Newspaper Page Text
Sheriff's Salts.
On the first Tuesday in •March next,
W ILl. he s"Id at the Court Home, in th
city nf 9rtvannah, between the hours o
ten end four o’clock,
The following 5 neg*nes, v'z : Peter end
bis wife Sarah, their childr* n ll»ry,Tvro, u< tl
Percill'j* levied on at the property of Jumei*
Bilbo, to sat sfy an execution in favor of tin
President, DiCecto r « and Company of the
Bank of the U. States.
All that lot of ground known and designa
ted as garden lot No thirty-nine (391 amt also
that adjoining half part if another, known a*
lot No*, forty-two (4*2) containing, together,
eight «nd a half acres, be the same more or
leas, situate to the cast of the city of Savan
nah, and bou.uled to the northwest of lot N«
twenty six (26) to the south and east t *
lands bel <uging to the estate of Hamr’ci
L ilibridge, and to the west by the p'lbitc
mud leading to Skulaway Island, whereon .
brick yard is now established and brown b-
the name of F.thm*s br*ck yard, together w »l
all and singular the imp-nvement mi d appu
tenancrathereunto belonging levied mi as i .*
f iroperty of Jacob F-dvn, u ider a rule abs--
ute, from the Hon the Superior Couit t
Chsthsm County, in favor of Aaron
and Susan h.s wife.
The eastern half lot a d improvement
known in the plan of the City of Savannah,
No. five (5) in Oglethorpe ward, bound*
flnuth by Margaret street, e*st bv lot No.
four (4) and n«» r th by a lane-levied on a
the property of Georgt I* Cope, under a fi i
on a fo enlosurc of a mortgage in favor o.
John Hf-ver.
Al tba. tract of land known fiy fe n*ir-
of Tweed Side, containing (316) acies, c 6-l
teres high Ian ’, third quality, Hi acres lo
land fi Rt q ality» lounded on the nonh b«
8avannah river—levied on under- fi fa in fa
▼or of Simon Donald an ! wife, complainants
•gnmst Thomas N. Morel, and ethers, heirs o
John Morel, dec.
Buddings on part of lot No. thirty one (31)
Liberty ward, in the city of Savannah, bound
ed north on York-street, south by a lane, am*
west by other part of said lot—levied on at
the property of Wm. M.hew, dec. to satisfy
•n execution from » justi* * i couit, in favor of
Thompson & Bonney, against Wm. Mahew,
Security for B. Swift.
Jan 31 56
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in April next.
plLL be sold at the Court House in the
city of Savannah, between the hours of
ten a**d f**ur o'clock.
The following seven negroes, vi* : Davis,
Maria, Paticrcc, Dublin, reck,Trc; h:ra on
Oscar, witb the increase »f ih; females levied
on under a fi fa on a foreclosure of a m^rtgag
as the property of Joseph Car rut hers to satis
fy the Bank of the State of Georgia.
Also, the following 18 negroes, vi : Peter,
Clarissa, David. Z h, Berger, OaUj Antho
ny. B tty, Mary, Dinah, Jack, Jim, Aggy.
Hope, ftessith, Ma gnret, Lucy and Adam,
with the inc ease of the femalfs, levied on un
der a fi fa. o i a foreclosure of a mortgage as
ti e property of Wm. Cl. Wayne, to sati&ly the
Bauk of the State of G < rgia.
Also, ihr followi'ig 85 n gro*s, vix: CuffVe,
(Cooper,; Harriet, ,yfi'/, old Charl.tte, Ju-!\
S ry.;', »*enda\v, Bess, PreceRta and
child, Brdg.-t and Peggy, Wili am, K aay,
Bdley, Phdip Phyllis, oi l Cumbo, Jem y. old
Peggy. 11-ulus, Jesse, Brutus, Sandy, Vlaria,
Cynda, Dick, T»my,Sophia, Daphne and child.
Jacob,5ye,Beck y and John,with the im reate
of the lem-iei, levied on as the property ot
Nicholas Cruger, under a n fa on a foiecioaur#
of a m >itg.ige in favour of John Cann-han ai d
James alCflenry for use of Christians Lcvett
Also, a n“gro man named Sun levied on a
the property ol Char'ea E Fhn, under fi fa.
on a foreclosure of a mortgage in favor o
James Anderson.
A'so, the following 19 negroes, vizAHra.
bam. Harry, Cato, Chance, Daniel, Aaron,
Sambo, Lucy, Su-pio, Maryan, Rachael, Lon
don, Aggy, Simon, Gr«'m, Ehxa Geuig-v, R.
dy a <::d Jim, with tbi increase of the females,
levied on as the property of Flemming Akin,
dec. under a fi- fa. on a foreclose e of a nr.rt-
gage in favor t>f Wm. Down fk Co* saaigrecs
of M irdoch M'Liud. I- D” YON *S*. r. C
Jan. 11 *6
SUeiilV’s ..ali;s.
On the fiat Tuesday in Mat ch n r xt t
p.LL he sold a. <h» Court-House be ween
the Ilnurs of 10 and 4 o'clock,
Tne following six negroes, EUtnali, Dare,
London, William, Peter, and ;f,ni»sii, levied
on under a fi* fn. on foreclosure from Juli.
Hu ter to the Planters' Bank.
F«ur negroes, Billy, Mos.s, Will and Jon
ny, levied on under a fi. ia on forcrLsiue
of a mortgage from G. H. Hayden, to J-.retm*
ah Cuvier.
