Newspaper Page Text
w, iilko
Sheriff's Sales.
On the first Tuesday in March ncjcl,
be Sold »t the Court Home, in thr
city of Savannah, between the boun ot
ten end four o'clock)
The following J negroes, viz ; Peter end
bia wife Sarah, their children Mary, Tyro, and
Percitla, levied on u the property of Jamen
Bilbo, to aatieiy an eieciitinn in favor of the
President, Director* and Company of the
Ba.ik of the U. State*.
All that lot of ground known and design,-
ted aa garden lot No thirty-nine (30) andalao
Kraillfl SASm
that adjoining half part of another, known aa -L"; " e.W
no r.riu.i.n ri-n nontaininw. tnmhn ™ bt, t, *« ,c > Fompey, t-wnat, t-aty,
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the Jirst Tuesday in March next,
\k t#lLI. bn aold at the Court-House, be
<#/ tween the uaual houra o ten and fout
i clock,
Eighty negro slaves, via. Nelaon, Rachel,
8am, Morris, Chatlea, Milley, Hannah, Harry,
Flora, Anna, 8am, Silvy, Hercules, ttraboy,
John, David, Nancy, Philip, Judy, John, Har
ry, Kve, Philip, Anna, I.ucy, Monday, Tenah,
Molly, Henry, Ben, Venua, Cain, Cumba,
Celia, Flora, Nelly, Hannah, Simon, Lukey.
Paddy, Jenny,Brunts,Cinda, Beck, Fanny, 'oc,
Healer, July, Pliebe, Jack, Bella, Fanny,
lot No. forty-two (42) containing, together,
•igbt and a half acres, be the aame more or
less, aituatc to the eaat of the city of Savan
nah, and huunded to the northweat of lot No.
twenty aia (26) to the aouth and eaat by
landa belonging to the estate of Hampton
Ldlibridge, and to the west by the public
road leading to Skidaway Island, whereon a
brick yard t* now established and known b)
the name of Fahm'a brick yard, tugether with
all and aingular the improvement and appttr-
tenancra thereunto belonging ; levied un as the
f troperty of lacob Fahm, under a rule abao-
ute, from the Hon the Superior Court of
Chatham County, in favor of Aaron Cleveland
end Susan hi* wife.
All thr. tract of land known by the name
of Tweed Side, containing (346) acres, 264
acres high land, third quality, 82 acres low
land 6 at quality, uourded on the north by
Savannah river—lev'ed on under a fi fa in fa
vor of Simon Donald and wife, complainants,
against Thomas N. Morel, and others, heira if
John Morel, dec.
Buildingson part of lot No. thirty one (31)
Liberty ward, in the city of Savannah, bound
ed north on Yurk-strcet, south by a lane, and
weat by other part of said lot—levied on as
the property of Wm. M.hew, dec. to satisfy
aneaecution from a justice* corn t, in favor of
Thompson Is Bnnney, against Wm. Mahew,
Security for E. Swift.
Jan 31 56
Willoughby, Fortune, Racin'I, Phillis, Rich
ard, Miner, Jane, London, Davy, lahmael,
Lizzy, Sttzy George,Grace, Cudjo, Caty, Bet
sy, Sampson, Billy, Molly and Abraham, to
gether with the future issue and increase of
the families, levied on under a fi fa. on
foreclosure of a mortgage, from George L,
ope, in favor of Peter Mitchell, John
M'Niah, and Robert Mitchrlh
I. D’LYON, S. C C.
ded 31 31
Sheriffs Sale Continued.
On the Jirst Tuesday in March next,
\Cf?llXbe aold at the • Jourt-House, in *h
city of Savi<>nah, between the hours o«
ten and four o’clock.
Eighteen negroes, vis.—Charlotte, Bacctis,
Eve. Tenah, Titus, Sambo, Nero, Belinda,
Oorcus, Isaac, Bess. Sippio, Carlos. Cloe, Peg-
i;y. Anne, Betty, snd Monday, levied on by
consent, as the property of N G* Rutherford
under a fi fa. on a foreclosure of a mortgage,
•n favor of the Bank of Darien.
Feb It 66
Administrator’s Sale
On the Jirst Tuesday in April next,
£ WILL sell at the Uourt-H.iuse in J Her
Sheriff’s Sales.
