Newspaper Page Text
ruaLMHBHi o/the laws or THHtj.MOlt.
" We...
c»teofWedne*dl|piiat a bill has passed
the Senate, and unipea |iromptly prevented,
ia like to become a law, which defipos the
daily v*v*a. : >1
country PAP*m •
• i s i eight not.I.Ana.
i i : irivs. noi.i An*.
CPTho Carrier of the Georgian for tho
eaatera part of the city, being unable from
aickneaa to..deliver hie papera, those who do
not receive them are requested to send for
them, to the office.
The Legislature of Pennsylvania, have
passed the law establishing a Board of Ca
nal Commissioners, and placed under their
controul $‘20,000, for the purpose of exam,
ining routes, die.
The Norlblk papers caution the public
against spurious North Carolina State Bank
. Notes, of the denomination of two dollars,
altered from one. At the end of the word
dollar, is an Italic S, instead of the Roman
8. which would detect it at once in the viow
of most people; and there is besides, a nick
out.of the top of the figure 2, in each of the
dies, which will bo a'ready mark for those
who are not conversant in letters.
A correspondent of the Norfolk Beacon,
asks the chuse why the Hon. Secretary of
the Navy, does not promulgate the proceed
ings of a General Court Martial, ordered
by him to convene on board the U. S. ship
North Carolina 74, for the trial of three of
ficers, upon charges brought against them
by Commodore John Rodgers.
Mr. tPCoitNELL writes from London, un
der date of the 7th March, to the Chairman
ofthe Catholic Association, and concludes
his letter as followsI see the beginning
of better days—of mutual oblivion of the
ppst—of mutual affection, and real and
permanent conciliation of the future.—I
hope I may say,
Erin, oh, Erin, thy winter is past,
And the hope that lived through it,
Shall blossom at last."
A letter from Boston, received by a gen
tlemen in tbfs city, dated 14th inst. states
that a cargo of Nsw-Orleans Molasses was
sold on the 13th, at auction, at 35 cents—
after the sale 37icentB was offered and re-
depariment ofthn pub- scale, at a^uut (5 cents ior good Cottons of hags of Cotton have boon received in this
port from the southern states since tho 1st
of Decembw last, only four months—this
exceeds the receipts of this article for the
same period last year, thirty-five thousand
‘ les. Thus our Cousting trade, particolur-
from the South, has been very active
iic swice^/Vbr/olk Deacon, April 1G. this deacrintion.
Tiik F*xpL Ration—" Commodore Pot* Htoe.—The market cannot be considered
ter hoisted a Omul Pomlant by order ofthe as fettled. Home prime parcols have hoed
Secretary of the Navy—bin command over sold st $4, and nothing but tho most inferior
For Charleston
For passage, hnvitm c ) CfI
■■me annum—ixew-urieans
Sugars bad also advanced, and were held
at lit to IS cents, and were expected to
rise still higher. No further chnnge in the
coffee market—the article remained at 19..
a 71.
Great excitement appear* to have been pro.
uwicu m ivew xork by lids intelligence,
and-measures havo boen taken to prevent
the passage of this act in the assembly.—
The editor of the Advocate is of opinion
that it would be fatal to the commerce of
the city ofNew-Vork, cause the most per
plexing and vexatious disputes, and that at
tempts would be made to raiso Jersey City,
into a rival commercial port.
Eleven porsons were apprehended in Bos
ton nn a charge of pill'oring at the late fire
in that city. Nine wore convicted by the
Police Court, and sentenced to three months
labor in th a house of correction; one was
bound aver to take hiB trial at the munic.i
pal court, and one was discharged. Samiu
el Chessman, who had boeu committed to
prison, by order of a Fire Warden, for caus
ing a disturbance at the same fire, brought
a suit for false imprisonment against the
watchman who took him to the prison—
The court however, decided there was no
cause of action.
In Virginia. John has bi
re-elected, without opposition in his
gressional district ; and John Floyd
no opposition which can be called (fEnnus
to bU’re-clection.
