Newspaper Page Text
composinp part ofthcae cargoes, have been |
sold willini the United States; and if ao,!
when, where and on what account. i
On motion of Mr. Hemphill, it was !
Resolved, That 3UUU copies of tho Men
BIOIIT 1)01.1.AM.
:rivB IWI.I.AM.
Lataitettk.—By the Ibllowing extract
of a letter from Washington, dated on tho
11th inst. it will be seen that the Guest of
the Nation will arrive in the city of Savan
nah on the twentieth of next month, and that
his stay with us will not extend beyond two
or three days, at the furthest. Wo copy it
from the Constitutionalist
“ I saw this morning accidentally, a list
of the places through which General La
fayette proposes to pass on his Southern
Journey. He will probably reach Charles
ton by the 17th March. He will leave this
on the 24th inst. His arrival in Savannah,
is arranged to be on the 20th March, Au
gusta 23d, Wurrenton, 24th, Sparta and
Milledgeville 25th, Fort Hawkins 26th, Fort
Mitchell 2l)th.
Not having seen the General, lately I am
not able to say positively, that his plans are
fixed, but suppose the above information is
Georgia Claims.—After two days dis
cussion in the House of Representatives, on
the subject of the claims of this state, upon
the general government for services per
formed by the militia of Georgia in 1792,
1793 and 1794, they have been rejected.—
These claims have been before Congress
thirty years. They were brought up at this
session, and ably supported by Col. Tatt
nall, and Mr. Forsvth, but in vain.—
They were rejected on the grounds, 1st.
schools ; and 348 officiating priests.
Two Russian officers are now in Eng
land, inspecting the improvements in ruads,
dock-yards, bridges, die.
Proposals have been issued in Edinburgh
for the formation of a Scottish Union Ban
king Company, with a capital of two mil
From the alarm excited among proprie
tors of canals connected with Birmingham,
by the projected rail-road from that town
to Liverpool, the Old Birmingham Canal
shares have fallen £IU0, and other canals
have been more or less affected.
The committee of operative weavers in
Glasgow state, in one oftheir reports, that,
according to the estimate ofa well-informed
man, the value of goods manufactured in
that city from stolen materials, is not less
than £90,000 per annum.
It is supposed that five years’ labor will
be required to replace the huge masses of
stone forced from their situations on the
Breakwater, at Plymouth, by the lute hur-
That the troops were employed in offensive j ricane.
expeditions against the Indians, instead of] Private letters from Lisbon, dated the
for purposes of defence; and, secondly, be- j 13th Dec. notice the departure of the French
cause the claims were supposed to have j Ambassador from Lisbon for the French
been provided for in the treaty of cession capital. His departure was attributed to
made between the United States and the great and increasing influence said to be
State of Georgia in 1302 ; in which treaty ; exercised by Sir W. A’Court in the Coun-
1,250,000 is allowed to Georgia 1 for expen-, cilB ofhis Mo8t Faithful Majesty,
ses incurred in the territory. | Letters from Corunna, dated the 14th
It will be perceived thatthe House of Re- ult-, state that the troops ordered for the
presentativus have refused to take up the Havana sailed on the 7th ult. They con-
Mnssachusetts claims. This vote renders sisted of three regiments, amounting to a-
it probable, that they will not betaken up bout 1,800 men. They have been sent, at
the preaent session. I the urgent entreaty of the merchants and
■ i | planters of Havana. The planters were
The Administration.—A writer in the compelled to remit to Spain the money re
lational Intelligencer, Baid by the editors quired for the equipment of the troops be-
to be a highly disinterested and independent fore their request was complied with,
member of the House of Representatives, The French Government leaves in Spain
recommends for the Department of State 6,000 men, besides the 25,000 at first pro-
John Serge int, many years a member of posed.
