Newspaper Page Text
Xtvi ftetlas—-V Y*L
m; 148.
S«KB #««*“«’
19 edited and published
i* Tim
By G. $ W. lloBBRTSON,
4ft PIAHT no?.tARA rua A»alIM»
tAttllL* in AliTAXCB.
§;&« Srwfifcm
TS oubllihed to meet this brnrogem-mtol
the three timet a week, J Tuesday,
Thursday tnd Saturday) at the Office of the
Geotsisn, and wntsms •!' the uvcili.
rr ice. Commercial, Political and Mj&sellan-
including advertisements* pub iihed in
lh T)?*Cou*try r Paper it se.tto all parts oi
the State ami Union, oi delivered in the city,
ft fiv* dollar* pdrmnntitn, payable in Advance.
Advertisement! are inserted in both pa -era
at 75 cents per square, of 14 Imee, for .te firs.
Insertion, and W* for every succeeding pub-
''Communications bv UAl, mtul it Post paid
Sslcs -,f land and n-Rroet by Adinitiutra.
tors, Hxceutors or guardian!, are reqiired,
by law, to he held on the firs Tuesday in the
gvmth) between the hours often in he fore
noon and tlirce in the afternoon, at the Court
Hniae of the eooniy in which ‘' ,e frope }'t
situate.—Notice i f ihcse sales mu-t be Riven
in a public gascite lu-ijAlays previous to the
^Nof'ce'ofthe sale of personal property must
be (five in like manner. Ftrip day. previous
« the Jay »f sale.
Notice to the debtors and creditors of an
estate mint be published lor Forty days.
Notice that application will be made to the
Court of Ordinary fi r le,ve to sell land, mus
be published Aloe Month..
i ■——
N INE months after dote application will
bo made to the Honorable the Jus-
tires oi* the Interior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell n. tract, of land,
known as number eight, 8th District, Pike
(formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit
of the heirs aud creditors of the estate oi
of N. S. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. S. lkya™*
.Ion 5
NOliCK. ~-
T UB subscriber* being ihniit to decline bu
siness in ihispUce» request persons hav
ing demands sgiinsi them, to present them
far payment
«c* 5 6*H
N INE MONTHS sft. r date Ilf thi. notice,
application will be mule to the Honora
ble the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun
ty. tor perm *»U»n to sell all the real estate oi
Jk-h» Wakerlv, dec. for ;h? benefit of thi
heirs and creditors • f said deceased*
ROB BBT HOY, Biecutor.
Feb 94 47
Administrator's ft otice.
N ’N' .KOLfl'HStrom this date, wepiiall up
plv to the Honorable the Inferior Court
Chatham county, when sitting fur ordinary
purposes, to sell the real t-.siabe of William
Miiyhcw. *
^9 AS
Cognac brandy.
G PIPES “Soigncttc’s Brand," just re
coived per Louisa Matilda, for sale by
50 Tierces new Rico
to Pipes Holland (Jin
10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
50 Barrels Flour
30 Barrels Hums
75 Barrels Cain
50 Crates Crockery
20 Kegs Butter
50 Barrels Mackarcl, No. 3
20 Cases Port Wine
10 Casks Oil
Jnu 12
Goshen Butter, Lard JStc.
J UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, ami
other lab' urrivals
12 firkins Gnsliun Butter, 1st quality
25 kegs leaf I.ard
8 Wits Butter Crackers
20 half and quarter bbls Buck Wheat
and Rye Flour
10 bbls Pilot Bread, for family use
For sale by
No. 1. Mongin’s New Buildings
fcb 12 ° B7 b
Share Moulds, Pork, Gin, $c
C C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan-
• ding from ship Corsair
4 tuns Share Moulds
tn Store,
S6 barrels Northern Gin
10 do Mess Pork, Now-York
city inspection
1 ton Steel
100 kegs White Load
22 kegs Black Paint
0 do Verdigris
s do Spanish Brown
10 barrels Whiting
fcb 12
Beers’ Axes,
A . ^kY of the above Axes, received
ocuV Bik by M H ' WEED '
oujMi & m®vtf s
o r. HOGSHEADS prime and' second
quality St. Croix Sugar.
