Newspaper Page Text
in *»!,{* . i ■ t'-if
Bv G. *5 W. ftoBBB'rsoKf,
A11WIT B01UM M* *®*®l**
, MUlfcl I* 4J»Y±*C*fi
Tt.ll*d»y »nd 8rtU«lM)V * h . e .P*ceof tbt
JSrawrgtoBS*"* w#"S. 41.
: a^ria£®x
S5B^SS®w'rs?S ■*
M^ll. mill be Pul f<M
SSESSXS^tBw* "7 Admtnwr,.
.u.rdn<n, «w required,
J^ufeheM on the ft" Tueadayiythe
by, .T’il2.«en th^houreoften in ho fore
JJ&SKKTh m*'nf»rnoon, at the Court
uZ, ofth^unty in which the property »
"n » P^I« g..«ttc«xi,d.y.prev,ou.tu the
‘^iolhlwnf thesrte ofpownohi property. iy»t
he give in like manner, Early day, pteviour
°Notic6 to'the'dehtors »nd creditors of on
estate must bh published l<tr Farly day*. ,
Notice that application will be the
Court of Ordinary for leave to sell iand, must
be published JWw Menilte,* -
Notice, .
N INE months after itete«wjlic*ti°n
be madfetothe Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court f>( :
County, for leave to sell a tract ol WJjd,
known as number eight, Oth Dawteict, rtke
(formerly Monroe) County, for the hfinefi
ofthe heirs and creditors «f the estate ol
of N.S. Bayard, : ^, :pAYARD(
Administrator estate N. S. Baya™-
Jan-6 •*• —
T UB subscribers being about to decline bu
stiiesa in this place, request persons hav
ing demands agonal thfim, to present then
for paymenf.
ocr t
VTINE MONTHS after date of thia notice,
IN application will be made to the Honora
ie Court of Ordinary of r hathsen Cnun
tie tile
ly, lop pernusainn to aell allthe real estate ol
John Wakerlv, dec. for I lie benefit of 0)
heira and creditors of said deceased-
ROBERT UOY, Executor
Fe.h 24
.PERli FhR
.blow HOGSHEADS prime and second
«« quality St. Croix Sugar.
soharreu do do do Sugar
7p baga prime green coffcu
36 crates blue and green edged .plates
10 togs iron,, asserted
: \ S pipes cognac brandy
& do Holland gin
1 8 hogsheads Jamaica rum
hail pipes, quarter dusks, and. half
quarter casks wine
- 30 barrels loaf,sugar ■
f ; 30 coils bale rope
WOO bushels Maryland born
000 do " : Long faliniTwhite, equal to
Georgia Hint corn
hov ?3
fresh garden seeds,
TktYbous "Flower Hoots*
J UST rbce ved by the rubseriher, and w« ■-
ranted of the but acason's growth, 2
hoses Garden Seeds, pul unity A. M’Mahon J>
'30. Philadelphia, esprera'y ftnr thia market
and So ddolng the following aasortmonts, vis.
1. Drumhead Cabbage 14. Early curled Let-
3, Long Ited Beet tuce
3. Long Orange Carrot 1.5. Royal Cabbage do
4. Paridey 16. Nutmeg Melon
5. Leek 17. Spinach
6. Onion 18. Summer Savoy
", Salmon Radish IS. Sweet Basil
8. Early Purple do. 10 Sage
9. Haund leaved 11. Nasturtium
10. Early Turnipa 29. Celery
11. Late do 23 Early Peas
12. Satisfy '4. Late do
’.3' Aaparagua 25 Early bench beam.
26 lied French do
20 Packages containing the following Bui
bona Bhiwcr Hoots, via.
I. Double Hyacinths I 4.Mciiejntigerfl iwei
!. F.ce Tulips I 5 D iuble Tuberose
} Narcaas'it I 6 Star of Bethlehem
For sale by P. M’DEilMOTT
F"b 0 5«
Administrator’s Notice.
N iltKKdM HIS from this dale, we aball ap
ply to ibe Honorable the Inferior Court
Chatham county, when silling for urinary
purposes, to sell the real estate ol Wibiam
W,bt "‘ -C. H. HAYDEN.
awnt't 12 - . 45
By llie Pfeeidimt of the United Statet.
[N pursuance of law, I.Jamm Monaoa, Pres.