A q lantitv of Hons hold and Kitchen Fur-
nitu e, levied on unuer a fi. f* on loreclc&ure
of a mo tgage, from Bieuzur Early to Aiik-s
jin 3
lECTioa sm
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
be sold at the Court-House, be
tween the usual hours o ten and tout
Eighty re gro slave®, via. Nelson, Rachel,
^ani, Mo.i r, Cha L*s, Millt"-, Hannah, Harry,
Flora, A-iffi, Sum, Sifvv, Hercules, Braboy,
tolm, D* 1 *d Nan^Vj Philip, Ju ty, John, Har-
y. Eve, l'tiilipj A ina, Lucy, Monday, Tenah,
■•lolly, Henry, Ben, Venus, Cain, Cumha,
• '-elia, F’orv, Nelly, Hinnah, 2-imon, Lakey,
Paddy, Jenny,BruinVhnda, Beck, Panov, 'or,
Hester, July,", Jack, Bella, Finny,
lack, Hob rt, Isaac, Pompey, Cx ur, City,
Willoughby, Fortune, Rtichtl, Phillis,
rd, Mute', Jane, London, Davy, fahmae 1 ,
zzv, Suay George, ti-ace, Ctidju, (.’aty. Be 1 .*
Suiifison, Ihily, Molly ai d Abruhain, to*
ether with the future issue and increase of
e families, levied on under a fi fa oi
■reclosuce of a mo. tgsge, from Cl»** r r ',e L.
ipe, in favor of Peter MitcheP, Joh
PNish, and Kjbert Mit hell
I. D’l.YON, A’ C C.
•»'d 31 ;U
rhe ill's ale Continued.
On the first Tuesday in Marik next,
tWl '• e a*tM at tiu* e'.ourt-ti(m»e. \u h.
•hi *• tv of Suva muh, between ii:e hours o;
. a d four o'clock,
Eighteen nevrocs. v*a.—Charlotte, Barcus.
Eve, Tenah, Titus, S ..nho, Nero, Bclinth
Dorcus, Isavc, Bt-sa, Sippio, Carlos, C-loe, Peg
r/ Anne. B tty, and Monday, levied on h»
s.-nt, »' the properly of N G. Rutberfoid
ndcr a fi fa. on a ftneclosure of a mortgage
n favor of the Ba»*k of D irien.
Feb 11 66
Administrators Sale,
On the first Tuesday in April next. y
[ WILL sell hi the Court-Hu^e in J-fL r-
son fSamdeti County, between the u>iul
hours of sale,
Harrv, N»*d, nn*’ his wife Tam»»r, and he
tour children, Daniel, Stephen John nn<l Yj"
ck, the property ol the Estate of Le gv
Morrison, d*tcpas**d, for the ben* fit of th-
creditors and heirs ol suid #sta’..-, pursuant tj,
eave granted by the 1 '.mittof Odina* of said
ounty. GEORGE MOICtl ON.'
Admin strator, with the H i.'l annexed, id
Georire Morrison, Sen. deceased,
f eff?r» »n, i?4 a Jan. 1825.
Feb 7 53
Marshal’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in .Tlurch,
ILL be sold before the Court Ifowe,
t* the city of Savannah, between tin
. ,.ura of 10 and 2 "VJock
* h ae TWO LOTS, Nos 77 and 28, Jack
Ward, and improvements thereon, tev'e-
n us tin’ property of J *hn H Morei, to sat
v the i* * a ce d* creed to bt due on a dis res
•V3rr*nt, iBpumg from the Treasury Depart
m»*nt of the United States, sg -i nt A. S. But
inch, John 11. Morel, a d UaviiULi ifo*
Ilarshul lio Gro.
Jsn 21 47
A dministrator s Kale.
xVWlI.L be sold at the G »urt-tlouse in S *
vannsfi, on the hist Tuesday in M re
next, between the hours of ten and two o'clu.
he personal estate f I .on i.’lark, duceased
Terms ol sale css -.
A-im'Uih»rator of J Clark*
7*n t4 4-'
Administnitor’a fca e.
, 5'&/'lf ; i^e a (1 .ii t:.e Hr»t i ue>doy !
f 7 vJ .rcb next at rii- Co irt H- u.u* -n t‘i
ci-y of Si»va n i-ah, wir»«iri he hours «-i ih*
>V law, T W: \*: V E1GHT SHAH Hi O »•
PLANTERS' BANK SO K t.cou.riiig *
lie es-fte *>t‘ '.-n t «’.t F-i-en.ii, Esq d**cv n
?d» Sold for tiie benefit of the hft.s u
creditors of said C“M«te Terms of fftle nan.-
JAol^iS lit A Tt'-R, AtJin'r.
,lar> 14 42
City heiitt’s *alcs*
On the first Tuesday in March next. t
y ll.L be sold <n front of ilie Court-
House, in the city of Savann »h, between
; usu-il hours o f ten and three o'clock,
1M the buildings on the eus ern half o‘ lo*
5, five, St Gill, Oglethrope ward, levie
as the property of E'»a» E. Rnberta to *vt
f an execution in fivor of the Ge in«n Ln
iran Church, vs. Elias E Roberts*
Jne negro woman named Maria, ard hei
ild Doll, leried on as the property oi R..b
arllno, d^c. lo satisfy nn cmecu*ion from
* Cou"t of Common Pleas, and 0>er an-
rmintr for the City of Savai nah, Salms
inton vs. Eiisi Charlton administratrix o,
bert Charlton, dec.
A I. D'i.YON, C. S.
Inn 30 56
blicmt s sales.
