Newspaper Page Text
jStYi VIV.
Wo 114.
#tVs <*««*«#•
flf TUI
By G. $ VV. Robertson,
PAfAHtR *» AllVAHC®.
,s published to meet the nrfSoeement ol
Uif mail, three time* « week, (Tuesday.
TSmrs.iov and Saturday) at the UtBepof hi
nV , Ut'orjirt), »qd eontiwa »1- 'he in fill.
aence.Coininereiiil, Political and •liattdlsii-
J, ncludiog advertisements. published n.
he Couirtry'Paper i« »B Ue.»U parts oi
tho State and Union, or delivered m the ■ l,,
,, r, T ft.-Ukh: per suu'itn. payable m idvanct meats are inserted Hi both pa on
,t no «i square, of U l ues, for e bra
insertion, .ltd 371 f« every susenedtnK pub-
'ftmimunicatipna by Mail, marl He Put paid
s ,|m ..flniid and, n-qrowt by Ad-»« '«"»•
tor.. Bx-cntora or fniardlana, are rerpm'fd.
hylsW; to be hold on the fir. Tuesday m the
„% tb between the hutt-s -ft*. •« h- fime
anon and three in the atrer i-tori. at h. <<«»
H riis-i of lUc. county in t> J 1
,u,"u ~sVieo.rh.seSSI*, must bo
pnSHc Ra/.tttc «.riy days previous .0 th.
d *s'o£’orthe sale f nersnnal property mils'
be give in U' manner, Fo ty day. pro*
Notice to Hi-* debtor* r.n?l cr^nwg -f at
991^1? roust be publisliwl ^-r forty '•V s *
tfobce tint AppliCi ti«'n will he muds to tnt'
C'.u'-t ofO-di»i«rv for leuve to sell **nU, mur
hr ;»ubli hH Vine Month*
N IN t E months after date application will
be inadu to the Honorable the Jus-
tiros of the Inferior Court «< Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract ol land,
known as number eight, Bill District, 1 ike
{fovmrrlT Mmtroc) County, for the benefit
oft he heirs and creditors ol the estate ol
of N. S. Bayard.
& mm%
OF! Kit Foil SALE,
p* Tv HOGSHEADS prime ahd Becond
liiSJ ipiality St. Croix Sugar.
SO barrels do do do sugar
70 bags prime green coffee
3o crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pi|i«8 cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica rtitn
half pipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils Bate rope
200 grind stones
SOrtO bushels Maryland corn
800 do Iiijttg Island white, equal to
Georgia flint corn
nnv 23
rittsii garden seeds
BuYViqim 1'Vonvct Hoots*
J UST recr» : T**d by the rtib?crih?r, and w*
ranted rf tl-.e l-st season*! growth, 2
Girdt^vcd i D'jMmbv v -
•o. l , b:Udr.-i|diia« <-xpr*??sly for t : »is market,
i-.n^ cuitHinlnjfthe following assortm nta, viz.
Administrator estate- N. S. Bayard.
I, Drumhead Csbbag-
■2 I .oiin; ” cl Heel
3 Lon - fi.-jnge Carrol
4 F<'sl*y
5 Leek
5. Onion
7 Salmon Radish
3 E'ir|y PuiMr do.
9 Bmind l.*»ved
’0. Biriy Turnips
* I. Fate do
2 Sa'nafy
' 3* As,.ar8g- -
A T,
14. Bari) curled Let
*5 Moya! r’abbj'jre do
16. Vutmeg Mrim
'7. ’tpintch
'B. Summer Savoy
>9. '■iwf'et tiisd
.0 Sng-e
I. Ns-hirtiurn
V. Cch ry
’3 R^rly Peas
4. Lute do
35 Earlv bun'*M>*an-
6 Red F etich do
S 0,
9Q P>!- : k«igr'S containing the following Bui
on* Elo’.ver Riots, v»s!.
