Newspaper Page Text
^ ■'fifth? %
Hheiiff’s Sales.
0« tki/nt IMif fa JWim nexf,
MMU. be sold *1 lb* Ocurt-Houae in Ok
Am Iowa ef Jefferson, botwoon the hour
•Tub o’rioek io th* morning, aad four o'olk
ia tbo afternoon, one undivided moiety, of
\ZGKSnSL% b.w«,h*uof
Treasury Department,)
March, 14, 1825 5
W ’HBRE AS on the 3d of Match, Ift J, »
1 law araa paiaed by the Congress of thr
United 8utea,of which the 3d, 4th, end Ith
lections arc in the words following, via i
<• Sec. 3. Mil he i> further matt til, That a
subscription io the amount of twelve milloni
.of dollars, of the sic per cent, stock of the
All the buildings and improvements on Lot year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
No 40, Warren ward, wth the unexpired lease 1 ‘ 1 J * * J * t ““*‘
of said Lot of Land, levied on as the properly
mm mm
Sheriff ’s Sales,
On the fret Tuesday in July next,
ilf It L be sold a; the liourt House in the
TT City of Savannah, between the hours
often and fbur o'clock,
User, containing lire hundred acres, I f chiles H Hayden, under a fla, fa on tore,
rleaa, two hundred and fifty acres of I olusure In favor of Fraderiek W "
which la under cultivation, and bounded earn
by lands of Mm. F M. Osborne, south by lands
it — Habersham, weal by Hindi of John,
atom northwardly by Satllia River, together
with all the buildings and plantation tools
thereto belonging.
Abo, fifty or sixty head of cattle, thirty
aheep, two fiats, one boat, end the following
negro slaves, to wit, Oeorge, Lucy, Alaliba,
March, Charloite, Georgette, Peggy, Cassius,
Blleck, Pend tody, Floret, Harriet, Sam, Hen-
8 ’, Friday, Simon, Balbesay, Louiu, Susan,
raeetta, Helly, Pattey, Nancy, Marcus, My
ra, Jamas, Toney, Helen, Romulun lanette,
Secndy, Abbey, Beq, P evidence, Monsou,
May 9
U'LYON, D. 5, C. C.
the same is hereby proposed i for which pur
pose books shall be opened at the Treasury of
the United States, and at th, several loan uffi
eea, on the first day of April neat, to eqntinur
open until the first day of October thereafter,
for such parts of the above mentioned da
seription of stock as shall, oa the dayjof sub
seription, stand on the books of the treasury
Q ^ I ed bya transfer Jo the United Statra, in the
R espectfully informs his friendB |
a.' tuliAf n.i, I • *»• iseiarubiii, opposite iiic
Al^n. ^Laurn Long S^Urge^rtehfjf f ° r 8al<J “ '° W
Jim, Rose, Uttle Jim, Little Jack, Smart, t" ,ce “>»large assortment of
Phebe, Billy, Nat, Damor, Driver Jim, Maria. V refill DrUgB. J%eaiCU»8,
' Lavtnla, Cleopat.ia, Canadi, Dorcas, Tenah I
Luke, Sally, Paulina, Calista, Roiana, Scipio" I
Cain, Nancy Cane, Frederick, Job, Bon, Pin'
sab, Deck, Pompey, Patty, Diana, Cohtmbu
Bob, Ust*,Andrew, Nanny, Matthew. London, I
Little Pan dab, Prince, CCaser, Phillis, Little I
Jaek,Fanny,Daniel,Castor,Ned, Little George, I
Solomou, Gsrnbay, Kate, Pricilla, Adam, and [
Mary, being one hundred in number, levied I
on and to be sold to mtisfy an execution |
against John King and Wesvaie Jones, in la-
tor «f Jaoab B. Volk*
Also, one haute and lot, situate, lying and
bring,in the town ofSt. Marys, being part of
lot number one, containing one hundred feet I
in front, and four hundred and ihirty-sin feet I
deep, levied on and to be told as the property f
Of John B. Christopher, to satisfy an execu I
tioq on foreclosure of mortgage, in favor ol I
William Bertie, under the rule absolute.
April 23d. 183$.
April 28 30
mniidet provided by law for such trlotfars, of
the Credit or ered ts standing on the mid
books, and by a surrender of the irtificater
nf the itbcfc so tubseribed i Provned, Thai
, , .all subscription by such transfer of Sock shill
and the public, that he has purchased be considered as part of the nid twelve mil-
the establishment in the above business, be- lions of dollars authorised to be bojrowed by
longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the | Che firat seeti< n >.f ibis act.