) V ihe firHl Sa'iir.l.y, »fter ilm first Tuch-
day in March, .ill be! nt tlie Ma
iluuiic. m M>» t"*t> '■*' St. Ma' SB, h. twee.- ten and Inur o’clnea, a nes;f|
tl turned If .rf, levied on a« the pr»|.erl>
Cornelitu Haiti, to aatisty an exeetninn oi
rectoaure of a mortgage in fatrur <>t J In
:ig,alter. s- II IIw.HttakD, ,V. C l
St- aiaryr, January !B 5-
r, - R "7
Jin opening for enlevpnzc.!
SOtt \ r \JW l ,
Situated on the principal slrct ts in Lower
ilamburgi[iinprovtd and unimproved.)
W ILL be sold to Ihe highest bidder, on
Tunvdny. Iho 18th January next, in
the Town of Hamburg, S. C.—Ow half ol
the purchase money, cash ; the other half,
to bear an interest of seven per cent, per
annum—the interest to he paid annually-—
My individual Motes, and tin* Notes of the
following Banks, viz. Tin* Bank of Ham
burg, Bank of the United States, the sever
al Banks of this State, and the Bank of Au
gusta, will be taken in payment. The pur
chasers of unimproved lets will he required
to improve thereon. The sale will emit in
ue from day to day, until the whole is dis
posed of; when the terms of sale are com
plied with, indisputable Titles will ho made.
Hamburg. Nov. f 2t.
SheritPs Sales.
Tf*T?ILI. be sold, t the Matkt'.-Huisc,
the Town of S Mays, on tin* li
htu d.v after th" fiist Tuesday of V i
next, between the h"«»rnof*cn and four *r*.-
One negro man turned Cato, levied *.n •.
the property of Jose-.h Ruin, t** satisfy an tv
ecu*ion in favor of Belton A- C *pp.
Also, Our um'lvi led third of three nevro
slavv», o wit *. t 8ophy, Jmenter, rid Sand*,
levied on u« the property of Ja *e L'NexI, t*-
s.,ti*fv nn*-xt:cu ion in favor of R Brunet, by
his Guardian.
A so, One tract of land on Crook”** Hirer,
containing 150 «crea, bounded nor h bv vr-
”»nt lai d, east hy A- J Pratt's L"d, ai.utli b\
Crooked River an* 1 marshes, west hv E.Shear
man, the greater part of said tract is under
'niltivxtion—one p.«ir Card Tables, one oai«*
fir - lugs, i hovel and to* gs, one clock, ha.f a
1 z n (si’vor) I able-sp 'ous, levi d on is th»
n operty of Abram Prat’, tosalmfy an emeu-
ion in favor of U A. Coop.
St* l|;*rva, Jan. .9. 18«5.
Fe > a
Georgia—Tlryan County.
fhj Joshua Snt ih Cleric of the Conn of (Jr Jin
a y °f ‘he ('ounty uforesi ul,
r » AI.L a:»OM It ij \Y - o .BERN.
,f/-|ElC’AS W illiam Al«» >r, <u ihe Countv
ri B illc.’.h, appli< b f *r I, tP*rs nf Ad
i.uatioo m th' estate and tfL ots of S «tn
Rv on, formerly of Liberty Cotiniy, dec :
»re heref're'<* cite and admonish h!
*.! ainguls** the k • d d and cedii -rs of «ai*.
-i-'.caae, t fi’ oljectiona (i any the/
• rve) in rov < ffi on »»• before the fits* M.»i-
diyin March next, otherwise loiters of »ul*
mio'stia’in * will be g;-*- ted the ap-pheant.
Giv ii under my hui «j «rd private seal
( here being no seal of * tfi .-) tois third
day of February, one tnouaand eight
hit* *bed an i 'went)* five.
F • 8 6*3* t
rnilK undorsigimd having been appnint-
JL ed hy his Honor the Judge of Lite
Attachment Sale,
On ihe first Tuesday in March next,
jpD.L be so d at the Court-Houmc, be
tween the tn.ui soften and four o’ofk.
I wo negro sUvs named Sampson &rd Ab
ner, attached as he property of Wiiiiam E.
Fcrgu- on, and sold by old *r of Court.
I. D’LYON, S C. C»
Jan 30 56
Sale Cootmucd.
T HE sale of the above Lots has been
postponed until Tuesday, the ‘22#/ of
February next, on which day the sale will
The Charleston Mercury, the Charleston
Courier, Southern Patriot, City Gazette,
Columbia Telescope, Sonth-Carulina Uu
publican, Pendleton Messenger, Aurrusta
Chronicle, the C**, Savannah
Republican and Georgian, will publish th
above once a week tor three we»*ks, and
forward their accounts to me for ptivment.
January 26
.lull 30 r.Glr*
Aclmin st ator’s Sale.
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
April next, at the Court-House in
the city of Savannah, by permission of the
Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court
of Chatham county,
One undivided fourth of a tract of land,
containing about five hundred acres, on
Cumberland Island, Camden County,known
as Plum Orchard, and an undivided fourth
of a certain tract of land situated on said
l: land, containing about five hundred acres,
originally grunted to Gen. Lachlan M’ln-
tosli, and bounded on the south by the said
Plum Orchard Tract.
Also, a tract called Lottery Hill, situate
on th Ogeechee Road, three miles from
Savannah, containing ubout six hundred
acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S.
Bay ard,. deceased—sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors, of said estate.
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Fob 2 58uf
G orgui—Camd'H County.