Congresss, for the Department of War, The Spanish Cabinet lias ratified tho
We omitted yesterday to mention the re-1 Court of Direetore. The Chairman said,
ceipt of our usual supply of papers from Mr. that tho Court had sent out directions to
James Davis, of tho Ncw-Engtund Coffee- their Government, in the year 1823, but no
House, London. | answer to such despatch had yet arrived.
= Captain Weddel, of the Royal Navy, has •W 0 ™ 1 ? * >rB “ id<mt oftl, ° . U "\ tcd '
Miscellanea from London and Liver- . . ■ , ot the 14th instant communicating to this;
... . ,, . , now in the press an account ot Ins explore- House tho report of too board of internal I
pool papers, received by the e oso e tor y voyugt' to the South Polar Sduau in 18)22 improvement, be printed, and that OtlOco- 1
11123, and 1824. Ho penetrated three do- pies thereof be reserved for the use of the
. . . „ , , i next Congress,
graea further than Captain Cook, having \ inouBugo was received from the Pre-
reached the latitudo of 47 deg. 15. Ilore sklent enclosing a Report from the Secrota-
on tho 20th February, with very clear wca- 7 ofSt ? t “ rcl I a T til 'b’ cla ‘ m “ 0, '‘ h ° ci "
, . f , , , tizens ofthe United States upon the go-
ther, he was astonished to find, that not t vermnont of tho Netherlands.
, , . , , ., single piece of held ice, and only four ice, The House then took up the considers-
out by Mr. Fauntleroy, after tho holders i8lsilds worc in Biht cn M a8lhe tionuf the unfinished business of yesterday,
havo received the dividend due from tho ,, , , * , , ... to relation to tho Georgia Militia Claims.
. could roach from the must-hoad. But to 1 The question being on the motion to re
arrive at this open sea, he had to penetrate 1 commit, with instructions—
Mr. Hamilton chairman of the military
committee addressed the House against the
claims. lie was replied to by Mr. Forsyth
—and the question being on the recommit.
kept its place so long in the old maps, has
A patent advertising machine is announ
ced in the London papers. It is to bo drawn
by horses and perambulate tho streets-
The Bank of England have determined
to replace the stock which lias been sold
firm, of which he was the partner.
An opinion prevails in .London, that a re
duction will be made in tlie duty on wines .
. , „ ' „ broad, commencing in latitude 68 deg—
m the course of next session of Parliament. , . ,, ,
It appears from an official statement just
published, that there are 256 Catholic cha
pels in England; 71 charity and other
a barrier of ice islands about fifty miles
broad, commencing in latitude 68 deg—
, The great southern terra incognita, which
ment, there appeared ayes 51 noes72.
In Senate, on Wednesday IGtli instant,
been constantly receding, and bids far to!—On motion of Mr. Elliott, (who deemed
vanish before the march of discovery,' the subject one of grout national import-
,, ,, . . _ i j • i j I ance, which ought not to be delayed,) the
though, some barren snow-clad islands may m provi(ling fo « the preservation and civil-
Lewis Cass, present Governor of Michigan,
and for the Treasury Department Mr.
The editors of the Intelligencer, state as
the rumor of the day, that the President
elect lias offered to Mr. Clav, the office of
Secretary of State, which it is thought ho
will accept. It is added that the bix New •» what the keep of so many in Spain would
England States, as represented there, have
he scattered over the antarctic ocean.
