Newspaper Page Text
,rn < ■'' wsmm ^-.a—^'''' r "' ,T
a ibo< ••v.'-.'t* .
.... .■■■.
iir *»■ s
orr? or savannah,
Bv G. *5 W. Robertson,
AT KlfltfT r'tUM MS
IS oublished to meet the arrangement oi
Mil, three time* a week, (Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of lh
Daily Georgian, and contain! alt the m’ellt-
eence, Commereiil, Political and Btitellan-
Sou., including advertisements. pub:.«hed it
^The^'country' Paper il se-tto all psrtsol
the State and Union, or delivered in the-tty.
at five dollar! per annum, payable in .dvsncr.
Advertisement* ate insetted .n both pa _ers
It 75 cents per squat*, of 14 lines, for ic firs
Insertion. and 37i for every iuecceding pub
"communication!byM» P',et paid
•del of land and q-groee by Admiorttrs.
torn F.x cutovB or guwrduns, j*rc rcq »’ r en.
iy Ww, <o“e held on" the fir. Tur.dsy »;tbr
2 ,„th between the hours often mb [’ire, o-J afiern on, at the Court
nnoii sna tnrec • • r, M »n«rtv is
H use of the county m which the property is
•ituate —Notice. f ihrse sslrs must be given
• public ga*elte eixty day. prevwu. to the
"*No!ic] rflhe asle of primal property mus-
r -* - ft iy dfiyn previous
be ffive in manner,
o i he ‘i*y *f R8,e - . ' -
Nf tice to the debtor! end creditors of sr
estate must be published f"rfVi, day’.
Notice thit Bpplortion will be made to the
Court of Oidinarv for lew to «ell mu*'
be published Mne Month*■
N INE months after date application will
be made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
known as numher eight, 8th District, I ike
[formerly Monroe) County, for the benefit
jftho heirs and creditors of the eBtate of
of N. 8. Bayard. pj j. BAYARD,
Administratoi cstute N. S. Bayard
Ian 5
lERSONS hnving demands against the
estate of Thomas Johnston, willplense
sent them, properly attested, at the
jiitine-Rnom of R. L J. Habersham.
Beatrix of the estate ofTlioinas Johnston,
dec 18 2 O'-
M) 11015.
T qB subscriber, being about to decline bu
siness in this place, request person, ha
ing demands sg ir,at them, In present then
for psyiaent
A. D
lO&Mi <&
HOGSHEADS puma’'and second
quality St. Croix Sugar,
50 barrels do do do sugar
70 bags prime green totfeo
30 castes blue aml green edged platea
10 tons (ron, assorted
6 pipes cognac brandy
r > do Holland gin
hogsheads Jamaica rum
half pipes, quarter casks,
quarter caske wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bale rope
300 grind atones
3000 bushels Maryland corn
800 do hong Island white, equal to
Georgia Hint corn
nov 33
and half
BuYbous Y lower "Roots*
at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Pres
ses, Jlureans, Ladies' Dressing Tobies,Com
modes, Pillar and Claw work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea .Tables, Dining Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands,
Wash Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stands,
Mahogany Crihbs, CradleB, Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field dp. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy ^Windsor Chairs,
die. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitt*.-..
ker-Street and Bay l.ane.
J. II. O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make payment with
out delay, and those having any demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
■Tan 25 51||
J UST reef ved by the rubseriher, and wo-.
.anted of the last season’s growth, 3
boxes Garden Seed i, pinup Sv A. M'Mahnn A
,7o. Philadelphia. expressly for thil ma-ket,
and containing the fallowing assortments, vis.
t. Drumhead Gabhagi
2. Long Red Beet
3 Long Orange Carrot
4. Parsley
5 Leek
6. Onion
7. Salmon Radish
5. Early Purple do.
9. Hound leaved
10. Early Turin pi
11. Lite do
'3 Siisafy
.3- Asparagus
>4. Early curled Lot
15. Royal Cabbage do
!«. Nutmeg Repin
18. Summtr Savoy
19. Sweet B'sil
iO Sage
'1 Na-lurtium
23. Celery
:'1 E.rly Pen
34. Late do
25 Earl' bunch bean.
. 6 Red French do
30 Paeksges containing die following Bui
"on! Blower Hoot*, via.
