Newspaper Page Text
% 4
warm invitation* From K«listo he will pro-
coed, by water, to Biuulurt, (in Ins pro
gress South the most convenient landing.)
here, 1 presume, the Governor will
o have at length' At the late session of the Legislature oflcond; the Queen of Bohemia; the Duke
•c can roly, in Kentucky, resolutions wore adopted by the Monmouth, und Lord Chancellor Bu-
. \ .. . . , eon (who, by the way, wrote u most beau-
Tiik Nmv CAntNBT.—Wo have at length
something upon which we
relation to Mr. Aduih’s selection of his two branches ofthu Legislature, and appro
Secretaries und Advisers. A letter from vod by tho Governor, requesting from Gen
(who, by the way.
dul und distinct little hand, greatly resom
ling that of the late George Sic evens ; )
DAILY l*AI*KR, : :
: fivf. dollars
.uivo provided a carriage to convey him by a Iriend ut Washington, dated on the 23d Lypavkttk, that he will sit lor his Portrait Loid Koc.ln.8tcr, &.c. &o.
, ... . . ...... A considerable number of these letters
land to the Savannah river. 1 Ins plan must ot I'ebruary, says—“A few moments since for the use of the state, und that the Por- re laUMl to that period of Scottish History,
enable our fellow-citizens in the Southern 1 learned who ure to be the members of tho trait, when taken, shall be placed in the ' to which the public attention bus been a-
1 wakened by the pen of the author of Wa
I verity, particularly to “ the crafty Luuder-
As a proof of the literary influence ft 11 *' f* 0 1 : T
' J 1 Douglass “ the thrieo-turiied traitor, buitu
At n meeting yesterday, of the subscribers
to the entertainment or entertainments to
be given to Gen. Lafayette, the following
gentlemen were appointed managers, with
full power to make such arrangements as
they think proper, and as shall adequately
evince the sentiments of gratitude und hon
or entertained by the citizens ol Savunuab,
for our expected Guest:
„ parishes to see him, and a thirds us much New Cabinet,. They ure us follows:— Representative Hull of that State,
j expedition as any other route. As the Department of State, Mr. Ci.av ; Treasury
- General will be able to remain blit three Department Mr. Ri sh, present Minister to . . - „— -
i days in Charleston, your arrangement must London; War Department, Mr. Barbour, 1 (l , m h * ,IB * n ff n m e p mi, it is nu n to country and King ;” and above all, one
. , . .. . .. f • • ... turned that no less than forty dd- of Claverhouse, describing the battle with
he made in relerenco to the lact. of Virginia, no\V of the benntu; Navy Do- . 4l the Covenanters at Dru me loir which was-
. . . t . .. . . forent works of merit are now in the Y”vumnitrs ai imiim mg, wuiui was
“ 1 am happy to say that our veteran partinont, Mr. Southard, tin present in- . purchased by the Duke of Buckingham lor
benefactor is inline health und in excellent curnbont; Attorney General, Mr. W,kt,' ? th " f W " 1 ,>r * n<:,paI ’“"'‘f 6 " 0 ” twelve K ui«o«. Hi« Grace wa» likmvbe a
, ... ••.•.it . » . <,* %,,r of that city. There have been particular pe- purchaser ol many ot the curious articles at
spirits at. the prospect* of the the present Attorney Mr. .ML.: in will; ^ I, igl, prices. A letter of Mary Queen of
State where he first landed, when he cm- continue in his present office of Post-Mas- j ’ t t ^ i% Foots to Lord Gray, sold for eleven pounds,
harked in our holy cause ; ami of again ta- ter General.”
king by the hand the lew surviving Patriots .
of that day among us, and of receiving the
testimonials of the affection und regard of,
our whole people.”
VvY ■ X ■ j&fejttlk V / " ^
vim Si sSfjH »* \ 0 » ^
Wm. B. Bum.och,
John Stf.n F.ns,
James M. Wayne,
R. W. Ha it krsii am,
Wii.i.i am Gaston,
J. P. Henry,
Wm. R. Waking,
Col. M \nsnAi r.,
Maj. \V ii. i.i a ms,
Maj. Wayne,
Capt. Luv,
Capt. Hunter,
Capt. Tattnall,
Cuut. Bi.ots.