Tho Chile paper El Liberal of Sept. 4,
1. A note from the Minister Plenipotenti
ary of the United States, to the Minister for
Foreign Affairs, dated Santiago, August 4,
in which lie complans that the subjects of
United Slates and other foreigners are pro
hibited by the laws of Chile from the free
exercise of their religion, and even the
rites of burial, and lie, therefore, according
to his duly, calls the attention of the Go
vernment of Chile to the necessity of re
medying this grievance by a law waich shall
ensure them the enjoyment of the privi
leges to which they arc accustomed, and
thus remove all grounds fur future com
2. A letter from Mr. Canning, dated
April 23, to the Consul Gcndral in Chile,
desiring him to require frum the Govern
ment of Chile, fur the subjects ofliis Britan
nic Majesty, not only the enjoyment of ci
vil rights, but the freedom of religious wor
ship ; these civil rights arc, “ freedom of
persons und property, against every act of
the government emanating frum political
relations with other countries or poli-
litical dissensions at home ; and principally
exemption from personal military service,
and from every impost which does not fall
on the general mass. Thu free oxerciso of
their religion, and the decent celebration of
the rites of sepulture, are equally indispen
sable to the tranquillity and welfare uf the
members of a Christian community. On
the other hand, his .Majesty’s subjects are
to avoid all ostentatious display of thoir re
ligious worship—to behave ill a peaceable
and orderly manner—to respect the laws,
customs, and civil and religious institutions
of the Government under the protection of
which they live; and the Government of
Chile may be assured that any of his sub
jects acting otherwise, and in a manner of
fensive to the Government and people of
Chile, will incur his Majesty’s serious dis
Pompeii—Mr. Taylor, who is engaged in
his researches at Pompeii, in a fatter to
iiis friend, Mr. Nodier, dated Pompeii, Nov.
16,1824, says “ In one of the rooms of
those baths (speaking of some hot baths
recently discovered,) my attention lias been
particularly attracted by three seats made
of bronze, ofa form entirely unknown, and
in the highest state of preservation. On
one of them was placed the skelitnn of a
female, whose arms and neck were cover-
„ ed with jewels; in addition to gold brace-
convention, by winch it pays to I-ranee a lcte< the J fbrm of which was a | rc * iy known,
credit of 00,000,000, procuring J,000,000 of
rents at 5 per cent. A treaty has, moreo
ver, been concluded, which fixes that 14 or
15,000,000 shall be annually paid to France
for the keep of the 31,000 men, who re
main in the Peninsula. This sum amounts
It appears by paragraphs in some of the
papers, that M’Aduin’s system of laying
roads and streets, has completely failed in
London—-the continued rain having pene
trated them in the great thoroughfares.
A gentleman, who styles himself Doctor,
spontaneously waived any claim they might
be supposed to have had, to furnish a Mem
ber of the Cabinet of the President Elect.
The Slave Trade.-—A report wan pre
sented to the House of Representatives on
the 16th instant, from the committee on has advertised in the London papers for re-
that part of President’s Message which re- storing lost appetite, which he kindly prom
otes to the slave trade. The report ap- ises to distribute gra//* to the poor. We
pears to consider that the combined efforts imagine that he would bo extending his
which are now making to being about its kindness much further, and far more benefi*
abolition, must be crowned with success, dally, if he would, at the same time, present
and its tendency is to induce Congress to them with something to eat.
continue its exertions to bring about that Tho p„ pei it
seems, has thought proper
One of the causes of the late detention of
to ifiitatc the Grand Seignior, and lias is
sued a decree against the indecent dresses
of the Roman Indies, both in the streets and
the mails, has been the difficulty of crossing ... . ... .
3 “in their own houses. It is not a little rc-
, . . , ’ * I markable, that the ordinance of the Grand
It is time that some i,, . .
Seignior on the length and thickness ot the
effort was made to expedite the mail. , . . ,. , , ,. , ,, „ .
feredgis of tlio Turkish ladies should first
have been translated in the Roman journal
l (Diurie diRonut) that contains tho papal de
cree respecting the drosses of the Roman
ladies, ivhich are reprehended as being too
thin and adherent to the body.
The first order on the records ofthe East
India Company for the importation of tea
appears in the year 1667—R. It is thus ex
pressed: “Send home by these ships 100
lbs. weight of the best teg that you can
Mr. Butterwortli lately mentioned, at a
General Court of Directors at the India
House, the fact of 3,000 widows huving
been burnt in the. course of the last five
years, and asked whether it was the intern
ever, been procured.
