Newspaper Page Text
a edited and published ,
B» G. «5 W. II0BERT8ON,
it KIOHT VOttiM »*» AlHOUf,
f ata»l* nr auta»c»*
is nublithed to meet the arrangement of
,he SS thSe trmei ‘» Week. ^Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday) at. the Offloe of he
T)«il» Georgian, *hd contains »1' 'the intelli-
ren«Tcdmmetci»l, PolHiext end MiicelUn-
fau^ncludiiiB advertisements. published it
th Thi CoOTft» F P»pet W fort to ill Ptrti of
the State »nd Won, or deltrered ln the city,
five dollar* pet annum, pereble in «dr«ice.
Idurtiicasnti art interteam both pi ert
Kl ^moliicxtioos by M«H, mbit be Pos t paid
S«le« >f Iwd *nd n-ffroe*. by Adminutra.
to«5i4uW. or gu.Mlais. «•
by Uw,-t 9 be held on the fir; Tuaslay •" <be
month’between Ihe hour! often in'he fore
noon tnd three in the afternoon* tt the Court
C« <rfthe county In which the property i.
SB*-Noticetfthree.ehf m* beg,wo
In e public gazette oa-iy deyi previous to the
^Notiee of the tele nf pernonel property must
be givy io like manner. Forty deye previous
o the (ley »f sate-. , . ,
Notice to the debtor* end creditor* of en
estate must be publiihed for Forty days.
Notice that eppbcetion will be made to the
Court of 0 tlinarv for leave to eeli laud, muat
be published .Ytiie Months.
1. Drumhead Cabbage
2. Long Red Beet
3. Long O.ange Carrot
4. Paraley
5. Leek
6. Onion
7. Salmon Radlah
8. Early Purple do.
9. Round hatred
10. Early Turnipi
11. Late do
’2 Salsify
i3- Aaparagua
yTINE months after date application will
\ be made to the, Honorable the Jus-
ics of the Inferior Court of Chatham
uinty, for leave to sell a tract ot land,
mwn as number eight, 8th District, Pike
irmerlv Munroe) County, for the boneht
the Heirs arid creditors of the e«t»t* of
N. S. Bayard.
Administrator'estate N. 8. Bajk™
Jan 5 • r - • j- -
~ NoircK. 7 ^.
T rtF,-subscriber, being “bout to dentine bu
ainess in this place, request persons ha'
ing demands agdnst ^sin,* to present thatti:
for payment,
ocr S
N INE MONTHS after date of this notice,
applicatior. will be made to the ItiiTinra,
hie the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Conn
ty, for permieaion to aell all the real catate o'
John Wakerlv,. dee. for the benefit of the
heira end creditors of teld deeesaed-
ROBERT HOY, Executor.
Feb* 24 fir
N' 1
Administrator’s Notice.
NBMOii l IlSfrom this date, we shall ap
ply to the Honorable the Inferior Court
Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary
pttrpoaes, to sell the real estate of William
angu't 19 4S
Cognac Brandy.
6 PIPES “Seignette’s Brand,” just re
coived per Louisa Matilda, for sale by
SO Tierces new Eire
10 Pipes Holland Gin
10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
SO Barrels Flour
30 Barrels Hams
75 Barrels Gin
SO Crates Crockery
20 Kegs Butter
50 Barrels Mackerel, No. 3
20 Cares Port Wine
10 Casks Oil
Jan 12
Goshen Butter, Lard, ^c.
J UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and
other late arrivals
12 firkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality
25 kegs leaf Lard
8 bbls Butter Crackers
20 half and quarter bbls Buck Wheat
and Rye Flour
10 bbls Pilot Bread, for family uso
For sale by
No. t, Mongin’s New Buildings
ffeb 12 67
Share Moulds, Pork, Gin, §c
C C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan-
• ding from ship Corsair
4 tons Share Moulds
In Store,
S8 barrels Northern Gin
' 18 do Mess Pork, New-York
city inspection
1 ton Steel
100 kegs While Load
22 kegs Black Paint
8 do Verdigris
S do Spanish Brown /
10 barrels Whiting
fbb,12 67
Hl&Mi <& MTCTiF
jgFrfv HOGSHEADS prime and second
Vwm quality St. Croix Sugar.