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the Jiret Tuesday in June next,
trnplLL be nid in front of tbe Court
ly Houm, in the city of Sevennah, between
tbe usual hours of ten and four o'clock,
Lot and buildings No ?S, Brown ward, le
vied on under two executions again* C H Hay
den, in favor of Frederick W. Heinemann.
fcud io favor nf RAJ Habersham-
Two Lota of land, situate from tbe corner
ef Rut Broad-*', on tbe Thunderbolt Ruad.
oil the adj lining corner, levied on as the pro
perty of C H Hayden, to aatisfy an execution
iieuing from a Justices Court in fhvor of A Dc
Laroriw returned tome by tconitable.
A negro man nemed Doctor, levied on as I
tbe property of Josish(J Tippin, to ntisfy two
exeeutions in favor of George W Coe, and one
Id favor of J B Wick.
Three negroes, Titus, Betsey, end Chance,
levied on ee tbe property of Thoa N Morel, to
satisfy an execution iu favor of the Baok of the
•tate of Georgia.
A woman named Phillis and her child Ste
phen,levied on as the property of tbe eat. of A.
Jackson, under an execution from Richmond
Superior Court, in Ihvor of Jooathan Sawyer,
A, D'LYON, D. S. C. C
May 9 , 39
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the Jiret Tueeday in June next.
TTVILL be sold at the Court-Houie in the
City of Savannah, between the hours
of ten end four o'clock, the following 16 ne 1
grace, vis
Slppio, Hager, Abner, Snap, Mareh, Jerry,
Billy, Burke, Parris, Brsfh, Dinah, Little Brant,
Prince, Ben and Meriam, with the increase
jf the families! levied on under a foreclosure
of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William
Washington, for use.
Two negroes, vix t Ned ind Glasgow,, levi.
ed oo a foreclosure of a mortgage from Chas.
Ulmer to Joseph K ipman.
april 4 09
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the firat Saturday, after the first Tues
day in June next, will be sold at tbe
Market-House in the town nf St. Marys, two
negroes, vix. Bob and Rose, levied on ss the
property o* Joseph Rain, to satisfy an execu
tion on tbe foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor
of Samuel Clarke, sndGeorge 9. Brown.
April 8,182$' M. H. HEBBARD, £ C C.
April 1 13
Sheriff’s Sales,
On the fret Tuesday in June next,
F ve Hundred acresefLsnd lying in the
County of Effitgham, bouoded north by
Michael Hydes, east oy Christian Robenhuiat
all other aide* vacant at the time of the origin
al survey. Also 150 terra, half of a tract ot
300 acrespriginally granted to Christian Ro-
autV Chemicals,
Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony
Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot
Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do
Pern, do Fola
Camphor, Cantharides, Cinnamon
American best and common Castor Oil
Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas
Columbo, Fmery, Gum Assafrotida
Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal
Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium
Isinglass, Indigo, LancetB, Liquorice
Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Votnica, Oxyd of Bizmuth
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil
Feariasit, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar
Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts
Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine
Taints YScy and in Oil.
White, Red and Black Lead
Prussion Blue, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow
Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts
Japan and Copal Varnish.
T ev turners.
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil
Beet English Shaving Soap
Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water
Otto of Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Med
" Sec. 4. Amt he I' further enacted Tbit fbr
the whole or any part of any turn wYich ihall
be thus subscribed, credits shall he tittered to
the respective subscribers, who ihall be enti
tled to a certificate or certificates purporting
that the United States owe to the hol ier or
holders thereof; bis, her, or their assigns, a
turn to be expressed therein, equal to th<
amount of the principal stock tbuiaubscribiid!
bearing an interest not exceeding four aad
nne half per centum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-first day of Decem
ber, one thouund eight hundred end twenty
five / transferable in the nne u-anner sai>
provided by law for the tranafer of the stock
subscribed, and subject to redemption at the
pleasure of the United States, ss follows: one
naif at any time afer the thirty.firat day of
December, one tliounnd eight hundred and
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time
after the thirty-fi at day of December, one
thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine i
Provided, That no reimbursement shall be
made except for the whole amount of such
new certificate/ nor until after at leaat six
month! public notice of xuch intended reim-
bttrsement. And it ihall be the duty of the
Secretary cf the Treasury to cause to be trine
ferred to the reipective subscribers the sever
al sums by them subscribed beyond the amount
of the certificates of four snd one half per
ent, stock issued to them respectively. ...