3.';* No mail north of Richmond was re
ceived hist night.
Yesterday was the day of the inaugura
tion of the now President. “The world is
all before him, which to choose,” the ap
plause or the condemnation of the people.
Balls have been the order of the day or
rather the night, during the present season.
At a jeiiit-ineetingyesterilay, of the Com-
mittecs appointed by the City Council, tho j
Citizens, and Military Officers, to make ar
rangements for the reception of General
“ Rumors of War.”—New-York papers
to the *2 it Ii of]' 1 •,». are received at Charles
ton. The following article appears in the
many as eighli/ works were preparing for A larger portion of the letters, connected
publication. . wit Ii .Scotland, were purchased by Mr. Con-'
stable, ot' Edinburgh, for the Advocates’
Messrs. Ciimuino, IIir.UARO & Co. of Library, especially eight. bittern from Sir
„ . . , ... ,, Robert Cocyll, (Secret ary of State to Kliz-
Boslon, have issued proposals tor publish- ab , t | 0 t „ t |,,. I^d Gray, which term a eu- I
ine a collection of American Poetry under' rions supplement to the letters of this able I
the title nf“ Authologiu Americana, or Sc- ^ut Macjiivelian statesman, published in
lections from the works of American Po
Lafayette, the Mayor laid before them’a
letter from the General, dated the 20th tilt,
intimating that ho would arrive on the 13th
inst. at Charleston, which city he would
leave on the 16th, for Savannah, Augusta,
and Milledgeville ; and also a commnnica
tion from the Governor, stating his inten
tion to receive the General in person, and
to issue orders “ for those arrangements for
the reception of the General, which will
best comport with the intentions of the Le
gislature, the dignity of the state and the
been ot’ u
more splendid character—they may boast
of their Bachelor’s Balls, or their Gr
Balls, we dare to say, none have exceed-
ed our Volunteer Bills. Those parties
come with a peculiar grace from these vol
untary associates in arms ; they are an of
fering to the softer sex, which cannot be
unacceptable. Th*»y promote harmony be
tween them, encourage intimacy, and add.
we should presume, to the satisfaction and
happiness, as well us pastime of all parties.
And though some may complain of hard
times, and worse on the way, we at least are
among those who consider cheerfulness as
tho best philosophy, and innocent umuse-
1776 by Lord Hailes, which we hope will
he appended to a second edition of that so-'
crct correspondence. There were in the!
whole one hundred and twenty letters, and)
.. ... ., i .. .... , i Gen. Jackson.—The Editor ofthe Wash-! they produced upwards of two hundred and !
, - Vw '> u,k Mercantile advertiser ol thn. j !o|| City Gazette states, that. 1m too had : seventy pounds. This is indeed an ago for!
; date. “ heard the Humour (to which the Knqtiiror authographs.—T.uudon Paper.
j “ It is reported that orders have been d(- ^judes ;) jmt, on tracing it, liucls it wholly
, , . . , without foundation. G>nu Jackson has nt-
i vputoliml to the naval depots, to rqmp aid I J unUnmms In.,
k, prepare lor sra with ull oxnedition, tie j or .v/mu/Zag.”—We are also h..ppy to hear
vessels of war now lving in ordinary at tie from other quarters, those rumours con
tradicted.—Enquire r
Righ character and distinguished services of j m,int tkn ro,n vdy l°r - the ills the purse
the Guest.” The following resolution was
heir to.” He who can shake otf dull
care “ at that extremity the toe,” is your
Resolved, That Gen. John M’IntosilGoh. G*ue philosopher.
Danif.l Stewart, Capt. James Nkimikw. A splendid Ball was given last, evening,
C.ipt. Lewis Lanif.r, Capt. David Reese, 1 by the Georgia Volunteers at the Exchange
and all other Revolutiouajy Soldiers, who j—being I he third volunteer Ball this season
can make it convenient, be requested to j vying with each other in splendor. Tue
join in the celebration ofthe arrival of Gen. j room was decorated with much elegance
Lafayette, in this city.
