About Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1825)
• ■ „n\rPSTlC9.—The Block of pomostic (to* to mlrket is not very Urge* bW well „" r ,c«I. Demand moderate, ©!iisa©'yi\ai ( OllO0EttU«.-At U a aale of Muscovado James Andei’SOll Cl). «.«b, „ , v- .ilniiddlo tenement Young's Buildings, where they offor lor title a largo and general assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DltY GOODS, rocoived by the latent arrivals from Liver pool and Ncw-York. April 25 , *1 u!5. r ».«tt at from $10 87 to $1 I 60—47. TTAVB removed to tho h Is of the »ame were sold at 1025 to 10 d-| Young's Buildings,' • Jliohhls. of Havana Molasses brought Three hundred and torty-seven jTpiVl Coffee woro disposed of by private srSffit rents*eaah. , SILT—The lust salo of tins article, was at «0 eents. The quantity on hand is not great, and the demuod muderate and "‘cotton BAGGING.-But few sales of this article have token place tin: l»« week. We quote it from d0 to SiJioogh boldorn generally oak more. Tho stock is tir.-ttv extensive and the demand moderate. 1 TOBACCO.—The prices of this article reinnin steady at our quotations. There is net muoli.il snd it is rather dull ow- in,, to the grocers being generally supplied before the Into advance. FREIGHTS.—Wo continue our quota tions of freights to Liverpool, the same as last week. TIiobm vessels which are receiv ing eurgoes, take Cotton at til. to t|>— Freights to New-York may bo quoted at \i&) & WenAtickfton, H AVE recoivod at their Drug snd Che. mical Ware-Hoiisc.cnrnerofCongress and Whittaker-Streets, Shad’s Buildings, Savannah, by recont arrivnls, carefully se lected by one of tho partners, now in Neiv- York, a general assortment of MF.nici.vES nvF. tenons, di r- STUFF V, .U'OTUF.nAHIK# GCASS, PERFUMER F, SPICES TEAS, (Sc. comprising the best assortment they ever tillered, which will be warranted of the first »to l and us high as 1 cent is naked hy «l"»litv, ami sold ut wholesale or retail, for ■ lu *’ ° Cush or good paper. Merchants, I’hysi* For New-York, The substantial schooner DOLPHIN, Samuel Burges*. Master, >For freight or passage, npplyto the master on board, at Bolton’s Central WJinrf, or to PARIS HILL. May 3 ; 34 cians and Planters, are invited to exatniue for themselves. N. B.—Orders will be executed with de spatch, and forwarded without delay. Anril »9 JToUf-e T HE co-partnership of GAUDRY fa HERBERT, is dissolved by mutual consent. Persons who nro indebted to said firm, sro requested to ninke payment to — JOHN B. GAUDRY, lie being fully au- For Ncw-York 65 Providence, | thorised to settle the affairs of said concern The schooner MARY AN N, J. E. Lcuin. Mader, wFor freight or puesugc, npplyto the master on board or to PARIS HIM.. May 3 JOSEPH KOPMAN CO. H AVE received by tho William Wal lace, a further Bupply of - DrU\s\i, VinicAi & Canton Vi l*lt\ A , \ V7. I and J Cambrie. Prints Ginghams, Dimities White and Printed Mnrseills Vesting Plain and iigurud Juconot and Book Muslin Plain ami Figured Swiss Muslin Swiss Muslin Robes and Aprons Do do Illidkfs and Points Silk Stripe Drilling Denmark Satlins, Corduroys Cotton Hope, assorted Madrass Handkerchiefs Super Blue Cloths and Cassimeres Black and Colored Canton Crapes Blnclt Nankeens do Colored do Robes Sincliows and Lovnirtincs Levantine Sattin Blnck Figured Silks Brown do do Bareges Scarfs, Shawls and Dresses Seersuckers Blue nud Yellow Nankeens Bnnduim and Flag Handkerchiefs Blnck Barcelona Silk Stockings and Hnlflldsc Buckskin Gloves Umbrellas, Parasols nnd Fans 4 Cases } Lilians, assorted 2 do J. J, and 'J. Diapers 20 Bales Domestic: Plaids, Stripes and Shirtings, Sir. 11 do Oznnbnrgs together with a variety of other articles, worthy the attention of Planters and Coun try Merchants. April Id 90 MdJthdtt MM ¥»«. tlAV RE. A LINE OF PACKETS has been esta blished between New-York and Havre, to Iqavo both ports regularly, on the Fint on./ Fifteenth day, of each month during the yrnr. The ships composing the line, are fast sailers, well found and commanded, cop pered and copper fastened. Their accom modations for passongors, comprise all that can bo required, for comfort and conveni ence. Passengers