Newspaper Page Text
'» M"
City Sales.
' On the first Tuesday in May next,
mtftb'M' MM 1* ft m of the Court: Hour
MJ Clyo^yHjyjrtjt between »•
Oh negro man ntmrd Tom, levied on is
the pmsrtv of John end Valeria Berth *?
satisfy two execution* from the Court of Com
aun Platt end Oyaratul Terminer, for the eu
ty of Savannah, John G. Blanee va. John P.
G Davis, G.writs* of Jehu and Valeria Da*
vs, and Wm.Bowenn the tone.
All thebalMingeoh the centre put ofTnut
Lot letter H. et pretent in the oeeupetion of.
Job T. BoHetj Peroivtl Wfd. bounded north
by Pretident-it. touth by Yort*it cut by
one portion el Mid I—t, weal by the Court-
House, levied on at 'he property of Job T
Bol'es, to wtiiiy on elocution from the Court
f common piett ted Oyer and Terminer for
the City offatrahnah, Samuel M. Mordecai vt
Job T, Ballet.
Southern htlf of toUlN t 39, thirty-nine,
md 43, forty; with th" ipiprovemen'.t therron,
Elbert Wild, bound id north by the northern
hill of lil t lot), touth by Liberty !!. east by
Jeffenup-tt. lev.ed on as the property of Ben
jtmin Sbeftall, to utmfv two excv uiont from
the Court of Cnmmon Pleat and Oyer and
Terminer for the City of Savannah, J.tae
Mount re, Bonj, Sheftall.
A'l the right, title, and interest, of Baldwin
Co k to that double tenement build ng on (he
weatern part or Truat Lot lettei A, bounded
no thby B*yan»st. aoutb by St. Julian-at. cm
by part of raid Lot, weat by Whitaker-al lev.
led on aa the properly of Baldwin Cock, to
satisfy an execution from the Court of Com
moo Pleat and Over nod Terminer fur the
City of Savaupab, Norman Peaac ta Baldwin
AD that Lot and improvement! known in
the phut of the City of Savannah, aa Lot No.2,
two,Percivul Ward,boundcd north by Wright
Square, aouth by ■ lane, east by Lot No. 3
three, weat b* Lot No 1, one, levied on aa
property of Job T- Bullet, to aat afy an exe
cution from the Court of Common Pleat and
0 er and Terminer for the City of Savannah
Jiaeph Clark va. Job T Bolld. rnd asaigned
to i B- Parkman, proparty pointed out by
defendant, and aubject to o mortgage.
A. I. D’LYON, C S.
*pri'4 09
Sheriff’’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in May next,
W IIL be aoid at the Court House in the
City of Savannah, between the houra
often and four o’clock.
Lot and Building! No. 17, seventeen With
ington Want in 'he City of Savannah, bound
ed eaat by Lot No- 18. eighteen, aouth by
St. Julian-at. weat by Price-at. and north by
Bryan at. levied on aa the property of Ste
phen S. William* to satisfy an execution in
favor of Jamet M'Henry, and other*, Aa-
aigneeaof Wm. Turner.
All that tract of land known by the name of
Tweedaide, in the County of Chatham, eon
Mining 346 'Crea, bounded on the north by
Savannah Kver, levied on ta the property
Jo in Morel, t.i aatiafy execution* in favor
Wm Taylor h Son, and otheri
Wharf I-ot containing 86 feet, 8 inchet on
Savannah Hirer, 66 feet 8 inehea on lndian-
alreet, extending from u>d Hw,( ta the aaid
atreet, in' extent about 400 feet, thr tame
being the eaatern part of Wharf Lot No- 3,
three, levied on aa the property *f Robert
W. Pooler, to att afy two executions in favor
of Joaiah Profit-Id, and JohnDickt, property
pointed out by the defendant-
All that half of Lot No 13, Columbia Ward,
with the impravementa thereon, to aatiafy an
execution iaauing out of a Justice* Court
fiavor of Wm. Bubinaon, retui ned to me by
anrif 3 0**
Sheriff's Pales Continued.
Oh tftefirst Tuesday in May next.
.fVPlLL be told at tu. CuUct bouse in the
WJ .'.t 7 „f havtntrau, oeiween the itourt of
en and four o'clock.
All that mot ofLtndon the l/landof Bk'd-
away, Chatham county, called Springfield,
aaid to contein 7>0 -err a, bounded northward
ly by hn da lit thn estate of John Milledge,
eaaiwttdly by land* of Jamca Bilbo, aouth-
wardly by landa formerly Bute iffo, wut-vtid
ly by river and marahet with itnpruvemenu
thereon, levied on aa the property of Chat.
Stephen*. to aatiafy an eiecu ion in favor ol
Itichard Rtehardaon, rot- uae, Wc- ho.