JL ident. of the Uni l ed States, do hereby de
hate and make known, chat a public sale wi'
ie held at the Land Office at Taijaltsiae, i
Florida, on the third Monday of May aest, f ■
the dispesii! Of the fnlhiwlfig lands, vis
Township l.suutli of Range 1, west ofthe
Meridian line.
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
0 4w do O- - 1 "
Township south 1, 2, 3, 4, «. 5, east.
1 & 2,north 1,2, 3, 4, & 5-
Fractional township 3 1,2,3, 4, & 5.
■fhe sale will commence with the lows.- -
number of aection, township, and range, an.,
proceed in regular numerical order. To
I .mis reserved by law for the use nfacbiob
>r other purpoaea. will be exclude-d from th
Given under mv hand, at ihe City of )Ya r .li
iiiEton, this 196th day of January, 1835.
Bv the President.
Commissioner ofthe General Land Onice.
(CJ- Printers of lha Laws of the United
'Pairs, fr. the Territory ol Florida, and in th:
dlaieaof Mnbsmn, Lonisiunt, Tcnesste, Mi-
nssippi, Georgia, ami Sotilh.Caroliua, are au
thori* d to publish the foregoing. Proclara*-
jon once a week nmil lb day of sale
P. h 7 8 t
Cognac brandy.
6 PIPFS “ Seigriette’s Brand," just re
ceivuil per Louisa Matilda, for sain by
60 Tierces new Rice
10 Pipes Holland Gin
10 Hogshoads Jamaica Rum
60 Barrels Flour
30 Barrels Hants
76 Barrels Gin
50 Crates Crockery .
20 Kegp Butter
50 Barrels Mackerel, No. 3
20 Coses Port Wiue.
lb Casks Oil
Jan 12 .
For sale by
hov 24
heceivxd ran brio oeoroe Washington
-d x x KEGS Now Leaf Lard
1UU 150 Hams
3 Barrels Castor Oil
6 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT Si CO.
Jan 14
Goshen Butter, Lard £5c.
TUST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and
J other late arrivals
12 firkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality
25 kegs leaf Lard
# Mils Butter Crackers
10 half and quarter bblaBuck Wheat
and Rye Flour
10 bbls Pilot Bread, for family use
For sale by
No. 1. Hongin’s New Buildings
feb 12 63
Share Moulds, Pork, Gin, £$c
G C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan
• ding from ship Corsair
4 tons Share Moulds
In Store, >
56 barrels Northern Gin
18 do Mess Pork, New-York
city inspection
1 ton Steel
100 kegs Whjtc Lead
22 kegs Block Point
8 do Verdigris.
5 do Spanish Brown
10 barrels Whiting
fob 12 63
Beers’ Axes,
A SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
'and for sale by VY. B. WEED.
OCt S3
Damascus Steel Razors,
UST recnived, a supply ofthe above ar
tide, which will bo warranted good—
sale bv N. B. WEED.
business, in this city, offers his
at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wardgpbes, French Press
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ .Dressing Tables,Com
modes, Pillar aud Claw work Tables,
Card Tablea, Tea Tables, Dining Tables.
Braakfhst Tablea,Gentlemen’s Writing To-
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed BaBtn Stands,
Wash Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stands,
Mahognny Cribbs, CradJasJ Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple uo. Maple
Field do. Wire Safos, Cotts, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy &, Windsor Chairs,
&.c. at the Ware-House, cprpor of Wlutta :
ker-Sttect and Bay Lane.
J. H. 6. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make payment with
out delay, and those having any demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
Jan 25 51||
S r v01H<Q©IL
O^ositetUe Academy
3V\m 15.EU, .
R ESPECTFULLY informs her friends
and the public, that her sciiooi. is now
orax, opposite the Chatham Academy, for
tile reception or purii.s. Assisted by
her daughter Miss E. A. Harrison, she
offers her services in teaching the following
useful and ornamental branches of educa
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks foi
the patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to further the pro
gress of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
ther extension of public’favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
arc received, are—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and
Marking, per quarter, : I t 00
2d. Class—-With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
laco or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : : : : : : : 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00
O’ The most careful attention will be
paid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge.
