Newspaper Page Text
—\oV. A VI
>*0. "11.
is eiutud and rrui.isiniu
1* Tint
Ry G. W. lluuKKTsoN,
AT FIOilT ll |, l l4 n H «T.:» AX l ; M,
©5* iQw&m
fR •.ublmhcd to meet the rr*’ai;gemerf *•«
rtv, three times h week, (Tuesday,
11 t’.iEfJn) and Sain* day) ai the Ortice cf C, CIcVtjUMn. and cootAit.s *»!’ the in »*Hi-
ji ’ice, Cnn*r»:«!:civl| IVilittrnl and *4is:cl!an*
ccup, noi'Ki.tijj* ..uverlicr.n.tjiU. pulnshcd ii
tit J «uiv ) *{•*•1.
T he Country Parer I* se Ho all parts of
ti t. .State and Union, nr delivered in the r iU.
at live dollar* per Annum, payable in dvanct.
AcUert'serre't* a re maerlcd m both pa if*
at ?.r»*n per square, ol 141 n s -s tV*r ’if* f.r»
iiwrti'in, and .i?| iui every succeeding pub-
li>' tlinn.
C.-uimumctHm :s bv M i'. mitt bn P st p iuI
S .!*»«* *i Imd and n *g«o'8 uv Venn* hum
fn*s, F.X CMtnM or giuv.lia«% **<• -equf d
by • jw, to be held rn th fi.-s Tu*'«d t. in tm
ii, ., lji betwp’i <h.-: houis of 'e • in h" lore
n-on a id three in liu* * f, e*!v.iun, hi >h • Court
H use of the county ui wi nd; t’i • pioooriy
tiiMHie. — N«ttcq*l’ h se sales nurd, b.: given
in a public g-.avtln tixty days previous to !>n
da*. ofs.le.
Nut me ofthe sale .f pcr-r»**al nr:ioer!y ir»is*
be <*.ve to l ire m.-uner# J'o ty 1’r.ys pre.viouf
Co t.i(* iuy »f**nle.
M-tire ir tb • drl to-g and efdbnrs if a»
esta»r mu if bo publish-M t •» Forty !r* s,
N tioe ihrt Hppf , c..finn wi»l he■* to the
C< irt of O. <! n«i'y f t V vo to st.ll lv'd, o tn.
hi- • »nbl«* ?»• ? A'iiu; J'on'ht
& mm j 9! , Wi<UWJJ
miEu ion sai.b, j Slate Literature Lottery, j rAMVI , ....... Pnv
fil)'sf A r ^ p r c and Becnml CI.AS8NO.TV. POH DBCGMBKR, W4 : Jj<) * 1
^ r.. M u,ll,t y St : Croix fcugar. TO BIS DRAWN IN FIVE MIN UTlSiS. I fifteenth cj.ars—new series.
60 barrels do do do
70 bngs prime grenn coffee
30 crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
h iio Iloiland crin
ft hotheads .I tminra r»im
halfpipes, quarter casks, and half
qtinrtnr casks wine
30 barrels 1« if sugar
30 coils bale rope
200 grind stones
2000 liujheli.t Varvland corn
300 do I.i'i.g Is’atid white, equal *: |
Onorgia Hint corn
nov 23 j
SC/l KM E.
2 Prizes of jJ 10.000 is $ '0,000
fl * c Tinn
CJ-W© IP r ^a>'3\
II 'duction vt J'ric s /
G'lndsto i ■ wliat they sr.-> P..]il li.r !!
Ji t'i Horn's! H'.ieia A' (liv'il
r*AHE8 ubsc.riher as willing as ethers to
J. arrange lus business to suit, the? pre-
ff»nt times, and save the public the trouble
or making bargains, adopts a mode lately
made nse of m this city of advertising th»
} i ices of his Goode, (t he whole being n o te
dious to enumerate, although not h*uipg
those enormous quantities tiu» sr*.*;.
bki'I to bn sold when culled for,) utmua the
tullowing artichiH, and assures the Public
that the rest of his Slock is reduced in the
eame proportion:
Lamp Oil (but not the bent quality)
per gallon jfp 371
Pu do do i> 50
I»o do best quality, per gull. 0 621
r>i»nt <lo do do 0 HO
Foirits Turpbn*ir.i do do o GO
JUixnl 1‘airu.H (but tmt. t!ie b st
f/reens. Pines or Yeilow>) per ill. 0 124,
Ftiglivh White L-'nd, per J> lbs.