M See. 5. And be it further enacted, Thsl
he nee funds which have heretoture been,
and now are pledged by law for the payment
of the interest, snd for Ilia redemption
reimbursement of the stock which msy be re
deemed or reiihburied by virtue of the pro
visions of this set, shall remain pledged in like
manner for thepaementof the interest accru
ing on the stock created by reaaon of su'd,
aubscriprion, and for the redemption or reim
bursement of the principal of the same. And
it shall be the duty of the commissioners of the
sinking fund to cauae to be applied and paid,
out of the said fund, yearly and e-e-y year,
Vegetable Catholicon.
IOHE anhscriber resp-otfully solicits the at
U tention of every friend of suffering hu
inanity, to to the above orw and invaluable
remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating
from the system the very aeed* of dlaease,
and in restoring the deranged and morbid
condition of the organa of life ten free and
healthy exercise of their functions, has exci
ted the aktonishmeni, and completely alien
eed the objections of the most inert dulous —
Facte are the heel arguments. In order to pul
the virtues of the Uavholicon to si aevere a
scrutiny u possible, it was offered by adver
tisement. together with the attendance of a
physician, gratuitously to any persm who
would apply for it, and whose cause might
seem t-' oome within the range of its healing
rower—numbers of severe esses of long six d-
ng.nndtome of them seemingly de,m r-ie
ones, pre ented themselves, all of which have
been cured, or so much relieved as to warrant
t he assertion that a little perseverance will do
so In fret, such is the confidence ofthe phyai
ciah under whose care these patients were
rltced, in this remedy, a confide :ce reiu.t-
ng from the irresistible convLuon that has
been forred upon his mind by ocular demon
stration, ai d a personal trial nf it on himsell
tint be permits me to declare it as his deri
ded opinion, that the Catholicon is not only a
perfectly safe snd innocent, but a most pow
erful sod invaluable remedy in certain dis
eases snd stntca of the ay item, such as the fol
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dimipation i Old and inveterat- Uicera. Pains-
in the bones attended with swellings of the
tetnes of every kind, the whole ot I 9ue h sum and sums as may be annually roquii
warranted quality. I ed to discharge the into-eat accruing on the
Jan 20 47 I stock which msy be crested by virtue of this
•a.,r»ct The nid commissioners ore, also, here-
MAHOGANY FURNITURE, I by authorised to apply, from time to tint,
Piano Fortes, Curled Hair Ma-|* ueh>umandau,D * "o' of the nid fund, a>
trasses, Feather Beds,
BOLSTERS & PILLOWS, CIIAIRS.&c. fortuity with the proyiiiona of this act, the
' principal of the said stook : and such part ot
T HE subscriber offers foreale the follow
ing articles, warranted to be of the
I best quality
Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables
Breakfast do. Dressing Tables
Do. with Glasses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Stands
Ward Robes, Piano Stools
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curlcu Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hail Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrasses
Do do Moss do
Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows
Children’s Chairs of ail kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
Cots and Matrasses to fit.
Also, a large assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match
The above articles can be examined at
I the store in Wliittaker-Street, opposite Col.
IShellman. I. W. MORRELL.
March IS 93
the annual sum often millions of dollars, vest
ed by law in the nid commissioners, n msy
be necemry snd required fbr the above pur
poses, ihall be and continue app.opriated to
the payment of interest snd redemption of
the public debt, until the whole of the atock
which may be created under the proriaiona ol
thia act, shall have been redeemed or reim-
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that
b- oks will be opened at the Treasury of tbe
United States, and ,t the several loan offices,
on tbe firat day of April next, and continue
open until the firat di" of October, therraf
er, for receiving Aubscrintions in conformity
with the provisions of the uid law.
The subscriptions msy be msde by the pro.
prietors of the stock; either in person or by
their attorneys duly suthorxedto subscrib-
and transfer it to the United States.
Sh -uid subscriptions of raid stuck be msde
to an amount exceeding twelve millions o!