William IIenrv Harrison, formerly a
representative in Congress, previously Gov
ernor of Indiuna, and Commander on the
North West frontier during the late war,
has been chosen a Senator of the United
States from the State of Ohio, to succeed
Mr. Brown, whose present term of servico
will expire on the 3d day of March next.
General Armstrong is said to be enga
ged in writing a history of tho American
Revolution, and Mr. Cooper, the novelist,a
history of the American Navy.
A hill lias passed butli houses of the Le
gislature of New-York, providing for the
choice of presidential electors by districts.
It passed the Senate unanimously, and the
house, with but four negative votes.
Havti At Jacquemcl, on the 20th Jan
uary, in consequence of the immediate ex
pectation of the blockade of the port, the
business of the crop was suspended to make
preparations for defence.
I have taken off the neck ofthe skeleton a
necklace, the workmanship of which is ab
solutely miraculous. I assure you that our
most skilful jewellers could make nothing
more elegant, or of a better taste. It has
all the beautiful workmanship ofthe Moor
ish jewels which I examined at Granada,
und ofthe same designs which are to be
found in the dresses ofthe Moorish women,
and ofthe Jewesses ofTetuan, on the const
of Africa. The bracelets form a single
ring, and are so perfectly resembling each
other, that one would suppose them manu
factured by the same artist. The principal
hall of the baths is covered with beautiful
ornaments, and the cornice is supported by
an infinite number of small figures in alto-
relievo of a very original character. It is
difficult to describe the charm that one feels
in touching these objects on the very spot
where they have stood for ages, and before
the illusion is entirely destroyed. One of
the windows was covered with magnificent,
glass, which has just been deposited in the
Museum of Naples."
Congressional Proceeuingb.-—In Scn-
on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, Mr. Van Boren,
from the Judiciary Committee, to whom
was referred the bill from the House of Re
presentatives to provide more effectually
for the punishment of certain crimes against
the United States, and for other purposes,
reported the same with sundry amendments.
The Senate then resumed the considera-
otion ofthe bill “ further to amend the Ju
diciul system of the United States, and to
provide for three additional Circuit Courts.
A motion for indefinite postponement was
loBt, 16 to 23.
In the House of Representatives, the fol
lowing resolution, offered the preceding day
by Mr. Livingston, was taken up for con
sideration, and after some remark, laid on
the table :—
Resolved.That the Secretary ofthe Trea
sury be directed to lay before this House, a
detailed account containing the names of
tho several persons to whom the unclaimed
dividends of the funded debt of the United
States appear to be due, the amount due to
each, the species of stock on which they
have grown due, the period since which the
dividend has not been claimed; and that lie
also state the names ofthe persons, and
their residence, who have for more than
two years received the dividends of any
stock under the same power of a!tunny,
together with the name of the stockholders
i whom they appear respectively to have re
izatiuli ofthe Indian tribes, was taken up,
and made the special order uf the day tor
Friday ensuing, and
On motion uf Mr. Benton, the hill fur tho
occupation of the Columbia River, was
made the special order for Monday.
The Senate then again took up, in com
mittee ofthe whole, (Sir. King of Alabama,
in the Chair,) the bill to amend the Judi
cial System of the U nited States, and for
the appointment of three additional Circuit
Judges, (in the Western Slates.) the ques
tion pending being on the recommitment of
the bill to the Judiciary committee. The
motion was lost, tlio Senate being equally
M r. Tazewell, then, for the purpose, he
said, of trying the sense of the Senate on
the most important feature of the bill, mo
ved so to amend it as to provide that the
three additional circuit judges shall not be
justices of the supremo court.
The Senate, on motion of Mr. Findlay,
adjourned before a decision.
In the House, Mr. Govan, from a Select
Committee, to whom was referred so much
ofthe President’s Message as relates to the
Slave Trade, made a report on that subject
—which was referred to a committee ofthe
whole on the State of the Uniun, and made
the order of the day for the ensuing Mon
The resolution offered by Mr. Morcer,
in relation to slave ships in Alabama ; that
offered by Mr. Brent, in relation to stone
for the fortifications in Chesapeake Bay ;—
and that offered by Mr. Stewart, in relation
toplacing certain Surveys in the Library
of Congress, were severally taken up and
The House then proceeded to the unfin
ished business of yesterday.