(hot because put up in iron bound
hens) 3 50
American White. L^ad, 2°lh l eora
laboratory manufactured Brook-
l\n, ?•* w-\ o. k, (mamif.ictory
pure per ewt. ^12 60. which
11.:iv Iv 1 , seen by looking nt the
Neu Vi-rk Price Cuirent) 3 12j j
8 by 10 Gli.-s, but not the bust
American, per eox 3 50
1° by 12 do do do A ;*>U
A large and const ont rurply ofthe above
nvtii'«>s and geieis gem taiiy in tie* Paint.
< •’1 Cider. Gia.'.>. Varni-h and Prteh trade
v HI lie kept. T!;o subscriber having
t llF&H GaI'IIFN i-.FFl) ,
F.uYWxa TIovjyt Tamls*
TtJ^T rc«i»'Vrd \.y the njb^c-iber, *ind •**-.
14 ranted «.f tie I hi i^ssou*- gp>wi?i. 2
»»*»s tiHr'onfteid .nu'Mnhv .M* 4ahnn ►
o. P I'delph-a. ..x;Yr<‘*!y f«»r t <h ins ket
«v' c i t uning die to*
•ei’*g snaiirtm i«ts, viz.
1. Dm obvad Cat*ting
4 K.arl> ciirte.l La-
2 Unn-r K-d Beet
3 Lo .7 O Huge Carrot
• 5 l(;»yjl Cabbage J,
t l*«r*h:y
IN. A'nt.oeg Ri | , n
j Leek
' r . F*. in ch
5. • ininn
3. Sue irier Savoy
7 S’Uihnn n?dish
■y Sweet U III
*1 Ei-’lv Puf'dfi do.
‘0 S.,:e
9 H und leaved
1 NRilutiutn
0 Eirly In o ps
’ . C'.-it ry
’. '.xte do
’1 K.."!y P, a,
2 - afv
4. I nto do
■y Asii&.-agua
Karl b nclib»»*Miii
6 Btd F ’cudi do
"0 "acYi^-s ci,Utah ug the fullowlnir Dul
■■•u** E'*>c f'r |{ ( * St vz
' P •i*l> e .‘L Nc.iutiis
♦.■'••iic nt>e fl -wet
b c Milip*
S I) •utile Tuberose
.1 iHurnhris
6 .nur ol B A..- Ven:
Foi* f-'i't* by
P. ki’DH.h-Orf
T?. N a
Rj the Bnndue of the Undid Sinks.
! 3,306 Frizes.
i.'.H-26 Blanks,
?n 308
<Hia ^m>
'11,2-0 Ticli.>t8.
Ill this Ruliemi! with nine drawn hnllots I
tliciv will bn 11 1 prizos with throe numbers I
mi them, I lias with two numbers on thorn,
numbers on them heinjj blanks.
To determine the fate of the 31,220
tickets, the do numbers will severs v be
planed in a wheel oil the day of draw ing,
and nine nftliem will he drawn, and these
l inki.'ts having on them as a combination
the 1st, -d a ml 3d. and 4th, Sth and Utli
numbers drawn, W'.il be entitled to 10.000.
Timso having on them the 7t|i,' istli and
•itli—1st. .'il and 4th—1st, vd and 5th, will
• re’ll he entitled to gj.OJi).
That havin? on it thu 1st, 2d and Glh,
will b. entitled to j^JO.t.’.