ILL he sold, it the Mai kci -House, '
the Town of S<. Msrys, un the fi
aturdiy after the first Tuesday of War,
neat, between the hours often and fouro'cll
One negro man named Cato, levied cu .
the property of Joseph Rain, to aatiafy an ex
ecution in favor of Belton A. Copp.
Alan, One undivided third of three negro
slaves, o wit i .Sophy, Jessenter. and Sandy,
levied on as the property of Jana O’Neal, to
satisfy an czecudon in favor ot R Brunet, by
hia Guardian.
A-so, One tract of land on Crooked Hirer,
containing 150 acres, bounded north by va«
-antlard, eaat by A. J Pratt’s land, aouth bv
Crooked River and marahea, vest by K.Shear
man, the greater part of said tract iz under
cultivation—one pair Card Table*, one pair
fire-lugs, shovel snd tonga, one clock, half s
d- zen (silver) Table-spoons, levi d on as the
property of Abram Pratt, to satisfy an elocu
tion in favor of B. A. Copp.
St- Marys, Jan. VO 1825.
Fe>2 58
Georgia—Bryan County.
tty Joshua Smith, Clerk of the Court of Untin
a y of the County uforcsitd,
^ (WHER W A8 William Moor, of the Cnun'v
JJ of Bulloch, applies fur Letters of Ad
ii.istration on the estate and effect! of S.m-
i Bacon, formerly of Liberty County, dec :
use ure therefore to cite and admoniab al*
id aingular the kind ed and creditors of aaid
d iccaac, t, fi" their objectiona (ii any they
have) in myffiir, on m before the firat Mon
day in March neat, otlu-rwuse leltera of ad
ministration will be granted the applicant.
Given under my hand and private seal,
(there being no seal of uffi:c) this third
day of February, one thousand eight
hu tired and twenty.five.
[I. 8 ] JOSHUA SMITH, e O. C.
F 8 63nf
Attachment Sale,
On the Jirst Tuesday in March next,
\i WILL be sold at the Court-tloine, be
V## tween the hours of ten and (our o'clk.
Two negro slaves named Sampson and Ab
ner, attsched as the p nperty of William E.
Ferguson, and sold by ord r of Court.
I. D’LYON, S C. C.
Jan 30 56
Admn st-ator’s Male.
W ILL lie sold on the first Tuesday in
April next, at the Court-House in
T IIE undersigned having been appoint
ed by his Honor the Judge uf the
Court of Oyer and Terminer, assignees lor
the purpose of settling the uccuunts of the
lute firm ol'NesIer & Griggs, of Savannah,
they having made u surrender of all their
estate, both real and personal, for the bene
fit of their creditors, do hereby give notice
to all persons indebted to said concern, that
they must pay or liquidate their accounts,
within THIRTY DAYS from this date,
after which time those unsettled will with
out discrimination, be put in suit. All per
sons huving demands against said concern,
are required forthwith to present their
claims, in order that the trust may be set
tled us early as possible.
M. HERBERT, \ Assignees
Feb 4 60fu
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the Jirst Tuesday in April next.
pll.L be sold at the Court-House in the
city of Savannah, between the hours of
ten and four o’clock.
The following seven negroea, viz : Davis,
Maria, Patience, Dublin, Beck, Trephina and
Oscar, with the increase uf the females levied
on under a fi fa on a foreclosure of a mortgage
aa the property of Joseph Carru-.liers to satis-
fy the Bsnk of the State of Georgia.
Alsu, .he following 35 negro-, a, viz: Cuffee,
(Cooper,) Harriet, Ally, old Charlotte, Jack,
Sky. Charlotte, Peudaw, Bess, Precessa and
child, Bridget and Peggy, William, Elsey,
Billey, Philip Phyllis, old Cuinbo, Jenny, old
Peggy, B utus, Jesse, Brutus, Sandy, Maria,
Cynda, Dick, Toby.Suphis, Daphne and child,
Jacob,Sye.Beckty and John,with the increase
son Camden County, between the usual
hours uf aale,
Harry, Ned, and his wife Tamer, and he.
lour children, Daniel, Stephen, John and Yur
ick, the property of the Estate of Ge --e
Morriano, deceased, for the benefit of tin
creditors and heirs ot said estate, pursuant tc
leave granted by 'he don't of Ordinary of said
County. GEORGE MOliltlSON,
Administrator, witn the Will annexed, of
George Morrison, Sen. deceased.
leflVrann, 24!h Jan. 1825.
