Newspaper Page Text
A v
mw sma
Kherilf’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
W ILL be s Id at the court House, in th<
city of Savannah, between the hours u
fen and four o'clock,
The followi. g 5 negroes, vix *. Peter xn<»
bis wife Sarah, their children Mary,Tyro, and
PerclU, levied on ss the property of James
Bilbo, to satisfy an execution in favor of llir
Preiulent, Directors and Company of the
llaak of 'he U. States.
All that lot of ground known and designa
ted ss garden lot No- thirty-nine (39) and also
that adjoining half part if another, known a?
lot No. forty-two (42) containing, together,
eight sad a half acre*, be the same more o*
less, situate to the east of the city of Savan
nah, and bounded to the northwest of let No
twenty ail (Y6) to the south nod east b)
lands bel mging to the estate of Hampton
L'llibiilge, and to the west by the publ.c
road leading to Skidaway Island, whereon i.
brick yard is now established and known b\
the name of F^hm’s brtek yard, together with
all and singular the improvement ard appur
tenances thereunto belonging j’evied on as tie
f iroperty of Jacob K. h u, under a rule abso-
ute, from the Hon the Superior Court d
Chatham County, in favor of Aaron Cleveland
§nd Susan hia wife.
All tlint .ot of land situate on Thy mind Ha
bersham streets, Wvrren wa d, No. twe vc
(12) in the city of Savannah, together witl
ad 'he but-dinga, improvements and appurte
nances thereunto be'onpirig—levied on as the
prope-ty of James Bilbo, urd :r a rule sbso
lute from (he Honor ble the Superior C on
of Jha ham County in favor of the Commist
•ioners of Pilotage of the pi rt of Savannah
The eastern half lot and improvements,
known in the plan of the City of Swann .h, bi
No. five (5) in Oglethorpe ward, bounded
■ouih by Margaret- atreet, east by lot No.
four (4) and north by a lane It vied on as
the propei ty of George L. Cope, uniLr s fi fi
on a foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of
John Hover.
All ti<auractof lard known hy tie n*m
of Tweed Side, containing (346) acres, '*64
acres high lam 1 , third quant), #2 acres low
land fi stqnai ty, lourdod on the north fcv
Savannah river—lev’td on under n fi fa in fa’
Vor o- Simon Donald and wif.?, complainants
against Thomas N. Morel, and ethers, heirs ot
John Morel, dec.
Buddings on part of lot No. thirty one (31)
Liberty ward, in the city »f bavannah, bound
ed uortb on York-street, sou h by a lane, and
west by other part of said lot—levied on
the properly of Wm. Muhew, doc. to satisfy
an execution from u justices court, in favor ot
Thompson & Bonney, against Wm. Mailt*,
security for fi. Swift.
Jan 31 56
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
\TWtLI. be sold at the Court-House, be
'*# tween the usual hours o ten and four
Highly negro slaves, via. Nelson, Rachel,
<am, Morris, Oha les, Millei, Hannah, Harry,
Flora, Anna, Sam, 8ilvy, Hercules. Itrabny,
hn, David Nancy, Philip, Judy, John, Har-
y. five, Philip, Anna, Lucy, Monday, Tenati,
violly, Henry. Ben, Venus, Cain, Cumba,
lelia. Flora, Nelly, Ifannsh, bitnon, Lukey.
Paddy, Jenny,Brutus,Cinda, Beck, Fannv, r oc,
■duster, July, Phebc^ .lark, Bella, Fanny,
lack, Hubert, Isaac, Votnpey, Cxar, City,
Willoughby, Fortune, Hixhd, Phillis, H ch
in!, Mine**, Jane, London, Davy, lahmael,
l.zzv, Susy George,G’ace, Cticlju, Caty, Be'-
y, Sampson, Billy, Molly and Abraham, to
ether with the future issue avid increase <1
he families, levied on under a fi fa. on
weclosure of a mortgage, from George L.
opc, in favor of Peter Mitchell, John
U’Nixh.and Unbert Mitchell-
I. D’LYON, S. C C.
ded 31 31
Sheriff’s Sales.
On theJirst Tuesday in April next.
tYW'LL be -old at the Court House in the
VMT city of Savannah, between tbe hour, of
ten v d four o’clock
The following arven negroea, vi* : Davis,
Maria. Patiei.ce. Dublin, Bock, Tre| hina an.
Oicar. with the increaie ot the female, levied
on under a ft fa on a force!.>- u. o of * mn.tuag:;.
A. the properly of Joseph C.rru' hers to Mil,
tj .be Dank or tne State of Georgia,
Also, the following 18 negroes, viz : Peter,
Clarrista, David, Z > h, Berber, I'.atv, Anlhu.