All that tract or parcel of Land containing
567 l-ril more or 1-ra with 100 acrea ol Marsh
..and,calledOkeland, aifuale, lying ond bo
ng in lilt e Ogechee O atrict, in the county of
Chatham bounded on the north by lantla
of Fleming Akin, on the eaat by landa of D
Parker, on the aouth by land* of the late B.
Walburger, and on the weat by a northeast
branch of little O.-echee River together with
all and alngulir the edifice*, i mprovement,
end appnr'.enances, levied on under a ft- fa on
foreclosure aa the property of Ueorge L.
Cope, in favor of John M’Niali, Peter Mitch
ell and Robett Mitchell.
Ad that tract or parcel of Land s'tnale, ly
ing and being in the c-unty of Uiitham,
xi own by the name of Muir Hall, Containing
1C9' acrea more or lest, bounded on the aoutl.
by land* of fame* Forreat, on the ere. by Col.
J. Marshall’* lands, jo the north by Uewgi-
Jonea’aland, and un the wet by Little Ogee-
ehee River , Alro, Two Lota of I and in the
city of Savannah, known by the Nos. (29)
twenty nine, and (JO) thirty, in Columbia
Wa'd, with the appurtenances thereunto ap
net laming, levied on under a fi fa. on fore
closure at the property of Flemming Akin
dec. in favor of Wm, D.xon ts Co. aasigneea of
Half Lot and Buildings, No- 4, Ewinsburg
Oglethorpe, Ward, in the city of Savanuan
the unexpired lea e of tail J Lot for three
years from January last, levieu on aa the pro-
ierty of Robt Lewis to satisfy an execution
‘rum a Justices Court in favor of J. A M- Pen
dergaat, returned to me by a constable.
Alto, the following 35 n.-.grors, via: Cufftie,
(Cooper,! Harriet, Affy, old Charlotte, Jack,
iky. Charlotte, Pendaw, Beta, Process* and
child, Bridget and Peggy, William, Eiaev
Bliley, Philip Phyllis, old Cumbo, Jenny, oh
Peggy. B-utua, Jease, Brutus, Bandy, Mario,
Cynda, Dick, Toby .Sophia, Daphne and child,
Jacob,Sye,Beckey and John,with the increase
of the females lev.ed un aa the prope Ay of
Nicholas Cruger, under a 6 fa on a foreclosure
ui a mortgage in favour ot John Carnahan and
fame* McHenry for uae of Christiana Levett.
Also, the following 19 negroes, via Abra
ham, Harry, Cato, Chance, Daniel, Aaron,
Samuo, Lucy, Scipio, Maryan, Rachael, Lon
don, Aggy, Simon, Grace, Eiiaa. George, Bo
dy. and Jim, with tin increase of the female*,
levied on aa the property of Flemming Akin,
dec. under a fi. fa. un a foreclosure of a mort
gage in favor ol Wm. D.xon A Co. aasigneea
f Murdoch M’Leod- 1. D’LYON, S. C. C
April ’6 20
Sheriff s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in May next, between the
usual hours,
W ILL be void ut the Court House in the
County of Bryan, the following I«ota
or parcels of Land on the Island of Oisab^w,
in the ■aid County, known in the nlan of he
partition of the tame Island by the numbeta
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, md that
part of number eight, beginning at the hedge
it the edge of the woods, in the South part
of the said last tract, from the Weatermoat ‘
the Eaatermoat Creek.
Alto, the Cabbage Garden tract, being the
Eestermoat part* of tract ten, eleven, twelve,
from the path in the old fi -Id in the Savannah,
to be continued in a straight line until it inter
sceta Bradley’* Hammock Karshes on one aide
ai d Pgeecbee river on the u'hrr. Alao, Horae
Hammock, containing fifty acre*. Alao, Brad
ley’s Hammock, containing one hundred and
fifty five acres- And alao, a Hamihoc k called
Bmddock’s Camp eonteing thirty eight acres,
being parts and panels of the said Island of
Oaiabaw. Levied upon at opart of the ea
tote of the late John Morel, deceased, under
and by virtue of afi. fa on a decree of the
Superior Court of Chatham County, in a cose
wherein Simon Donald and wife were eom-
plainan's, aud Thomas N. Morel and others
March 30 105
J..Shinn's Panacea.
TITHE subscriber having disonvered the com
PAAACEA, ha* now a supply onhamtfbi
sale i he hat reduced tlwprice from 03 50, to,
03 SO, or by the doxen 034.
All Charitable institution* In the U. States
•nil thU poor wil( be supplied gratia.