in the cabin will be ta ken for Jl 40 each, for which they arefurnish- ed with beds, bedddlng, wines and ample stores of every description. Goods intended for shipment by them, maybe sent to the agents, who will attend to their reception and forwarding, without charge for storage nr commissions. The expenses which may. in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with the freight at Havre. A letter Bng is at the Ncw-York Post Office, for all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas- sago, must be addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS fa BOYD. Jtge.nl,. New York. o-t 14 79 IMS BM8. A PRIME FAMILY OF NEGROES. BY CALVIN BAKER, THIS DAY, 3d instant, At XI o'clock, will be sold in front of the Court House in this city, a Prime Family of Negroes, consisting of a first rate cook, mi excellent wushur und ironer. and good seamstress i a boy about eleven years of age, and the rest children Conditions.—One titird of the purchase money cush, tiie bal ance approved endorsed noteB, payable on the first of January next. M ,. o vuinuSo iJSST Widow's Society. T ills subscribers to flic Widow’s Socie ty, an* requested to meet at tins resi dence of Mr. Most:* Ci.kland, THIS DAY the third of May. at eleven o’clock, A- M. for the purpose of electing a Board of Di- fectresses, ter iho running year. By order of the Board. A. BARRON,Secretary. Mnv 3 • 33 M lassev Whiskey ft? Flour, I NOR SALE by E. BURR1I.L, Mongin’s Wharf. May 3 34e Cologne Wider. R ECEIVED hy the Savannah, of a su perior quality, for sale at LA Y & HENDRICKSON’S, May 3 Shad’s Buildings. ISotice. ItWidelkd No. T A DIVIDEND of six dollars per share has this day been declared on the pro fits of the Steutu-Boat Company, for the Inst four months, payable on the first Mon day in June next, to the Stockholders or their authorized agents, at the steam boat office, Savannah. WM. IV HUNTER, Treasurer Steam-Boat Company. Mnv 3 34rrt UEMOYAIi. Anril J. B. GAUDRY, M. HERBERT. 2ft THE SUBSCRIBER I NFORMS tjie friends of the former firm and the public in general, that he will continue the GROCERY BUSINESS, at the same stand, and solicits their patronage, and all persons indebted to the firm of GAUDRY & HERBERT, are requested to make as speedy payment, ns possible. JOHN B. GAUDRY. April 2ft 2ftep Sperm Candles. 4 A BOXES New-Bndford Sperm Can- dies, Holland & Son’s Brand, receiv ed per Savannah, for sale bv J. B. HERBERT & CO. May 7 Mac k a re 1, 50 BARRELS N 3, Boston Mticka- rol, lutiding and for solo bv L. BALDWIN & CO. May 2 33o Copartnership, C C. GRISWOLD, having taken En- • ward Wiley into copartnership they will in future transact business under the firm of G\ C. ORISIfXfLD $ co. May 2 Coffee. A f* BAGS St. Domingo Coffee O Ift do Havana do Just lauded and for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. April 2ft T HE subscribers have romoverKto John ston’s Square, next door west ofi Messrs. A. Low & Co. where they are ■opening u huudsonu* assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry floods, in addition to their former stock. W. & II. ROSE. April f* 10 (D* The Darien Gazette, and Recorder, Milludgevillp, will give the above four in sertions, and forward their accounts to this ollio. F lour. 1 *}() BARRELS FLOUR, fur fain- ilv use, Canal, tor mile by April 4 fei'WUVli rtuVSOUUAI g owns. B Y the ships Georgia and Ilarp, arrived from Liver pool, the subscribers have Received their usual supply of SEASONABLE mm mm®* Having been purchased with cash, pre vious to the advance in England, they cun be afforded and will be sold ut low prices, and on a long credit, for undoubted paper. ' ANDREW LOW & CO. Feb 2ft HO Goshen Butter. finding from ship Savannah t f\ KEGS Prime Goshen Butter. A V_F in STORE, lft Casks Goshen Cheese, for sale low 1ft llanols Rye Flour t r » do Whiskey 1ft do (Jin 12 do Newurk Cider 15 do North River Beer with n general assortment nf GROCERIES, tor sale by H. \) HATHAWAY. ,, „ Jones’ Upper Wharf. - M lv 2 33p warranted superior to JOHN W. LONG. 0!) The Chief Fireman, I S desirous of ascertaining the number and location of the private wells in the city. He therefore