Newspaper Page Text
N ew —V o\. \Il.
Js*o. "14.
fcS3> Tr ra>"4)
in tu«
Bv G. 2$ W. Robertson,
AT WORT 1)01X411* F*U ANNUM,
IS published t® meet, the eiranKement ol
the mail. time. » wtek, (Tuesday,
Thurfiloy end Saturday) tithe Office of ffi"
D ,i| ; . Georgian, and euntaina al' the in elli-, Commercial, Politimil and KijeeUur.-
J„u», ncluding advertisements, published it
the L'aily I'sper.
The Country t’sper t» *ei tto all parta of
the Stale and Union, or delivered in the city,
at < : ve dollara per annum, payable in <dvanet.
Advertisement, .reinserted in both pa t r ‘
rt 75 cents per sipiare, of Hines, for e fir,
insertion, and 37J for every succeeding- pub-
OommunicftrionR by lloi’, mnit be P»ti fnul
Sales of land and n-groea by AUmi
tors, Ex-ciitnts or guarA' ’<9, >»re required,
fcv Lw, to be hei.l on the fi n Tuesday the
nidoth between the hours of ten in he fore
noon Bi-.d three in the aitemno.i, at '.Iri Court
Tli.n«e of the county in which th* property
Notice of :ho*ePAU*8 muat b.j given
in H public gazette warty days previous to th«
d*V of
Notice ofthf sale of f (•won*! property mu?'
he ci v e in l.fc'* mentis.* Forty days previou
to the d*v *.f mite.
Notice to th-.t debtors and creditors of a<
estate must he published for Forty days.
Notice that applict.fion vri'l be made to the
Court of O dinstv tor’eve to soil land, must
be pwbli hed Nine Months
trH© S>®S'S'u
Reduction in Prices!
Goods to bo what they are Sold for !!
A^d Honest Weight Measure Given !!!
rjlHE Subscriber as willing as others to
I arrange his business to suit the pre
nit times, and save the public the trouble
if making bargains, adopts a mode lately
node nse of in tliis city of advert ising the
*rices of his Goods, (the whole being too to-
lious to enumerate, although not having
hose enormous quantities that are usually
aid to he sold when called for.) names tin*,
allowing articles, and' assures the Public
hat the rest of his Stock is reduced in the
lame proportion:
Lamp Oil (but not the beot quality)
per gallon 37*
Do do do 0 50
Do do best quality, per gall. 0 62J
Paint do do do 0 80
Spirits Tufpentmc do do 0 GO
Mixed Paints (but not the best
Greens, nines or Yellows) per lb. 0 1.2{,
English White Lead, per 23 lbs.
(not because put up in iron bound
kegs) 3 50
American White Lead, 2fllb kegs
laboratory manufactured Brook
lyn, New-York, funnufactory
price per cwt. $12 50, which
niny be seen by looking at the
New-York Price Current) 3 1?-}
q by 10 Glass, but not the beBt
American, per box 3 50
10 by 12 do do do 4 50
A large nnd const ant supply of the above
ITtielrs and goods generally in the Puint,
Oil, Color, Glass, Varnish and Brush trade
vill be kept. The subscriber having
nade arrangements with Manufacturers in
New-York,^'Philadelphia, Boston, and else-
A’herc. from which places he will continue
to rec* ive those goods direct, of tho best
feacription, and on the most advantageous
erir.R. He also offers his Professional ser
fines in
Vuvnv’g. Gilding $ Glazing
h he executes nn improved priliuplfi
it redur f, d prices, m Town an! Ccintry.
Ko. 5. Whitlker-strcrt, 5 dmr.t /V.w> thr llvj
inn 71 10
"wrTNE months after date application will
X A be made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
known us number eight, 0th District, Pike
fibrtneily Munroe) County, for the benefit
ofibe heirs and creditors of the estate of
of N. S. Bayard.,
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard
Jan 5 34n1
I PERSONS having demands against the
estate of Thomas Johnston, will please
prcbent them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Room of R. &, J. Ifahersharn.
