Newspaper Page Text
,\ Aw —-N <A- \ IV.
Wo. Xi.
1, THE
By G. *5 W. Hoiieutson,
@!)« ISWfi'Mft
IS published to meet the arrangement ol
the ma'l, three times a week, (Tuesday,
Thursday » nd Saturday) at the Office of • h<
Georgian, am! contains alt the in elli-, < ornmercial, Political and Mis-.ellan-
* r,eluding advertisements, pub iilied in
the 1’aily Taper ■ „ _ .
■ti e Country Paper is se tto *11 parts of
the state and Union, or delivered tn the. city,
at dre dollars per annum, payable in drance
Cdverlisements are inserted in both pa o r
at 75 rents per square, of Hines, for -e firs,
insertion, and 37* for erery succeeding pub-
*' c'. mtiunications he M dl, mutt be P-M paiil
8al-s of land sml n-groes by ■tdmimst'a.
tors, Executors or, sre required,
bv l.w, 'o be held on the fi-s Toes lay in tin.
ni., ,11, between the hours of ten m lie fore
noon and three in tile afternoon, al the Court
House of the county in whieh tti" property s
litnate. —Notice of ill. sc sales must b : given
in a public gazette tii’ty days previous to th.
dav of sale.
Notice of the sale of personal property mus 1
be g ve in I Ite mstiner, fa ty day, prevtou
to the lay .f sale.
Notice to 'he debtors and creditors of a;
e- tH'e roust be publish id tor Forty -lava.
Notice that apple:,turn wiil he made to the
Court of Odinary for'ewe to sell land, roue,
bn nihil ll ■ 1 AVne Afoal/n
eumlui & ttJdj'iy
0(F\ HOGSHEADS prime and second
©Mf* quality St. Croix Sugar.
50 burrels do do do sugar
70 bugs prime green coffee
•JO crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
ft hogsheads Jamaica rum
half pipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bale rope
C00 grind stones
‘2000 bushels Maryland corn
U00 do Long Island white, equal to
Georgia Hint corn
nov 23
<p-S7© IpUlFIFo
Jin! action in Pries!
Goods to be wluit, they ore Sold.for ! !
And/lonrsf Weight vV Measure (liven !!!
fill IK Subscriber as willing as others to
J. arrange his business to suit the pre
sent times, and save the public the trouble
of making bargains, adopts a mode lately
made use of in this city of advertising the
Prices of bis Goods, (the whole being too te
dious to enumerate, although not having
tlu.v.) enormous quantities that are usually
mid to be.sold when called for,) names the
feliivdug articles, and assure* thr Public
th-it there;* ot his Stock is reduced in tin;
fame proportion :
Lamp t )il (butnot the best quality)
per gallon $ f)
Do do do 0 •"><)
1)„ do best quality, per gall. 0
Paint do do do 0 tto
S'urits Turpentine do do 0 60
Mixed Paints (but not, the best.
Greens. Blues or Yellows) per lb. 0 12-}
English White Lead, per 2ft lbs.
(u-'t bee a i se put up in iron hound
American While Lead, 2. f tlh kegs
laboratory manufacturi d Brook
lyn, Now-York, (nuimifaetory
price per cwt. $1 2 50, whii'li
reiy be seen by fi oking at the
New-York Price Current)
0 by 10 Glass, but. not the best
American, per box
10 by \i do do do
A large and constant supply of the above
articles and goods generally in the Paint.
Oil, Color, Glass. Vn.rm.-U and Brush trade
V.ill be kept. The subscriber having
made arrangements with Manufacturers in
Now-York, Philadelphia, Boston, and else
where, from which places lie will continue
to receive those goods direct, of the best
ription, nnd on the most, advantageous
terms. Ho also oilers hio Professional ser
vices in
'*<riming. Gilding § Glazing,
which he exni on improved principle*
«t reduced prices, in Town and Country.
