Newspaper Page Text
ttwrUa—■Y o\. \IL.
No. \
ftj SSwr$tow>
IK Till
Bv G. $ W. Robertson,
jrr tioKT mw.AB* fkh aIjiW, IN ADVANC*.
11 —-9+9- —
15 published to weft the srmr.jtemum ut
... 1 i il > Cite* titbii » week. (Tuesday.
[■•-.irtiisv »r.d Sat.inUy) «t the Office of Ik
aiU Oeor^ien, .n<l cohtuins al the in elli-
.’nee,<:omu.aiai»l, Political *nrt Mi*icllan-
CVS, including cdrertberueoU. pub ishfctl it
ke Belly Pcpef* . . , ,
n*>' Paper is »e tto all F*rt, of
j,itc Hr.d liition, or delivered in the (lily,
t * ve (toiler* per annum, payable >« «iv»nct. inserted in not,, papers
t ’5 cents Per sztwre, of 14 hnea, for he f\n
-scrtion, and 37* tot every succeeding pub
o'wmnnlflrtlima bv M il, mint he P"t‘ paid
S<1m of Und »iel n-groea by Adiim.iatra.
irs. Executor* or gtMt.hun*, are (tfJ lU'tu.
Vto bo held on th- fi.-s Tut sdey in tlm
li.'lii between'.he boura ol te-'in'no Wie
-,o.i s'tid throe in the aherivion, at ih ■ boot.
; use of '.Ik’ county in woicti tin* property u
Late — NotlcoMifthewaale* murt bo given
, a tiuni'C g»znite tiny j»ya pituousto On
,,\ of Sale.
v.nlre ol'tlie sale of perweal property m.i-
e * ve in 1 ko manner, fVly day, previoti'
> tlie Jay af title.
Notice to '.hr deb'n'l and creditors of at
stale must he published tor Forty (lava.
Nnt'Ce that application wt-1 bi made In the
Icort uf O.dinarv for Vue to •ell land, muai
puhp. hod -Vine Month..
p-SI© JPiDS’S'o
Reduction in Friccs!
Gum’s to be what they nre Sold lor !!
nJIIunttl Weight df 'Mature Cl inn
IHE Subscriber as willing ns others to
L arrange his business to suit tho pre-
it times, unit rave the public the trouble
mailing bargains, adopts a mode lately
etc nse of in this city of advertising the
lets of his Goods, (the whole being too te
am to enumerate, although not having
loeeenormos quantities that are usually
Ilf to hn sold when called for.) names the
lowing articles, and assures the Public
il the rest of his Stock is reduced in the
j-.e proportion:
Limp Oil (but not tho best quality)
per gallon i? ”i
Do do do 0 j0
Du do best quality, per gnll. 0 6i!J
Print do do do 0 80
Sn.rits Turpentine do do 0 bo
Mixed Paints (but not the best
Griens Blnus or Yellows) per ib. 0 KM White Lead, per 18 lbs.
(n ,t because put up in iron bound
k« ,r s)
Am.rican White Lead, 2nlb kegs
laboratory manufactured Brook
lyn, New-York, (mamitwctory
price per cwt. $12 50, which
Duiy ho sfern by looking at the
Now-York Price Current) 3 _
8 Ly 10 Glass, but not the best
American, p**r box /
ID by 12 do do do ’
A large and constant supply «f tho aboie
tides and goods generally t« the Pu.nt,
,| Color, Glass, Varnish and Brush trade
ill be hei.t. The subscriber having
,de arrangements with Manufacturers in
aw-Yurk. Philadelphia, Boston, and else-
here, from width places ho will, continue
> receive those goods direct, ot the best
scription, and on the most advantageous
rms. Hu also offers his Professional ser
'Mining, Gilding «j Glazing,
I ich he executes on improved principles
reduced prices, in Town and Country.
5. IFhUakcr-itrut, 5 doors from lh' Ray
ian 24
3 50
siami & arawrir,,
HOGSHEADS primo and second
quality St. Croix Sugar.
50 barrels do do do sugar
70 bugs prime green coffee
30 crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
0 hogsheads Jamaica rnm
half pipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bale rope
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland com
800 -do LtmgTdand white, squirt to
Georgia Hint corn
nnv 23
RuYboua flower Hoots*
J UST received by the ruh*ciih«*r, »nd war.
ranted of the Lai season*:' prowl!), t :
im»X£« GartanSe‘di*pu‘uoSy K. M'Mah >n fc
*.‘o, p ;ili Idlpluu, rapreialy for tm market,
and co; turning ih* following na-ortm* nts, viz.