Executrix of the estate of Thomas Johnston,
doc 1« 21 fi.
Mil ICE.
T HK subscriber* being about to decline bu
sines* in this plvce, request person* hav
ing d.irwids against them, to present then
for ptyment.
A. B. FANNIN & r.o.
on 5 6«+».
VINE month* after due, application will be
lx made to the Inferior Court of Ch iihan.
County, sitting for ordinary purpurea for an
order, absolute, to sell lots N<<s- kuranr. five,
(4Ri:d 5) in Carpenter’s How, and lot N i.
one, (I) Green Ward, in the city of Savannah,
being the real estate of Francis, dec.
mr the benefit of the heirs and creditors of
•aid estate WILLI \U GASTON,
Qualified Executor,
7 97a
IfJiiMi & iBBTSTj
HOGSHEADS prune and second
vV quality St. Croix Sugar.
50 barrels do do do sugar
70 bags prime groon coffee
30crates blue nnd green edged plate9
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
0 hogsheads Jamaica rum
halfpipes, quurter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loot*sugar
3u coils bale rope
*200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
000 do Long Island white, equal to
Georgia Hint corn
nov 21
I'REsh garden seeds
UvAuiyus TYonv&t llootft*
J UST rece ved by the rubsc.iber, and wr*.
ranted of the hist geasin.*, growth, 2
boxes Garden Seed i, put u;> Hv A. M'blahon
*tn, Philsdelohia, i xpr^rslv for t 1 *marlrct
and contain*ng the fob nviqg n*>ortm nts, viz.
1. Drumhead Cabbage 4. Bari) curled Let-
2 Long Rod Beet tuce
.1 I.onjn Orange Carrot 15 Koyal fJahhage do
4 Pjt«l.?y t^. Viitmeg Melon
5 Leek "T. S»dn .ch
d. Onion d. Summer Savoy
Salmon Radish JJ. Sweet IL«d
8. E«rly Purple da. 10 Sage
9. H >U ; :d leaved l\. Nasturtium
10. Early l um ps H. Celery
t. Late do M Rariy Pi as
2 Sa-safv ’4. do
3 Aspaiagus 25 EarL* bunch be«n‘i
6 Bed F -nch do
?0 Packages contain.rg :he following Bui
unis Blower Knots, viz.
L Poub e Hvacintiia | 4.'•otic mtiger flowe-
F ne Tulips ‘ 1) mbie Tuberose
> Narcisa-.i J 6 »-ar of Be«’f hen.
For sale by P M’DR ' O ” '
F« b *> ■>
Ji'j the President of the United Mutes.
I N pursuance of lau, Mon non, Pu •.
ider t . f the f T r.i ed .Staler, do hereby •.
*.aie and mak” known ’■hat h public sale w l
« held »t the Land effi-:® at l aliahasse, '
I’lnrida, on the third Mondav of Ma/ next, f'<
he di pnsal of th following lar.di, v z :—
Township 1, south of Range I, West of tin
Meridian line.
I and 2 north of Range 1, do d(
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township 1, Houth 1. 2, 3, t. & 5, east.
1 & 2.north 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5*
Fractional township J 1,2,3, 4, & 5.
The side will commence w- th ’he lowee
umber of afcti'>n, townsHr-, and. rai-ge, w
roce r d «n * , egulnr ninit-ncal order. Tt.
t.iinls reserved hv Ikw f v, r ’bo use of *ch o’*
»r other purposes. w : »l be exclufb d f on» th.
G vcn unde" m v hand, s' «he C ,f v of Wa-Ji*
ingtun, this -Gt.i d*v of J*«nuan, 18 5.
Bv *he President.
Cfinmisaioner of ’be Gen < '* , nl T.and Offic-
XTLr ,J >'*rs of ih • lews of the Unit *,
i'a'es, in the Terntrry of Florida, *i«d m h
^ oi Alabama, Louisiona, Teneas* e, U •*
•;*.«} r pi, Ge' -rgi-i. anti South-Cm oho«, are «i.
; ho z d to put'i h »he foregoing Proclaim*
on o .cp n week llie day of p* 1 ?