»y, Betty, Mary, Dinah, Jack, Jim, Aggy,
Hope,, Magnet, Lucv and Adam,
with the inc ease of the femalra, levied on un
dcr a ft fa. on • foreclosure of > mortgage as
the property or Wm, t;. Wayne, to aatiity the
Bank of the State ot Georgia.
Abo, he following 35 n grots, viz: Coffee
(Cooper,! Harriet, Affy, old Chsrb t'e, Ja.-t.,
Sky. Charlotte, Pendaw, Bell, Process* and
child, Bt.dgct and Peggy,, Kiev,
Billcy, Philip Phylliz, olu Gumbo, Jenny old
Peggy, B utus, Jeaae, Brutus, Sandy, Maria,
Cyn Mil, Dick, Tobv.Sophia, Daphne »nd child.
Jacob, Sye, Beck*-y and John,with the in create
of .haj females, levied on aa the property of
N cboixs Cruger, under a fi fa on a foreclosure
of a mortgage in favour of John Carnahan and
Jsmefl McHenry for use of Christians Levett.
Also, a n» gro man named Sam, levi* d on is
the property of Char'es E F'nn, under fi fa.
on a foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of
James Anderson.
Also, the following 19 negroes 1 via Abra*
ham. Harry/ Onto, Chance, Darnel, Aaron,
Sambo, Lucy, Se»pio, Maryan. Rachael, Lon*
don, Aggy, Simon, Grace, E ixs George, Bo
dy, and Jim, with thi increase of tbe females,
levied on as the property ot Flemming Akin,
dec. under a fi. fa. on a foreclosure of a mort
gage in favor of Wm. D'xon k assignees
pf Murdoch M’LtJd. I. D’LYON S. C C
Jan. 31 5$
fche.'ifr’s .Sale Continued.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
\X oe llo *d at the in iht*
w city of Savannah, between the hours of
ten and four o'clt»ck,
Eighteen neeroes, viz.—Chaslotte. Baecua,
Eve, Tenah, Titna, Sambo, Nero, Belinda.
Dorcus, Isaac,, Bess, Sippio, Canos, Cloc, P>-g-
gy, Anne, B tty, and Mommy, lev'ud r>n bj
cors-mt, as the property of N G- Rutherford,
under a fi fa. on h foreclosure of a mortgage,
in favor of the Bank of Darien.
Feh It 66
Administrator’s Sale.
On the Jirst Tuesday in April next,
[ WILL sell at the Court-H^use ih J -:fFi r-
son Camden County, between the uuoal
hours of sale,
Harry, Ned, and his wife Tamer, and he
‘our *'h»ldrcr„ Daniel, Stephen. John and Y»n
ick, he property of the Estate of Ge ge
Morrison, deccasoo, for the benefit of the
creditors and heirs of said 'State, pursuant to
enve granted by the Court of Ordina \ of said
County. GHORGB MO«RI r ON.
Admin strator, witli the * v i!i au..UkeJ, of
Georee Morrison, Sen debased,
teff'-rs^n, 24;ii J«n. \825.
Feh 2 53
Sheriff’s Sales. • i
ILL he sold, «t the Market House,
the Town of St. Marys, on tlv fi
-HUirdty after the. first Tuesday of !!'■
next, between the hours often and four o’c.
One negro man named Cato, levied on
the property of Joseph Rain, to satisfy an ex
ecu*ion in favor of Belton A- Cupp.
Also, One undivided third of three necro
slavt s, o wit:, Sophy, J omen ter, and Ssncly,
levied on as the property of Jane O'Neal, to
SKtififv ancxccu iou in favor ol R Brunet, by
hia Guardian.
A*a«», One tract of land on Crooked Hirer,
cunt . ling 150 >cree, bounded nurh bv vu«
•ant lai d, east by A. .1 I'ratt’a land, south b:
Crooked River and marshes, west by E.Shear
man, the greater part of said tract is unde
mUivatum—one p- ir Card Tables, one rai
fire* logs, i hovel and tongs, one clerk, ha'f *
h a- n (si ! ver) Table-spoons, levi- d on as tht
p operty of Abram Pratt, to satisfy an execu
tion in favor of B A. Coup.
St» Mar vs, Jan* '9, 1825.
Fe»2 58
Georgia—llrifnn County.
tty Joshua Snv.h Clerk of the Conn of Onlia
a y of he County a forest ill
n ALL W« 0*4 U *4AY v-0 CERN
u ffif-lEH^AS William Moor, oft he &
hi of B jlloch, appiiia for L ti rs of Ad
st.'sUon < nlheestiOeand effects of S«m
Baron, formerly of Liberty County, dec :
are 'herefoie to cite and admonish al
l vingul r the ku d erl and creditors of nave
l (Pease, t fi* * their ol jeetioiis (i; any .they
isve) in mv i ffi .*, on o before the lira? Mo*.*
day in March next, other vise letters of ad
isiois*.ration will be gvaoied the applicant.