SrPEuion Court, October Term. 13*24
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langluy and Selvusler
• ,N pebti'n of T*m ••by Hopkins, rdfttmj
' that »n conbide.ation »*f certain piom
•saury; n »t*rs, made to the stud 'I’eiiothy, fit
them, on" pHyable with inte t s‘, from fir^-
n r January, 1821, on tlu. fi r st of January. 1821
• second pf mole as aforessi , on the i <s. **
January, 182.1; and k tlunl pH* abi’as . f rc
*Hid, on the Hist of January, 18 :4 exeuu d u
•mortgage t.* said '•*».*ioti.y Hoj kios. lus I t
and assigns, n all those four tr ,f iS of L.d
sj.tuated io the county aforesaid, evuveyedu
• fie said Ti uothy, to the suid Langley ar*<
.--'Ivester, and lying on the south bi'.le ’
Gicut Satilla Piver, one tract coiitsining suv •
eol' -seven)acres, more i rles;#; two t hc-s
contnining fif y ac r cs, more or leas, ard one
ther tract, containing one hundred and eigh*
\»e»gbt acre-, more or Jess, conditioned foi
he pavnient of tiie riif*.*e said st v--ral n rt *es
*n the days above mentioj-td, and that a«id
. vr»tal notes rtmam unpaid—< n motnn «»■
vrehibaid C ark, Hitorney for plainti-, it i
0'*<lei*ed, that 'h- sdd Langley sorl Selves e ,
their heirs or rssigus pay lotoCoiif., withi.
iwclvc mouths from tf.iv dstt, tin* smith du •
•n ‘Hid notes, ^nd the in to re* and c* s‘?, mb
i.*r»i. e that tue eq;n*y of rtitemption be fo -
.wer foreclosed, a**d *!».•,t su r h other proceed
• take p! ice, j«s are litirsum.t to :a*v.
True, ‘-j# r.i-v fa-ni ihe mm 27th Orto*
ot.r, 18 4. JOHN BAhJlY. Clerk
nov 4 H7 ^
Court, of Oyer and Terminer, assignors for
tin* purpose of settling the accounts of the
In to firm of Nosier & Griggs, of Savannah,
they having made a surrender of nil their
estate, both real and personal, for the bene
fit of their creditors, do hereby give notice
to all persons indebted to .‘aid concern, that
they must pay or liquidate their accounts,
within THIRTY DAYS from this date,
after which time those unsettled will with
out discrimination, be put in suit. All per
sons having demands against said concern,
are required forthwith to present their
claims, in order that the trust may be set
tled as early as possible.
M. HERBERT, ( Assignees.
Fob 4 60+u
N otice.
A LL persons having demands against the
estate of Oliver Sturgos. Esq. late of
the city of Savannah, deceased, are request
ed to hand them in, properly attested, and
those indebted to said estate, are requested
to make immediate payment to
WM. P. HUNTER, Adm’r.
Feb 10 6f«l.f
J. Shinn’s Panauka.
1 'IHE snbscrirt. r mhv ingilbiaovered Uv com
. poshhn ni S'fVMM'S
PANACEA, has now * supply on h-mo foi
fie ; he hxs reduced thrp ire from £3 5Q, to
$2 ?0, or by the dozer- jgJ4.
All # heritable instUu‘ in the U. States
ind the pour will be xupelitd gratis.
11 iue citizens of t!>.* principal cities and
•twna, will app-..nt u* agent »n order an
lismbnte tbia mcu.c’ * i to the p^or, it will be
sun? lied.
Th s is n.VSrated for tb • cure r
he. f nlowiog chseascs 114 acrofu'a or king*
*vjI, ulcerated or put-d fare throat, In ;
-Und'ng rliPumaric affections, cmuo.’i us >.'u
.acs. bite sw»Dirg jtiil dig*'se nl *h-;: hone/.,
•md all canes generally of th* ulcer* .utt cbn-at
'?r, an.i chronic drir ig*s. ge mraliy h :g og ir
Jcbi'itsted consuti fi s, bu» morn: wpcciaiij
f:o’ B' pbih.1 or hR* ct'oris arising Uitrefr *tr. ;
uleer-' in th# laqoix, nodes, -.ic. andthn
•Landfill dis'-'seo c S'U'CO by a b*-*g »n
occp' vf ust- *.)f merrury, fjc 1*. is ais > ust.
rill in Ute dis • .sp of tin* fiver "
I have w’.hin the lust t.' » yesra lia l an op
•‘rMipitv t awing sfvc. .. msei* of very mve
••tv r n, Inch havi ig previously r**mst
oil *• >tg*j«ar modes f treatment v .**•-
healed by the use *>f Mr. Swi* : .»T.'s Phi.'- *.
c*d 1 •!»> beJiet’o from ivfinr I have s«. .
'■led it will prove i»n import* • i remedy in Swt.i
it does, ven#*i*esl and meicu i»I#l *s**h<i-8.
N. C-flAPM \N. M. D
ProtpR'c oft-.v I»8rit*»tes .v.d prncticc
tl Ptiy.«c, in the U..iver<>jty ol Penn
I have e .ptoyed (fu* Pmaeva of Mr Swaim.
:n numerous .n .umcca, wiri in th# l s* threi
**s-« J and nave a'\vj*ys f.iind it extremei)
thcacious, es )« , :iH*l'* m ser-ond-iry avp u| >
*•.«] mercurial diseaves. I have no m s.uttor
• pronouncing it a w.* oi**- <• *>r , nestin' able.
■aVif, W. GIBSON, M D
Professor of Surge! v in th lie »• v ul Penn
P F -hnihn 17. 1823.