Julian, s distribution of the nid sum of twelve
millions of dollars will be made among the
subscribers,in proportion to the sums subset!
bed by them respectively,
Acting Secretary of the I'reasurv*
March ”6 lO.D’O
could wish to ho. With my thanks, *m your
-tbligod humble lervakt, Ua
City <f Phi’adelphia, ee
George Kano, of the District of South.
warbt personally appeared, end,, bring duly
sworn, doth declare and uy tint the above
statement is in ill respects correct and true
and that the signature tbit ia in the band
writing of this deponent
JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28, 1824-
The Vegetable ttatbolieon is peculiarly
adapted to those diseaaes - hich are prevalent
amoog the coloured population of tbo south
In that disease which is called yawa, it is a
sure remedy t a single trial of it, will convince
plantere of its euperior efficacy to any reme
dy of a similar nature in the United States-
The advantages ofthls medicine ore, not
confining the patient unneces -rily to the
house, or keeping him from his business.—
With one solitary exception, that of spiritu
ous liquors, it thee ml lay any retlrieliene upon
hie appetite. It is so gentle in its operation
that the p Aient finds himself getting well he
cannot tell how. As ft is not the wish ofthe
proprietor to take any thing lor which he
cannot gife a consideration equal in value,
persons at a distance who tnay wish to try
tiis medicine, but who are not certain if it
be spplicoble to their complaint, are request
ed to describe 'heir case snd symptoms in
a letter, post-paid, and directed to him—this
teller will be immediately placed in hsnda
fully competent to decide the question.—
Should ‘ lie remedy not seem to suit the dis
ease, they will be frankly told ao.
To prevent d ^appointment it ia well to
triRioTtri iniTioa, ^
V & O J? O A A La
By faM(TEL IP. 41MSTR0MO m „
^ernhill.H.etth for pMiehiuy
FJtttLTHIBLK eontaiwne all the a
final ttefereneee. to be coup ieetlt,,»
bclbtheil with a like nett of the Author* **
I T shall be well printed, on good pm,,..
be comprised in six handsome vK“*
Will contain the Scriptures of the 0 j J
Mtw rename nil, the Intcethiclory Otun, ■■
Explanatory Astra, and Practical
•ltd all (lie copious Marginal He'e,Z!T^-
ing printed word lor won frotn the I ’»j
Stereotype Edition, published since the t
thor’s decease The price will be •>
boards t 824, in sheep ; 830, in cstfbiedi’,*
M.?,mi! ready for deli,^
Ex raete of Lette-e addreuedto thePcb’j,, n
I esteem Dr. Scott’e Family Bible .»■
C *. lc . > ‘ l * te . ( l lQ P tomit c the cause of'S^
join's; Indigestion, BloUhes on the face, <( , (e t | la( j tt<kes ; nor ji na „y CISeI f r0! n 3 to
ptmpler, Ac. t All complaints of the Liver t 1 - — -
rotter.- Yaws; Syphilis.- Cutaneousdiseaae,
generally ; Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Catholicon (which the proprieter ml
emnly pledges h-s word eonsilts delusively
nf vegetable matte') with the exception of s
slight determi mtion to the bowels, which it
preserves in a soluble state, sets insensibly, is
f ileasant to the taste, and requires n • partial
sr regimen, (abstinence from apirtuous li
quors always excepted,) or confinement. As
a gentle, safe and agree,ble cathartic medi
cine, improving the appetite and restoring the
general tone of the system, it is confidently
recommended to iadiea in a delicate situa
tion. W. W. PO ITER,
66 Uhesou-.-slreet.
Philadelphia. May 31,1824.
5 bottles to effect a cure so that persona who
are labouring under any aerioos infirmity,
must make up their mind to peraevere to that
extent at least—if they do not, they might as
well rave themselves tbe trouble snd expense
of usings smaller quantity.
All ordere poet-paid and enclosing the money,
immediately attended to, snd ihe medicine
packed and delivered with direction! for uae,
io any place in the city, and forwarded as di
N. B. To prevent the possibility of all im
position, it will be sold in the city of Philadel
phia, nt the office in Filth near Race-Street,
ir at the dwelling of the propri- tor, No. 66
Dheanut street, only, and abroad by hia au
thorized agents. W W POT1 EH,
66 Cheenut Street, Pliilade'.pfiia'
I have appointed GRORGE BYE ISON
At the request of Ur. W. W. Potter, Lhave I Druggist, nf Savannah, m-.- sole agent. Drug
lately exhibited, in several instances, a medi I-'-*- —-* i.-li- —-a—i—
cited lirup, called Po'ter’s Vegetnble Catho
'icon, with the most derided advantage. It
has, ss ict, never failed effecting score in
esery case in which I have thnngr.t proper to
employ it. H. H’MUtt TRIE, M D.