SO barrets do do do sugar
70 bags prime green coffee
SOcrates blue and groenedgod plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
S do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica rum
half pipes, quarter casks, ahd half
quarter casks wine '
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bale rope
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
600 do , Long Island white, equal to
( Georgia Hint corn
nov 23
fresh garden seeds,
Bulbous flower Boots-
J UST received by the rubseribrr, snd war
ranted of the last sraaon’i growth, 2'
boxes Harden Seeds pul up Sv A. M’Mahon A
Co, Philadelphia, expreaaly for this market,
and containing the follnwing assortment!, vix.
14. Earl) curled Let-
15. Royal Cabbage do
16. Nutmeg Hulun
17. Spinach
18. Summer Savoy
19. Sweet Bull
20 Sage
ft. Nasturtium
22. Celery
23 Early Peas
24. Late do
25 Etrlv buneh beam
26 Bed French do
?0 Packages containing the following Bui
Sous Eluwer Ronta, via;
1. Doubt* Hyacinth!
2. F oe Tulips
3. Narcissus
For sale by
Feb 9
4.Mexican tiger flower
5 Double Tuberose
6 Star of Bethlehem
By the President of the United Staten.
[ N pursuance of law, I, Jams Mosioa, Pres
ident uf the t’ni'ed Statea, do hereby de
Clare and make known, that a public sale wi!
be held at the Lan’ Office at Tallahasie, i'
Florida, on the third Monday of May next, fo
the disposal of the following lands, viz
Township I, south of Range 1, west of the
Meridian line.
"' . ■ l and 2 purth of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
Tqwnsbip l„south l, 2, 3, l, & 6,east,
v .i I &2,north 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5-
Fractions! township 3 1,2,3,4, & 5.
The Sale, will commence with the lower
number of section, township, and range, an:'
proceed in regular numerical order. Tl>-
lands reserved by law fur the use of schoolr
or other purposes, will be excluded from tb:
Given under my hand, at the City of Wash
ington, this 26t)i dav of January, 1825.
Bv the President.
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
(O’Printers of the Lews of the United
state!, in the Territory of Florida, and in lie
Slates of Alabama, Loiiiai w.s, Tencsaee, Miu-
siwippi, Georgia, anil SotUli-Carolina, arc au
thoriz’d to publish the foregoing Proclaim-
tion once a week until the day of aale
Peh 7 « +
Damascus Steal Razors,
J UST received, a supply of the above ar
ticle, which will be warranted good.—
For sale by N. B. WEED.
' nov 24
-t ftf|.KEGS New Leaf Lard
3 Barrels Castor Oil
S Pipes H. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jan 14
“ tirade’s Company” Does.
CASKS Brade’s Patent Hoes, for
sale by N. B. WEED,
dec 1R
f 1‘tIIE subscriber intending to close his
A business in this city, oners his stock
at reduced prices, for CA8H, consisting of
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
sod Book Coses, Wardapbes, French Press
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com
modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands,
Wash Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stands,
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field do. Mapld do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy &. Windsor Chairs,
&C- at the Ware-IIoiise, corner of Wlritta-
kei-8treet aud Bay Lane.
J. H. O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make payment with
out delay, and those having any demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
Jan 25 si ||,
Opposite the Academy
JVlIlft. 15. EU,
R ESPECTFULLY informs her friends
and the public, that her sciioor, is now
°u Ew ’ opposite the Chatham Academy, for
the reception or pupils. Assisted by
hor daughter Miss E. 'A. Harrison, she
offers her services in teaching the following
useful and ornamentnl branches of educa
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thnnks fot
the patronago hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rates ot tuition and
hor increased exertions to further the pro
gress of her Pupils, to deservo a still fur
ther extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on' which scholars
arc received, are—
lBt Claes—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and
Markins, per quarter, : i t 00
2d. Clasa—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, ::::::: 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : i s • : : : 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: t 8 00
IT The most careful attention will be
paid by Mrs. KEn, to the deportment and
morals of thoso entrusted to her chargo.
nov 2 85
Consumptions, Coughs, fljc.