Jtu >v SHINN, Ciiemiat,
Phil de'fdiia .<Vov 7 * p 3.
Camden HupitrLr Court.
IlE.NIiy Harfoud, J ... , ,p
f Verdict March! erni,
Thomas King. ) E-Oo.
O N mot ion of the Attorney of the Pluin-
titf, in the above case, it is ordered
that the defendant do shew cause, on or lie-
lore the first day of the next term, why a
final judgment should not be entered in
the above case, us of March Term. KM<8 ;
and that publication be made of this rule
in equity.
Bi‘!wc’n T.ou’a f.ecnnie an<l John fsc'^te, f*ooi
/.'■! •« Ptieo rtumu
O 'r.flmn, *«,««.,/, ,„.J V Jt.ia
1,10 llifr, li fciiiknn l,i.e lu Hub.nov
*a'»M5Comp!»ir.»nt« h-vi-.p- fi'crl their bill in
I -his OniiH. thr oh.j -• of wl.h h is to p. r.
pet..... ibe testimony >.t certHittper.'t.if. there*
... named, ‘n H it nppen. .n^ that 'he Uef n<!.
once a month, for ihttr im.nth.s, in ..tie ,.t’i f* rrspre ^vei" r'-si te l.ey-nfi .re l.oeti ol
the Gazette? of this District, or that n cony i V t 6 '' ", * “’ti n t> U.itec!
Sul... I. s or.lered, that eerrice upon the
bo servcil on the defendant, sixty tlaya be
fore the next term.
Extra,IJ'nm thr .Mimtlrs,
dec Q.i h.'-yt;
State of Georgia.
By Elijah Baker. Clerk of the. Court of Or
dinary. for Liberty County.
M 'fS. Ei IZ lE i M * V AL l uUR, np
plies lor of uijnii.»;s‘ tiuu on
m- *-state n*.d • IT els of Thcmas G V"eb!»,
s next of ko*: These are ♦? j ref*i . t * #;it*.
11id admuu'ihb, a!! a*.d sieguLr ill** hi *d e
«n*l r.iedfiors of rim said iW.**a eri, .'fi- too
i-j *otions if any thev have, in n.y «ffi • *•
Ho., bAr'Mi.;h, on or u efor-* the firs’ il i i*
i vU^cb nr*t, o'her wise leters i4 a iniis*
rniii-n wilt be printed lu the s.i cl .*pr I rant.
G*vt»n ureter my h nd, tbw t* «»*•■
d«y of Jut uary, m t!.e the ca* of n
Lord fcigateen b'uv'rcd a i w- i*\ fi.e
•*:.) E* BAKER. C. C O.L. C*
• n *rJ
Tar, l itch, It-’Sin ftje.
U\J 10 do .Pitch
10 do Rorin
5 do bright Varnish
i-or stile by A. BASSETT,
No. 1, Mongin’s Now-Building.
. Teb4
T HAT#»n till* sncoml Saturday in March
next, nt the lain residence of John
Bryan, dee. nil the personal properly of the
aforesaid deceased, will be offered for sale,
to the highest bidder, for the benefit of the
lieirn, consisting of
Cattle., Ho<rs. Plantation Tools. Household
and Kitchen Furniture, together with
sundry olio r articles.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
ISAAC BRYAN, > Executors.
Scriven County, (Geo.) Jan. 22, 1325.
Jan 26 52i4
(#< orgia—Camden Count;/.
TO \. . vfHOli 1 . *IAY • Ov; E N
^’f/ lEitEAS Bcito*> A Ifi-pp, fi- q «>uplie
#•# to the (ion t (.1 O ioary of ?-f,d >- nn-
iv, for L Iters<-f Admit i»iiHtit>n on t< v i c-mt -
.•t Jusc ph llixijj, hte oi s ud ccu » y, c’.cc* m
t!*l: rimse arr*, theieforc, to c,t hik! u .null
ish, ali a id kiiri.Iir, <he heirs vdc ;- i toi
ol s^iJ decea^i d, lo file, their c'.je ti . k it
a o' ri'ey have, in my office, on or >». f. e the
u s'- il-mday in March ne t, o kerwi e letters
Wdl be granted the applicant.
Witm ihe H mumble VV'li ai Od’son,
one of Ihe Justices of 8-nil Cun , tins
twenty bcc< n I day of Jsnnsn. 18 T-
Jan -7 51
S’ntt s :
*"‘d D' f# nd"n*s be efiVy.e I by pnbli h i* n in
one r I'e G z ties «» r.a Hon di t r#qii iv K
ihe sa d Dcfen«tants *«» pppearari-t (,nsw h
s.-’d •'*!! * f f O!#:pl«*n»..'8. o*‘: or beb ie the
Jevcnt *'#••'» Apr ! next
A true copy.
V.. B ’ K vn , Clerk
February 10, 18'. 5
Fc 7 r*«j
InC. c-.uut*.«a W ttiUeA
A N J information tj'rm, or reiative to Mr. Lowe. ]Mn
Manch««Hter. Eughind, a no
heard from, resided
Thomas Camming and othc-a, Complainants
and IVUlium Wallace a:nl uthe s Di.jendti'ih
Chatham Superior Court. January Term
I T appearing to ihe Court, by the i Hi I-
vit of Joseph Gumming that Willi ;rn W »•
icc. and Sarah his wife, Mury CJr*y» Ann C’..)