Ab j. Whilaker-stcei/,5doors from t ; ■ itay.
jnn 21 oft
3 .00
3 12«
3 .00
•1 .00
■wrlN’E months after date application will
lie made to the lloimrahte the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court, of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
known as number eight, lull District, Piki
(formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit
of m: heirs tiitrl creditors of tire estate til
if N. K. iiayarJ. ■
Ailministrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Jan ■•> a’lttl
fresh garden seed ,
TtaWmus T timer Ttooia*
J UST rece ved by the rtthscriher, and wa-.
ranted of the I »s1 season*.; growth, 2
botes O.rden Seed<i pul up hv W Mahon #•
pb'lsdelptva. » anrp«s’v for t is market,
ctvUiiiing th»» f Ihwing asmrtnv nts, viz.
t. Drumhead Cabbage 4 B*irL cuiled Let-
2 Long 'ted Beet tuce
3 Lo O urge Carrot *5 Hny*| Cabbage do
4 Pipdey t i. Mu«(uep, M |<m
5 L**ek '7, Si inach
6. Omon 8. Summer Savoy
r . Salmon Radish ^weet ILsil
3. E-irlv Pir do do. ) 0 Sage
9 R il 'd Laved it. Na-lurtiinn
ID. Ri.rly Tumps ?\ C-dery
1L Ute do 1 Early Praa
2 a .safv 4. Late do
3 Asparagus J5 Eafl bi'n-hbeanv
-6 Ue-.l F. t iH.h d,.
A T. S O.
°0 °acksg’a contab-ng 'he following Bui
nos Et--*.V'*r I? s, viz
1 . Doub e Mvacinthi I 4. i A‘ i iie* n ii(rerf)n\ve ,>
F e i nlips I S Double Tube<< c e
3 Nurcisaus | 6 S «.« R Be* i.em
For sale by p MMIB' 1 -O ?' P
By the President of the United States.
pursuance of Lw, !,,!.*Mrs Mo^nor, Prv .
•dent f the fT ni*ed Stales, do hereby dr
fa*n anH mak" know., hat a public sate *.v :
e held ni the Lnn * Office at Tallabasae, i
Florida, on the third Mo.May of May next, f j
he di oosh! ol th following land 5 , v*t:—
Township l. south of Bunge I, west of the
Meridian line.
1 nnd 2 north of Range t, do dr.
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township t. south 1, 2, 3, 4, «&. r», oast.
1 & 2.north l, 2. 3, I, & 5*
Fractional township 3 1,2, 3, 4, & Ft.
fho sde will commence w ih tho l .ws.;
lumber of section, township, »i*d range, u.i
nicepcl in regular numerical order h* ■
’ .nds reserved by law fertile u«e of sell in/
•r other purposes, wl;l be exclu '« d f om li:
G'ven under ni” hand, at tin City of *V» 1-
ingUm, this : 6l i <1 ;• *>f .ln»:iuirv, 1R 5.
3. the Preselect.
Commit"n-r of the Genet »J Land Offic.
ZT Prin-.Ta of ih a f. n r the U -ile-l
i'a'vs, in the T -rr't- ry o' FI >r ? '!». d in le
States of M»b ina,, Tenoss «^, M •
'•••■nir pi, Ge. ipui, <»nd ,‘5oulb« , .:»rohnH, are an
h > z d to |.ubi*hthe f o ping Proc’.am»-
;pd „ ,. <v . ,. W( yjj , ,, ;j :.. da< of ash?
’ « t
minimise us Meal JPizors,
a I 'ST rpccivod, u vup|ily nt'lliu abovo nr-
’■ tiolo, wliich will bu wiimuitdil irnml
For Hnlffly N. 11. WEB1).
row !
State Literature Lottery,
Class NO. IV. FOR DKOEMBER. 1021,
sell VJIf E.
2 Prizes of jjlft.ftfto is £20,000
3 5,000 15,000
1 3,002 3,0112
17 1,000 17,000
20 500 10,000
41 200 0.200
51 10t) 5.100
51 tiO 3,060
1731 12 SO.UIMI
11 175 6 60,050
13,305 Prizes,
20,025 Blank:
31,220 Tickets.
In this sebotno with nine drawn ballots
there will bo ft \ prizes with throe numbers
tin them, 1836 with two numbers on them,
and 11,175, with one number on them.—
'Pilose tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on them being blanks.