1.1) ub e Hyacinths I 4.Meiie.nt'ge' flower
Fine Tulips | 5 D-iuble Tuberose
3 Nurcistu.
For sale by
Feb 7
I 6 Star of Betblebem
p M’DEitvorr
By the Prveidcnt of the United Staler.
I N pursuance of law, l,.Datis Mossos, Prei-
ident if the ”nied Slate, do Hereby de
.■iare and mike known, that a public ule wb
- e held at the Land Office at t,
Florida, on the third Monday of May next, >'
the disposal ot Hie following lands, V . -—
Township 1, south of Range 1, west of tin
Meridian hue.
7 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, 4, da 5, oast.
1 & 2,north 1, 2, 3, 4, Si 5-
Fractionaltownsliip3 t, 2,3,4, Si 5.
lh. sale wdl commence until the lowes
umber of section, township, and range, an,
rocked in regular numerical order. Th-
lands reserved by law tor the use of schools
nr other purposes, will be qxclqdt d from tii
isle ' ■ — ■■ t ’
Given under mv band, at the Citv of Wad.
1 ington, tliia 26t.l dtiy of flniuafe, t8' 5
AclnrinistiMtoPs h otice.
N ’N •llO.i i HSfrom ihi« dale, weibnll ap
p\v to the Honorable the Inferior iJonr-
Oliatham cmirty, when sittirR fur ordlnar)
piirpnaos, to sell the real estate of Wiltivr.
May hew.
1*. MAYflFiWk
anffti«t t?
Cognac ii randy.
g PIPES “ Seignettu’e Ur.nnd, 1 ’ just Te
coivcd per Loufoa Mntilctti, for sale by
Bv the President.
(Jnmmifisioner of the General Land Office-
03* Priiitcra of tbn T.rwj of the Uni'e ’
in the Territory ol Florida, «nd in lh*:
State* of Alabxma, (.ouiiinrn, Terers-e, Mi •
dssippi, Geprrri", and Sotith-Carolma, «r»* au
thoiiz^dto pub'ish the fmCooing Proclami-
•ioii in ce m week nmil lh»; d iy of *ale
Vrb 7 « t
T HE subscriber intending te close his
business in this city, offers his stock
By the brig Phtattmi, fnrn Philadelphia,
bbls- Philadelphia
1 AM HHD9. aid 100
la«>Rrhw< i.kry
0\»x»o8\tetV\ft Academy
R ESPECTFULLY informs her friends
anil the public, that her aritnoi. is Now
oi*kn, opposite the Chatham Academy, for
the reception op popii.s. Assisted by
her daughter Miss E, A. Harrison, she
others her services in teaching the following
useful and ornamental branches of educa
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks foi
the patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to further the pro
gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
t lier extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
are received, are—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, fffiwing and
Marking, per quarter, : Id 0*
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, :::::::
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, an
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, i 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 0 00
ET The most careful attention will be
■mid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 2 85
Consumptions. Coughs, $c.
Damascus Steal Razors,
J UST received, a supply of the above ar
ticle, which will be warranted good.—
For sale by N. B. WEED
nov 24
-j f'WVKKGS New I,oaf Lard
luv 150 Hams
50 Tierces new Rico
10 Pipes Ilollatfd Gin
10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
60 Barrels Flour
30 Barrels Hums
75 Barrels Gin
50 Crates Crockery
30 Kegs Butter
60 Barrels Mackarcl, No. 3
20 Cases Port Wine
10 Casks Oil
Jan 12
Goshen Rut er, lad be.
r UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and
other lain arrivals
12 lirkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality
25 kegs leaf Lard
8 b'uls Butter Crackers
20 half and quarter bbls Buck Wheat
ami Rye Flour
10 bids Pilot Bread, for family use
For sale by
No. 1. Mongin’s New Buildings
fell 13 67
Share Mou’ds, P rk. Gin, , v c
C C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan-
• ding from ship Corsair
feb 12
4 tuna Share Moulds
In Store,
6» barrels Northern Gin
18 do Moss Pork, New-York
city inspection
I ton Steel
100 kegs White Lead
22 kegs Black Paint
8 do VcrdigriB
5 do Spanish Brown ■
10 barrels Whiting
Beers’ Axes.
i ^Eafe b y ° ab0V Ir A » e V^ <1
oct 27
-V. B. If BED.
