Newspaper Page Text
Sheriff's Suit's.
On the first Tuesday in March tux',
W ILL be s lit M the Four? House, .n t!
city of Savannah, between llie hours
ten and four o'clock,
The following 5 nffr*net, v!* : Peter mo*
bis wife Sarah, their clr’dr: n Uary, Tiro, si il
VetcdL, levied on m the property of Jonr
llfibo, to sntmlY to in Dvor of the
Hrr»'dent, Drertos and Company of the
Its ik of the U. States.
Ali that lot of ground known aril dnsipnj*.
tod »s warden lot No thirty-nine (J¥) wml also
font adjoining half part ef another, known m
lot N'». torty-two (1*1) conuini.ig, together,
eight «nd & hJf acres, he the s ine more n
Iris, situate to the esst of the ri'y of Savan
nah h *d bounded to liie nor'hwest of lot No.
twe..t. six (26) to the south amt cast l>\
Duds bd »nging to the es'alc «•#* Hatiu ion
1. ihoil lge. und to the west by the public
m-.d leading to Skidaway Islam*, whe reon v
brick vard is now estahb h:d and k> o>vn F*
the linin' 1 «d Fihm’s br ek yard, t >ge'hec w •
ail ai. i singular fi e improvement at d .ippm-
t» thereunto b- longing j 'evu’d u.asl ,e
r. roper* y of Jacob F h r», uw’.cr a ru e abs* -
lute, from tie H^n toe Sum rmr » curt it
th ilium County, in favor of a.v-oi> Cievct'au.i
•nd Sus'*n ms wife.
A1‘ that :ot of land n’t wte on n, y n and Iln-
be.’shstn streets, W nen m cl No twe vt.
(i?) in the City of Savs mdi, together wifi
a lih* b»i» dings, in.j'nvrinenla and •»p;»ur e
nances thereunto he oncing—levied on as tin
f irm e ty of Jhuh a rlnho, in d r« itiie nb&*.
utc t'oin *hc Honor bie the Super.or t mu
of 'Mu lum County in favor of'! r. fiomniist
si mers of Pdo’age of .he p rt of
fne eastern half mt and immovcoi.nts,
known in the plan of the City of S*v»nn*ih, n\
No. five (5) in OglttliO'pe ward, boonth
• mill by Margaret* 8*^01, e-.».i bv lot Nc
four (4) and north by a lam: I vied o/i as
the property of ti*orgi. 1. Cope, und* r h ti fo.
on» foiecloture of a rnoitgvge in luvor ot
Joan Hover.
Al that tract of lai d known M* Be n*ire
of Tweed Side, containing (3 *6) ann a, * 64
u rea high land, third quality, X-! ac.cs low
land fi stq .alwy, >oo« ded on ill * north b;
8avaiuuh river—lev «d uu under 1 fi fa in fit
Voro' himon Donal ’ ami w ife, comolainiuiP
•gainst Thomas N. Morel, amt others, heirs ol
John Morel, dec.
Buildings on part of In? No. thirty one (.11)
Liberty ward, in the city ot Savannah, bound
ed north on York-street, smrh by a lane, aiu!
west by oilier part of said lot—levied on a*
the property of Win Jd..hew, d *c. to satisfy
an execution from h justices cou't. in favor o»
'I hompion 8t Boniiry, against VVm. Maliew,
•tcuriiy for B. Swtt.
Jan 31 56
v/s c a ^vr>vf
M V MWM 1/ ri'«Aikiw.y.> ajL
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
^"O'ld be sold at tiie fiouit-li tits. he
* J tween the usual In u:s o ten «nd four
F.ighty negro slaves, vz Nelson, Rachel,
c «n», Morris, Hint l<*c, kSihe’*, llatmah, Harry,
Flora, Anna, Sam, H'dvy, Horcuh.s, lJraboy,
tolm Dxyat Nan- \j Pliiiip, du ly, John, Jim-
v., PM'ipj Anna, F ur*, Monday, IVnsh,
doily, Henry. Uen, V iiuc, Cun, Cunriha,
t!eh.«, F'ora, Nelly, Hannah, Simon, Lukey,
Padd), Jenny,Mrutits/Jinda. Ueclr,Finny, to**,
Hester, July, l»hebn t la.*k, lt *lls, F nnv.
Ja«.k, Hob' rt, I;<8C, Fompoy, r*c*r, Caty,
\V\llougid»y, Fortune, It c'u i, I'hdlsS, H c!v
.rd, kaieJune, London, Havy, Islmmel,
Lz/.y, Sii»v Heorge, tl-ncc, r*t lj », Hi*,**
•v, Sampson, Hilly. Molly and Abr^him, to
.•ether with t*ie future issue ai d increase oi
me funifies, !< vied on under r fi fi. o*
rocloMre of u mo. tg'ige, from George F.
ope, in f: vor of He*or Mitclid 1 , John
•t'Niiln and It inert Mit> hell.
^i ;tl
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in April next.
W LL be sold si the Court Home in *h
city of Savannah, b- tween the hours ot
ten %: d fiur o’clock
I he tollowing seven negroes, viz : Davis,
lfaria, Fatiei-ce, Dublin, Peck, Trc*i h ns an-
Oscar, with the increase of th .* females levied
on under t* fi fs on a forecloru e of a «" rt gftg*
•s the property of Joseph Carrmhertt to satis
fy the Bmk of tiie S's -- of Gu< rgi«.
Also, tnefollow ng t8 negroes, v z : Peter,
Cla rinsa, David Z h, Berger, Catv, Antho*
rv. B t'y, Maiy, Din:"‘j J*ck, Jim, Aggj,
||. *, *iea4isli, ala gu-ei, Lucy and Aa*ro.
w th tiie ioc ease of the females, levied on un-
dvr a fi f:. 0M H foreclosure of • mortgage :<s
the property of Wm. C. Wavne, to satisly the
BanK of the State ol G >rgia.