Georgia—Camden County.
O N the first Tuesday in March nest, I will
•ell at Jt-fferaon, in uid connty, a negro
man, named Daniel, the property of the es
tate of Micajah Crews, de'esaed, pursuant to
leave granted by the Court'of Ordinary.
HAUY CREWS, Executrix-
J n 14 41
administrator’s .Notice.
N INE MONTHS after date, I ahsll apply
to Ihe Honorable the Inferior Court of
Chatham county, (when sitting for ordinary
K rpuses) for leave to sell the real estate ot
ao H. llubina, to satisfy the heirs and cred.
Ron. C- H. HAYDEN,
august 12 45
Beers’ Axes.
A SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
*nd for aalo hv A*. 5, WEED,
. an 4 for sale by
Bunch Muscatel Raisins.
J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di
rect from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
Feb 3 Ancinux’H Wharf..
fresh Teas, Dams, flour t tec.
on CHESTS Hyson Teas
dZxf 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
1 Hhd Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received persbip Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hama, receiv-
ed pc,Laura Jet»e,fo^ RT&co
Feb 5 (
\J .rtaU'a Banknote*,
Father# exchange pEficb
Jar 20 *
F OR the eure nf Cnlds, Coughs, Consump
tions, Spitting of Blood, Asthmas, and
diseases ofttie breast and lungs.
There is perhaps no medical observation
better established, none more generally eon
firmed by the experience of the best physici
ans of ell ages and countries, and none ot
more importance to the human family, than
'he fact that many of the moat difficult and in-
curable consumption! originate in neglect’ .,
colds- In a climate m variable u ours, where
the changes of the weather are frequently
sudden and unexpected, it requires mure cere
and attention to guard against this dangerou-
enemy of life, than moat people imagine or
are able and willing to bestow. The bills o'
mortality exhibit tne melancholy fact that the
proportion of deaths by this dtseaae may b(
nonaidered an about five to one. Inasmuch,
then as this fatal disease frequently bids defi
ance to the skill of the most learned physiei
ana, it is a gratification to the pronrietor that
he is enabled to offer to those afflicted with
it, a goodly prospect of relief, iu that l ight’
valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Speci
fic. The Indiana are happy in their know
ledge of medical plants; governed wholly by
experience, they are certain as totneir e ffect,
ana it is said by an author of great ebsracter,
'hat a true consumption is s disease never
known among them.
This Specific is obtained by extraction from
berba, roots, flowers, pi int , Ac. when in per
fection. In consequence i f a happy combi na.
ion of the moat valuable herbs, Ac. it becomes
i balsam of s superior value. It heals the in.
jured parts, opens ihe pores, and composes
ihe disturbed nerves, after the manner of at,
<nodyne / consequently the obstruction ot
the chest and the lungs which constitute this
disease, particularly need ifa me. It promotes
expectoration, which is constantly called for,
and whilst it cleanse* and heals, it also gives
nrsngth to the tender lungs In this mannet
it removes the hectic fever, improvei diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the
ppetite and improves the spirits. This speci
lie mav always be givrn in asfetjr it is mild,
pleasant to the taste, and may safely be given
o infanta, for which it is of inestimable value.
It affords relief in bowel complaints, teething,
whooping coughs, Uc. and ia found particu
larly useful in hypochondriical, nervoua and
fiyitefical diseases. Each bill of direction
-.ontains a detailed account of this disease ini
II its different stages, and will ba accompa
nied with the signature of the proprietor in
tied Ink. It ia offered for sale by GEO. RY -
SRSOVi only (my sole agent) Druggist, cor :
•ice Bay and Whituker-streeta, Savannah,at
me dollar per battle.