To determine the fate of the 34,220
tickets, the 60 numbers will severs y be
placed in n wheel on the day of drawing,
nnd nine of them will be drawn, and those
tickets having on them as a combination
the 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, 5t.h and Oth
numbers drawn, will he entitled to $10,000.
Those having on them the 7th, ftth and
01 h—1st, 2d and 4ih—1st, d and 5th, will
each be entitled to $5,000.
That having on it the 1st, 2d and 6th.
will be entitled to $3,002.
Those having on them the
1st, 2d, and 7th 2d.5th& 6th 3d, 7th and ftth
1st.7th and !»th 2d,7tli & !iih 3d, ftth and 0th
1st,Otn and Oli Jd oth & ftth Ith,5th nnd ftth
2d, 3d and -Ith 3d,4lh At•5th 5th,6!h and 7th
2.1, 3d and 5th.3d. Ith & 6th 6th,7th and ftth
2d, 4th and ftth 3d,'7! h Si. ftth* each $101)0.
Those having on them the
3d, 5th and nth
llh,ftth and ftth
Jl.h, 6th and 0th
5th.7lh and ftth
ftth,7th and ftth
6lh,ftth and ftth
each $500.
1 /Hi I'l'lCN Nnw J.I’lif Ltird
lull l.jTOnns
b JlaiTi'lf Castor Oil
, f i Pipos H. (Hu, Swan Brand
JO Itiirrids Moss I'nrk
For stile by J. li. HERBERT & CO.
Jnn l I
is olioe.
jjERSONS having demands against the
L estate of Thomas Johnston, will please
jrcKeiit them, properly attested, at the
ounting-Uoom of R. &, J. Habersham.
xecutrix of the estate of Thomas Johnston
dec. I ft y |f r .
np«B subscribers being nbout to decline bu
X sineas m this pluce, request persons bay
n}j di mamls Hg iust them, to present then
lor payment,
act s
INE months aft»*r d de, application will bf
made to the Inferior Court of Clutharr
h'Uiit)y siting for ordinary purposes for an
T<lei , a't-olute, to sell lots N s Lmranr five,
left 5^ in Caipenter’s Row, arid lot N •.
,!i ”» (I) Green Wild,in lie cby of Savanna 1 .
,P| ::g the real estate of Francis Jaiincau, de»
"r-lie htutfil ot the luirs air 1 creditors c*t
fcstfcte WILLI VM GAS ON.
Quan/icd Executor,
* 97a
‘ trade’s ompany” .ocs.
pk CASKS Brade’s Patent Horn*, for
stilo by N. B. WEED.
dec | ft
(«eovgia— camil< n Caumy
O ' ihe liif-.t T'.e my n; H.<rcli next, 1
sell at Jiff r»:u», in said connt^, a i; g.
•o*o, named Daniel, the propery of the ..s
deof Mic jih rirews, de casud, pursuani U
»ve grunted bv ‘he Court of Ordinary.
M i Y UEWS f*5- c' lfv
T 1 14 /J1 r ! s ftotice.
I IIS from this date, we shall up
Lx ply to the Honorable the Inferior Coin
•t Chatham county, when sitting fur ordinary
pm poses, to sell the real estate of Willian
May hew.
augii« r 12 45
Administrator’s Notice.
VT1NE MONTH* 1 after date, I shall appfy
ll to the Honorable the Inlet for Court o:
Chaihum county, (when sitting for ordinal
purposes) for leave to sell the real f s'nte o.
is'iac If. itobins, to satisfy the heirs and cred
•tors. C- H HAYDR^
Admini-trato •
aup’ost. 12 4.5
P ERSONS having demands against ths es
tate of the Lie William Craig, d«;. art
quested to render the same, properly ai
Mated, within the time prescribed by law, and
.ose indebted to said estate, are earnestly
called upon to settle the same without de*
JOHN M’NISH, Executor
oct 13 71
1st.3d and 6t!i 2d, lth & 5th
1st.3d and 7tln2d.5th & 7ih
lst.3d and ftthj2d,5tli & ftth
• st.3d and 1)1 III 2d,5th «&.