Also, \v fallowing oS *1 g"o s, v?v.:C (V
( n O'ip**’., Ifuriet, All , old Chari tte J;i
S/v. Ch-’l t», t*c'»daw, B-»s, Pieco.a-:a and
cnil l, Bid.p t and Peggy* Will atn, E su ,
lltlley Ft* l»p Pbylbs, oi. Cumbo, Jem y old
F*-ggy B iitu<| Jesse, B r, it •», Sandy, Maria,
Cv* «, D ck, i !••». .Sophia, D iphncand child
J* •oi,Sye,IJock y aod Joi.n.^i b tfu- incr.-ui"
o hi iem le«, <e>'t*ii on ■*» tin* f' r,, peity of
N c • - a* Ciug-r «» ul -r a fi fa on a ton closure
o, urn ig>ge to fivmir of John t, , artiab«*ii and
J.-tiu.s He ienry fir uae id Cbns ianw
Alio, a n-gro man nam- d i tin levi d ■•'. a
the property ot Char es t) Fun, under ti ta.
on a foreclosure ot a mortgage in favor cl
James Anderson.
Aiso, tiie folio' mg 19 urgrwt^ v ; * !—Ahra
bn n Mlarry^ C *' * chance, D mcl. Ahio; ,
Sambo, Lucy, S*. Miri ui Htchael, I.on*
don* Aggy, bi-non, Grace, Etwa G«nrg Hi*
dy'j ami Jiot, w hthr mci'u* • of 'hi-f in«.l tr
levied on as t!ie | r »periy oi Fi* mmuig Akin,
dec., under * fi ta. on » t »rec' .s\ v ot :» rr.ov«*
gage in fav!«r of Wm. Diinn h .*)• aa*iy*i e* s
of M .rdoch M’Leod. 1. D\ YO M S. <■ C
f- . ?1 rt
Mie ilV’s -'ale t;ontinueil.
On t/u first Tuesday in Jdunh nu t,
rff/l .Live •• -hi *.i Inc v o in ilounc in h
•rf-/ n.ty i.f S .va mah, between ti e h. trs ol
i „.. »' d four o clock,
Eighteen ne< rots v'a.— Charlotte, Bnc.cus,, IV-nj.b, Tilus, San.ho, N« rr>, Mcliiwi.,
1) netis. Is* acj Bess, Sippio, <'mi .os, f.'loi, P. g.
•y. Anno, B tty, and Uor.»''ay, lev.« d n In
J.« s n', u- the pr<* c*t> of N G. UcOicrfoni,
mdnr a (i :a. on . foiectosuie of a mvirlgage,
n favot of the i*a :k i » D i'ict’.
Fe»- 11 6b
Administrator’s .'-.ale.
On the first Tuesday in April next y
I V\1LL soil at the \Jourt H u.-.e it* .1 IF »•
s.#n Can den Count), between the u. al
i .urs of sal",
Harry, Nvd, and h : a wife Tam r, a* d he
our childiCi * Daniel, Me;.hen J.*h;» nod Y »’
ck, h : property of the. Estate »*f (-.e );
t4onis*n, deceased, for the b'.-fu fit ot *• i
creditors iiid lien a u! 3.**.«'» s'etc, pursuant u
e^ve granted uy'hi: fh.ii tot Or. Sin:,. % of sid
Countv. Gl.OltQE MOi!!H c O-N,
Adrnin’atrRtor, wit.-i the i au .wxe J, • t
George Murovm, Sen. •^ r ased,
*c-ff rs in, 24 h Ji-n. 18TJ,
Fob 2 53
Sheriff’s Sales.
T.Lheanld, f the Ms’’ i H .ubp.
satind.y alter the firat 'I'uenday of *#n
neAt, between tin* hours often and furn*-
One negro man named Cato, levied on
the property ol Joseph Wain, to antisfy in e»
een'inn inftvor of Helhm A. C ’pp.
Aiso, One un-livided third of three riegr»
sIuvck, o wit:,Sophy, Jc.nenter^ »r.d Sandy,
levied on aa the ptoj erty of Jane (PNcal, t
a itufv an ex *cu ion in favor ot R Brunet, by
hi t Go irdian.
A so, On? tract of land on Crooked Hirer,
containing 150 icres, bounded norh Bv «
r Rnt lut d, was? Vy A J Pratt % Imd, south b'
Crooked Hiverand marsliea, west by K bin »r
tnin, the gr» Mter p*<rt of wl ir ict is under
°ultiv* tion—on? p ir Card Tables, one t si
fir-- logs, ’hovel and tongs, one rlo/*k, Its'F a
d« Z 'ii (si v< r) 'Fable sp tor.a, |cvi. d on hs th*.
n operty of Abram Pvatt, tosstit-fy an execu*
lion in favor ot B A. Co;ip.
M f! HE i’ll VBD, S C C
Ft* M r*s, J.ut, 9 1825.
P*» • 2 <«
Attach nent Sale,
On Ike first Tuesday in March ncxt %
‘IW'd. he si : d at lit* Curt- imh*, b*
tween tl• • toiiiiS t-f ten ai d tour o CIV.
i wo n- ipo .da?-s named Rumps-m* «r d kb*
•**r, nit ached ns he jnoperty t Vt i. ium K,
Fi-rgu-O i, ami Hold ny uul ". f Cour*.
1 D’I YjN. A’ C. c.
Pir n 0 ;rt
Georgia—Tin/ ,n Covvfi/.
I'y Jud/iu i h Clerk of the ’'ourt of (Jrdin
a y of b‘ ( ount y uforest' ul,
V ALL • Oil. MaV ■ O OKUN
T^dRII AS •> i!l*>tm Moar, <«i the (hmuiy
**i ol B ill ) h. iippU* b f»r In tt'.fB of Ad
Ntration < n the estate and efFncts of Sum
IIh< on, form»*rly of I^iberty County, dec :
s:: are therefore 'o cite and admonish ai
1 fcingoho* ’be k< d -d and creditors of sai*;
.1 -.c.ess-.*, tc fi • their objections (h any they
iiaVe) in mv ffi on oi before the firs’ Mix**
day in March next, otherwise letters of rd’
iMtiisti'gtion will lx-g>anted the applicant,
Giv-’ti ti'idor my hand acd private seal,
((here h«-iug no seal of ffice) tuisthiid
uwy of February, one thousand e‘gla
hu d.edaml twenty five.
[L* S 1 JOSHUA SMITH, fl O. C.