If the citisen* of the principal citlea and
towns, will appoint an agent to order and
distribute this medicine to the poor, it wiU be
This medicine it eelrbrated for the cow of
the following diaeaaes i—" scrofula or king’s
evi|, ulcerated or putrid tore throat, long
standing rheumatic afl'eotioni, cytaneoua dit-
eases, white swelling and disease of the bone*,
and all cues generally of the ulcerous Chirac
ter, and chronic diaeaaes, generally ariaing in
debilitated eonatitutlona, but more especially
fro-n ayphilia or affections ariaing therefrom i
ulcers in the larynq, nodes, Uc. and that
dreadful disease occasioned by a long and
excessive use tif mercury, Me- It is also uae
ful in the diseaac of the liver”
I have within the last two years had an op
portunity nf teeing aeveral casea of very inve
terate ulcers, which having previously resitt
ed the regular modes of treatment, were
healed by the uae of Mr. Swrim’a Panacea,
and I do believe, from what I have aeen,
that it will prove an important remedy in aero-
minus, venereal and mercurial diseases.
Professor of the Institutes and practice
of Physic, in the University ot Penn
I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim,
in numerous instances, within the last three
years, and have alwaya found it extremely
efficacious, especially in sec-ondarv syphilis
and mercurial diaeaaes. I have no hesitation
in pronouncing it a medicine of inoMimable
value. W. GIBSON, M. D.
Frnfeaaor of Surgery in the Uni’ty ol Penn.
Philadelphia, February 17,1833.
JOHN SHINN, Chemiat.
Philadelphia, Mm 17, 1833.
Treasury De^,
March, 14, 1825
W HERE AS on the 3d of March, 1325 a
law was pasted by the Cnngreaa nf the
Sheriff’s sale.
On the first Tuesday in Muynext,
flLL be told iu front ol toe o
House, in the city of 8evann«h, between
me i.aual hours often and four o’clock,
The following eight negroes, via. Coffee,
Peggy, Hosannah Carolina, Joseph,Mary,Be'-
ty and Jim, levied onunder a A. la. on a fore-
ioaure, as the p ope-ty of Charles H. Hay.
ten, in favor of Frederick W. Hienoman-
march 7 IS \AO D’LYON, 8. C C.
Sheriff’s Sales,
0 -’ the first Saturday after the tint I'uevda)
in H.y next, will be sold at the Court-
'fuuse in the town of St Marys, between the
hours of ten and four o’clock, the following
negro alaves, via. Lancaster, Furry, Ri se, anil
her two chil 'ren, Hannah and Archibald, anlii
as the property of Thumas Andrews, under
an attachment in favor of Robert Miller.
Sold by consent of all parties.
April 1,18 5. M-.H.HEBBAKD; S.C-C.
April S 13
Administrator’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in May ntxl,
1 WILL sell at the Court-House in Jeffer
son, Camden County, between the usu
al hours of sale,
Harry, Ned, and liis wife Tamer, and her
four children, Daniel, Stephen, John, and
Yorick, the property of the estate of George
Morrison, deceased, for the benefit of the
creditors anil heirs of said estate, pursuant
to leave granted by the Court of Ordinary
of said county.
Administrator, with the will annexed, of
George Morrison, Sen. deceased.
April 14 111
Sheriff ’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in June next.
am WILL be snid at the Court-Houle in the
V-# City of 8avannah, between the hours
of ten and four o’clock, the following 16 ne
Sippio, Hager, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry,
Billy, Burke, P'arria, Bram, Dinah, Little Bram,
Prince, Ben and Meriam, with the increase
of the Camilies, levied on under a foreclosure
of a mortgage frem Peter Timothy to William
Washington, for use.
Tara negroea, via ■ Ned and GlaagoWj levi
ed on a foreclosure of a mortgage from Chas.
Ulmer to- Joseph K pman.
knril 4 09
' Sheriff*’s Sale.
AN the first Saturday after the first Tuet-
VF day in Mat next, between the houre ot
ten and four o’clock, will be aol-J at the mar-
ket-UDusc in it,*»--- •» c». Marys, ihe fol
lowing negroes, vix; Judy sndnef ion Jotm,
Simon, and Charles, levied on as the proper
ty of James Williamson, deceased, to satisfy
an execution on the foreclosure of a mort
gage, iu favor of Edward F. Tattnall, ad ninia-
tratornf Jahn Hamilton-
M. H. HEDBARD, 8. C- C.
St. Marts, Pebru <ry 25,1835.
March 2 02
Sherift’’s Sales.
O N the drat Saturday, after the first Tues
day la June next, will be told at the
Market Houw in the town of 8t. Marys, two
pegrocs, vix. Bob and Rote, levied on as the
nroperty of Jo’eph Rain, to satisfy an execu-
qou on the foreclosure of x mortgage, in favor
ST Samuel Clarke*andGeorge 8. Brown.
April M. U. HBBBABD, S. C. C.
April 1 13
Georgia—Camden County.