L Dnub'e ilvacinths
F *e Tn dps
3. Narcissus
‘•’or wle by
V- -Vy
4.Mo*iciiviige flowei
i 1) able Tuberose
6 3;nr of Bcthhihem
.Ian 5
if-RSONS having demands against the
estate of Thomas Johnston, will please
present them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Room of It. & J. Horsham.
Executrix of the estate ol'Thoinas Johnston.
doe IK
T : 1K lubsaribert being .ibmit to decline ho
sinew TO 'his phw*. request versons ha
wu demands »g »‘ ; «»«», «» P rc?El1 ' , ' c ''
fur pay .cant
or» 5
B. FANNIN & r.O,
Adniimstiv.t' tr’s N otice.
N SJ-sttO ■ i lib from this dato, weal all **i»
ply to the rionoraWfc t!ie.I'rfer»w i-»ur.
; ,b:ttiianr eountv, when aittioff fir ordinn >
pn jv,s,* ( tu red tbc ruai estate of iVduau:
c. h H.VYIIEN,
(M'Stltt 1? ^ ^
By the President of the UniUd Slates.
[ N pnrsmnce of law, i,.j imrs Mo^non, P py
ident • f the ,T d cd riuueH, do hereby df
lare and make knov r*. ;h«t a public sale wi
e held ut the L»n-V OfR-;e at 'Vallnl'a^sey
Florida, on the third s»nn-lav of Way next, t
|E,. di'" : 'R.I o' tho ffiDiMvi-ur Ipr.ds
Township 1, south of Range 1, west of tin
Meridian line. ,
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
Townaliip I, eonrl* 1, 2. 3, 4, A 5, east.
1 & 2,north 1, 2. j, a, at v
Fractional Ujwnship 3 1,2,3, 4, & 5.
5 lie s is will conro»-nce with the low'.;,
•timber of sec*i »a. township, and ran^c, an
rucerd in regular rumcrical order Ft
nds vcsc'Vtd h» law for the use of school-
»• other purposes will be excludtd from ti>
G ven under mv hand, at the City of ’Vad'
inijton, tins .6im d.»v of i»imiarv, 18 5
ilv the F'-eside'-t.
Commissionm ofdie HeneralLand OHic
XT' Printers of tha T.hws of (the Uni e •
in the Tevrtcry of Flori la. and in tli
dta>esof Ifabsini, Louisiana, Mi -
M«y»?t*ri, l.'iecrgia. and Soutli«('*i v '.ion, are so
hotiz d lo pubidi the IVe:omg {'rwclami*
inn one* a week omil th div of scV
*.*. |' 7
' Cognac lirandy.
6 PIPES “Seigncttc’s Brand,'’ just re
ccivcd per Louisa Matilda, for sale by
50 Tiercop new Rico
10 Pipes Holland Gin
10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
50 UiirrelB Flour
30 Barrels llama
75 Barrels Gin
50 Crates Crockery
20 Kegs Butter
50 Barrels Mackarcl, No. 3
20 Cases Port Wine
10 (‘asks Oil
Jun 12
Jhnmscm Steal Razors,
« UET received, a suj*rdy of the above nr*
tide, which will bo warranted {rood.—
For sale by N. B. WEED.
nov 24
nECEivEiv rF.n unin r.ronr.p. Washington.
KEGS New Leaf Lard
150 limns
3 Barrels Caabu* Oil
6 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
.Tim 11
100 J
Goshen riiiter, Lard £c.
J UhT UJ'lCElVKD'hy ship Corsair, ami
other latp arrivals
12 firkins Goshen Butter, lat quality
25 kegs leaf Lard
it Mils Uutter Crackers
20 half anil quarter hbls Buck Wheat
and llye Flour
to hbls Pilot Bread, for family use
For sale by
No. t. Mongiu’bNew Buildings
fob 12 67
Share Moulds, P rk Gin, Sc
C A C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan*
J % ding from ship Corsair
4 tous Share Moulds
In Store,
5G barrels Northern Gin
18 do Mess Pork, Now-York
ehy inspection
1 ton Steel
100 kegs White Lead
22 kegs Black Paint
8 do Verdigris
5 do Spanish Brown
10 barreta Whiting
* h J 67
Been* Axes.
i SUPPLY oiftho above Axes, receive
**■ and for 8al e by * a: B. WEEDi
OCt 27
'‘tirade’s ompauy’ Lots.