The resolution ofthe Committee of Mil
itary Affairs, rejecting those claims, was
concurred in by the House. [This question
was, in effect, decided yesterday, when the
House refused to recommit the report.]
Mr. Hamilton moved that the House take
up the bill providing for the Massachusetts
Militia Claims, and, with a view to ascer
tain whether it was the determination of
the House to act on that subject at the
present session at all, he demanded the yeas
and nays on his motion. The House refus
ed to order the yeas and nays—and the mo
tion was negatived.
Extract of a letter, dated, Marseilles,
Dec. 29, 1824 “ It is very important, that
all vessels coming to this port from the U-
nited States should havo a French consu
lar certificate to their bill of health for
the sake of short quarantine.”
Mexico.—We are indebted to the polite
ness of a respectable merchant of this city
for the annexed cxtrract from a letter da
Alvarauo, Jan. 8, 1825.—A few days
ago the schooner Susan, Captain Newman,
from your port was brought in here as a
prize, on the charge of having been bound
w ith supplies to the Castle.
On the same day, 3d inst. another schr.
under Amerionn colours name unknown,an-
chored between the city of Vera Cruz and
tho Castle, and is said to have been sunk
at her moorings by a firefrom the city—the
Castle opened its batteries against the city
and the firing continued twenty-four hours.
To-day, we are informed that another
prize, Baltimore schooner, name and where
from unknown, has been made near the
The foregoing is disagreeable intelli
gence, and I fenr the last capture may re
late to some schooner expected from your
port.”—Balt. Fed. Gaz.
Awake and trim you lamps! Lafayette
is in your neighborhood; he will surprise
your known hospitality, when you have
nothing to offer him in the gratitude of your
hearts, neither Dinner, Fete or Ball. To be
sure, we can give him a hearty welcome, and
he and his suite will be delighted in the
plain and frugal, and truly Virginia repub-
puhlican stile ; but this will not read well in
the newspapers—something more must be
served up, and to your early meeting and
industrious anticipations of his arrival., we
must look for something better than
S lain faro. You surely would not furnish
ini. with a quart ofCorn, and to grind it
himself. If you intend a handsome wel
come to LtrAYETBT, begin to meet and pre
pare for the occasion.
Si co. W. T. Williams, J. Anderson & eo. I
Douglass Si Sorrel, S. C. Dunning, C. W.
Rockwell Si co. Reu, Police Si Mutecnzie
Butler Si Scranton, R. Campbell, U. B Ln
mar, aud N. ll.Wued. Passengers, Mon r.
Wbiteticld, Clark, Leveritl, and Stubbies.
Loft brigOeo. Washington, to sail same day,
for Savannah. Passed off Sandy Hook,
ship Farmur, Nowconib. from Havana, and
five other sliipB und brigs bound in.
Ship Rising Stutus, Pearce, Providence,;
9 days, to O. Taft, S. C. Greene, A. Si E. |
Wood, R. Waterman Si eo. G. C. Beck-
ford, Wm. Hale, Mrs. Speakman. and the'
Master. Passengers, N. Lurned, Doctor Jin art in addition to an art enlitl,,! u.
Coppeo, J. Blanchard, and (i. C. lJeckford. t„ amend the Ordinanrcnnd Art, Jr,
Sclir. Laurel. E. Pettengill. master, 19 ' - “ ,, ... .J 1
days from St. Luce—cargo, Molasses, to
John Candler. February 2d, stopped to try
the market brig Wm. Tell. Briglitinan, 21
days from Wilmington, N. C. for Den.era- " *’’P"’«'n;«'vesi»i me mites
ra- Febuary 6tli, Basseterre, bearing East Amencn, in Congress assembled,
Hint. 3 leagues, spoke the oelir. Jefferson, t i lflT «. rn *‘ r ® ! *‘ Legislative Cum,,.