Superior Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy Hopkins, ts. Langley and Setvesler
O N petition of Timothy Hopkina, Mating
that in consideration of certain prom-
iaaory nntea, made to the aaid Timothy, by
them, one payable with interest, from first
of January, 1821, op the firat of January, 1822:
> second payable aa aforesai I, on the firat ol
January, 1823 / and a third payable aa afore
said, on the firat of January, 1824, executed a
mortgage to laid Timothy Hopkina, bis heir
and aaattpia, on all those four traeta of Uad,
situated in the county nforeaeid, conveyed by
the aeid Tinnthy, to the eaid fangley and
Selveater, and lying ou the aouth aide o)
Great Sstilla River, one tract containing sev
enty-seven! acre*, more or less/ two tracts
containing fifty tores, more or leaa, and one
•ther tract, containing one hundred and eigh-
ly-eigbt acres, more or lesa, conditioned fot
he payment of the three laid aeveral imtea,
on the daya above mentioned, end that said
several notes remain unpaid—on motion ol
Archibald Clark, attorney for pjainti**, it i*
-<Ur«d, that the laid Langley and Sejraat.r,
their heifa or aaaigna, pay into Court, within
twelve months from thia date, tue aunts due
on aaid notes, and the interea and coats, oth
erwise that the equity of redemption be for
ever foreclosed, end that such other proceed-
inga take place, at are pursuing to lew.
True extract from the minutes, 37th Octo
ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk.
nor 4 37 A—
N ine month! after date, application will be
made to the Hon. the Judge* of the Court
jf Ordinary if Chatham county, for leave to
sell all the real eaute of the late William Craig,
Jiceaaed, for the benefit of the helri and cred
itor* of laid estate.
, JOHN H’NISH, Executor,
oct13 7i
Unded States, of which the 3d. 4tli, and 5th
sections are in the v-orris following, viz :
" Sec. 3. And he it further enneieil, That a
subscription iu the amount of twelve millons
of dollira, of the six p r cent, stock of the
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
the lime iahereby proposed i for which pur-
poae books ahall be opened at the Treasury n|
the United States, and at th- aeveral loan offi
ces, on the first day of April next, to continue
open untiltbe first day of October thereafter,
for such parts of the above mentioned de
scription of stock as shall, on the day of sub
acription, stand on the books of the rresaur;
and on thoae of the aeveral loan cffices, re
speclively,- which aubacripUon shall be effect
ed by a transf er to the United States, in the
manner provided by law for such transfers, ol
the credit or eredta standing on the aaid
hooka, and by a surrender of the certificates
of the stock so subscribed : Provided, That
all aubacription by aueb tranafer of stock ahall
be cunlidei ed aa part of the aaid twelve mil
liona of dollars authorised to be borrowed by
the firai secto n ■ f this act.
” Sec- 4. And he it further enacted. That for
the whale or any part of any aunts which ahall
be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to
the respective aubaeribera, who ahall be enti
tled to a crrtifi-.ate or certificates purporting
that the United states owe to the holder or
holders thereof, his, her, or their assigns,
sum to be expressed therein, equal to the
amount of the principal atock thus subscribed
bearing sn intereat not exceeding four ant
one half per centum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-fi st day of Decern-
her, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
five ,- transferable in the same manner aa t*
provided by law for the transfev of the stock
subscribed, and subject to redemption at the
pleasure of the United States, as follows t one
half at any time after the thirty-first day of
December, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time
after the tliirty-firat day of December, one
thousand eight hundrt d and tweiity-nine:
Provided, That no reimbursement shall be
made except for the whole smount of such
new certificate; nor until after al least aix
months public notice of auch intended reim
bursement And it ahall he the duty of the
Secretary cf the Treasury to cause to be trans
ferred to the respective subscribers the sever
al auma by them subscribed beyond Ihe amount
of the cer fi iates of four and one half per
cent, stock issued to them respectively.
” Sec. 5. And he it further enacted, That
the same funds which have heretofore been,
and now are pledged by law for the payment
of ihe interest, and for the redemption and
reimbursement of the stuck which may be re
deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, ahall remain pledged in like
manner for 'bepavment of tbe interest accru
ing on the atock created by reason of such
subscrip-ion, and for the redemption or reim
bursement of the principal of the asme. At d
it shall he the duty of the commisaionera of the
sinking fund to cause to be applied and paid,
out of the said fund, yearly and eve-y year,
such sum and sums as may be annually requir
ed to diaiharge the intereat accruing on the
stock which may be created by virtue of this
set The laid commissioners are, also, here
by authorised to apply, fnm time to timr,
-yeti aum and luma out nf tbe mid fund, as
they may think proper, towards redeeming
by purchase, or oy reimbursement, in con
formity with the provisions of this act, the
principal ofthe said atock : and auch part of
the annual sum often millions ofdnllara, veil
ed by law in the laid commissioners, as may
be necerssry and required for the above pur
poses, shall be snd continue appropriated to
the payment of interest and redemption of
the public debt, until the whole of the atock
which may be created under the proviaiona of
this act, ahall hare been redeemed or reim
Now, therefore, notice ia hereby given, that
books will be opened at the Treasury of the
United States, nnd »t the several loan cfficea,
on the firat day of April next, and continue
open until the first di u of October, thereaf-
er, for receiving aubscrintiona in conformity
with he provision* ofthe aaid law,
The subscription! may be made by the pro
prietors of the stock, either in person or by
their attorneya duly authorised to subscribe
and tranafer it to the Uoited States.