V’ g 7 6 f
State Literature Lottery,
Prizes of jJ i o,ooo is
13,395 Prize*,
20,825 Blanks.
g :o,ooo
Damascus Meet Razors,
J UST rccnivctl, n .<m)ip]y ot'tlif nbovn ar-
lielc, which will be wiirrnt.tpil ponil.—
For sole by N. B. WEED.
nov 4-1
ItFeriVEO rr.n nitir, flvouon tv tsuiNUTo.v.
1 AO KEOS Now LoafLuril
150 limns
3 Barrels Castor Oil
5 Pipes II. Clin, Swan
30 Barrel. Mess Pork
For solo by J. B. HERBERT &. CO.
.Inn I I
*‘ bl ade’s ompaiiy” I oes.
A 'i\ CASKS Bradc’s Patent lines, for
sale by N. B. WEED,
dec 18
Georgia—Camden County
O '* the first Tuesday in M«i’ch next, 1 •
sell at J< (fcrion, in said county, a m gr*
man, named Dauiel, the property of the ts
»teof M;c j.h Grew*, de-e^aed, pursuant t
leave gianted bv the Court "f Ordinary.
M V Y ‘ ItENVS E*eeu»rix*
J n 14 41
34,220 Tickets.
In this scheme with nine drawn bnllots
there will be 84 prizes with three numbers
on them, 1836 with two numbers on them,
and 11,475, with one number on them.—
Those tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on them being blanks.
To determine the fate of the 34,220
tickets, the 60 numbers will severe y be
placed in a wheel on the day of drawing,
and nine of them will be drawn, and those
tickets ha villi’ - on them as a combination
1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, 5th and 6th
numbers drawn, will be entitled to £|0.000.
Those having on them tho 7th, 8th and
9th—1st, 2d and 4th—l>t, -d and 5th, will
ear h be entitled to 000.
That having on it ihe 1st, 2d and 6th,
will be entitled to ft 1.082.
Those having on them the
1st,2d. nnd 7th 2d,5th & 6th 3d, 7th and Oth
1st,7th nnd 9th 2d.7th iSiOlh 3d, Oth and toll
lfct,8tliand Oie2d.8fh& >th 4th,5th and8th
2d, 3d end Ith 3d.4th & 5fh.5th.6lh and 7lii
3d, 3d nnd 5th 3d.4lh & 6th 6th,7th and 8th
.d, 4thand Oth 3d,7th & 8th 1 each $1000.
Thus having on them the
>st,3d and 6th .'d, till «&• 5th|3d, 5th and Oth
>t,3d and 7rli 21.5Ui i&. ?tu(lth,6th nnd 8th
tst.3d and 8tii|2d.5th & oth l'h,6tli and Oth
st.Jd and 91.1)12d,5th Si 9th and Oth
?t,4l.hand8thj2d,6th&?tit : 'h, 7lh uiiri Oth
st.otli and 7th .’d, Itli iV Otii >Uh.8th and Oth
;d 3d and 6llil3d,5th «&. 6tii each J|500.
All others (being 41 Tickets) having
hree of the drawn numbers on tliem, wiii
nch he entitled to 4200.
The 51 Tickets having the 1st and 2d
drawn numbers on them only, will each be
lit illed to .00 dollars.
The 51 Tickets having the 3d and 4th
drawn numbers on them only, will each he
entitled to 60 dollars.
All others (being 1734 tickets) with any
two of tho drawn numbers on then, will
•ach h»* entitl- d to 12 dollars.
And those havii on thorn any one of the
irawn numbers, (being 11,475 ti* '* »s. or
1,275 for each drawn number,) will c rcli
•ufitlod to 6 dollars.
No ticket which shall have drawn r.
of a superior denouiina'iou. can h • •**.,
to an inferior prize. Prizes nyyahle ; »
days after the drawing, am! si. i a hs .
al, to a deduction of 15 per : :*i t
A considerable portion * r Lottery
put. up in parcels of 20 Tickeis, emhra
ail the combination n ’int>ers, front
M.xty. which parcels a rc warraulMt ■ < ■
at. least 54 dollars less the d« lurtii »
;n r cent, with so many Cham cs let .
ital prizes.