Givf-n under my hand Ntid private seal
(tocre bring no seal uf < ffi v ) third
day of February, one thousand eight
hii”d.ed ano twenty five.
Ft 8 63 f
Attachment Sale,
On the first Tuesday in March next,
W ILL be su'd at 'he Court-t'oiue, be
tween the h« ursof ten and four o’clk,
1 wo negro slaves named Ssmpa >n ard Ab
ner, attached as he property of William fi.
Fergur.ou, and soid by order of Court,
L D’LYON, S. C. C.
Jan 30 56
Marshal’s Sale.
On the first Tut fday in March,
' t WILL be soli before «h' C. urt House,
'ifJ i*' the citv ef Savannah, between the
UuuiSof 10 and 2 o’clock
ih tt TWO LOTS, Nos 27 and 28, Jack
son Ward, and improvements thereon, levied
on as the property of J «hn H Morel, to satis
fy the balance decreed to bo due on a dia res
warrant, issuing from the Treasury Depart
menl of the United Etstea, *-g.inst A.S. Uu*.
loch, Juhn H. Morel, ai C »-»vi«l Lni*>T
Marshal Dim G o.
Jan 21 47
Admin strator’s w ale
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
April next, at the Court-House in
the city of Savannah, hy permission oftho
Ilonoruble the Justices of the Inferior Court
of Chatham county,
One undivided tourth of a tract of land,
containing about five hundred ucres, on
Cumberland Island, Camden County,known
us I’lum Orchard, and an undivided fourth
of a certain tract of land situated ou said
Island, containing about five hundred acres,
originally granted to Gen. Lachlan M’in-
tosh, and hounded on the south by the said
I’lum Orchard Tract.
Also, a tract called Lottery Hill, situate
on the Ogeechec Road, three miles from
Savannah, containing about six hundred
acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S.
Ilayard, deceased—suld for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors, of said estate.
Administrator estate N. S. Ilayard.
Feb i oilaf
Administrators £tdc.
\\yil L be noil) nt the GjiKt-Hoime in Sa
w van nth, on the first Tuesday in M'rc
next, betw ecu the hours uf ten aud two o’clk.
the persmud esti'e cf Juhn Clark,deceased
Terms ol sale cash.
A-lmiuis;rator uf J. (’lark*
J«n t4 4’
Administrator’s Sa e.
W ILL ue a. d on the first Tuesday ir
V rch nert, at the Court-Huusc in tin
civ of Savannah, within ‘he hours prescribed
»v’ law, TWEN'i’Y EIGHT SHARES 01
PLANTERS* BANK S FO* K, belonging ti
ho es ate of Gon-tant Fr^em-n, Esq decean
•<l* Sold fo* the benefit of the heirs am.
creditors of said eitate Terms of sale cash*
14 42
Sheritt’s ales.
On the Jirst Tuesday in March next,
T1TY?iLL be sold at the Court-House between
V# the b'tura of 10 and 4 o’clock,
The following six m-grots, Hun »ab, Isaac
London, William, Peter, and Hannah, levied
on und'tr a fi- fa oii foreclosure from Joh
Hu!*ter to the *1 niters’ Bank.
F ur negroes Billy, Mos* s. Will and Jen
ny, levied on uader a ft* ia on forecl.-sute
of a m »*tgage from C. ti. Ha)den, to Jeremi
ah C»> ♦ or.
A q anlity of Hons :hold and K tchen Fur-
nitu o, levied on under a fi fa *>n .‘oreclosme
of a mortgage, from Eleix^r Early to Ames
jm 3 32
City 'lieiitV s wales-
On the Jirst Tuesday in March next,
KTtfILL be sold iu front of the Court-
louse, ir. the city of Savannah, be tweer
the usual hours uf ten and three o’clock,
AM the buildings on the css ern half ol lo'
No 5, live, St Gall, Oglethrope ward, levin
on as the property of E’ias K, Roberts to sut
|siy an etecu' ion in favor of the Ge-mnn Lu
theran Church, vs- Bli»* E Roberts*
One negro woman named Maria, and her
child Doll, texUdou as the properly cfRob*
Charlton, dec. to satisfy an eaccution from
the Court of Common Pleas, and Oyer an.
Terminer for the City of Savannah, Salma
Mauton vs. B!l*a Charlton administratrix <
Robert Chariton, dec.
Jar "0 56
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the first Salnrti.y. after the firtt Tue*-
il»y in M.rch, will be tuld tt the liar,
ket House, in tlia town of St. M.rya, between
the hour* of ten and four o’clock. • ntfro
boy named M «e% levied on aa the property
of Cornel iua Bain, to. aatialy an execution on
foretloaute of a mortgage in favor of J ihn
Chevalier. M. H HSBBAUD, S. C. C.