Should aubacriptions of aaid atock be made
to an ntMunt exceeding twelve milliona of
dollari, a distribution of the aaid aum of twelve
milliona of dollira will be made among the
subscriber*, in proportion to the auma subscri
bed by them respectively.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury*
March 26 10'lto *
Vegetable Cathoticon.
rpilV, subsrrib, r rea;» ctfully solicit* the at
U tenlion oft every friend of suffering hu
nanity, to to the above new and invaluable
remedy, whnie unequal power* in eliminating
from the ayatem the. very aeeda of disease,
and in maturing the deranged and morbid
condition ofthe organa of life to a free and
healthy eiemise of their function!, haa exal
ted the astmiihment, and completely silen
ced the objections of the moat inert d-iloua —
Facte are the best arguments. In order to put
the virtue! cf the Uatholieon to aa severe a
scrutiny st possible, it waa offered by edver-
f sement. together with the attendance of a
phyaician, gratuitously to any peri in who
would apply for it, and whose cause might
seem t< some within < be range of iu healing
power—number* of severe case* nf long ate d-
ing, and some of them aeemingly de ip> r ■> e
onea, pre ented themselves all ef which hate
been cured, orao much relieved** ta warrant
the assertion that a little,peraeveranne will do
so |n faet, aucb tithe confidence ofthe physi
cian under whose ere theae natienta were
placed, in thia remedy, a coi-fide -ce resu t
ing from the irrei istible conviction that has
been forced upon his mind by ocular demon
stration, and a pertund trial of it on himseft
'hat he permits me to declare it as his deci
ded opinion, that the Oath ilicon ia not only a
perfectly life and innocent, but a most pow
erful and invaluable remedy in. certain din
eaaea and atatea of the a\ stem, auch aa . he ful
owio g —
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation i OlJ and inveterat- Uicers. Pains
in the bun.-a attended with - swellings of the
join'st Indigestion, Blotches on the face,
pimples Ac. i Al- complain'* of the Liver:
TetterYaws j Syphilis .- Cutaneoua diseases
generally i Mercurial and acrofulous com
The n.tholleon (which tbe proprieter aol
etnnly : r Iges h a word conaista exclusively
of vegetable mane-) with the exception of a
si ght determi istion to the bowels, which it
preserves in a soluble state, acts insensibly, is
plessant to the tsste, and requires n - particu
ar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuout li
quors always except, d,) or confinement. As
a gentle, safe and agreeable cathartic med-
cine, improving the appetite and restoring the
general tone of the ays'em, it is confidently
recommended to iadies in a delicate situa
tion. W. W. PO rTER.
66 Uliesnut-streeL
Cuffei Bail Matmus.
rpHE subscriber has just received an as-
m. sortment of the above articles, war
ranted to be of the best quality, for sale by
oct 26
P-hilutlelphia, May 31, 1824.
At the request of Mr, W. W. Poller, I have
lately exhibited, in several in-tances, a medi
cated airup, called Potter's Vegetsble Gatho
.icon, with the must decided advantage.
I,as, aa - et, never failed effecting a cure in
every case in which I have trough! pruper to
employ it. H. M’MUHrHIE, M D.
Phil adelphia, July 28/A, 1824.
Mr. W fV. Potter,
Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that
would gives concise statement of my s'-ffur
inga, tram' the hopeless commencement, to
the present propitious stage of my disease.'
About five, yean ago, on my passage from
Bordeaux, during tbe month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I was selacd
with a violent fever. Having no medical at
tendants on board, I waa compelled to bear
it, aai might for two weeka, when on my ar
rival at Cnarleston, S. C- it Was treated as
1‘ypbtts. The skill of my Physician subdued
the fever, but Phccnix-like, the termination
of this gave rim to a disease equally distress,
ing, and which, till now, I had thought incur
able. Varioua abscesses made their unwcl
come appearance, particularly on the jo'nta,
which were swelled to an enormous sixe.—
t hese gradually subsided into hard tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected tbe
bone—an incision was now made and a large
evacnr«on of pua, mixed with pieces of bone
took place. In addition to thia, l suffered the
moat excruciating pains in my joints that man
ever experienced. Every thing that was
sdministered either gave me no relief or ser
ved to afig-avate the disease, the severity of
whieh increased with every succeeding year.
Such waa my painful si nation that I despairer
of ever being restored to my heal h t lhad
not only trie-J the regular means of relief,
but uaed, though in vain, every popular rem
edy 1 could hea> oh It waa in this awful and
despond-ng condition,!hat I waapersurded to
commence a course of your Vegetable t'ath I
icon, and the happy remit is "/ om the use
of the trvo botilee. my rvhole system has untler
gonca complete revo ution, my pains have fo »«■
ken met" the discharge from my knee Deg
to d.minish, and soon ceased altogether, the
ulcer from » hence it proceeded being com
pletely healed, Tbe tumors for the removal
of which I have tried ia vain more remedies
than I can name, are rapidly decreasing ; my
appetite, whieh was gone, has returned—I so
in fact, nearly weli, and teel confident that a
few bottles more of ycur, (to me) invaluable
medicine, wi'J make me per ectly ao.