F 8 63* f
Marshal’s Sale.
On the fi. st Tuesday in March,
H/tLl. ho m»H before tlu C:.i,rt.House,
'Jsi i' toe city of fb-vaunwh* b*.\wccr. th
uouru of 10 and 2 <->*• iock
• ii 8J l WO LOT?, Nos ?7 a •» 28, Jack
r»n Ward, and imprnvoniKxtRthereon, levlei*
•n as the p'-oj er y . f J hn I*. V-»rei. to s.vt>-
*“v the ba’tt co d* .treed to be due <»n v iUk rrs
♦ arrani, ij^ui’g from tl.i*. I’r*. ,s«:n Tie;m ■
•n*iU. of .lit. I 5 - .'rd States ngai. gi AS Bui
Inch, J jLii ii. Ilurei, a: d D .vid l.oio**-
jo in ji ro:^i*.
Mu sli d Di • G. c.
Jo<* 21 47
/ dmiaistrator s ale.
a *!LV. ut Su -J at 'ti; (4 .ii't-Hons** in Ss-
f v .nnib, on th* fi"st Tuesday in M r rc..
i»-*t, he *.-f on tfic h 'U r ' often and two o'clk
die p■■ estate f John Clufk, d. ceused
Terms u sale cash,
A.'rnu &.rulo ofj ( In k
Tse » J. 4 ’
Administrator's o'a'e.
s .d on i. fc lies; i Monhv i.
,J’.*w«i n* it al Uunrt-H use in th
c y ol Ssv.i’ "«o, we' i’i lie ira p.***.crib<
■ law, TH c,** TV EMSHT SH OtES Ol
’’LAlN'i Bt'b’ BANA b ?'0 K t ciougir g J
l» ; es r.t of Lon luit F • t-ti n. Fsq d-»o.* f
ed* FoM fo* t 1 e b*.ncfit of th. hviis n
ored Urs olaaid .* •l?-t Term., nfhsle css 1 •
JA . :- S DUN i t,\{, Adiii'r.
*•» 14 42
Klierill s ales.
On the first Tutsiluyi •• March irrf,
be sol a h • Corn’t-Hciisi- be wee n
Vjy the bows of 10 and 4 .**-:lcck,
I'iie foUnwmg dxu gf' vs, Y n .ah, f auc
I.ondo'i, William. Peter, and it.noiah, h vied
onund^ra fi- fa. on for closure From J. h.
tJ'» ter to the Planters* B-nk.
F ur negroes, Billy, Mos-a Will and Jen
ny. levi ;d on under a fi. i» on fori .4 sure
of s mortgage fretn 0. H. Hayden, to J run..*
•Ii t’.urler.
^ q isntity of Hons hold and K chen F :r-
r'dii o levied on under a fi fa «n to.-ecloMue
rt it ni» tgage* from £ies>z-*r Esr y to Arnos
j n 3
Ju m>..uwg for Lulcr^r.Zii!
atio\H.v\\A)\fci,' v v ,
Situatidun the pn.u ij/a struts in Louer
IJoinhurg,(unproved and anunproetd.)
W ILL be sold to the bidder, on
Tuesday, the Wth January next, in
the Town of Hamburg, s. C.—One half of
tJm purchase room y, earth ; tho other half,
to b ar an interest of aeven \-nr cent, per
•liinum—the interest to be paid annually.—
My individual’Notes, and the Notes of ihe
following Banka, v.z. Tin* Hank of Ham
burg, bank of the United States, the ?.ovi r-
•jI Bunks of this State, and the Bank of Au
gusta, w ill be taken in payment. The pur
chasers of unimproved loin will he required
to improve thereon. The sale will contin
ue from day to day, until the whole is dis
posed of; when the t«»rms of mi in are com
plied with, indi.spulahh* Tiifi's will he made.
Hamburg, Nov. 21.
Adm n st >.t i s ale
W ILI - bo sold on the lirsi T tesday in
v T April next, at tiie C >ur-Ibiiise in
the city of Savannah, by periniishut of the
Honorable the JiiHtireu of the lnr : -rior Court
of (■hatham county, j
One undivided fourth of a tract of land,;
containing about five hundred acres, on
Cumberland Island Camden County,known •
a* Plum Orchard, and an undivided fourlh I
of n certain tract of land situat' d on s.nd |
Island, containing about five l:u. ('r**cl aer«*s,
originally granted to G.*n. Lar .i in APfn-!
t»’sh. and hounded on the suutli by the said
Plum Orchard Tract.
Also, a tract cal! *d Lottery Hill, situate
on tli • Ogeechce Knud, three* miles from
Savanuaii, containing about six hundred
acres, belonging to the r -al estate of N- iC
Bayard, decea«ed—sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors, of-aid rotate.
Administrator estate N. S. llnvard.
Feb 2 5»af
milE undersigned having been appoint-
JL ed by his Honor the Judge of the
Court of Oyer and Terminer, assignees tor
the purpose of settling the accounts of the
late firm of Nosier & Criggs, of Savannah,
they having made a surrender of all their
estate, both real and personal, for the bene
fit. of limit creditors, do hereby give notice
to nil persons indebted to said concern, that
they must, pay or liquidate their accounts,
within THIRTY DAYS from thi.; date,
after which time those unsettled will with
out discrimination, he put in suit. All per
son.- having demands against said concern,
are required forthwith to present their
claims, in order that the trust may be set
tled as earlv ns possible,
JOHN W. LONG, i . .
M.IIKRBKKT, \ Ass-pnoc*.
F”h.) (Wf'i
A LL pnrson« having demand' against, the
estate of D iver St urges. R.q. Into of
tin* city of Savannah, (incensed, are request
ed to hand them in prope rly attested, ami
those indebted to said estate, are requested
to make immediate pavment »<*
WAJ. P. HUNT ER, Adm’r.
r i, to *• 4-
Georgia—L'amft'U Count;/.