CASKS Bradc’s Patent lines, for
^ sale by N. B. WEED,
dor. I SI
Canulcn County.
O N the first Ti ei'JHy in March next, I ••-ii!
sell at Jeffers'.iii, in said county, a u* gr:
run, rained Daniel, the property of the
Ate of Mic.j ih Brews, de •eased, p-irsuaui l.
leave grouted by the Court of Ordinary.
MALY CREWS. Executrix*
.1 « *4. 4«
l : (In iii lisiratui’s jn otice.
N INE MONTHS after date, l shall apply
to the Honorable the Inferior Court o
Vontham county, (when sitting iorordtnan
.urposos) for leave to sell the real eg*ate o;
Ishsc II. ItobmS) to satisfy die hrira and cred.
itors. C. H H.-YDBN,
ainrust 12 45
ip®!Bsira‘®iaia 0
T HE subscriber intending to close liis
busiuess in this city, offers his stock
at. reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of
Sideboards of various jiatterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Coin
modos, Pillar and Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables. Tea Tables, Dining Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta
llies and Book Oases, Inclosed Basin Stands,
Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands,
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, C.otts, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy ifeWimlsor Chairs.
&c. ot tho Warn-1 louse, corner of Whitta-
ker-Street and Bay Lane.
J. PL O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make payment with
out delay, and those having any demauds,
present their accounts for settlement.
■Ian 25 51||
OjjTjjositfttVtfc Academy
R espectfully informs hor Wemh
ami tho public, that hor snnoot. is now
oi'Miv, opposite tlie Chatham Aeailemy, for
the kkckption op rtu'ii.s. Assisted hy
her daughter Miss E. A. Harrison, she
°™n* hor sorviees in teaching the following
i spfnl Ii ml flriianBntol brandies of educa-
(ion. Whilst sheifotnrnssincere th: t ks fot
the patronage hitherto extdmle.l, she
hopes, from tho reduced rates of tuitigm and
hor incri-nsod exertions to further the pro
gross qf her Pupils, to doservo a still fur
(her extension of public favor, The course
of tuition, and the terms oil width scholars
are received, nre—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and
Marking, per quarter, : jjl 00
id. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, ::::::: 8 00
File .French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to anv pattern,
per quarter, i . : : ; ; 10 00
’aiming on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00
U’ The most careful attention will be
'aid by Mrs. Kv.r, to the deportment and
iiorals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 2 R5
Consumptions, CouGns, $c.
Bunch Muscatel liaising.
J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di
rect from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sole by
M 1 I A.t,ri.’.!vV Wha-f
fresh i e<is, Hums, flour, c
,>A CIH5STS Hyson Teas
AV 33 K egs No. 1, Tobacco
1 II lid Richmond Cut Glass Wore
Deceived per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laura Jane, for sale by
Feb 5
F OR tbe cu ,, e t»f Uub!s >4 Ccug’i8, COTi^imp-
tionc, Spittifg of BiDodj As hmas,and
iseusett oftlieb' east and lungs.
There is perhaps no medical observation
better email tight d, none more generally con
.rmeil by the experience of t!ie best pbysiri-
•ns of all a/res snd counlri s, and m-ne ol
: or.: importance to the hum.mi Lmily, tlmii
k- fuel that many of the most diffici’i' and in-
durable f, onsimuj<:io"S originate in neglect c
colds.. In a oliti.a'e ho vari ‘.!>le as ours, when
ihe changes of the \vea hir are frequently
^uddnnanj unexpected, it requires mure care
nj atiention to gua d ngainsv this dangernu
iiiiemv of life, than most people imagine «»»
•re "bieand willing to bes'ow. The bills o
.norUliiy orb bit the melancho’y f«ct that thi
nrnportirn -f deaths by this ilsseaRC may b<
• oi'sidpred ns about five to one. I asinucb
then ss ili’n L’aldisease frequently bi sdefi
nice !o the skill of the most learned phyaici
ns, it is a gr?.« ; ficai 'on to »he pro irietor that
e in enabled to offet to those ufflic’ed with
•t, a good’y prospect of reiief in that Ijghl.
valuable remedy, tlie Vegetable Indian Sp ci-
fic. The Indians aie happy in, their know.