J. B. YATES, ) ..
A. M’lNTVRE. ( Monaff-rs-
The peculiar advantages of this scheme,
are, that it has two highest, prizes—the
number of Capitals is unusually large for
tlie amount of cash to he disposed of in pri
zes.(171.100 Dollars) and the price conn s
within the means of every man. Orders are
‘ received as usual, at the office of tho Geor
gian, by
whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot
tery, have produced a large amount in pri
zes, among which were one of a thousand
dollars, 100, 50\j, &c.
Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte
ry, 1 Uh Class, received ns cash.
Jan 18
T O >e drawn on Wednesday, the 0th
March, 1825, nnd finished in a few
minutes—sixty numbers, eight ballots to be
1 Prize of
■ 30
30 000 D linriiiglOOQT
10 000 lOU’O.
s ooo in ooo
2.'.'8 4, SO
l.O'O 20,000
S10 1
mo 5 'oo.
SO S "Of
16 20 800
8 8;,ffi4
Ticket.. I W
Jb,2 0 Tickets at S' r >. R.l5,3JO
In this Schema, with eight drawn hsllotr,
ihere wil* be 56 r* r, z"S with three numbers oi
14.56 with two numbers on them, six
0,658. with one number un them Thos-
» c.kcts having none of the dm* n ballots or
them being blanks
;0 d. te m ne the fate of all the tickets in
*h» above lottery, 6° uumhe'S. from one to
xtv inclii iivr., will aeve.allv be placed in h
w eel on the day of drpwing, and e-g’t of
1 irm will be drawn, and that ticket having or
t ns a combination th- 1st, id gtidihird num
er* drawn, will be etrid to g -0 000
1 hat having on it ‘h- 4th, 5iu and 61I1, wi'*‘
v entitled tn g!0,(vi0.
T oso h v'oj» si ili'-n th" 3d, 4 h and Alt
. . <d 7ih » id 8*•», ev h fcv.OOn
T* * s*h;ving o*. them t'>e 1st, 8th-
n ! 1st, 7di and Rih. ea-h i % \ ' \
Th'W n ‘.'0 h-.ving on them he
26 h Ho.t 7?* 3 I 5‘ h ard 7*''
’d 6*!i and q*li •» 1. 5 b and 8
3 1 6 f » and 7t
3.6 M Mi 8l
4* 5* n ami 7 h
i‘ .5 »a’d -
nh 61I1 ar d 7lh|
At« olH«*a hung 130 tickets) having five
f !< e d sw'i M*[tn > *era on litem will each b*.
n*..t»cU 'o g500.
e 5- net t? having m h mtwor.f the
**we ivin’bers and th*#sc v *. the 4ih and
. ch I e entitled tc fi.U'J.
»04«ickjts havutg >111 f hem two of
2 1 7 i ard 8t-
‘d 4 '• i»n-' 6;
1 . 4fian 7
' * 4* ! t ar.i 8
3 1, 5th and 6'
4’It. 6m and q*j
• 7 •• hi d M l
lb 6*haim 7 I
3 I. 6 1) and 8'l*
A h,7tn w 8 *
each JSiOUO.
Ailmmisti'ut r’s iNOiice.
N 'Ntf.ltiO./1'US from this date, w est.tiliap
p l y to the Honorable the Inferior (Jour'
i Uh'illiam comity, when sitting f<»r ordinary
purposes, ta sell the real estate of Williati
Maybe W.
augu«t 12 4 i
Administrator’s N otice.