HoPKRion 0’ornT, October Term, 1824.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Sclvester
N petit’*’n of T.m nhy 'lopk’*ca, rtet : *p
that in c»*nfl ; de alien ef certjnn prom
; sa *rv| notcSj ntide t r the said T motiiy* ’ •
ttiein, one pn'-xbte v itb into ea*, from firs*
*»f Janna-y, 1821, on ttn* fi st of Janu i*v 1822:
•» secniwl pfVHtole *ssfort:gfti ’, on the fi'S 1 ♦*•
January, *823; and a th'rd pavnbfe as sf re
mit!, on the first r.f January, 18'4 executed a
'nortgage to gsid * noo»i*y Hopkms, b : « |m i-.
and assigns, on all those four trie « of * ..»d.
*t tuated in ? he county aforesaid, c mveycd ; \
the said Ti iuthv, to the »»»•! Langley and
•Mveater, and Ling on th-* S'ut- si'ld ol
Great ^atilla River, one tract »ev.
••ntvsevenjveres, more er less; two 'rsc**
.•ontaining fif y ac-es, more or leas d one
the.r tract, co driniug one hundred». wM-
•vciglitacre*, more or less conditio-md f.
he i ayment of the *hree asul m v r> l
on the daya above mentioned, m I t»t hm.- ;
: veral mites ramniu uoraic—. n moti 'ii at
Krehibnld G Hrk, »ltorn«> fin* plainti -, t i
ordered, that ih «*i(| Laogb y a> d oe-v-me ,
'.heir lieiis or cfeigt.g pay mioroi,,.. a«Hii.
wetve mofiths from thi* date, i’,.£- sn •* on*
>n said notes, und the intrv .nvl «-. s . •
•-I’w’me that t!.e eq<n(\ ot r* dt' > lie >.* -
;ver foreclosed, »*.d iho sir 1. •• v-ri.’.vd
•>r» take pl.oe, t*:t sre at • to .aw
Tint* • x"»- hum Sh*» *.-•, . • /7- i rv**
b'-r 18 4. JCUI * B'.t LY, C\,k
nov 4 87 ^
J ^ili NN’ai i'ANAGLA.
subseno*.r havti.-•• ,i-*v-r:-* »*• com
S poM-v*n . t SIVALirS CCl.LHHArUll
J .iA JCF.A, has now h supply on r,«tn:i fi »
*le ; he fi^s reduced th* p u:«; from $1 51), to
ffl )*U, or bv ♦he do*v)> ^ '4.
Ad ch^n'able i-is*'•**i».*•>••» in th* U. States
• d the poor w*ll he sopp.-ed gratis.
If the eitiaei 9 of ipnl citVaand
-vns, will appoim so agent 10 order uw.
difiiribi.te this medicine to tnv poor, it will Ik
Th s medicine i» ccfphiatc-l for th** cute ot following d-aewa" scrofula o» kin,-,’
**.vil, ulcerated or ;ut- .l sure throat. I -.,
.(landing rhemnalic afli’ctimri, ctPunci-us rlis
“+M8, w hilc swelling ml d’8e ,; 8(: *>r :h: ; bon an
•ad all cases geners'ly of ;h uhc rju? cha-uc
(-»■. and cnronic • s^s. generally h s ng it
-b'hilitsteii cousiit 1 ti • s but more especial’'
f 0 syphilis ot (df -ctm* 1 arising ifi».r c fr m* .
■deert in the laiVoX, nodes, 6c. and tl, r
d*THdful d:seaif» O’cas ared by a lo’>g an
H!»ce n, «ive use of mercury, ffc* It is ala*> use
hi! in Ihv di«“s^e. of th« liver*”
1 hsv* within the Iasi t’vr years had ar on
>rtnnily of see ing Severn) cases of very mse
.crate ulcers, -.tJucb having previously resin
cd the reg dar modes of treatment wc-r
icHlcd by 1 he use of Ur. S whim’s Panacea,
• d I, do believe, fiorn nhst I have seen,
)»t it prove an importaol remedy in turn-
'ofima, veuetekl and mercn.iHl d'sevisi H.
N. CHAPMAN, 14. D.
Professor oft e Pulitnti.-s ami practicr
ot F/iy&’c, iu the University ol Pent*
I have eo.jil-Tvcd !»r Panocra of Mr. Swsnm
• » j)»iint:roi|R ,ii/ii:»m’.(s. vilfiin tbt fi.fl'. thru*
ea^and have always fi.nml it cxtrenvlj
• - :*';j *. .’Hpv ,n sec.-ondavy fty-.oit;
d • c ••»j**, difi,**.*•*#. J i,av? no nesitatioi
’• r ,rn --- liming i*. a jm- 1 ' t r nf ;do.-.T'
id’ W.lHHSDN. kl D
i - f ’xror of ^tirp«u-« in m U <* vot P-nn
P; d«.i* iphi», f niuar 17 : UrJJ.
.1* • < v Sl|!,\ v t (j it‘in list
C'if t ;
i.ity lie-ill's uic-s’
On the first Tuesday in March next,
l< I. be sold in front of • *»e Con r -
■louse, in tlu* city ot Ssvan * h, between
tlu .sod hours often and thue * J -ck,
Ah the buikli- gs 00 the eas era half o’ h»*
N 5 ive, St G*ll* O jlethropc war h tevie
o 1 «u tne propertv of K ia« E. linhortn to • t
i§;y an ei*cutior iu fivor “I the Gc m.n t.c
tfieran • hnrcu, vr* Elina F. Roberts*
One n»*gr» woman named M^ria, and In*
child Dolt, teifid on an the property t f U”b
Charlton, dec. to satisfy an elocution in m
the CiM-t of C immon Ple'« u , and Over an
T( rmi.» r for the City of 5av*u nuii, Salma
Mait'in's. E r z» Charlton adm mstrat-ix -
Robert Chariton, dec.
1 ^0 .sfi
Sale Continued.
rilHEsalnof tho above Lots has boon
JL postponed until Tuesday, the. *2 2*/ of
February next, on which day tho salt* w ill
Tho Clin Heston Mercury, theCharlorton
Courier. Southern Patriot, City (»;iz« ttc,
Columbia Telescope, Re*
•nihliean, Pomlloton Mes'sengcr, Augusta
Chronicle, the Con^titiitiunalLt, Savannah
Republican and Georgian, will publish the
•above once a week for three weeks, and
forward their account* to me for payment.