Ige of m diral plan's; g« verued wholly Hj
•experience, they are certain as to their i ff ct,
ma it is git/ by an author of great character,
'hat a true consumption is a disease never
known among them.
'I bis Speciiic is obtained by extraction from
herbs, roots H >wers,pLnl , Ike. wiienin per
fection. !m consequence »f a t»»ppy comoina-
• ion of the must vuluabte her K s, ike. it becomes
i b i'fl im of a superior value, it heals the in.
jired parts, opens the poies, and compost*
me disturbed nerve^ after the manner of at
anodyne/ consequently the obstruction of
die ches and the nmgs which constitute th.s
disease, nani 'ularly need i's use. It promott>
expoctorstion^wli'ch is constant!) culled for,
nd wiiiist it clears is a* d heals, it also give*
" .ength to t’ e tender lungs In this » annei
t removes the hectic fever, improves dig'-s
ton, gives strength to the neiv* s, .'epairs dir
,ppt t:te and improves the spirits. This speci
ii : mav always Lie givi n in safety it is m id,
iieisnnt to the tas.e. and may Safely be given
o nfants, for which It is uf irteSMtnab'.e vattu-
!t affords relief in bowel complaints, t e'bing
whooping coughs, &c. and is found parlieu
I riy useful in hypochondri chI, nervous ano
wtturicsl diseases. Each bill ot direction
untaimi a <Ltailed account of this disease in
iff its differ ntstugrs, sndw-ll b^ accompa
i-<l with the signature ol the proprietor in
Red Ink. It >s uff red for tale by Gfcx). KV
i'Rt' O ., only (my sole agent) Uiuggiet, cor
fti’Bav > Whitiaker-strceis, Savannah, at
one dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
Camden Superior Court.
IIekr v Hri-ord, J VerdictMarchTerm,
Thomas Ktxo. ) 1H09,
4 |N motion of the Attorney of the Plain-
o. " tiff’, in the above case, it is ordered
that the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why a
final judgment should not be entered in
the above case, as of March Term, 1808 ;
and that publication be made of this rule
once a mouth, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the defendant, sixty days be-
foro the next term.
Extract from the Minute*,
dec 23 25fu
A3. t ttttcB (aauk *Votes,
F or sale at
Jan 20
N INE MONTHS after datej *pt lica’ion wil
be made to the Honorable lof rior Court
4 Uhi.iba.ii county, for leave to cell th real
nd personal estate of the late Mrs Ano H»m-
ilton, deceaoed, for the benefit of the heir,
mdcrtd tors- f arid estate,
March 10 . ..
By Vic brig Pheasant, from Philadelphia,
£*k HHDS. and 100 bbls* Philadelphia
t Rve Wl tsfsfy
15 Dutch Dem |uhns
I kegt Salt petre
5( whole ar.d 100 half bhfg. fresh Fhur
busheia Liverpool grmj: d dalt
lilu.s. & ?0 bbta. prime St. Croix Sugar
pipes »nd ?5 demijohns best HuiUnd
t»ipc» and 30 demijohna beat Cognac
10 nhdt. and 25 bbls. superior Northern
75 bbl* Northern G'n
5'i b'iqs G ecn Cft ffi •
S cavki superior <»*d Lisbon Wme
25 hb's Lumpai d 72 f d»h. F-onf Sugar
5 boaea while and 7 do brown Havtra
Sugar *,
25 bigs black Pepper
5 p pes Imitati m Gm
2 hate* Bagging Twine
25 qr b iles Hy son '! e*a
50 ; earns Wrapping Paper
15 h«*» s Pipes
5 era'» Wool H ts
10 Hgi. 8 Oa Wl-Mirgs
5 bales unblei c xd Homespun
4 c-asps colon d ditto
50 keg - Dupont^; G in Powder
1000 bttuhels Table Salt
^5 kegs manuf-cttired Tobacco
25 fins Sjort d (rin^rt n) Cas.ings
5 l.irge Smith Bellows
5c kegs assorted Cut Nails
100 ha s assort d -ihot—uh 'an
ksscruiient of Cedir Wire, Market and
Clothes Baskets
All of which w ; ll be sold low for cash, or
i?uod town acceptances.