British India.—We copy the pillowing
items of intelligence from the Mercantile
Capt. Whitney, ofthe Beverlt, Brought
Calcutta papers to the 1st of January, which
we have seen for a moment. Several spir
ited engagements had taken filuce between
the British forces'a ml Burmese, which ter
minated with great loss to the latter, and
not without some
former. Kittoot
Decembcrijaiyl tho
goon totlie eastward wjis'subjoi
British—but t(se nntivrs^Were again assem
bling in large bodies Uir the purpose of for
cing them fro"" that (territory. Gen. Sir
Alexander Ci, '\ commander in chief
ofthe presidnr . Madras died on ihe 11th
of December.
The import ' cotton into Calcutta for
the year endim, j)ec. lutli last, was ‘200,063
bales—in IhtMiti 1023, the quantity waB
House of Commons—March II.—Mr.
Hume presented the petition from the man
ufacturers of Tobacco, against the duties
on Tobacco. The Hon. Member Said, this
duty was the great cause of smuggling—
One of the petitioners, had .informed him of
■ e 1 ..... uLafui jiiiuMunng naving itttmy tr-
iy *», juiBsugu, Having clcn«»,
‘ougltout the season : this with the small. commodntmns, apply to the man.," *'
- - them i BRADI-«V W.ennafW'WIS
April 97
number of vessels in port, still causes them I BRADLEY, CIjAGHORN ^u'I.ab
a. I I !1.. .....I. I - M..S,.,UU,.InHilinn I A f)fjj ^^ ™ ' U\JJ)
published sinco the'arrival of Commodore' quoted in our last, which aro repeated— to be busily employed, notwithstanding!
Porter at this placo, states him to be in Peas are rather heavy at our quotations. freights to Europe,' South-America and
command of the West India aquadron. The lJ mi ~~ 1
day of hie arrival at Washington, lie direc
ted captain Dnllns to report to the Secreta
ry nftho Navy that his Broad Pendant was
flying nn hoard the John Adams, and if it
was his wish that it should be hauled down
it would be necessary for him to give in or
der to that effect. If the Broad Pendant , is to be presumed that no! Iy found purchasers, at still further impro-1 “ Liverpool, Murch 16.—The sales of cot-
, __ , ...ope,' South-A inerica ami
IWsicco—The little in our market Itae elsewhere are dull.
mostly changed hands sinco our last at 56 Sailors Scarce Prime gl5; Coasting,
to $7. 18 ; Ordinary, 14.
Colton Bogging—Speculation in this ar- Exchonge.--We notice a still further de-
ticln appeurs to be at a stand. We quote cline in Exchange this week—first rate
it at 30 a 32 cents. bills 8}, fully maintained.
Orolcries, Sfc.—Sugars continue in good j ——
! request,and recent importations hake readi- [extracts of letters,]
For Sale,
A PAIR of chesmtt colon d GARnuTi.
HOUSES, warranted ll . AG *
order has been given by the Secretary of
the Navy to haul it down, ft is an affair
over which Commodore Porter has no con
A contemplated withdrawal of the troops
from the garrisons st Chicago and Fort
VVuyne, appears to have caused much un
easiness and some excitement at Detroit,
as the neighboring Indians have, it is said,
already committed aggressions upon the set- _
tiers, and attacked and driven in a party of ton to Eiigland.
surveyors. We understand, however, that
it is unt the intention of the government to
leavo the Territory without sufficient pro
tection, and lliat orders have beau issued
from the War Department, directing the
continunnee ofthe garrisons at Michili-
mackittac anti Detroit. TltU measure, while
it affords security to the present inhabitants
of Michigan, will give confidence to thuse
who aro about to emigrate to that rapidly
settling Territory, and prevent any inter
ruption to the future prosperity of the har
dy pioners, whose industry, enterpiize, and
numbers, will Boon render unnecessary any
ther protection than themselves, against
the inroads of the Indians.