N INE MONTH , (tfler ante, I shall apph
to the Hnnoiahle the Inferior Court oi
'jliaiham county, (when sitting for ordinary
purpo«cs)Tor leave to soli the real <s>i.t o
issac 11. liobins, to satisfy the heirs and cred
.tori. C. H HAYDEN,
august 12 45
P ERSONS hiving demands sgsinst the es
tate of the Lie William Ciaig, dec. are
requested to render the sa’ie, properly ui
tested, w ithin the time prescribed by law, and
those indebted to said estate,, are earnestly
culled upon to settle the 6ame without de
JOHN M’NISIL Executor,
oct t2 71
H AS removed his DRUG STORE, to
the corner of Broughton and ll'hittu-
kcr-streets, opposite Col. Skel/mun's Mansion
House, where lie exhibits for sale, a choice
assortment of
and various other articles suiting his lino.
He abstains relating the whole string of
names oftlie things he offers, and only men
tions a few which are not commonly found
in every Drug Store, viz:—
Fol Sabina \ Church’s Cough
Pyro Umbellata < Drops
De'*italis Purpurea | Aromatic Vinegar
Scttllcap, Hyssop 5 Toilet, Vegetable &.
German Leopard’s J other Soaps
Bilim,(arnica nioii-. Macassar Oil
tana) J IMtospltorous
Elecamj>anc, (Inula * Ox.Aliir. Potasse
Helenitiin) \ James’s Fever Pow-
Hops, Ergot S ders
Tonquin Beans | Infantile Powihjrs
Squire’s Elixir # Read’s Sliptic
Daff’s ib> > Spirits Soap
Ess. Mustard j Fumigating Past ills
Ess. Tyre < Pyroligniuus Acid
Jesuit Drop ' Black Drop
Respecting tho utility of this last article,
he refers to the last, but one, pngo of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of
this year. "
oct 0 70J
«!. :**• umners. snu tMox.e two the 61.
n- 7 n, o and 8 b, wid cacti be c..t'lle«;
^.1 ».ifi. rH (being 1300t'ck 6 ’f) h.* v 'ng two
■>f th? drawn numbers on them, wU each be
•1 tiid d '.0 $ 6.
A«i ih <n ’horn any one of th»
h’Vi i.ufi-h» (.. fe ng 0 6US t'cketu, or 13 6
• e rh irawn uumhvr,) will each be enti
•od tn g8.
No iKk t which t’b II have drawn a |miz*
<»' * 'lip'.- t-r !«■..•.rni *tinn beer.tithd • •
irf.-fiur z* !•*ri+i nsv^bie thiny city
■ e ,! “ V.' iC. *ci 8"LjcCt, -ib itS'id, to a
* Utcliou 1 \3 ;.er c« ol*
A *.i •n** ,; i rnfilf portion ft’.ts lottery ia pu,
•''> ,m I-* *>♦' 0 . them, cmhta* >i)|; all in
I'. mtion i!<>n«be.9, frioii •»••« to sivt*
*•' t* ** els .*. rr.nt»* i to draw at l*v
■ r » 'If* 1* 1.* »ioo •..( *5 p»*»* cent, will.
f *he can p , ; z.**
O vk-.ta, r>'. c r fir t -. mi-
•ym-nt of !»•• d tie « .c
«• d th- lie.. t.H »«t 5 th.
>• —• •<* ncc s ty di«,
* * b“ - £6.5 60.
t-i c • a* ■ • e «oh o,t
6 • > V’ Hit ? ., th 1 'tii if-s
ri. YATES, >
\TYRE.( Manage™.
L'r" Ordprp for ti *ki»ts or sltriri's, received,
and prize lick ts n fourteenth class,
LiXt n i:t payment at
LU T - K It’S
t,.-vu ,U iv ivutetl l
IF t. «. K- • tn. othcrwiw: DAN-
1 vVl of.A [ .i.K who in the e*r
315, strvi .!.•• h, in • he A be id.*'n
•h*H.‘'r% hv* Mtfiar?. D wsin 81
So-* f Lor ... ..-vand wid apply to
u f* ♦ i.ds n l' r « ‘siui, h< w II tear ol
■• me’l *i»j* much ti. his Klvantage, He lef;
• I e A. .-rdi'on while*lv.*. lay it Savannih, ami
•».s r . h en he»:d .»f by his fiend* sire*
at pe.- : >'. Ik had b**en many year* a‘••i-
ir, an-i w;v*se on board the above vesa-l,
cer ( mplnycd a* * carpenter. If he left Sr-
v** *ni.h at that time, it is probnble that h*
ntvrvd soo-e vessel j.’oirig t * the Brazil Is-
Nv.ds, ms «n b s lust hater, he sta ed that it
a> h.H tntentio-i to do a *. Should he hav»
lied at any place whe* c a .egister orcertifi
'.ate of biihnnal can be, it would bi
'.han'tfullyrece/ed an.l ah expense'*attending
it, paid by
SHvinni’h, or
W.W. & T.L. Cli ESTER.
