Newspaper Page Text
.New Sftties—VvA- VtL
By 0. *5 W. Rdbertson,
* 8?f
IS published t® meet the arrangement of
the> three times a week, (Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday) at the Olfice of hi
p lily Georgian, and contains id 1 the in e!h-
eVr.c e, Commercial, Political and s|is:ellui*
c: „s Tclmlir.g adrertisementa. pub islied ii
the Daily Taper, , ,
1 he Country Paper ii sc tto all parts ol
th>. Slide and Union, or delivered in the city,
at rvr dollars per annum, payable in dvance.
Advertisements arc inserted in both pa .-rs
it fJ cents per square, of U Inez, for c firs
Insertion, and 374 f° r evcr f succeeding pub-
lication. . ,
Commitnioationa bv Matt, must hr Pust-putt
Sul-s of land and il- sroes oy Vdmncatra.
tors, Bxoetitnre nr guardia-a, are required,
bylaw, to be bold on the firs Tueslar in the
c ,„„tli between th" horn's of ten in ih- fore
noon and three in the afternoon, at the don't
r , is'.- „f ihe county in which til" property is
situate. —Notice of ,hi se sales must be given
in a public gaaelte sixty days previous to the
day ofsale.
Notice ofthe sale of personal property must
bop.,- in Urc Atanttt r, Party days previ'm-
tn itie nay af sale.
Notice to lit: debtors and creditors nf an
estate must be published for Forty days.
Not-oc that application will be made to the
C"tirt "fO’dinarv fir :e vc tj sell land, tousi
be publish-, d Nine Months
-Vo. 1A.
<p-H(D SPOTlFo
R-Indian in Prices!
Goods to ho wlmt they arc Sold lor ! !
J ml Honest Weight \ • Mens nr> Ginn!!!
Fiji HE Subscriber ns willing ns “Hiors to
JL nrrange bin business to suit tin* pro*
gout times, anti snve flic public tlio trouble
of making bargains, adopts a mode lately
made use*of in this city of advertising the.
Prices of his Goods, (the whole being too te
dious to enumerate, although not having
ti;ose enormous nuantiti'*M that are usually
said to be sold when called for,) names the
following articles, and assures the Public
that the rest of his Stock is reduced in the
game proportion:
Lamp Oil (but not the host quality)
per gallon ^*7
J)o do do 0 -VJ
I)o do best quality, per gall. 0 U2J
Paint do do do 0 110
Spirits Turpentine do do 0 00
Mixed Paints (but not the h. st
(ire*: p.-. Blues or VY.IIowi) per lb. 0 12$
English White Lead, per :U lbs.
(not because put up in iron hound
hogs) 3 50
American White Load. 2l»lb kegs
laboratory mnnnfaettired Brook
lyn, York, (manufactory
price per cwt. jJ*12 50, which
iniiv he soon by looking at. the
New-York Price Current) 3 12,1
Shy 10 Glass, hut not the best.
American, pnr box 3 50
10 by 12 do do do 4 50
A lavgo and couftimt supply of the above
articles and goods generally in the Paint.
Oil. Color, Glass, Varnish and Brush trade
will be kept. The subscriber having
made arrangements with Manufacturers in
New-York. Philadelphia, Boston, and else
where, from which places he will continue
to receive those goods direct, of the best
description, and on the most advantageous
terms. lie aLo oilers his Professional ser
vices in
Vaintvg ('sliding S? (Hazing.
whi. h he executes on improved principle
at reduced prices, in Town and Country.
*Vo. 5. Whituku'-stred, 5 doors /Vmn ti•• ft iy.
jnn 21 50
tRESU GaR1)E-N SEK1) ,
ViuUxma TVdwct Hoots*
J UST received by the ruh-c iber, and v-* >
ranted of the Lst seasoi.*. srr'»w?h 2
box ;s Garden Seedu pu : ttoV. Al'UxL m v
•«;. P’ .l.uU'lph'm, otpre-'sly fir t *s mrb.1
»u 1 co taining ihe f »i'*?«vir,g ms mm nta, v>z.