The Detroit Gazette, spooking ofthe ne
cessity of retaining the troops, suys, that
Michtiimackinau is the very key of the In
dian country, where perhaps more Indians
assemble, titan at almost any other point in
the Union ; and is within sight of the Brit
ish Indian Establishment at Drummond’s
Island ; and that Detroit, situated upon a
peninsula containing at least 8000 Indians,
and separated front the military strength
and lesources of the nation by an almost
mpassible country, is the most command
ing position upon tho whole frontier, and
within gun-shot of the Canatlinn shore, to
which all the Indians oast of the Mississip
pi, are annually invited for presents, and
front which they depart well laden with
them, and with proper directiuiu for their
condo, I. —Aat. Jour.
vod prices—Coffeo, which speculation was ton, as reported from tho 12th to the 16th
running up rapidly last week, has been in inst. inclusive, amount to 20603 bags; of
less demand since, and sales have been ef- these 1ROO Uplands at 11} a l‘2jf; 1028 at
fected at rather lower rates—we now quote 13d ; 1540 nt 13} a 14-1; and 20 at 15d ;
the range at 20 to 24 cents.—Molasses con- j 180 Sen Islands, "2s 3d a 2s 9d j 10200 E-
timies ill good request, and prices are ad-■ gyptinn at 13} a I-Is.
vuncing. Foreign and Domestic Spirits are
April 27
, 20p '
uealui smuggling naving ttltBTy _
ken-place j and that a large quantity of to
bacco wits seized, the doty on which would
amount to ^£20,000. The petitioners re
queued the doty might, be reduced from 4s
to 2s per lb—ordered to be printed.
Mr Law-ley presented a petition from
the Chamber of Commerce of Birmingham,
praying for the reduction of the duties on
imported copper, tin,iron, and oilier metals.
Mr. Littleton said, that the reduction of
tlie duties on iron, which had already been
Mr. E. Evans, formerly a member ofthe
Legislature of the state ofNew-Hampshirc.
*n;l who has sailed for Greece ns a volun- j made, was allowed to be most useful. lie
teer in the cause of Greek freedom, has pub- k a d conversed with some of tho principal
■ I iron-masters in the country on the subject,
lulled an address to Ills constituents, in! They Were quite content, acknowledged
Which he says—“ I go to assist in the politi* the utility am! sound policy of the redttc-
e.l redemption ofGrcece_to employ what- 1,1 jjf r , Hoskisson Was t.nwilling st present
evor powers God toay give me to free her to enter fully into the measures which gov-
from unparalleled oppression,-—to partiei- eminent intended to introduce relative to
pate in the perils of .Vyoung snd glories : “ ™ n -. J" * hu
r .... . J ® * . ; go more at large into the principles on which
republic, rising up out ofthe ashes of anci-' they proposed a chnnge of duty on the wra
•nt freedom, and under the auspices of those I metcrial. Before the commencement ofthe
—»—* ^ s^araistaisBsa
tton of ancient times—to endeavor to infuse : ked attention to this subject. He was now
into her councils the wise, moderate, and i I'tvpcrtd t° proponti *uu:h a change as the
protecting trade would point out, and ill Itis
opinion render necessary. Certainly great
progressive nature of ottr own happy insti
tutions—and to guard her from anarchy on
one hand, and from the subtle and corrupt
ing influences of neighboring aristocracies
on the other. It is my determination never
to leave the soil of Greece until her liber
ties are achieved—or, at least, whilst one
-Greek banner remains unfurled."
Mr. E. is a warm enthusiast and sailed in
company with Mr. Georok B. Enolism, a
native ofBoston, whose adventures in the
East, as s irisselman, were some time ago
given to the public.
lu the Mexican Senate, on the 25th Feb.
a member moved that an estate worth 100,-
000 dollass, should be voted to General
Vincente Guerrero, who had done so
much for the Independence of Mexico. He
cited at an example, the liberality of the
American government to Lafayette—
The motion was opposed, on the ground
thst there was no real parity in the circum
stances of the two casus; that tho Mexican
Treasury was not rich, die. The Seuate
refused to entertain the motion.
A private letter from Ilayli, states that
President Bovaa has found on r emigrants
so unmanageable and unprofitable, that he
ha, offered to send back all who will return
at the expense of tho government.