The meeting was adjourned to Monday
and tuste. From tho
orchestra to the windows
corners of tho
on the the right
next, at twelve o’clock, to receive the re-j and left of the centre window of the Ball-
port of the sub-committee appointed to re- j Room, were extended two chptio arches
commend such arrangements us they may ■ intersecting each other in the centre, und
deem proper to be adopted, for the recep- j further connected by small supplemental
tion and entertainment of our Guest. .pieces. tlu» whole covered with evergreen.
. , i and wreaths of natural jasmine. Suspend-
The following resolution was passed bv . . . . .
. _ . ed from the arches were numerous varie-
tlie Officers of the r irst Regiment Georgia
JVlilitia, at a meeting held on the 3d March:
Resolved, That the Mayor, Gen
and Brigadier General Harden, and their
suites, all other Officers of the
Staff, all Field and Company Officers of oth
er Regiments and Volunteer Corpi
may arrive for the occasion, be invited to .
Lafayette in our city.
- .1. MARSHALL, Colonel.
gated lamps, the effect of which was very
several stations. If is added that the ord*r
was receiv ,.j h im by a govoriiinont nxpr.%, Loss of the Abinthi.i Bf.t.i 1 Tim schr.
who proceeded immediately for Boston.-— ■ Arintliia Bell, of Baltimore. Capt. B. Fear*
We are not able to ascertain wlietlior these
reports are correct. G ml lemon connect
ed with the naval establishment here do
not. enlighten us on the subject; indeed,
those we have seen profess to know noth
ing of such orders. But in corroboration of
t he reports, we find in the Philadelphia Ga
zette of Tuesday evening, the following
paragraph :—
“Orders have been received from Wash
ington, to finish immed in I' hj all the Unite*!
Stntes vessels building at this port, and to
put two more on tho stocks.”
What this direful •* note of preparation*’
is precisely intended for, the iuforma'Ps.
it. will he perceived, say not. Wh»4 are w«?
to fight appears to us to be the question.
It is understood, with much regret, says
file Alexandria Herald, that, chi *f justice
Mvrsmw.l retiring Iroin the
bench of the supremo court after the pres
ent session.
A delegation from the Cherokee Nation,
consisting of three, viz: .Tno. Ross, Gf.otgi:
Lom'uv, and Emjih Hicks, have arrive.;
in Washington, on business with the Gov
eminent, and also, eleven Indians repre-
r, mu;. The chimney-pieces were dc *orut*'d | . . ai . ,
Floyd, I , . . senting the SliawaneRp, J) daw'iros, Kiek-
with hearts formed of evergreen, containing
General namo ol’the corps, portraits, &c. Over
the window frames, and spaces between,
who were nrelies of evergreen, artificial flowers,
’ &c. On the East end of the room inthe
celebrating the arrival of General centrP 1,p| l »’ like manner, was II,o
word “ Commerce,” on the west, directly
opposite, “ Agriculture,” and in the cen-
npoos, Miamis, Piankashnws Smiecas,Wy
andots, VVeus, and Pioncn.-. &c.
Tho object ofthe last nam ’d Dtdegation
is to make arrangements for a removal of
their tribes west ofthe Mississippi.
Dewitt Or rvrov—ft is said, snvs the
Richmond Whig, that Mr. Adams lias of-
We understand that ori the arrival of
Gon. Lafayette, lie will (jo greeted by his
Masonic Brethren, in a style of splendor
hithertd unknown in this city. A dinner
will be given by them, and a procession
formed, which every effort will be made to
tender ofthe most imposing character.
ID* Route of the Guest of the Nation.
—The following letter from the Hon J ames
Hamilton, Member of Congress from
South-Carolina to the Intendont of Charles
ton, dated at Washington, on the 20th ult.
gives us more definite information upon
the subject of the route of the beloved
Guest of the Nation, on his more near ap
proach to our city, than any yet published :
“Sir—1 have it at length in my power
to inform you, that General Lafayette will
leave this on W< dnesduy evening next, the
2lth. in the steam-boat for Norlulk, on his
way to visit, the South.