00 barrels do do do sugar
70 bags prime green coffee
30 crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
6 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Midland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica rum
halfpipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 cuils bale rope
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
800 do Long Island white, equal tu
Georgia Hint corn
hov 23
RuYhnns Yloyre* Hoots*
J UST rece ved by the rubscriber, and wa •*
ranted of the fast season'll growth, 2'
bone* Garden Seed*, put up by A. M'Mshon fc
Ho. Philadelphia, expressly for this market
ind containing the following' ***ortnv nfa, via.
t. Drumhead Cabbage
2. Long Wed Beet
3. Long Orange Carrot
4. Parfdey
5. Leek
6. Onion
7. Salmon Radish
8. Early Purple do#
9. Wound leaved
10. Early Turnip*
11. Late do
2 S»i»afy
13* Asparagus
14. Karl) curled Let
15. Roynl Cabbage dc
16. Nutmeg Melon
17. Spinach
(8. Summer Savoy
19. Sweet Ba'sil
20 Sage
il. Narlurtium
22. Celery
2.3 Early Peas v
-4. Late do
25 Early hunch bean*
26 Wed French do
20 n sck«gcs containing the following Bui
ions Blower Hoot*, via.
1. Double Hyacinths I 4.Me*ic*nliger flowei
9. F i.e Tulips I 7 D iubic Tuberose
3 Narcissus 1 6 Star of Bethlehem
For sale by P. M’DERMO IT
Fcb 9 18
By the President of the United States.
£ N pursuance of law, T.Jawzs Mowror, Pic*.
idcut cf the t T ni<ed States, do hereby dv
flare and make known, that a public sale wi
e held at the Land Office at Tallahasse, n
Florida, on the third Monday of May next, fo
the dfapossl of the following lands, via
Township 1, south of Range 1, west aftlio
Meridian line.
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
•Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5, east.
1 & 2,north 1,2, 3, 4, & 5*
Fractional township 3 1,2, 3, 4, & 5.
The sale will commence with *he h.we
•.umber of section, township, ami range, at
: roeecd in regular numerical order. Tl.
Lnda reserved by law for the use ofsch ioh
>r other purposes, will be excluded from tin
Given under mv hand, at the City of Wash
ington, this -6111 cli*v of lunuarv, 1895.
By the President.
Commissioner of the General Land Office
03* Printers of the Law* of the Uniiei*
S'at os, in the Territory of Florida, and in th<
Stales of Alabama, Louisiana, Tcnessce, Mi'-
nssippi, Go.* rgia, and 8otith*Caro)»«»a, are an
'.honx d to jniburh the foregoing Proclam >•
•ion 1 week nniil the day of sale
7 6 t
Damascus SteH Razors,
* UST received, a supply nf the above ar-
«I tide, which will be warranted goad.—
For sale hy N. B. WEED.
iiov 24
■t nil K EGS New Leaf Lard
1UU 150 Hams
3 Barrels Castor Oil
A Pipes H. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jan 1V
trade’s Company’ Hoes.
Brade’s Patent Hoes, for
aale by
dec 18
Georgia—Camden County.
O N the first Tuesday in March next, 1 vviil
sell at Jefferson, in said connty, a negro
man, named Daniel, the property of the es
late of Mictjsh Crews, deceased, pursuant to
leave granted by the Court of Ordinary.
MARY CHEWS, Executrix*
.T 0 H 4t
Administrator’s ft otice.
N INE MONTHS after date, I shall apply
to the Honorable the Infeiior Court oi
Chatham county, (when sitting for ordinary
purposes) for leave to acll the real estate ol
Isaac H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and cred.
dors. C. H HAYDEN,
august 12 45
Bunch Muscatel itaisins.
J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di
rect from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
Feb 3 Aneinux*. Wlmrf.
Fresh Teas, Hums, Flour, esc.
QA CHESTS Hyson Teas
a\3 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
I Hhd Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
30 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laura Jane, for sale by
Feb 5
V. states bank. «N‘otc3,
F oil SALE at
Jan 20
T HE subscriber intendingto. clqre his
busincHs in this city, offers his stock
at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of
Sidohoards of various patterhs, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wnrditpbes, French Press
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com
modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables,
Breakfast. Tables.Gentleinon’s Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Busin Stands,
YVash Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stands.
Mahogany Cribhs, Cradles, Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs,
die. at tjjc Ware-House, corner of Whitta-
kffid&reet and Bay Lane.