This alight have been .foreseen—a popu
lation so vicous and disorderly cannot be
expected to make good citizens any where.
Wo perceive by an advertisement in the
Baltimore papers, that our late President
Mr. MoNaoz, offers bis proporty in Virgin
ia, for sale.
inconvenience had it risen front the deficiency
of supply, which was inaduqntu to tho de-
nmnd, and which necessarily raised the
price of the raw material most inconveni
ently high. It was the intention of govern
ment to extend tho proposed change to cop
per. and to afford facility for the importa
tion oi it into this country. (Hear, hear,
hear.) The resolution would go tho length
of adopting such a plan us would also ad
mit brass, tin, and other foreign minerals.
This was proposed with a view to promote
the general interests ef the country, and
although a temporary inconvenience might
arise to a few, he hoped they would not of
fer an opposition to the change, but would
evince that readiness which lie had found
to prevail in other persons to sacrifice par
tial inconvenience to the public good.—
(Hear, hear.) The situation of this coun
try rendered the proposed alteration expe
dient; it was imperative on them to do so, in
order to act consistently with what they
had done away in other departments of
trade, which was the removal of what had
been called protecting ditties, but what re
ally amounted to restrictions, and fettered
that trade and commerce which it was their
duty to encourage and extend. Early next
week he would bring the subject before the
Extract of a letter to the editor of the Balti
more Patriot.
Havana, March 29, 1815.—Yetcrday a
French brig of war, a French merchant ship
and brig, direct from Franco, arrived hero.
No news by them that has come to the pub
lic car. No late piratical acts committed;
every thing here has the appearance of
tranquility, but many doubt its continuance.
The Spanish officers arrested a fortnight
-g., "-j wnw ofilifi King, nave made their
escape, generally to the United States-,
they were officers of two regiments suspect
ed of being hostile to the present state of
Your’s respectfully,
Extract of another tetter to the tame.
Havana, Mahch 30, 1025.—The seven
American seamen, so long imprisoned, have
itiid a trial, on Saturday evening last. Jo
seph Knight, one of them, is acquitted, and
will, I presume, be liberated this evening;
the other six I have strong hopes will he
liberated soon alter the holy-days are over,
which close on Tuesday next. Nothing
further new since I wrote you.
Your’s with respect,
in'demand, in some instances at advanced
rates' Other articles without material
cliu ngo.
Freight j.l is tho asking price for Cot-
n to England—no vessel tip for France.
U. S. Bank Stock, 122.— Exchange cTn
England, 0} a 9 per cent prcitt.; on France
5f. 12}c.
Georgia Bank bills, 1) a 2 per cent. dis. ;
Darien 5 a 7.
JVeui-Ybrfc, Jlprii 16.—Bagging.—'The
prices for Colton Bagging are fully suppor
ted, 25 a 27-
Cottim Tito import from the first to the
15th, being the last two weeks, was us fol
lows '.--Virginia, 510; N.Carolina. 2305 ; S.
Carolina 1069 ; Georgia, 1119; Pltilad 126 ;
Alabama, 2211 ; Ncw-Orleans, 2605. Total
0705 hales. During Saturday and Monday
last, this market continued active at prices
before current. The arrival of the ship
New-England, from Liverpool, on Monday,
evening, with accounts to March 15th, show
ing that market to be in rather an unset
tled state, occasioned ill a great degrue, a
suspension of sales hero, which still con
tinues ; we notice, however, yesterday,
more enquiry, growing out Of the advices
per the Pacific and Leeds, which arrived
yesterday from Liverpool,a d the Don Quix-
otte from Havre, evidencing more stability
in these markets. The week’s work may
be put down nt about 3300 to 4000 bales of
all sorts.—Wo feel authorized to continue
the general range of ottr quotations as be
fore ; notwithstanding a few transfers have
taken place, at a reduction front last week’s
a26 cents; Lou-
fenncsscu, 24 a 26 ; Alaba-
NEW-Yonx, April 13.—FoROERy.—This
forenoon, a decent looking you tig man, call
ing himself Duvis, called at Mr. Secor’s
Lottery Office, in Chatham-Street, with a
ticket, numbered 10,000, combination 7, 20,
51. which is a prize of 4jl 1. By, prefixing
a figure, he made it 17,20,54, which is a
prize of $3050, on the ticket No. 21,033—
On perceiving the dilVeretice ill the number, j do not vary ottr quotations,
the inttn was detained and infortnatinn sent. ordinary, (per 100 llis) 2 75
Commodore Porter’s Bhoad Pendant—
III last Saturday’s Beacon, we noticed an
inquiry made by a correspondent ofthe Bal
timore Federal Gezctte, as to tile corvette
John Mnnu, (tho late flag ship on the West
India station) still wearing the Broad Pen
dant of that comtnuitd. The Gazette of
Wednesday contains the following reply to
that inquiry, transmitted by the Editor from
Washington, under date ofthe t Ith instant.
