Newspaper Page Text
V 'J
Jll. 'V isi 'iff it 22V * l a
Ck’ .v.H.OB£RTSOi*,
Tim. Ai>mimstu\tio
mcnls given i>l"Ll»«* jorini
rriil.l v l»r *S ill- T11K I..WVS OK ini'. CMllN,
he various stato-
ti of Hie uuw ad
ministration, cannot be considered an any
thiuu more than mere speculation. A let*
ter to the editor of the Southern Patriot,
says—“The same spirit of conciliation
rRori.Elif M(|f.«
ThtirsJjp i’i binary Mb. the Senate re
sumed i ite ( oiiMiierui am ol llm bill in amend
Lint judicial system of the United Suites.—
A motion to postpoile indefinitely wus lost.
In to *7—n motion to rtMomtnn wan lout,
On; bill, and explained tf:i |H*ovu»inns at consi-13000 bok?s North Carolina and Petersburg
' (leruble length. * at 17} a 19 ; UUO Georgia, South Caiujina
Mr. Storrs, of New-Yolk,objected to tin*
bill on constitutional grounds, because ii
speaks of the remission of the tonnugu do
tv on cunal bouts, us a thing granted by
i> vii.) r vi f it, : :
fol >TIU t'tl’F.N, :
LIOIIT IK) 1.1.ills.
: kivk. 1*01.1. vus.
which has induced Mr. Adams to invito 'bo justices of the supremo court, was
Mr. Crawford to remain in
Department, will probably
‘21 to 15. A motion to nnieiiU tin* bill so Congress, whereas, he held tiiut Congress
that the additional circuit judges shall not j had no right to impose such a duly on boats
lie- navigating a canal, lying wholly within the
Mr. CruwlurtUn remain in the Treasury e, 111 ''"',' 1 '. u 10 , lu ; “" ,l » n, . oliu !' l .° reduce limits of u ninglo stale ;"au.l he moved ll.e
J the additional number of circuit judges to
induce him to two, was passed in the; affirmative; when
MONU.W Mi'KMMi. FEB. ««, 1825
appoint somo one of his friends. Mr*' the hill wus recommitted to the Judiciary
Clieves, mill Mr. M’l.n.m, of Dnlanare, uro! Committee, fur the arrangement of the cir-
spoken of. The War Department will pro-1
The Committee of arrangements of the
City Connell of Charleston tor the recep
tion of Cencrul Lifavfttk, by advertise
ment, invite the Literary, Charitable, and
bahly bo tendered to Gen.
should lie decline it, I am
the selection will ho left entirely to him.—
Ilis wishes and opinions will have great m-
j cuits, &e.
In the House of Representatives, Mr.
Jackson, and 1 Taylor, from the Select Committee on that
of opinion that ‘ ul ’j" ct ’ Womm'nAmg m
1 arrangement of the business before file
[The first, class consists of private bills
reported by Committees of this House ; of
these there arc 5*2.
The second, of private bills, which have
passed the Senate ; of these there are 5.
The JddufS, of public hills of special in
terest, viz: I for ft) sloops of war; and 2
for the suppression of piracy ; and 26 oth-
The Senate will meet on the 4th of March t), a t JVT r. Gin v has accepted the office of j*' r bills of public chnructer, origuated in the
•xt, fertile despatch of public business. It Secretary of Hfnte. Gov. Harbour, of Vir
other societies of the ('ity,to unite with tin ni tluence with Mr. Adams, for they both ovi-
iu the formation of a procession on the day deuce the greatest respect for each other.”
of his arrival, which is expected to be the j Another letter says—“Many speculations
loth instant. lure making as to who shall compose the
- • -- new Cabinet. It is now well ascertained,
i.-summoned bv a Circulr Loiter from the
President of the United Suites, addressed
0 iginia, is spoken of ns Secretary oftheTrea
: Sen-
sury. Public opinion says Mr.
! The llh class,of public hills from tin
• ate; of winch there arc 5.
The 5th class, of public hills of tiie House
to the several members*, including those • nliould he there, and Mr. (May is making, it. j
following umeiidmciiL viz
To strike ouf the first, section, after the
enacting words, uud substitute the follow
“ That the several acts regulating the
commerce of the United States, and impos
ing duties on touiiugc, and the acts supple
mentary and amendatory of the same, shall
not he construed to extend to bouts em
ployed exclusively in navigating the canals
within the respective stales.”
Mr. Newton spoke in reply to Mr. Storrs
and in defence of the hill us reported, con
tending that Congress possessed the right,
in i's fullest extent, hut were willing to
waive it in the present instance, provided,
that suitable guards wore introduced to
prevent smuggling.
Mr. Storrs again rose, and spoke at some
length in support, of his former {imposition.
Mr. Tomlinson, of Conn, supported the
principles of - the hill, in a speech of con
siderable interest and length.