Sl’.za Clat, Miry June DIhv, William Cl-»>
loscph Clay, R.;1pb Cl>y, Wary Ann Clay,
Henry Clay, and Elizabeth CLy, who are par*
ties defendants in the above case, resid?
h*.*Vond the limits of the s<i ! c of Georgia,
rtiul will in the United Stutes, and tbst James
C?a>, also a *H*fcndant, is in foreign pa-ts,
hiyond'.h#. limits of i!** United Stu'es. On
motion of comp airisntd soiiritora, it ih order
ed that the 8xi I defi-rdunta, fiiet natned, do
respectively appear and B ,-.«wer tlr com: lain
ants* bill, v, iUnnfour m* nthf, from the date nl
this ride, and the lamutt Olay, wi’hm »ti «e
monriis. Arid it is further orilored, ttiat h *
rule, be published a week, 'hiring nmr
■noHlbs, in one of the pnoli**. G.;Zi ttes of tnic
s^a’-e, A true copy from t; c in*n* tcs.
A. B. FAN SIri, flbrrk,
nn” 1! -V’f
i s EQUli’Y.
Between W. Davits Adm-nistmtor, Complain
ant, and John Cumochan Admin strut »v il
bads non with the wit ana- .ted o> (Jco< >p.
Ji:r-'iinlcon t and others, Defendants —/-;
equi'y Ch ahum Superior Court- Chancery,
<(Jtli A gust, 1824
I V appearing .bat John Murray Carnnchar,
one of the defendants in the said bill i,f
rmnpLmt n.mod. resides without the state of
Geo gis, ip H at p.ut of the Umt.-d Kingdoms
ul Great Britain hum Ireland, caked Scotland :
it is ordered that t'»e 9<«id John Murray Car-
nochan, do opj eai at'd answer to the com-
-lainaui'a 8:»id hill, within nine months from
die d»ie of this order, otherwise that the
Said hdij #s t» turn, be taken pro coufesso .*
A.-d it ib fu ilier o»dared, that a copy of this
*rdt:r be publish**d uuce a week, in one of
he public G za U'8 of this state, until the ex«
piralion oi the tun<: within which the said de
fendant ia leqiured to appear and answtr us
True copy from the Minutes, *hi Q 21st #Uj
August, 1824. A. B.FANN1V, Clmk.
PUp-IV* ?4 ,|(*+
r llAT three months after date, applica
tion will be made to the Bank of the
State of Georgia, to issue a new certiiiicnte
of stock, tor one lo&t, issued on the 1 * t h
March. 1810, in favor of John M’Kinne.Juu.
or twenty-five Hi a res, and uiitniiorod 2*i‘J.
B M’M aNE,
Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jun.
Al’/riista, Dec. 16, 1824.
doe 18 21fr{
iS olicc*
INE months u!‘er date, I shall apply 1
.M the th'urt of Oi dinar) of C■•:».- en ? ui
-V’., for leave to mil the ical *-stif* n J u
i). Voting, 'ate of saidcotin’v ,11-rei.srd, to: tin.
benefit of tiic fieirsnf vodder • s».d
JK5SF- C H \ W >'*»!. 1),
AdminisUrdor estate J<*nn !>. Ynung
Jun. f» <■})'
u native ol
. when last
Month*. *llu Jasper
county. Gooriria, wir»reif was understood
he had married a young woman or tin? name
°l VV 11ite, addres: # d to Roh* rt C. Lowe, to
tin* (arc -d the editoi j{ the Cl.urleston
Courier, will be thankfully ro* oived.
iU 'J’liu editors ol panerf, in the State of
Georgia, and in the Western country, will
eoiih*!* an obligation upon an anxious mo
th w, by «d\iiig the. above one or two in-
s. 11ions in tiuir papers.
jail 2‘2 40
1UST received, per achoonor Retrieve,
** nu elegant assortment ot Mantie ami
i ier Looking-Glass s, at manufactory pri
cos, by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
dec 18
( asL is. licet .roil box stoves.
fj*OH SALE by
r N. Ii. WEED,
No. 6, Gibbous’ Range.
Spanish Scgars.
BD LW^rfdo ( S P“ : ’ ish Se g aK -
Just received per Globe, and for sale by
dec 4
nov 24
Webster's Spel inu; Books,
J|ECEIV r ED and lor sale by
i.% Jan IB
M)T1 E
N IN E month; sf.t d,t;, ft { f lic dion w II hr
made lo tin* H-m. the J «'g>» of lh‘* t our
l.viiuary -i C ^-h m c u-»'j* fi' 1 b?«vt* t-
sc! h.I the real, state . f the iatc VVilliMn *°-r«ig.
1 coas-.-d, for the benefit of the heirs and c.eo
t rs ot said estate.
o •» t- ; 7»
HkTIN’E months afterdate, I shall apply to
the *h>urt of Ordinary of Camden ci*un
tor leave to sell a lot of land, iying in Men*
me county, in the tenth dialr.jt n*. nher
n.uety-one. bch-nging t* the o>vhaos of Levi
J ihns, dec. for the oenefit of -aid orphans.
T* tv !▼ 30
N !N?5 M0N5HS aferthe date hereof, ap
plication will be made to the Hon-i»hl-
thr* Inferior Court of Chatham county, wh-*n
gitt;i g f(*r or-liuhiy \ irpoaes, for Lave to sell
a lot, u,, th th*; improvemrms, situa.e intl^
City ut S vg'iosh. in ih#’ said coimty,^!’;! kivwi-
in the \ l»r. of said c:t' by tfi** No. 53, Brow?
Ward, lor tie benefit of ihe heirs and legatee* -
of (he estate of the ute H g*i M’Cull, de
uef '4 7°
SI HU.I • ire. Kin uo».