Phi'atlelphia, July 28th, 1824.
Mr. W W. Potter,
Dear Sir—You expressed a wi-Jt that I
would give a concise statement of my suffer
ings, from'the hopeless commencement, to
the present propitious stage of my disease'
About five years ago, on my piuage from
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, 1 was seised
with a violent fever. Hiving no medical at
tendants on board, I waa compelled to bear
it, at I might for two weeks, when on my ar
rival at Charleston, 8. C. it was treated as
fyphus. The skill of my Physician subdued
the fever, but Pharix-like, the terminstion
of this gave rise to a disease equally distress
ing, and which, till now, I had thought incur,
able. Various abacuses made their unwel
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were swelled to an enormous sixe.—
These gradually subsided into hard tumors,
one of which an my left knee affected the
bone—an incision was now made and s large
evacuation of pus, mixed with pieces of bone
took place. In addition to thia; I suffered tbe
moat excruciating pains in my joints that man
gists wanting tile above valuable medicine,
will be supplied by him far cosh, at the same
rate, as if ordered direct from me—vix. 830
per d.zen, or three dollars s single bottle.
,W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia.
Any person on application to tbe subscriber
will be furnished with certificates of iko effi
cacy of the shove medicine, sufficient in con
vince the mind of the most sceptical, altbougl;
too numerous and lengthy for newspaper in
sertion. GEO. KYERSON, Druggist,
Corner of Bay and Whittaker-Street*,
dec 13
Family Bible without beoomhg , *i' . '
better man. EDWARD D GHiFp v 4
I have seen no eomm-ntary „f .
Scriptures which 1 think .a well sdsDtS
general use snd edification. It'
which ever, famaly « ught
It is a work diitingui,),^ f„Ahn •
ty snd convenience of 'n, tmntcinenL iul
clearness and fidelity of iu ts?ofiiio n ,'
neatness and perspicuity of it, lly ^ ^ ™
nevoh nee snd candour of iu spiriiTthe co £
ctseness snd pertinency o/,t, sppliealSE
Of Dr. Scott’s Family Biblef'l fer-Hm i,
say, that in my estimation it deservedly,*,,
among our ablest snd brat Conmunts-ira
Dr. Scott's Family B ble intended mere*
pecially for P-e use of Christian families iu
work high y evangelical, extensively ins J
live, snd deeply interesting.
Daniel c. 9 ankers.
The character of Dr. Scon’s Cummeniin
1 tile Bible, is so generally kuown, indTi
highly approved amongst the most intelligent
and pious Christiana throughout oureonJL
,-nd has passed rapidly through su many la.Jt
editions, that 1 deem further recoro&emO.
lions needless-
Between W. Davit*. Administrator, Complain
ante anti John Carnovhun Adm ; nistrat'*r, d
bonis no , with the will annexed of Gear re
Richardson and others, Dcjendants ——In
equity, Chatham Superior Court- Chancery,
20th August, 1824.
I T appearing ihit John Murray Carnochan,
one of the defendants in the said bill of
complaint named, rntidea without the state of
Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdom*
of Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotland :
It ii ordered that the laid John Murray Car*
nochan, do appear and answer to the com*
plaintnt’* laid bill, within nine months from
i the date of thia order, otherwise that the
sitid bill,as to him, betaken pro confeMo ,•
»nd it ia further ordered, that a copy of this
_ - -j. . , , order be pubhslud once a week, in one of
erer experienced. Every thing that wag j ^ p U ^|j c Gazettes of thia state, until the ex*
administered either gave roe no relief ..rser- of the time withill which the wi ,i de .
ved to aggravate the disease, the seventy of ^ nd4n , it tequ i red to appear snd answer as
which increased with every succeeding year. | j. aNM j | j' n rr
Administrator’s Notice.
A LL persons indebted to tlio estate of
Randolph M’Gillis, late of Camden
r , n County, deceased, are requested to make H u iMt mii IIJUI U1
benhurst.' Also 4-:i0 acre* bounded north bv I payment, and those having demands against I ,rtuat7d^n"’liie county iforeraid.'aonveyed'bi
lands of Dmiel Steiner, cut Jno Snyder and eaid estate, will present them to the under-1 the Mid- Timothy, to the said fanglry and
o»he«,atihe time of original survey. Also, signed. HANNAH M’GILLIS, Selvester, and lying on the south aids tf
1X0 AAi-iaa fllMitllMtmwilItt kas Imsirta sifllnKilliKiiPaS I A J ‘1-1 . I . H./iL n- . . -
Oeorgia—Camden Colmty.