Mr. Cambrelong maintained there was
■ mi Alabama at 1 tiA a 18} cash ; and 5*;U
2. Orleans at 18} a 21 cents cash. Tin*
iiiport has boon*iis follows, viz :—from S
Carolina lit? bales ; N. Carolina 394 ; Vir
ginia, 103—total 755 bales. Export from
1st to I ‘2th inst. 40UU bules.
Upland 10 a 10; Now-Orleuns IB a 21
Alubumii Id a lit; Tennessee L> a 17.
Hire.—The transactions since our last.,
have been limited* A small iiurcel of in
ferior quality was sold on Monday tit ‘2i{
cents. There is but little prune in market*
The import has been, from (Tliarlestnu 378
tat. 25 hnlftcs. Total since 1st ilist. ‘2251
tres* 159 halftrcs. Export from 1st to 12tli
inst. 880 tres.
Rice, lb. 3} u 3}.
p St. Mary's, Ny
with Cotton, to retil *i>.* X ilb-p!"^
^wlr*** 5
MurvV i .
I.• r. ‘ ■» «
and J. Wood.
HU,U|| T«n SUtiTH,Wii,,r, 1).,
with J, ' !) huluh Cotton, to T. Ui.ti,'.' 1 " c !*I
unit olIiitk. l;r Ai|
sl °o|i Trader, I.ncc, Durii'n, i,t„
210 lialvH Cottiin. tnHiimtry |iors„ lls >! '* f i
oteuni iloiil Co’s. Bout Carolm.I
Aujiiihtn, 4fi liunrs witji Imuts " '
in tow. with tm hides CViion. t.. i,
*• GsmpHcM, G. (iuriliin. J. || •
IIill. CJ. 1J. l,itninr. .l.Au/,o, J. ,N \ ' 1
11. Cl.'lnml, H. Wrii'lit, J.,V ,V ,
ifc'lit. lohiistni. I’
CO. J. Moijrs, r. Hurler&. cu ||. | ’■
R' S. Gull", uud C* ('. (iristvold
, Ship Lady Gallatin, IVrrv I
Hrth:m“< Hills on I.nndnn. 60 day*, 0} *lii|i Mount‘Vernon, Iliiiik.V' i - ,,
9 |ir. t France. 5 17^a5 15; Amsterdam,, slup William Penn, Huiuiltnn' I 3
-4- j hrig Sarah Ann. Hiotsnn, .Marlini,i,,',' 1,
= | Slio|)lierdi'ss, Ward, St. Parts- „• '
Chirnw, Frh. Tl.—Cation—This articlo Pluwor, Snow, .Vcw-Orlca us "
Inis boon coming in freely during tin* last
week ; it will soon command from 15 to 17
Wafers, ,Sl
Howland, Darien,
Barts ) sloop Three in,n,'I
who arc understood to have been already jj S said, great efforts to have Mr. Chov
appointed to supply vacancies occurring in j the Cabinet.”
that body, on that day.
The intelligence of the triumph of the
Colombian army in Peru, the capture of! Rush.
(• iNTKiiAc, &c. is amply confirmed by ar
rivals at N. York, Baltimore, and Charles
ton. Carth;i‘vena papers of the 5th instant,
rcciiied at fheiuttcr port, contain tin* nni
cies of capitulation entered into between
the commander.-oi the Royal and Patriot
armies. The victory has been decisive,
and glorious. One ol’thestipulations is the
immediate surrender of the fortress of Cal
lao. In the official despatch of Bolivar to
the lutendant of Panama, he requests that
the reinforcements on the way to Peru may
bo detained. The schooner Weymouth ar
rived at New-York in 26 days from Cartlia-
^genn, brought despatches for our govern
ment and the Colombian minister, contain
ing thi"important, intelligence. They were
under the charge of Mr. Anderson, who
sot out with them early the next morning
lor Washington. On the news reaching
Carlhagenu, the fust sailing American brig
AMiftyia, whs immediately despatched from
that pm?, direct for Loudon, in ballast.—
f'he sailed o'i the I3t!i of January, and no
d*. dll w•!- the first vessel to convey the iin-
portant intelligence to Europe.
The following gentlemen nre also men
tioned in connexion with the Treasury De
partment—Albert Gallatin, and Richard
The stock of the New-York Gas Compa
ny 1ms advanced since the 5th inst. tuunti -
e : glit percent, and wus recently sold as high
as one hundred and seventy-eight. On the
16th inst. it hud risen to two hundred.—
This extraordinary rise is attributed to the
small amount of stock in market, and the
conviction that it will be more profitable
than other stocks, which lias been the case
in England.
ii"t think tie' eonstiiuiinnui prinripi
was involved by either, but rather preferred
in number 23.]
Mr. ADKim renewed the motion lie made | but little substantial di'^op uce, between ilio
hi the preceding day, to take up the bill to ex-1 original provision and tin* amondiueiil. He
j tend I he right of deposit in public or other did ii"t think fir
stores, mi C'-rtuin conditions, and with cer
tain privilege sto other goods, besides wines,
teas, and dialled spirits.