dec 30 30
Sr RECfilVEp,
Irig Phetuant, from Philadelphia,
IHd8. and 100 bbls- Philadelphia
iye WI iskey
iutch Demiiohnt ,
;ega Salinetre
'hole snd 100 half bbla-firesh Flour
bushels Liverpool grimed Salt
hhhs. St 20 hbls. pSme St. Croix Sugar
pipes and 25 demijohns best Holland
pipes snd 30 demijohns best Oognic
hints, and 25 bbls. superior Northern
* bbls Northern Gin
if) bagaG ecn Coffer
* casks superior old LuVon Wine
i 25' bbls Lump and 72 hbls,-I.oaf Sugar
' 5 boxes white and 7 do brown Havana
1 Sugar
25 bags black F per
5 pipes Imitation Gin
' 2 hales Bagging Twine
25 qr boxes HylonTe*
50 reams Wrapping Pipes
15 hoars Pipes
5 esses Wool Hsti
10 bales best Oanaburgl
5 bales unbleaehed Homespun
4 eases colored ditto
50 kegs Dupont’s Gun Powder
1000 bushels Table Salt
35 kega manufactured Tobacco
25 tons snorted (Carron) Castings
5 large Smith Bellows
10 kegs assorted Cut Nails
100- begs assorted Shot—also in
Assortment of Cedar Ware, Market and
Clothei Baskets.
All of which sriH be sold low for cash, or
goo* town acceptancci.
march 14 92
Cider, Porter, IVine,
BOXES first quality Cider
At/5 Casks do do London Porter
30 Boxes Claret Wino
10 do Madeira do
120 Boxes Bunch Raisins
10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux's Wharf.
Feb 18
TONS carron castings, just rcceiv-
5S®e ed from Greenock, via. Charleston,
consisting of the following assortment, viz :
2600 pots from * to 30 gallons
200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches
60 set flat metal weights, from 1 oz. to
120 London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts
1300 camp ovens, from 9 to 18 inches
130 untinned tea kettles, from one to 5
For sale by P. M’DERMOTT.
Jan 8
ItrfotmaUun Wanted \
£ F GEORGE MILLER, otherwise DAN
IEL OLAND MILLER, who in the year
1015, arrived in Savannah, in the Aberdeen
transport, belonging to Messrs. Duwson k
Sona, of London is living, and will apply to
bis friends it) England, he will hear ol
something much to hia advantage, He lef
the Aberdeen while she lay at Savannah, and
has not been heard of by his f ienda aine:
Oiat period. He had been many yean a sai
lor, and while on board the above vessel,
wai employed aa a earpenter. If he left Sa
vannah at that time, it is probable that he
entered some vessel going to the Brazil Is
lands. at in his last letter, he stated that it
was hia intention to do so. Should be havi
died at any place where a register or certifi
cate of hia burial can be obtained, it would be
thankfully received snd all expenret attending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
sent 0- 57
Administrator’s Sale.
O M the fi st Saturday after the first Tues
day in May next, between the hours of
ten and four o'clock, will be sold at the mar*
Vet-house in the town 4f St. Marys, pursuant
to an order of the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary for the county of Camden, a negro wo
man named Jenny, belonging to the estate of
Dav dG. Jones, deceits d, for the benefit of
ibe creditors of said es<ate.
March 96
4 LL persona having demands against the
-A estate of the late John Wakerly. (plant
er) dec. are requeued to render them, prop
erly! attested, immediately t and all persona
indebted, to make immediate payment to
ROBERT ROY, Executor.
Feb 24 77
MONTHS after the date hereof, ap«
plication will be mode to the Honorable
the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when
sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
s lot, with Ihe improvements, situate in the
city of fevsnnih, in the esid county^ed known
in Ihe pkn of raid city by the No. 53, Brown
Ward, fu tne benefit of tbe heirs snd legatees
-of the estate ol the late Rugb M’Cail, de
net 14 . 77
\TINE months after date, application will be
1Y made to the Inferior Court of t’haiham
Coqnty. sitting for ordinary purposes for,An
order, absolute, to sell lots Ni I four am five,
(4 snd 5) jo Carpenter's Row, snd lot No.
one, (lj Green Ward, in .the diy of Savannah,
being the real estate ot Francis Jatineau, dee.
(hr the benefit of the liefe* and creditors of:
Mid estate WILLIA* GASTON,
'• ■' ' Y»a lilted fixeaetor.