Superior Court, October Tetm, 1824.
Timothy Hopkine, ve. Ijmgley and Selveeler
O N petition of Timothy Hopkina, stating
that in consideration of certain prom
issory note,, made to tbe raid Timothy, by
them, one payable with interest, from first
of January, 1821, on tbe first of January, 1822:
» aecond payable as aforeni', on Ihe firat uf
January, 1823/ and a th'rd payable as afore
said, on the first of January, 1834, executed >
mortgage to mid Timothy Hopkins, bis heirs
snd assigns, <>n all those four trie's of;
Such was my painful situation that I despaired
of ever being restored to my hesl -h t I bed.
not only tried the regular means of relief,
but used, though in vain, every popular rem
edy I could hear of- It was in this awful and
deapundmg condition,tint I was persuaded to
-ommenee a course of your Vegetable fath/l
icon, snd the happv result is, **/ am the nee
of the too bottlce my whole system hat under
gone a complete revo ulion, my puitu have fo so-
lee.i me /” the discharge from my knee began
to dimmish, and soon ceased altogether, ibe
ulcerfrom whence it proceeded being com
pletely healed. The tumors, for the.removal
of which I have tried in vein more remedies
than I can name, are rapidly decreasing ; my
appetite, which was gone, has returned—I an.
in fact, nearly well, snd feel confident that a
few bottlea more of your, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will make me perfectly so.
Yuur obliged friend,
Frue copy from the Minutes, thia 21st day
August, 1824. A. U.FANN’IN, Clerk,
august 24 S0f
lSU.e essouthws-dly by lands uf Robenbu'st,
ecssAJohn and George Snyder, and north
Robcnhunt, st the time ofthe anginal survey.
The above land! levied «n as the property of
Charles Tiot. to sttlafy executions in favor of
Henry H'Alpin snd David Gugle.
May 6 87
Administrator’s Sale.
On Use fret Tuesday in July next,
DSTWEEN the usual hoars, will be sold
St. Marys, April 10th, 1825.
April 27 29|i.
ply to
March 4
at tbo Court-Huuaa in Bryan County,
th- following described pri
ofthe estate of Matthew
sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditors,
and by an order of tbe Court of Ordinary of
mid county, vist
2f0 acres of land in Gwinnett County,
known as Lot No- 36J, in the 7ih District.
'250 acres in Early County, known u Lot
No IMt the 20th District
200 acres Fine Land, in Effingham County
Also, twosiaves.
Coeditaona of rale m di known on the day.
April W SOJr *
. in iiki.iu i, nvi m I
• dministrator’s Noiice.
A LL persons having demands against I
John Stroot, (ate ot' Chatham County,
deceased,-ere requested to hand them in,
within the time prescribed by low, duly ut-
Georgia—Chatham County,
In the Court of Ordinary, Mav Term, 182$.
Great Sstilla River, one tract containing ser-
enty-aeven|acrea, more, or leas / two tracts
untaining fifty seres, more or less, and one
'her tract, containing one hu-tdred asd eigh-
y-eight acres, more or less, conditioned for
he payment of the three said several nntes,
>n the days above mentioned, and that laid
everal notea remain unpaid—on motion of
Archibald Clark, attorney for plahtif, it is
rdered, that the raid Langley and Selvester,
their heirs or assigns, pay into Coif,, within
twelve months from this date, iheaums due
on raid notes, and Ihe interes and ioats, olh-
erwiae tint the equity of redemptiqi be for.
plying witn Ihe law, tor he sale of s Lot ol
Ground, number four, [4] second Tything
Reynolds Ward—Also, p-rt of s Lot, number
sis. Tower Tything, Decker Ward being the
real eatate of the arid dee. lor the benefit of
theheiraand creditors i—It ia ordered, that a
nolire be published nine mnnthi, in one ol
I the Public Gaietta of the City of Savannah,
True estraet from the minutes, 2Rh Octo
ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Cfcrfc.
nov 4 87
Philadelphia, July r 6, 1824.