Tin* House accordingly w**nt into com
mittee oi the who.h'eii Hu* bill. Mr. Foote,
ol Connecticul in the Chair; it was read
by sections.
Mr. APIsim briefly explained the object of
Com|ir«ck of thk United States.—The
ocrctary of the Treasury transmitted to
Congress, on the 17th instant, the annual
statement of the Commerce of the United
, States. It contains
1st. A general statement of the quantity
and value of merchandise imported into the
United States from the 1st October, IB‘23,
to 30lli June, 1324.
1st. Do. do. from 1st July, to 30th Sept.
2d. A summary statement of the same.
3d. A general statement of the quantity
and value of domestic articles exported.
•1th. A general statement of the quantity
and value of Foreign articles exported.
5tli and 6th. Summary stuteni n?s of the
value of domestic and foreign articles ex
ported. „
7th. A general statement of the amount.
Ofpici it..—The following is the official ac
count of victory of the the Colombian army
in Peru, and the capture of that of Cautor-
ac, from the Gazette of Colombia of the 22d
ult. It will he perceived t hut it is dated in
Lima. All Peru therefore is liberated.
ST A* F,
hem:nil. r.ini:nATon.—oiidkii of
the i* vv.
II. ad ■Quarter.'!, in Lima. 2 id Dec. IB2J.
His Excellency the Liberator received
last nigiit, through the nn nns of the Aid-
de-Cauip of Gen. Su< re, Cupt. Alarum, the
contlriuutiou ol the battle of Ayai*uclio of
the Jth inst. under the orders of tin; immor
tal Gen. Sucre.
Af\er five months of skillful manoeuvres
on all sides, and Uilfermit battles, always
tin*bill, which is to introduce the policy
lately adopted by European powers in re
spect to depots for goods, (in older to save
to tiie merchant the 2J per cent now reserv
ed on drawbacks.)
The blank lor the time in which the
hill is to commence its effect was tilled with
thi JlrJ >>!'duly nvxl.
The blank directing the sum to be retain
ed out of t lie duties, was liiied wilii one half
(four fr r vent
The blank for the duration of the act was
ti : l d with three years.
The bill was iillrrwards ordered to bo en
grossed for a third leading.
(u Senate on Friday IBth instant, Mr.
King, ol Muw-i'ork, lose and said, m offer
ing tne resolution In; whs about to suouiit,
though ii was a subject of great national
importance, tie aid not desire to donate it,
nor did lie offer it with a view to its present
consideration. II" submitted it a" a mat
ter tor t he Inture mnsideration of the Sen
ate, uud hoped it would ho receive;., by oil
parts of the House, as one entitled to lU
serious attention. He then laid on the ta
ble the following resolution.
Resolved ity Lite Senate of the United
States of Am* nea, That as soon u» tne por
tion of liie existing runtied debt ol tile Uni
U j» »- Stales, for hie payment of winch tin*,
glorious ior i>ur armv, Uon. So,to wuuoJ lunU ut iUo Un.lud ataiob is uw.lg.*il,
for l!a|-nomy ii. tliVpo.iLiou of Avucucho. ; " a ‘ liavu P'"' 1 , 011 * u, ““* “‘" l
Un tliu util come liolit skiru.isi’.os took P-riii, ho wl.olo ol U.e public la.i.l ol in**
On the otales, with the nett proceeds of ail
place between the two armies.
9th, the Liberating army was attacked by
t.’ie enemy's army, who hud taken the
heigths which fortified our camp Gen. Val
ues on the vanguard commanded the right
with four field pieces, four battalions, and
two squadrons of hussars ; Gen. Monet the
ceiitic, with live battalions ; Gen. Va'llalo-
bos commanded the left willi seven In-Id
Inture sales thcreoi, shall constitute and
form a fund, winch is hereby appropriated,
uud me laitn of tlie United bio Ins is pledged
that the said mud diu. ue inviolably applied
io uth cuecutduc.ipu-ton orsuciinittves, iviu»-
in any of tlie Lun.-d {Slates, and to uni the
removal of such slaves, and the removal ot
hin li tree persona of color, in an) ol the
the arneiidmein to the bill.
Mr. Webster m.i !e some oh.^e n ations on
the bill, lie -Ii I not consider it a- involv
ing any dangerous prim.iidn.
Mr. P. P. Barbour coincided with Mr.
Storrs in his constitutional objection, muu-
jtaining that the auieiuiinunt. though it
i reached tin* same end us tin* biff, was wi-ie-
Iv ditferenl, inasmuch as ii involv* u in it no
claim on the pari of Congress ;o nnooso tin*
doty on canal boats hut was merely decla
ratory in its form. iVe.
Mr. Owen of Alabama, moved to lay the
bill, and ainenduo iit, on liie table ; but tins
motion was negatived.