3 Barrels Castor Oil
5 Pipes II. Gill, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jon I t
‘uraile’s Company’ i'o n s.
rt f\ CASKS Brade’a Patent Hoes, for
11snle by N. B. WEED,
dec 18
Georgia—Camden County
U V the first TiieirUy in March next, 1
< - - - • • •
fell at Jf fferson, in said con;ity, a neg
■nan, named Daniel, the property of the tu
>te nf Mice'll) Crews, de eas?d, pursuant I
leave grunted by the Court »f O dinary.
M.V Y CHEWS, Executrix*
,T n Id 4^
. dminiavratov’s ^otide.
N INE MONTH 7 after date, I shall apply
to the Honorable the Infeiiur Court o
. natham county, (when sitting for ordinar
•urpn8es) for leave to sell the real estate o
Isaac IL Eubina, to satisfy the heirs and creel
itors« C* H HAYDEN^
au?ustt12 45
Hunch Muscatel Raisins.
J UST received per ship Win. Penn, <|i
rect from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
F'-b 3 Anciimx’s Wharf
Fresh Teas, Hams, Flour, o c
Oft CHESTS Hyson Teas "
4v 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
1 Hhd Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received |ier ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laura Jane, for sale by
Feb 5
\5.7' tatea Uauk Xotea,
J»n 20 ii i
F OR the cure > f Col.’s, Coughs, Cnnsump
ions, Spiltii g of Ulood^ As hmxs,snd
iseasen utt'.ieb-east and lungs.
There is perhaps no medical observatior
better emab ished, none more generally con
irmed by the experience of the best pnysic.i*
ns of all a;*e9 and countri a and none o!
>orr importance to the human family, that
tie ftet that many of the mot»t difficult and in
curable coniumptioni originate in neglect'-r]
colds.. In a climate so variable as ours, where
he changes of the weather are frequently
sudden and unexpected, it requires mure care
■nr! attention to guard against this dangerou
enemy of life, than most people imagine or
ire able and willing to bestow. The bills n ;
mortality exhibit the melsncholy fact that th*
proportion of dea'hs by tins disease mny b*
considered at about five to one. Inasmuch
then is this fatal disease fvquenlly hi: s deft
ince to the skill of the most leame.i phyaici
ns, it is a gratification to the proprietor th>.t
• e is enabled to otler to those affixed with
% • good'v prospect of relief, in r»at I’ighh
valuable remedy, the Vegetsbie Indian Sp ci•
fip. The Indians a.e happy in their know,
odge of m*-dical plants; governed wholly Hv
xperience. they are certain us to their cfT'Ct,
>nd it la aiid by an suthur of great uharucter,
hat a true consumption is a disease nevu
known among them.
'1 bis Specific is obtuined by extraction from
erbs, root.), flowers, pl.nt*, 8tc when in ^e»'-
ection. Iu consequence of a happy compuls
ion of the most valuable herbs, &c. it becomes
; balsjm of a superior value. It heals the in.
jtred parts, opens the pores, and composer
lue disturbed nerves, after the manner of a*
oodyne/ consequently the obstruction ot
be ches and the lungs which constitute th.s
iisease, psrtifularly need its use. It promoter
xpectorstiun, which is constantly culled for,
nd whilst it cleanses ard he« s, it also giver
rengih to the tender lungs In this n.anue;
t removes the hectic fever, improves diges
■on, gives strength to the ueives, repairs die
pprtite aud improves the spirits. This speci
ic mav always be givt n in safety it is
tenant lo be taste, and may sufely be givei.