m«»rh i 4 9 }
Cider, Porter, Wine, iSc.
fo BOXES fir^t quality Cider
5 Casks do do London Porter
30 Boxes Claret Wine
10 do Madeira do
120 Boxor Bunch Raisins
10 Barreta Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Feb 18
TONS carron castings, just receiv
ed from Greenock, via. Charleston,
con isting of the following assortment, viz :
2800 pots from \ to 30 gallons
200 American spiders, from ?JJtUUflshc8-
4 Jbs. 1
120 London skillets, from 1 to 6 Quarts
1300 camp ovens, from 0 to 18 inches
130 untinned tea kettles, from otic to 5
For sale by P. M’DERMOTT.
Jan H
YutoTination W antftA \
,F U <) GC. VIM.bR, iitherwiso DAN-
k. «EL OLAND Mll.LEK, who in the >enr
1815, arrive** in Savanr*t<h, in 'he Aberde- a
transport, belonging to Mcssr*-. D: wson &
Sons, >'f London i« livirg, and will ipply to
his friends in F,upland, he Will hear of
something much to his advantage, He left
• he Aberdeen white she luy at Savannah, and
iiaa not been heid of by his fiends sir.ct
hat period. Ht had b?en many years a mu*
tr f and wlule on board the idvive vessel,
was employed as n carpenter. If he left S:**
varnah at that time, it is probable that hr
■ntcred some vessel going to the Brnzd Is-
M»da. ns in b*s U&t letter, ht*. stft'ed that it
«*• h-s intention to do so. Sf otild he hav#
!i ri at any place whfc’ e a iegister or certifi
Mie of his burial cmh be obtained, it would br
himvfnV y received and all expense i attending
l, paid by
SavinuiMh, or
.'•»>( O ^
Administrator’s .vale.
O v the fi s' Blur av uf-e. the fi at Tuns
diy in Muy next, between U e hours of
r-. a and four o'clock, will be sold at the mar-
<tet>hmse in f t* town of St. Marys, pursuant
to an order of the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary for the county of Camden, a negro wo
rn in runted Jenry, b.-longing to the estate of
Dhv d G. Jones, dect-na d, for the benefit of
he credilors of said es ate.
10HN HARDER. Adm'r
i’jrrh ‘ ‘ 95 •
A LL persons having demiinds agninrt the
A e lateofx’he I teJohn V’ak rly, (plant-
:-r) d. c re required to lender tin m, prop-
eriv ntuitrd, immediately t aud all persona
n debted, to make pa. m» nt to
RBUERT HOY, Executor,
F'-h n 4 7 7
N INE months aft« r dote of this notice,
application wifi be made to the Honora*
,>i< the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun
ty, for perm arion to sell all the real eatate of
I- h i Wakerlv* dec. for the benefit of the
heirs ar.d creditor 1 * f Raid deceased*
ROBERT HOY, Eaecotor.
Feb 24 67
Remaining in the Piwt-Q/Rec, Savannah 31st
March, 1825.
HT Persons wishing letters from this list,
will please ask for Advertised Letters.
Mr. Arnaud
Susan Adams
JnincH Adams
John Avery
John Atherton, 3
Jos Allen
Dr II Ames
Seth T Amos
Abraham Andrews
II J Arnold
John Abbot, sen.