1. Drumhead C*hbag.
2. Long D< d Beet
1 Long Orange Carrot
4 Pir=L*y
5 L*»ek
Ci. t'Miion
/'. Salmnn Racfsh
8. E trly Purple do.
9. HwUnd leaved
!0. Early Turnips
1. T.ste <to
2 .“Afl 'afv
:3 Aapaiagui
4 Karl) curled Let
15 Royal Cabbage do
16. N’ut.npg Melon
x 7, 8r,inreh
lR. Summer Savoy
■ 9. Sweet
JO Sage
il. Nasturtium
I'L Celery
3 Early Pras
‘4. Lnte do
•?5 Earh boneb beans
6 lied French do
A 1. S O.
ro eo>/taintng ‘he foMuwingBul
»oun Kloxver Ron 1 ,-a, via
1. Poub e Hyacinth* I t.Mevie nt ; gerflowe»
F «e Tulips 1 5 D iubic‘I'ubeioie
1 Narcissi.a |6 Star orUctbG bem
Vor sale by P. M'DBltKO V V,
V. K p
By Ihc President of the United & tides.
I N pursuance of law, I, Jamies Monitor, P^c -
idei-t f the t T "i ed htaiea, do hereby d«
fare and iriak 0 known. That a public sale wi
•e held at the Lou t Ofli:** at rallabasse, »
KloruU, on the third Monday of Mav next, f
ihe disposal of th* foTowing lands, viz :—
Township I, south of Range 1, west of the
Meridian line.
I and 2 north of Range 1, do dr
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township 1. south 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5, east.
1 ^ 2,norm t, *, a, <*, ot *>•
Fractional township 3 1,2, 3, 4, & 5.
The ante will commence will the lowes'
lumber of section, township! *■ d range, go-
. rocecd in regular numerical order. Tin
S mis reserv' d by law for the use of schools
•;r other purposes, will be excluded fioin tl«
G*vrn under rnv hand, at the Citv of Wm|».
inrton, Uiii -O' i "f I.nuftry, IB S.
•Ji Hie PieiMent.
r.V.O ftji4!IAM,
r.,,ncrnftbe Pener.1T ar>'! Ofllc'-.
Jj - lV.iitnr* nf itin l aw, «f ihe Unitert
i'atea, in lb" 'leriiti ry nt Fmrida. and in 'le
States of a lab. mo, f.»nisi»na, Tooesa-o, Mu-
saii |ii, Ge. rxi" and B.«|ili*lJ«tolu-a, arc an
linrzjd i" I.uh ialt th-1 forogotUK Proclnmi-
(oii o ici* a week omit the dav ut a»V
-iji-. 7 fi t
.TINE months after date o|i|)lication will
N be made to the Honorable the Jus-
»s of the Inferior Court of Chatham
Minty, for leavo to sell a tract of land,
lown a. punibcr eight, 8th District, l ike
irmerly iMunroc) County, for the benefit
the heir* and creditors of the estate of
N. fci. Bavtrd.*
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard,
Jan 5 3ln$
iERSONS having demands against the
- estate of'i'hoinas Johnston, will please
esent thorn, properly attested, at, the
ounting-Room of R. &• J- Habersham.
xecutrix of the estate ofThomas Johnston,
dec 18 -It**
I fnilE subscribers being shout to decline bu
JL sincssin this place, request persons ha*
ing dtrnsuls sg inst them, to present them
for payment.
. A. B. FANNIN & ^O.
net S fic+i
N INE months after date, application will be
made to the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, sitting for ordinary purposes for an
order, absolute, to sell lots Nos lour am• five.
(4 and 5) in Carpenter** Row, and lot N \
one, (l) Green Ward,in the city of Savannah,
being the real estate of Francis Jalincau, dec
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ot
laid estate WILLI \M GAS : ON,
Qualified Exeeuttr,
.7 97a
Damascus Steel Razors,
■ UST rpci’ived, a of tin* above ar-
*» ttdo, which will be warranted pood.—
Tor sale by N. B. WEED,
nov 24
nr.cFivEn pen wmg of.ougp. wasiii.ngton.