1st,itli and ftth 2d,ftth 7th
•st,5th and 7thj2d,4th & Oth
2d 3d and 6th»3d,5th »& Oth
All others (being 41 Tickets) having
three* of the drawn numbers on them, will
ach bo entitled to $200.
The 51 Tickets having the 1st nnd 2d
drawn numbers on them only, will each b<
•ntitlcdto 100 dollars.
Thn 51 Tickets having the 3d nnd 4t!i
drawn numbers on them only, will each be
entitled to 60 dollars.
All others (being 1731 tickets) with any
two of the drawn numbers on them, will
each be entitled to 12 dollars.
And those having on them any one rf the
drawn numbers, (being 11.475 tickets, or
1,275 for fi ii« h drawn number,) will be each
■ util led to 6 dollars.
No ticket which shall have drawn a prize.
«»f n superior denomination, can he entitled
to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty
diiysnft-T ilie drawing and subject ns usu
al. to a deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery is
put up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing
all the combination numbers, from one to
sixty, which par. el- are warranted to draw
at. least 51 dollars less the.deducthm of 15
p’T cent, with so many chances for tin* cap
ital prizes.
J. B. YATES, ) , T
A. .M’INTYII Fi, < Momijjcrs.
The peculiar advantages of I his scheme,
are, that it has hen highest prize.-;—ihe
number of CapihiD is unusmilly large lor
the amount of cash to In* disposed of in pri
zes^ 171.100 Dollars) and the price comes
wit bin the means of every man. Orders nr**
received as usual, at the otliccof the Geor
gian, by
whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot
tery, have produced a large amount in pri-
z« s, among which were one of a thousand
dollars, 100, 50\s. v^c.
Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte
ry, 14th Class, received as cash.
Jan I ft
IRAS removed his DRUGSTORE, to
lit the corner of Bnm^hton ami li - itta-
key-,streets, o/iposite Col. She//man's M.tavion
House, where he exhibits for sale, a choice
assortment of
and various other articles suiting his line.
He abstains relating the whole string ot
names of the things he offers, ami only men
tions a few which arc not commonly found
in every Drug Store, viz
Fol Sabina
Pvro limbellata
Degitalis Purpurea
Sen Heap, Hyssop
German Leopard’:
! Church’s Cough
J Dnqis
< Aromatic. V megar
5 Toilet, Ycgotable&.
£ither Soaps
Bane,(arnica mon- J Macassar ()il
Elecampane, (Inula
Hops, Ergot
Tonquin Beans
Squire’s Elixir
Dalf’s t\ti
Ess. Mustard
Ess. Tyro
Jesuit Drop * Black Drop
Respecting the utility of this lust article,
he refers to the last, but one, page of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of
this year.
oct 0 70|
f l >x. Mur. Potasso
\ James’s Fever Pow-
S dors
r Infantile Powders
? Reud'ri Sliptic
\ Spirits Soap
| Fumigating Pastille
S Pvrolignious Acid
T O ho drawn on Wednesday, the
March, 11125, and finished in a few
minutes—sixty numbers, eight ballots to be
1 Prize of 3t‘ O'lO I) liars is gift 00'’.
I lt’OftO 10 0 0.
2 5 000 10 000
2 2.- 3 4, 56
20 1,0* 0 20 000
30 5 >0 15. no
52 lno 5 '00
’04 50 5
1300 16 20 80ft
10.608 8 8*.-64
:2.1?0 Prizes, l n. 09n . , c «205 f 32(
12,100 Blanks, J Tickets. ^ ®
34,2 '0 Tickets at g6,
In thi9 Scheme, with eight drawn ballot 1 ,
'here wd- be 56 pr zjs with three i embers oi
•icm, 14*6 with two nuudo-ou tbenrt. and
’0 608. xdth one number -*n them. Thos
l. ckvts bavinr none of the *lnv n ballota on
them being <*U**ltB.
o rfete*m n? the fate of all ihe tinkets r*
lor* nbovi: lov.crv, 6ft Dumbe s, liun one to
xlv inclusive, will severnR'/ be placed i.* .
w ire on the oav of drawing, and e gl t of
urn will be drawn, ami Hint ticket having oi,
* vs n comb ns i( n »lic ls*..? and third aum
drown, will b< enftlcd t r ' g30 000
That having «r» it he 4th, 5lh and 6th, wi!'