Whiting, 30 cloys from Ocracock. 1 f he Turntnrv M 1 ,ch, £“ n . and ih, n .
Sloop Herald. Heath, Charleston, 1 Hay. ' 1 ' r, ‘ b » f u ‘ l,nnz " (l ,0 lb <-' «i<iY
to Cohen & Miller, Steam Boat Company, rit,ir y into townships, and incorporate ;•
C.Maurel, S. A. Conily, Brown*. Over- “m®. »f*ny part therenl i to grant. ,|‘
street, and Gaudry * Herbert. 3 passen- 1 , rc £j , e \ 1 , P nv| lt'ps t.' -i,,f ;i
gers. V tn P r(,vldu b y Iaw fur • lection of Mi,
Sloop Henry, Delano. 6 days from Da-. ‘ mvn8hl P"t” 1 corporation officeu. n
ricn—220 bales cotton, to T. Butler & <■„ , designated within the same
grczxfor the Uacernmrnl nftl„ : 1\ rn
of Michigan, and/or „th>r purge,,,,, '
B E it enacted by the Senate U m| jp.
of Representatives of the Unite,;, '
G. Gordon, B. W. Delamaler, B. Bowers,! „ . _
J. & J. Stone, J. M’Nisli. and to order.— , .f?""** “^era within said
Passed at Thunderbolt yesterday morning, • , J ,er . ( '^ rrI ! e l eclG d by il.u
sclir. Volusia, Nyc, from Darien for Savan- e ! Kctors residing in eaulj county,
nail, with cotton. tune and place, and in such manner. a ,|i,i
Sloop John Chevalier, Chevalier, 2 days ? :ll< . v " r nor and Legislative Council e-,
from St. Marys—55 bales S. I. Cotton,'to ' ro " , . ,,n T to , ,imo “ireci ; r "
N. J. Bayard, A. G. Miller. W. & II. Rose,. |' 0,h . ln 8 **"<>" contained elm:
and to order, and hides and orange juice, to 1 • lll,rlze JP” electors aforesaid to o.Vr;
the master. Passengers, R. J. Dclony, To 1a:l -' u * Record, or {'■.
and Mr. Vaugn. | “■cruel, or any Sheriff, or Judge of Probar.
Sloop Favorite, Peck, Turtle River, 3|°r .'usticeof the Peace. And ili:q, 0 n,
days, with 145 bales Cotton, to E. Fort, A. L, ordinance of Congress, pw-cd J ,
Miller. It. & J. Habersham, P. Do Villers, . thirteenth, seventeen hundred and,.
" “ ty-soven, and ot the lows of the IhJj
States, as are inconsistent will, ii„.
Sec. 2.
And be it further enacted, 'f
Mr. Patterson, and Hides to the Master
Passengers, John Parland, J B. Wright,
T. Cridland, T. Massey, P. S. Beck, J
Fliun, and Mr. Johnson.
Steam Boat Company’s steam boat Altn-
maha, Harford, Augusta. 52 hours, with
Heats Nos. 18 and 17, in tow—1291 boles
Cotton, to Bliss * Wadsworth, G. B. La
mar. R. Campbell, H. Lor.l*co. Curmnirig
Si Gwathinev, J. Anze, G Gordon, Win.
Gaston J. Aleigs, T. Butler Si co. B. Bur
roughs. and Dunham & Camfield. Pas
senger, Mr. Root.
Steam Boat Maid of Orleans, Smith, 1
day from Charleston, for Augusta and Ham
Steam Boat Edgefield. Sassard. 2 days
(inland) for Augusta nnd Hamburg. Pas
sengers, Mrs. M’lnnis, Messrs. V. T. Mat
thews, C. II. Ward. P. Mitchell, and Mr.
M’Gior Passed at Beaufort, steam boat
Henry Shultz, Lubbock, for Charleston.