Mr M’Lhmh siofffsted to Mr. Storrs the
propriety of omitting that, cum >• ot iff.-
urn ndment which vx’.-'iuis the • x -mpiiuu,
not orily to boats lie* canal it
self but. also, th“ anilicial \vor!:s c.oiukm t-
ed therewith. One ofiiiesu works was ;i
basin in Lake Erie, and tiie words of the
amendment would etc!.ole ail in - itHviga-
timi ol* Lake Erie which entered that basm,
from 'oTiniige duty.
Mr. Storrs accepted the modification pro
posed bv Air. APLane.
Mr. Foot, oi'L'oiiwctieut, and Mr. Mar
vin of New-York,opposed lie' amendment,
as thus modified, which renoereu iiie iuii it
self nugatory ; for ail tie? bouts on lie; cu-! 11
nal entered the basins at ii> ext r«■niiii*;s, |
and so they would ail nave to pay tnmiugo
Mr. Martind'ilo took the same ground,
and denied t hat, tlie rovenuu would be in-
jured by ext.' , n.liug tlie o.v-ui|*;.ioti to cer
tain pnrttf of Lake Eric uud Luke Ciiam-
Tlie question was then tak«*n on Air.
Ftoirs’ amuiniinniif, am) decided in tiie af-
tii tmit iv«-—ayes U7. no- s 55.
Tin* hill wa- tium ord red to be engrossed
for a third reading.
In Senate on the 16th instant, Mr. Ben
ton. ffPioiluc* ?! a lull providing ihat vesseis
• >’• l.o IJuitPff »«*•«»• fle.ll l*.. r>up|ilind VVllll
canvass <\tc. made from iieuip and flax, Mm
growth of the Unite*! S ates, and no other
ini» i.wiiuiiiimini mu 11:11 » n il r*u»ni in im . - . . , . _
• i • I,. *i . ... | Faii stJtes,u.' )Vitu*hiwsollhostat'.‘S.ri.*-
ptece.s and lour bat. alions; the rest ol the . 1 *. . ,
r - .* o * • . snechve v, may be allowed to be ciiiauct-
rd ? my VWe Uie i'ttiwl'ur^kniovud, u. unyiurriuiry <>r cuuii-
' We b. ffn our attack in the fi,l!owi„ ff or-. lr >‘.' Vl1 l,ma l "« . U "', Un ' t J ud
dor. General Cordova o''in ked mi the
right with t ho second division of Colombia,
composed of the battalions of Bogota, Vol-
tig« urs. Pi* hm< ha and Camiccus. Gen.
Lamar commanded the left, with the bul-
tulions of Peru, Legions Nos 1.2 and 3.—
Gen Lara's divisi-m was in reserve. The
two armieh, though very unequal in forces,
longed for buttle. Tlie enemy's army con
sisted ol about 10.0DH :n m, and ours of but
Tin* hattali* ns of I h" second division of
Coiomb'A imirched with Mu ir arms in their
of American and Foreign Tonnago employ- j bunds w i i uiipnralleleil iutrepidit •. —
ed in tin; Foreign Trade of tne United ;*ocarcely Jiad they tired, when the Span-
| birds began to lose tin ir groninl and get
of America ; which was read, und, mi mo
tion of All. Benton, ordered to be punted*
The Senate next took up tlie bid making
an appropmaiion of tiOuu dollars lor tlie pur
chase of Air. Rembrandt Pouie’s picture (ex
hibited in the rot undo; embracing an eques
trian portrait of General Wasiiington, and
equestrian portraits of General La myotic,
General Hamilton, uud other officers.
Air. Holmes, of Maine, opposed tie bili
principally on the ground of the ex.rava
ge rice, as lie conceived it, of tiie sun pro
posed for tin* picture.
Mr. Mills supported the bill, as some
!A7A^A*3. FjEL3. 23 1123.
Coming up last evening, 2 sloops.
List of vesssols in the port of ^
2«tli February, 10 ships, I barque,
12 schooners, 14 sloops, and u vu j, '
Vl I Put lwtiu *
and, pr>in
2(i ; luir t.. K im',
15 A
S ■ . i
4* lllff, 2..
S * 50 . S, . 74.
— 1* • 'I
.•■eip r>. B 'tin,*,., "ichmomi.
«*> !
V le ■:
n.'rc, sup
-4 > a
3(J £. nts p
r b*iH
'hi s—
” y ■
i*i riitf Sunuerv t
89 's
H .,ak*j—i
i*nn.i 4'ir.
, 8 • 30 cer.ti per g 1
»ert> •’
n ■■
e' ItUUI —
but, 8
A 0 th
m t.
in—.1. * y 6
•*. Iv
nti'.ok-,, G
\: *.
ic. 'ij :i j
■ ui 'It
' c'S, sleill.
• 'trie
s: 4 : I’r
n*:. tl
■ e —
*' -7 » .
Nj. 3
4 a 4^.
HJ. ;r**„l t .