1. Drumhead Cabbage 4 Karl* outlet L»t.
_ Long ’t-’d Beet tuce
3 Lo i;, Orange Carrot tS Buy a I Cabbage di
4 Parsley 1 6. Mutnreg Melon
5 L«-ck 17. Spinach
6. Onion 8. Summer Savoy
Salmon Radish Is* Sweet U ad
S Early Purple do, :0 Sage
9. U mnd leaved 11. Na luvtium
t0. Early Turnip! U. C dcry
I. Late do > Early Peas
2 5a safv ’4. I.ats do
3 Asparagui V5 Earl b*nchbean«
6 Red French do
°0 P/ick'igns contain i.g the following Bui
■■.us F.lower Knots, viz
1. Bnub e Hyacinths J 4.•^tic-Mige’- flower
’•Ft* 1 ulip3 I D mb;c Tuberose
1 Narriosis |6 Star of Uethh-hem
For sale by P. U’DEUMOiT
F 9. i«
N IXE months after date application will
bo made to the Hmionibh* the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
known «> number eight, 8th District, Pike
ffoiinorly .Mimroe) County, for the benefit
ofthe heirs ami creditors of the estate of
of N. S. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Jan 5 34iH
I JERSONS having demands against the
estate of Thonius Johnston, will please
present them, properly attested, ot the
Counting-Room ofR. & J. Habersham.
Executrix ofthe estate ofTlioinas Johnston,
dec 18 21 f I.
Mil ICE.
FIYflR subscriber*! being about to decline bu
A siness in this place, request persons hr/
ing demands ag iuit them, to present them
fur payment.
or* 5
N INE months after date, application will bi
made to the Inferior Court ol Clichan.
County, sitting for ordinary purposes for an
order, aUholute, to sell lots N. s four an* five.
(4a* d 5) in Carpenter’* Row, aixl lot Nj.
O’.c, (i) Green Ward, in 'he city of Savannah,
b'ung the real estate of Francis Jalincau, dec
fi<r the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol
•aid estate WILL! \\l GAS VO J
Qualified Executor,
\7 yra
ffilii M, & ffilOTii'a
OF I Lit FOR S\hE,
HOGSHEADS prime and second
*2)^ quality St. Croix Sugar.
50 barrels do do do sugar
to bugs prime green coflce
30 crates blue and green edged plutcs
10 tons iron, assorted
6 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica rum
halfpipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter cask’s wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils hah* rope
200 grind sumus
2000 bushels Maryland corn
800 do Long Island white, equal to
Georgia ilint corn
nov 23
Jiy the President of the United Mutes.
£ V pursuance of !m», i,,Tamk8 Mdvuor, P c -
uient ;f t'*e ,T oi(ed S«aie«, do hereby 8-
.nro aivi rr.ak.* known, rhata public sale w.
* held .'.I the Land Offi *e at FaMabasse, •
Florida, on ihe third Monday of Via • next, f
•h • di ornul o! the following land- , v z :—
Township 1, south of Range 1, west of tin
Meridian line.
1 and *2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township I, south 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5, east.
I & 2.u<irth 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5-
Frat tional township 3 1,2, 3, 4, At 5.
t he s «lc will commence ‘the low
umher of section, lownshi.;, and range, a •
mtp •(! in regular mini lical order. T*
I nds reserved b» Uw f-.r 'he use of sell oh
*• other purposes. w*d be cxcluch d from tte
Given under m" hand, at die City of Wc >! •
ingtuii, this .'6i • d «» «f ) »Hiar, i8 5
!1\ the President.
remmc'sionpr of rtie General Land Ofiic .
Tj* Prirt'vrs of th“ Laws of the Unoi*
-t'a -’S, i*i the T iTitory <*t Florida, and m 1\
otstes of A lab ma, Louisiana, Tencss»*e, Me*
*si(-pi, Gc ten. and houth-Caroh ia, are au
tin z (1 to pub'i'lithe fue^oi-ig Proctami*
■ i» week thi day of f.«1c
M * '■ 7 fif
Damascus Steal Razors,
i UST received, a supply ofthe above nr-
tide, which will be warranted good.—
Forniiluhy K. JL WEED.
nov 21
nF.cp.ivEi> rrn nni« ouonGK Washington.
1 IvEGS New JjoafLard
1*)U 150 Hams
3 Barrels Castor Oil
5 Pipes* II. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sal.* by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
.Inn I \
‘wade’s * oinpany’' I oe.s.
CASKS Brade’s Patent Hoes, for
sale by
dec IK
Georgia—Canul n Ctumy
O lhe n. st Tue*\ , .ay in March next, 1
si'll Ht Jt ffcr8on, in said county, « negro
man, imroed Daniel, the proper*)’ of the cs-
*tc of Urn-j di Crews, de eas' *h pursuant te
icavc granted by the Court of Ordinary.