3f*r»( 9 57
Savannah heinalc Asylum.
\ N election for a Matron to this Institu
tion, will take plans at tho Asylum
House, on tin* first meeting in February.—
Application for the above to be bunded in
to the subscriber.
By order of the Board,
K. M. LLOYD, Sec'nj.
nov13 1
JOHN T. 110W..AV O,
C U'N * INUES to do busio.-HH .n M/.cJgc
J ville, and the oil r <*t ' ■ ser
vice* to bi» friends and the publ.c, in vb< ' raos
HCtion of agency buainess gonm liy
oct 5
Bcera* Axes.
4 SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
and for sale by N b> WEED*
oct 27
1 Priie of— g40,000 is 4 : 0, 0 Dolltri,
1 l'rue o( 0,000 is O OUO Dolli r«.
1 Pr ze of 1«00‘ ia 10 j''U n<UKr».
2 P r.f- — S.uoO is ’0,000 Do:I»
30 PriiBl <f- -I,' O'! is 3'VIOO DclIsTi.
"0 Hr't-i ot—J00 is to,000 ,Vli,r«.
JO Prizes of 10'i ;s J,' 0'J Dollars.
1'to P:-I*e« of S I If {,000 Dollar..
5000 Prize, of——10 is 50,000 Doil»r.,
180,0.0 Do!la>..
lOOOO TirVp*. st $9, i. 180 000 Pot’s s
The whole of the prizes u lie floating
from the coiimicnceinent o ihe drawing,
except the following, which are tn he de
posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz :
On the 5th day, : : , ; <10,000.
On the 1 Oth day, .* • 5,ooo.
On the I (till day, : : t 20,000.
On the 20th day, : : : , 40,000.
The whole to be completed ii
T’wthut^j Y.Fwift a ouYj \\
The prizes only to he drawn. The whole
payable in cash, sixty days after the com
pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion ofiilloen percent.
Cummissiuintrs appointed by the Governor and
Con m il
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, on IPEDNESDA Y, 17ih inst.
Tickets ftvi— proportion.
received at the Baltimore price, and prize
tickets taken in payment, at
EXCIf.LVGE office,
No. 3, Commerce-Row.
nov9 9 ,
Consumptions, Coughs, (5c.
{ '’•O? the cure T v 1Long’ s,r;tn3timi
IiOt.S, Sp'tt *i.g •»!»* oedj Ao'lniidS,anJ
i.v* sea breu?ii and lungs.
1’beie is perhaps no medi al obsci vatim
lu;*.tcr es'ao iah d, none more . eM ially con
ui'tned by the ex perience ot ti e b et physi. i
msof all area nnd ci untri. 8. and none o:
■ orr imp -rtanre to the finnan f.onily, t .i.
he f*ct that many of tfie most diflnult hv i it
•'titiib!.; '•o;.8umptio» • origi-at. ir. nugle i •
v.olds.. In u chn ate *0 vamolt* M6ouis, wnerc
he changes ot ifie wca her are Ir- qu 'i tl*
‘iiiddcnun * unexpected, it requires more ca t
.nil entiooio guard agaiii8< this dargvr u
e,n *itv of Me, than ntont people imt'yine •.
.11 c iblc and willirgto brt> o h. '*fie bi Is o
mortHli‘,y tab bit the meiat.chi.Iy Uct that th
•rop rtion f dea l a by t!i s rt.mease may l*
-ouridered na about fi'e »■* one. I asm '•I
•hen as this futal dbcHxe f.« queuriy . i s t.efi
Hfice to the skill of tfie most learned physic.