-t A|\ KEGS New Leaf Lard
1UU 150 Hums
3 Barrels Castor Oil
5 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jan 14
State Literature Lottery, j
2 Prizes of 410,000 is 4.10,000 '"
3 5,000 15,000
3,Of) 2
13.395 Prizes,
20,325 Blanks.
‘grade’s Company’* Hoes.
CASKS llrade’s Patent Hoes, for
U U sale by N. B. WEED,
doc 18
Georgia— Camden Con my.
O ' li.e firs' Tl.esday in March next, I wii!
sell at Je fferson, in said connty, a negro
man, named Daniel, the properly of the es-
tste of Uic-j ih Drews, de m’d, ptirsuzni b,
leave cr-mled by the Court of Ordinary.
M\!.Y CREWS, Executrix*
Ji.p U 41
Ailininistrdtor , 8 Aoticc.
N fNEROtsTHSfrom this date, we shall *p
plv to the Honorable the Inferior Court
nl Chatham county, when siltinf; for ordinary, to letl the real estate of William
' ,ayt,tW ’ C. H. HAYDEN,
augu«t 12 45
A dministrator’s N otice.
N INE MONTHS after di te. I *h»ll apply
to the Honorable the Inferior Court ot
Chatham county, (when sitting for ordinary
purposes) for leave to sell (he real estate ot
Isaac H. Bobina, to satisfy Ihe hmrs tnH cred.
itors. H nsrutn,
aufrust 12 ^
P ERSONS having demands agsinst the ea-
tate of the Lie Wilhsm Crsig, dec. are
requested to render the same, nroperly at
jested, within the lime presettbed by l»w.»|>d
•tmse indebted to said estate, are earnestly
called upon to settle the stme without dc-
Uy ' JOHN WNISH, Executor,
oft 12 71
31,220 Tickats.
In this Hchemo with nine drawn ballots
there will bo 81 prizes with throe numbers
oil them, 1336 with two numbers on thorn,
and 11,475, with one number on them.—
Those tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on them being blanks.
To determine tho fate of the 3*1,220
tickets, the 60 numbers will severa y be
pluced in a wheel on the day of drawing,
and nine of them will be drawn, and those
tickets having on them as a combination
tho 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, 5th and 6th
numbers drawn, will be entitled to $10,000.
Those having on them the 7th, 8th and
01 h—1st, 2d and 4th—1st, 2d and 5th, will
each be entitled to $5,000.
That having on it the 1st, 2d and 6th,
will be entitled to $3,082.
Those having on them the
1st,2d, and 7th|2d,5th & 6th 3d, 7th and 9th
1st,7th and 2d,7th fit f»th 3d, Cth and 9th
!st,8th and ''thi2d,8th & 9th 4th,5th and 8th
2d, 3d and 4th'3d,4th & 5th!5tli.6th and 7th
2d, 3d and 5th.3d,4th & 6th 6tli,7th and 8th
d, 4th and 9th'3d,7th & 8th*' each $1000.
Tlios* having on them the
1st,3d and 8th 2d,4th 5th
1st,3d and 7thl2d,5th Si 7tl»
1st,3d and 8th
1st,3d and tnh
1st, 1th and 8th
'st,5tliand 7th
2d 3d and 6th
3d, 5th and 9th
Uh,6tli and 8th
4th,6th and 9tli
5th,7th and 8th
6th, 7th and 9f ii
6th.8th and 9th
each $500,
2d,5th 6l 8th
2d,5th & 9th
2d,6th Sl 7th
2d,4th & 9th
3d,5th Si uth
All others (being 41 Tickets) having
hree of tho drawn numbers on them, wiB
ach be entitled to $200.
The 51 Tickets having the 1st and 2d
Irawn numbers on them only, will each be
utiiled to 100 dollars.
The 51 Tickets having the 3d and 4th
ntiwa — .... -* v. ,. lR r.j, j^-.
entitled to 60 dollars.
All others (being 1731 tickets) with any
i wo of t he drawn numbers on them, will
each be entith d to 12 dollars.
And those having on thorn any one of the
drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or
1,275 for each drawn number,) will be each
entitled to 6 dollars.
No ticket which shall have drawn a prize,
of a superior denomination, can bo entitled
‘.o an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty
days after the drawing, und subject os usu
al, to a deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery is
put up in parcels of .0 Tickets, embracing
nil the combination numbers, from one to
sixty, which pared* are warranted to draw
nt least. 54 dollars loss the deduction of 15
per cent, with so many chances for the cap
ital prizes.