M A Y 0UF. WS, Execij‘ -ix*
J m U 41
Administrator's Notice.
VJ N fc.i.V. l HS from this date, we shall ap
i.Y pi i * the Honorable the Inferior Com 1
ui Llmthan. county, when sitiiig far ordinsr)
on rpuses, to sell the real estate of Willianr
sugu«t 12 45
Administrator’s Notice.
TVTINE MONTH 5 * after date, I ahull apply
iv to the Honoi&hle the Inferior Court ol
’Jluthim county, (when sitting for ordinary
nurpoges) for leave to sell the real cs Ate ot
Ishwc H. Rubins, to satisfy the hHrs and cred
tors. C* H H AYDRV rf
aiipust 12 45
P ERSONS having demands against the es
tate of the :..te William Craig, dec. are
•-.quested to render the sauie, properly st
vsted, within die time preacribtd b) law, mid
liose indebted to said estate^ are earnest y
called upon to settle the same without de*
JOHN M’NISU, Executor,
oct 12 71
State Literature Lottery,
2 Prizes of $10,000 is $:0.
11 175
I;),3u5 Prizes, )
‘20,82.> Blanks, (
gl 71,100
31,220 Tickets.
In this scheme with nine drawn ballots
tlmru will he 84 prizes with three numbers
on them, 1830 with two numbers on them,
and 11,175, with one number on them.—
Those tiekefs having none ofthe drawn
numbers on them being blanks.
To determine the fate of the 34,220
tickets, the 00 mimb- rs will sovera y bo
placed in a wheel on the day of drawing,
and nine of them will be drawn, and those
tickets having on them as a combination
the 1st, 2d and 3d, and tth. 5th and 6th
numbers drawn, will be entitled to j*l0,00u.
Those having on them the 7th, 8th and
9th—1st, 2d and 4th—1st, d and 5th, will
each be entitled to $ >.UUJ.
That having unit, the 1st, 2d and 6th,
will be entitled to $3,082.
Those having on them the
1st,?d, and 7th|2d,5lh & (itJi 3d, 7th and Olh
1st,7th and 9th|2d.7th &• J'th 3d, 8th and 9tli
lst,8tli nnd >th,2d.8tli & bth'-it li,5th and 8th
•2d, 3d and 4tli'3d.4tli & 5t.h 51 h.6th and 7th
2d, 3d and 5th 3d,4th & 6rh,6th,7th and 8th
.‘J, 4th and nth 3d«?th & 8th' each $1000.
Tlios* having on them the
1st,3d and 6th 2d,4th & Stliidd, 5th and 9th
lst,3d and 7th
1st,3d niidllth
• st. Jd and 9th
1st ,4th nnd 8th
st.,5tli and 7tli
.’il 3d and 6th
2d.5th& 7th,4!.ii,6th and 8th
2d.5t.ii &8ih iiii,6th nnd Otii
2d,5th &9lh 5th,7th and 8th
2d,6th vV 7th 6th, 7th and 9th
2d,4th & 9th 6th,8th nnd 9th
3d)6tli&6th each J500.
All others (being 41 Tickets! having
•hroo of the drawn numbers on them, will
uch be entitled to $200.
The 51 'Pickets having the lst nnd 2d
irnwn numbers on them only, will each be
•milledto 100 dollars.
The 51 Tickets having the 3d and 4th
Iruwn numbers on them only, will each be
entitled to 60 dollars.
All others (being 1731 tickets) w ith any
two ofthe drawn numbers on them, will
each bo entitl'-d to 12 dollars.
And those having on them any one of the
drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or
1.275 for each drawn number,) will be each
entitled to 6 dollars.
No tii hot which shall have drawn a prize,
of a superior denomination, can he entitled
Jo au inferior prize. Prizes payable forty
days after the drawing, and subject as usu
al, to a deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery i.-
put up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing
nil the combination numbers, from one to
-ixty. whit Ii parcels nre warranted to draw
at least 54 dollars less tliGvdeduction of 15
per cent, with so many chances lor the cap
ital prizes.
J. B. YATES, ) M
A. M’INTYKE, \ Mnn "S ors -
The peculiar advantages of this scheme,
are, that it has /><•,) highest prizes—the
number of Capitals is unusually large for
the amount of cash tube disposed of in pri
zes^ 171,100 Dollars) nnd the price comes
within the menus of every man. Orders nre
received as usual, at the otficeofthc Geor
gian, by
whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot
tery, have produced a large amount in pri-
zi s, among which were one of a thousand
dollars, too, 50’s, &e.
Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte
ry, 1 Oli Class, received us cash.
* Jnn HI
H AS removed his DRUG STORE. to
the corner of Broughton and Whitta-
kcr-strects, opposite Cot. She/hnun's Mansion
House, where he exhibits fur sale, a choice
assortment of
and various other articles suiting his lino.
He abstains relating the whole string of
names ofthe things he otters, and only men
tions a few which are not commonly found
in every Drug Store, viz:—
Fol Sabina
Church’s Cougli
Pyro Umbellata < Drops
Degitalis Purpurea \ Aromatic Vinegar
Scullcap, Hyssop *, Toilet, Vegetable &.
German Lcopnrd’s j other Soaps
Bane,(arnica mon-: Mucnssar Oil
tuna) , Phosphorous
Elecampane, (Inula J Ox.Mur. Potnsse
llelenium) \ James’s Fever Pow-
Hops, Ergot 5 dors
Tonquin Roans f Infantile Powders
Squire’s Elixir | Read’s Stiptic
DatPs <k> j Spirits Soap
Ess. Mustard J Fumigating Pastills
Ess. Tyre < Pyrolignious Acid
Jesuit Drop * Black Drop
Respecting the utility of this lust article,
lie refers to the lust, but one, piigo of the
Genrgiu and South Carolina Almanac, of
this year.
oct 9 70f
T it bn drnwn on XV. dnopilay, the Pth
March, 1825, nnd (iniclied in a few
minutes—sixty numbers, eijjlil ballots to be
drawn. "
X Prize of 3>i OuO D .llari la jj'10 OO'i
X V ii 0 10 W.O.
2 SM WO'”)
2 ? i 4 50.
20 1,0 0 20,000
'•0 S' 0 1,5,1)00,
*3 100 5 '00.
'04 50 s r:(i,
’300 . ifi JO 800
‘0,608 .a 8 i, e>4
Ticket.^ 8^*
> *,2^0 Tickets at gfi, g*05,32u
In this Scheme, wuli eight drawn ballot*,
’he- c u I. b** 56 prizes with three numbers or
• :em, I4>6 with two numbers on them, and
■b»698 with one number on them Tbost-
t having none of the drawn ballots or
them being blanks.
To d-l*-. mme the fate of p’l the tickets in
the {.bon* lottery, 6 f| Mim*.e s. f om one to
xu in-lurivf, will sever*.L b»» placed in a
w *ee] on the nay of e.Rwmp, and eig't of
' 'fi-m will be drax*m, an*l that ticket having 01
• «s a combiriatien tin Li, 2d i,-u nun
drawn, will bet tied t ^.’0 000
That having on it .fi.- 4th, 51. a;.*i 6lh, will
be ent’tl- 1 to g!0,0 f '0.
T os h v wr u th-m the 3d 4 h and 5»b
n • fid. 7 '* Sf'ddtbj each g ; 09G
Tims' having on them the 1*4,6 land 8th-
n ’ 1st, 7 !i end 8th, ea h 1,1 H
Those 20 h tying on them 'he
2 6'.h and 7ti- 3 !. 5'ii and 7f * 4il> 6 !i and 8 b
'd, 6'h and 3lh 31, 5 x anxl 8 *• 7 n a d
i 7 haud8i- 3! 6* : aid7t.i lli.6»!t and 7 .
.'d 4 ii an-! 6 h 3d* 6 h am 8U 3th 6th’and 8’ •
>! 4»ii ann 7 4- 5 hand 7 !i Vh,7l:i un 8:
l , 4di aim 8 i- 4» -,5t!i at d u each giOOO.
>J, 5th ar.d 6lb ^ih,6tti and 7lh|
All otheig, being (30 tickets) having hre
f 'he d :*wn nom ers on them will each n.
.ntitled ro g500
'*'!•» 52 ticaOa having on *h m two of t! x
drawn numbers and thns* tw-. the 4th an.
<h, wiiJ each oe entitled to g 00.
The 104 tickets having on them Iwo of
xht* drawn numbers, end those two the 6 h
<nd 7th, or 6.h and 8th* will each be entitled
’•> &50.