«n<i, it is a .'rat'ficut'oo to the pro rietorth**
•c is enabled to oSei to those uffleed witi
t_ a gm d*y prospf ct of react, i Mint ' igf*l*
•luahk remedy, the Vegetable Indian Sp ci
Jic. The Indians are happy in ihtir kr ow.
* Igc of m dual plants; g. v.rued vth d'v s>
xpuuencr. they a.ecertain as to their • flue,
• • i i* s 8sid by an author of great character,
th*' a Lite c< i.snn piiuu ia a d.scaae never
known among them.
*1 his Specific is obi ined by extraction ft or.
1 erbs, roots fl tWi rs, pi nt , &c. when in per-
Action. In conxi-qu'-rice • f a happy combin*.
'ion of the moti valuable h^rhs, fee. it becomes
* bn’.Sdm of a Hupem r value. It fit aim the »u-
j t ed part*, opens . lu, and composes
• i*.e dis'iiibed nerves, after the manner (f si
ioodyne / conseq ently tfie obstruction of
Mte chen and ti e ,unps which constitute th.s
disease, parlLulariy need its us.:, it promote*
expectoration, wh^cli is constantly called for
and whilst it cietu s s a d heais, it slso give-
s length to the tender lungs In this u'kniic
it removes the hectic fever, 'unproves digr s
tion, gives strength to the nervi s, repairs th*
pp»tite a id improves thos; ir*ts. This sped
fic mat always be give n in safety it is n*dd
..•le- sant to Mte ti»s'e, and may s,*fely be g.ver.
o's, or wh.cli it is of inestimable valu;-
!t affords 'cliff in b*mtl complaint*, t cthing,
• hooping coughs, tic. and is found particu
f r.y useful in hypochondri <csli nervous an
ttystericsl disuksea. Each bi'l ol cirerti.-
.ontains » d tail* d account of thin di-ear.e in
■ 11 it-i d AT-fr- nt ^tagis, v.udwdl b* acd tnpa
t^d with th ; wi: iu.tmc ol the proprietor i
Red Ink. It is fl’-red lornale by GKO. BY
! It M) . only (my s e agent) D.uggut, ccr
icr Hiv an-i Whit.akci.stae;s, Savannah, ai
•me iludur per bottle.
dec 30 30
UwrtttA Utt« .Matruaaea-
flMIE subseti’i(*r has just received on as-
I. sort incut of the above articles, war
ranted to be of the best quality, for sale by
/. }Y. MORREL.
oct 26
OpyjoaUfctV\fe Acadtiwy.
R ESPECTFULLY’ infiirms lirr fricmls
' and the public, that her school is oovr
uv. n, opposite the Chatham Academy, lor
“‘0 EXCEPTION OP PUPILS. Assisted hr
her daughter Miss E. A. IUrhison, sh®
otters her services in teaching the following
useful and ornamental branches of eilm a-
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks lor
the patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertiunx to further the rro
gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fi ir
ther extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
are received, ore—
1st Class—Smiling*, Reading, Fewing and
Marking, per quarter, : di oO
2d. Class—With Writing, Crnminnr,
Geography and Aiithme-
tic » 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery!' on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00
If p The most careful attention will h«
paid by Mrs. Kf.r, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 2 no
1*. M'DEltMO J T,
I NFORMS his friends and the public gen
erally, that he has received by recent
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment of
Grocei ics, Hardware and Dry
which will he disposed of wholesale and r?