!.,v d
9 *
14 SRiea
n tei
. 2‘2 -rarer
Ut rth**vn, inf. 8 *1
1 >
1 ’he m
7 ecci*8
Su l> V
Hundh s •
*!c. i -H.
i CM. —— i
i h,*
<4 a 9 con's
i n. tnouhl ifj « t
{5; *.*i n, 3.1 to oO ata ce
•, i-'i . M*; ji ipi s, 14 i
i •'* •• U ; •/ 4 d. . !7 .o 20
f» • bt; • . * m ,19 1 ) ••
• ‘i ; t :■«? 4 l.» i * o
d - Jt • «•> l("; <1 5 4 .0,3 ,• S.
t g 7 ii i ±.i Iff
J.U'lft I’ — lt 'ScantIn g. 10 ?( I ; Flo*,
lion * s. 12 i 14 ; lui»*|f ing Tinrbcv 3
St 4’ivus pi • .5 ^ m(). I)**. vVl.i'r' u..«
h :ct lo s .• l;-.. '3.3 O k, do. 10s :
Slffiigti •», *1 a-t. . ' * h! i < I'm h« Rids. 10“ '
i'll! * •
'• firm.
in* tuft
Five Fathom.
A letter from Liverpool of Jan.^i,
tions the arrival at Greenock of tk.
Mentor Wilson, from Savannah. U N
The ship Clifford Wajue, u a; . at V *
Orleans, 29th ultimo.
The British brig Genera! H* (
miles below Wilmington. N.U. \* H<I
ed by tire on the night of 11.«> i«.(|
Three ineu are missing, win., it
are burned or drowned. Fj, | i;ill (l|| i jt ^
200 hales Cotton, anti fuio l# lt rit j.- Ti,. .*
The brig .B seph, Tear. nrr. »t N. y #r *.
from New (>ih >iij>, m j a t rg, i ; 4 '
fell in w i'li planks and spars <n a wv,* ( u -
P«rt ot In r stern, with Mu*letters
in large JeMoi's, anff from appc.iraiuv ;
not been wrecked » long lino*.
fl.F tun* Foil Tills |*o: t,
At ISuw- \ urji, 17.1. insL. B.-iir. ^umihh»>
At Baltimore,
15th inst. sohr. Barra-1
AhH|\ Fn F ROM TH|«i |*i |,-|
At VYi.mijigion, 23d inst. schr.
J la!, t
At I'hihui.-
nit t;
. ff» l"th iusi...-hip Di!;
I InDliltoii. ?ii a .jay?
••iii't, Ihiffi v, witii
l ran -i'‘. cfntt. !! t,
At N w-York. F- b.
Conneries, in ,i f, w du
Hopkins Vickery.
pucKtt )» -
17. ship IMwr.
»; brig 1 »*
• <i iy -»>. ii ice
a*tU ii.vtriicss 42
per £
B?.glish d
1 -• «5; 6h .
Uth. A general statistical view of the com
rneri'e ami navigation of the United States. !
9th. A statement of the commerce and j
navigation of uadi Stuie and Territory.
From ffieso buil**in nts, it
t! imports during tii* year ending on the
Mi i
ui'ncr, 11124, have umounted lo
lung h.
Air. Holmes moved to strike out 6060 and
| into couf* is in ii ; tlie dtvisiur. of I'eru liav- p»oo.
jing experienced a vigorous resistence frotn. jvj r . Talbot, though he admired the pain-
( tliu enemy’s vung'iard under the^orders^ot ting und respected tin* g**uius and talent
I Gen. Valdez, was reinforced by Gen. Lara t | ull | l5l ,i produced it v< t doubted whether
with the battalions of Yem edor uud Ynr-! t o„ high a sum bail uni boon fixed m in the
gus, of the Columbian guard. Nothing bill, ami he was in favor of a smaller one.
appears that j could resist the impetuosity of our gallant. The question being decided, win first put
men. The second squadron ot hussais ot • 0I1 striking out, and w as carried, ayes 20,
Juiiin, under the orders of tin? intrepid com- „ ors 14,
What does this hi > ?— From the Rich
mond Enquirer.—* \\'.* have recently uud
occasion to expre.-s our unle t n*d r* rpi;ct
fertile dignified dept rMnent displayed by
(fcn'Tal Jackson at Wa iiington. u,'< vi**n.—
ly and siibsequently to thi* el *cti »n. His
reply to M10 g •iul.:ni' , .a 1 of Mh* C immi’t(*e is
a rlnf d\euov»‘ inthD respect. But may we
take the liberty of sMgge.-ting in this dis
tinguished man (i* these humble lines should
ever full within hi? noth •>) that men, eleva
ted like him upon a high pinnacle, can 011
such inatM rs at sm ii a crisis, scarcely
breathe a w , ’ : pj)f r. uiMmut it-; being heard
throughout the nation? Rumour has been
busy at Washington in ascribing v< r*;* :i»
private expressions to Gen. J., which do
not exactly m.iintain tli?* tone of i i- reply
to the Committee. To y have no doubt
ben very much mist- erv-"n'ed. pi rh.ips
very much misunderstood—lun w** should ,
bo truly sorry ti*«it be Hem;.? for one in-*-
menibri 11k the consist.’u. v ofliis coud'fi
at Washington by a solitary expression or 1
tin? slighlO"t indulgence «•!* on. nnelens ttit I
feeling. The magnanimity i*f • !t • hen* is '
most admired, when it is mo t .-uonglv ,
tried.” ‘ * I
(J:nnhin'Qha—\0 h 2 •
t '/ '/mi d ti .u.1—l ’) 'i i37
i/o iunu C« n 9 "■ -5,
I OH - .*.: 91 .1 95 DC*
H3 di lo. ; \ !*> ‘‘Cm 1 d
,:vn. 0 9
Salt f.iv^rpeoi. coirs , in but* 1 59 q! 1.