Pi M’DERMOCT, rVamish &Turnentine
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment ot Sob. ^^he, wAsrtmw, t,
arrivals, a large and exteoaive assortment ot
Groceries, Hardware and Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale and re
tail, on the most reasonable terms. Tilt
following articles comprise a part of bis
present stock, viz.—
10 Hogsheads prime St. Croix Sugar
60 Barrels Loaf snd Lump do
50 Bags Havana Green Coffee
6 Pipes superior 4th proof Brandy
* Pipes dp Holland Gin '
* Pipea very superior old Peach Brandy ,i() ® r0 K l8, *| Shad's buildings.
3 Puncheons do do Irish WhiAm — - • ^ '• 1
2 Puncheons do do Irish Whiskey
50 Hogsh’adaand) Philadelphia Bye
100 Barrels J W hiskey
100 Barrel! Northern Gin
2 Pipes auperi ir old Madeira Wine
5 Half Pipe* superior old Lisbon do
10 Quarter Casks Teneriffe do
Very superior old Madeira Wine and
Cognac Brandy in demijohns
150 Whole and ) Barrels superfl nc fresh
100 Half | Flour
100 Barrels No- 3, New Mackerel-
50 Barrels No. 2, do do
1600 Baskets Table Salt
20 Casks Goshen Cheese
20 Barrels Copperas'
200 Reams Wrapping Paper
50 Bags Black Pepper
10 Boxes Chocolate
Sou Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Barrel! Glue
100 Kegs HB and HF Dupont's Gunpowdei
50 Pound Caniste'S of superior do
100 Pieces 43 Inch Oosion Bagging
2 Hales Bsgging Twine
10 Whole and > Boxes S. Whittimore’i
6 Half { genuine Cardt
10 Rnxet Wool Hate
5 Boxes Straw Bonnet*
10 Coils Bale Rope
5b Dozen Bed Cords
50 Do Plough Lines
100 Pounds Stsh Cords
6 Bales Point, Loudon Duffle
10 Caaea colored and bleached snd un*
bleached Homcapune
70 Gross Iron Table Spoons
15 Do do Tee do
'0 Do Tcutania Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Copper,Cast, Wrought and Compos
tion Tea Kettles of all aisea
Bran Kettles for making preserve*
20 9(t( of Di>h Coven
20 Tons Shear Moulds
t Do Sad Iron*
1 D Sheet'Iron
100 Casks assorted Cut Nails
Mill, Cross Cut and Whip Saw, madt
expressly for this market
20 Dsseu Handsaw., Woodsaws and Ten
nant Saws
Blacksmith Sledges and Htndhsmmera
Anvils, from 1 to 2001bs. real mouse
Blacksmith’! Bellows,from 24 to 34
Single and Double Screw Plates
Corn Mills, from No. 1 to 5
2 Tons Hooks snd Hinges
Brass Andirons, from 2? 50 to $3
Brass and Wire Fendeis, with sboveli
sod tongs to match
5 Casks Braid’s Patent Hoes
100 Dozen Pzdlocki
Steelyai da to weigh from 200 to 5001bI
3 Toni of Steel,consist ing of Shear,Eng
liats. Blistered and Cast
Stoves with Fip -s
1000 Pounds Waggon Bella, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
f Rags Trace Chains
2 Dozen Currying Knives
200 Dozen Curry Combs
6 Sets White handle Knives and Forks,
consisting of 50 pieces etch
10 Sett Britsunis Teapots.
Sngar and Cream do
6 Dozen Patent Shot Belts
2 Dozen Game Bags
2 Dozen Powder Horna and Flasks
1 Cate double and tingle barrel Guns
10 Dosen Wire and 20 doi. Hair Sifters
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mats and 50 seta
Table Mat*
A general enortment of Carnenter’sPlanea,
Brushes, and Fancy Bellows, with many othei
articles in the shove line,too tedious to enu
20 Tons of Carron Castings, which will b«
sold low from the wharf.
n«v 1*
Bills on New-York,
JjffOR SALE by
Feb 24
jpOR SALE by
Feb 23
Bacon and Lard.
*§:\J 60 firkins Lard—Lending from
schr. Barracos, from Baltimore- For sale
by HALL fc HOYT.
March 8 87
Gin and Butter.