tail, on tho most reasonable terms. Th ±
following articles comprise a part of h»
present stock, viz.—
!0 Hogs!'euls prime St Croix r uffar
10 Botev White t.nd ? u .
0 M ixes Brown J ™ v *ua da
Cm Barrels Loaf a’ d f .urrp dj
50 Bij*s Hsvsna Gr. en Coffee
6 Pines superior 4th "root fLmidy
■ f P'pe* do H- ifknd G u
5 Pipes Imitation B indy, 4th proof
5 I)o do Gin
2 Pipes very tmperiur o*d ’Vsch Brandy
2 Puncheons do do Irish Whiskey
50 Hogsh ads and > PhiLd tphia Rye
100 Barrels 5 Wb.lkcy *
100 Barrels Northern Gin
2 Pipes super! »r old Madeira Wine
5 Half Pipes superior «ld Lisbon do
It’ Q, isrter Casks Tene* ff 1 - tlo
V»;rv sunerior old Madeira Wire and
C(*gnac Brandy demijohns
150 V h .-e and > llMireis supciflue fresh
H O Hair 5 FI ur
100 -v.fft:ls Nm 3, St-w U^ckarcl
50 B.-tr-els No 2, do do
1*.l0 Bisket* T.ible Sait
20 LunK9 Go^hon Ci.cese
20 Barrels Copperas **~
200 R^ams Wrnpring Paper
50 B*<gs BlRck Pepper
1 > B**xes Chor.nlate
2d pi^e Gn!loti Deniijuhus
5 Bar els Glue
100 Keep* HE and RF Diipunt^ Gunpowder
5' Pound C inis'e s « f sfjnerior do
100 Pieces 4 ' inf;h Lotion Bagginw
2 Bales Hagg rtg Twine
10 Wh-L auu J a,xe8 S WhUuniore’*
6 Half 5 genuine Card#
10 fl'-xos Wool Huts
5 B x^s Sit aw U iQi.eij
10 Cods Hh\< P ipe
5 l». z-n Bed Cor ’g
SO Do Plough Lines
100 I’O'in-'s Sasli Cords
6 Bales Po«nt, Loudon Duffle
10 Gases colond and bleached and ujn
bleact.ed Homespuns
70 Gross Iron Table Spoons
15 P i do Tea do
0 LL. T( utania Table do
Piatcd 'I “ble hi,d Tea do
Copper,Cart, Wrought and Composi*
tion l ea Kettle* <f at! • a t «
Br*s Kettles for making prtatives
20 t »ets i*i I)i h Covers
?0 To*** Sh.’ar Moulds
1 D < 8. d Irons
1 D ) Bat Lead
1 D.i Sheet Iron
106 Ci.s»g assorted Cut N^ils
Mill, «'rosa Cut and WtupSsw, made
expressly Mr this market
20 D* aen Hui r', Wooiisaws and Ten*
i>«rit &R*.»a
Rlav-ki fr/ih Sledges and fUndbamn'eni
AiiVilb, from 1 to 200ihs. real mouse
Bh cksm th’s Bellows,from 24 to 3§
Single ard Double Screw PlaivS
Coin M,!lg / front No. I to 5
2 Tor s Hooks sod Hingc9
Rp'.hs Andiroi.s, fom R.I 50 to 9,1
B'H * sod Wi r e Vende s, with shovels
hi d tongs to match
5 '’ioAs Braid’s Patent H« es
lOo D zen Padlocks
Meelya 1 ds to weiph from 200 'o 50Clb»
2 Tone of Steel,consisting »*f Shear,Eng
lish, Ithste ed anci C^st
Stoves with Pip s
1C00 Pound® Way gun Beils, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 tlsgr Trace Chair.*
2 Dr sen Currying Knives
20ii D: ZL*n Curry Combs
6 Sets White handle Knives and Forks,
consisting ot' 50 p ecev each
10 Sots Britannia Teapots
Sugar and Cream do
6 D >at n P.itent Shot Belts
2 I )«»«•*i. G.ime Bap*
2 D zen Powder liorns «"d T asks
1 C *sp double and single barrel Guns
IOD.i/cii Wire and 20 do* Han Si ttii
2 Fancy Hall VlaU and 50 sets
Table Ma's
A i 8ft*
A gcnerrl t"»sortme! tufC» , T , '^ r ter*sPline*r
Rruthea, »> d Fancy Bellow*, wnh msny other
Hi t’cles in the above line,too sedious to enu-
20 Tons of Curron Castings, wliiik will Si
told low from the wbtil