The steam boats Maid of Orleans, Smith,
and Edgefield, Sassard, depnated for Au
gusta and Hamburg, yesterday forenoon.
The wreck of the brig Mary-Ann, Sheafe,
from Portsmouth for Demerura, was fallen
ill with Feb. 7, lat. 39. long. 60. water-log
ged and dismasted, and the officers and
crew, 8 persons, taken off and carried into
New-York. They had been on the wreck
15 days.
At Philadelphia, 15th inst. brig Frances,
Croft, 7 days.
At Charleston. 21st instant, steam boat
Henry Shultz, Lubbock.
At New-York, 15th inst. ship Louisa Ma
tilda, Wood, to sail 19th.
At Philadelphia, 15th inst. brig Frances,
Croft, to sail 17th.
For New-York,
The fast sailing pneket ship
Geo. White, Master,
Will havo immediate despatch.
For freight or passage, having handsome
accommodations, apply to Capt. W. on
board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to
Feb 25
Freight Wanted,
For a Northern Port, for the sclir.
.Apply to
Who has for sale, landing from said Schr.
70 IIogsheadB Retailing Molasses.
Feb 25 78p
~,»vr.o, nn hiv lULUlIMfirill \Y1U| {j| t >
ions of this section, and as reparil ihu V
igau Territory, be, and the same nit- ll. >
by, repealed.
Sec. 3. And lie it further enacted, Tl.
the Governor of the said 'iY-atmv ,
nominate, and, by and with the advice r 'i
consent ofthe said Legislative Cornu! ■
appoint, ull other civil officers in sain T- -!
tnrv, except such as arc appointed bv v
President ofthe United States, bv and'.,;!
t e advice and consent of the Senate,:.;
same. And the Governor of the siud7 ;
ritory shall have power to till all vacs, i
in the offices required to be nominate ;
him, which may happen during the n.,
of said Legislative Council, by grai i
commissions, which shall expire ot tin-,.!
oftheir next session.
Sec. 4. And bo it further enacted, T.
the qualified electors of said Turritnrr si,;,
at their next and every subsi quent clc t:
for members of their Legislative Cour t
choose, by ballot, eight persons, havingr •
qualifications of electors, in addition to :..i
number now by law authorized : ami ii!
names ofthe twenty-six persons, so clrd
ed, shall be transmitted bv the Govern,i
said Territory, to the President oftlie ft:
ted States, immediately after said eiecti'f
who shall nominate, nnd, hy and with ' j
advice and consent of the Senate of ' •I
United States, appoint therefrom, thirl'-:
persons ; which said thirteen persons tlx
compose the Legislative Council, any try
ot whom shall form a quorum to Iranse.l
hubiiicBS ; and all vetennoien oc.-ytxn^J in . 41
Council shall be filled in the same nianr-r.
from the list transmitted as aforesaid. Tb
members of the said Legislative Coup..
shall receive three dollars each per day.fcj
ring their attendance at the sessions the,«
of, and three dollars for every twenty mi-1 <
in going to, and returning tliorcfinin, in; -
compensation for thoir services; winch si.,
be paid by the United States.
Sec. 5. And be it further enarted.Tit 1 j
appeals und writs of error shall li'. is:
the decision of the highest Judicial To:
mil of said Territory, to the Supreme (V '
of the United States, in tile some mam;:
nnd under (he. same regulations as do ’
and are taken from the Circuit Courts
the United States, where the ameiiiit :
controversy slinll exceed one thousandu
lnrs, which shall be ascertained by evi- i i
satisfactory to the Court allowing tlio •
Sec. 0. And be it further enacted. T '
not less than two Judges of the Supr. ni
Superior Court of said Territory, slinbi*
after hold a Court to transact the busn
of said Court.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted. I-
eo much of any ordinance or law uf the
States as contravenes the provision-
act, so far as respects the Territory of Jl, .
igau, be, and the same is hereby, repu-'.