Received per thip Corsair,
WA BARRELS GIN, and by Thomas
• V Hall, 34 Kegs Butter
For sale by J. B. HERBERT A CO.
March 28
— r—sigh—,v
Door Mats. <
UST received by the William Wallace
if . u * ree d ® ze h belt quality India Doqr
Mats, for sale by I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 93
Double Distilled Rose Water.
\ *P 8 H SUPPLY of best London
I Rose Water, received per brig Pen
thee,1 and for sale b*
A certain East India Cure for Ihe Mew ■
maiim, King', Evil, Sfe.
Extract or a let'er from the Her. James »—
Londom 4 “ * ^dwelt.
Desk Fix 1
by the name of Jndia Bxtract, a Mtdiciuiun.
iversally eateem^d among tbe people of India.
it a certain cure tor the Rbeumathm. Was
1 to inform you of tbe number of people whn
are daily relieved snd eured by this Valuable
M, d cine. it wou-d require more paper than
I am able to purobarr ar.d more tune than A
am able to bentow. Indeed, the t fleet of this
Medicine la iu iminidmte, that in Bkcwnadm
you would auppoee it acted at a charm in giv
ing relief and removing that painful disease,
■In the Affnjg’a Evil it has been used with gteat
success, snd where Mercury has been given
or uspd to excels, hia Medicine has proved a
perfcet eure. The great difficulty, however,
ol procuring the Extract, will for many year*
to come, prevent its general circulation, it be
ing obtained from a Shtub growing on the
mountain! of Thibet, in the Borman Etnpi.e
of India, and held so sacred by tbe natives
that to part with it iehke parting with their
Letter to Dr- Bedwell, dated Jan. 7, :«3;
Bear Doctor—I have been violently affected •
with a Rheumatic,complaint for many yean ,
even my flngCra were so contracted that I
could neither drese or undress myself, of give
tiie least assistance to mi fa mily—I have used
only one box of tbel,^a Extract, and l ag
perfectly restored. Youi’s truly,
~ "WntMelplis
Letter from Tobias Jeriningt, Stewsid of 8f>
Thomik* Husptal, London, Feb 1, 1823, '
Bear Sir-1 think it my duty to inform yoq,
that after trying every thing that cuuld be
pointed nut by tbe must respectable physi
cians and surgeons for the relief of my son,
without any success, who you know, ban for
many years been laboring under severe Rheu
matism, I was induced to try the Potadelpbi%
with ■ glimmering hope, that it mig|tt give
him some relief from the excessive pain he
endured, which rendered hias e useless mem
ber of society, snd s burthen to bimeelf. To
my utter astonishment the relief was Instan
taneous, >nd by persevering in tbe uae of the
Extract, his joints have returned to their pros
■— places, and he ia in perfect health. Up-.
...rds r f aiaty respeotable persons have cal-
led to see my ion, as all who knew him thought
it imponible that he eouH recover.
ruggist, whore additional certificates of
the efficacy of tbe above medicine may be
May 20
Butter and Hams,
R ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkins
first quality Goshen Buttet
6 Barrels Burlington Hams
jot sale by A. BASSETT.
- March 31
Administrator’s Notice.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of
Randolph M’Gillia, late of Camden
County, deceased, are requested to make
payment, and those having demands sgeinst-
said estate, will present them to the undeit
St. Marys, April 10th, 1825.
April 27 28ft.
N INE MONTHS after the date of thl*
notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to self a part of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors-ef said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec 18 St
At Private hale.
T WO PRIME NEGROES, one a first
rate cook, and the other a prime field
hand, for sale br
April 28
ROW ROOT. Apply to
HE members of “ The Female Mission-
try Society of Christ Church," ere
requested to pay their subecriptinn for 1825,
to S..H. WALL, Secretary.
May S*' 41
Brandy, Gin, Rum, &c.
5 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
150 Barrels Rye Whiskey
which will be sold low to chine sale*.
April 9 HALL A HQYf.
Fish Hooks and FLh Lines,
O NE hundred M. Fish Hooks, assorted
50 Groce Fish Lines, ksaorted
Received per the Augusta, and for sale hr
Teh *« ^ N. B. WEED.