1 entii! d t *j giO.OftO.
T os' h v f?-.* n h‘m tin- 3d 4 h and 5th
• u 1 < d 7 *»rcl8ti»^ em h
Tons'*hiving »>n themtt'c 1st, 6.h and 8th-
‘.n ibt, 7 h win! 8lh f ca b 1,19R
■U h vnq on tl
-m *he
2 •, 6 b and 7t‘
3 1 Ami mid 7< :
4'b. 6th and Rdi
"H 6 b and Rib
3 L 5 ‘ 8 >.
'.*.,7ihsid« 1'
2 - 7 »ih* d 8t
31.1" -ii..7u
th.6l!) fl!U: 7
4 ») KM*’ 6’ ■
5 6 ■■ »■ V '
i’.h 6th'tnd 8
4' i an 7
4 i ,. arm 7 1.
.*» h,7lh 8iv 8‘h
' 4 an 8
5' , H 1 ' d -f|
each K1000.
•»d, 5th and 6
- h 6tn and 7tli|
-V’' (4h(. s being (30 tickets) having'lire
r d oi- ’<uin era ol. them will «a..:< be
•title- o 8500
e 5’ ’u'l/t-j having on h rntwo-fr •
•5 av n numbers and those 'w the 4i'i so
i , i' ! es<cl» oe entitled «o g oo
t he 104 ickots having «.n h**m twr . f
drawl umbers, f.nd tt: nvj two th'- 6'
7;l, o 6h and 8. ., wi»l • be ei.tillt*
A h rs (hi-iofr 1300 t'ck.-ts) having tw*
r th'^ drawn numbers un them, wll each b»
'ft Jed g 6.
• v '‘ *h • j . .g -.n <b u -y one nt i
>w ntc'.bcrp,(he ng 0 608 o* 13 c
each rawn number) will each be c. i
>d tn g8
No tickt t wbieh sh 11 lu.v* drawn a r-. z
0 a mpi- -r dencmimition can beentithd
■ inferior . i Friz s pgvnblu th«**ty •
*" er , ; e dri - g, and subject, as usual, to
d luction 115 ;<er cent*
A consideruDi.- portion ft his lottery is pi.
o in pared, o»' '0 ♦ ckets, embracing nil i'
» biua’i in numbeis, from one to si.ct
cbpa r'-lsar Mar.’unted todiaw at I? • •
*564,11 g li ded i' tioii of 15 p *r cent, wi‘
•»»*ny cl C s f-r the earn'd p z.*s
Pvckigcs ef 20 tickets, b 1 . c r ifionte, m*
• »*e *».4't by the ;>;tyr.Kfit ct *he <t fie e*.c
between th • price of iti tick is and t
imount, u . i. th. v . u . ,-f ,ieci8 ity dr*
sue!) ilfereoce being g6i 60
The t‘ M* ts w i. rt:.Ti:» n a* f*f «;• h .n -
i'e, (> ; 6_/ii « VV.-dn'-sda* f tin 1 t
*l n ihv. * ' • g7
J. B. YATES, i . r
A.M'INTYrHI MwiHgow.
Philal 1 -.1. Ji u. 5 ti'25
ItT’ Orders for tickets or shams, received,
and prize tickets in fourteenth class,
taken in payment at
I.C l’ t li If 8
Jan 1 '
Y.ii’nY mttl V IV ,V .tvUvAV '.