* 'Piic General has just gratified me with
a perusal of his proposed itinerancy, from
which 1 infer that he will visit Charleston
soiii :t.iinc between the 12th and of
March. Fr m Norfolk lie will proceed to
the residence of Gov. Burton, at Halifax,
N C and thence to Raleigh and Fayette-
vi 1 1 *• in that stale, and next to Columbia in
our state. As the General is under a po
sitive engagement. to lay Lite cornerstone of
the Bunker’s Hill Monument, at Charles
town. (Mass.) on the lllth June, and as he
proposes going by land from Georgia to N.
Orleans, und from thence by tho ascent of
the Mississippi to visit in his way to Pitts
burgh the Western States ; his time will be
,-arily limited, und his stay at the sev-
,t. o.- in his route exceedingly short,
.. , . now .’ver, it is understood will bo
M t > • <nodite uis journey when he is
• tv 11; g by relays of horses, in order that
in d’-oHsicp, the citizens of'ourcouu-
.mv V gratified by seeing as much ol
V a.?- u
L i*.rl>!ston > on his way to Savan-
,* M.i; jr mised mo that he will tom |i
u to i 1 in k to receive the salutation*
, frtim whom I have cen
tre in front, properly decorated, “ Union.”
American pendants were tastefully festooned
with evergreen and Bowers round the who'o
compass of the room. The pillars of the
orchestra were appropriately dccorated.nml
its front handsomely ornamented by Ame
rican ensigns, as drapery. Numerous mir
rors, lustres,&c. gave an additional splen
dor to the whole. The N. W. room was
decorated in like manner.
The supper was as splendid an exhibi
tion us we have seen. The table was
spread with evr ry thing to gratify and to
tempt the appetite.
Notwithstanding the state ofthe weather
which for forty-eight hours previous, was
cold and wet, the rooms were crowded,
with a brilliant assemblage.
Pored this gentlemen a erniv blanche, to b«
Secretary ot War, or Envoy to Grctr Ihi-
tain. Sonin think that it will he most pru
dent. in h’rni to stay at homo, and wn»ch the
ever variable polities ofthe AYw-Yorkers.
Another new thing—A law has been
introduced into t!ie Senate of New-York,
prohibiting tho erection in that state of any
Tlmutvo within a certain distance of any
Christian church.
Forget thee ? no ! Though oceans roll
Between thy arms anti mine,
Still passion reigns without control,
And makes me ever thine.
son was cast away on the 2 *tii ult. at four
o’clock in tho morning, on a reef off Key
Cruz del Pa Ire, about 15 miles to tin’ wind
ward of tlm port of Malanzns, and tin* cap
tain und supercargo arrived there on tho
26th ; they, together with the new, with
much difficulty saved their lives from the
wreck. Un landing ini the Key, they dis
covered they iiud fallen in with a part of a
gang of pirates ; from the information they
derived from » fisherman whor ’hides there,
they learned that the remainder ofthe gang
were momently expected, wiio as soon as
they arrived would certainly murder all
ban.Is. Owing to u heavy gale of wind,
ihey were not aide to leave there that day
nor the following night. Next morning:
the fisherman told them to depart unmedi- wheresoe cr by adverse fate,
atoly, as one oflhu pirates had gone the .. Impetuously driven,
preceding night, to look tor his companions
—and that, tiny would certainly arrive
within two hours. Tho fisherman kindly
lent them his own limit, and piloted them
to the main laud of Cuba, where they for-
tmnlelv arrived. Tue captain and super
cargo left the crew there, who have since
arrived in Havana, where they were cuni-
M by u Spanish drogher. Thu captain and 0,1 nf * vrr ’ no! thm, fc» oc, *™ s roS1
supercargo afterwards returned to the Key Between thy arms and mine,
oil hoard the Ferret, to look alter a purl of ^dill passion reigns without control,
ill.' hi nr. i wl.r-li drill od on slior.- ut'lor tlie And rrn.lcns ino ovor thine,
ves'c! went r.o pieces ; ami were imbrmed *SS2SBSSB3SSESESB£S£SBS5£S"B££*
bv ! he li-tiermaii t lint the pirates arrived (JOMWB Cl AT/.