J a mi ar y 20
Inn Jit fifHn
Camden Suparlr Cou t.
Hc.nki 11 utnmn, 1 , r , 4 v, ,
r9 r Verdict ?. arch •'rm,
Thomas Kino. ^ I ••
< vN motion of the Attorney of tk i ',*.-n-
^ titf, in the above cast*, it is -Jui d
•bat the defendant do shew cue. *. m: r !k-
fore the first day of the next t v ,m w by a
final judgment should not be »uterct 111
the above case, ns of March T no. L; ;
and that puhiii nlkn be ir)tvd(* of this ,-i:b».
mice n month, for four months, in one of
tin; Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
bosom'd on tin* defendant, sixty days bt-
bre the next term.
Extractf row the ,V/V/'/-*,
doc 23 fii
nintC if ill!0:g! l.
By Elijah Baker. ( 7erk: of the Court of Or
dinary, for Liberty County,
M 'LS. E. IZ r. U M Al. t »* UR, ap-
ilCH ti.r ettCiS (*f » ifTii : s»r t»nn Ol
- <-Riple m*d (ff -'Ip of Thoms** G v, (*M»,
3 next of km: Tlr J R*» «ie ttirref r'. t 1 r U
•■•il admonish, all n d -»).g(iLr 1 Fi** H*d e
nd c edoors of (hn s:nd d- cea ed. t*» fi-
ej r.tie-OR if any they have, in my oflR e s*
• i .*.-b ’ll, un nr ^cfor the fi h. M .0 »•
• starch next, oibernLt* i“!t<-ra **t >• m ; -i s-
eioii will be or-n'i d i s tiie rr c! ipnbcant,
U veil under mv h nd and smi, tiu? t oil
day of J o uary, m the the ■ c*i* « f ir
I,oril eighteen I'linlfrdn d • *.v - * • t r fi*---
L.S.) E FAK ’.U C. C O L C.
I.- U 41
; l.un w.t.Voh \\
iuPTmutiim re'-ppctitip Ilonry Hut-
~t-1. >>t .M,.(mt. (jnie. county ol’ Kil-
!< livliin-'. who urrivort in truvunnuli
tr... 1.1V, rj.0.1. in Hu; s |,i,. Uluchor, (hipt.
Pot'.-r, ni iNon-inber or iti-.'.-n.bcr, lttjo]>' nil- r s:,ik-.l ti.r N nv-Vor!;. und l.ns
n..; rin.-c lioon liotird of, wii! twi thnnktully
ro.'oivod ity ihr 1 snti.-crihrr. diroctod to ,>u-
V! " l»- (i ,J who lin. lately liu.l Irdturi.
■m O10 f.uiiilv ol seni Hutchison, exnrctss-
ni.’Hc :r nnxioly to h -ur if Jut lie ulivo.
Ii* HulchiM.11 is tlu..lit ei-Iiti't'ii v*'iii*s of
niro,tiiircoiii|il,.xioii, U.d.l brown hair, und
utiouf fiver ti'i t niif in. Ii.'s lii;di.
tl .■ i lie editors ,.f |iiiniu> tiirnurliont the
I ;""||. urn piirticchirlv ri!i|iii'stmi to gi u .
j this notice a line insi.iiions, nml h-n.l ilndi
iii.l to restore this yoimj; man to liis di. con-
solute puren's
Jnn Id ; j|
.liieriii's i-jules.
O ihe first a.-.ird.y, .(ter the first Ttiet-
d'tv in Wa-rh, will be sold at the Uai.
ke. tlouse. in llt» tow fat. Maryl. b twee.
,1 e Irtu-s of (ef >n<( I. ur o’clu ne({rii
bov named Ii «e», levic 1 on ua the proj-er ,
ol (i'-ntelius Haiti, to SPislj an trocutioii on
foreclosure of s cortffatJ" in favor of J tin
Chevalier. »> l( Hr.HMAKU, S. V. C.
St- 't*r>#,iawu«ryl, 18‘J.
Jsd 8 37
N otice.
FBT1I AT on the second Saturday in March
X. next., a' tin* late rusidencc of Jolin
Bryan, d'e.. all the pm-ruml property of I lie
ufi.resnid de.cuti«e*l, will b« olfered for sale,
to the highest bidder, for the benefit of the
heirs, consisting of
Cattle, lings, Blanlotion Tools, Household
and Filehui Furniture, Ir.gethtr u'ilh
sundry other urtirhs.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Gi oegi.i—Camden Count;/.
i> i. wtit/.i ir s-av to;- k n
r»;iF.;<HAft II. do A Copit.Kq .pplic
iFS to the (Juirt **t O tinury of Mt-d rS'-un*
«v,fi»r L -ttcvBi f Adm *•*Ai*h\1*.»1' unth” estnL
•f .Jonph llixhy, i t** o. r 8*i(l coii*> V, de^afi
e 1: Thr-s** nr*’, 'h“rffi*re, to cit*- n*iA a ‘.moil
ish, a 1 * and ‘i*u »ilnr, the heirs a-d cuditor.-*
ot sod dccea®*.*!, to fin. their olje'fn-a, il
any ili^y have, in mv office, on or o. f e the
fi si Monday in March ne t, o heiWHe letters
wih ec granted th- applicant.
YVitn ss tlu* II <Morable WiP am Gi^sen,
one of the Juliet s ot and O )iir*, "tbia
twenty arc* n ! day of Janum 18 4.
JO IN B II.EY, C’- C O. < C
t 7 5 •
T wfuyuAtttUm W wwU-vV
A NY infnrniotionfrom, or relaliveto Mr.
T\ F’tKnp.nirK Lowk. Printer, a native of
j.TiMicliestor* England, and who, when lust
!i”ard from, resided at Mmitieollo, Ja.-p-r
county, (Jeorgin. whore it was undersiood
lie had inarm'd a young wotnnnof the name
ot White, ad jvessed to Robert C. Lowe, to
the care of the editor of flic Charleston
Cornier, will be thankfully received.
ffi The editors of pupv vs in the State of
Georgia, ami in ih? Western country, will
conh.r an obligation upon an anxious mo
ther, by giving the above one or two in
sertion* in their papers.
j'»n 22 49
Thomas Cummin:' and others, Coinfdi tin ants
und H'lUiiim Wallace amt Mhos Defendants,
Chathuin iupuiiv) Loan, January Term.