F (- O. U NIU.Mt .-:hvr . I)aN
1 EI.Ol.A.V) Ml;..LHt. w'ro (ne i-.r
\5, arr'Vfc tn Savam .It, .n lie Abed o
• rwn- rt, beloigng to M - r.D'WSon &
•So. s - f I.undo. 'S living, and wi.» apply to
fends *ii Englaii'*, he wll hear e
rncd 'ng mi ch »o h,3 advantage. He left
.. \nerdee' v, hfte ah** 6iv at Savann <n, and
»s n •' b.-en !.e i d « f by his f lend*-- sine *
M perio . He hud b -"i many years a yat*
, 8ii.. w ie on board the above v- >S ’i
•vus eitiduyed »s carpenter. If he left S -
nmfti a' th..< tirr«:, it is probable that ft'
Wed son e vessel going t the B r »-z.l L-
s, us n Ins l^i't IHte*, h< sta'ed ili_» it
h h imen'ion to d«, s • S! ouin lie baif
i d at anv place v h e a eqislei orce tifi
.‘e of his urial cm be obtaired, it weld be
•an- ful y received and all expense*attending
paid by
Suv.tnnah, or
«n* o >' r
avanauli enialc -syluin.
N election for a Matron to this Instilu
lion, will take place at the Asylum
House, on the first meeting in February.—
Application for the above to be handed in
to the subscriber.
By order of th‘* Board,
E. AI. LLOYD, Sec'ry.
nov 13 1,5
JOHN i. lloWTAtfi),
C ‘N ! 1NL T E3 to do busi'.j-si in Midedge-
vi.fe, ami tende s the off. r of hw ser
vices to h's friend*- ir .1 th** putln-, in the trans
iction of ag'Micv buni '.css gen- rally
oe* 5 ' M§
. e r *’ Axes.
SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
L and for sale by Af. B. WEED.
oct *7
t Prise of— g40,000 is 4ft 000 Dollars.
1 Prize oi* 0,000 is r, 0 000 Duflt rs.
1 Pr*ze o 10 00ft is 10 J O Do 1 ipfs.
2 P* z- s of 5.000 is 0,000 Do,la s
3o Prizes of* >1/00 is 30,000 Dollars,
20 Pi* z- s of 5 i0 is 10,0ft:i D .l ais
5ft Pr z *.s of 10ft is 5, O ' Dollars
lo(> P’i/ps of 5> is f,0"ft Holla’s.
500ft Prizes of i0 is 50,000 Dollars
5 i 5 Prizes.
4:9 V Blanks.
ltJft.UftO Dollars
O' OO Tickets ot ^9, i« 180.000 ^o)'a «
The whole of tlie prizea .. be flouting
from the commencement o- ilie drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz :
Outlie 5th day, i : i , $10,000.
On tlie 10th day, : • 5,000.
On the 16th day, : • 20,000.
On the 20th day, : : ? 40,000.
Tlu> w hole to he completed ii
Twenty V t *N\«\ s only \\
The prizes only to be drawn. -The whole
pat able in cash, sixty days after the com-
uhtion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen percent.
Commissioners appointed by the Governor and
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, on WED.X'EsDA L, 17*/i hist.
Tickets $12-—Shares in proportion.
received nt the Baltimore price, and prize
tickets taken in pavmont, at
No. 8, Commerce-how.
nov 9
Consumptions, I oucus, tfC
F Ot{ the cure f > L'ougbs, 'Tcnsmtu
lions, spilt.- g :.! ILoudj AsUiioss,and
• .Misse* of the b: east and lungs
There is pc - . Laps no medi cal obse'valio
be'ter esiab.ish d, non*- more j e .-rally con
H rmed by the experience of the b nt physic'
-isot all at-es nnd count'! s. aid none •
ore importance to tin* human fonily, t h i<
■’ fact that many of tlie most difficult and n
••iruble fOusumptioPH originate in neglec;
colds.. In u cliir a-e in \ uriaftie asouis, wiie:-
»>e changes of '.he wea her are tr*
-1 ldenand unexpected. -.1 icquireg mure c.a •
ii ' Ht emion to guard again* 1 , this dang-r u
n*mv of Me, than most people imagine o.