Feb 2 5R
Marshal’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in March,
HLL be sold before the Court House,
iethecitv ofS.vannah, between the
hours of IV and 2 o’.iock
! h. se TWO LOTS, Nos 27 and 28, Jack
thu city of Savannah, by permission of the
Honorable the Justices oi’the Inferior Court
of Chatham county,
One undivided fourth of a tract of land,
containing about five hundred acres, on
Cumberland Islund, Camden County,known
as Plum Orchard, anil an undivided fourth
of a certain tract of land situated on said
Island, containing about five hundred acres,
originally granted to Gen. Lachlan M’ln-
tosh, and bounded on the south by the suid
Plum Orchard Tract.
Also, a tract called Lottery Hill, situate
on the Ogccchoe Road, three miles from
Savannah, containing about six hundred
acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S
Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors, of said estate.
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Feb 2 58af
mnWard, and improvement* thereon, levied
m as the property of .I"hn H. Morel, to satir
of-he"females, levied on as the property of I fy the balance decreed to be due on a dis'res
Nicholas Cruger, under a fi fa on a foreclosure | warrant, issuing from the Treasury Depart
o! a mortgage in favour of John Carnahan and
James McHenry for use of Cirri* ran* Levett.
Alao, a negro man named 5am, levied on a-.
the property of Char'es E. Flin, under fi la.
an a foreclosure of a mortgage in favor o,
James Anderson.
Alio, the following 19 negroea, viz r— Abra-
bam. Harry, Oatn, Chance, Daniel, Aaron,
Sambo, Lucy, Scipio, Maryan, Rachael, Lon
don, Aggy, Simon, Grace, Eliia, George, Ro*
dy. and Jim, with tht increase of the females,
levied on aa the property ot Flemming Akin,
dee, under a fi. fa. on a foreclosure of a mort
gage in favor o( Wm. Dizon & -o- assignees
Sr Murdoch M’Leod- I. D’r.YON 5. C C
Ik H
ment nfthc United States, against A.S. Bui
loch, John H. Morel, n d David Lcinn-
Marshal Uis. Geo.
Jan 21 47
Administrator s Sale.
rjy ILL be sold at the Gouit-flouse in Sa-
Shetiit ’s calt-ti.
On the first Tues,lay in March next,
YKTOiLL be aolti at the Court-House between
vJT the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock.
The following-i« nt-groca, H niah, Isaac,
1 ondon, William, Peter, and Hannah, levied
on under a fi- fa. on foreclosure from John
r. U' ter to the Manters’ Batik.
Fiur negroes, Billy, Moses, Will and Jen
ny, levied on uiT.-• a fi. ta. on forecltaure
of a mo tgige from 0. H. Hayden, to J-.-rcint*
tit Curler.
A quantity ,fF Household and Kitchen Fur-
nitue levied on under a fi. fa on fareclovuie
of a mortgage, from Eleszer Early to Amoz
Scndder. . „
jan 3 32
vannah, on the first Tuesday in Marc,
nt-zt, between the hours of ten and two o’cla.
the personal estate of John Clark, deceased
Terms ot sale cash.
Administrator of J. Clark-
Jan 14 42
Administrator’s i*a'e.
ilTILL oe *n!(| in the first Tuesday ir
? ▼ March neat, at (he Court-House in the
c'uy of Savannah, within ihe hour* pregenbe •
he es'ate of Constant Freemeq, Esq d 'ceaa
;d* Sold for the benefit of the heira and
creditors of laid estate Terms of sate caan-
Jan 14 42
Georgia—Camden County,
SupF.ittor Court, October Term, 11124.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selucster
i kN petition of Timothy Hopkina, atating
' : that in consideration of certain prom
issory| notetj made to the said Timothy, by
them, one payable with interest, from fira*
of January, 1821, on the fi r st of January. 1822:
a second payable at aforesai on the first of
January, 1B23; and a th'rd payable as tf.ire-
said, on the first of January, 18’4, executed a
mortgage to said Timothy Hopkins, his hei* •
and assigns, on all those four tracts of l a .id,
situated in ’he county aforesaid, conveyed b>
the aaid Timothy, to the aaid F-angley and
Selveater, and lying on the south side of
Great Satilla River, one tract containing sev-
.*nty*sevcn|acres, more or less; two tracts
containing fifty acres, more or less, and one
ther tract, containing one hundred and eigh
\ -.eight acre*, more or less, conditioned fo
tie payment of the three said several notes
on the days above mentioned, and that said
several notes remain unpaid—on motion ot
Archibald Clark, attorney for plainti^, it i«
ordered, that thu said Langley and Selveste
their heirs or assigns, pay into Conr*, withi
welve months from this date, the sum* due
»n said notes, and the interes and cos’s, oth
i wise that tl»e equity of redemption be fo r
ver foreclosed, and that au» h other proceed lake place, as are pursuant to law.
