experience, they a;ec(.i‘lain as tothur . ft‘ c ,
an i: a said byansuthor of gieat charactc:,
that a i uu consumption is a u;sease ncVn
known among them.
’i Ida Speci'tc is obtained by extraction fror
hei bs, rooU, ft iw.-rs, pLnt, !tc when in pel-
f ciion. 11 cuiis. qiu nce i f a happy combina
tion of the most v.-riisbie kerns,, 2tc. it bfcomcs
a balsam of a Mipe ior vaiue. Iliu-ala them*
jo ed psrts?, i.pei a he, und composes
:.e dL urbed nervts, after the manner of si
inouyitc ,* consrq eotly the obs*ruction of
'lie clivx and the imps which constitute th.r
disease, parti ularly need i>s use. It promotes
•iiptctorRtiuli, wh'ch is conslardly c. ited for
uri whilst it c'lmi s h a: d hea.s, it aLo gives
K-.engih to the tender lungs In tins manner
it removes (he beetle fever, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the ne* vts, repairs ih<
ppctite and improves the spirits. This epeci
fi’ mav always be givrn in safety it is ir.-dii.
pie*sant to >he taste, and may safely be give),
o infan's, lor which it is of inestimable value
It Qll'ords -elief in bowel complaints, t ething
whooping coughs, tf c. and Is found particu*
!>r<y u«etul »n by pochondri veal, nervous an<
ii; stcrtcvl discuses. Each bill or dirvetior
I'onUmi « il tail' d account of thit, di ,e*se ir
<ii its tliff jreiii stages, »nd wdl bu accomps
».i»-d w iib lh;) signature of the proprietor in
lied Ink. It ia for salt by GEO. RY-
K.K O , only (m> s »1k agent) Diuggn.f, cor
•it** lUv -nl Whit:aker-streets, Savsnnab, a.
one duilar per buttle.
dec 30 30
CutYcA Wait Matvaasea.
T HE subacribor has just received an as
sortment of the above articles, war
ranted to be of the best quality, fur sale by
| oct 26
OyymaUe Wvt AcaAtmy.
2VUU*. KEB.,
If F - SI ’ECTFULLY informs her friends
»"<! public, that her school is now
t ", opposite the Chathnin Academy. Ibr
t ie iuxki.TION or etiui.s. Assistc’d bv
her daughter Miss E. A. Hakuiuon, she
oners her services i«[4eacl,ing the following
useful and ornamRiifel branches of tduca-
tion. Whilst, she returns sincere thanks fitr
ho patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, Irom the reduced rates of tuition and
Her increased exertions tu further the | ro
gross of her, Pupils, to deserve u still fur
ther extension of public favor. The course
ot tuition, and the terms on which scholars
are received, are—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Solving and
Marking, per quarter, : d i 00
2d. Class— \\ ith Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arilitme-
*>c, i 8 OP
The French or Spanish Lnnguages,
including elegant on,broidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : : i : : . ; to 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: i 8 00
ID" The most careful attention will he
paid by Mrs. Kkr, to tl,_• deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her cliaree.
nov 2 --
r. Ni 1/L.HJ.VJO , , ,
I NFORMS his friends and the public gen
erally, that he has received by recent
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment of
Groce, ies, Hardware and JUry
which will be disposed of wholesale and re
tail, on the most reasonable terms. The
following articles comprise a part of his
present slock, viz.—
!0 Hogs e d*t nriro» St Crr : x *Vg«f
10 Baxes White utid, ,
0 n «... Hvewn ( d >
6 ) Rmrelp l.oxf hi d r.ump dj
50 Digs I(*vi.n8i Gr, en Coffee
6 P::ies supermr 4ik «root U srndy
r Pipes do H 4Uud Gm
5 I'intt Imiulton Btundv, 4th proof
5 Do do Gin
2 Pipes very superior o.'d *Vsch Brandy
2 Puncheons do "do l ish Whiskey
50 Hogah^kulinind 7 Phil d- lj,hU Hj e
IkO Barrels } Whiskey
100 Barrets Northei n Gin
2 Piocs sup' ri r old Madeira Wine
5 llulf Pipes supeiLr old i.isbon do
10 Q isrter Cssks Tc i-ei 'ff*. do
Very superin** oi»t Uwueira Wire and
Cngnr.c B»’sn*iy in •'emijnhns
150 Wh’iie and > Usrre's supwift ; e iKsb
loo Half i FI ur
10i> ’nr.elsNo* .‘I, New Mackerel
5t> U..n eis No. 2, do do
lfit-0 B^kets Table Salt
20 Casks Goshen Ci etse
20 Bnrrtflls
200 IL sms Wrsp'ing Psper
50 Bngs Black Pepper
10 Baxes Chocolate
2j Five Gallon Deiinjohna
5 Hsr els G.ue
100 Kegs ri E Hud PF Dupum # » Gnrpowdot
5 Pound Cunisie s .»f suoerior do.
100 Pieces 4! inch Cotton Bagging
'i Halm Bagging Twine
10 Whole and ) Boxes S. Whittimorc'a
6 ifatf 5 genuine (Jaids
10 llt.xes Wool llats •
5 B >xes Straw Bonnets
10 Coilv Bale Itopc
5 Dozen Bed Cords
50 Do Piougk Lines
100 Pounds Sssli Cords
6 Baies Point, Loudon Duffle
10 Caseh colored snd bleached and un
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron 1 able spoons
B Do do Tu do
10 Do Teutania Table do
Plated Table snd Tea do
Copper,Cu:d, Wrought and Composi
tion Tea Kettles of ail aix-a
Bras Kettles for mating pteaerves
20 ‘lets of Di *h Covers
iO To tsbhesr Moulds
1 D i Shd Irons
1 D > Bai Lead
1 D > Sheet lion
lOu C..sks assorted Cut Nails
Milif ' : roas Cut and W hip Saw, made
expressly fin this ma^kci
20 D .acn Hiii.(lsrvt, WovoSmW!> and Teu-
nsi.t Saws
Elscksmith Sledges and Handhammers
Anvils, from 1 to 200iba. real mousa
Hole 9 « Brllows.from 24to 36 in.
Single aiid D-ut !e Scr«*w Plate*
Corn Mina y frnm No. 1 to 5
2 Tons Hours and Binges
Brass And'rons, from f\.‘. 50 to $3
Bra>s and Wire Penile a, with shovefa
ard tonga to match
5 'tasks Braid's Patent ti es
100 D.'Sen Padlocks
*U*elya. ds to weigh ft om 200 to 500lbs
2 Tons of Sieelaconstsung of Shear,Eng*
lish, Bliste e<t snd Cast
Stoves with Pip s
1C00 Pound* Waggon Bolls, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Hag' Trace Chains
2 I) Xc-n Currying Knives
200 DoXtin Curry Combs
6 Sets White handle Knives and Forks*
consisting of 50 p ecea each
10 9etS Britannia Teapots.
Sugar and Cream do
6 Dosen Patent Shot Belts
“ Dozen Game Bsga
2 D *t*n Powder Horns snd F'asks
1 c se double and single bund Gont
101) *en Wire and 20 doz Hair S Iter*
2 Dozen Fancy H«U Mats snd 50 act* of
' Table Mats
A general assortin' it of Carpenter's
Bruplies. end Farcy Bellows, with many c '
articles in the above line,too tedious k-, v ' r
merate. .
20 Tons ot Curroii Ceiiiu^a. whirA ... «
sold low fiuip the whaif.
nov li