• e -bleand willing to bes ow. ft lie bills «
oortidpy exh bft the melancholy fact thut th<
•ropi rtmn of dea'l.s by this disease mav I -
: onsidered as about five to one. I a«mnr.l
; cn i» 'his fmul doesse f * quently . i -s riffi
Hfce *o the skill of the most learned physn i
■ns, :L is a grai fixation to'he pm rittor lh;>
«e is enabled to ofler to those t-ffl e'ed wi*.I
it, 9. go. d y progpoct of relief, i that i igh!'
valuabM remedy, the Vegetable Indian .sp cl
ftc. The Indians are happy in their ■
•ge m m dical plants; g v<*rned \vh«*hv >•
»xpe-ien»'», they are certain as tn their f ^ect,
■m. ii is said by an author of gieat characte ,
hat a tme C'-nsiimption is a utsease never
known among them.
'i his Specific is obtained hy extraction from
e'bs, ro -t*, flowers, pi nt-, kc. when in pet
lection. In consequence • f a happ) combina
tion of the mol valuable her* c, kc. it becomes
i bids on ot a stipe i'»r value It heals the it -
j i ed parts, opens'be po es, and ce rnposes
ne dis urbed nerves, after the manner ef hi
viodyne / couarqi.eiitly the obstruction ot
the ches and t' e .tings which constitute th.F
disease, pi-rti^ularly need its use. It promotes
expectoration, wlr ch is constantly called for
ud w!iid\ it cl Hps^sa d hc«is, it also give&
f» rtnglb to ti-e tender lungs In th's manner
i*. removes the hectic fevei, improves diges-
ni, gives girt ngih to the netves, repairs ihe
ppi tte and impioves the si irits. This speci
fir. mu' always be giv< n in safety it is nrnid
pie. sant to the taste, and may safely be g vei
o mfants. lor which it is of ines'.imable value
ft afl'.-rds relief in bowel complaints, t et hing,
whooping coughs, 6fc. and is found particu
. r.y uselul in hypochondri »cal, nervous ai-
i st rical diseases. Each bill ol directio
'.mtaino a detailed account of this di*--ea«e in
• !l its different stages, and will bi accom? a
i ii wi*h the signature of the proptietor i
Red Ink. It is •df. red tor vale by GEO, BY
**K' O only (my s 'le agent) l)i uggist, cor
nor B.s\ >*nd Win*, aker-streets, Savannah, a
one dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
IjutteA Mi Maltasses
T .IIK suhscribor 1ms just received on ns-
sortment of the above articles, war
ranted to be of the besl cpialitv, for sale by
/. H . MVHHLL.
oct 26
0\^ositaU\ft tfvCiidem^.
2MW *. KEU,
F.SPErTFH.I.Y informs her friends
nnd the public, that hei ari.nui. is m,w
o"un, opposite the Chatham Academy, for
tin- HKI Ki-rinN oe IM-HII.S. Assisted h,
h r daughter Miss E. A. IIaiihisos, slii
oui-rs tier services in tcnciiinptlie folic win#
iisetul nnd ornamental brandies of eduia-
tion. \V Inlst she returns sincere thnuhs lor
he patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, tram the reduced boles of tuition nnd
lu-r increased exertions to further the . r0
frrcHs ol her i’upiis, to deserve o still f ut
tiler extension .if public favor. The n ,
ol Million, nnd the terms on wliich scholar*
lire received, are
1st Class—Spiffltnjr, Reading, Fewirg and
... ,,, Marhiiig, per quarter, : h ijQ
-a. (>lass—-With Writing, Grammar,
Oeography and Aritinuo-
tic, g qq
The French or Spaim-'l) /iaiiguag<-.q,
including elegant cm broidery, on
lace or muslin, lo any pattern,
per quarter, .*1000
I muling on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 ot)
11 u The moHt careful attention will b*
paid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportnvnt and
tiioruis of those entrusted to her chorire.
P. M DEltMo ! t,
I .N’FORMS his friends and the public iron.
». orally, tlmt he has received by recent
arrivals, alarijc und extensive assortment or
Groceries, Hardware und Ory
which will lie disposed of wholesale and re
tail, on the nro-w reasonable terms. Th«
tollowinp articles comprise a purt of hit
present stock, viz
10 Map, e IS piime St Croi* ' , upitr
10 B-a.-s White nd,
0 Ilexes Brown j do
60 Bsirets Loaf sod I .iirop do
50 Biiqs Hscsna iir- en C !!- p
6 Hr es superi»r 4tn nrool Umndy
' Pices do H Hand G n
5 Pin.-» In.ilslior B ..rd\, 4.1, proof
5 II i do G a
2 pipes very superior c d ’’each Brand.