3 infan's, for which it is of inestimable value,
t sttords relief in bowel complaints, t'ething,
hooping coughs, Uc. and is found particu-
rly useful in taypoebondri teal, nervous and
stericsl diseases. Euch bill ot director
*ntains a detailed account of this disease in
d its different stages, and will bj accotnps
:-.d with the signature of the proprietor in
r ?ed Ink. It is uffured for sale by GEO. RY
TibO , only (my sole ugeot) Diuggist, cor
*erBav snd Wbiuaker-streeta, Savannah, at
>ue dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
158 Dutch Demiahns
10 keg. Ssltnetre
56 wUite ai d KM hair hhta. fresh Flour
6000 hushols Liverpool ground 6alt
a hliiis. (c V0 bbls, prime St. Croix 8m;ar
3| pipes and 25 demijohns best Holland
i G n
| pipes and 30 demijohns best Cognac
1/ hhds. and 75 bbls, superior Northern
75 bbls Northern Gin
S) biigaG een C< fTa-
i, .4 casks annertoe old Lisbon Wine
31 t-b’s Lump and 72 bbls. la»T 8'ugar
8 baits while and 7 do brown Havana
' Sugar
IS bags black Pepper
5 pipes Imitation Gin
1 2 hales Baggi ng Twine
15 qr boxes Hyson Tea
to i earns Wrapping Paper
11 hoxt a Pipes
I esses Wool Hsts
D hairs best Oxnaonrgs
J bales unblesebed Homespun
4 cases colored ditto
5( keg* Dupont’s Gun Powder
loot, husljels Table Salt
75 kegs manufactured Tobacco
25 tons aliort'-d (Carr, n) Castiogs
5 large Smith Bellowi
50 kegs sisoi ted Cut Nails
100 assort, d shot—also an
Assortment of Cedar W» e, Market and
C'otlies Baskets.
All of which win be sold low far cash, or
good town acceptances.
march 14 9 1
Llsr 0?' LETfEItS OeoHummoiid i • • Wm turner
Remaining in the Poet-Office, Sateamah 31*
March, IH25.
13* Persons wishing letters from this Uet,
will plense ask for Aaeertieid LeUere.
A. I h.
AM'L ADAMS ( John Lawson
£ Master G A Lathrop
5 Miss Janott Leyon
j David Lee
5 G Lee
| Hugh I^armonth
j Mrs Mary Long
| lamps Luce
i Buembus Luca
| M.
5 Andrew Marshall
i Wm Mallory
. Mies CandhSy Hip
Cider, Porter, tVine, tic*
George Bailey, 5
Miss Elenor Batist
Sam’l C. Brown
Miss C Barnes
Jedediah Barstow
David Brandon
Miss R T Burncs
F Bnrdnn
John Basely
Geo W Beckford
Richard Berrie
John A Bendy
Nathan Bennett
U II Bevins
A Beryant
Edw'd Bourquine
Mrs L Bollough
D Brown
8 D S Brown
Jacob Brown
rtpr BOXES first quality Cider
5 Casks do do London Porter
30 Boxes Claret Wine
10 do Madeira do
120 Boxes Bunch Raisins
10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Feb 18
Cumdeit Superior Court.
IIenr v Hurono, ) VerdictMarchTernI)
Thomas, $ lmi -
N motion of the Attorney of the Plain
tiff, in tile above case, it is ordered
that the defendant do bIicw cause, on or be
fore the firet day of the next term, why a
final judgment should not be entered in
the above case, rs of March Term, 1800 ;
and that publication be made of this rule,
once a month, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that & copy
be served on the defendant, sixty dayB be
fore the next term.
Exlractfrom the Minvtee,
dec 23 25(u
^TNE MONTHS after date, application will
made to the Honorable Inferior Court
i c.haiham county, for leave to sell the rest
nd personal estate of the late Mrs Ann H.m-
too, deceased, for the benefit of the bi-i'S
.id oreditore of laid cute,
•Mswfctfe'-' 82 »•
TONS carron castings, just receiv
ed from Greenock, via. Charleston,
con isting of the following assortment, viz
2800 pots from I to 30 gallons
200 American spiders, from Oto 13inches
50 get flat metal weights, from Jxiz. to
4 lbs.
120 London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts
1300 camp ovens, front 0 to IB inches
130 untinned tea kettles, from one to 5
For sale by P. M’DERMOTT.