Spuaker ofthe House of 1(eprcacntatii'l
President of the Senate, pro temp 1
Washington, Feb. 5, 1825: Approved.
.In art confirming certain claim1 to
. the Western District of Looisiatvt.
Ite it enaeted by the Senate and H (:<
of Representative's of the United States ,
America in Congress assembled, TJia' -I
the claims to land embraced in the nj ;?
made by the Commissioners appointee ;
adjusting tliotitlus and claims to landm -* *
N MONDAY, the seventh day of| j?j 8 ! r j C n° f ^
March next, agreeably to the Consti-1 , > n , ^ December, rigli i
Grand Annual Cofnmunieation of, and recommendedM
Ship Augosta, White, 8 days from New
York, to Ilall * Hoyt, owners—consignees
A. Foster. Jr. * co. Scarbrough * Clark,
J. VV. Murrell, F. M. Stone, J. Sl M. Pren-
de.rgast, Homes Tupper, A. Baasctt, J. W.
Jauncey. Cohen Si Miller, P. Murlow, H,
tion to interfere in any manner to stop the Mr. Mercer offered the following rosolu-
..., , , , ,, lion, which lies one day on the table:
progress of this horrible custom > lie was Reaolvedi That the f. resi ,| P „ t „f th „ Uni- .
well aware that it was a delicate task to in- tnd States be requested to lay before the Cleland, Low, Wallace & co. T. Butler &
trrfere with the religious feelings of the tut- i House of Representatives, at the commence- co. Z. Day, G. F. Palmes. Bradley Clag-
i , . - - . | ment ofthe next session of Congress, tho horn & Wood, J. Wells, B. M. Morel, J.
*•***, but bc thought that a question of such | proceedings ofthe Court and Marshal of I’. Seize, Duliainel & Auzc, J.B. Vallee, J.
vital importance might justify such an in- the United States for the district of Alaba- W. Long, L. Baldwin & co. G. Newhall,
terference. Ho wished to know whether |™ a ' in relatinn to the cargoes of certain O. Taft, P. Hi". A-.G. Miller, J. Meigs H-
. , ! slave-ships, the Constitution, Louisa, and Cassidy * to. J. It. M Acnzie, t. I. Lay,
any instructions on tlio subject had been | Marin0- „ nd t0 communicate especially the E. Wiley. Hall & Hoyt, Bliss & Wads-
given to the Government in India by the .fact whether any of tho African nativeo worth, Dunhamdt>Catupneld, J.B. Herbert
tution, a
the Grand Lodge of Georgia, for the elec
tion of Officers will be held, of which the
Officers and Members arc desired to take
Bij order of theMnst Worshipful Grand
Master, L. H. FURTII,
Grand Secretary, a. i.
Feb 25 78
for confirmation, be, and the sumo »» b ‘
by, confirmed ; Provided, That no F>
or persons shall be entitled, by an. v '
claim, to a greater quantity than one l ?1 i'
square under this act.
Washington, Feb. 5th, 1805: Appt' 1 '
-l w” BREAD, of the first quality,
fresli baked, for sale at the Bakery former
ly occupied hy Mr. Robinson, and on as
good terms as can bo obtained in N. York.
Likewise Flour Baked on Commission.
O NE hundred crates assorted esP f; | '
for this rnorket, received pw
Georgia and Harp, for sale bv . K
Feb 25
Troy Candies.
J UST received per ship August*- 1
Boxes Trov Candles. rn
Families and Country Stores supplied with For sale by J. B. HERBERT &
AW kinds of Wxend-
Feb 25
VI. Hates Bank Note*i
' XNOR SALE at „„„-f
T HE person who took a sword cane from
the Exchange, on the night ofthe. 22d
inst. will oblige tho owner by leaving it at
this office.
Feb 26 7,^
Jn n 90
J.altimore Whiskey.
art 7
5 IIHD8. Baltimore Whiskey, J 1
ceivcd and for side by