Those having on them the
1st,2d. and *f!i,'2d.Sth & Oth 3d, 7th and 9th
Ist.Ttli anil 9th'.’d.7th .v 9th 3d, lull and Oth
Ist,tltli and "In 2d.Utli & 9th Ith.Sth and tttli I 2 <5'*' and J’O
2d, 3d anil4th 3d,4th St 5th.5th,0th and 1th I 't* S'hamUlth
•2d, 3H and COli :M.4th A- tith tith.Tth anrlfith
2d, 4th and toll 3d,7th ifctith' each ^ 1000.
Thus having on them the
Opposite Wife AcftOLcwvy,
KiKS’t'SSr'ttri' r
X r rs d her l r r M “ E ‘ A ' ^
o her services in teaching the following
J ornamental of of,.,:®
nlst ®' ,e r^f uriiH sincere thank* far
be patronage hitherto extendi, t -rbe
opes from t/Jeredneed r.tes of
her increased exertions to further the too
ess of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur-
Ilior extension of public favor. The course
1st Class—spelling, Pending SVw-ing „nd
r , per quarter, : <i uO
2d. Class VV11h Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Aiithme-
Tho French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant eiiihrnidervf on
luce or muslin, to any pattern.
! st,3H ami Gtli ‘2d,4th & 5th
at,3d ami 7tli -2d.5tli to 7tl»
f 'T purmni'ce of luv. I,.Iamk? Monbof, P-p .
••ic.iif t (he FT \i cd Niktca, Ui> iiCivby dt
arc in.', nr. »k' k bat a public saie w‘
»■ tl 14 fit nt the* Ilff.:.' at I'a’iuh^r.sff, •
’■‘lorit B, on ihe'j.drd Uoirlav of tia next, f
H’e dr oi th foDowi.ig lurid , v g .—
rownship 1 pouth rf R lingo 1, west of th*
M •ridian ime.
1 am 2 nor:.* of Range l, do d*
Fractinna! 3 do do do do
Township l, south 1, 2. 3. 4. A* 6, eabt
1 to'i imrth 1,5 3, 4, to 5-
Fractional t.vA'Bsidp J 1,2, 3, 4, to 5.
fhe stl!* w*l; c vn.iv n^e v b the ! w.
•«iT.b*»r of s*>ct» n. tuwiMbif, u. d“3.-e', *•
forced in icgMlisr vum* r>gl erdtr t**
: nd.» ic^f v-.l hv Uw f r the uhp t»i »fh oi pu.*po‘«*i wi.l h.i exclu d * iu nii .
G ven under im baad n* «ha Ctiy of Was)-
ington, UtiH .6 . J »»f I . umrv, '8 5.
IIV ’h*? President.
i : »rnini'.fci< uernf ibe Oen^rsl Offic-
V? Print era of 'h' laws of the Unite*
Tn’* in the T*.n t vy o* Ph»ri la vrd in «h
s ta:« a \tubimn, Lotii^itnA. foncss ■*, ll' •
iHirpi, Gerryiw. *nd South*Carolina, vrt to
Ij'M.z d ‘o inhi'htbe fotOfomg Proc.AiTii-
•on « c*r •*. u vlk ii il th*- dav of s»I n
c ' 1 T 6 f
st,3d and 8th
.-t,3il and Otli
ist,4th and Oth
st.oth and 7th
’d 3d and Gtli Jd,5th to 6th
2il,5tli &. Mtli
2d,5lh to Ptl.
2d,»»th tV. 7th
2d,4th to uth;
3d, 6t!i and 9tii I
4th,6th and 8th I
1th,Oth and Utli I
[5th,7th ami 8th
»th,7th an*l nth I
•*tij,Htli and Oth |
each J r )00.
fiailc nrrpnc*'nv nt~ with Mumifacturpi.-* in —
Duiuuscus tilt'd Jtuzors.
}* UST rccnivod, a supply ofthe above nr-
r tide, which will be warranted good.—
For sale by N. B. WELD.
nny •> t
Ni w-Vi rl;. Fhiiadi Ipltia, B*»pton. and e!.-e
N' li'T'v fr m which placoK lie will continue
to r**'MMve those good? direct, of the lu st
d'-M-riptfU. and on the mi rt a«ivnnt:it r cmw
term.-.. He also offers l.b Prolcsidenal ser
vice.-' in
J'aiuii'ig (till ling N* Cl. zing,
tvhii h bo • xcciitcs on improved prim iplis
at i «'«lnrod pricry, in Town and Country.