I f appearing to the Ci.urt, by the a Hi ’.ti
. vit of Juntpli Gumming that tVilliwm W«!
ice and.Sarah his wife, Mary Clay* Ann Gi».y
Kliia Clay, l-S„ry June Clay, William Clay
lo«eph Clay, Italph Clay, Wary Ann Clay,
Henry Clay, and Elizabeth Clay, who arc par.
ties vJefeu ianta in the above cn*e, reside
beyond il ’• Itinits ot die stale of Georg •.
oid within the United States,and thU Jant*.*B j
Clay, also a defendant, is in foreig, pr.’tn,
b«;yond the limit* of the United bta-cd. Or. |
motion of c<mi;)laie*.nts’ solicitors, it is order
ed that the s'Jd dcf-ndunis, first naon-d, do
respectively appear and answer the corn, hin-
nnta’ bill, within four m»nths fi orn the date «f
this rule, unci the said Jumes Cluy, wiiliin nine
months. And it it further ordered, that ill u
ruli*. be published once a week, during nin*
•nor.tli*, in one of the public G.*a»'t( :* ofth’«s
s:ate. A true copy from the min-.tes.
A.B. FANNIN, (?»«*rk.
rmv O 4.V.F a
L OKing*'.. 1.ISSCS.
| r.ST rtrcive.l, pur vcbiwii-'r Retrieve,
•I uti elegant lusorluieiit oi' Jlmnle itnd
Pier Ijooking-GliiHseH, nt mamitadnrv pri
cut, by J. Ji. lHittJJJillT& CO.
dec Id
Striven County, (Oeu.) Jun. 22, IH35.
Jan 26 A .’i f
l a:i- uccl iron i,o\ loves,
No, 6, Ciibbonij’ Rungs.
nov 24
Spanish Segius.
SD ulo^do ( p ' ,auish Sogtw.
Just received p«*r Globe, ami for sale by
dec 4
Webster s pel inj? Kooks,
Ef 'LIVED and lor sale by
Jun 13 AT. B. WEED,
i* EUUI i Y.
Ur'-wren t t r Jtovvs Adm nishuttor, Comfi'aiu
tint u tl John u mtltau Adm wstrnt -r. d
Innis non vnth the wl ann, x ut of ’Jeo* f e
If'charihon, und otm-rs, Jhjendantt —In
eyiu'y ( h .dean sup.: ior Louit- LhaACcy,
'iinh A gust, 8-4
I T npp*-i*.:-. gihat John Murray'>chtr<,
M. one iti the < efendrmlS in tin: hfi ut
. ompl -mt n. mod, rraidcs wuhont the state of
Geo f:u, in t.*.»t rav*. »f th Umt* d K:: gdonu
» G:-e-»t BrtUi h u I)••!».-,ri. ctl-ed Scotland :
fi igordered that tee l-ihn kuiruy Cur-
uuchsn, dni.p, eat d nnswev Vn iIk* coin-
,dauntnt's satd hill u t m» ior-** monies from
iie d >- of this tircer, 'o'li-TAiso ili«*l the
snd b;ll_, as to i..m, be taken pro cm teas*. .*
a' d it is !u M the> .’d *»-?d, that . copy *d th-
•rder be • »ib : .h d cree a ’vmk. in one ot'
ii;' pubi c fi z. Its of ihis sifai:*, uiiiil 'h* 1 < x
pira iMii ot tne t*ui wiitm. icli t*.»* «.*H .>-•
uidant is ro'pm. ii IO appear ami uu.tW-r.jS
at: re a*»d.
*iuft ct PV from the M ; rnte% ’his > *s; d«j
AugnA, 1824. A. W V\ .NIN, Clerk.
-■-IM** ’4. 5 ,: t
*7*11 AT llip'i! nmnllia utter (Into, applt.’u-
/■ tion will In. inaile to llin Hunk nl Oil*
Et’ttn oi'(Juurgiu, tu irffim u now ct-rlitili’iit''
<>( .lock, lor uno Just. i.-Mu-d on the Pith
Mnroh.tttttt, in t'uvnr nt'Jnhn M'Kinno.Jnn.
or twonty-livi; shuu'n. itnn mnnlieri'il tr U.
Ii. M’KH\.SE,
Gnanliup of Jubit Al’Kiuuv, J un.
A'lt-'isti Out'. I ri,
l^I rnontna after dh*>-, irl. .1! apply »n
tne Court of Ordinary of f* im.ieu c- »n
v., f- r leave 10 sell Ij.e ’erl r..**r»it o r J’*l i
‘ Y atnir, lain n Fan id u*uint\ ,»ei;e?s.* d, fo- thi
•• fcfciit of tl.e neir»- of .aid drct*.-*( -l
Adminiifat/r estate oi jidui li. Young
J ir 17 OH
^VTINE momb^ after d»t«-, hi i.licstion w II b
1.x tn J (ip tu th M'n.thcJ * g •* id th*' Lour
'• Ordinary **f Cn » hmi c* u uy, fu* ic.ave l-
,»el ail the real»state of the lave Wilfitun Ci’.«ig
i* ceased, for Die benefit of the heirs ar d 3»ed
il r# of fl.i.d estate.
JOMN M»N19H. Executor.
N TVB months after doe, I shall apply t(
tlie '■'•oii’t of Ordina'v ofCamdeti orur.
(, (o: leave tuarll a lo» nflfend, ymg in M< r*
■■ *e co'inty, in the tenth district ik rn't*-
( fcty-om*, hel»*uging the orrdiRog «»f !.i*.»
Johns, dec. tor the 1 * f <«!<! orr.hnns.
jOiiN f V R.
