Newspaper Page Text
Sheriff’s Sale.
On thefirtl Tuesday in September next.
MR/I ,L be sold tub e the Luurt Home in
W t | lr City >f Savannah, between the
hour* of !• »"d 4 o'clock,
All thoee two lot and improvements in the
eity ofS.ivaonah known in plan of .aid city aa
number! (21) twenty one and (92) twenti
two Jaskaoii wardO leana levied on ••
the ptoper'y ol Elesx. Early under a It la. in
tivor of Amos Scu.ld r-
AM that right title and interest o' Andrew
Knox in Rice’a wharf being one und v.ded
eighth of two undivldrd third! and o e nn_
divided eeventh of one im.l.vided eighth of
twin Undivided thirda, levied on aa the pro*
petty of Ai.d ew K iel to aa':ify an execution
in ftyor of W lliamaon and De Villera.
An ui 4 vided moiety of a ;'o. ti i n or port o
all that It i of land in the city of Savannah
known by the numbera If) eeven Carpentera
Tythine D-xker ward, the sa.H port.oo
part comai ling thirty aix (36) feet in Iront
and ninety feet (9'J) in depth,bound 'd north
by Bay lane, cait by land of Josiab I.iwrence,
eoutn by Bryan atreet a id weal by lot no, six
(6) levied on aa the property of John M Jar.
yia unJer an execution in favour of Mark
All that garden lot, no. one (1) liberty
street being the half of lot no* (5 y ) fitty seven
bounded west by lot no (53) ft ly eigba and
on the east by the other hill of laid lot levied
on a* the property -f Lr.n* tit Williams under
an e«e«"t’on in favor I D.^er and Larne*!.
Fjrt fiv shsreiofatean boat stock, levied
on ai the property of Thomas Wright updf’r
two executions in favor of JjhT.son. Huh
A co. and Sami. Hale.
I. D*l.YON §. c. r.
Aitff 8 98
'fSHlS medictoe is offered s, a remrd
1. Sorefula, Kill,.'a Evil, Ulcerated
City he riff s rale.
On the Jirtt Tuesday in September next,
TTO ,1, d I the „'U't house i th
e .:v f s vinnth, between the hour"
of 10 and 4 ■'’click'
All the 11' V landal'uated Wing and beinn
in the city •> p 9iv nnah, k- wit the plan ot
aa'-d citv is 1 N) two 2 L ll ■: ‘v Ward co;:-
ttinng 60ft front »nd 90 f et d'vp, togeth
er with all 'he H.ji'dingo and improvements
thevon. homd' dear' bv !--'t 1, wpat }
lo> No th ec 3, north bv Bronghton at '< anutu
by a 'ane. 1 v e.l on aa the property of U es
tate of Th its* Lucenx, dec. to aatVv ari ex
ecuti-in from the T.urt of Oommo i Peas an-'
Ow a id Term ner for th • ci'v of Savannah.
Vn N Waller! E 'xtb-. h hi. wife S. M
Bond adminiat-tor, C T V, if ' h m . L
ceua. A. 1 D’lYNca
An* R W
Sheriff’s ‘-ale.
On the Jirtt Tuctday in September next,
rrwiu. v.iu .n i oi to ute
i, b van County, between th u.u»|
hours i t « .le.
A tract of Land in sa d county, known b>
the name of ‘P.le mo,’ con: anting eight liu -
d.-rd seres, m ire ir less, b >u-d:*d N E oy
Sw a'*s lam s. S W by a S t marsh, ot vi
bout,tartei not ku vi—levt .d noon as 'h
property of If T K ting. In v. Tv an es
cu'ion in aver of t.
Stiles, 'tece.aed
August 2
■ administr-ttra of B, .j
TUOS. HARN, »• B.c.
Administratrix Sale.
O 'A in Jit e g.i h ay o August neat
v !, oe fold at tt.e ,ouae of Mrs. E 'mitt,
in Brian County, between the hottri often
and four o'clock. 3ii head of Stock Cxttl'
and one old Ctrl, b-i-tg the remaining pera
n«l estate of Uattli-w Carter, dec. Cmdi-
tions. Cash
June 29th, 1R2J
El.'Z itdETH CARTE n, Adnfx.