When pleasure spreads her wanton snare,
And lures with heartless smile,
The lone heart, sick’iiing shuns her glare,
And spurns each giddy wile.
Can he who fondly dwells alone,
(ii purest dreams of bli&a,
Upon one lov’d, one only one,
Taste venal beauty’s kiss t
Tin* world without thee were n wild,
Without one flagrant spot—
A wilderness where love ne’er smil’d,
By happiness forgot.
• No spot so wild, so desolate,
But with thee were a heaven.
And could I, thou confiding one,
E’'’n cause one tear to flow.
Or blight the hope thou rests upon?
Oh never! never ! no !
D trim, ,lthr h L—Cottton, Sea-Island,
30 a JO; stained, M a 20 ; upland, I i a 13 ;
Rice $2 50 a 3 ; Com, plenty. 50.
On Friday morning, tho
26th ult. Mrs.
Cultivation of Cotton The Editor
of the Baltimore American Farmer states,
that the culture of Cotton is fast extending
in Virginia; and that even not fa f from
Richmond some planters ore turning tlni,
attention to it, and cultivate from twen
ty to one hundred acres per year, thus re
garding it us one of tlieir chief staples.
On Monday night the 14th ult. a carica-
The Weather.—fur a day or two past,
the weather has been most inclement. On
the night of Thursday and morning of yes-j tore representation of the political death
terday, the rain descended in torrents.— and funeral procession of the lion. IIf.nhy
The tide rose at the same time higher than I Clay, was consumed in Carlisle, Pcnu.
on any occasion, since tli'c September gale j Large Bonfires were kindled on tlie occu-
of last year. Nearly the whole of Hutch- jsion, the redaction of which were distinctly
ison’s Island opposite *ho city, was over- J seen a distance of 14 miles across the
flowed, and a great portion of the lower mountain,
end of it, yet remains under water. The
Tho merchants in the citv of Hartford.
there ulmur an hour after their departure, _
arui.’d with cutlasses and mi-keis, and
Mould inidonhtedly have murdered them Ctmlen, Feh. 20.—Cotton continues to
lud ’Icy not h id the good fortune to leave arrive in considerable abundance and sales
Key as soon as tii y did.—,Y. Y.Guz. are making at 12 at 10} F° r a lot of
■ -.*■ 100 bales, 17 } were offered.
& J idiots.—'Phis little band oflrnli-
uns, un-b r ill** protection ofthe state, ure
in consul ri; ; 4e trouble at the progress of
barniug and * ivilivatimi which at di lie rent
periods the stale lias been desirous of af
fording them. Red ,lack(‘t. th*.* chief, is a
hard character. Not long ago he wrote a
letter to G »v. Clinton, Complaining of tin*
minister?, whom ho de*igmit« j d an Black M.» uy Brnom, a native ot St. Marys, Geo.
((Hits'. Tii" following un morial written by and relict ot the late Mr. George Burger,
Red Jacket, was prusuni* d to the A-s.’tii- aged 25 years, leaving a young and only
b|\ : — .V /,. daughter, uiiconsciony of the bereavement
I’o the (lovernor"flhc Council Ctrc a!, she has sustained, in the early loss of a fond
BuoTiir,.:—About, three years ago, our indulgent mother,
friends ol the yr- nt council fire at Albany
the whPe peopi,
our hinds, and told tiieir officers to m *ve
i hein oil* whenever we complained. This
was r*» us good news, and made our hearts
'rind. Tin se priests hud a long lime irou-
!•!( d ns, and made us had friends and bad
n ighhours. After much diiliculfy we re
in vd lie in from our lands; and for a short
time have been quiet, and our minds ea.-.y.
But we are now told that the priests have j
u.-ked liberty t.o reiurn; and that nur friends '
, ft he groat couuiil fir* are about to blot •
from their hook tiv law which they made,
and leave tlieir poor red brethren once more *
a prey to hungry priests. Brother, listen j
to what we say. These* men do us no good. |
Tiny (le.c ivo . very body, They deny the I
Great Spirit, which wo, and our fathers bc-
'• iv us. have looked upon ns our creator.— j
Tin y disturb us in our worship; tell our
Ol l.!' 1 ■*' HIIIIII II III 1:111 .‘1111*1 IIV [-'iHfo.y wii mu .