Your obliged friend,
Philadelphia, July r 6, 1824.
My confidence in the v gettble catbolicon
is undiminiahod, and u freah in- tanecs of its
powers arc daily occurring, in my own prac
tice. I have no heaitation in recommending it,
in the peculiar diseases to whieh it is spplics.
ble, ss superior to any remedy I am acquaint
ed with. M. M’MURI RIE, M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,18 4
Sin—In eonaequenee of imprudent expoa
ure four veara ago. I had the misfortune to be
come afflicted with a disease, the painful re
suits of which induced me to apply in sue
cession to several respectable physicians of
thia city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite aa diatrearing
as die former. My whole ayatem became a'-
fected. 1 could get no reat at night on ac
count of the violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body,- theweakneai and e-naeia
tion of which was auch that I could scarcely
walk. In thia state I fortunately heard
your vegetable catholicon—four bottlea
which, baa completely restored me, I have
now no pain i my appetite is good i and m>
strength reatored With many lhanka (or
die relief your medicine haa given me, I am
your obliged friend, he.
Sworn and subscribed to betbre me, May 28,
1834 JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,18?4.
Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine,
hearty mat. For nearly aix years I bare been
a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat,
ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period t<
nay existence. Having had no regular medi
cal advice from the commencement, my
complaint at last got to such a height that I
could not awellow without greet pain and
difficulty- Tumors formed in different parts
of my bpdy, and I began to think my situation
almost desperate. The five bottle* of the
Catholicon which I have taken have com
pletely cured me, end I am now aa well at
■.mild with to bo- With my thanks, I am your
ibliged bumble servant, &e.
CilytfPhi’adelplua. ss . ' ’ .
George A i.i«, of the.Distriet of Sou'll.-
v*fk, personally app'eareui and, being duly
'worn, doth i)eel*re nnd say that the above
atatement lain all respects correct and true
and that the signature to it h in tlae hand
writing of thia deponent.
J|)H ' BINNS. Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,182*-
The Vegetable Oxtholicon is peculiarly
adapted to tboae diaeaaes which are prevalent
among the coloured population of the aouth
In that disease which is called yawl, it ia a
sure remedy i a tingle trial of it, will convince
I Manter* of ita auperior efficacy to any rente
ilyof aaimilar natu'e in the United Stater
The advantage! of this medicine are, not
confining the patient unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from his buaineur—
With one I'lita-y exception, 'hat of ipirit"-
mis liquors, it does not lay any restrictions upon
his appetite It ,sso gentle m its operation
tnat the p Mient finds himself getting well he
chnot tell how. As it is not the with ofthe
proprietor to take any thing for which he
cannot give a consideration equal in value,
persons at a distance who may with to try
Ilia'medicine, hut wbu are not certain if it
he applicable to their complaint, are request
d to describe 'heir case and symptoms in
letter, post .paid, and directed to him—this
Otter will be immediately placed in hsnus
fully comp-tent to decid-. the question.—
Should 'he remedy not seem lo suit tbe dis
ease, they will be frankly told ii.
To prevent d sjpp iintm -nt it is well to
'tale th it it takes in ordinary cases from 3 to
5 bott'es to effect a cure ao that persons who
are labouring under any ser ous infirmity,
must make up their mind to persevere to that
extent at leaM— if they do not, they might as
.veil save themselves the trouble and expense
f using a amtller qu-mity.
All #"rfe I post-paid and enclosing Ihe money,
immediately attended to, sod 'he medicine
packed and delivered with dircctioni for use,
o any place in the city, and forwarded as do
N. B. To prevent the possibility of ell im.
position, it wi'l b. lob! in the city of Philadel
phia . al the office iu Fifth near Bact-Slrret,
or at the dwelling of the propri' tor, No. 66
Oheinut street, only, and abroad by his au
thor.xsd agent*. W W P/iTIBH,
66 Clemut Street, Philade'.pfiia-
1 have appointed GSORGE BYE iSON
Druggist, of Savannah, ray sole agent. Drug
gipts worting tile above valuable medicine,
will be supplied by him for cash, at the same
rate, as if ordered direct from me—viz. g:!0
per d. z?n, or three dollar* a * ngle bottle.
W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia.