Julv 2 8Sf
ST* . * -EG
thathnm •Jaunty
In the Cowu tfudtnary July Term 18?5
la ihc mister >t t c Bsttji'j "I EliZ-ibeth
Bourke, Lunatic—Archibald Smith, Guar
O n the pet tion of A chibald Smith guar
dtan of Elisabeth Bourke, statmg that
the :'•«]’ow*ng named negroes- vi*. Sukey and
here, id Andc^or,Daphne and hr children,
Andw w a id Muse, fr/ina long vesidchce in
town a»i i <rea( ir»du!gen'*e have aeq .ired aucli
h bi s of dleness and viciou* practice!, that
they na »not be made at all p# fitable to the
•aid L.uiatic ariff praym.: Ic-ve of thia court
to ' il t e said »*eg oe . and har the proceeds
of th* sale be»*.ve^. d i Dank Stock, O’* any
othnr r„ rt d« tha? . a. promoie lue mtc
rett of <he said r.lisa' ^uuike, It w
bkrebv ordered, thd all persons int -r ste<! i»
the welfare ft th • suid w »iz oeth di fi tin w
obje t«*ms if any th -y have in ti»e a*s ol
ft : if (Me Court on o r before ihf fi •>* Mon*
day in August next, otherwise, the s;ud ne
groes will be sold fo* the*v nefit »>t the said
Luaauc > d the proct ed 15 of such B ile be
yeste t *■ Bank ,tock, or o b-1 fund. mar
belt p;0:.iote the intereat of th” 3«:d Rhi”
beth , .
And it is further ordered, that this ru** b-
£ U il e .»I in »* luhlic Gi<zi-t d Sav i:»si;*b, <
aft c-a w’ek for thirty dayf.
Ext'act from the mi'Wt'* 7t>t Ju f y ‘8
dAULhiJ M H*)ND C C O.
1 V • '4'
remedy to* 1
Throat, long its ding Rheumatic Afl’ec-
•'onf,'. Cutaneous Diseases, White Swellinf:
and Diseases of the Bines, and all caai
•renerslly of an ulcerous character, and
Chronic diseases, arising in debilitated consti
lutiiinsi but more especially fur Syphilis, o
.tfT'Ctions arising th.-refrom, Ulrers «t»f th*-
Larynx, Node^ Ac., and that dreadful dif
ease occasioned by a long ai d eacenive u»«
of Mercury, Ac Ac.—It has a so been found
useful in Diseasea of the Liver.
In a I disorders arising from an impure or
contaminated state of the Blood t it w»ll be
found a powerful and an effectual remedy.—
The discovery of this med e ne has been the
effect of long and attentive study, and it is
now made public from the most decided con.
viction, founded on ample experience, of it*
p-iwer In era heating those diseascs.q/ier every
other medicine hat failed.
Itcainot howeyeif be supposed, that this
i’AKAciA will invariably cure—the ormat es.
teemed medicines, employed by the Faculty,
will often fail in the very diseases for which
ihe> are considered specifics i but if the use of
■t be persevered in, it will radically remove tL
meat every causefnf the disorders specifi d.
Thn’jiands are lingering under th<*se com-
pla*nts, in some form, linking to the g r ave,
vitbout a remedy, whom this medicine would
certainly restore to perfect health and vigour.
(is safety and innocence have been fUUy Us -
ed, so that it may be administered to the ten-
dercst infs» I The most distinguish* d physi*
tans in the United States recommend it, and
dmit, that a mure important discovery in me
dical science has not been made i and to use
the language of un * of the most eminent Pm-
estors of the age, it it a tiiumph in the healing
art. To the priteot ai d n:*.ig ^ nerauoi.s,
the bent-fit must prove incalculable, not only
jy.saving many many valuable lives, b it m-
;>ar*ing strength and snunduess drbilitaed
a\ ■ corrupted nnns’itutiona.- -theieby pretera
ing their offspring from hereditary ihtJiiset.
There tacts, toga with the nume o r cures
;>-de, form irret ibU'proof of the h 'h
this remedv. No utit, h iw^ver, is d. sud
o take it, wilnout first fully convincing h m-
u*lf of the truth of what is here seated, and
the rectitude of the P p ietor’s intentions.