True extract from the mior.tes, 27th Octo
ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk
nov 4 87
An opening for enterpnze!
SUO \fttwub\e, LttT ? y
Situated on the principal streets in Lmecr
Hamburg\improvcd and unimproved.)
W ILL be aold to the highest bidder, on
Tuesday, the 18th January uext
City nlietitt’s ‘ ales-
On tht Jirst Tuesday in March next,
ILL be sold *n of the Couri-
douse, in the city of Savann h, between I the Town of Hamburg, S. C.—One half of
the usual hours of ten snd three o’clock t
AM the buildings on the eas ern half o< I«m
No. J, five. St Gill, Ogiethrope ward, levie-
on as the property of E’ias E. Roberts to sst
Isfy an execution in f.tvor of the German Lu
tberan Churcn, va* Elias E Roberta*
One negro woman named Maris, ard hi-
child Dull, levied on as the property of Rob«
Charlton, the. to satisfy an execution Iron
the Court of Common Picas, and Oy®L '
the purchase money, cash ; the other hal
to bear an interest of seven per cent, per
annum—the interest to be paid annually.—
Vly individual Notes, and the Notes of tin
following Banks, viz. The Bank of Ham
burg, Bank of the United States, the sever
al Banks of this State, and the Bank of An
gueta, will be taken in payment. The pur
chasers of unimproved lots will be required
Termim-r fijr^the City ot Savannah, Salma J to improve thereon. The sale will cumin
Mantonvs. Eiiz'i Charlton administratrix o | uc from day to day, until the whole is dis
Hubert Charlton, dec.
Jm *0
A I. D’LYON, C. S.
bheriff’s bales.
Iiobcdofj when the ti-rms of sale arc com
plied with, indisputable Titles will bo made.
Hamburg. Nov. 24.
O N Ihe firat Sal onlay, after the firat Ttiea- |
day in March, will be aold at the Rio
ket House, in lha town of St. Marys, between
the hour* of ten and four o’clock, a negro
boy named M tea, levied on aa the proper'
of Cornelius Rain, to oatialy an ezecution or
foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of John
Chevalier. M. H’ HEBI1ARD, 8. C. C.
Si- Marys, January L 18vJ-
Jan 8 37
Sale Continued.
HE Kiilo of the above Lots lias been
-T postponed until Tuesday, the. '2‘id if
Tar, I’itch. Ilosin ftje.
JUST received,
td\3 10 do I’itch
10 do Roain
& do bright Varnish
For sale bv A. BASSETT,
So. 1, Mnngin's Now-Ilpilding.
Feb 4
Mrtmry next, on which day the sale will
Thu Uharleston Mercury, the Charleston
Courier, Hnntliurn Patriot, City Gazette
Columbia Telesrnpe, South-Cnrolinn Re
piiblirnn, Pomlletoii Messenger, Augusta
Chronicle, the Constitutionalist, Savannah
II and Georgian, will publish tli
above once a week lor three weeks, and
forward their accounts to tno for payment,
January 26
Jan 30 SHi
Camden Superior Court.
Henry Hvrkord, ) VerdictMarehTerm,
Thomas "Kino. $ " m '
! |N motion of the Attorney of the Plain
LF till', in the above ease, it is ordoro
rnt the defendant do shew cnusc. on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why
final judgment should not be entered
the above case, ns of March Term, 1808
and that publication he made of this rub
once a month, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the defendant, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Extract from thr Minutes,
dee 23 ‘-’Sill
State of Georgia.