4e down in tli ii* heok that the priests of Mr. Josiaii SY ii.i.inhton. Father *
wld>o peopi..-should no longer reside on itoy of tho CharJeston Courier,
Ch. Cuur.
At Lexington, (Mass.) on the 10t.h ult.
il’the t*d-
aged 30
veil rs.
\t* .4 »• 'fVMIS U /» lliiMs» f li^
m'ma mim ta * 'm mm lil W W mVA
Ship Niagara, Gookiu, Liverpool,
YVm. Gaston.
Brig Eliza. Wiiikley, Liverpool.
Wm. Gaston.
Schr. Laurel, E. Pcttengill. Sapelo.
John Candler.
Brig William Twycross, 16 class from
Barba docs, to R. S. Goff.
A ship was beutig in last evening.
c n,Iren hev must not believe like «;ur fa- ■ ship Augusta, White. New-York ; ship
,l "; 1 , ’ 1 " 1 . ,hat 11 Ot- y (I" Hay Comut, -Moore, do ; brig Hope, Clark, do.
will he burned forever ui a grout, lake.— ,
Tli''V ii'll us muiiy tilings that w <16 not, The Bll „. m .kmt Pomllcton, Brncltm,
understiiml nur cnniiol boliovo ; tli.-y tell (:lclttcl , at Cliartetoii on Thursday for llam-
"s WBmil'jtb" llko the White poop .—hut burg and Angurta.
they nrn lnzy and w..nt work, nor do they Thn (j. s . s | lip Ontario, was in quarnn-
teiudi our young men to do so. Tim halms tinr at Messina. Jan. 1st, and was to be
ot our women arc worse than they were |,nve out, for repairs. She ltS9thc Cnusti-
heimv? those men came amoiiirst. us; and tutinn frigate nt Syracuse, hound to Mes-
°' ,r * in, 'k more Whiskey.— 8 j,in, where both ships would winter.
H e are willing to be taught to read and Thn g, se | ir . Grampus, was a! St.
wnlr, and work, hut. not by people who Thomas«7th iflB Ii is staled that while
I have dime us so much injury. Brother, we
hanks of the island, which have been ro
paired since the September gale, have been kavo agreed, that alter the lirst otj wish y®to lay^'/''’r^fm ooomMl fire tho ^‘t'^'shc waffived'intu bfa"piniti,'al iiout
cruizing in Sail Rock Pasbagc, night of
Cuba.—A letter from Matanzas ofthe
ot your red brethren. We ask our tt!w j ordered to heave to. The boat escaped.
.... . . . , | brothers not *o blot, out the law which has ; ci fared for this port
goods ill tlieir purchases and sales, by the | |)01l< , Mlll h„ |ipy , and to force. At . N( ,fVork, Feb. 21, ship Edward,
decimal weight of 100 lbs instead of tiiu' a strange religion upon us. We ask to he Conneries,
cwt. of 112 lbs. and ton of 201/0 lbs. instead i n J nno » fk" the wliite people, to
worship the (n*e«l npirit as we think it host. ■ ■ —
We shall then he imppy in filling the little j
space in life which is left us, and shall go
down to nor fathers in peace.
Signed by Red Jacket, Green Blanket,
Big Kettle, Robert Bob, Twenty Canoes,
sen. Twenty Canoes, jr. Captain Snow,
the present government of Cuba. Bublic. Two Guns, Doxtafor. Barefoot, Broadhoud,
amusements were neglected, and much dis- Chief W urior, Black ( hiel. Corn Planter,
weather cleared upjvith a line N. W. wind. t „,^ lmll oenasimmd by the in.puaitioi, .^ftike"
of heavy fines, amrby imprisoiuneiits. The
It is stated that the Hon. Robert Wal- (j 0 Xoxnbinns had three vessels of war olf Ma- •
kf.r, lias resigned the office of Judge of the tanzas Bav »*"i Onto in at. Letters.—A valuable and
considerably injured, and the sugar cane March, they will estimate the weight ofj
planted by Mr. Scai.ihnc, luis also suffered.