Cupt James Blan
Mrs Baker
tanac Bosley
Miss Amanda
ker. 2
George Bailey, 5
Miss Elenor Batist
Snm’l C Brown
Miss C Barnes
Jodedinh Bnrstow
David Brandon
Miss R T Burnes
F Bardon
John Basely
Geo W Beck ford
Richard Berrio
John A Bun'ly
Nathan Bennett
IJ H Bevins
A Boryant
Edw’d Bourqnine
Mrs L Bollough
D Brown
SDS Brown
Jacob Brown
Mrs Mary II Brown
Win Bones
Mrs E A Boyd
Edw’d Butler
Titos Bagshaw
London Butler
Jus R Benedick 2
Win. Campbell
Mrs L Capps,Effing, j P.
ham county | Wm A Pollard*
L L Crane 5 David Parry
John L Clark j Sami Patterson !
Clirtatiniia Campbell < Geo II Parker
Mrs M Callahan "
Stewart Campbell
John C as well
Huey CUUibwttW*
Lunas Clark
Charles Chase
John Childs
Mrs Francis Cale
C Connolley
John Coebat
E Cooper
Henry Cooke
Cap (J Cooper
John Coit
M. Correghnn
John Cooper
Miss C Cruso
Messrs J & C Cum
Henry Cunningham \ Dr C W Rodgers 2
Wm Cutterson j Tlios “Rodgers
Mathew Cachbo- / Joint A Rowell
Gin Mnmit.fliitl t \Vn, Tins,,
JUit-H Candasy IIar-L \v.
i h.
1 John Lnwsnn
| Master G A Lathrop
l Miss Junett Leyou
{ David Lee
tG Lee .
\ Hugh Lenrmonth
t Mr» Mary Long
j J imes Luce
* Bucrnbus Luce
; m.
5 Andrew Marshall
\ Wm Mallory
^ Patty M inks
t Owen Maker
J Miss Mary Many on
J Mrs Metz lor 2
| Miss Ann C Millcn
S Ba- i John .VJyrich
l Tli os Miller
> James Mints
l John Morrel
i G Mount fort
< Master Chas Morrell
; Henry Morningstar
S Jus Mutcherson
\ Neal McLncliu 2
| John McRae
\ Win McCormick
5 D McCarty
\ Isanc McKim
$ Rob Me Dow
j Pollard M’Cortnick
j G W McAllister
i Mrs B B M’Call
} James MuConkey 2
* Sami McFaddin
i David McMiilen
5 Bond & M’Ueuroy
\ N. & O.
5 Miss Ann Nowlan, 3
i Theodore Nelson, 3
. { Copt Stephen Nye 3
l Mrs It S Norton
\ Miss C Norton
5 Wm Nye
B Nye
l George Oliver
\ Wm Ogleslmy
i Cap Jas Perry *
| Walter. G Perry
5 Francis Preble
3| - .free
i Lewis Pi.; r
5 Cap Duvid Pinge
\ John W Pomeroy
< Maj C Powers
< Gideon PowJedgo
j Geo Randall
i Jim Ruin
j Edw’d Rynn
j Don’l B Rider
l Henry Itingold
^ Alex Ityburn
< Abraham Riker
| John J Richardson
l Hani’l Richardson
\ Aim E Roles
i C&ptMosos S Robin-
Chrtatiau Dasher
A Dan forth
Wm L Davis
Henry Durbark
Gilmore Dexter
Rev L De wight
Wm Degmaud
Rob Dillon
John Diver
Wm B Depson
John Doore
Charles O’Donnell
B Donavan
Farris Dorffey
Oliver Dudley 2
Aug Durkie
Cap Dow force
Lucy Purkee
Gilford Dudley
Paul Dupon
Miss Marv Davis
Joshua Evrett
JesHce Ellerbee
Anthony Evergreen
’ >hn Ellis
Rev Mr Elton
Mrs Mary Fare-
Pat Fay ; wich
Mrs MnrgretFcgan J James Scaly
Murtine Frederick \ Mrs Bethia Scnbury
John B Flinu i Levaitt Steevons
John N Fry 5 Mrs Ann Seagrovc
Michiel Feshcr > Jainos^Smifh 3
j B B Rutland. 2
\ Green R Ruthor-
> ford, 2
J Copt. J W Russell
{Miss R Russell
I B.