Aii o.hcrs (being 1300tickets) having two
of the drawn numbers on them, will each be
entitled to g16.
All th 'Se having **n them any one of the*
1 awn numbers, (be'iig 10,608 tick- ts, or 13.6
r or each drawn number,) will each be enti
tled to ^8.
No ticket which ah >11 have drawn a prize
of a superior denomination can be entitled to
;«n inferior p*'Z2. Prizes payable thiriy days
ut'er me drawing, and subject, as usual; to a
deduction ot 15 per cent*
A considerable portion .f this lottery is pu*
up in parcels of 20 tickets* embracing ail th*
•ombination nuinbeis, from one to s'utv,
• r*ch parcels ar warranted to draw at leas'
$G4, h^s 'he deduction of 15 per cent, with
mo many chances f r the cspitul p"'Zrs.
Packages of 20 tickets, by certificate, may
Iso be ha*! by the payment of ihe d flb-erct
between the price of the tickets ami ti>.
.mount w'.vch they muo of necessity dra/,.
such ‘ifterence being gf>5 60.
The tickets will remain at ibe scheme
•>;ice, (fc6) until Wednesday, the 1 Jtu ms .
when they w»l be *v t R7.
J. B. YATES, J ..
A.M’l.NTYRlU iIa,lngerS '
Philudclpiti** .1.* u.t y 5, 825
IT Orders for tickets or shares, received,
and prize tickets in fourteenth class.
Liken in payment at
Jan Ft
Lnioi-uvali .n W united \
L F GMllcGH VIM.Ml atberwuH; DAN
iKI. OLAND MILL.I* K. who in the vesr
‘815, arrived n. Suvanimh, : n‘he Abeid * n
n-port, belonging to M. ssr. D ws«.i &
Song, cf London is living, and wiil apply t«-
«;•; f iends in Enulnno, he will bear oi
*5 .metb’ng much »u *•«:• advantage, He lef*
he Aberdeen whilodu* lay at Savar.ndi# a-
.as n ' b. on !e»ul of by his fiends ainc
. it periox.. lit h <d bi en many years a ,ai-
i t, and w.-*h* on b‘»*»rd the above vessel, employed rs a carr>enter. If he left Si»
v i- rah a', tliat time, it is probable that hi
nt«tvd some vessel going t : the Bi.szil L.
as *n bis last letter, he stated that it
x a h.s intention to do so. Should he hav-
Jiedat anyplace whe« e a *egister or cert ifi
»:ide nf bis burial car. be obtained, it would be
•hankfully received and al! expenses attending
*i, paid by
Savannah, or
9 57
avannali i cmale Asylum.
^ N election for n Matron to this Institu
t. tion, wiii tulit 1 place at the Aayluin
House, on the first meeting in February.—
Application for the above' to bo banded in
tu the subscriber.
lly order of the Hoard,
E. M. LhOYD, Ser'ry.
nov13 84 .
C 10N ’ 1NUES to do business in Milledg
J vide, and tenders the offr-r of his se*
/ices to bis friends and the public,in the tram*
action of agency business generally
net 5 6»fh&*§
Heera’ Axes.
. SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
A and for aale by A*. U. H EED.
oct 2V
1 Pr.-a of— £40,001) is 4''O Dollars.
1 Prize o' v.OOO is ?0 00(. 1). lb is.
1 Pr zc of 10 000 is IO.J' 0 Doilura
2 P ,z-s of. - S.unO is '0,060 Dollies
60 t-riz . efi -i.'OO is 3: 000 holla s
‘0 H z a of 500 is 10,00.) Dollies
So Pr'Z», of 10') is S, 00 Delian.
100 Pci res of 50 i, {,000 Dollars.
5000 Prizes ut——10 is 50,000 Dollars
5 '.'5 Prizes.
'■4705 Blanks.
180,0' 0 Dollars
W OO Tickets at ^, is 180 000 Dol'a s.
The whole of tire prizes «. bo floating
from the commencement o: the drawing,
except the following, which are to bo de
posited in the wheel cl definite periods, viz :
On the 5th duy, : : j s <10,000.
On tire 10th day, : • . 5,000.
On the 18th duy, : t ; . 20,000.
On tire 20th day, : : s t 40,000.
The whole to be completed ii
Tvieixty i vuNxivft s only \\
The prizes only to bo drawn. -The whole
payable in rash, sixty days after the com
pletion ofthe drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Commissioners appointed hy the Governor and
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, on WE ONES DA F, 17//i inst.