requests those who own or occupy lots on yvliirh there are such, to leave a memorandum at the Post-Office, or at his Counting-Room, mentioning the ward and number of the lot, upon which they are situated. If their depth, their diameter, the depth of water in them, and whether there is now n pump or bucket for lifting the water, can be added, it will be very ac ceptable. M*irch2ft 101 For Liverpool, (To tail about the bth May.) The ship OGLETlIORr E, Tubner, Milder. For freight of 30U bales of Cot ton or passage, apply to BENJ. BURROUGHS. April 22 2Sc r*f**»3X Dividend. No 14. BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, > Savannah, 27d April, 1325. \ T HE Board of Directors hnving this day declared a dividend on the capital stock of Ibis Bank,for the last six monrhs, of $3 per share, or six per cent per annum, ilie snine will bo paid to the respective Stockholders thereof, or to their order, on and after Monday no t. By order of the Board, A. PORTER, CashioT. • O' The editors of tlm Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News, Southern Re corder and Georgia Journal, Milledgeville, will please to publish the above three times, and charge tho exponso to this Bank. April 23 26 For Sale, A COMPLETE WAITING MAN, no- her and honest. Also, to be hired, one or wo good waiters, in a private fami ly or in a well regulated boarding house.— I'hcso servants would bo an acquisition. Apply at tin* office of the Georgian, for fur ther information* Mnv 2 ^ 32l At Private Sale. rpwo PRIME NEGROES, nnon firs! -I. rnt.c cook, and the other u prime field hand, tor sale by April 2ft B. HERBERT & CO. Checks anil Drafts on New- York, at any sight, I N sums to suit purchasers. Apply at the Marine and Fire Insurance Office April 15 iff CORN JlND BACON. o KOO BUSHELS corn Jml tlvy 15,000 Pounds Bacon, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by GEO. F. PALMES, Exchange Dock. April 29 3lp Cotton Bagging. A FEW pieces best Baltic Hemp Bagging <Ju do do Flaxen do l’ot vale hy JOHN II. R-EID. April 2ft si B Darien Money. ILLS of the Bank of Darien, will be received for Dry Goods, hy C. W. ROCKWELL & CO, April 14 is Prime Seed liice, F OR SALE—apply to SAMUEL M. BOND, or R. & J. HABERSHAM. March 11 no JUPttMAL 1XUTP.K, ®U MELANGES POUTIOUES ET LITTF.RAIRES. A M/U 'A7.INE published in l>ncr numbers, price I i ' n, for si. months OP <42 lor eons desirnii nU, c 1 l rS arc rccc *ved, and per- requested April I4 Butter, Cc. , h‘Vr Auguria. 10 «»h| S o 0llic " Batter. 1st quality. 5 t «r?""t’“ Grackcrs. * - 5 do. VVliitc Beans A. BASSETT. 13 5 uo. For sale by Ayri! 3 E W anted, MPTY POUTER BOTTLES—Ap ply to GEO .1 YERSON. March 4 Masonic Aprons. A FEW elegant Royal Arch and Master Mason’s Aprons, just received and for sale by BUTLER & SCRANTON, March 10 dfl B Wanted, ANKABLE MONEY Applv at LUTHER’S EXCIIANYE OFFICE March II Goshen Butter. I FIFTEEN firkins roceivod per ship Alt- • gusts, for sale by April 8 J, B. HERBERT & CO. * 0 ice. A LL persons having demands against the estate of Francis Courvniso.lnte of Chatham county, will present them duly attested, and those Indebted will make pay ment to R. HABERSHAM, J. HABERSHAM, mnroh 18 88 Passage for Liverpool, The first rate coppered ship CHARIOT, P. Pratt. Matter, Will sail from this port about the 20th inst. nnd enn hondbotnely accom modate passengers- For terms apply to S. B. PARKMAN. May 2 33 For New-York, established line. The regular packet ship savannah, Wm. Bchffi, Muster, Will have immediate despatch. For freight or passage, having elegant ac commodations, apply to Capt. B. on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to HALL & HOYT. May 2 For Ncw-York, Newport and Providence, The schooner G L E A N E R, B. W. Miller, Master, v" Will sail on Wednesday next.