l’OV 2 85
•rig Pkedtant, from Philadelphia,
HD8. and 100 bb|a- Philadelphia
re Wl.lskey
teh Demipihna
it Saheetre
ipte and 100 half b|dt. Desk Flour
000 fiuthell Liverpool grourd Baft
5 khV.s. te20 bbls. prime St. Greix Sugar
3 pipes and 25 demijohns beat Hbiland
G n
5 pipes and 30 demijohns beat Cognac
10 hhda, and 25 bbls. superior Northern
75 bbh ^Northern Gin
54 biaa fl 'een Cnffee
5 euks superior old Litton Wine’
■ ,'25 bbls Lump and 72 hbls. Loaf Sugar
I 5 boxes white and 7 do brown Havana
25 bags blsck Pepper
5 pipes Imitation Gin
2 baler Bagging Twine
25 qr bnx»a Hyson Tes
50 reamr Wrapping Papel
15 boxes Pipes
5 cues Wool Hats
10 b»|es best Oansburgs
5 bales unbleached Homespun
4 eases colored ditto
50 keg! Dupont’s Gun Powder
1000 bushels fable Salt
75 kegs manufactured Tobacco
25 tans assorted (Carre n) Castings
5 large Smith Bellows
59 kegs assorted Cut Nails
100 bags assorted Shot—slso sn
Assortment of Cedar Ware, Market and
Clothes Baskets.
All of which wMI be sold low for cash, or
good towu acceptances.
march 14 ’97
Cider, Porter, (Vine, &c,
ft X BOXES first quality Cider
Av 5 Casks do do London Popter
30 Boxes Claret Wine
10 do Madeira do
120 Boxes Bunch Raisins
10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Feb 18
Consumptions, Coughs, £$c.
TONS carron castings, just receiv
ed from Greenock, via. Charleston,
consisting of the following assortment, viz :
2000 pots from J to 30 gallons
200 American Spiders, from 9 to 13 Inches
50aet jbfrkjnctal Weights, from l-t>2.tu
120 London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts
1300 camp ovens, fnyp 9 to 18 inches
130 untinned tea kettles, from .one to 5
For sale by P. M’DERMOTT.
Jan 8
“ brade’s Company’' Hoes.
CASKS Brade’s Patent lines, for
U(£) sale by N. B. WEED,
dec 18
Georgia—Camden Coutuy.
O N the first Tueiday in March next, I will
sell at J.-ffenun, in said connty,. a negro
nun, named Daniel, the property of the es
tate of Micajah Crews, de mused, pursuant to
leave granted by the Court of Ordinary.
11 AltY CHEWS, Executrix*
Jn 14 4'
Aidministrator’s Notice.
N INE MONTHS after date, I shall apply
to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol
Chatham county, (when sitting for ordinary
nurpoaea) for leave to sell the real esiate ol
Isaac U. Hollins, to satisfy ,lie keira and cred.
itora* C* H. HAYDENj
august 12 45
Bunch Muscatel Raisins.
J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di
reel from Gibraltar, . .
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
p,.h :t Anotnux’s ivhnrt.
Firsti Teas, Hams, Flour, cc
ft ft CHESTS Hyson Teas
20 1 Hh§ 0 Riohmond°Cut C Glasa Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laur.a ^f^B^RT & CO.
Feb 5 i -
F OR the cure of CoMb, Cough*, Coniump
tions, Spitting ofB^odj Aaihmu^anu
ciseaiea ofthe bieaal and lungs.
There is perhaps no medical observation
better established, none more pen entity con
firmed by the experience ofthe best physic*
tnsof all a;:es and countriu. and none oi
store importance to the human family, than
he fact that many of the most difficult snd 111-
■;uraMe consumptior s originate in neglected
colds.. In aclit)!&<e so variable as ours, where
ibe changes of the weather are fr^quentlj
sudden and unexpected, it requires more care
and attention to guard against this dangerou
enemy of life, than molt people imagine or
are able and willing to beatow. The bills ar
mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that the
proportion of deaths by this disease may bt
considered as about five to one. Inasmuch
then as this fatal disease frequently biJs defi
anceto the skill ofthe most lesrned pltyatci
ana, it is a gratification to the proprietor that
lie is enabled to ofierto those afflicted .with
it, a goodly prospect of relief, in that highly
valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Sped*
fic. The Indiana are happy in their know-
ledge of medical plants; governed wholly Hv
'.•xperience, they are certain as to their effect,
*nd it if aaid by an author of great character,
that a true consumption is a disease never
known staong them.