St- Marya, January I, Ind
ian 8 3?
An opening for eulerpnze
SOO \a\wab\« LftT?,
Situated on the principal streets in Loicer
Hamburg,(improved and unimproved.)
W ILL be sold to the highest bidder, on
Tuesday, the 18th January next, in
the Town of Hamburg, S. C-—One half ol
the purchase money, cash ; the other half,
to bear an intercut of seven per cent, per
annum—the interest to be paid annually —
My individual Notes, and the Notes of the
following Banks, viz. The Bunk of Ham
burg, Bank of the United States, t he sever
al Banks of this State, and the Bunk of Au
gusta, will he taken in payment. The pur
chasers of unimproved lots will be required
to improve thereon. The sale will contin
ue from clay to day, until the whole is dis
posed of; when the terms of sale are com
plied with, indisputable Titles will be made.
Hamburg, Nov. 2 4.
Sale Continued.
HE sale of the above Lots has been
postponed until Tuesday, the Tld if
February next, on which day the sule will
The Charleston Mercury, the Charleston
Courier, Southern Patriot, City Gazette,
Columbia Telescope, South-Carolina Re
publican, Pendleton Messenger, Augusta
Chronicle, the Constitutionalist, Savannah
Republican and Georgian, will publish tin*
above once a week lor three weeks, and
forward their accouuts to me for payment.
January 26
Jan 30 56fp
Georgia— Camdm County.
Superior Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selvester
, -.N petition of T m *thy Hopkin*, stating
“ that in consider alien of certain prom-
■siirryi note*, made to the said Timothy, by
them, one payable with interest, from firm
of January, 1821, on the fir§t of January. 1822:
* second psY* Q,c •• • f ' , re*ud !» on the first of
January, 1823/ and a th’nTpayaoie is «r.m».
said, on the first «f January# 18.’4, executed a
mortgage to said Timothy Hopkins, his her,
and assigns, on all those four tracts of k;,d p
situated in the county aforeitid, conveyed ty
the said Tiuothy, to the said Langley and
Selvester, and lying on the south side of
Great Satilla River, one tract containing sev
enty-seven!acres, more or less; two tr»c*s
mnuininp fifty seres, more or less, and mu-
tlier tract, containing one hundred and eigh
ty-eight acre*, more or less, conditioned for
he payment of the three said several notes
on the days above mentioned, and that sain
i^verul notes remain unpaid—-nn motion ot
Archibald Ciark, attorney for plainti", it if
ordered, that ih- said Langley and Selveste ,
their heirs or ussigns pay into Cour., withh
twelve months from this date, the sums due
on said notes, and the interes and cos's, oth
erwise that tbe equity of redemption be for
ever foreclosed, and that such other proceed
••’.gs take phice, as are pursuant to law.
True txtracA from the minutes, 27th Octo
ber. 18 4. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk
nov 4 87 4 •'.*
Camden Superior Court.
IU.NHV Hahvord, J Verdict MarchTerm
ThomasKino. > UOti '
O N motion of the Attorney of the Plnin-
tiff, in the above case, it is ordered
i hat the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why a
final judgment should not be entered in
the above case, as of March Term, 1808 ;
:md that, publication be made of this rule,
once a month, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the defendant, sixty days be*
fore the next term-
Extractfrum the Minutes,
dec 23 254u
State of Georgia.
By Elijah Baker, Clerk of the Court oj Or
dinary. far f.iheriy County-
M rs. eiizvjkih vvali hour a P
plies fur *etters of admiuistr ti»n on
. slate and eff r.ts of Thomas G Vebb,
s next of kin: These are therefore, fi cite
nd admonish, all and singular the hnd e ’
*•«»■* creditors of the said decea ed, to |l<* their
t j 'ctiona if any thev have, in my IfHce at
<K.obnrou«h, ou or before the firstMon’av
n March next, otherwise letters of dmims-
.ration will be granted to the su d appoint.
Given under my h nd and seal, t|s tenth
day of January, in the the yea of „ur
Lord eighteen hundred a d :w*ntv five.
L.S.) E* BAKER, C C 0. L. C.
Ian 14
T HAT on thn second Saturday in March
next, at the late residence of John
Bryan, dec. all thn personal property of the
aforesaid deceased, will be offered for sale,
to the highest bidder, for the benefit of the
heirs, consisting of
Cattle, Hugs, Plantation Tools, Household
and Kitchen Furniture, together with
sundry other articles.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
ISAAC BRYAN, > Executors.
Scriven County, (Geo.) Jan. 22, 1825.
Jan 26 62Lf
Georgia—Camden Vounltf.