"ill! 8
VufurmalAiin Wanted \
I F G OitG-', otherwise DAN-
iRL OLAND UILLF.H, who in. the yesr
1815. srrivec 4 in Skvannuh, in the Afieidetn
.rnnsport, belonging to Messrs. D« wkon &
Sons, of London is living, and v ii! apply to
his fiends in England, he will hear ol
if•meih'ng much to his tdvhntage, He left
• lie Aberdeen while she lay at Savannah, and
Via not been heard of by hit f lends ainev
(hat period. He had been many years a sai-
'or, and while on hoard the above vessel,
wps employed or & carpenter. If he left 8n-
vurmh at that time, it ia probable tint he
ntered some vessel going to the Braail Is.
lands, at in hit last letter, be ata'ed that it
wm h;§ intention to do so. Should he have
died at any place where a register or certifi
cate of his burial can be obtained, it would be
'hinbful y received and ail expenattending
it, paid by
Sarannub, or
«f»Et O <7
Administrator’s Sale.
QV the fi -Jt Saluiv .J afer ihc frit Tuee
day in May next, between the hour, of
ten aud four o’clock, will be aold at the mar-
Si.t-hmje in the town of St. Marys, pursuant
to an order nf the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary for the couni y or Uamden„ a negro wo-
•n.n earned Jenny, belonging to the eatate of
Duv d G. Jones, decess d, for the benefit of
he creditors of end estate.
ItlHN HARDEE, Adm’r.
•»..rrh ro 95
A LL persons having demands against the
C-Iste of the late John Wakerly, (plant.
r) dec are requca ed to render them, prop
erly atjetted, immediately i sod all personb
> debttd, to make immediate payment to
HUBERT HOY, Executor,
F-l "4 V
. ^ otice.
J^lNt MONTHS after date of thie notice,
.(plication will be made to the Uonors
hi., the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun
tv, tor nerm-siion to sell til the rest estate of
John Wakerlv, dee. for the benefit of the
heirs and creditorsi-f-oaid deceased'
ROBERT HOY, Executor.
MR «
S Mr. Arnaud
Susan Adunia
James Adams
John Avery
John Atherton, 3
Jos Allen
Dr H Ames
Seth T Aines
Abraham Andrews
R J, Arnold
John Abbot, eon.
Tlioe Hanford
Daniel Hatcher.
Glfarlca Hart
Cant M Handy
H D Hammond
Mrs Mary Harrison Capt Jno Winkley, *
DT Halsey (Wm William.
Chae Hammond
Charles Hart
Capt Janice
Mra Baker
Isaac Basley
| Patty ISseks
Blan- <Owen Maker
| Miss Mary Manyon
J Mrs Metzler 2
| Miss Ann C Millen
Miss Amauda S Ba- {J'din Myrieh
ker. 3 | Tlios Miller
I James Mints
l John Murrul
< G Mountfort
5 Master Clias Morrell
Henry Mnrningstar
a ISUIIIjr 1UIII lllllgl
s Jaa Mutrliersflii
| Neal McLaclin 2
j John McRae
| Wm. McCormick
»I) McCarty
\ Isaac McKim
S Rob McDow
} Pollard M'Cormick
j G W McAllister
| Mrs B B M’Call
j Janies McConkey 2
i Saml McFaddin
David McMillan
Bond Si M’Henroy
| N. Si O.
Mrs Mary It Brown j Miss Ann Nowlan, 3
Win fioues , Theadore Nelson, 3
] Capt Stephen Nye 3
j Mrs R S Norton
i Miss C Norton
fWm Nyo
[ R B Nyc
, George Oliver
J Wm Oglcsbay
\ Wm A Pollard
5 Duvid Parry
J Sami Patterson 2
Pat Heydon
Lewis IJines
Charles M Hill
MisaM Hylton
Owen Higgins
Samuel Hipc
John B Hobkirk
Patrick O’JIaro
Miss Jane H Hogg
Eliza Huntington
Col John Hunter
Simon Jackson
Lewis Jackson
Mrs Rose Jslencau
Joseph Jordon
H W Jordon
Mrs Sarah Kuscn-
Daniel Kean
Geo Kursenkie
Mrs E A Boyd
Edw’d Butler
Tlios Bagshaw
London Butler
Jas R Benedick 2
Wm. Campbell
Mrs L Capps,Elfing.