Fig Island below the city, was completely
overflowed, but us the tide receded, was
left partly dry. There is reason to fear
that much damage, bus been done on the
banks ol the liver, of wliich we ure yet to y7tb ult. says that people there wore much |
hoar in which case the rice crop will be , liwiat j s Hod with the stale of tilings under
buck ward.
About eight o’clock last evening, the
Jin Jlcf making appropriationsJor the Jtfilitn.
ry str"ice oj' the U,iU"d Slatrs\ for l/.r
yntr one thousand eight hundrtd und Itreio
B E it enacted by the Senate nnd House
ofRepresentntivos ofthe United Eta’* f
oi America, in Congress assembled, T at
the following sums be. and the same are
hereby, respectively, appropriated foi the
Military Service ofthe United Slntcs>.tortM
year one thousand eight hundred and twen
ty-live, ti» wit:
For the pay of the army, and subsistence
of officers, including the Military Academy,
nine hundred and ninety-four thousand four
hundred and seven dollars and seventy-live
For subsistence, in addition to an uwx
pended balance on the first of January. 11,»
thousand eight hundred nnd twenty-five, o'
twenty-nine thousand one hundred and
eighty-eight dollars and forty-five cents,
two hundred and sixty thousand four hun
dred and twenty-nine dollars und fifty-live
c« 11»S.
For forage for officers, thirty-five thou
sand five hundred and twenty folia rs.
For the recruiting service, in addition t*
an unexpended balance on the fir.-.t of .In' -
unry, one thousand eight hundred ami
twenty-five, of one thousand dollars, turn,,
ty-three thousand live hundred debars.
For the contingent expenses ofthe re»
cruiting service, in addition to an unexp* ti
ded hula nee on the first of Junuaiy. one
thousand eight hundred mid twenty-liv. «•*'
eight thousand live hundred dollars, thr*.***-:
thousand seven hundred and fifty debars.
For the Purchasing Department, two him-
•!rod and four thousand five hundred and
b rty-nine dollars and eight y-six cents.
For i lie purchase of woollens, tuning the
year one thousand eight hundred and t’.vi n-
ty-fivo, in (idvaut e for tin* year one thou
sand eight hundred and twenty six, twenty
thousand dollars.
For the expense of building a brick wall
round the arsenal lot. on Schuylkill, and re
pairs of public buildings thereon, eijjt
thousand dollars.
For Medical and Hospital Department,
in addition to amount on hand, on fir.-' <f
January, one thousand eight hundred ami
twenty-five, of thirteen ihoutuml tlellius,
twenty thousand dollars.
For Quartermaster General’s Depart
ment, two hundred and eighty-four thou
sand nine hundred and seventy-three del*
lurs and seventy-five cents.
For Quartermaster’s supplies, transport
ation. mathematical instruments, books, ami
si a’ionary, for the Military Academy at
West Point, eleven thousand five hundred
For the contingencies of the army, ten
thousand dollars.
For tho National Armories, three hun
dred and sixty thousand dollars.
For the current expenses ofthe Ordnance
Service, forty thousand seven hundred dol
For Arsenals forty-four thousand six
hundred dollars.
For the pi nsionp to the Revolutionary
Pensioners of the United Slat mu- mil
lion two hundred and forty-eiglu thousand
four hundred and fitly-lwo dui.ur.> and twen
ty-six cents.
For lie! half pay pensions to widows and
orphans, twenty thuusund dollars.
For iiiid i11o- surveys, and carrying on t'.u
operation.- of th»’ Heard of E:ii:;ni , er.-, *i;
relation to Internal fumrovetneuts ami m
addition 1«> an unexpended balance on I*. !,
twenty-eight tl.omaiid five bundled and
sixty seven dollars.