TffilEHEAS Belton A Copp,fi q apoiies
>#/ to the Cnu' t of Ordinary ol said aun
ty, for L .‘tiersof Administration oi the estate
of Joseph Bixby, late of said coun-y, detcu*
ed : These are, therefore, to cite aid adrroi-
ish, all and binvular, the heirs a»d creditors
of said deceased, to file their ohjertions. if
any they have, in my office, on or V
fust Monday in Marchne\t, o herwi-4 icUft
will he granted th>* applicant.
Witness the Honorable Will am GiHsfi.
one of the Justices of said Cour', ttis
twenty -sec* n 1 day of January, 1825-
.Is- °7 53
T HE undersigned having been appoint
ed by his Honor the Judge of the
Court of Oyer and Terminer, assignees for
the purpose of settling the accounts of the
late firm of Nosier & Griggs, of Ntivanimh,
they having made a surrender of all their
estate, both real and personal, for the bene
fit of their creditors, do hereby give notice
to all persons indebted to -uid concern, that
they must pay or liquidate their accounts,
within THIRTY DAYS from this date,
after which time those unsettled will with
out discrimination, be put in suit. All per
sons having demands against said concern,
are required forthwith to present their
claims, in order that, the trust may be set
tled as early ns possible.
Feb -I 60fu
Cast is sheet iron Dox i-tovts,
No. 6, Gibbons’ Rang*
A LL persons having demands against the
estate of Oliver Sturges, Esq. late of
the city of Savannah, deceased, are request
ed to hand them iu, properly attested, and
those indebted to said estate, ure requested
to nmkc immediate pavmont to
WM. P. HUNTER, Adm’r.
Feb 10 6M.+
J. sshinn’s Panacea.
*T*HE subscriber having discovered tin com
1 position of SH'ALWS CELEBRATED
PANACEA, has row a supply on hau l for
sale ; he lisa reduced thcp’-ice from $3 50, to
$2 50, »r by the dozen g'24.
All charitable insii'utieas in the U. States
iud the puor will be supplied gratis.
If the citizens of the principal cities and
towns, will appoint «n agent to order apt
distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be
This medicine «s celebrated for th'* cure o!
the following diseasesscrofula or king’-
evil a ulcerated or putr'd sore throat, lung
standing rheumatic affections, cutaneous dis
eases, white swelling -nd disease of the hones
and all cases generally of lit- ulcerous charge
'er, md chronic diseases, generally a- is rig in
debilitated constitutions, but more especially
from syphilis or affections arising therefrom ;
ulcers in the larynx, nodes, Uc. and th*«
dreadful disease orcisio.'ed by a long and
excessive use of mercury, Uc> It is aiso use
ful in the of thu liver**’
I have within the last two years had an op
port unity of seeing several cases of Very »nve
terate ulcers, which having previously resist’
ed the regular modes of treatment wer<
healed by the use of Mr. .Swrim’s Panacea,
and I do believe, from what I have seen,
that it will prove an important remedy in scro
fulous, venereal and mercunal diseases.
Profersnr of the Institutes and practice
of Phync, in the University ot Penn
I have employed the Panices of Mr. Svraim.
in numerous instances, within the b-st ihrec
vears i and have always found it extreme!)
pfficacicus, especially m sec-ondary sypiiilis
and mercurial disesres. I have no hesitation
in pronouncing it a medici *e of inestimabh
v al'ie, W. GIBSON. M. D.
Professor of Surgery in the Uni’ty of Penn
Philadelphia, February 17, 1823.
JOHN SHINN, Chemist.
PUl.delphin -Von 17. 18 '3.
Between Lmtit Income andJ.lm Ucmte, Com-
piai’umt,, and Toler Loconi John TKuniu
Chapman. fU <h and Vnleria.
hjs n if r ; t D fendunts —- -Jaue'ty Subertov
Court. r
T HE Complainants b-ving filed their bill in
this Court, flip o»-j ct of wifi, h i j to p r-
petuste the testimony ■ I certain persons there
in ramed, :.n »it appearing that 'he Defi-i d.
an»s respectively reside beyond i»e Itrnit9 of
tie clue of G orgia, and within tic United
S at» s : It is ordered, that service upon the
8,*ml Defi ndan's be eff-e'ed by publi.a'icu in
one of the G'z rtes o SaiamiKh, uquri-g
the su d Defendants to appear and ar.sw -r h»
s«id hill of ComplHinHu's, ou or betoie the
‘Jeventb dayo April next.
A true cofy
„ , Fi- BAKER, Clerk.
February 10, 1825.
Fe'. »7 71 |
InfopinaUun Wanted
A NY information from, or relative to Mr.
Frkdrrick Lowe, Printer, a native of
Manchester, England, and who, when last
heard from, resided at Montieello, Jasper
county, Georgia, where it was understood
lu* had married a young woman of the name
of White, addressed to Robert C. Lowe, to
the care of the editor of the Charleston
Courier, will be thankfully received.