Tickets $12—Shares in propoition.
received at the Baltimore price, nnd prize
tic'xts taken in payment, tit
No. 8, Commerce-How.
nov 9
Consumptions, . Ol'uiiS, <50.
the cure f J 1Coughs,Consump-
I- lions, Spitting ♦» Blood; Asthmas,and
.hi'ihe* of tne breast and lungs
There is perUps rio rm xtical obsc* vatioi
better esinb-ishf d, none more ge .orally con
’•rnied by the eiperience of t!*e brat physi'-i-
ns of all ai'Cti and countri s, ami none ol
ore importance to the hiumn family, than
: » fact that many of the most difficult and in
irable consumptioi s originate in neglect i
ilds.. In a c!in ate so varmole as ours, where
he changes* of 'he wea h ?** are fr* qucntlv
sudden an : une*pect» d. it ieq'iir«*s rn*;re ca- c
u ! ut ention to guard aga ust (nis oai;g« r<ju
.•n-my of life, than most prepie imagine cr
e rbleand willingto bes.ow ’’he bids o
i.orulity exh bit ttie melancholy fact that lb
’-roportton >f dea'ha by th s -liseasc may b*
• onsidered »s about five t.- one. I asmurl;
hen as ‘liis fitai disease f. cpieully bi s defi
.nice to the skill ofthe most learned phyaicl- is a gratification to tie proprietor thai
•*: is enabled to oiler to those affl.c'ed wilt.
„ a go d.'y prospect of relief, in r-at lighl
-xuaulc remedy, the Vegetable Indian Sp>ci-
Jic. 'l lie Indians are happy in then know.
• dge of medical plants; gi.v* rued whollv l»v
"iperience, they are certain as to their r ffjc-,
to 1 it is said by an author ot gieat character,
hat a t.ue consumption is a disease never
known among them.
't his Specific is oL«t-*ined by extraction fron
herbs, root*, fi ,w *rs, , &c when in per-
eclion. In consequence f a liappy coirbinn.
lion of the most viGuublc her s, he. il becomes
« bslsmn of a stipe hr value. U in ais the m-
jti'*ed parts, opens the p*» cs, and composes
.te disturbed nerves, after the manner of an
anodyne/ consequently the obstruction ot
die ches and ti e Junps which constitute tins
disease, part*r ulariy need i'suse. It promotes
^lpectoration, witch is constantly culled fur.
jud whilst it chtMi.s sad hcais, it aLo gives
s rangth to the tender lungs In this manner
it removes the hectic feve-, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the
appetite and improves the spirits. This speci
tic mav always be giv« n in safety it is mild,
pleasant to 'he tos-e, and may safely be given
o r.fants, tor w hich it is of intsdiiiable valu*-
(' ulfords relit ♦ in b:*wel complaints, t etl.iug.
.hooping coughs, c*c. and is found partiru
i-rty useful in hypochondriacal, nervous an
hystericsl diseases. Each bill oi direction
nntaius a d . tailed account of this disease in
. i its diffi i ' Dt stages, and will bj accompa
led with the signature of the proprietor in
Red Ink. It is off -red lor rale by GEO. RY
H ; O only (m> s .e agent) D.uggist, cor
lerHav am Whii.aker-strccis, Savannah* a 1
»ne dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
UwcYteA V\air Wattusses
1 -xIIE subscriber has just received an as-
. sortment of the above artieles, war
runted to be ofthe beat quality, for sale by
/. IF. MU UR EL.
OCt 26
Oyyxositte tVxxi .1 eu&uu).