.agar Havar.i. white ^t‘2**}5; Hrown, 8;
M -c !’■, 7i . >0 ; S , C10 x, p ioie, lb
4 :* 8.' 9; it lii.cvi Loaf, i h
; *2.., dull
('ojfe: tlavanfi gr .en, !« { St. 1) niingo,fruh
.. ,4 .) yr16^16
lly .on '/to 1—100 . IU5 c*. s per lb
It in ; -.iwica. yvin lUOr* n «» «t»ill • West In
,1 65, iviiTiin t. ,
Mtean s- •' t FuMh, 26 28 /
ft . at iivy Goods So 6opu.rcer»l advance
I! Ch'i 1 >0 oer in. do
/,.anion J oner 75 ?i 3 u0, per dozen.
>Trt K8.
United ''tntJt H-.nk — N ■ • m S.
Ultim o/ he i .uie <f(.eo gm- 8 ’ 8 85 for 10**
• 1 (l n
Phi t : s' Hank -6 r f*<: 8*> paid in.
/hi en It. k • m'* ■
.'■• ai 0 :ip iiy— So *Vpb.
mUaune <.n.' kite loan a ct C. nipuay—i7 40- 'O'.
QUnSCRIHKRS to llm Soni-lloniM)
*3 Awuiiiilua, un* iin'miit i lion i; ,;..j
**'‘.II, tn Q P' I1CB T()-iJoliKtH\ K\l..\
1AG. ui tin* Rxlti.inhi. Lu.ui Ruum.
Fol, ‘ill
N B Stuie B . k of fico-sru, payable i<
! avi •• ah, FioiHiU 4 t H id Hank of Au
g s «, n»«os,.. ce’.VfO ;«t U ii. U uik in ciepus
it- dil l in payin' » tor turn s
J.X klA/aiE.
On En ltvul—H .0 $ cr ce--t. prem
/•’ .men -.i J5 " 5 0 ■•
Jioi -n ••'-•od-,s < pu: ; mnn 1 pr^m*
igt. 4prtm.
1 (il-C .
,A ink 1 d
l'h .e.Ji/ihi, i )
/I. ni:Hen e d >
tj/i'irlm'o S'el t 4
JV. 1 hr'ol'ii 1 ■*> ft ok
Ci.p: h'atu and ,*\ 1 w v.
i ur.iGiri'M
•lies p
ol* 3
r \
For 7*cw-\oik,
'J'iie j'liiii
H A Z A R D,
J. T. CIM, .Verier,
. Huvinp iliritu-fniirtks ul’lwr . .-Ir-
-"F n .s: ;l " i ‘ l l * i,v,; illtnuvliutp jllW.II'rV
1 or rrngfiT «ir pu*,ruge, upply to tne niusl./
on hoard, at Moure's Wharf.
Feb 28 80
: £
. k
For Nevi-York or I’r vuten c,
Tin* I ritT
GEORGE \\’As!l!.N(iT0.\,
i;^. (.11 j!t. Hi ..Hi.«,
Will 111'T‘t llilil lirf utl li. i'.'l
Irt*i(flit or ,';i.'>uo*’. apply tn tlit- u
bouril, at \Villiuui»uii’s \\ liarf. rr
is. C. GREK.Mi.
Fi*h '.>(1
For K
liiions swat
Tiie regular nnr’:et "loop
1 A\ oiUTK,
.V. Pail', Jlr.-f.r,
, \\ ill sail mi W’ediii >•<!.•«y 1-
fieight or passage, apply to fhe’ti ‘
urd, or to ELIAS Foin
F<*h 2« 'anil j
F‘ -c
jVi .0 )’>ik
. 1; French vCESuls.