By Elijah Bakery Clerk of the Court of Or-
* dinary. fur Liberty County.
M RS. ELIZA lE'i H WALT* < UR, ftp
plies for letters of ftdministntion on
he estate and tff r.ts of Thomas G Webb,
s next of kin: Th**ne are therefore, to cite
nd admonish, all and singular the Hind eH
«nd creditors of the said deceased, to fib- their
objections if any thev have, in my office at
llicebomufrh, on or before the firat Monday
in March neat, otherwise letters of admims-
ration will be granted to the said applicant.
Given under my h nd and seal, this tmth
day of January, in the the year of our
Lord eighteen hundred d twenty five.
'L. S.) E BAKER, C. C O L C.
Jan 14 41
Thomas Cumminy and others, Complainants
and O’iUium Wallace and others Defendants,
Chatham Superior Court, January Term.
I T appearing to the Court, by the a fiida
vit of Juaeph Gumming thut William Wal-
-ace and Sarah his wife, Mary Clay, Ann Clay,
Kliza Clay, Mary Jane Clay, William Clay,
Joseph Clay, Ralph Clay, Mary Ann Clay,
Henry Clay, and Elisabeth Clay, who are par.
ties defendants in the abnve case, reside
beyond the limits of the state of Georgia,
and within the United States, and that Jamea
Clay, alio a defendant, is in foreign parts,
beyond the limits of the United States. On
motioo of complainants’solicitors, it is order
ed that the laid defendants, firat named, do
respectively appear and answer the complain
ants’ bill, within four months from the date of
this rule, and the auid Jamea Clay, within nine
montha. And it is further ordered, thst this
rule be published once a week, during nine
montha, in one of the public Gazettes of this
state. A true copy from the minutes,
A.B. FANNIN, Clerk,
may 11 42fpa
4 LI, persons having demands against the
estate of Olivur Sturges, Esq. late of
the city of Savannah, deceased, are request
ed tu baiul them in, properly attested, and
t'lose indebted tu said estate, ure requested
to make immediate payment to
WM. P. HUNTER, Adm’r.
Feb 10 «r,i.|
J. Shinn’s Panacea.
T HE subscriber having discovered thf com
EAJSACEA, has now a supply on hand for
sale j he has reduced the price from S$3 50, to
$2 50, or by the dozen 2^4.
All charitable institutions in the U. States
and the poor will be supplied gratis.
If the citizens of the principal cities and
towns, will appoint an agent to order and
distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be
Tins mediciae is celebrated for the cure o!
the following diseasesscrofula or king’;
evil, ulcerated or putrid sore throat, long
standing rheumatic affections, cutaneous dis
eases, white swelling md disease of the bones,
and all cases generally of th ulcerous charac
ter, and chronic diseases, generally ai ia'ng in
debilitated constitution*, but more especially
fro 1 - syphilis or affections arising therefrom ;
ilcer* in the larynx, nodes, £*c. and that
dreadful disease occasioned by a long and
excessive use of mercury, Uc- It is also uae
ful in the disease of the liver"
I have within the last two years had an op
portunity of seeing several eases uf very inve
terate ulcers, which having previously resist
ed tile regular modes of treatment, were
healed by the use of Mr. Swrim’s Panacea,
and 1 do believe, from what 1 have seen,
that it will prove an important remedy in aero-
fulous, venereal and mercurial diseases.
Professor of the Institutes and practice
of Physic, in the Univeraity ot Penn
I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim
in numerous instances, within tht last three
ears, and have always found it eztremely
ffiescious, especially >n sec-omlary sypbii s
and mercurial diseases. I have no hesitation
pronouncing its mediciae of inestimable
value. W. GIBSON, M. D.
Professor of Surgery in tile Uni’ty of Penn
Philadelphia, Februsrv 17, 1823.
JOHN SHINN, Chemist.
Philadelphia, Aon. 17, 1823.
Bctvfieen Louis Itvconie, and John Leconte, Com
plum ant* y and Peter L cent John Thomas
Chapman, ——-—— Reyna!dt and Valeria,
his Hifr t B’fendunts —- ■ Liberty Superior
1 5HE Complainants having filed their bill in
. this Court, the obj . ct of which is to per
petuate the testimony of certain persons there
in named, an-1 it appearing that the Defend,
ants respectively reside beyond the limits of
t e st *te of G orgia, and within the United
Stall.s : It is ordered, that service upon the
said Defendants be effected by publication in
one of the G»x *ttes o f Savannah, requiring
the said Defendants to appearand answer the
said bill of Complainants, on or before the
eleventh day o April next.