We take pleasure in publishing this explan
ation in answer to the inquiry, which com
pletely absolves the Commodore front any
thing like censure. Wo take occasion to
observe, at the same time that our reitera
tion ofthe inquiry was not the offspring of
illiberal or hostile feelings towardsthe Cotn-
mndefre of whose gallantry and public ser
vices we hevn ever cherishod a grateful
sense. We trust we are incapable of im-
to Mr. Canfield, who had sold tho $3000
prize, tho alteration recognized, and the
unlucky speculator sent to the police, and
committed for trial.
ExTRAonniNAny Birth—The wife ofG.
Anderson, overseer of the plantation of Mr.
Randolph Webb, two miles south of this
city, was. a lew days ago, delivered of three
Jine hope!!—And the toother and children
n re ali likely to do well The parents be
ing poor, and so large an addition to their
family being unexpected, are in need, we
learn, of some assistance from their benev
olent neighbors, who, we have no doubt,
will readily give it them.—Hal.lira. | o fk inst.
An Interesting Fact —It is not a little
curious, that this morning we received at
the same time, the annunciation of Presi
dent Adams’s election, by the papers of Liv
erpool, England, and the Arkansas Gazutte,
published at Little Rock. Thus the im
proved facilities of intercourse with Europe,
have reduced the space between England
and Baltimore, to the distance between the
centre of our Great Ropublic, and the cap
itals of some of its States and Territories.—
The Liverpool papers mention the fact cor
rectly, whilst the Arkanzas Gazette gives
it as a report, and says the election look
place on the eeeond ballot.—Ball. Oax. Wh.
rate. Upland, (lb.) 22}
isiana, 25 a 31; Tenncss
batna, 22} a 27.
Coffee.—The arival ofthe ship New-Eng
land, on Monday last, tended completely to
depress the market—with the exception of
about 700 bags San Domingo a t‘20, 4 mos.
debenture in part, and a tew trifling lots,
we have not hoard of a sale this week—
The article is held nominally at ourqtintn-
tioiiB, which we do not vary. Havana, P.
Rir.o. an a 22 ; St. Domingo, 20 a 21.
Domcetic Bondsi—Th« speculative aenrano
has subsided. The regular demand, how
ever, continues and rather increases; they
are in fair request, and the recent advance
is fairly established.
Flout—N. York, superfine, (bbl.) 5 a $5
12 ; Richmond City. 5 25 ; Baltimore, 5 a 5
25 ; Philadelphia, 5 26 a 5 37.
jlotassn.—Titis article has continued to
advance through the week ; a lot of akotit
200 hhds Martinique began selling at 29 cts.
closed yesterday at 31. A cargo of Cuba,
which was held nt 28 cents, went up to 29,
and is now held at 30. English island sold
at 31 cents, and Dcmcrarn on board 30 cts.
New-Orlenns has brmtgli' 32 cents, these
rates are nn improvement on last week’s
Utes of full two cents; and within two
weeks of3 to4 cts ; the article continues in
gr;|at demnnd, anil the supplies nut half ad
equate to the pressing wants.