The cures performed in this city atone, es
lAbltsh its superior virtue on a bads mo amid
t»be affected by the maligmty of theenviou
I *a worthy of remark, that the greater pfcrt
the patients who have b ;en pe msnenth
u ed, had, pieviousto the s>r*»;ir»«ior*s un
dertaking th-m, received the »ib e»t a.siitsn e
sod several were abandoned by tier Phys*
ctanf, ash ng beyond the react’ f nm«
sil l Such it the f ct and to ex ' ao- dinnry
•or re many of -hec tea that an exLb ion rtm
made of. th m t; the (Jnivtrti y f Venn y v n
ia, ‘>y the V ojetsor of Burger b t ;t e a c otod
edaudienc <>f nutle ts -who pronounced them
wonders in the healing (»rt. It. as ,-#een >*;tro-
•ice * ntJ ilu. To.iadv'piua Aims House ai cl
P nnsvlvania and New-York Hospital, an-i
such w -re its surprising effects—its success
<»fier 11 other medicines had Med, that the
burgeon of the Pcnnsylv.inisiHepital, Dr Wm
P ice, was induced to abandon his highly
respectable , from the laudable design
of benefiting n s fallow creatures, bv carr^
ig the Panacea to England ; where it has ai
ready superseded the use of the genuine
French Rob of Lafacteur in • number of in-
st-mces, n diiesses for which that is int<*nded t
and its virtues are publicly acknowledge by
som** of the most eminent sur jo.»•*■ th*.r»
I t all complicated eases of Sctfulu *nd Sy
pfuUs, and where the Syphilitic V*rus of ;»,e
Pk.iv.t causes a dcvelopement of Scro'ula in
the child, di:s is the only remedy upon which
a sing e ho e of recovery can bq reasonab : y
founded} there has been no instance of its
failure, where properly uacd It impacts vi
gour to the whole system while the cure is
going on—an operation so long looked for in
vain by the medical -world; at toe same time
the t atieni is en »b cd to take nourishing food
which under the common modes of practice
s usually withheld from the sufferer. In ma
uy instances where the horrible ravages of u 1
ceralion had laid bate ligament and bone, and
where, to all appearance, no human tneans bu
amputation couid have saved life : in cases
ext: erne even •• here described, have pa
tients been snal^bed from the giavu am] re
stored to good health, and th- dev u. ng dis
ease completely eradicated The discove y of
a remedy like this now offered fo- tale, has
been a desideratum from tune i mini
The PrOgiiiutoi do*s» no upp jSc ms bare
assertion will convince : >e wi.l tner?forc give
referenceto such as have been cured, and
those undtr Sis care among whom are many
CommbhfcRions. post paid, and orders from
any part of the wovld, will receive immediau
Op* Printed directions accompany tbe Me
W M. 49 W AIM,
No 13, South Ninth Street, opposite th
U ivrriity of t'ennsylvunia,
Philadelphia. February, 1825,
Thosubscribers have just received a fresh
supply of the abovoVALUABLEAlISDl-
CINE,and have mado such arrangetnents
with the inventor,Mr. Wm. Swaim, ns will
euablo them to otf(?rto the public a pure
and unadulterated article. Druggists nnd
others who purchase to sell again, enn have
at the original price established by the
Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
A Treatise on Swaitn’a Panacea, with,
cases illustrating its success, will be loaned
to those iptercstod, by applying as above.
June 28
Treasury De^artmant,}
March, 14, 1825 y
W HEIiEAS on the 3tl of M«rch, IP J, ..
law w«« panted by the Congress of the
Umted States, of which the 3d, 4l!», and 5t»»
sections are in the words f dlowtng, v ; x :
•* See. 3, And be it further enucteil, That a
subscription io‘the amount of twelve millons
of dollsra, of the six p* r cent, stock of the
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
Vegetable Catholicon.
rnHE wibicrib: , re. j'-ctfiilly lolieile the.t
IT tentiun of every frieml uf suffering hit
ni.n't', to to the »bt»ve new »nd inv.luxble
remedy, wl'oie unequal power, in elimiinling
A certain East India Curefor the Ilhcu-
mat ism, King's Evil } fyc.
Extrsct of k letter from the Rev. James E
li?h, d*»teA at Bengal, to Dr. F 1 Bedwe
L »nd in
PfAn r i» :
4 GYBE4RI.Y to y.-nr request, I have »vPh
diffi' ultv procured and now send you bv
the ship Jas n, Capt Robinson, a few pound
-»f the Poi.d“lnhia, ot what generally goes
by the name f !- dia Extract, g M”'V» i eun
iversally esteemed among the people of India*
« a certain cure for the. Rheumatism. Win
I to inform you of the number of people wh
are daily relieved and cured Uy this vahidili
'd d cine, it wou d reqmec more paper than
I am » u !e ti purcha.e a. d more lime th«»* 1
am able to bestow. Indeed, the * ff-c' of t ? is
Medicine ts a t imm* d'.ate, that in Rheumatism
ou would suppose it acted ss h cha'm in (iv
ng r* Vof and r*»nviving hit painful disease
lathe King's Evil it has b'^n u >d with great
success, and whore .Mercury hasb en giver
or used to excess, h.s Medline has proved a
oerfeet cure. The great difliulty, however.