*Vc. 6. If hitukci'-i>t)'Lil % o k /'• - i <• Ii 'ij,
P. MAKL«:\V.
irn-?J S?)
-NEH' l.AHlJ, HAWS, A .Ml UUU.AiW)
iiEcrivFn PF.n nmo heorgr Washington.
J d ■ 4 \ K FGS New JiUat Lard
Lyj'O l.m Hi,ms
3 Jinrr* L Castor Oil
6 PipnN If. (iin, Bwan Brand
30 Barr. I. Pork
For sale by J. 11. IlKIUlilllT & CO.
I mi 14
Is (.lice.
TKTfNE aft.-rdatc onrlicn»i..n will
J. 1 In* nmdi? to the Ilonoriibie tn, ,fns-
tbs of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, lor leave to bell a tract of land,
known a; numl 'T eipht. 8th District, Pike
(form.-rly Munrue) County, for tlie bvnef.t
cdVi-e helm and creditors of the estate ol
cl N. S. Da card.
Ad mini.-1 rut or estate N. S. Bayard.
.Ian 5 34nt
•‘Grade’s oinpaiiv” tors.
'■f'*, CASKS Brade’s Parent for
>*'■' wla by N. B. WKKD.
ib- 13
All others (being 4t Tickets) having
• awn numbers on them only, will each be I
ntitled to 60 dollars.
All others (being 1731 tickets) wi'h any |
wo ofthe drawn numbers on them, will |
•ftcli bo entitl* d to 12 dolin ’
And those having on them nny one ofthe I
Irnwn numbers, (being 11,175 ti« kets. oi l
! •*76 for each drawn number,) will be each
•ntitled to 6 dollars.
No ticket which shall heve drawn a prt7o. I
*?fa superior denomimition, can be entitled
to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty I
days nfior ill" drawing, nnd subject us ustt* |
al, to n deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable ponion of this Lottery i;
nut up in pariyds of 2D Tickets, embraciuo |
all the combination numbers, from one to
. litod to draw
at least 54 dollurs less the deduction of 15 j
t c* ?it. v. ith so many cdiancjs for tlie caji-
iial prizes.
.1. B. VATFS, ) , T
A.M1ATYKE, ( lI “ no S 5re '
The pecu’iar advantages of this scheme.
ar<\ tliut it lias turn highest prizes—the
number of Capitals is unusually large lor
the amount ofcm-li to be disponed of in pri
ze*-’ (171.100 Dollars) and the price comes
wi’h n the mentis of every man. Orders are
received as usual, at the office of the Geor
gian, by
i ??I T '? m " st car «*'"l m lent ion will lm
I’aul hy Mrs. KHR, to the deportment and
| morals ol those entrusted to her chtirge.
I present stock, viz.—
a part of his
Georgia—CanuLn Coun y
O N t! e b:-*t 3* -e*. J iy ii U. rch ne/rt, l
3*.li at .Ii ff-rkun, id a Aid county, * ngp,
un.n,. anted Daniel, the property of the t?
u*.>( »1c J«*» Drew*, de *ius-’.!. pursuant t«‘
ttbVe gr.'utt-.u bv ihe Com-t of O*dinarv.
M\nr -'.DEWS FxeeuHl
J • M A1
] |EUl40XS hnving demands against the
,.2«tr* ol Thomas Johnston, will nleusi
present them, properly attested, at, tin
Counting-Room of II. & .1 Ilulinrslinm,
Exeentrix ol'titu estate olThonias Johnston.
dee lit ' 2|+i,
T 'lE subirrihcrv being Hb'.ut to decline hu
bin ess in f tiic place, reque-t; en*«*ns ha
mg dernxi. \n tg nun them, to present then
fur payment,
n** 1 5 6‘ 4 .