ham county
I, L Crane
John L Clark
Christiana Campbell} Geo H Parker
MrsM Callahan i Cap Jas Perry
| VV'alter G Perry
j Francis Preble
j Rob Peligrew-
< Phillip Bierce
5 Lowis Pbinney
J Cap David Pinge
j John W Pomeroy
i Maj C Powers
«Gideon Powlcdge
\ R ‘
J Geo Randall
i Jno Rain
l Edw’d Ryan
i Dan’l B Rider
5 Henry Ringold
| Alex Ryburn
t Abraham Riker
Stewart Campbell
John Caswell
Lucy Cainbredge
Betsey Carpenter
Lunas Clark
Charles Chase
John Childs
Mrs Francis Calc
C Coimnlley
John Coobat
H Cooper
Henry Cooko
Cap C Coojrnr
John Coit
M. Correghan
John Cooper
Miss C Cruse
Messrs J Si C Cum- \ John J Richardson
mings > Sam’l Ricliardw
Henry Cunningham | Dr C W Kodgera 2
Wm Catterson j Thus Rodgers
Mathew Cachbo- ; John A Rowell
Christian Dasher
A Danfnrth
Wm L Davis
Henry Durbeck
Gilmore Dexter
Rev L Dewight
Wm Degniaud
Rob Dillon
John Diver
Wm B Dopson
John Doore
Charles O’Donnell
B Donavan
Farris Dorflcy
Oliver Dudley 2
Aug Durkie
Cap Detvforce
Lucy Durkee
Gilford Dudley
Paul Dupnn
Miss Mary Davis
Joshua Evrett
Jessee Ellerbeo
Anthony Evergreen
John Ellis
Rev Mr Elton
Mrs Mary Fare
Pat Fay
Martine Frederick
John B Flinn
John N Fry
Michiel Fcslicr
Miss Caroline Floyd:
Rob Galt *
Evans Grant
Thos Garnett
Joseph Gitford
Wing 8 Green
John Gibbon
John Grimes
Capt Antbonio
Mr A Ginn
Jos Gibson
Rebecca Giridoa
Win Gilford
Mary Griffith
Abner Gifford
Thos M Goddard
Jas J Grogan
Capt Nath Gookin
S H Goldsmith, Jr
Jacob Gould
Miss Selv^t Guy
Robt Hamilton
Miss Sarah Harri-
John Uance
Thos Hawkins
W ILL be drawn on the 11th of May,
i825, and finished in a few minutes-
Sixty Numbers—Eight Ballots to be Drawn-
Ann E Rides
j CaptMoses S Robin.
» son
■ B D Rutland. 2
5 Green R Ruther-
5 ford, ‘2
} Capt J W Russell
i Miss R Russell
j S.
J Miss MaryStafford 2
| William B Savage
j Jonathan Sawyer
< Amos Salsbury
; Thomas M Sanders
$ George Starbuch
j John R Shad
Naomi Stanton
Surah Sawyer
Robert Sawyer
_ Cap John Shaw
Joseph Sacket
Miss Martha Spal
ding 2
Miss Easter Shcftnll
Miss Margaret Ste
David Sctson
Richard Stewart,
(colored man)
Alfred Shearman
Capt Michael Sele
James Scaly
Mrs Betliia Seabury
Levaitt Steevens
Mrs Ann Seagrove
James Smith 3
James Sims
Daniel C Smith.
Mrs Mary Smith
William H Smith 2
Capt Reuben Swift
James W Sims
Miss Jane Stibbs
Thomas B Smith
Mrs Sarah Sims
Richard Smith
David B Squire*
Mrs Slone
William I Sott 2
Ezra Spooner
William Spooner
Abraham Strobhar
Mrs Sarah Strobhar
David A Strobhar
James H Suydam
Capt C E Trentlin
Capt Wm Tommer-
John Toebert
John S Thompson
N T'urubull
Joseph Tuttle
!|lni Mary E Turner
’ Turbervillf
Wa" 'v D Warner
Mts Mary Warren
Mm Mary Wallace
John F Williams
Christian Wiscnba-
ker ■
Edw’d Willey'
Mrs M Wytly
Elizabeth Whiting
Jos Wing
John Witter
Pears Withiogton
Misa Annett Wfl*
.Uamson .