‘t,549.0UL of which amount. $75,205,051,
n im;.(,rt**d in American vessels, und
.2*: ’• f*53 iii Foreign vers Is ; that the ex-
tf ! 1 .ivliming to-t aniH period, amount-
u i to }j75,980,657, of which J’>0,049,501)
were domestic, and 25,337,157 were for
eign articles; that, of the domestic articles,
$1.3.141,619 were exported in Amcricun
vessels, and ^7.204,881 in foreign vessels;
uud, of the foreign articles, $23,967,087
were exported in American vessels, and
<3|l .370,070 in foreign vessels ; that $450,033
tons of American shipping entered, and
919,278 cleared from the ports of the Uni
ted States; and Mint 102,167 tons of for
cign shipping entered, and 102 552 cleared
from the ports of the United Elates during
the suine period.
m inder (Bahama, charged most biilliantly , Mr. Iluyne moved then to fill the blank
against the emmivVsquadrons, w ho were ; w jrh 5000*doilors convinced that was the
outlie right of Gin. Valdes, and obtained very lowest sum wlii-li Air. F. would ac-
admirable success; the grenadiers of Co-i ( . t |,; for the paiiffiug.
lomhia charged on foot by our right think j Tin* question on>'ft thousand was decided
against, the Spiini li infantry. Too regi- jo navs 22 vea*;.
ment of hussars of Colombia under the ori, The question was taken on jJlOOO, and
ilers of the intrepid Col. Silva, charged ’ ] 0r ,f. 1
with their lances on the grenadiers of the ; ^[ r . Holmes, of Maine, then moved to
viceroy’s guard, and were dispersed. This fill the blank with $1,500, but before the
irnvo Colonel received three wounds. AH
the corps behaved in a most, heroic man-;
iut during tlie short but terrible shock of.
tlie battle. j
Our loss consists in killed, I general, 8
officers, and 3—4 soldiers ; wounded, 6 gen
erals, 31 officers, and 480 soldiers. The
enemy lost, the viceroy, wounded, 0 killed, {
and 2600 men killed unJ wounded. j
As the particulars of the battles have not.
been received, in consequence of the death
if tin* Licet. Col. Medina, we scarcely
know the officers who most distinguished!
themselves. Gen. Lamar, it. is said, has
behaved in a manner becoming his former
A barouche has been exhibited in Wash
ington, attached to which is a simple appa
ratus for instantly releasing restive or
frightened horses from a carriage. The
a ib ’.'ion ol im fu.viirnt.iiE, of this kind, would
be the mean.- of .-aviug many lives.
A new triiff 1 -•..«! to have been granted
Me* rase i.f ii; •. •*, who was lately con-
in Kentucky, of the murder of Mr.
In the state of Now-Hompshirp, no state
tax bus been found necessary for the present
question on this sum was put.
The bill was, 011 motion of Mr. .Bills, or
dered to be laid oil tin* table.
In the limea* of R present at ives. Mr.
G.c*ke, frotn the Commit tee on Indian Af
fairs. made u report adverse to an appropri
ation for oxtingnishiiiu the title ol tiie Chcr-
okees to lands in G -orgia.
On motion of Mr. Forsyth, the report was
laid on Min table.
Air. Wnyno, of Penn, submitted the fol
lowing resolve :
/{’■solved., That 3000 copies of Mto report
of the Commit Me* Suppression of the
African Slave Trade, which was laid upon
Liverpool dun. I!.— \\
the 5ih, and have now only
that tiiesah'Fo i iit ueekwi
at prices fmlx «iu p»*i-tino tL«
of t d. on th uob: : '- lion of .1
Uplands, 9 a 1 ‘ 1 . f »r oi l (!
* w r' tr \ on on
to inform y-ui,
■r** 30,.‘ii0 i ui* s
• advancegiv. n
?r Stocks—av
ittons. un'! 4 a
coi. 11 ones
iii'iliL* 24—tin;
pi from l.i
I fiputnl.iim. As smm as vvu nwuivu lliis jflu-. t hn iu!,l,* the Kit Ii inst. In* pi'intoil.
rinus iicmimit, wo slntlljiublisli il tit lonntli.! M r |.’„ rsv tl, LH I], ,| |'„ r thn rt*nili:i!r of tilt*
The luinainder of theSimuisii army, under
the order of(iun. Cautcruc, capitulated to
Gen. Sin re, before tin* day ol hultle was
over. By this cniiiiillation, all that, belon
ged formerly to the Spanish power in Peru,
lie has ordered to he delivered up to this
Republic. Tlie whole Spanish Army ami
15 generals have remained in our power.—
The Chief ud interim.
From the National Intelligencer.—Mes
srs. Gales*Sr Seaton:—Tlie rumor which
you mentioned, in your paper of this morn
ing, of the spontaneous waiving of any'
lniins which the New England Status might •
report referred to in the resolution, but was
answered that the report was at the prin
Some debate ensued as to the necessity
of printing the report, and n motion by Mr.
Forsyth to lay it on the table way negativ
ed, 66 to 59.
The question was afterwards taken on
printing extra copies, and decided in tin*
affirmative, 73 to 57.
Mr. Newton moved to discharge the com
mittee of the whole from the consideration
of tin* iffii concerning canal versuls uud
boats. The motion was carried, avus 72.
The bill was then taken up and rend.