N INFj months aft r d do, application will b*
ma le to the Inferior Court of ( h"bar:
County^ sitting for ordinary purpos. 8 fur *'
©rile', absidiitc, to sell Inis N a f. uran. five
(4-.rid 5) in Carpenter's Row, and lot N ,
on.-, (1) Green Wat d, in ha ci'V of Savanna* .
bail g th-; real vital* of Francis J dincau dv
fi»r ‘lie beiufit of tin? h*-us.uit editors o'
•»idestate WILLI\«t CAS o
* Qualified Executor,
t 97»
AUnuiiidti’.it r’s Notice.
N N #.«' • i MS from this date, veshall ’.p
t»Jv tr» the Honorable the I- ferior Cou.
* tibutham countv, when sitting for ordmat)
;)U r poSCH,
to sell the renl estate of Wil.'iau
angtiM 12
/ dminintrator’s Notice.
VT?NK UONT1H after d«tp, I slntll apph,
ll to the Honorable the Infeiior Court .
Chatham county, (when sittis.g for ordiim:
*»rp».a.-s) h.r leave t,» h*-U the real :s yIc o
' .me Ii. ilobm-*, to satisfy the h’drs and creel
or». c- h iiaydk.n,,
Hiig.uit 13 45
pFi’lRONS having deoiMicta igninst tha ri.
1 tutc of In* !-2e William Craig, dec. »*>
quested to render the same, properly i-
■ated, within ‘he time prescribed by law, an.
• rnn irrlebted to said estate^ are earnest')
called upon to settle the same without de-
. JOHN Il'NISH, Executor
oct 12 71
V iv£oir uvation NV aul^d \
. It ORE ItT SON, 11%;
whoso orders in the lute Pennsylvania Lot-1
i ry, have produced a lnrge amount in pri-
z, s. among which weie one of u thousand
dollars, |i)U, SO'a.&c.
Prize Tieliets in the Pennsylvania Lotte-
rv, 1 Ith Class, received as cash.
Jan 14
TJAS removed his DRUG STORE, to
* I the corner of Broughton and Whiltn-, . -
r-.lmh, niipottUe Cot. Shrllmun’t Jllatuinn ?' e l h '-* Surial ?" b / ,'; b,a, '' ed i >< b.
l/uutr, where he exhibits for sale, a choice 1 y received exjrer, -e. attending
assort meat of
and various other artidns suiting his linn.
He abstains relating tho whole string of
unincs of tlie things no offers, and only niun-
tinns a tew which are 'not commonly found
in everv Drug Store, viz.
Fol Sabuia 5 Church’s Cough % N,election for a Matron to this Institu
I'yro I'mbdlata \ Drops ° ^ tion, will take place at the Asylum
Digitalis I'urpurea j Aromatic Vinegar I on th® meeting in February.—
Scullc.ap, Ilys.-op \ Toilet, V. getanle to A PpUcation for the above to be handed in
German Leopard’s j other Soaps | to the subscriber.