Rice—Importation, 626 tierces, 59 half
tierces. On Friday and Saturday last, the
sales of this article were heavy, and several
hundred tierces were purchased for ship
ment ; but on Monday it again became fiat,
and during the week but few sales have
been ertected. There are a few prime lots
that will command $4 25, and some very in
ferior old has been said at $2. The rni|,o
of prices nrn similar to last week’s and we
Rice, old and
a 3 ; do new
“ Mw-Yorlc, April 16.—Cotton is in bet
ter demand since the arrival of the Leeds
and Don Qnixotte. I was offered 26 c. for
prime Uplands yesterday.
“ Coffee—Was declined again—other ar
ticles us per last.”
Philadelphia, April 15.—Teas & Cassia,
Per ship Addison, from Canton, were yes-
O BUNDLES of Cast Steel, were left ,,
G the subscriber’s store about
mu • “heat four nionit,
since. The owner is requested to cull
charges and take it away.
h.b." Hathaway
April 27
Five Dollars Keward
M Y yellow fellow BEN, well hunt,,,
House, left his place about twelve
terday offered nt J. * W. Lippincotte & C/.'a J skulking"'ablflhf X *
Auction, and brought tho prices annexed— ,„? n llle ""Wo-
all the Young Hysons in the catalogue were
Young Hyson, in chests, Mnnliop, 95} a
120; Do. do. Syqtta, 05 a 105; Do. do.
Squire Tinqua 09 a 100 ; Do. do. Houqua,
101 a 102} ; Do. do. Linqua, 106 ; Do. do.
Do. do. Cheepmia, 91}
Di ‘ "
Kingqtia. 05 a too
a 110 ; Do. Do. Ponkciqua 91} ; Go huff
chests. Mnnliop, 101 ; Do. do. Syqua, IUU;
Do. do. Cheepqua, 94} ; Do. 10-catly boxes,
Mnnliop 00 ; do. 5-catty do, do. 91 a 96} ;
Compnnv Hyson, in chests, do. 120 ; Do
do. Cheepqua, 123}: Hyson, do. do. 115;
Hyson Skill, do. Ilipshing, 78; Cassia in
mats 35.
ward will be paid to nnv person anprehind
log and delivering Ben to the suhsi rilicr '
An additional reward of TWENTY' Ddh
LARS will be paid for proofto mmicik
of Ins being harboured by ativ per*,,, -1
this county. J. B. REtfi
April 27 23)1 '
Administrator's ‘ale.
A LL persons indebted to the estute nf
Randolph M’Gillis, late of Cundta
County, deceased, are requested to m »i 10
pnyment. and those having ilcmandiagairet
said estate, will present them to the an e.
St. Marys. April 10th, 1025.
April 27 29ji.
The small pox is said to bo raging in the ■ tn ,n y P"Wic fimc-
.... r ® ■ . lionary aqdvio duty is more grateful to us
neighborhood of Georgetown, S. C. I than to laud the fidelity seal of the
mid. to prime, do 3 25 a 4.
Spirits.—The article of Brandy which is
the leading ono clashed under this head,
wns active at the last week and the early
part ot'thiti, about 500 pipes were sold—
250 Rochelle, (not Seignette) brought 120
cents, and about 90 pipes yeignettu nt 135
cash, since which, the article has not been
as active, but the holders have been firm,
and the sules which have been steady in
small parcels, have gone off at 137J cents
for Sciguette, and 125 for Bordeaux, and a
few of the holders require a further advance,
but as yet it is not submitted to. W. India
Rum is in great request, and at prices a tri
fle better.
Sugars.—'The transactions in this article
are necessarily small from the limited sup-
dies at market. About two hundred box»6
m>wn Havanas changed hands at 9J a 9]
cents, which is as high as any have gone
this8CAtson, and establishes fully the ad
vance we have recently noticed. Common
whites went off at 12£ a 13 cents. Musco
vado Sugars of all descriptions are scarce,
and the supply not half equal to the present
wants. A lot of Barbados brought 10^ and
12 cents, and a parcel of inferior Culla BJ
cents. N. Orleans is in very few hinds.—
A lot of 100 lihds on private contract bright
9J, which is as high as nuy sales of couse<
In 17B4 an American vessel imported into
Liverpool eight bags ot cotton, which were
seizod by one of his Majesty^’s Officers of
tho Customs, as supposing they were not
the growth of America. In l «23, there were
imported into Liverpool from the United
States of America 407,670 bigs of cotton.