A true copy
E* Bi*Kf!R, Clerk.
February 10,1825.
Feb 17 71|
Information W ante A
A NY information from, or relative to Mr.
Fkedeimck Lowe, Printer, a native of
N otice.
T HAT on the second Saturday in March
next, at the lute residence of John
Bryan, dec. all the personal property of the
Wire Fenders and Cast-Iron
Chimney Backs,
R ECEIVED per ship Carmir, and for U° the highest bidder, for the benefit of the
sale by N. B. WEED. tow.- «... r,
I aforonnid doceaued, will bo offered for sale,
i by
dm*, n
at. Croix sugars.
•g £* HOGSHEADS of St. Croix Sugars,
J.O of very prime quality, landing from
bchooncr Nancy, and for sale by
Jan 20
Cattle, flnies, Plantation Toots, Household
and Kitchen Furniture, together with
sundry oilier articles.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
ISAAC,' BRYAN, > Exocutors.
Scriven County, (Geo.) Jan. 22, 1825.
Jail 20 ’ 52l|
Georgia—Camden County.
|Q A■ L WHOM li' *IAY tO.-v E-N.
CTWHEHEAS Belton A Copp.F, q applies
-jjr to the Gou-t of Ordinary of said coun
ty, for Letters of Adm hist ration on the estate
uf Joseph Bixby, late of said coun j, deceas
ed : These are, therefore, to cite and admon
ish, all and singular, the heirs snd creditors
of said deceased, in file their ohje limn, if
any they have, in my office, on or b f ee the
first Monday in March tie t, otherwise letters
will be granted th r applicant.
Witness the H morable Will am Gibson,
one of the Justices of said Court, this
twenty-sec n I day of January, 18J5-
P '7 5"
Manchester, England, and who, when last
Aoard from, resided at Monticello, Jasper
county, Georgia, where it was understood
he had married a young woman of the name
of White, addressed to Robert C. Lowe, to
the care of the editor of the Charleston
Courier, will be thankfully received.
Ik. Tltc editors of papers in the State of
Georgia, and in the Western country, will
confer an obligation upon an anxious mo
thc-r, by giving the above one or two in
sertions in their papers.
jan 22 49
L oking-blasses
■JUST received, per schooner Retrieve
an elegant assortment of Mantle and
Pier Looking-Glasses, tit manufactory pri
ces, by J- B. HERBERT & CO.
dec 18
Spanish Segars.
?5 ) 0^r. S do| S P aniBhSe B arB -
i asi . licet -roil Box Ltoves,
1 N. II. WEED,
No. 8, Gibbons’ Range.
nov 24
Just received per Globe, and for sale by
doe 4
Webster’s Spelling Hooks,
ECEIVED and for sale by
Jan 13
Between W, Davies, Administrator, Complain
ant. and John L arnochan. Administrator•, dt
bonis non with the will annexed of Georje
Richardson, and others, Dejendants In
equity, Chatham Superior Court— Chancery,
20th August, 1824
I T appearii-gdtai John Murray Carnocban,
one of the defendants in the aaid bill of
omplaint named, resides without the state of
Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdoms
«>i Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotland :
It is ordered that the said John Murray Car-
nochan, do appear and answer to the com*
plainant’s said bill, within nine months from
the date of this order, otherwise that the
said billj as to him, be taken pro confesso .*
and it is further ordered, that a copy of this
>rder be publishid once a week, in one of
he public Gazelles of this state, until the ex<
draiion of the time within which the suid de<
endant ia required to appear and answer as
True copy from the Minutes, this 21st day
August, 1824. A. B,FANNIN, Clerk.
stigiist °4 50f
N otice
I MI AT three months after dute, apphea
. tion will be made to the Bank of the
.State of Georgia, to issue a new certifiicate
of stock, for one lost, issued on -tbn nth
March,1819, in favor of John M’Kinue,Jun.
o r twenty-live shares, and numbered 243
Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jun.