" Puncheons do 0,: lei-,?. , |m,lie,
50 Hofr-.h ads and 1 Phil: d . Ida Ky ,
I >0 Barrels J W hiskey ‘
100 Barrels Norther ■: Gin
2 Pines sup -ri ,r Madeira Wine
5 Ma I Pipi.s superior -aid Lisbon do
lo q srter Casks l enelifl'e d„
Verv suoerinr oid Madeira Wine and
..o .... Branm in den ij .hns
ioo w ir’ e * n ') Burr.-:, super hue fresh
I' ° 'l»H 5 FI ur
'00 y eh No- 1, New U.cksrel
5 I Bsr.-eis No 2. du do
161 0 Baskets I'.iMe Salt
20 Casks Goshen Cheese
20 H-irrels Couperas
200 Ueanis Wrspqine Paper
5' 1 B urs Black Pepper
10 Boxes Choc-lain
20 Five Gallon Demijohns
5 ft»r els Glue
100 Ko|;» HE sod HF Dupont*. Gunpowder
5 Pound Cmiste.xnfsuncriur do
100 Pieters 4 inch Cotion Buirtro'Jr
2 Hales Bsguinjr Twice
10 Whole *1)3 1 Boxes S. Whittimur<>'»
n Half J gfcuuinfc Cards
10 R<»xes Wool Huts
5 B xes Straw Bonnets
10 Coils Hule Hope
5 Oi'sc.n bed Corda
50 Do 1‘iougb Lines
100 Founds Sadi Cords
6 iiaies Burnt, London Duffle
10 Oases colore d and beached and u»
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron 'I able Spoons
15 Do do Tea du
T 0 Do T^utania Table do
Plated Table and Tta do
Copper,Ca‘t, Wrought and Compdl
tion Tea Kettles of ail '.•»***
Dias- Kettles tor making preserves
20 Sets *>) Dish Covt rg
50 i ons Shear Moulds
1 Ii S d I 'oris
I Do Bmi I.cad
1 1).» Sheet Iron
100 Casks assort) tl Cui Nn : k
Mill, Cross Cut and Whip Saw, iwda
txprvas'v for this mai kei
20 Duzeo HmoHs.iWn, WoodSaws and Tea.
nant Sav 8
Black ■sniitli Sledges nnd Handliarri' f. i'i
Anvils, from 1 to 20l)lba. real mo.j«e
BNcksmdh'g Bellows from 24 to 36
Single and D« ublt* Screw Uiatea
('•orn Millg / f'om /so, 1 to 5
2 Tons Hootksand Hinges
Brass Andirons, from £2 5$ to 953
Bra-s sml Wiie Keorlc.s, with shovelji
hi d tongK to match
5 Uasks Bru d*s Patent Hoes
100 D. •Zi'n Padlocks
M * lya ds to weigh from 200 to 5001b*
2 Tons of Steel,consisting of Shear,Eng
lish. Bliste/ed and Cast
Stoves with Fip s
1000 Poumh Waggon Hells, assorted
Fancy ('urtnin Fins
5 Hagr Trace Chains
2 Drz -n Currying Knives
20ft D z n Cum Combs
6 Seis White handh* Knives and Fork%
consisting of 50 p eces each
10 Sets Britannia Teapots.
S gar ami Cream do
6 D -z n Patent Shot Belts
D z. i Game Bags
2 1) z n Powder Horns and Flasks
1 t: <se d nible and single barrel Gum
10 Dozen Wire and 20 doa. Hair Siltew
2 Dozen Fancy Hull Mats and 50 sets
Table Mats
A general assortmei t of Carnenter’sPlane*
1 indies, and Fancy Bellows, with many other
"teles in tl»e above line,too tedious to enu«
20 Tons of Carron (.a-tings, which will be
sold low from the whaif.
nov li