This Specific is obtained by extraction from
herbs, roots, flowers, pi int-, &c. when in pet.
r ection. In consequence f a nappy combina
tion ofthe most valuable herbs, 8cc. it becomes
< balsam of a superior value. It heals the in*
ju-ed parts, opens the pores, and composes
the disturbed nerves, after the manner of ar.
inodyne / consequently the obstruction ot
the cheai and the lungs which constitute this
disease, particularly need its use# It promotes
expectoration, which ia constantly called for,
and whilst it cleanses and heals, it also gives
.urength to the tender lungs. In this manner
it removes the hectic feve*, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the
- ppetite snd improves the spirits. This speci
fic mav always be given .in safety it is mi!d ;
pleasant to the taste, snd may safely be giaw
o infants, for which it is of inestimable value.
It affords relief in bowel complaints, teething,
whooping coughs, &c. snd is .found particu-
hrty useful in hypochondriacal, nervous and
hysterical diseases. Bach bill of direction
ontsin* a detailed account of thia disease in
•all its different stages, and will be tccomp*
ied with the signature of the proprietor in
Red Ink. lti* offered for sale by GEO. BY
?,KbO V, only (my s»le agent) Druggist, cor
,ner Bay and Whittaker-strects, Savannah, at
jdc dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
\J. •*' otes,
1 iit±
• :<6 - rD •• 1
N ine MONTHS aftaz date, application will
be made to the Honorable Inferior Court
; f Chatham countyt for leave to sell the real
and personal aetate of the late Mrs. Ann Ham-
iRoo, deeaaaed, lor the benefit of the beira
led ercditora of arid estate,
March to; ... «»t» *
LnionwaUon Wanted \
I F GtiOttGF, MILLER, otherwiie DAN-
I EL OLAND MILLER, wpo in the year
rfi5, arrived in Savannah, in ihe Abcid?en
mnsport, belonging to Messrs. Duwson &
Sons of London it living, and will apply to
his friends in England, he will hear of
•nrietl *ng much to hi* advantage, He lef
the Aberdeen while she lay at Savannah, and
not been hetid of by his fiend* sinc<
that period. He had beeQ many years a sai
lor, and while on board the above vess I
was employed ms s carpenter. If be left Sa
vannah at that time, it is probable that h-
ntered some vessel going to the Brusil h-
lands, as in Ins Lst letter, he stated that it
was Ins intention to do so. Should he hsv>
died at any place where a register or certifi
cate of his burial can be obtained, it would bt
thankfully received and all expense. atteiidit.*
it, paid by
Savannah, or
sent Q W
Administrator’s sale.
O N the fi'fct Saturday afer the fi at Tues
day in May next, between the lioura of
trm and four o’clock, will be cold at the mar
ket-house in the town of St. Marys, pursuant
to an order of the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary Mr the county of Camden, a negro wo
man named Jenny, belonging to the estate <>f
David G. Jones, deceos a, for the benefit of
the creditors ofsmd estate.
March 0 ‘ *' 9fi
4 LL persons having demands against the
estate of the Inte John Wakerly, (plank-
-r) dec. are requeu ed to render them, prop
erly attested, immediately; and all persons
ndebted, to make immediate payment to
ROBERT HOY, Executor.
Feb 94 77
N ine MONTHS after the d.te hereof, at
plication will be made to the tlonurabl
the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when
sitting tor ordinary purpoaei, fur leave te aell
a lot, with the improvements, situate in the
city of Savannah, in the said county,and known
in the plan of said city by the No. 53, Brown
Ward, for the benefit of the heirs and legatees
of the estate oi the late Hugh M’Call, de
net 1 4 77
ETINR months after dste,«pp1icatinn will be
IaI made to the Interior Court of Chatham
County, sitting for ordinary purpose, for an
order, ahaolute, to aell lota Noe four anr five,
(4and 5) in Carpenter's Row, and lot No.
one, (1) urcen Ward, in thi city of Savnnnah,
being the real eatate of Francia Jatincau, dee.
for the benefit of the heira and creditor* of
wideatatlt WILLIAM GA8TON.
Qualified BxecuUr, ,
f if', 97*
fNFORMSit , , , , .
I orally, that he* kaa' received rieent
arrivals, a large and extensive aaaortmendDt
Groceries, Hardware and Dry
which will he dis'poend of ' Wholesale' sad te
■tail, on the moat reasonable terras. *IV.
following articles Comprise a part of hit!
present stock, viz.— ■"
10 Hogahetda priifte 8t. Croix Augar ’
10 Boxes While and > „ . . :
’0 Boxes Brown | -
60 Barrels Loaf and Lump do
4Q Buga Havana Green Coffae
fi Pipes superior 4th n roof Grand*.