A.M'INTYRE. | Man *8™'
The peculiar advantages of this scheme,
are, that it has two highest prizes—the
number of Capitals is unusually large for
tho amount of cash to bo disposed of in pri-
zcs.(l7l,IOO Dollars) and the price comes
within the means ot every man. Orders arc
received as usual, at the office of tho Geor
gian, by
whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot
tery, have produced □ large amount in pri
zes, among which were one of a thousand
dollars, 100, 50\?, &c.
Prize Tickets m the Pennsylvania Lotte
ry, 14lli Class, received as rush.
Jan 18
T O be drawn on Wednesday, the 9th
March, 182», and finished in a few
minutes—sixty nimbers, eight ballots to be
1 Prize of 30,000 D liars is $19 00\
1 JO 000 10.000.
2 5 009 10 000
2 2.l'.’8 4, 55
20 l,0i 0 £0 009
30 Jii) 15, .’0
54 J00 i 00.
'04 HO ,5 TOO.
1.710 ; ■ ' ]5 £0 8(0
10,»|8 8 8;.0fi4
SS,ur;;.'.l’H220Tickets. J
34,2 0 Tickets at gs, 05,320
In this Scheme, with eight drawn hallctr,
iheri will he 56 priz.-a with three numbers on
them ?416 with Iwo n«imher3on them* and
I0.6B. witti one number on them- Thou
t ckrts having none of ihe drav n b:«llo a on
thembeing blanks.
Tc detenu ne the fate of all the tickets in
the ibovc lottery, numhe s, from one to
3'Xty inclusive, will sevciallv be placed in a
whet) on the day of drawing, and eight of
them will be drawn, and that ticket having on
t as a comhids’inn- the Lt, 2d and third aum
bersdrawn, will b* entitled to $30,000
Tfcat having on it the 4th, 5th and 6th, will
be entitl' d to $10,W.
Tlos^h'vlav o them the 3d, 4 h and 5lh
and Cd, 7th t ad 81 h^ estli g^.OOO
Thoachuving on them the l^t.fiihand 8th«
uni 1st, 7(h and 8(b, each 2,123.
Those ‘20 h :vng on them (he
*2!, 6<h tnd 7t»-
°d, 6th and 8th
2d 7th and 8(1
3d 4»h tnd 6i!-
3d, 4th and 7d*
3d, 4th and 8 t
3d, 5th and 6t(.
31. 5th ai d 7th
•id, 5th Nii'l S i*
31. 6»b and 7th
3d. 6 Ii anr 80
4;-.5 ’.and 7tfc
4t I i,5th and Ht'
1th 6th and 7lb
4»h 6th and 8th
*tb,7H» ai d 8th
•th 6th and 7«h
Jih.fitb and 8>!i
r h,7lh and 8'h
each glOOO.
All others, being (30 tickets) having hre
'f ’he d awn numbers on them will each ot
entitled to j$500.
"Hie 52 lickcta having on ihem two of the
Irawn numbers and those tw», the 4ib ami
»th, *ilt each be entitled to giOO.
The 104 tickets having on iht*m two of
the drawn cumbers, and those two the 6 h
-tnd 7«h, or 6 h aud 8t!i, will each be entitleo
*o 5^50.
Aii others (being 1300 ticket*) having two
of the drswn numbers on tbem, will each be
eotithid tofcl6.
Ail these having on them any one of the
\ ffiw*"p**-*h tfr «*fh«. n!r -► ta c.
•a*o%ch irffiwn number.) will caoh be enti
tled to £8.
No licktt which sh II have drawn a prise
of a superior dcnoiiiiMiition can be entitled to
«n inferior p»i*», Prizes payable thirty days
nfter ihe drawing, and subject, as usual, to a
deduction id 45 per cent*
A considerable portion»f this lottery ia pu!
up in parcels of 20 tickets, embracing ill tlu
'ombination numbers, from one to aixt),
**f.»cb parcels are warranted to draw at leas
264. less >be deduction of 15 per cent, with
*o uuny cbanceh f;r (be capital p r -tea.
Packages of 20 tickets, by c-'flificut**, maj
•Iso be had by the payment of tho d flVrence
between th A price of the tick* ts and the
amount winch they mu*d of necessity draw,
such 4’ifrereiice being 5565 60.
The t' k»ts Will remain a» the f.hemc
price, (5*6J un : l Wednes lai, the T2tl» mat.
when they w *1 he •» »v. r« d 1 . fc7.