V il O V 0 A \i ft
1.1011111. /’. A t -ivni hw jj,
• i‘nhi d not tb ' p ib'.isht'iy SCO p c
F.I 'HLV -lU'E contain ny nli ;he Ma-
ten nl lfe r e>tnc s o b* -o p omd iu ]t J
lo. U IF. » /• UV.iJ. Of i A Vi) ,.ud cm ' a
b. Lulled with a life- ,#*« of .he Audio*
,r MS.
I ’ shv'! he well *>. '.i’.#;d, on go*»d {uper,|r>*
*.«• oump 'Si d n ri* M in .*'.omc v* fi, o s ,[
W.8 C iiilHtJ- l*« • Sr.r,; tu r *« i f the (J d -,nl
jYiw Testaments t Int oducto' y 0 l .s> n<a cut,
F.xpl.onunry o;«, hi,P uctic l (tbs -rru 1#w
. ,dl *.lio •;•#. ue Mar >in-1' /lefeien m k *
"« printw! •: ! io a#). - ; f. m die . Jfl
SMre-'tvpc K .tun, .mrifisdif-d rincc ll»<* ^. 4%
hof'adct • : The pri *» will he
board 5 R*'4. hibh -«p , SV30, u c.,: hi*.d,J
'The v\li • . v» jik wili he u«dy L: dc
Mi-. 1825,
■-'•‘Ur} U,
N INE MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will be made to Mm
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to seli a part of
ttie real estate of John Stacy* deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JUILN W. STACY,
«tor j 3 »i
ILprrsnn*- hwe*e «:*na* #1« affairs'fie
c .'ateof t'riutisr.i F et-T.m K-q Lie •►
2 city -f V. aS 'icfft.n, deceased, a e r«
q ired o hand them in, If-ioTy a*r*- ted
*hm t'e; ti re: prr.serib (1 bv l»\v : and 'h^’S
iebtr t.te, are nqircdtu i - k
:nnie3:ate payu-Kut, to
JAMEiLUNir.n, * 1-.V.
r-, n 14 4 i
Notic e.
T HOSE who have any demands against
tiic In MaUliia Schlnsser, latu of
f liathani Coiin.y, dm eased, are requested
to render in their leinands. properly at
tested ; nnd tliose indebted to said deceas
ed, to make immediate payment, to
Qualified Executor.
» T «» L r » 43i.f
Hide Whips.
«fr7> OROCE IliJc Whips, rorpivoii nnd
ww for sale hy .V. Ii. IVEEIX
dec n
Pi ot Prowl.
Fx tacts cf Letters cdtlts cd's th:rgods’?*•#,
lest .ern Dr S:.u t’i F.*rn , B : blv,cy&iu ; a iy
. aii.uistrt.l •«> prun *te lu^ res-: *,f * ruth a*id
j.i# ty. It seen s n*. nccly ;•<•• riblc f r one * a
re ltd d •« i * > thr N-.tea and*.* ,q : ;| e
Fa mlv H'ble wtlmiif hffcumi 'g e w ; i
letter n. ED .YARD D G.f'FKIV
lluve s.jon no ro nm-*uUry cf f.e Suciefi
3cripiurcs whic*. I tl'.nk m w,U u*1»;.te*.
,pr*crai use and edification. It is a ‘.efaeu.c
whichever, famaly ought to p#> : g
A Hi poN.
Ii is a work distinguished fur die simpl .i.
tv dim c«»; VLM>i**n a uf its a.^^ngefnent, i!ie
clearness nr,., fi telity of its e*. f orin^ns, U14
neatness an : p. rspicu ’.y uf it** style, 0^
nevob nee and candour of its spin , the c-a*
ciseness and pt.tine cv of 1 u -ppiiCiUMn-
ami fur it* uniform t d to pt- ••utcev&n*
zie’-ica’. truth ana piety*.
Of Dr. Scott's F. 11 ly Bit,l-. I t; *i « x -r tj
sa> that in my cstimi-tiou i-: ii • rvedly n.,a#
UTtunij ourublv-a 1 **nd b s 'Ixr-. 1 aLri^.
'f lOM is I! Vt.HiVfiY,
D-*. Scott 9 ! Family H .in int* mIcj aureei.
:>eciully fort’ c use of Clris'i-m nnrisca, »a %
wo-k hii*h v evmgnlicfjl, extenonp.y aibiiuc*
tive, and deeply i">‘L*riiSt»i»g.
The character of Or. ScutrL U vamentap/
Ul til- B !».** is so generally k.iown, sad so
•ghl* xpjji-.vcU a »ion.*st th:* m ?«•. mtriiig^.4
* d piouv Ghr.stiavs ihVoagboui o ir,«,»
n • hi*s p««std ri'i.iuiy *1 .i*ugba<» u^nv | u
-iuI'OIjb. that 1 dcwlii fuiibci - /tc iinnicpuS*
ions nceditttS*
J roisR.
lam arqu r dnt**f) vith nu Ucn «mtar/ on
li c iptuica, which I would m*ne
•or*! ui«v rt-C'.m.m i ti tor g« nerd use. The
i-tan uf .he \*Oitc is good
P vlispsinno way, ran nfmiaLrs, i .st'uctnTl
1 ;o:Ui,ui.*! pr.rnte Ub.'istian:, do gteut-.f
* -rvrCc t». society, thvn bjf cxMlrng tl-;m.
ves t*< d.8senn*n*ta this t ulv i-ivuirixle
I <nowof o riommei.ti-y v/:u;h ih b*t#**f
••ul-*’* d for diflusihg correct vi«*aa of 615 ruths tlCi iLticiiit}, aid Itiv-ngs:iin.
ary inipi#8i»ioi s on th iiimd when’ig
■ m the {c u.h! ut it, the cue you are
’ b ,ui to pub
No wejier si ems *l sp. sed t-j contend
for barren apeculsri n# molt* uniform.