Bane,(arnica mon- s Macassar Oil
tnnu) ; Phosphorous
Kli caiupane, (Inula J Ox. Mur. Put assn
Hops, Krgot
Tonquin Beans
Mjuire’s Elixir
JalPs (V>
Oss. Mustard
Ess. Tyre
Jesuit Drop
\ James’s Fever Pow-1
S dors
| Ii.fiutile Powders
? Bead’s Stiptic
\ Spirits Soap
e,,ls prim. SI Oto'x v llc , f
tUB.if,while:mil ^
0 Iktxes Hr<’Wn *, * ,van * di
64 3.1'fel, 1.0,1 Hod I tin p j,
40 H e, Mhviiiu Gr-en C If. -
“ ^ iniioeri i ,th rrc„: B:, n 4v
P ee, J., +| !!,:,+ n . n 7
5 Imit.uoi It, „„lv, 41 h proor
* D, ‘ <>o Gm
c * e, ver) ,uperior c d •»r,ch Bc.nd*
J0H.". C h°!? In dl '™hWhh4j
ri.!. a .phi. u> :
IU0 Hanel, Norther: Gm '
i fl * "“h'' 1 ’ •. vM tt.iWn Wine
a Hu I Hint. Siificrior obi Li.bon do
la Q »ner East. I erei ff-
Vcr, 1110’ tiiif Oid M»,:e,c W, e and
" in-eiiMj.’hn,
luo niiV e * ,,d }
l “n ;; • r ■'!« N, ‘- New,rel
JOUu o', N n J. do do
I'ioO U isksf, IVhlu Salt
OOGhukb G.n.h.*n Chece
20 hum/, Coppe-a,
209 Reams Wrappiiie p.,p et
Jo !!»*« black Pepper
1:» h >re, Chociilkte
2u Pi c Gallon Demijohn,
i bar ela Uliie
ICO Ko S >: I. E mil PP Duponlh Oimpowdet
S Pouii'i i.anute «nf W i„erior H do
I0U .sc. a 4 inch Colo n n« tK
”" "i 11 W>I2 Twme 65 *
1C Wh, ; l:,nrif Boaea S Whi'Cmore*.
i. 5 ffvooiiie
1C 4 xi a Wool till,
5 ‘l x-a Sira# Hnnnet,
1U I.imI» ll.le )>„p e
a lli xcn Bed Cot,!»
„ D '’ , Ph-'ifh Line#
Kij la Saah Cords
6 Haifa Point, London Defile
10 Cases Colored and bleached and ud-
bleached llemeepuna
7 * C-na. Iron Table hpouna
IS Do do T,a d u
'0 Do Teiit.nia I able do
Mated'I able and Tea do
Coppei.Cast, Wrought and Compoji.
lion lea Kettles .f all 8
Bra. K Hie, for niakuid preaerve#
*0 i.f Di h Oovcrg
10 Ton Shear Unuida
I D ■ s d Inina
1 Do It. Lead
1 D’i Sheet lion
*00 C’.aka auortnd Cut ifalb
h:,! ’ ' roE5 ( ’ u! *nd w hip Saw, made
„ expreaaly f-r this market
20 D-sen HaridiaWk, Woocar w. ani] Ten-
Blarlsrnuh sKdpeaand Hsni’hsirr.eri
Anvils, imm 1 lo 2f,0iba. real muuac
BDckiinitbV Brlfows.fioni 24 to 36
S"*8 J e sed D'. ublc Screw Ulutt*
C-‘**rii Mills, from Na, 1 to 5
2 1 ops Hooks mid Hi: ges
B- as8 Amliro* ». f oin 50 to J^.7
B.ass tod Wi. e F^uden, w.ibjahovcfl
ut-'d tougp to mutch
5 iinod's Patent Hies
100 D<.-zi;n P-tdiucka
Mt^lya da to weigh from 2(»0 'o 500Ibi
2 1 on» of Steel,con anting of St.ear,Eng
lish, Blistered »nu C#tat
Stoves with Pip »
ICOU Pounds Waggon Bella, aaanrtcd
Fancy Curtain Pin*
5 Hagr Trace Chain*
2 Dcsen Currying Knive*
00 D<*z *n Cum C.omba
6 Sets White handle Ktvvea «nd Fork*^
C'M.siatmg of 50 p eces csch
10 Seta bntaiint* Teapots*
S-igur and Cresrn do
6 Dozen Pdent Shot Belt*
2 D z-.i Gume Hsga
2 D x-w Powder Horns»ud Flwik*.
1 (’ se d> tibia* and single* bind Gun*
201) >zer> W ire and if' do*. Hair Situr*
2 Dczcn F.iocy ILll M&U and 50 set*
Table Mtua
A general afortm^nt ofCar^ente^ P!ane%
Trashes, ard Fsucy BOlain, with many other
urticlew in the above Hne,too tedious to enu
20 T-n-i of (Jiirron O iiirgf, wbiwb will bv
sold lo"' from ibe whurf.
f;d» 11