Any person on application lo the subscriber
will be furnished with certificates of the efii
cacy of the ; bove medicine, sufficient n run*
vnee the mind of the most sceptical, although
too numerous and lengthy for newspaper n.
serlion. GKO. KYERSON, Druggist,
Corner of Bey and Whittaker Streets,
dec !3
Between tv. Daviet Jldminietruier, Compluin
ant and John Carnochan •Administrator, de
bonis no with the will annexed of Geor re
Richardson and others, Dtjendunts ——In
equity, Chatham .Superior Court- Chancery,
20th August, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Camochani
one of the defendants in the said bill of
complaint named* resides without the state of
Geo; gia f in that part of the United Kingdoms
of Great Britain anu Ireland* called Scotland s
It is ordered that the said John Murray Car*
nochan* do appear and answer to the com
plainant's said bill* within nine months from
the date of this order* otherwise that the
said bill 4 as to him, be taken pro confesao .*
and it is further ordered, tlut a copy of thin
order be publish* d once a week* in one of
'.be public Gazettes of thia state* until the ex
piration of the time within whieh the said de
fendant is required to appear and answer as
True copy from the Minutes, this Sim day
August* 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Clerk,
august 24 5Of
Georgia—Cumilen County.
W HEREAS Sarah Brown, Junior, widow*
applies to -he Cour’. of Ordinary of 5&id
County, for Letters of Administration on the
estate of John Brown, late of sard county, de
ceased, ar next of km: These are, therelore*
to cite Hnd admonish 1 * all and singular, the
kii.dred snd creditor* of aaid deceased* to file
their objections, if any they h ivp, in my of-
fici’, on or before tbe first Moi.d ty in Juue
next,' ther wise Leltets will begranied the ap
Witne ss the Honorable Britian R Bunk
ley* one of ibv* Justices of said Court,
thi* sis teen* n di«y of April* eighteen
hundred at d twenty -fixe.
April 21 24
Georgia —Camden County.
W HEREAS >olin Chevalier, haa applied
to said Court, f>r Let'era Dismisaon
on the rotates of Samuel Colons and Evan E.
Muck, deceased. Theae are, therefore, to
)ite and admonUh, ail and aii.g ilar, the kin
dred and creditors at the and d ceaaed per.
aoi-«, toffi e their objection*, if any they hav,
in my office, on or before the first Monday in
January next, or Letters will be granted tbe
Witoesa the Honorable J 'met Scott, one
of the Justices of aaid Curt, thia six day of April, e ghteen hundred
and twenty-five.
Apr I 21 24
Georgia—Camden County.
CCWHRREA8 Lewis Bachlott, applies to the
i## Court of Ordinary of aaid Countyt fo*
Letten Dtsmisaory on the rotate of Fr.nees
Rasolupe: Theae an, therefore, to cite and
admonish, all and singular, the kindred and
creditors of aaid deceased, to fi'e their objee-
tiona, if any tb«y have, in my office, on or be
fore the fi st Monday in January next, other-
mae Le'tera Diamwory will be granted tbe
Witness the Hononhle Samuel Clarke,
one of the Juatieea of aaid Court, thia
sixteenth day of April, eighteen bun
drud and twenty-five.
(L. 8 ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O. C C
April 31 24
•Traxo-rrnxtu+iox 1
vrifcvjYoa i vs
By SA MUEh T. AH lf.V77n.VC v„
Cornhi'J Boon for p;Mslu„ K .Vqn
FAMILY BIBLE eons,simny o/l/L
ginal Referenc-o 'o he comb l,eJ /."T-i
bell,shed with a tikmees of the Aui/ur.
[ T shall be well nrinted, on good n,.„ , .
be comprised m si t han-lionte voIu -b o
will contain the Scnpturea of the oj a
JY'V Testaments, t ie Introductory O'arna 'H
Explanatory A otee, ami Pruetic.,1 ObsenJuA
an j all the copious Markina! References u,
inu printed word lor word front the UtuIm
Stereotype Edition, published since the *7
'hor'a decease The price will be 1121
board* t 024. in threp i 030, in calf bind®.
The whale work will be ready for delivery by
Ei-nets of Letts s n/M-eitedre the Publishers
I esteem Dr Sco:t\, Firmly Bible, emin-ntb
calculated to promote the cans,’ of trufi-
pjety It teems scarcely possible (■„ “
read daily the Notes and Obserrs'hins in th.
Family Bible without hecom'nv a iri,,.,.,,!
letter man. Et) -VARDD G^lFFix
I have seen no no-nm rotary of t , e Jscr&J
Scripture* which I - hink so well aiaotedtn
general use andedifieat-on. It is a t rc », u -
whieh every family ought to porseu.
It IS a work distinguished for ihe sintplio.
ty and convenience of ita arrangement tl, t
clearness uu.l fi lelity of its eipoiitinns the
ucatnesit and perspicu ty of its style, thest-
nevolmce and candour of its spin;, the cun.
cisenesa and pertinency of ns up-ilicatioR*.
snd for its uniform t rd -nev to pro-note sv.n-
gelicel truth ’nd piety.
Of Dr. 3cmt’s Family Uibie, 1 fe.-l (r,. t ' to
say, that in my estimation it deservedly Wl ^,
a nong our ablest and h-rat Comm nts i-s
Dr. Scott’s Family B ble ii.tended more'es.
pecially for t*-e use of Christian lsmilirs,is,
work high y evmgeliiml, extensively nsttuc
live, and deeply interesting.