J. II. O. also rcqttcsis that those who tire
indebted, will pleasoto msko payment witii-
ont delay, and those having any demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
Jan 25 511|
OyposiUthe Academy
R ESPECTFULLY informs her friends
and the public, that her sciioor. is now
oi-kn, opiwisitc the Chatham Academy, for
the recestio.v or pueti.s. Assisted hy
her dangliter Miss E. A. Harrison, slit
offers her services in teaching the following
useful and ornamental branches of educa
tion, VVhilst she returns sincere thanks foi
the patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to further the pro
gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
ther extension nf pnblic favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
are received, are—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and
Marking, per quarter, : g! 00
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : > I : : : : 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: i 8 00
ITT The most careful attention will be
paid by Mrs. Ksn, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 1 85
Consumptions, Coughs, §c.
F O*? the ewe nf Colls, Couk?i9, Consump
tions, Spitting of Bioodj Asibmas,and
iisense* oftliab.east and lungs.
There is perhaps no observation
hotter established, none more generally con
lirmed by the experience of the best physici*
uisof nil *}reg and countin'a, and none oi
"••ore importance to the humuu family, that-
he fact that many of the most difficult and in
"ttrable consumpifbr.s originate in neglect ’d
colds.. Tn a cVm.ate 10 variable as ours, where
•he changes of the weather are frequently
sudden and unexpected, it requires more care
»n»l stent ion to guard against this dangerous
enemy of life, than must people imagine or
lire able am) willing to bestow. The bills o
mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that th*.
proportion of deaths by this disease may U*
considered as about five to one. Inasmuch
then as this fatal disease fluently bids defi
vnee to the skill of the most learned phyatci
aiis, it is a gratification to the proprietor that
■ie w enabled tq offer to those afflicted will;
*t, a go;d!y prospect of relief, in that Mghl)
valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Speci
fic. The Indians are happy in their know
ledge of medical plants; governed wholly
experience, they are certain as to their cff'cct,
and it ia said by sn author of great character,
'hat a true consumption ia a disease never
known among them.
This Specific is obtained by extrsetion from
herbs, roots, flowers, plant-, 8tc. when in per
fection. In consequence f a happy combma.
tion of the most vshisble herbs, &c. it becomes
•> balsam of a superior value. It beats the in*
j>rcd ( parts, opens the pores, and composes
the disturbed nerves, after the manner of an
anodyne/ consequently the obstruction ot
the ches- and the lungs which constitute th.s
disease, particularly need ita use. It promotes
expectoration, which ia constantly called for,
and whilst it cleanses and heals, it also gives
strength to the lehdeT lungs- In this manner
it removes the hectic fever, improves diges
tion, gives strong*h to the nerves, repairs the
«ppct:te and Improves the apirits. This ipeci
lie tnav always be given in safety it ia mild,
pleasant to the taste, and may safely be given
o infants, for which it is of inestimable value.
It affords relief in bowel complaints, trethinfe,
whooping coughs, C4c. and is found partial*
Lriy useful in hypochondriacal, nervous and
Hysterical diseases. Each bill ot direction
contains a detailed account of this disease in
all its different stages, and will bi accompa
nied with the signature of the proprietor in
Red Ink. It is offered for sale by GEO. BY •
KR*0 v, only (my sole agent) Druggist, cor
»e- Itav ana Whittaker-strcets, Savanftab,at
one dollar per bottle.
dee 30 30
N ine MONTHS after date, -prfication will
be made to the Honorable Inferior Court
,i oh.tharn coun.y, for leave to sell the real
>>ml personal estate of the lete Mrs Ann Ham
ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
mdcieditortufs-id estate,
Hatch lOJ d9Ja
, By He brig Phctuant, from Philadelphia,
g\BL HHDS. and 100 bbls- Philadelphia
i 153 Butch Demij-ihns
10 legs Saknetre
50 thole end tOO half bbls. fresh Fleur
COOO btabels Liverpool ground Salt
5 Ijlv.a. & 20 bbls. prime St. Cr-ix Sugar
3 pjpea and 25 demijohns heat Holland
5 p|pei and 30 demijohns best Cognac
10 hide, end 25 bbls. superior Northern
£ m
la Northern Gin
50 lues G- een Ct.ffe -
5 casks superior u'd f.ta’on W;ne
3.1 ijbls Lump s- d 72 bhh. f onf Sniptr
5 bouea white and 7 du bvotvn Havana
25 bags black Pepper
5 pipes Imitation Gin '
2 bales Baggi ng t wine
25 qr boxes Hyson Tee
50 l esma Wrapping Paper
15 boxes Pipes
5 cases Wool Hate
10 belee best Oznaburgs
5 bales unbleached Homespun
4 eases rotor, tl ditto
50 kegt Dupont’s G«n Powder
1000 bushels Table Salt
?5 kegs manufactured Tobacco
25 tana .started (Carrot!) Coalings
5 -large Smith Bellows
50 kegt nstorted Cut Nsili
100 begs assort- d Shot—also tn
Assortment of Cedar Ware, Market tnd
Clothee Baskets.