On this hill, un extended and highly in-
Kid. for n tv. Tiled lire none in the mar
ket nt) re .out wort h It’d, except Mime of
Wn.le If.impton's, Unit price has been
offeree for Mu m. There nr f * 7On hales n tv
Cotton just arrived from Yirginia, which
are very good, nnj valued nt 11 {d. In J4"*i-
Isinte’s the prices are ulso fully supported,
ay 18d. to 2s 3d.”
London. Jon. 5.—Th» Cotton .Varkrl.—
There were few sales o*’ cotton last, week,
on account of the holidays. Thu prices
were without alteration. Yesterday when
it was ascertained that the deficiency in the
slock of cotton in the kingdom was 150,
OttO begs, compared with the (plantity the
year preceding, a most animated and exten
sive demand immediately took place—the
scene of confusion was so great, that the
quantity actually sold is not yet correctly
ascertained, hut the estimaets are Rom 5 to
6000 hags, chiefly East India descriptions.
The a-Vince here is j to a £d per lb. The
cotton market was quint this morning ; but
as the day advanced, the greatest anima
tion in the demand took place, which will
probably lead to extensive transactions on
the change. It. is supposed there is an ex
press in town, with favorable accounts of
yesterday’s Liverpool cotton market.
-Thu demand for Uplands
tU —Sr!* ci ions will rcudd)
other qiiuiiiius are at all
and upwards.
i. lie bu.-inuss bus been dime in clean
»*ea Islam!.-', .-niceour last report, until S?it-
nniay. wl.* a coinu Miles were made, but we
have not ninli.-istoo.i the run s. Holder- ap
pear Iii ui. auff Us ;hi. otoek now coming tor-
ward is very moJcate, and the quantity vet
to arrive known to be very small, there
seems, little doubt the prices nt which they
have been held, will he realised—say 32 a
50 and upwards, f or fnnfnney brands.
RICE—Has been neglected: holders ask
ing morn than purchasers are willing to
give; some is still held at $3 75, but the
greater part of tlie prime at market, could
proahly be obtained at 3 50. W e quote at
2 25 u 3 50.
CORN —Cargo saps have been made at
47 cts.
BRITISH GOODS.—The Into arrivals
from Liverpool. Inis rendered the assort
ment of British Goods very complete, since
For Augusta,
Tl... Strimi-Ilout
H E N Ii V S II I' 1/17.
W ill hf* m*rr* :i 1!
li'I'.’Mt imiiii!(li:i|{*lv.
I'I'ly i»
0. II. I.AM.Ml
V hni'lcstoii,
The Steam-7-
Will be her. Tics
an*i can take two
ialts e.T.on, for freight ofuii
passage, apply to G. B. L
Feb 38
.»! \it.
14?Ui Drawing
A'o. hi.
R FC El V ED and ready for oxaininHtK.
Frizes drawn—
No. 8602, ; lOf'O
1871, 19281, : 5**0
’ ' lA
2181, 5121, 5830,
13058, 17521, 19271,
191 prizes of
All thn ca »ita's are still undrawn, atj^
which the (lenuind has greatly improved.— many of thuin floating. Six drawings ohi)'
Alerehonfs from the interior, can now ob- j lomniii to eompletn thn Lottery, one <•
tain every variety, and at reasonable rates. 1 "liich will bn due hereon the 4th of Morel'*
DOMESTIC GOODS—May be quoted! tdxleciith drawing will take place on
nt a small advance beyond our prices.—! 3d Alurch, when thn handsome capital ol
Stock in market very limited. I x>/arv /s\ s\ rv
j will bn placed in the wheel. Tickets will
• then advance from tiie present price w
twelve dollars.
have to a Sent, in flu* Uuhinet, is not well teresting debate a rose,
founded. Those status, status ns n*prosen- Air. Newton. (Chairman of the Commit
ted horn, neither make any pretensions, uor ten on C unmorce,) stated the circuinstnii- parcels. A fair lot Georgia Upland of 800
Mw-York, Frh. 16.—Colton.—-Tho mar
ket continues ur.tivc, and the sales since
our last report, uumunl. to about 5000 bales
of which 1500 have been taken for export
and the remainder on speculation. Our
quotations are readily obtained for largo
Ship Lady Gallatin, Ferry Liverpool,
IIilli & Hoyt.
Brig Sarah Ann, Stetson, West Indies,
Cohen &. Miller.
Sloop Three Brothers, Howland, Darien.
Sloop Eliza, Nicoll, Blankenship, Ogee-
40,000, 30.000,10,00 Y<
are worth calling for. Applv at
Feb 28
waive any.
ces which had led to the introduction of the baled was Bold at 17} cents, cash ; about
C»ie* 2 .'av». with Rioenml tut too, to if. & f or 8 „| e bv
J. Habersham. , « .
| fti*
Bl iSHI.I.S PRlAiK nillX.
on bourd schooner I ii.*i|4»n ;
IIALL & 110 VT-