Augusta, Dec. lii, 1824.
tire III 21 fpt
I^TINE months after date, I shall apply to
Lx the Court of Ordinary of Carn-Jen coun
ty, for leave to sell the real estate of John
D. Young, late of said county deceased, fortbc
benefit of the heirs of suid deceased.
Administrator estate of John D. Young
June 17 20
- -Yo. th
Cornhtll H s on for publishing SCO Ot
FA MILY BIBLE containing u !i the .)[,
ginal References to be comp.itcrf j n
bclltshcd with a likeness of the Author-
I T shall be well printed, on good paper, *
be comprised in six handsome volunei
- , volu'nei.i
will contain the Scriptures of the Oil ^
Nrw Testaments, t le Introductory Observn- ^ ‘
Explanatory J\otes, and Practical Obsenmit, '
and all the copious Marginal References, ■!
ing printed word lor word from the Lund-ji
Stereotype Edition, published since the
thor'a decewsc. The prire will be $21, i«
boards * $24, in sheep * $30, in calfbindb
The whole work will be ready for delivery hi 1
May, 1825, 1 ) •
N INE months afterdate, application will bt
made to the Hon. the Judges of the Cour
ot Ordinary ~f Chatham county, for leave tt
sell all the real estate of the late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred
itora of said estate.
JOHN M’NISH, Executor,
oct 12 71
J^INE months after date, I shall apply to
the Court of Ordinary of Camden coun
ty, for leave tosell a lot of land, in Mon.
>e county, in the tenth district n, nbei
ninety-one, belonging tn the orphans of Levi
Johns, dec. for (be benefit nf said orphans.
Ji:nn 17 20
N INF. MONTHS after the date hereof, sp-
plication will be made to the Honorable
the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when
sitting tor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
a lot, with the improvements, situate in the
city of Savannah, in the said county,and known
in the plan of said city by the No. 53, Browi.
Ward, for the benefit of the heirs and legatees
of the estate ot the late Hugh M’Call, dc*
oct 1 4 72
N INE MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, fur permission to sell a port of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of suid
deceased. JOHN \V. STACY,
dec 18 2!
Extracts of Letts', addressed to Ihe Pub is’ n ,
I esteem Dr. Scott’s Family Bible, emio-ntli
calculated to promote the cause of truth m)
piety. It seems acarcely possible for on :| ,
read daily the Note* and Observations , a th,
Family Bible without becoming a wiser nd
better man. EDWARD D G’JiFKIS.
I have seen no commentary uf the Sa rtj
Scriptures which 1 think so well adapt*: t,
general use and edification. It is a treatmt
which ever) famaly ought to possess.
It is a work distinguished fur the simplici.
ty and convenience of ita arrangement, thr
clearness and fidelity of its expositions, the
neatness and perspicuity of its style, the ns.
uevolence and candour uf its spirit, the c ,, n .
ciseness and pertinency of its applicsti M
and for ita uniform tendency to pro note ei.s-
gelieal truth and piety.
Of Dr. Scott’* Family Bible, 1 fee 1 free it
sa>, thst in my estimation it deservedly r oki
a oong our ablest and best Comm nta ie.
Dr. Scott’s Family B ble intended more re
pecially for t’-e use of Christian -aiiiilies, is i
work high y evangelical, extensively instruc
tive, and deeply interesting.
Daniel c. s anders.
The character of Dr. Scott's Cnmmentarr
in the Bible, is so generally known, si.d 10
nghly approved amongst the most intelligent
ind pious Christians throughout our'v,
nd hsB passed rapidly through so rasnv In, »
editions, that I deem further recommend
ions needless.
J mous*:.
I am acquainted with no Commentary on
It Sacred Scriptures, which I wnuld mort
ordially reeonnnenu tor general use. The
•la<. of the work is good
Perhaps in no way, can ministers, iistnn fn
•f youth, sod private Christians, do greattt
lerv’ee to society, than by exerting them,
reives to disseminate this truly invaluable
I know of no Commentary which is b>t>ei
calculated for diflusing correct views of th,
great truths of Christianity, and leaving sain,
ary impressions on the mind when rising
mm the peru?*! of it, than the one you art
bout to publish.
No writer aeemi lessdiapnaed to contend
for barren speculations. None more uniform.
Iv or more powerfully inculcates the great ca
entisl* of religion. The spirit which per-
•ailes the work is excellent i it is the me. k,
PP ctionarc, healing, yet faithful spirit of iljt
gospel- DANIEL DANA.