Charleston, April 25.—Colton.—Sea-Is
lands still continue to advance in price, sev
eral sales having been effected in the course
of the week, at our present enhanced rates
—But in Uplands, very , little has been do
ing ; we quote them, nominally, at 24 « 30
cents—mafly ofthe holders are firm at thepe _ —-
rates, but others evince a willingness towels partly loaded, find it difficult to coi
submit to rather lower prices.' We believe
that purchasers might b# found, on a Urge
Schr. Margaret, Mathews, Philadelphia,
John Candler.
JVo arrivals since our last.
At. Charleston. 25th instant, schr. Jane,
Johnson, bound to N. York ; sloop Cadet,
Robins, bound to Norfolk.
At Norfolk, 15th inst. sloop Ann, Hedley,
6 day8.
At N.York, loth instant, ship Savannah,
At Charleston, 25th, schr. Anu, Easton.
The steam boat Eclipse, from Nashville
for Mow Orltisite, w«a lately sunk 1n the
Mississippi, in consequence of coming in
contact withe boat Andrew Jackson, in the
night. No lives were lost; and it was ex
pected her cargo of cotton would bq saved
with some damage.
Charleston, April 25.—Arrived Br. ship
Loyalist, Parkin, London, uud39 days from
Land's End.
Schy. Eliza, Dias, Havana, 6 dujs. Oil
the 19th, ntf the Double Shot Keys, was
boarded by the Colombian/ armed brig Sou-
blette, Cuptnin Cunningham, on a cruise,
and lust from Laguira—was treated polite
Schr. Susan, Wright, Elizabeth-City 3
Schr. Jane, Johnson, Cope Florida, and
l day from Savannah. Lett at Cape Flor
ida, schrs. William Henry, Houseman;—
Florida, Johnson; Thorn, Morrison ; sloops
Eclipse, Curtis ; and Telegraph, Sanger—
ull wrecking. The U. S. tfeh. Florida,
Brown, for Mobile, sailed on the 11th inst.
The Swedish brig Calulian, Prom, from
Havana for Genoa, with 1200 boxes Sugar,
and n quantity of Coffee, went ashore on
Florida Reef, on the 17th Feb.—vessel and
cargo, with the exception of 40 boxes of Su
gar. lost. •
Sloop Leopard, St.urtevnnt. Darien 3 ds.
Schr. Eliza Jane,Davis, Barrucou, 11 ds.
Steam-Boat Commerce, Robinsou, Ham
burgh, 4 days.
Clf.arkd, Br. brig Romulus, Yule, Lon
don ; Br. brig Atlas, Clegg, Liverpool;—
schr. Ocean,Taylor, Boston; schr. Mary,
Campbell, Kingston.
Wknt to Ska, ship Lnngdon Oheves.Bn-
ker, Philadelphia; schr. Arabella, Davis,
Georgetown; line ship Calhoun, Allen, N.
York ; brig Stranger. Cartwright, N.York;
aclir. Wicker,Wnrd, Havana ; Engle.Wood
New-York ; Colombian schr. Henrietta,
Ker, Now-York ; sloop Eagle, Vincent,
Darien; Express, Hatnmet, Ne.w-Vork ;
Herald. Heath, Now-York, Newport, and
Aurora <Sf Franklin Gazelle Office. J
Philadelphia, April 17—noon. S
AnRivKD, ship Alexander, Baldwin, from
Liverpool: ship Rebecca Sitns, Brewton,
2ft days from St. Jago ; brig Kibe, Warner,
33 days from Bordeaux ; brig Constitution,
Abbot, 3ft days from Malaga.
Bei.ow—ship Faina, from South Ameri
ca, and a brig unknown,
JYcw-York Gazette Ojjice. K
JWtP- York April 17—two p. M. (
Arrived, ship IsaacJHicks, Mocey, 42
days from Liverpool; ship Rambler,Barney,
of Nantucket, 4ft days from Liverpool; ship
UffvciaV V-TftviVng
5th Class—New Series, which took
place in Baltimore, on lt>ih inst.
an, 4a, o in, 48,44.