T n r* ' 0
nd i
M INE MONfilS ,f- -i l!i d >fe herenf,
plication " tU h • nwd»* to the ICm-'CKhl
t!m | •n-rinr C«u ,, t of Chiohsm coo -f ., *.»Ii ; 'or ordinary ; in pose*, f*i- leave to fa i
a lot, With th • inwnvemeins, «lni:re in*'*
City «f SivVacnali. in the Ri ; .‘ c«-u.-t\*.»r* \ V.i w
in the plan of saul c?t\ b. di • N'o. 5 i, |L -*w
Ward, lor t .( benefit >f th»-he’ se''
of tho (state ol tiiv? Lie H«»g.» fel’Lull, (1
TUv;h AM.,
net “4
K.Xcc/'.t’ T3.
• *uec.
INK MONTHS after the d.’.to of this
neiico, ojijilieatiun will bo in.idn to th •
Hormnvble the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, ihr permission to .soil a part of
the real estate of John SStncy, docoaserl. fiir
L'ic* benefit of tho heirs ami creditors of .-aul
deceased. JOlLN SV. STACY,
d-*e th -i
xN OliCC.
4 I L pm-R. n. hivoq.- denauds a^ainai t e
> € 'tfttv of L'lustuut F'ccmau. E«q fi.'e u'
: .e ci y of Was'ongten, .docen'ipd, »'e e
| .iied to hand tlicin n, leexl'y h'te.-ted
*• . the time preset ib- d 'n law .* and ti c s
ndebted to said c t tc, ate nq io n,.k
nirediale paym<* it. t-»
JAaiRS DUNrKfl, idTi'r.
*n’4 4 • l
N otice.
T HOSE who hnv<* nnv ilomnndn uiainst
liie luto Muttliias Sclilosunr, ltiln of
Chuthum Comity, doceused, urn rorpioKtod
to rrndvr in tlmir dnmunds. pr.iporly at-
tesmd j and llioso indebted to aui.l decoas-
ed, to make iinmediute pu vmont. to
(inulitiod E.vccntor.
Jan IS , I: | I +
Hide Whips.
SlilY GIU)CE HiJo Whips, waived and
for sale by A’. B. WEED.
doc 1.1
Pi ot Ci-ead
■| i> HALF 11BI.S. Ingrlis’ Pilot Broad,
A** jost received and for sole hv
1 just I
dec 23
Carron Castings,
a©o'WL° g SlleW n b? rt '
N. 1). WEED.
SrrHBU’lTPh MllTlOX. ’
P IV U V 0 5S~Tv h ft
Hy HA VUE). T. A I HSTH lMj ,
n 'u uhi li s on til • publishing .V (> / /
FA MtLV nun.E cuntai :>n r ul: / l? j
trnal Ue'C' ;o be :o ,fi in,.,t T,i
V )LU *’LV Eoyji, BCTAV% uafi;■'.
be dished uni/i u li,'cents, of i he .iudiur Jjfis
f T *1**H 1 e well - i- i t r.n p,j,„ , • .
S. lie euiFp.'iM* d ,r. i*j iianusoiite vein J. *
v’*’l C oiTrih the fer ! tiwes <:t the Oil.' 3R.
A* w Testaments, t - Jnt' od ir.iQ 'y o,, t , tfJ ;
Explanatory, ou j, ’.»n . /' aeac d Ubs >vn
i . all the Mar inn 1 Be>\ nicei. ‘
■ n. printed w*od to 'vo--.- tVuu'd.e „ (
Stereotype Edit pubfinhed tine* t' i» •'
bor’8de<:‘V*v Che pri *• "ill bi* ’
! - * !, rh' \ 1 "4.m sbeun , g -j, rn ? { \ u
Hie vh '■•* Ak Will IIy fcad/ fordc iy,;, ;
Mi. , i8 ?5,
lx rants of Iettrs tulles ed o the Tub:,' ,
l esteem Dr S"mt F.m y It ;| in . : ,
'-.aieuLleu u» prnaime the zu .> • ; >j i u; , ' !
{ -.icty I scen e * ; ci.r,ely r .,* K .bie f M ' r
•end dan*/ in- N.»t»-s ^ ».-i 0|. H ^, r , i/ m a |K ,,:
cimily Bii'le W'thou* ,m
i-tu-.r man.
I h ive *»
?*uipui'’* e
general me
vhich ever f*t»;..^ly »*i!~‘ji to po.-s' ■
A Rs o*(
I- ■* i W'-rk ’V;vf**igu glv-d for he
t ->tl oo’-ve .'-’ire ot ns ft'T'mjj nic .,* | ( » .
cl. iness and fi .mitv ,«»• i'.*: •? ; •. *-}*,, j,*
osim-s- a a: p -u.ii.ij r ■ if u u :•*. ’n*J i v ‘,
•tt-’Vol Hit* s*id candour of us spin . the c c f
dec 13
IW ww li. Ml- - (Oil v 1 V < * K t V
Ell . A tl* |) u ft,-, ft
•’» '>■> -a nin '..‘ary ft. t...... It .
: I ■ milt au w J| „ u P.
5 ii.'H' tinn. It , trcn:iit Ur
r sencss und p.-.tii.ei.rty of n, «pi,i,c,.
a >■' f"r n, o’, im in (••' d.-ncy Io pro ,.«,|e,
ge tea. tr.itli aivi pkiy.
n\v.\. !u>r,<m
Of !)r, Sco t’s Fi’fi.ty h .»i I ; ?.
•cue. 11.4 in tn- c .i(i»ilu*n P v.'i.'a r--’ii
.i”*oiig ou' i bi. s' >ftd i» <*• : vr, ^ ,
1 J'iM M\lj),vv
Dr. •tellies Fi-nsR U tfi • . t ..}, (|1(lf ; #| .
lecud'y fin-1 r u-ie of Cfi:».-•. • mv,*,
/. me high y evnnge-icui, (•'y i,’i.,i i |tf .
iive, und deeply ii.U*n** *ii i* v
D \iny.ij ? :.siv ip'ix
rVnVaMder of Dr. s •»* , i « •. »*.»
nth R bit* io to g-'icrulp known mu,
ghlv i«pp-"V(’il a th m |
• •:! i i’KisOhr st.aue thr-iu /houi ui. y
rir* has pftK-d ruoidly i jm,. Kj,* *.,
dttiniis, i 1 hi 1 deem fmtbti »*c r* n» n a*
ion# needtess*
J VO'iSf.