{ Miss Marv Stafford 2
5 William B Savage
J Jonathan Sawyer
i Amos Salsbury
\ Thomas M Sanders
I George Slarbuch
jJohn R Shnd
} Naomi Stanton
S Sarali Sawyer
5 Robert Sawyer
5 Cap John Shaw
I Joseph Sacket
| Miss Martha Spal-
\ ding 2
5 Miss Easter ShcfTnll
\ Miss Margaret Ste-
| vens
) David Setson
$ Richard Stewart,
} (colored man)
| Alfred Shearman
| Cupt Michael Sole-
Miss Caroline Floyd
Rob Galt ®
Evans Grant
Tims Garnett
Joseph Gifford
Wing S Green
John Gibbon
John Grimes
Capt Anthonio
Mr A Ginn
Jos Gibson
Rebecca Giridon
Wm Gif* id
Mary Griffith
Abner Gifford
Thus M Goddard
Jas J Grogan
Copt Nath Gookin
S 11 Goldsmith, Jr
Jacob Gould
Miss Selvcy Guy
Robt Hamilton
Miss Sarah Harri
John Hance
i Thos HawkinB
James Sims
Daniel C Smith
Mrs Mary Smith
William 11 Smith 2
Capt Reuben Swift
James W Sims
Miss Jane Stibbs
Thomas B Smith
Mrs Sarah Sims
Richard Smith
David B Squires
M rs Slone
William I Sott 2
Ezra Spooner
William Spooner
Abraham Strobhnr
MrsSaraTi Strobhar
David A Strobhar
James II Suydain
Copt C E Trentlin
, Capt VVm Tommer-
! son
j John Toebert
\ John S Thompson
i- 5 N Turnbull
5 Joseph Tuttle
} Mrs Mary E Turner
*T TurberviUe
Thos Hanford
Daniel Hatcher
Charles Hart
Capt MHandy
H D Hatuumud
John D Wnfncr
| Mrs Mary W arrc-a
j Mn* Murr Wallace
i ii'!' ^ " Witling
e Chi-isiiHn Wtadibr-
5 ker
Mrs AWy Harrison ! Pnpf J„„ -Wink]..,*
D1 ILilsoy J VV m VViJIinnm V
Urns Mitnimond *
Charles Hurt
Fnt Hi'v(]<m
Lewis Him s
t-’hnrli'w M Hill
Miss M Hylton
Owen Hipfrins
Bomm.l Mine
John B IL'M'irk
Putrick O’Hiire
Mil ‘
JFiiw’tt win,,
{Mr, Hj VVvily
5 iOliz,. tu tJi \\ |,i,
} Jos Wing
rfeliti M'irt. r
i Pears Wiiliirpten
5 Mtss Atinett W
{ linn'H-ji
l Thos A Willii,m*
Gen H
k Jiifirg'
i i s'- - 1 ■> wo
JstlC II Hotrg } Jss Wood
rilltlf ltw.lnn ? CX. . t
Eliza Huntington
Col John Hunter
Simon Jackson
Lewis Jadkpnn
Mrs Rose Jnleneau
Joseph Jordon
U VV Jordon
Mrs Sarah Kusen-
Daniel Kean
Geo Kurnenkio
Stephen Wood
- Mrs Pliili,- Yohpw
| lisrnobu II Yuutto
1 Ph. R Youii
| *»ong
I . Z *
i Antonio 7.:\nong
* John R Zif rrwer
5 Miss Ann Zachmati
Vvenc-li \ ritws
Mr.T- qnjm qucsLnu. Miss Celeni Men -
rent, i
n|>ril 2
16th Class—New Series.
ITTILL t.e drawn on the .11,1, 0 f May,
. m W i’ ° n<i *■> » few minnies.
Sixty Numbers—Eiglit Ballots to be liiuwu-
1 Pr’se of
1 •
4 7 :o
M 0i,0.
to m.