The* A William#
Goo H Wood
Jas Wood
Stephen Wood
Mrs Philis Young
Barnabas If Young
John Young
Pb. R Young ■
Antonio Zunong
John R Zitrower
Miss Ann Zachman
MrJcanjacques Lau- Miss Celeni Mcik-
tent, 2 drosse *
april 2 08
16th Class—New Series.
1 Prize of
50,000 Dollars Is R57 000.
0/1 flllA „ ’
4 720
10 000.
34 960
106 080
rieketa { JS 8 W«
34.320 Tickets at J18, *
In this Scheme with eight drawn ballots,
there will be 56 prizes with three numbeiz on
‘hem, 14.16 with twu numbers on them and
0.608, with one iiumhftr on them. Those
rickets having none of the dravn ballon oa
them bring blank..
To deteimme the fate of sfl the tickets la
be above lottery 60 nuaibe.a, from one to
“ity inclusive, will sevrrt!ly,be placed in t
wlicel on the day of drawing, anil eiglit of
them will he drawn, and that ticks i having on
! * combination, the 1st, 2d a, d,bird uum-
-ers drawn, will be ent iled t-, J[50 tlitO,
That having on it lh* 6th, 7th a,.u B’h, will
ie entitled to g 0,001).
Ths* having on it the4tb, 5th si d 6’\ will
heentitb-drii jgiOOOO. ’
Tbns Wse o ibem the 3d, 4 h and 5lh
nil 3d, 7th end 8tlr, en'h jjd.OOO
Tbet having on it tlic 2d, 3d and 4th will
r e entitled to 4,720.
Those 20 having on them the
3d, 5th anil 6tb
3d. 5th and 7rb
3d, 5ihand8tb
3d, 6th and 7th
3d, 6 h and 8th
4:t. 5 hand 7 t
All othera, (being 30 tickets) having ihree
f the d*^wn nutnheia on them will rich be
ntitled to j$500.
The 52 tickets having on ih»m two of th*
drawn numbers and thi«e two, the 3d and
4: ', v ill each be entitled to g’00.
The 156 tickets having on them the 4th
md 5th or 4th and 6t i, or 4'h and 7th drswa
lumbers only, will each be entitled to *50.
All othera (being 1248 tickets) having two
of the drawn numbers on them, will each be
entitled to g20.
2d, 5th and 81 h
2 ’, 6th and 70:
n d, 6ih and 8th
2d. 7th and 8tl
Id. 4!h and 6ri
So. 4lh and 7'J-
3.1,4th and 8 t
tlh.6ih end 7th
4th,6th unit 8th
tl>,7th ai d 8>h
tb.6than< 7th
ith.6ih ind 8ih
1th,7lb am 8 h
each g 1000.
And those having on them any me of the
d awn numbers, (be ; ng 10,608 tickrU, or 13'*
for each drawn number,) will each be enti
tled to gto.
No ticket which shall have drawn t prize
of z superior denomination can be entitled to
an inferior priae. Prizes paysble thirty daye
after the drawing, and iuhjeet, u uiuel, to •
deduction ol 35 per cent-
A ennaiderabie portion <f this lottery is put
up in parcel, of 20 tickets, embracing all the
. oirhinathur numbe a, from one to sixty,
-I xb parcels are warranted lo thaw at least
8”0, less 'he deduction of 15 per cent, with
so many chance, f r 'he capital prizes.
J. B. YATES, ) „
A.M’INTYRE, ( Malla K era -
Philadelphia, Matcb 9, 18S5.
Orders received and forwarded at the ftbov^
price at
March 31
F OR 8ALE by
Fob 23
(kills on New-York,
F or sale by
Fob 24
Jan 4
Socket Spades.
list received
1 CASK Socket Spades, jin
and fox tale by N jj.