From particular examination, and concur
ring testimony, there is no doubt on my mind
that Scott’s Family Bible is superior to ill
You will please to send me six copies of
Scutt’s Bible i I refer to your lately proposed
edition. Perhaps I shall induce five more to
take the same number. H- L.
It is with extreme pleasure I perceive
voir are abuut to publish a new edition of
Scott’s Bible. Having been in possession of
it more than 20 years, 1 trus- I know s one
thing of its value, and am determined to pro
mote its circulation among my friends. You
will please forward six copies as soon as pub
lished. c. U
I have nbtsinod four subscribers for the
excellent work you are publishing H. S.
I propose to tske seven sets of ScoU’h Ui
ble, and will be accountable for the same.
. . J c -
I have obtained subsciribcrsforninecopici
of Seott’s v imily B ble. J. c.
I shall probably need eight or ten sets J
Scott’s Family Bible. J. p.
Itev. S. S. of P. hu o' tzined ten suhscrv
bers. e. It.
I have observed that you are about pub.
lishing another edition of Scott’s B.ble
hope you may succeed u you h'*ve done in
tormer editions, 1 have been endeavoring ts
procure subscriber, amo. g our people, snd
en or more subscribers will be obtained.
O. S H.
I will tske ten sett (of Scott’s H.ble)
hound and lettered. J. F-
( have obtained ten subscribers for your
edition of the Family Bible—snd have na
d ubt but there might be somethirg like 103
copies sold in this place if you had on agent
here—I thought toe work ought to be en
couraged and for hat renaou took a subscrib*
lion paper. It is a work thst every family
should have thst is able to purchase.
J. E. U'C.
4 LL persons having demands against tLe
estate of Constant Freeman, Esq late ot
the city of Washington, deceased, are
qoired to hand them in, legally attested,
within the time prescribed by law : and those
indebted to said estate, are required to mi.k
immediate payment, to
Jan 14 42pi.
T HOSE who Imvo any demands against
the late Matthias Sehlosscr, late ot'
Chatham County, deceased, arc requested
to render in their demands, properly at
tested ; and those indebted to said deceas
ed, to make immediate payment, to
Qualified Executor.
Jan IS 4Si.f
Hide Whips.
2© Hide Whips, received and
for sale by
dec 13
Piiot Tread.
I O HALF BBLS. Inglis’ Pilot Bread,
J. md just received ami for sale by
just I
dec 29
Catron Castings.
fld)ra(B(D(S) 1>0UN : I)S C " ron Cant-
UVg/QVK/VK/vg/ utgH ' t - ur sn | n lnu , K „
dec 18
I am glad, that yti propoae to print Mf-
Scott’s excellent Family Commenisry, and
should be very glad if it were in my power to
give a more liberal patronage to the work,
titan, aa circumstances sre, I can. I shall,
however, he able to do something; eigiit or
ten se-s 1 shall certainly tske; and it may be,
double that number. A. B.
I have procured fifteen subscribers to
Scott’s Bible. J. A. D.
I think I shall diapose of 20 sets or mm e of
the Family Bible. F. B
I have circulated proposals for Scott's,
Bible bow many have been engaged in sill
cannot tellbut between 20 and 30 sets in
th s vicinity J. 5.
I have concluded to become responsible
to you for thirty sets of ScoU’a Comments''y. "
I have procured 106 aubseribers to the
Bible; 6 sets to be bound in calf; 3 sets to
be done in boards the other 97 sets, buund
and lettered aa described in the prospectus.
H. B*
1 presume I could procure 500 subscri
bers for yutir edition of Scott’s Bible '11‘*
demand is increasing for them. They will
finally supersede every other large or Family
Bible. Fifty o r my subscriber* live within •
circle of 8 miles ’ J L.
Juat published an edition of the basis won*,
completed in six volume*, -without margi"»l
references; pricr in botrds g!8; in sheep
821; in calf g27. Either of tluae editioiia
m»v be had of the publisher in Boston ; or of *
S. C. & J. SCHENCK, Sevannuh.
•la tl
Uige, lor sale low. bv
•N. B. WEED.
•Marking BrusYvea,
O F a superior quality, just received anJ
for sale by GEO. R YEKSOtV
nov 20