Bj The editors of papers in the State of
Georgia, and in the Western country, will
conler un obligation upon an anxious mo
ther, by giving the above one or two in
sertions iu their papers.
jan 22 43
L^oking-U lasses.
J UST received, per schooner Retrieve,
an elegant assortment of Mantle and
Pier Looking-Glasses, at manufactory pri
ces, by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
dec 18
nov 24
Spanish Segars.
UD ”“o X qfd<> | ,s P ani “ h s °s' ir3 -
Just received per filohe, and for snlc liy
dec 4
Webster’s Spelling Books,
ECEIVED and for sole by
Jan 13 Jf. B. WEED.
Thomas Cumnunsr and others, Complainants
and William Wallace and others Defendants,
Chntnam Superior Court January Term.
I f appearing to the Const, hy the t ffi >
vit .if lovcph dimming that ?«’illit*m
aoe and Sxtah his wife. M»: j Liny, Ai.u Ob.)
Elixa CUy, Mavy J..i ct Ci'iv, Wdimm Cl»>
loieph Clay, Ralph CUy, Mary Arm flay.
Henry Clay, and Elisabeth Clay, who arc par
ties defendants in the above case, reside
beyond the lim>ta of the state of Georg a,
•md wi'hin the United States, and th».t James
Clay, also a defendant, it in foreign pa t*.
beyond the limits of ti e United States, tin
motiou of compiainHnto’solicitors, it is order
ed tbat the sai l deft ndsnts, first nain-'O, Mo
respeciiveiy appear and answer the complain
ants' bill, within four nv.ntns from the date oi
his rule, and the said James City, within nine
months. And it is further ordered, that this
rule be published once a week, *'urimj nine
mouths, in one of the public GaavUet of this
state. A true copy from the mtn» tes.
A.B. FANNIN 4 Clerk,
msv 11 49-f :•»
Be tween W Davies Adm niscrntor, Complain
am and John > a imhnn Athn nisiruiorj fi.
b nis non with the wi l iinnixcd oi IJeor^e
Huhardson, and others, D>Jendun/n -—In
equity (hnham ''upe ior Court— Chancecy,
Mth A .gust, 834
I T appeali; g dm John Murray Carnochitu,
one uf the ■!ct 1 *i;d.mts in the said bill *4’
i umplsint n im :d, resides without the: si of
Geo’gis, in thut part of the Unit-id Kingdom *
o' Great Britain and Ireland, called SentUrd :
it t$ ordered lht*t the «sd John Hui rav Car-
noclian, do api «ai at d answer to the com-
plautant’s said bill- w.tifin nine months from
the d;te of this order, othervise that ti» rt
s.fid bilious to Irm, be *alcen pro confess-’ .-
a id i* is 1u«*t'ie' ordered, that a copy of this
rd*.-r he publish'd once a *veek. in one of
he- pub he G Z" tts of this state, until the ex*
pirs'ior, -.*! tht* tim;* within which the sai Idc-
Cendant is required to appear and answer as
i ru»* copy from »be M'- tdes, th's ? ; i§* dny
August 18.4 A. U FA -MN, Cleik.
.* •• 4 5'*+
JS oticc
•*’j ,, 'IIAT three months alter date, applica-
*• tion will be mode to the Bank of the
State of Georgia, to issue a new certifiicate
of stock, for one lost, issued on the 17th
March. 1819, in favor of John M’Kinnc.Jttn.
or twenty-five shares, and numbered 243.
Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jun.
Augusta, Dec. 16, 1824.
dec 18 21 fpf
VTIVR month** after date, I shsll apply to
ii the Court of Ordi» aryof UHnfidencouu-
IX, for leave to sell the real estate of John
f) Young, late of sai! county decenred, for the
benefit of the heirs of -:«id deceased.
Administrator estate of John D. Young
17 2Q
N INE months afterdate, application w*ll b.
m*>.de to tit?? Hon. the Jm-gcscf the Cour*
jt Ordinary "f Cha ham c<Mi .iy, fur leave t
sell all the res! estate of the late William Craig
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and c.'ed
iters of said estate-
JOHN M’MSH, Executor
oct 13 7t
N otice.
^JINR months afterdate, I she!! apply to
4.x the Court of Ordinary oft;»mdt u eoun
ty, for leave tooeM a lot of laud, in Mon
roe county, in the tenth dialr:?t m.ei
Mioety-one, belonging t-> the o phans < f Levi
Johns, dec. for the heutfii of *uid orphans-
17 o()
N INR MOM 1 HS bf cr the .late hprenf, up-
plinKlion " ill b< made u, tin lluti. i <hl>
ih.-Inlvrior (Jiiu-t of (Ihjtham county, »h r.