* Pipes do Holland Gin -
5 I'me a Imitation Brrndv, 4thpri>ia
5 Do ” do Gin v " ’ ’ ‘'
2.Pipea -cry superior old Peach Brandi
2 Puncheons do do Irish Whisks'
50 Hogrii ads and > phili d lphta Rve
100 Barrel, J Whiskey •
100 Barrel, Northern Gin i
2 Pipes auperi <r old Madeira Wine
5 Half Pipes superior old Lisbon do
10 Quarter Casks Teneriffe do
Very superior old Madeira Wine and
Cognac Brandy in demijohns
150 Whole and} Barrels superfine fireal-
100 Half 5 Flour
100 Parrels No- 3, New Mackerel
50 Barrels No. 3, do do
1600 Bsaketo Table Salt
20 Cask, Gnahen Cheese
20 Barrels Copperas
200 Ream, Wrapping Paper
50 Baga Black Pepper
10 Boxes Chocolate
20 V Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Barrel, Glue
. Tv-arVoSGM.-d. .
KfiSS. w,Wfd Vdrtfth Wd Spirit,
if Turpentine,; ««»»*, for
^MarekVi ' fT a CUTHfi *'
m.~>,'UI'II-J j..| .„n ' ;
1)001* 4 '
cd^reiM^Ake WBIilnrYVaflaeo
three fioseq beat quality Imffx Door
Mata, .tor sale by "' f. MORRELLi
March 16 > ' - /• • ■ .„ ■
.Double Distilled Rose Wateri.
A FRESH - SUPPL Y of best' London
Row Wrier, received { pef brig Pen*
ttaft, x&d for sale, tar.
C Miy S % and B^Wingi.*
100 Regs HE and HF Dupont’s Gunpowder
50 Pound Cunistei a of superior do
' % inc‘
100 Pieces 42 inch Cotton Bagging
2 Rules Bagging Twine
10 Wholo and > Boxes S. WhittimoreV
6 Half J genuine Garda
10 Boxes Wool Hat,
5 Boies Straw Bonnet,
10 Coils Bale Rope
58 Dozen Bed Coni,
50 Do Plough Lines
100 Pounds Sash Cords
6 Bales Point, London Duffle
10 Cates colored and bleached and un*
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron S able Spoon,
15 Do do Tea do
10 DoTeutania Table*do
Plated Table and Tea da
Capper,Cast, Wrought and Compos
lion Tea Kettles of all siaca
Bras, K titles for making uttasrvet
20 S, t ; of Di h Covers
20 Tons Shear Moulds
_ I Bj Sad lama. —
1 D i Sheet Iron
100 C. sks assorted Cut Nails
Mill, i'-rots Cut ami Wliip Saw, made
eapressly for this market
20 D zen Handsaw., Woodssw. arid Ten
■unit Sana
Blacksmith Sledges snd Handhammers
Anvils, from 1 to 200lbs. real mouse
RDck'amith's Btllows,from 24 to 34
Single tnd Double Screw Platel
Corn Mills, from No. 1 to 5
2 Tons Hooks and Hinges
Brass Andirone, from S5 3 50 to 23
Brass and Wire Fendeis, with shovels
and tongs to mutch
5 Casks Braid’s Patent Heea
100 Dozen Padlocks
hteelya' ds to weigh from 200 ’o 5001b:
3 Tons of Steel,comisting of Shear,Eng
licb. Blistered tnd Cast
Stoves with Pip «
1000 Pounds Waggon Bella, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pint
5 Hagr Trace Chains
2 Cozen Currying Knivea
SOU Dozen Currv Combs
6 Seta White handle Knives and Forks.
consisting of 50 p eeea each
10 Seta Britannia Teapots.
Sugar and Cream do
6 D isen Patent Shot Belt,
7 Ouzel. Game Baga
3 Dos :n Powder Horns and Flasks
1 double and single barrel Guna
10 Dozen Wire tnd 20 doz Hair Sifter,
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mats and 50 acta
Table Male
A general assortmertcfCarnenter’sPIrnet,
Bril- hes, and Fancy Bellowa, with tpany other
articles in the above line,too tedious to enu
20 Tons of Carron Casting!, which will bi
sold low from the whaif.
unv 15
Bills on New-York,
F or sale by
Feb 24
F or sale by
Feb 23
Bacon and Lard.
Trvr 50 Hrkina Lard—Landing from
schr. Barracoa, from Baltimore. For Bale
March 6 07
Gin and Butter.