J. B. YATES, )
A.M’INTYRE, i Mlinagers '
Philadclpbu, J^i.uj y 5, :b25.
ID* Ofddrs for tickets or shares, received
and prize tickets in fourteenth class,
taken in payment ut
Jan I'l
H AS removed his DRUG STORE, to
tho corner of Broughtm and H I. it;-
ker-alrea.t, oppasilc Cat. Shell man'* Man \ i:
Haute, tvlicre he exhibits for sale, a choice
assortment of
and various other articles Suiting his line.
He abstains relating the whole siring of
names ofthe tilings lie offers, nnd only men
tions a few which arc not commonly found
in every Drug Store, viz:—
Fol Sabina 5 Church’s Cough
I’yro Umbellata < Drops
Dcjjitaiis l’urpurea ' Aromatic Vinegar
Scullc.ap, Hyssop { Toilet, Vegetable &
German Leopard’s l other Soaps
Bane,(arnica men- i .Macassar Oil
tana) ; Phosphorous
Elecampane, (Inula i Ox. Mur. Potasse
Hclenimn) j James’s Fever Potv-
Hops, Ergot i dors
Tonqttin Beans I Infantile Powders
Squire’s Elixir { Read’s Sliptic
Half's (k> J Spirits Soap
Ess. Mustard j Fumigating Pastills
Ess. Tyre { Pyrolignious Acid
Jesuit Drop ' Black Drop
Respecting the utility of this last article,
he refcrB to the last, but one, page of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of
this year.
oct 9 ’Of
lutm-iv.uUun SVttulfctW
t F tt o T.y I'll.LT.n, otherwise DAN
1 .El. OI.ANU ttlLLKR. who in Ihe e»r
it 15, vcf* in Sevan, h, n the Abenl- .*r.
ri, hdo.'g'ng to M( tar!.. D* wson A
. ff .in.lo.i .( rvirq, andwl l appiy t<>
f -.ris .... Eailuic, he ve il he»( ot
■ .- . jr li ■ ( ho. advantage. He lef
■ ,fic at Ssv.nn .It, an* 1
e cd cf by his f tend. sir.Ci
0 . Ht M been mauy years* sal-
.... • on board the above vesa:.-l,
,v.c i-ii .-.aa carpenter. If he loft Sh-
voni.r, h"t tine, it il probable tb it h.
vt?.r(' ■ e veasfil gnittg to Ihe Brazil Ia-
I. ;t II li e last letter, he its cd that it
s !e< ,,i:.-i.!iun to (lo so. Stmuld he have
i d .( U..V place ahcie a .egistcr oreeTifi
■cl • of l>.< etc. be obu.ii ed, il would be'.fe’.ty received end all espeit 'eiartemling
(, r.aid by
Savannah, or
■„• o 17
tavannah female Asylum.
t N election fol a Matron to this Institu
i j tion, will take place at the Asylum
House, on the that meeting in February.—
Application tor the above to be handed in
to the subscriber.
By order of the Board,
E. M. LLOYD, Sec'ry.
C ONTINUES to do business in Milledgc
ville, and tende-s the of bijj ser
vices to his fricndi and the public, in the trans
ition of agenoy business generally
oct S 6Rt h& *3
beei’d’ Axes.
l SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
L and for Bale bv A7 O. ff LED.
oct 27
1 Prise of— £40,0110 is 49.090 Dollars.
1 Prise of .0.000 is vO.OOO DiUlsra.
1 Prize 10.000 (a 10.JP0 Dollars.
2 Pr z>« of 5.000 is 0,000 Della.*.
30 Prizes (f—■■(,■ on t.
f0 Ptizea ot--——5u0 ,s 10,0'JO Oolistrs.
JO Prize* cf 101 ia J,. 00 Dollars
If’-O Prizes of 50 is 5,000 Dollars.
5000 Prizes of——10 ii 50,000 Dollars.
5 vS Prizes.
'4705 blacks.
180,0 0 DollsiS.
£0000 Tirkets at R9, Is 180.000 Pol's s.
The whole of .the prizes it be floating
from the commencement oj the drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz:
On tho 5th day, t . i i 410,000.
On the 10th day, : • , 5,000.
On the loth day, : : i « . 20,000.
On the 20th day, ; : t i 40,000.
The whole to be completed ir.