*«••« ,|>r o-'liiikry furpnsua, fj »ve tw fcl
. lot, w-th th“ iropruvemt.-tt., fiitui. e
cuy of S.vtuii.nh. m the’. cutiitfv.i.n'i krew
in I he pl.ii of snul uilv bv tile No! 5.1, n-ow.
Wtird, tor to. heuvtit of the heirt, enrt legatees
of the estate ol the late Ht^lt M’Oall, dc-
Executt rs.
nrt '4 yo
V INK MONTHS niter the date of this
i-M notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
tiitt real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of said
deceased. JOHN \V. STACV,
dec Ih oi
A LL peraun t hsvinp demand, apainsi t' e
• *-tate of (toaatant F'ecmsn, Kmj late ol
the city of W»«htnf>l(,n, deceased, are re
’fired to hand them in, locally atte-ted,
within the time prescribed bv law : and thos
indebted to said Mate, ate requited to m k
nrmediate payoivil, to .
Jan 14 4
T HOSE who have any demands against
the late Matthias Schlosser, late of
Chatham County, deceased, are requested
to render in their demands, properly at
tested ; and those indebted to said deceas
ed, to make immediate payment to
• Qualified Executor.
Jan 15 43f |
V ll 0 P O J5 A L ft
By S.1 itUIU. T. AH H.Vf/fOvVO |
■1 s.on for publishing HHOLTKA
Hide Whips.
GROCE Hide Whips, received and
d Jor sale by JV. B. WEED.
Pi ot Bread.
1 2 ” A , LP BIJ[ ; S - , "F ,is ’ Pil °t Broad
J- M just received ami for sale |, v
dec 29 J ' B ' HERBERT &, CO.
Can on Castings.
a©o<B(M) r n 0UI ? DS p“ rr °n Cast.
, T„ ln 8*t for sale low. bv
decU * N. B. WEED.
I * shill be well primed, on gi*od psper,
be comp isrd n«L han lftome v*lu e ». p
v|’l " tl.o Serb turi-x (,f ovi
A* w Te laments. I Jut odtic o-'y Q' t- t Vli -
ExpL'.auny ■'*oies .«tt .1 Cbumm^
nil iue .:t*p;n«H .liar rinf Itrfe.cnees,
. .i.iuted ur.-rd lor v ov; f- ■<» ;he l.oi.lon
3‘erv'.>typ» K lit on, puht.shed ijrce the \j.
1 hop’s dec'te>The prior* \v»l: be R^iin
hunrj*;» ^' , 4. i*t sh. en 4 8 0. in rnjfbrdip*
The vh > ^!»rk #ill be ready for delivery
M*.I8J5, ;
Exit acts of Lette s add rs ed'o the Pub'ls'em,
I eat»ch) Dr S o f'. F .m '/*, emin ,•,•!»
ea cutal^l lu promote ibu esus* of truth
1 reiy. li seen,s scarcely poyi ble for
-•pad daily ih**? N'dceand Ohtervafiont m'h;
family Hihle without becomings
'nite r man. EDWARD I) Gt FKIN.
I have Been no rnroso utsry »,f the
Scriptures which 1 thirik ao well adv »r* 4 *j;i
general use end edification, ll i» a trebun
*., hich evepj fsr.nly ought to poaii ss.
It is a work distingu'9hed for tbe rimpli>
tv «nd cot.veitic.-nee uf its arrang. meut, the '
clterntis and filelity of its exporiticnB, Hit fe
utstneBB and p -rspicu ty of itv style, the e- f
nevuli noe and candour of its spiri*, the cor-
f’iseness nnd pertiuency of'Tts spplicatiini, r
and fur its uniform t pdt-ncy to yio note evin* g
gelioel truth aovt piety.
Of Dr. Scott's Family Bible, 1 feel IKet? !3
say, tln.t in my estimation it deservedly r;
4 *ong our ablest and ovs* vjm*n. n'a i»*s.
D Scott’s Family B blc* momci. $
Dfctaii.v for t c use of ohristtan smihps. is 1 3
,vork high y evangciicsi, extens.vciy matruo ■
• tve, and deeply in erect it tr
Tbo character ot Dr. Sen’s C jipmenUiy
•* R th'-Bij'e i?. so geiirrslK kown ( and &
ghlv approved s nongst toe m ;st inteihgt-.t -5
•u»d pious Christ'ana throughout, our co 1 it.,, J
..tld hjspxwtd rupidty H-.roughtu many Isi.-* *
■litions, that 1 deem fuither rec jinmem’i*
•ion* needless*
I am acqnsini »d with no - , t v 0 ?i
th • c w*u h 1u.., c
cordially i*cc« niir;>. - a for gv. nefBl me. The
plan of the work is rood
Perhaps in no wav, can *tunn-l. is •»( ..icier*
f votith, an*'private C»t itiisns, f
i»*rv c«* to society, than b? eTert»n.r them..