4 n o
i CO,
24 960
106 080
5"» ft.'.^-?Hrio.Ti*^£^zaL
34,220 Ticket. »t g8,
tn this Srbe*ne with cis-ht drawn hull.,,,
their will he 66, r*is with Ihrte ii. mbeis nr J
1416 with iwe r umber, on ,l,rir S ,.H
v ! 6 '- i8 - "Oh one number un them. Tliose
t'ckels having rnne ol Ihe drsvn bubo's on
them hr. ii:g i.tarfr*.
lo detmm'ne the fate of oil the tickets in
the shove lottery 6« i.nmhe a. from one to
• xtv inclusive, will seven I- ho pieced in a -
wheel on Ihe day of t>, wmt, sod pt./f 0 e
them will be drawn, and that tiekr' haviun on
it aa a corohinatinn th. 1st, a.' m .>: hire: m, m .
hers drawn, wi'lhi entuh afl $50 ("0,
That liavinfr or. it the 6th, 7-i 8 h will
he entillod to g O ts,,. ’
Tli.l hsvinjr on it the 4ih, 3th at d 6 t. will
be entiti-dtn g 0 000. 11
Tot a V'V'tij; n tbom tfe
«n-! 3d, 7'h » d8t'
! d, 4 h and 5th
. es-hRJOOO.
T ui h ,vi,-(r r, , t the 23,3d ,.nd 4th will
be entitled to 4,720. “
2d, 5th anO B') ;
, 6'h silt! 7tl
°d 6tl, and 8-1,
2d 7ihand8to
4dt and 6 1 ' -
3d. 4th an-: 7m
3d, 4>h and 8 i
20 having on them 'he
3 !. 5tl, ard 6't
3d, 5'h and 7tti
3d. 5t h and 8lt,
3d, 6tl, anti 7i
3d. 6'h am 8,
4' Adiartl 7 >
4tiv,5i!i am>8t L '
th.6ih »ncl 7th
4Ui 6‘h and 8th
lt.7-1 a; d 8‘h
'th 6th and 7th
5tl, 6ih and 8 b
h,7lh «ni' 8 h
eacl, g.000.
Alt others, (heinq 30 ticAct»i hnvinq three ,
,f Ihe tl iwn mimt-era o, them will eatlt be
ntitleo in g500.
The 52dicii ts having on h- in Pro of t!,e
drawn numbers and thnae twn, the 3d and
4i , will each be entit'ed tn g 1 00
The 156 tickets hstntf. un ih-m tht 4ib
nd 5th nr 4 1 It and 6 t, or 4 h and 7li: d.-av, n
umhersouly. will tact he et titled t- <650.
All others (beitq, 1248 lick, ts) httvuqr two
i>f the drawn numbers cn them, u ill each be
- Idled to $20.
And thtte hating »n *h"m anyone of the
I ftwn mimhets, (heh'g. 10 608 t cketj, or 13 8
for eiich draxvn number,) will each be ehti.
lied to $10.
No ticket which ehnjl hsy- drawn s prise
ol a superior denomination c»n be entitled to
an interior pt.'ac Prixea papable thirty dayt
after the drav jr.g, »nd subject, as nauai. to'■
** nnction -i 15 per cent-
A considerubie portion fthis lottery is put
op in parcel, of 20 t'ckets, embrscinp it’l the
•omliinntit-n numheii, from one to i,i.,tv,
> 'r.h psrrcla s're wahwitrd tndiau st h usk
t 'O, I ss lie deduction of 15 per ctill, with
-ii many cIm f . f - e #n i, a | 7 li
J. B. YATKS, )
A.M>IRTVKS, ( Mau *>fc' e «-
Philadelpliu, M«, ct 9. 823
Orders received and forwarded at tho above
price at
March 31
V\ hiskey,
F or sale by
Feb 23
liills oil New-York, *
F or sale by
fVh ‘>4 ,0. C. GRIFW'iLn.
Jan 4
locket s pades.
Sp '
1 CASK Shckct Spades, lust received
and for sale by N B. W ELD.