Twenty VTttwift a onYy \\
The prizes only to be drawn. -The whole
payable in cash, sixty days fitter the com
pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Committionert appointed by the Governor and
The above Lnticry commences drawing
in Baltimore, on WEDNE.SDA K, 17(5 imt.
Tickets $12—Shares, in proportion.
received at tho Baltimore price, and prize
tic -cts taken in payment, at
No. 3, Commerce-How
nov 9
Consumptions, Touchs, fyc.
TITt-TT !?)}>«
the cure « f i; -lb, Coughs,Consump
1 lions, Spitting oflliood, A-jlbinas,and
tiiscosca ofthe bu nt and lungs.
There is perhH p no medical observation
belter estab iahH*', none more fee:.en»lly c*»n by the ex j eric nee of the best physios-
inisof all aires r.i.d count:i ». and none o1
■norr importanre to the human frnnily, that
•he fact that r.fany cf (he most difficuli and ir
curable consuanptiora originate in neg!ect< i'
cold*.. In a clma'eho variable as oiini, where
the changes ui* ’he wea her are fr* quentl;
•Hidden and unexpected, it rtq iirt imore cai e
.nd at entinii to puaitl againat thia dangercu
enemy of life, than must people imagine or
nre t.b!e and wi I ing to bea.ow. The bills o*
mortality tab b # the melancbc^y fact that tlu
proportion of deaths by th s disease may b«
couaidered ua -ibout five to one. I aamurl.
then as thisfttnldisease frequently hi h dtfi
nnce to the skill ofthe most learned phya ci
<»n8, it ia a gratificat'on to the proprietor iHki
tie w enabled to ofter to those i.ffl cted wit!
a go* dly prrisp^ct of re.'iel, i that 1 ighl>
"•iluable remedy, the VegfJta'jlc Indian bp ri
fe. T he Indians are happj in their know-
...••igt of m dical plants; g> Vi rned wholly hi
experience, they a; e certain in to their ct,
ir.d it is said by anautlu r odgreat character,
’.hat a true consumption is a disease never
k-iown among tbem.
T his Specific is obtained by extraction fron.
herbs, roots fl ,Wrr*, pl ut-, 8tc when in per-
ection. In consequenc • • f a happy combinn-
'.ion of the meat valuable, herne, &c. it become*
4 bals<m of a aupei ior ralue. It heals the in.
ju-ed parts, opens (he porea, and compose*
i.'ie dii'urbed nerves, rfterthe m.mner < f an
anodyne; conseq 1 e itly the obstruction ot
the rhea and t* e ur f s which constitute th.s
disease, particularly . i red its use. It promotes
•'’Tpc-cti'rutif-n, wh eh ia constantly called for.
ana whilst it clear.8- l a d beais, it also give?
s tauj.'th to the »:*ndnr lungs In th<t manr«e>
itremoviTsthe hectic fever, i nproves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, re pairs ihe
-tppctite andjinproves the si irits. This
lie ma' always be gin n in safety it ia mild,
pleasant to’he tas’o, and may safely be given
o infants, lor whmh it is of ines 1 .unable value.
It affords relief in bun el complaints, t etbing,
whooping Cf/Ugbs, etc. and ia found particu*
Iriy useful in hyfiochondri cal, nervous a no
hysterical diacaaea. Bscb bid oi direction
•cuUins a dt tailed account of this disease in
(II its dsftVr nt stages, and will accompa
. ied witji th .‘signature ot tne pr<p»ietor in
Red Ink, It ia offered for tale by GKO. RY
KRM) ,0idy (rn> *:de agent) D.uggint, ecr
lerHay *nu WUit'.akcr-atreeta, Savannah, a*
one dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
UttrU'A YAait Miittasaes.
T HE subscriber has just received an as-
sertment of the above articles, war
rantod to be ofthe best quality, for sale by
,ct 26
O^osite Hut *\cadem^.
R ESPECTFULLY informs her friends
and the public, that her trnooi. is now
orr.u, opposite the Chatham Academy, tor
the heckition or hji-ii.s. Assisted by
her daughter Miss E. A. IIsnnisoN, siis
oflers her sen iees in teaching the following
usetul and ornamental branches of edura.