My confidence in the vegettble estbolieon
is undiminishud, and as fresh in. tsnees of its
powers aro daily occurring, in my own prac
tice. I have no beaitation in recommending it,
in tbe peculiar diaeaica to which it ii applica
ble, as superior to any remedy I am acquaint
ed with. M. M’MUHTHIE, M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,18 4
Sir—In consequence of imprudent expos
ure four years ago I had the misfortune io be
come affl'cted with i disease, the painful re
sults of which induced me to apply in suc
cession to several respectable physicians of
thia city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite ii distressing
as the former. My whole system became a‘-
fected. I could get no rest at night on ac
count of the violent pain that I fen in every
part of my body / the weakneaa and e nacia
tioo of which was such that I could scarcely
walk. In this state I fortunately heard of
your vegetable catholicon-four bottlea of
which, hu completely restored me, I have
Georgia Camden County.
W HEREAS Sarah Brown, Junior, widow,
appliea to he Court or Ordinary of raid
County, for Letters of Administration on the
estate of John Brow, late of said county, de
creased, sr nest of kin: These are, therefore,
to cite and admonLh, all and singular, the
kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file
their ot j lotions, if any they have, in mv of
fice, on or before the first Hard -y in June
neit, 'thcrwise Letters will be granted tin ap
Witness the Honorable Brit'iii R Bunk-
ley, one of tbe Justices of said Court,
this rixteenm day of April, eighteen
hundred a d twenty five.
April 21 24
TkTINE months afterdate, applicationwitl be
J- made to tbe Hon. the Judges of theCourt
of Ordinary nf Chatham eminty, fbr leave to
eqoiring all pet sons interested, to show cause. (* e)l 1,1 the re *' **t»te ofthe late William Craig,
f any they have, why the prayer of the peti- deceased, for the benefit of the bein ami et«3-
It- ... IA - .a L a 1 * I ifiton saFaeral aatala
toner should not be granted.
S M. BOND.c c.o.
Wav ’* - 41$
Sperm Cundles, Goshen But- \
ter, &c.
| itors of said estate.
JOHN H’NISH, Executor:
net 19 Ft
tested, end those indebted ere requested to 20 Kegs Goehen Butter
make immediate payment to
Qualified Executor.
May 6 36i/j
20 Han Barrels Beef
92 Kegs Tripe
| For sale by J. B. HERBERT Sc CO<
April 16
A LL persons having demand* against the
estate of Constant Freoman, Esq . late of
tbe city of Washington, deceased, are re
quired to hand them in, legally attested,
within tha time prescribed by law : and those
indebted to said estate, ere required to make
immediate payment, to
J»n 14 42pe
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS 'obn Chevalier, has applied
to raid Court, f >r Letters Diamisaorv
>n the catatesof Samuel Cozens and Evan E.
stuck, deceased. These are, therefore, to
rite and admonish, all and singular, the kin
dred and creditors of tbe said deceased per.
sops, to file their objections, if any they hav-:,
in my office, on or before the first Monday in
January next, or Letters will be granted the
Witness the Honorable J -roei Scott, one
of the Justice* i.f raid Court, thia six day of April, eighteen hundred
and twenty-five.
[L. S.] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O. C. C.
Apr l 91 24
Georgia—Camden County.
now no p»in \ my ippetite i> good» and my VHKREAS Umn Bichlott, applies to tbe
strength restored With many thanks for W Court of Ordinary of stid County j for
the relief your medicine hss given me, lam UUers Diimissory on tbe esute of Frmees
your obliged friend, he. I ttoiolupe: These are, therefore, to cite 1 and
WILLIAM WILSON. I admonish, ell end singular, the kindred end
Sworn end subscribed to before me, May 28,1 creditors of said deceased, to fi‘e their objec*
1824. Inuhl niMMO tu I .! or .1 L S_T jwv
JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,1874.
6iv—I am now, thank* to your medicine, a
hearty mar. For nearly aix yean I have been
a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat
ened, if not aoon stopped, to put a period to
my existence. Haring had no regular medi*
eal advice from the commencement, my
comnlunt at last got to such a bright that!
ooold not swsllow without great pain and
difficulty. Tumors formed In different parta
of my body, and I began to think my situation
almoit dfiperate. the five bottle, ofthe
CatheUeon which I have taken hive com
pletely cured me, and I am now as well as I
tioni, if any th»y have, in my office, on or be
fore the fi at Monday ip January next, other
wise Letter* Dismisiory will be granted tkx
Witnera the Honorable Samuel Clarke,
one ofthe Juatieea of said Court, this
sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun
dred and twenty-five.