Those interested will call and examinetk:
• numbers, nt
April 27
Venetian Blinds.
T HE Subscriber offers for sale a com
plete assortment of VENETIAN
UfjINDB, auitnl’lo fj,r ntin/loB'fi of Pvotr
size. Also, old Uliads repaired.
march 30 10b
At Private Sale.
A PRIME NEGRO MAN. about two.
ty-five years of age, nn excellent how
servant and coachman, for sale bv
April 7
V aw
J UST received hy the William Wallttt,
an additional supply of DOl T BLK««l
will be warranted of the best finality.
1. W. MORltEhL
Jan 97
3 uenco have been made this season. We
0 not alteqour rateB which arc already as j Hector, Ogden, 35 'days from Greenock ;
high, but remark that the article iB in ani-, brig Commerce, Turner, 11 days from
mated demand. j Charleston ; brig Azores, Hatch, of Colum'
Tobacco,—Several sales havo been made ; bin. Me. 12 davs from Georgetown, S. C.;
since our last report at about similar rates, j schr. Volusia. Babcock, 9 days front Chur
ned no disposition evinced in the market to jleston ; schr. Orbit. Beers, 8 davs from do;
decline—the stock in firsthands being very isclir OonBtittition, Foster, of Machiaa, 11
trifling, and the manufacturers generally,, days from Guoruetown, S. C.
having but a small stock on hand. A lot of I Cleared, ships Com. Perry. Thorp,
90 lihds Virginia was taken for export, at ’ Charleston ; Brighton, Scbor, London i
6} cents, middling quality end * lot of 50 brigs Enterprise, Crowell, Gibraltar ; Con-
Kentucky, middling quality, at«}. ' stitution, Klockgerer, Bremen.
Freight.—The recent advices ofthe ad- ‘
vance of Cotton in England have had the
rrime l*ork to Sperm >'il,
Just received per ship William tt'itilM
20 Barrels first quality Sperm Oil
40 Barrels Prime and Moss But
For snle hv
April 15 Ancinnx’B Wind. |
-g /~V/~V BARRELS landing from l! '‘
.1 vJ Governor Hopkins; for sale ■!
March 14 .1. B. HERBERT* W
Prime Pork, «c.
Just received by brig PfuvznnL, I
10 do Mt^s do
20 do Prime* Bruf
10 do Mess do |
5 do White Beans '
10 Firkins choice Goshen Cutter
200 Pounds Pearl Burley
For sule by A. BASSETT.
Anril 21
At Private bale,
A NEGRO WOMAN, about twenty*
years of age, an excellent cook, »»*
or and iruner, with her two children,"??
a hoy nbout ten years of age, »»«* S 1
about five years old. . n 1
April 0 J. B. HERBERT
Coen, Hour, WViiskfiy
Hams. / , |
2400 ® USHELS Wllite 5 /
50 Barrels Supf. Howard# Pf® I
, 150 do Whiskey
200 Hams in bags # i
Landing from schooner ThomasJW"I
Baltimore, for sale by HALL/t
March 25
and ski?
effect to check shipments for the moment. Thp Fnvinp Pnmmittee
The speculators are so much engaged in 1 Ile r -* n O me LOmiUlWe,
buying and sellling, that but little attention YIMylLL receive proposals for erecting aw
is paid to shipping to foreign markets at pro- j * T engine house in Liberty-Square—
sent. Until lately freights to Europe"'— u- «—' ■ - •>
brisk, and at improvddrates, now the
le ves
....... )' com
plete their oarges—the rates,how«Ver, have
not varied i upward* ef seventy thousand
April 15
Limeed Oil, I
R eceived per brig pauces i
20 Barrels Linseed Jil
8 Barrels White Bans
3000 Pounds Codfish
, April It Anciaux’sWjWL-
Loaf Sugar. p
Oil sugar, fon«j° Jjjpgjuiorr..
April 14