— For freight or passage, having good accnni modatious, apply to the master on board, at Jones’ Unpor Wharf. May 2 33 For Philadelphia, ~~ The sloop NEPTUNE, Pribhfc, Master, Will sail on Wednesday next. For passage only, having excellent accom modations, apply to the Captain on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to GIFFORD & BONNY. Mny 2 33p Qualified Ex ecutors. Notice. T HE Commi sinners of Pilotage have made arrangements to furnish all ves sels inward and outward bound, with Pilots. A slate will be kept in the office of the Commissioners in tho Exchange, where masters in want of Pilots will apply. By order of the Bourd of Commissioners if Pilotage. March 31 0ft Notice. CITY TREASURER’S 'OFFICE, ) April 13th, 1825. \ T IIE city lnxos for the present year, will be payable at this office from this day. to the !3!.h of May next, after which time, executions will is?ue against all per sons in default. M. W. STEWART, April 14 City Treasurer. Notice. N EITHER the consignee or the master of the British brig Torn, from Pernam buco, will he accountable for any debts contracted by the crew of said vessel. April 211 28 .Nottcfc \s \\vrvh} 1\ven- riqllAT ninety days nfter date, applica- X tion will bn made to the Stoam-Bnnt Company of Georgia, to issue & now cer tificate of stock, for one destroyed, doted 20th October, 1819, for two shares, nnd numbered 1311. Savannah 10th Feb. 1825. JAMES C. CAMPBELL. Feb 11 UK ' SVvfcv'iff’s Oftv*.fc, ) April 23d, 1825. 3 T IIE Court of Common Pluos and Oyer and Terminer, for the city of Savan nah, will bo adjourned until Wednesday, the fourth of May no.xt, of which all per sons, suitors, and others concerned, will take notice. A. I. D’LYUN, C. S. April 25 27 Cap Missing. A BROWN FUR CAP having cover ings fof the ears, and somewhat soiled within by use. was taken from the Ex change on Monday night. As the adver tiser's name was fastened inside, the per son having it can he at no loss in ascertain ing (o whom it belongs. Apply, at this of fice. March 24 100 Savannah and Augusta Alai COACH. Nr ir Arrangement—Georgia Side. rpiIE subscriber respectfully informs the -1- public that he has removed the Line of Stages on the Georgia side, and will hereafter, leave Snvnnnnh every Sunday Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 o’clork. A.M. lodge at Pierce’s, nnd arrive in Augusta Rt 5 o’clork next day. For scats, apply at the Georgia-Hetel. JOSEPH I. THOMPSON, Pro/irietor. Savannah, March 20,1825, N. B. Horses, Carriages, and Gigs, to Let—and expresses sent at the shortest notice. March 24 100 BY J. B. HERBERT It CO. THIS DAY. 3d inst. Will be nold before tho Court-House in this city, two PRIME NEGROES, one a first rate cook, and the other a field hand. Terms ensh. April 28 BY J. B. HERBERT St CO. THIS DAY, 3.1 inst. Will be sold on Telfair’s Wharf, at XI o’clock. 4* Bags PRIME ST. DOMINGO COFFEE.—Terms at time of sale. Msv 3 AD.UlNlsTRATRlX SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, ON THURSDAY, 19th May next, AT Xr.EVKN O’CLOCK, Will be sold in front ofhis Auction Store, all the personul property belonging to the estate of Col. John I. Roberts, deceased, consisting of a dwelling House in Greene wnrd, on lot No.20, An excellent Horse, Gig end Harness, one Gold Watch, two pair Pistols, Sword, Sash, Epnulets, &c. toge ther with a quantity of Household and Kitchen FURNITURE. Also, a valuable collection of BOOKS. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary,—by order the Administratix. April 8 113 PUBLIC SALE AT AUGUSTA, ON account of the Underwriter,. On THURSDAY, 5th MAY. Will be sold at Public Auction, in Au gusta, at XII o’clock, as she now lies the wreck of the steam boat HENRY SHULTZ, her sails, spars, rigging, machinery, engine,tic. on account of the underwriters and all com- cerned.—Conditions cash. April 30 jo ' ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, THIS DAY, 3d instant. At XII o’clock, in front of the Court- House, will bo sold without reserve, that valuable tract of Land. No. 75, in the Third District, Habersham County. One half of tho purchase money will be required at the time of sale, and the balance on the first of January, 1820, with interest, secured by mortgage on the land. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary, and by order of tho administratrix. March 3 Notice. U NDERSTANDING a general impres sion nxiats, that I hud abandoned tho practis e if Law, in consequence) of my pub lic situation in tho Custom-IJouse, I have thought proper to notify my friends, that I haro a private office in that building where I shall he hu|»py to receive their patronage. Unreniitted attention will be given to any hiuinens which may he confided to me, and the greatest pun luatity observed in the col lection of debts. JOS. S. PI2LOT, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. April 20 30p Notice. T HE undersigned will receive proposals for the erection of an Engine-House, in Liberty-Square, of the following mate rials and’dimensions, viz.—14 feet wide, 20 feet long, 9 feet in the clear, a door at each end 10 feet wide—the Inatoriuls brick, the roof slated, und to extend 24 foot from the eaves, with irons from which to suspend lad ders—the floor to be of brick laid edgeways, 2| inches above the surface of the earth— nnd all the necessary locks, hinges, dtc. &c. Also, for a similar building, materials wood, with the exception of the floor, which must bo the same as above spe> ified. GEO. MILLEN, I. MINIS. • J. MORRISON. April 25 . 27 Prime Pork ft Sperm i 'it. .hi,l received per ,hip William Wallace, QA BARRELS Prime Pork O" at) Barrels first quality Sperm Oil 40 Barrels Pritlie and Mean Beef For salo hy BRADLEY, CLAOHORN & WOOD, April 15 ^neiaux’, Wharf. TO SLIT THE TIMES. -41- ALL DRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. By authority of the State of Rhode Bland, Under the superintendance of Man agers appointed by La to. STATE LOTTERY, FIRST CLASS—NEW SERIES. W ILL positively be drawn in Providence on the 3d next month.—Fifty Number Combination—6 ballots to be drawn. S. Sf M. Allen if Co. Agents for the Managers, Highest Prize. SOH EME. 1 Prize of j IO,()fK> is 10,000 Dollars. 5,000 is 1,000 is 548 is 500 is 100 is 50 is 25 is ft is 5,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars. 548 Dollars, 2,000 Dollnrs. 800 Dollars. 2,200 Dollars. 2,200 Dollars. 4,224 Dollars. Yatuablh fetv’ftm-Vng'mfc at AUCTION. O N MONDAY, the 9tli May next, at 1* o’clock, will be sold at the wharf, in this city, on account of the underwriters and all concerned, the wreck of the steam-boat Henry Shultz, as she now lies, together with her rigging, sails, achore. Sic.—and at the same time and place, the engine of said boat, made by Rush Sc Mulleuburg, of Phil adelphia, upon the high prosanre principle, full sixty horse power, with four iron’ boil- ora, measuring twenty-three feet in length and thirty inches diameter, and furnace complete, not one year old. and eonsidored by the engineer, to be uninjured by the fire or explosion. Tho engine is thought to be complete, with the exception of one of the main shafts being injured. Two others however, are in Charleston, made on an improved prin ciple to those new on hoard, and will be sold as pnrt ofthe machinery. Conditions cash. Darien and North Cai- olina Money taken at par in payment. ICPTho Charleston Courier and Patriot, and Savannah Georgian and Republican, nre requested to copy th.s advertisement five times, and forward their accounts t& the agent of the boat, in Augusta. Augusta, April 27. 1825. April 30 32h 3 is 17,028 Dollars. 0350 Prizes I 19 000 ) — 13244 Blanks | Tickets. $ 49 ’ OUO DollarB ' In this scheme, with six drawn ballots, there will bo 20 prizes with three numbers on them, 660 prizes with two numbers on them, and 5676 prizes with one number on them. Those tickets having none of the • rnwn ballots on them being blunks. To determine the fate of 19,600 tickets, the 50 numbers will severally be plucod in a wheel on the day of drawing, and sj/t of them will be.drawn—and that ticket having on it as a combination the 1st, 2d and 6th ballots drawn from the wheel, will be entitled to $10,000 ; that having on it the 3d, 4tli and 5th, 5,000 dollars ; those leaving on them 1st. 3d und 6th—2d, 4th and 5th—1st, 2d mill 3d—4th, 5th and 6th—2d, 3d and 5th, each 1,000 dollars; that having on it the 1st, 4th and 6th, 548 dollars; those having on them tho 1st, 2d and 4th—3d, 5th and 6th—1st, 4th and 5th—2d, 3d and 6th each 500 dollars. All others, being 8 tickets leaving on them three of the drawn ballots, will be entitled to 100 dollnrs each. Those having on them two of the drawn ballots, nnd those the 3d and llh, will be entitled to 50 dollars each. And those having on them two of the drawn ballots, and those the 1st and 2d, or 5th and 6th, will be enti tled to 25 dollars each. All others, (being 528 tickets)having on them any two ofthe drawn ballots, will be entitled to 8 dollars each; and all those havingokk ot the drawn ballots on them, will be entitled to 3 dollars earh. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a superior denomination, can be entitled to on iufeiior prize. Prizes payable forty dayB after the drawing, and subject us usu al tu a deduction of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is pot up in parcels of 17 tickets, embracing all the combination numbers from 1 to 50, and which must of course draw at least 18 dollars, less the deduction of 15 per cent, with so many chances for the capital prizes. IMPROVED MODE OF llVUm.NG, .Secured 6y Letter, Potent under the seal of the United State. ( T HE Commissioners of Lotteries, is conformity with the Act of Assembly, present to the public, the FOUUTH 8CUEMR or tug MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, The drawing of which will take place in the city of Baltimore, and will be completed in one duy. The scheme and mode of awarding the prizes, being on an highly im proved plan, the Commissioners anticipate an early period lor the announcement of the drawing. Highest Trize $20,000. SCII EME. 1 prize of 20,000 dollars is 420,000 10,000 1 do of 10,000 dollars is 1 do of 5,000 dollars is 5,OHO 6 do of 1,000 dollurs is 6.009 4 do of 500 dollars is 2,009 20 do of 100 doJIurs is 2,000 30 do of 50'dollars is 1.500 50 do of 20 dollars is 1,000 200 do of 10 dollars is 2,000 300 do of 5 dollars is 1,500 10000 do of 2 dollars is 20,000 10612 Prizes. #70,000 20000 Tickets—not one blank to a prize!! PRICE OF TICKETS. $3. Packages of 17 Tickets, which nre war ranted to drawn 18 dollars less the usual deduction, with 17 chances for the highest prizes $50, and shares in proportion. IU" Orders received as usual, ST WM. ROBERTSON, GEORGIAN OFFICE. April 22 Chatham Academy. A PUBLIC EXAMINATION ofthe Classes in the Aendemy, will take place nn Thursday next," 2l!tli inst. The parents and friends of the pupils, are invi ted to attend. The ensuing quarter commences on Mon day, May 2d. W. T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. April 25 27^ Every prize payable in cash, sixty day* after the drawing, subject to a deduction . of fifteen per cent. Mode of Drawing.—The numbers will he . put into one wheel ap usual—and in the other wheel will be put the prizes above the denomination of two dollare, and the drawing to progress in the usual manner. The 10.000 prizes of $2, will be awarded to the odd or even numbers ofthe Lottery, (ns the case may be)dependant on the drawing of the capital prize of 420,000— that is to sny, if tiie 20.000 dollar prize should come out to an odd number, then ovpry nHrl immlaor in tlm enhnmu ivill be c.« titled to a $2 prize. If the 20,000 dollar' prize should come out to an even number, then all the even numbers in tiro scheme will be each entitled to a prize of 2 dollars. The odd Numbers are those ending with- 1,3. 5,7 or 9. The even Numbers nro those ending with 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0. b This mode of drawing not only ennhles the Commissioners to complete tho whole Lottery in one drawing, but has the great advantage of distributing the small prizes regularly to every alternate number in the schemes, so that the holder of two tickets or two shares of tickets, (one odd and one even numberjwill be certain of obtaining at least ope prize, and in the same ratio for any greater quantity. A ticket drawing n superior prize in tliia scheme, is not restricted from drawing an inferior one nlao. The Tickets will bn ready in the course of the ensuing week. JAMES L. HAWKINS, ) NATH. F. WILLIAMS, VCpm'crs, JAS. B. RINGGOLD, S' Baltimore, March 25, 1825. Orders for Tickets or Shams in the shove Lottpry, (which will positively be drawn in Baltimore, outlie tilth of May next,) re vived and forwarded at 1 LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. April 16