All of which w'-ll be told lew for eeih, or
good town acceptances.
march 14 91
P. M’DERMO TT, I Varni-h Turpentine
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment ot
Groceries, Hardware and'Dry
which will he disposed of wholesale and re
sale by -
March 11
Door Mats.
tail, on the most reasonable terms. Til- TU«T received by the William Wallace
following article* comprise a pxrt of hi* tf three dozen h«wt no* I it« n"L
Cider, Porter, IVine, &c.
Q K BOXES first quality Cider
Jdtj 5 Casks do do London Porter
30 Boxes Claret Wine
10 do Madeira do
120 Boxes Bunch Raisins
10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Fcb 18
TONS carron costings, just receiv
ed from Greenock, via. Charleston,
consisting of the following assortment, viz :
2600 pots from I to 30 gallons
200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches
50 set fiat metal weights, from 1 oz. to
,4 lbs.
120 London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts
1300 camp ovens, from 9 to 18 inches
130 untinned tea kettles, from one to 5
For sale by P. M’DERMOTT.
Jan 8
lntociuatiun W antwl \
I F GbOUGX MILLER, otherwise DAN-
IEL GLAND MILLER, who in the veer
1815, arrived in Savannah, in the Abeidcen
'rsnspnrt, belonging to Messrs. DcWson L
Sons, of London is living, and will apply to
bia friends in England, h»- will hear ot
si metl'-ng much to hi. advantage. He left
the Aberdeen while she lay at Savannah, and
■its not been heard of by his f iends sine,
ihat period. He had been many years a tai
lor, and while on board the above vessel,
was employed sea carpenter. If he left Sa
vannah at that time, it ie probable that he
entered some vettel going to the Brasil Is.
lands, as in his last letter, he staled that it
u’bb ins intention to do an. Should he have
died at any place where a > egister or eertifi
cate of bis burial can be obtained, it would bf
Ilian It fully received and all expen -ei attending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
«eniO yy
Adininistrator’s Sale.
O N the fi st Saturday af er the fi «t Tues
d<y in May n^xt, betw -en the hours of
tni and four o'clock, will be told at the mar*
kefah'tiiKe in the town of St. Marys, pursuant
to an order of the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary for the county of Cmnden, a negro wo
man uamed Jenny, b-dunging to the estate of
Dav d G. Jones, deceits d, for the benefit of
ihe creditors oftud ►'rate.
r/*h ^ 96
A LL person, having demands against the
fix. eitate of the Me John Wakcrly, (plant*
er) dec. are requi s ed to render them, prop
erly attested, immediately; and all persona
indebted, to make immediate pavment to
ROBERT HOY, Executor.
Feb 24 77
N INE MONTHS after the date hereof, ap
plication will be made to the Honorable
the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when
sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
a lot, with the improvements, situate in the
etty uf Savannah, in the said county,an,l known
in the plan of said city by the No. 53, Brown
Ward, tor the benefit of the lieira and legatee,
of the estate ot the late Hugh M’Celf, dc
oct *4 7>
N INE months after date, application will be
made to the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, sitting for ordinary purpnaea for un
order, absolute, to sell lots Nos- four am five,
(4 and ’5) in Carpenter's Bow, and lot Ni.
one, (1) Green Ward, in tht city of Savannah,
being the real estate of Francis Jalineau. dec
for the benefit of the heirs tui'1 creditors of
uid estate WILLI VM GAS i ON,
Qualified Executor,
f 97a
present stock, viz.