"• Whilst she returns sincere thanks for
J patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition nnd
her increased exertions to further the pro
grops of her Pupils, to deserve a still far
ther (.Houston of puoiic ravnr. 'me course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholar,
ate iccetvetT, are—
ist Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and
■*. Marking, per quarter, .* fa 00
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, g QQ
The French or Spanish Language/),
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern
. P® r quarter, : ; : .* .* : : ’ 10 00
1 aiming on velvet, per quarter, ; : b 00
CT The most careful attention will be
paid by Mrs. Kr.n, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charire.
nov 2 of
P. M’UEliMOT'T',
JNFORMS his friends and the public gen*
1. erolly, that he has received by recent
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment of
G, oceries, Hardware and Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale and re
tail, on the most reasonable terms. Thl
following articles comprise a part of hig
present stock, viz.—
10 llnflm c.Ji prime St. C.-oix e uear
10 Boxc, White end ) ... .
'0 Boxes Brown 1 “avan. do
60 Hsrrebt I.oaf at.d I utr.p do
50 Bag. H.vsns Green Coffee
6 Pipwi Superior 4th nroot B.andr
r Hmos do Holland G.n
5 Pines Imltati.n Brandy, 4th proof
5 Do do Gin
2 Pipes very lupcrior old Pesch Brsndr
2 Puncheons do do Irish Whiskey
SO H,. K sll, ads and J Phil. d-lpbi» By.
Jidi Barrels f Wbi.key ‘
100 Barrels Northern Gin
\ P'PM •uptri >r „|j Madeira Wine
J Half Pipes superior old Luboo d«
lO Ct-wser (isska T.nev^p. .. J„
Verv sunniur old Madaira Wine and
Cognac Br«ndy in rieimj
150 Whule and Barrels «upcift »c ftcsb
ififi u..if ( n. u ,
100 'or el* No* 3, New M.cksrel
50 Bar-el* No 2, do do
1500 Baskets Tuhle Salt
20 (tasks Goshen Cheese
20 Barrels Coppers.
200 Reins Wrapping Pspef
so B.r. Black Pepper
10 Boxes Choenlate
20’ Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Bar -els Glue
100 Kcps HE and MF Dupont’, Guni'owdcy
5’ Pound ( ‘anifte's of superior
100 Pieces 4.1 inch Colton Bni-eine
2 Bales B«j,-f;imr Twine
^ Whole and > Boxes S WhiHimore'f
6!Ialf 5 genuine Cards
10 Boxes Wool Hats
j Boxes Straw Bunnctf
1U Coila Rale Hope
5- Doxfn Red Corng
50 Do Plough Lines
100 Pounds Sssli Cords
6 Bales Point, London Duffle
10 Cases colored and bleached and u*
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron Table Spoons
15 Do do Tea do
'0 Do Teutania Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Copper,Cast, Wrought and ComposL
tinn Tea Kettles of all a ses
Brass Kettles for making preserves
20 Sets cf Di*h Coven
20 Tors Shear Moulds
1 D > S; d Irons
1 Do Bar Lead
1 Dj Sheet Iron
100 Casks assorted Cut Nalls
Mill, Cross Cut and Whip Saw, mads
express!’’ for this market
20 Dr aen Hands 1 )**, Woousawa and Tea*
nant Fan s
Blacksmith Sledges and Hsndhsmmers
Anvils, from 1 to 2C01bs. real mouse
Blacksmith’s Bellows,from 24 to 3f
bu gle and Double Sciew Blaus
Corn Mills, from No. 1 to 5.
2 Tons Uookaand Hinges
B.ass Andiroi s, from 50 to R3
Bm<iB and Wo e Fendeis, wtih shovel#
ard tonga to match
5 Casks Bra d's Patent Hoes
100 Dozen Padlocks
Meelya-ds to weigh from 2C0 to SOOlbs
2 Tons of Steel,cor,siting >f Shear,Eng
fish. BliSteied and Cast
Stoves with Pip •
1C00 Pounds Waggon Bells, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Rags Trace Chains
2 Dozen Currying Knives
200 Dozen Curry Combs
6 Seta White haralle Knives and Forks»
consisting of 50 p eces each
10 Bets Hritaunm Teapots.
Sngar and Cream do
6 Dosen Patent Shot Bi-ltl
2 Dozen Game Rags
9 Dtiscn Powder Horns and Flasks
dnublc and tingle barrel Guns
10 Dozen Wire and 20 dot Hair kilters
2 Dozen Panci, Hall Mats and 50 acta o
Table Mala
A general assortmt’i t of Carr>enter*i Plane*,
Urushe% and Fancy Bellows, with many other
articles in the above line,too tedioua to enu
20 Tons of Carron Castings, which will to
sold low from the wharf.
qo v 1*