Mlli IS. EH,
nESPI,CTH;l,LY informs her friends
-■ 1. and the public, tliut lier schooi ih
m'Ka. opposite the Chatham Academy,' tor
the nm nPTiox ok pupii.z. Assisted h«
her dnujriHer Mies E. A. HAiinisea, she
oilers her services in teaehiiigthe following
useial and ornamental brum'lies ul enura*
tnm. XViiiist she returns sim ere tlinnks ter
Hie patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rutes of tuition nnd
her increased exertions tu further the pro
gnu;* of hor Pupils, to deserve a still fur
thi*r cxteii&ion of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
are received, nre—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading. Sewing* nnd
Marking, per quarter, .* v2 j 00
2d. Class—-With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, iii::;: 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroideryf on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : : : : : : * io 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00
IT?‘ The most careful attention wMl be
paid by Mrs. Kmi, to the deportim lit and
morals of those entrusted to her charge*
P. M DLRiVJO i !,
A FORMS liia frieuda and the puidie j-en*
orally, that he bus receiveil by recent
arrivals, a laree and extensive assortment ot
Groceries, Hardware and Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale nnd re
tail, on tlie most reasonable terms. T/, €
following artieles comprise a part of liia
present stock, viz
30 Hog!, e 'Is prime St. Croix W
111 Bozes while nil > „
’0 Boxes Brown X Havana do
60 Barrels Lea- ami r.ump do
SI) Ba>-s Havana Gr en Ceflec
6 Pi;,es superier 4th nrool B. andy
‘ Pipes do H. hand Gin
S Pines Imitation Il undv, 4th proof
S Do do Gm
2 Pipes eery .uperior o'd '*ead, H-indy
2 Puncheons do do Irish XX h'skey
SO He K sh adz and > PUilsd.lphiz Rye
100 Barrels J H fiiskey
100 Barrels Northern Gin *
2 Pines superi ir old Madeira Wine
S Half Pipes superior old Lisbon do
It* Q Outhn I op*. .4|*a Uu
Very sunerior old Uarleirs Wine and
Cognac Brandy io demijohns
159 Whole and J Barrels superfine fresh
1U0 Halt J F| ur
I0i) Msr.els No* .7, New Mackarel
50 Uurrds No. 2, do do
lfiCO H skets Table Salt
20 • : nk6 G*)shen Cheese
20 Barrels Copperas
290 IL*aniH Wrapping Paper
SO Hugs Black Pepper
10 B ixes Chocolate
20 FLe GhiIo*i Demijohns
5 Bar ela Glue
100 Kegs HE xml IIF Dupont's Gunpowder
5 Found f.aniste s of superior do
100 Fleets 4' inch Cotton Bagirioir
2 Hules B. gg ni? Twine
10 Whi.h. a*“ ; > Bnxea S. Wh ltimore’,
o naif 5 genuine Cards
10 Boxes Woo! Hats
5 Boxes Straw Bonnet*
10 Cud: Bale Hope
5 D 'Zen Bed Cords
SO Du Plough Lines
100 Pounds Rash Cords
6 Bales Point, Loudon Duffle
10 Caws colored and bleached and u&*
bleached Homespuns
70 G**osb Iron fable spoons
15 D > do lea do
*0 Do Teutania Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Copper,Cast, Wrought and ComposL
tion Tea Keitles of all s*s, H
Bras- Kettles for making preserves
20 Sets of Dish Covers
SO I ons Shear Moulds
1 D > 8. d Irons
1 Do Ba* Lead
1 D > Sheet Iron
100 Ci.sks assorted Cut Nails
Mill, cresi (Jut and Whip Saw, nru dt
expressly fur this market
20 D.-xen Hai.f'snWa, Wuodaizw- ai.d Ten*
nsi't Saws
Blacksmith Sledges and Handhamrr.ers
Anvils, from 1 to 200ibs. real mouse
Blacksmith’s Bellows,from 24 to 36
Single and Double Sere ** Plates
Corn IlillSyfrom No. 1 to 5
2 Tons Houkaaiid Hinges
Biass Andirons, f om R2 50 to g.3
Brass ai d Wire Feudeis, with ahovelf
and tongs tn match
5 (’asks Braid’s Patent flees
100 D.izen Padlocks
bteelyards to weigh from 200 io 5001b«
2 Tons of Steel,consisting of Shear,Eng
liab, Bfstci ed and Cast
Stoves with Pip s
1000 Pounds Waggon Bells, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Hag‘-Truce Chains
2 Rox-.ii Currying Knives
20<i Dozt*n Currv Combs
6 Seta White handle Knives and Forksy
cof.s.ating of 50 p eces each
19 Sets Britannia Teapots*
Sugar and Cream do
6 Doson Patent Shot Belts
2 Dz- Game Bags
2 D /Z-.p Powder Horns and Planks
1 C: se d; uble and single bsrrel Luna
lQD izer; W'ireaiut20 doz Hai* biitefg
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mats and 50 sets
Table Mats
A general assortment of Car uentei’t Planes,
ririuhes, and Fancy Bellows, with ni*n> «>thef
articles in the above line,too tedious to eiiu*
me rate.
20 Tons of Carron Castings, which will be
gold low from the whaif.
no? M