Daniel c. s andeks
The character of Dr. Scott’s Commentsri
nr th* Bible, it so generally known, and so
highly approved amongst the. most tnle!W„i
and pioua Christians throughout our co-mlT
and haa p»- >1 rapidly through ao tunny
editions, that 1 deem further recommends,
tiona needleai'
■ J- T-OSSg.
I am acquainted with no Com-»-emsrj on
ihe Sacred fi captures, wln.-ii I would no re
cordially recommena for general use. The
plan ofthe work is good
Perhaps in no way, can miniatcra, inspiictiin
of youth, and private Christians, do grester
snrv-cc to aocietv, than by exerting them,
selves to dissemirnle tliis truly invs'mlile
1 know of no Commenta-y which i> better
calculated for difluiing correct vievs oftha
great truth* of Christianity, and leav.ngsslu-
lary impieasions on th- mind when riling
•rum the peiutal ol' it, than the one you ire
about to publish.
i No wr iter aeema lea* disposed to contend
for barren apeeulat im«. N„„e marc uniform.
ly or more powtifuily incuicatesthe great *«.
sentials ol religion. The spirit which per
vades tbe work ia excelled -, ilia the me.k,
affectionare, healing, yetfa.thfol apiril of tbe
gospel. Daniel dana.
Fr om particular ex.minati n, and concur,
ring t'aiimony, there ia no doubt on my mini
that Scott’s Family Bible ia auperior to all
You will please to aei d me aix copies of
Scott’s Bible ; I refer to ynor lately pro;,used
edition. Perhaps I shall induce five mere lo
take the aume number. H- L,
It is with extreme pleaaure I perceive
you are about to publish a new e lition :f
Seof’i Bible. Having been in pouk'ji.on of
.t more than 20 years, I trua’ I knnw same
thing of ita vaiue, and am dele, mir e,I to pro
mote in c rculution among my fr>enrla Yin
will please forward aix conies aa soon ss puis
fished. C. M
I have nbtainod tour subscribers for die
excellent work you are publishing H. S.
I propose to take seven sets of Scpli’s lii
ble, and will be accountable for the tame.
J. 0.
I have obtained aubsc. ibera for nine crpiu
of Scott’s Family Bible. J. C.
1 shall probably need eight or ten seta 4
Scott’s Family Bible. J. P-
Rev. S. S. of P. haa o' tained ten i.ibscri-
bers. E. II.
I have observed that you are about pub
lishing another edition uf Scott’s Bible
hope you may suceeed aa you h-ve done in
former editions. I have been endeavoring to
srocure aubaeribera amotg our people, and
en or more subscribed will be obtained.
I -will take ten lets (cf Scott’s H'lMei
bound i"d lettered. J. F-
I have obtained ten subacribe's for y.-ur
edition nf the Family Bible—snd have no
dr ub! but there might be anmethi'.g like 109
copies sold in thia place if you had an agent
here—I thought the work ought to be en
couraged and for bat reason took a whsetib-
lion paper. It ia a work that every family
should have taut is able to puicbaae.
J. E. M’C.
I am glad, 'hat y-u propose to prim Hr-
Seotl’s excellent Family Commentary, snd
should be very glad if it were in my power'»
give e more liberal patronage to the work,
tlmn, aa ciroumstaneca are, I can. I sM
however, be able to do something i eight «
ten sets I shall certainly take i and it may be,
double that number. A. 8.
I have procured fifteen subscribers ta
Scott’s Bible, J A.D.
1 think I shall dispose of 30 sets or more if
ike Family Bible. E. B
1 have circulated proposals for Scott’A
Bible / how many have been engaged in sill
cannot tell t but between 30 and 30 sen in
b'avicinily, J. S-
I have condoned to become responnibk
to you for thirty eels of SeotPs'CoipineiiU'y-
C. 8*
I have procured 106 subscribers to the
Bible i 6 seta to be bound in calf < 3 sett '•
be done in boarda the other 97 «'», hie™
and lettered aa described in the pruspeettu-
I presume I could procure 500 subscri
ber* for your edition of Scott’s Bible The
demaud is increasing for them. Th-v *!'
finally supersede every other large or FMwy
Bible. Fifty of my aubaeribera live within ’
circle of 8 miles I J *”
Just published an edition of tbe II" woa«j
completed in ail volumes, reitheul mftg" 1 "
references < price in boarda 0181 in ioe<P
0211 in calf 027. Either of theae ediunat
may be had of the publisher in Boston; o f “
S. G- fc J. SCHENCK. Savannah. ^
HAY. ..V
MV from Brig Pheasant, for sale by
April lib C. C. GRISWOLD,
Jav 11
Marking Brushes,
O F n auperior quality, just received u »
for sale by GIIO. R VERSON
nov 20