Received per thip Corsair,
mft BARRELS GIN, and by Thomas
f U Hall, 34 Kegs Butter
For sale by J. B. HERBERT fit CO.
March 26
Butter and Hams,
n ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkins
Jtl, first quality Goshen Butter
5 Barrels Burlington Hama '
Hi Hay ll { GEO. SYERSON.
A certain Poet India Cure fof the Rhea* ■
motion, King'e Suit, #c.
Extract oTa let'er from the Bev. Jnmes Eng."
hah, dated at Bengal, to Dr,- F- Bedwefl,
ptAR Fix:
A ^hBlY to year request, I have with
difbuulty procured and uow send you bt
" “ “hip Jaaon, Capt. Hubinion, a few pounds
ie PoUdilnliis, or what generally gees
by the name of India Extract, a Medici e on-
iversslly esteenn d among the people of India.*
ss a certain, cure tor the Rheumatism. Was
I to inform you of the number of pe..pie who
sre d uly relieved and cured by thia valuable
8. d cine, it wou d require more paper tharr
I am shte tn purchase and more time tbafij
am able to bestow. I .deed, the effect of t 1 is
Medicine is l-i immidiate, that |n Bbewmitlm
you would suppoae ii acted ia a chain, in giv
ing reliel'.qnd removing ihri. painful disease.
In the Am ft Evil, it has been used with great
success, and where Mercury has been given
or used tn cx4css f uhis Medieifie has proved Ik
perfect cure. The gieat difficulty, however,
ol procuring the Extract, Will lor many yraip-
tc come, prew nt Us general circulation, it be,
ing obtained from a Shrub growing un the
mountains uf Tliihgt, in the. Berman Empire
of lnuisnd held so sacred by the natives,
that to part with it it parting wi h their
existence.” --
Letter to Dr. Bedwell, dated Jsn. 7, (823.
Rear' Docm—l have been volently aliened
with a Rheumatic complain' for many years t
even my fi igen were so contracted that l
can'd neither dresa or undrea* myself, or g,ve
the least assistance to mv ftnilj— l have used
only .one bos-<d the fedta' Extract, and I am
perfectly restored, Your’ajg^
Letter from Tobias Jennings, Steward’ ot St,
Thuma: ’ llolptal London, Fi b 1, 18(3.
Rear Sir- 1 think Tt my d ity te inlorn. yEJf
that after trying every thing that could be
pointed "tit by the moat respectable physi
cians red surgeons for the relief of my sun,
without any success, who you know, haa lor
many year, been laboring under severe Rheu
matism, I wna induced to try the Polaiielphi«
with a g.immerirg hope, that it might give
him some relief from the exeeaeive pain be
endured, which rendered bi n a useless mtet
her of society, and > burthen to himself. To"
my.utter astonishment the relief wee inetan-
unrous, snd by persevering in the ut-e uf the-
Extract, his j tints have returned tp their pro
per place,, aud he is in per.eet health. Up-'
vsrd i f sixty reaped able persona have cal-
ed to enr my sob, as all who knew him thought
t impossible that he eniil'l recover.
Druggist, where additional certificate, of
the efficacy ofthe above medicine may be
seen. 1
May 20
Administrators Notice.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of
Randolph M’Gillis, late of Camden
County, deceased, are requested to make-
payment, and those having demands against
said estate, will present them to the under*
signed. HANNAH M’GlLLlBr
St. Marys, April 10th, 1826.
April 27 29fr.
N INE MONTHS after the date of thia
notice, application will be made, to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased^ for
the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of sakl
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec 18 21
At Private Sale;
T WO PltlME NEGROES, one a,firet
rate cock,and the other a prime.field,
hand, for sale by
April 2s j. b. Herbert & co.
ROW ROOT. Applv to
April 12 GEO 'RYERSON.
T HE member* of" The Female Mission
ary Society of Christ Church,” are*
requested to paytheir subscription for 1825,
to S H. WALL, Secretary.
May 22 41
Brandy, Gin, Hum, &c.
3 do Holland Gin
--5 Hegiiheafia Jamaica Rum —.
160 Barrels Rye Whiskey
which will be sold low to close ablet.
April s 1IALL fit HOYT.-
Fisti Hooks and Fi*h Lines.
O NE hundred M. Fish Ilpoka, aaroftali
50 Groce Fwh .Lines, assorted ■ .
Received per th* Aufuat»v»n". ™ r r hp
Ff)l.||j A'-' v ‘ J|. B* n