He’ves to d.»S'_mio' it* this truly i-ivnimbl#
w- k JOS HU \ H UN ri.VGl'tet,.'
I xnowof--o On-nmeuta y wh-rh i* better
CHicuUted for diflusing correct vie \> i .fithj
great irutl • cf Ciirhtisnity, *r d Icl-v ng sslu-
»rv impassions on th* mind when rinir.v
r« m the pe' u sl of it, than the one you w
•'bout topub iah.
No writer sc ems less disp .aed t»crnienJ
tor barrtn epcrulri-m None more unifo-m.
•>’ or m» rt powe.fully incuics'eithe g/e*i «b»
>rnt.isli of religion. The spirit which p*-T*
v tides the work is excel!* n' j w is the n.r k,
affe^iionsre, healing, yet faithful spirit >f the
gospel- DA IKL DANA.
From particular ex irninati n. and concur
r.*ng testimon,, there is no doubt on my mind
that Scott’s Family Bibb* •*> supi r.or to ail
You will nfeitflt- to set d r ne six copies ol
Scott’s Bible* ,• I refer to your ttely propoiH
’dilion Pi:/ nap- I shall induce five m<*re to
tak«* the s-me number. h. L.
I* is with extreme pleasure 1 perceir?
- tl * 6 to publish s new e.liiioil rf
BtMe. Having been in p.xjpMiort (i
t more tl a 1 ^0 y■ tr**, ( trus 1 know gume
'hing nf its fxi'ie, a;- % *m dele, mire t to ore,
mute userculsiion among my friend* Yeu
* l i Pte*e forward six copies «» soon as nvtr
ishc«L c# y
I have obtsimd four snb.cribers for tlie
excellent work >ou arc publishing H, s.
I Propose to take seven net* of Scott’s Ui*
ule. and will be accountable lor the same.
J Q t
I h.venh(.,ned s> tv- i‘j rsturnin'.-c r:ti
>f Xcml’a F unily B tilii. j. (!
I >l<*!l nrnlisMy need eight or ter 9 ■(.!
Scuti’s Family B.hle. j
Rev. S. S. ol K. b.s o' tained ten a ! n -
boH. f , |,
l have obaerved that vo« nru .hunt uub.
list m|f .nmher edliioo of Sco t’s 1) bie
hope you: m-ysureue iaa you h ve .lone in
turmer tiditioii'*. I have been endeavoring te
procure subscriber.' im, our people, and
euur more sub.cnbera wiil be ed.
I will take ten seta (of Seuttb/Vhle)
bound and lettered. j p.
I Obtained ten iubscriber* for y„iu
odiUun of the Family Bible-,md W r»
il’ unt but there might be someth;/ g like 100
cop.ea «i d in this place if you ha.1 « n w nt
herr_|,!,„ u ght rhe ,v„rk ouRhl t„ be en-
cuuragtd and for hat r. -sun took • suhacrib-
'om. paper It is a uoik that every f t mi)(
should have that is able tu purtliaie. ’
J- F< if’G
lam glad, >h«t propose lo print II'
aeop-a excellent Family Cummin.ary, and
alnothl be very rIh J if ,t were in my power U
,pve a mure patronage 10 the work,
ban, aa circumstance, are, I can. I .ball,
Inns e. able to do sometliing , ciebt rr
•en Ml, | shall certainly taker and it may be.*
double that number, ^ ^
ScouVRble P °" Jred fifteen
, 1 ' hi "* I ,» h,:1 ,li »P 0 »e of 20 acts or mm e I
, he Family Bible. K B
' I,ve circulated proposal* for Srott'r,
B blc ,• now many Ira.e been rngaged in all(
cnnot i' l,,' but between 20 and JO era i.
U i vicii ily. j g
I hive eonrhi *ed to become responsible
to you for tAirly tet, of Scott’s Commentary.
I have procured 106 aubseriber. Vo “he
Bible r 6 seta to be bound in calf, 3 sera io
be done rn boards the other 97 seta, bound
ud lettered as described in the proipectui.
!!• If.
pregume I could procure 300 subscri
bers fur your edition of Scott’a Biule The
demai.d is increasing for them Th y will
hoa ly supersede every other large or Fanvty
B'b e. Filly o' my aubacribera live within a
circle of 8 mdt ■! j p
Just published an edition of the sans woaa,
completed in sis volumes, vitk.ut
«rerencei,' price m hoards gtH) in ehtr,
ftjl .■ in calf JJ27. Either of editiuna
in»y be had of thr publish r in Boston ; or of
S.C. !aj SCHRNCK, Savannah.
Js I! ^9
Marking Brushes,
O F a superior tjuality, just received ai
for sale by GEU. R VERSON
nov 20