April 21 j.
■ . . . .. J »08SE.
I am acquainted with no Cmr,-unity «
ih - Sacred feripturet, which I would sx-tt
cordially recommena for genent use. Tbe
plan ofthe work iagood
Perhaps in nb way, can mininters, initruebri
if youth, anil private Christians, do grettti
serv'ce to society, than bj rsertin/ thru,
selves to disseminate this truly innMIi
I know of no Commentary which it bttitt
calculated for diffusing correct views of lb
great truths of Christianity, and lruvingnlt.
'ary impressions on thr mind when raiq
■rom the perusal of it, than the one you ut
about to publish.
No writer seems less disposed to connof
for barren specula!i ni. None more unifom.
ly or more powerfully inculcates the grettm
-entisi* of religion. The spirit which pn>
vades the work is excellent; it is the meek
sffectionare, healing, yet faithful spirit of the
gospel. DANIEL Am
From psrticulsr examinati-n. andmr
ring testimony, there is no doubt on ni) xtiud
that Scott’s Family Bible is aunerior to ii
You will please to serd me sis copied
Scotl’a Bible / I refer to your 'ately propovl
edition. Perhaps I shall induce five mire »
take the lime number. H. I.
It is with extreme pleasure I perceive
yoe are about to publish a new edition of
Scott’s Bible. Having been in pnueinon if
-t more than 29 yean, I trus* I know some
thing of its value, and am determined Io pro.
mote its circulation among my friends Tn
will plea.e forward six copies ss soon ss pub-
iished. C. fi
I have nbtainod four subscribers fir Us
excellent work you are publishing H. S.
I propose to take aeven sets of Soolt’s UP
ble, add will be accountable for the aan'e.
I ft
I have obtained s’tbsciibers for nine c 'pi-.v
of Scott’s Family Bible. J. IS-
I shall probably need eight or ten arts of
Scott’s Family Bible. J. I 1
ltev. S. S. of F. has o’ tatned ten subicti-
bers. E.K,
1 have observed that you ire shout pnk
lishing another edition of Scon’s Bihle
hope you may succeed as you h've done is
former editions. I have been endeavoring Is
procure subscribers smoi g our people, nf
enor more subscribers will he ob .itned
I will take ten sets (of Scoff’s Ity
bound and lettered.
I have obtained ten subscribers fa J *
edition of the Family Bible—sad hsvr«
doubt but there might Sc iwneihipg like
copies sold in this place if you hid so sf*
here—I thought the work ought to bt»
couraged and fur hat reason toi-k a lulzr'
lion paper. It is a work that every M
should have that is able to purchase.
V 1. E.tfC
I am glad, that yu propose to print IH
Scott’s excellent Family Comrarniiq, >*
should be very glad ifit were in my pose*
give a more liberal patronage to the 1 nj
than, is circumstances are, I can. I*J
however, be able to do something: ep*
ten sets I shall certainly tike t and it **!*'
double that number.
I have procured fifteen •ubseribers *
Scott’s Bible. JAh.
I think I shall dispose of 29 sets or n»j *
-he Family Bible. hit
I have circulated proposals for Swj
Bible / how many have been engaged
cannot tell,- but between 20 and 3®
h'-s vicinity. J -’i L
I have concluded to .become mpeF*
to you for thirty eete of Scott’a CommentsT'
I have procured 106 jubicriben t» ■
Bible i 6 seta to be bound in calf / 3 *dt
be done in boards the other 97 octl. ft*
and lettered u described in the pttspjj**
I prenme I could procure 500 soW"
ben for your edition of Scott’a Bible
demand is increasing for them. Tnff .
finally supersede every other large or rt">
Bible. Fifty of my subscriber* live mi*
circle of 8 miles! .
Juat published an edition of the ***• *7j
completed in six volumes; withotlff.
references/price in boards 8 18 < "IS
821 / in calf 821’- Either of these
msy be Imd of the publisher in Boston /»
S. C- k J. SCHENCK, Savannah. g
J*’ 11 . —*
ujv from Brig Pheasant, for a*hy “
Aprils C. C. GRISWOLD;
Marking BrnskeSt
OV,Sre , “a6)“vS?
DOT 20