Forp 'iiug certain S'ates the amount dm*
on account of Militia in the service et ’he
Unit'd Slate*--, during the la!* 1 war, ninety
two thousand five hundred and thirtn tiv*
thousand dollars and seventy seven *' Utf,
being an amount heretofore appropriated,
and which has passed to the surplus fund-
Sic. 6. And he it further enacted That
the several sum.-, hereby appropriated sludl
be paid out of any money in tin* Treariin,
not ol lief wise appropriated : Prov>dn!.h<ar-
evir, That no money appropriated by tii• 5
act, shall be paid to anv person for Ir.smiri-
pensuiion, who is in arrears to the Uuilic
States, until such person shall have acemmt-
ed for, and paid into t in: Treasury, all s’UM.*
for which he may In* liahb*: PmvidnL .
That nothing in this section contained si*:*-.
b«’ construed to extend to balance" nri^i’-f
solely from the depreciation of Trens'n.-'
* notes received by such person to b«*expcit'-*
j ed in I he public service ; but in all •
1 where the pay or salary of any per.-cii is
, withheld in pursuance of this act, it slni.
: be the duly of’he accounting officer, if f "
j manded hv the party, his Agent, or Atter-
' nev, to report forthwith to the Agent <>t ;li»
Treasury Department, the balance due.
1 and it shall he tin* duty of the said Agent,
j within sixty days thereafter, to order su
ite lm commenced against such delimfi*- 1 -*
, or his sureties.
Speaker of the of Repre-. *ntat v-*.
President of the Senate, pro t(»rnrera*
YVnsliiiigton, Feb. 21. 1326: Approv'd.
, und kept a sharp look out after' . „ ... , , ..
in ' most curious collection ot autograph letters
Superior Court of tins slate lor tho iimldla „n Spauiiih vessels. ! 0 f distiiiffiiislieil persons from tlm reign of
circuit, in conse(|g(jiico of indisposition• I = Elizabeth lo that of Games the Second.
j j From the report submitted to Connress, were sold reci’iitly at Sothi hy’s unction-
. n ,, ...... i . .1 i I 19 room. Amongst them were, those of Eliz-
Alli • owell, Esq. in a note to the it appears that the wole number ot pnssen- lll)( , tk Mary Queenol'Scots, and her mo*h-
e 1: t 0 ri ii Gazette, states that he gors, (including American citizens,) that er. Mary of Guise; Cardinal Beatson; the
is not u • te for the office of Governor, arrived in tho IJ. States, during the year Regents, Arran, M»ir. and Murray;
He i on mirier d
u highly patriotic address andjeandidate ihr the State Senate.
ip ii . . I'lnrls of Sussex und Bedford; Lord H'rns'
in the same paper as a ending on the JOtli ol beptemher, lust, a- d „„ . j llm ,, s tlm Sixth of.Scoihmd i A no
. mounted to h,ofiO.
i of Denmark ; Charles the First and ho-
wperittr Euwant Wine.
| K SIX Gallon K(*gs “ Dyer’s”best. Cur-
.1. J rant Wine, put up expressly for
family use
2 Pipes “ S' ignett’s”
ranted purr*
50 Barrels India Point Gin
For sale low by EDW. PADELFORD,
Ai the Counting Room of Orray Taft
March 3 83u||
Y ESTERDAY, about eleven o’clock, be
tween the west end of Gibbous’ build
ings and A. Low & Co’s store, a white silk
PURSE, with pink flowers and a plain steel
clasp, containing two ten dollar bills and
eue of three dolla s, and some chai ge, a
in* ii nt not recollected. A suitable reward
will be given, if left at the Office of the
March 4
Company Orders.
| An election is hereby ore r
ed to be held, in conforim'V
with law, at M’Farland’s l“ ;i ?
room, Market-Square, or ti *
15th instant, torn First Lieu
tenant of the Republican If' 11 -
and such other vacancies a* 5
may occur.
By order of Capt. Pooler,
First Serg’t. R-
March 5 05f|»
A LL persona are hereby cautioned againw
xm. crediting the crew of th'* British
Harp, C'ap ? . Luwrie, us neith r the capfi‘* b
‘ or consignees will be responsible lor deuW
Ot n'ructed by thetu.
| March 6