10 Hogsheads prime St. Croix *ugsr
10 Boxes White and > A %
•0 Doses Brown 5 HaVBn# “ »
60 Barrels Loaf and Lump do
50 Bngs Havana Green Coffee
6 Pipes superior 4th proof Brandy
9 Pipes do Holland O n
5 Pines Imitation Bundy, 4tli proof
5 Do do .Gin.„
3 Pipes very mpei ior old Peach Brand)
3 Puncheons - do du Irish Whiskey
50 Hogfeh «fcd*rjind> PhiLd.*lphia Bye
100 Barrels • J Whiskey
100 Barrels Northern Gin
2 Pipes superi »r old Madeira Wine
5 Halfpipes superior old Lisbon do
10 Quarter Casks Teneriffe do
Very supurior old Madeira Wine and
Cognac Brandy in demij ihna
150 Whole and J Barrels supeiffne fresl
100 Half J Flur
100 barrels No- 3, New MackareJ
50 Barrels No. 2, do do
1600 Baskets Table Salt
20 Casks Gnthen Cheese
20 Barrels Copperas
200 Beams Wrapping Paper
50 Bags Black Pepper
10 Buxea Choe'date
20 ! Five Gallon Demijohn*
5 Barrels Ulue
100 Kegs HE and HF Dupont's Gunpowde.
50 Pound Caniste s of superior do
100 Pieces 42 inch Cotton Bagging
2 Hales Bagging Twiue
10 Whole and > Boxes S. WhittimoreV
6 Half 5 genuine Cards
10 Boxes Wool Hats
5 Boxes Straw Bonnets
10 Coils Hale Rope
5< Dozen Bed Cord*
50 Do Plough Line*
100 Pounds Sash Cords
6 Bales Point, Loudon Duffle
10 Casea colored and bleached and un*
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron Table Spoons
IS Do do Tea do
*0 Do Teutania Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Cupper,Ca»t, Wrought and Compo*
tion Tea Kettles of all sizes
Brass Kettles for making preserve*
?0 Si t of Di-h Cover*
20 Tuns Shear Mould*
1 Do Sad Irons
1 Du Bar Lead
1 D» Sheet Iron
100 C*sks assorted Cut Nails
Mill, » row Cut tnd U'nip Saw, m«d<
expressly for this market
20 D sen Handsaw*., Woodsuwts and Ten
nant Sawa
Blacksmith Sledges and Handharamer*
Anvils, from 1 to 2001bs. real mouse
Bfackamith's Bellows,from 24 to 36
Single and Double Screw Plate*
Corn Mill#, fiom No. 1 to 5
2 Toni Hooka and Hinges
Brass Andirons, from £ 2 50 to £.1
B and Wire Fenders, with shoveh
and tongs to match
5 Husks Braid's Patent Htea
100 D -zen Padlocks
hteelya ds to weigh from 200 to 5001b:
2 Tons of Steel, consisting nf-Shear,Eng
fish, BVste> ed and Cast
Stoves with Fip s
1000 Pounds Wtiggon Bells, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
6 Hagr Trace Chains
2 Dozen Currying Knives
200 Dozen Currv Combs
6 Sets White handle Knives and Forks.
consisting of 50 p eces each
10 Sets Britaunia Teapots.
Sugar and Cream do
6 Dozen Patent Shot Belts
2 Dozen Game Bag*
2 Dozen Powder Horns and F-wks
1 C-ise double and single barrel Guns
10 Dozen Wire snd 20 doz Hair Sifters
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mat* and 50 sets
Table Ma's
A general assortment cf Car nenterVPIanea,
Bn** hea, and Fancy Bellows, with many othei
articles in the above line,too tedious to enu
20 Tons of Cnrron Castings, which will be
sold low from the wharf.
nov If
tiills on New-York,
F or sale by
Fcb 24
F or sale by
Feb 23
Bacon arid Lard.
tcV/ 50 firkine Lard—Landing from
sclir. Barrtcoa, from Baltimore. For vale
March 8 87
Gin and Butter.
Received per ehip Corrnir,
WA BARRELS GIN, and by Thomaa
4 U Hall, 34 Kegs Butter
For sale by J. B. HERBERT Sl CO.
March 26
three dozen beet quality Indie Door
Mata for sole by I.W. MORRELL.
March 16 • pg
Double Distilled Rose Water.