I am sen i-intod w;t*» no Coni- ., „ • ni
h *acre<. * r. i-.tu **s, V: .h I • r.i i*
a lv ri (■.<•« *«m ■ ti .or gi m r.-d re. Ttit
plan .if ihc Work is /imu!
P-rluipg imn w.v, ■ a*» .n*iii*'i* rs i si
•f youth, aid private • t;fi istisns, do g.oti i
* v c- t > soca , th’iii by t*M»timr th m. |
-.’Ivi-s to dies, mi vite this t'lth «•'v .:»»..|»
I -V'W of o H-Mtunert-i y wiuc.h e b«Pw
*. Aii ♦:-(! oi- di?fio):*'g cur vj- s of tl*>
gr« it r-'tl’S ofGl-'i'ti(tiny. *> cl /ci.viri* sslu*
.rv ini;j:esmor.s on th mi.-id when rLiug
in tiie pc u p.l of it, than the ore you are
‘bout to pi.b ish.
danisl siabpe.
No w« iter s* emi. It sti d up Red t , c.nm- ;.d
:’.r Lklt) II tperuh'i n'.. No. v more
i nr m irt pow jfuny ir -u rs'eatlie e+
..i t :i.b oi religion Th- 4plr.'l which p> "
dmhewovk ? onrolVn j n i. tip m t,
.*;* cM-nar ■ ksaUng. yet IV*!»r 1 tpiri’ nf if
:*>« ^i. da - ikl m.vv
Fro r n partirnh*- put)! uii »». an l concur
•”iig tPR-’rnon , the- •* is r i d.uM on my ntuid
.'mi 3?ou # a Family* »>• aiq». rm* to ull
h>r» 20 • I F.WEuSON
Y )*l w’’ll ple-a • to si’ d ne s r c.ipto* of
•‘(•••tt’s Rii»’^* f I. .'for ’o \ r a'.rtly p-opo'cl
it'i-in I’et-nsj;. I .l.iiiuatlut-.e live in.ire lo
t-.ik* t!»«-.- s me riMi'hee. Ii-1.
I. w*»*h w#.'/-me rL'*fl*uv r - I
vor are about • • p”’ l :l. a new eli'ion >f
Scof’u B’h.jc. Hat ii t b'en in p *kh c ’i'on <-f
t more r a -G y a. -, I !ru»* 1 know some*
ijiog nf its ta t e, an.'i k n dete n-' e to pro.
ti’O’e i s n rcuhiimn ann-ng iny friends Y a
« if picaye forward sis copies as s on t-s nu *
1 have nbtfllnncT fir aub crll-ers for fie
c.h*** x *r*t work \ou are pijHit^hing If. 8
i :< f er,.u to take seven bds Jco r, 'i lit*
>lv, a'.d wifi be accountable for die
J C.
I lipvt*f*i : r.ed 3’ tsci i vrs for nin- cuptof
of '-'€•».**• F■ Ti;l> it file. J c.
I :/ hD pr b *bly need or ter* s is f
3 -.i t'V Family B nits J
fiev, a. S. ot F. has o’ talbed ten s’.kscrl*
jlts. K. fi.
i nave observed that von a v , ’= t ,*«ja*
■ fifing aunt her vfimo.. f Suet's M b'e
• ope you "• ysu c e : ch \ u h v«» 8 - p in
octner * <1 t-u>. i have bevi u^d**»v'---n-g tj
.•.ocme Mithsciiher* sum-p c» r p.-o; k. mid
enor moiw* aubsenuers win be ob’ fi c !
i». .4 II,
1 will take ten se’s (*.f Scott's Y. •> *■•)
o*. u ”d h- d letterci. J V
I have o.'taiiiftd ion suhaerfin-s f> y ur
.» iti-.*n of the Fomiy I'ibh—^nd hr,— nv
.1 u'*i hui here might h-mm^’b’* g ilk'’103
>P'CH old io tins t'isrc if you )m«i kii ag. nt
U’l'c—I •bought tie work omdti to h* oil*
•'ourugvd ai d for l»*kt re »H«>n u-tn s»t.»scrib.
•ion pape r 1 inawo' k tint every t n»:Jy
-hoiild have that ic able to pu'tliwp.
1 um glad, 1st y'tt propop** tu print
dcofi’s excellent F.m ly Comni-n’jjy, a-d
sboiild be very gla-l if it were in my^mwer to
ve a more liberal patronage io the vi rk,
: -an, u< oii cii naUneefl ace, I run I ilis’f,
i we'er, he able to do sometbing ; e ; g*u *t
•en se c I shall . eciaiuly take j anil it mav be,
d ubte that r.
i h«/c p ocured fifteen subset?n rs te
acott's. B hie. j ,, j} t
1 dunk 1 shsll dispose of 20 sets or in.* e 'if
he Fa ndy Bible, r, |j
I hate cirrula’ed proposals fop 8-n't’s.
li ifi *; ! Ovv nnny have been *T»g g«*<| in alii
'•huiioi u I’; bid between ‘20 and JO «<vs in
hsvic'f.iiy. j s.
I have c inelu *rd to become respous bl®
’o>ou io-. thirty s,(s of Scotl’i C.*m :-.ei ti* y.
, C B.
I have procured t'.'6 sub c ibars to tne
Bible j 6 u“*s t*> be h'uind in *- f i 3 -^e'.s so
done in boards the other 9 7 e’«. bound
.»ud lettered as described io ib * prospectus.
H. U.
I presume T could procure 503 siibsrri-
'era u r ymir cli;ion of Scott’s Ui.fie ihe
demand is increasing for them Ihv will
fi ally supersede every other 'arge (.r’F« u ly
ll'bie. F itv o! my subscribers five within a
circle «f 8 miles! J L.
Just publi-htrfi an editi »n of the* s\mk wobx,
completed in ••is volumes, wi \out ms*gi»'*l
references; price in ho»r.i& JS13; in aheep
2j2l» in calf 2‘27* Either of th sc editi nl
; my be ha l ol th publish r in bo-on ; or of
3. C. & J SCHENGK. S:v,nnah,
la 1« 39
Marking livuskes,
O F a wiperior quality, just rerriv"'! aoi
for sn Io by OEO. RVERSON
nov 20