Iv or mure pow. f.uly iunfeatesthe grest es«
cntials of religion The spirit which per-
■ dei the work is eXcelU i,'; it U the n.e Is,
uiuctionure, henUiig, yet tai*hf*.| spirit of the
g*.e.jfcl* Da ILL DAN a.
Fiom parti cult* eSiminsti n. wnd concur*
ring t-.-s:un«*n-.', ihe’r is do doubt 0:1 my mind
i.’utt Scotl's Fa.uiiy Bible i« stipe r*ar to ail
- hers JO^’ PiJ BKBRSOR.
You will ptt»«ee to aOi d fue six copies of
P.ciitt'j Dibit: / I .*efbr to your lately proposed
-ditiun Pcrltaps f dull induce rive mare to
take he s me number. H-f.,
It is wrii t*triure pleasure I perceive
v*Hi are about to publish a new eJi.ion i?f
Scott'.« B'Me. llavirg been in possession of
t more than ?0 yearr 9 1 '.rus* i fciv w g 'nic*
rung uf 8s vah.O. and u fi dote-nnre.l to :irO-
>rMe 1 s mrrulu-i -u arnoi*g n>/ sYieud* Y u
will please foi ward y'.i copies w aunn ,g pub-
islied* H
I have oh*.ainod feu* sub-r.vibr.ya f* r the
excellent work you are pohiif.hmg if. 5.
I nropnse to take seven seta *4' Scur.i’s Bi
ble, and will be accountable ii.r lie gam;.
J. 0.
I Iib* ? .“ obtained aubfiCtib ;rs for nine copies
of Scott's F-iinily B ble. J
I shall probably need eight or tar. s ua f
Scott's Family Biole. J. P*
Bcv, S. 8. of P. has o twined ten g::h:.ri*
bers. E. If.
I nave observed that you aheot puiv
li’-bing another edition of Scod'a H hie
•ope you mvy succee • as you ii ve #J v re ir*
ornier editions. I have been eudeavoii t-j
procure subscribers amc.i g our peopw. -.A
.ca or more subscribers win be obwii # !
o. *. H.
I will take ten sets (of ScoU f s fi* • >;
bound and lettered. J V-
1 have obtained ten subscribes f*r y ».r
rt .-it:;-n of the Family Hib-t—; r i lu»v in
1 ubt but <here might be S'*m-::ii:> g A :0>
:opie" rr-ld in this place if you . 0. m a.pnt
!icr_— 1 imuglit Ue work ouyhi to h *-n
I'n-'SK'* d a-.d for hut reuaoo t j -k a s**. •
M0 -« r I is a v oi k that every 1 m.iy
. hou.d Imvc tlixt is able to ptiuliase.
J. E M'fi.
1 am glad, 'hat y u propose i* p.-ipt ?I".
■' ’s ex*. e.'b*!p F .I'vly Cwmm msty, • d
">«ilfi be rtfv g’a * ,f t were in my pow;r to
ve k more libe-al pa r c ag*. o tin* wife,
t v a". as cirruml-i c j #u*. I ran. I nil.
u*wc* er, he ante tn <Tj ; ci*jhi i~
rn ae s I skull 'er’ainiy Uke , anil it »•»> hr
tl uble that number, A. il.
t have p- ocursd aubsrrib< r3 tc
..•cutt'rt Bible. J a, 0,
I riiink 1 shad dispose of 20 Si ts or m» r *
d:e Famriy Bible. E. 11
I have c-vctila'ed proposals for Scott’. 1 *
B bl ; ' o.v ma* y ii*»ve been ngttgtd in ®U I
' ’nnot T, but between £0 and se * in
hs vi-.ii i,y. J. S.
1 havi c included to become responsible
to you to* *hiity s^ts of Scifii’a Cum ;.ei-ta*y.
C. B.
I have procured 106 suh c ihnrs to the
Ibhle; 6 sots to be bound in cu-f; 3 sets ,ft
be done in boards tbeo-hir 9 7 -c s, Ofii.d
sod lettered as described in ihe prusnectiir.
If. M;
1 presume I could procure 500 jubfcn-
r.ers i r your clfiiuii of Scott’s Bitile 'Ihp
«l.:mar.d is increasing for them. Ifiry wi’l
finally supersede every other 'arge cr F- m V
- .l>ie. Fifty o' my subscribers five wii'rin 8
circ'e *;f 8 mil *g * J L.
Just pi.bli bed an editi on of the same wear.
HALF HUES, intis' Pilot Broad,
just received and li»i* t-ah* liv
dec 29
Car run (J a stings.
A", U. WEED.
a©o"ri©^) l ’ ou ^ i>s ciirr(i " c »’-'
44 , Q H'gs. lor sale low, h v
dcc 18 .N-B-VVELO.
•rnmpltfted in rix volumes, without nw r l{ ,lf
referet ccf; price in bovrus J$13; in sl‘ ei ‘P
5521 ; m ia;f $*7. Either of th .ss edifi-'^
m-v be bad of the publish r in BosiOii
S. C. A J SCHENCK. Savannah.
In 1*
•Marking ttv-usAvcs,
O F a superior quality, just received. ant
for sale by UiuO. Rl’ERSOfl
nov 20