A £ BES & SUPPLY of beat London
Rose water, received tier brig Pm-
Ihet, and for sole by ■ , *
w„. , - * HENDRICKSON,
16th Class—New Slries.
'MT'ILL be drawn on the 11th of May
J * ' B25 - » nd finished in a fetV mimitet'.
Sixty Numbere—Eight Ballots to be Draw®-
50,000 Dollars ia Rio ooo
on rt/Ln r j.
1 Prise of
20 000
4 720
20 000.
4 720.
s n 60,
24 960
34,220 Tickets at g8,
Butter and Hams,
R ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkins
first quality Goshen Butter
6 Barrels Burlington Hams
jor sale by A. BASSETT.
March 31
E mpty wine bottl
In tills Scheme with tight drawn ballots,
there will he 56 prises with (bite r.nmberao
them, 1456 with two numbers on them and
10,698, with one number on them. Thoie
t-ckets having none of the drav n ballo t on
them being blanks.
To deteim ne the fate of all the tickets ia
the above lottery 60 numbe't, from one to
sixty inclusive, will severally be placed in a
wheel on the day of drawing, tnd eight of
them will be drawn, and that ticket having on
It as t combination, the 1st, 2d and third num
bers drawn, will be entitled tn $50 000.
That having on it the 6th, 7th and 8.b, will
be entitled to g o,(**).
That having unit the4ih, 5th atd6;li,will
be entitled t<i g10 000.
These having •'« them the 3d, 4 h and 5th
snd 3d, 7th .ntl 6th, cuch 03,000
Tuat having on it the 2d, 3d and 4tb will
be entitled to 4,720,
Those 20 having on them ihe
2d, 5th and 8'h 3d, 5th Ind dll, Slh 6(1, and 7th
2.'. 6th and 7tl> 3d, 5lli and 7rt, 4tli.6th and Sth
9d. 6ih and 8ih 3d, Jih and Sth --ilijiii »,.d 8ih
2d. 7th and 8tli 3d, 6th and 7tl ,th,6ih anti 7(h
dil.fith anti Htl, 5th,6th and8lh
3d,4th and 7t! 4di,5ihand 7ih 5th,7th and 8 h
3d,4thand8th 4th,5thandDtb each gtOOO.
All others, (being 30 tickets) having Ihres
or the drawn numbers on them will each be
entitled to g500.
The 52 tickets having on them two of th«
drawn numbers and thuse two, the 3d and
4;!i, will each be entitled to £100.
The 156 tickets having un them the 4th
and 5th or 4th and 6: t, or 4th tnd 7lh drawn
.umbers only, will each be entitled to 850,
All others (being 1248 tickets) having two
of ihe drawn numbers on them, will each ha
entitled to g ’0.
And those having on them any ms of the
d awn numbers,(being I0.60B tickets, or 13.6
for each drawn number,) will each be enti.
tied to g 10.
No ticket which shall have drawn a prise
of a superior denominitinn can he entitled to
sn inferior prise. Frizes payable thirty days
after the drawing, and subject, aa usual, lo »
deduction nl 15 per cent-
A considerable portion rf this lottery ia put
up in parcels of 20 tickets, embracing all tbs
combination numbers, from one to sixty,
.Inch parcels are warranted to draw at least
8 R 0, less the deduction of 15 per cent, with
au many chaneca fir the eanital priaea.
J- B. YATES; 1
A.M'INTYRE, j “ouagew.
Philadelphia, March 9, 1825.
Orders received and forwarded at the above
price at
April 1
At Private Sale,
T WO PRIME NEGROES, one a first
rate cook, and the oilier a prime field
hand, for sale by
April 28 J. B. HERBERT & CO.
P ROW ROOT. Apply to
T HE members of “ The Femalle Mission
ary Society of Christ Church.” art
requested to pay their subscription for 1825,
*o S. II. WALL, Secretary.
May 22 '
Brandy, Gin, Rum, &c.
3 do Holland Gin
5 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum 1
150 Barrels Rye Whiskey '
which will be sold low to clone sales.
April 9 HALL *, HOYT,
Fish Hooks and Fi b Lines.
O NE hundred M. Fish Hooka, a: sorted
50 Groce Fish Lines, assorted
Heiy^d per the Augusta, and for salw ty.,
N. B. WfEUi'