procuring the Extract, will for many yea*'
o come, prevent its general circulation, It bf
ng nbiainc 1 from s Sh-ub crowing on th*
mountains »»f Thibet, in ihe B’ rm m Empire
T India, and held »o sxcred by tho natives,
that to part with it is iik* parting wi h tnei
f.etter *; D** Bcdwell, dated Jm. 7, '8.3
Dear Doctor-—\ have been v olei.t y alloctr«.
■•ltn s R ou nfltic complain f>r ma*iv y a s ;
m. fingc’rs were so contracted that 1
emud neither d<*ess or und" •§■ myself,.or give
t’>e least assisiance to r» fa wily—I have used
ily one ox of the I d * Extract, a"d I a?n
perfectly restored, YourN truly,
Letter from Tobias Jennings, st.*wa d »l St
Thoma*' r ?nspu|. London, F-b !8:'3
Dear Sir—l thin* it m> d.ity t« inform you,
hat after trying every thing that could be
pn-nted out by the moat rcapoctab'e physi
cians and surgeon* for the relief of my son,
withoat any success, who you know, has fo
many years been laboring under severe Rheu-
natiam, I w-is induced to try the Poladelphis,
with a g immering hope, that it might g>ve
him some relief from the exeesaive pain he
“ndio-e I, which rendered hi t) a useless mem-
»er of society, and a burthen fo hi nstlf To
my utter astonishment the relief was inatan
om mus, nd by persevering in thj use’of die
Extract, his joints have returned to their pro
per nlaces, and he is in per k ect health. Up
wnrdi f sixty respectable nersons have cal
led t • s •- my son, *s all who knew him though
1 LI t! »,» h»* e-'ul 1 r ’covei*.
Druggist, where atlilitional certilicates of
the efficacy of the above medicine may be
May 20
Georgia—Camden County
TO \!.L ft WHO.: Il'il .Y LONs-ER't
W HEREAS It.lion A. Oopp.pplieuo Hie
Court of O lin.ty of sa d County for
Letter.of Admi.-..strut'mi, with tne will ait-
nesedjon thee* te of Jo'eph Bixhy, lat.ol
said county, decease.) i These sre therefor,
toots s'd sdmom.h all and angular, th
heit. a- d ered't rs of .aid deceased to ti
their objections (if any thcyhsve) in my ol
fice, on or before the fint Monday in Septe
her next, otherwise Letters will be grautt d
the applies't* . nosnitsi, t»c.
Witness the Hon, William r„h«on,one 'r , w , M Ya , k Ulm0 SiAi 1824’’
the J dice, of »»td Court, thin 23d Ju- 1
ly. 8:5
.10 IN B AILY, c. C. o. e. e
Jult 10 19*
highly re.pre acicedizes that satisfy the
si iiCi duL.iis ol* its superior efficacy nine
Itsordc s lo ■ which i is here recommen
Byfry member ofsoe e y shi uld aid in 'Ml'ii
i i* nil million f 'iiio discayery—human
ity alone makes il a ilu y
“1 have within Lie «sl two "ears had an op
portuiiityof seeing several cases ol very tove
terete ulcers, which having previously resist
ed the regular inodes d LcutmenL wort
U'alcd by - the use uf Mr. Swrim’s Panacea,
nd 1 do believe, from what I have seen,
that if will prove an important remedy in icro,
mloui, venereal and mercurial diseases.
■-N. CHAPMtN, M. D.
Professor of the Institutes and practice
of Phyaic, in the U niversity ol Penn,
sylvania Wu. 8t.
*'Philadelphia, Februmy 16,18i3. rt
“1 nave e". pi jyed .he I'muce! of Mr.Swaim
in numerous instances, within the In' three
years, and have always found it extremely
dHcscious, especially in see-ondary syp'.iilo
ind mercurial diseases, I have no heaitatio
in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable
value. “W, GIBSON, M. D.
Professor of Surgery in the Um’ty of Pern.
Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer to the
Alms llnu«e Infirmity, he
•• February 17, 1823"
*• 1 have tepcaiedly used Swaim's, Panacea,
both m the Hospital and in private pracl.ce.
a ,d have found it to be a valuable medicine in
ch cxiic, syphilitic and scrofulous complaints,
and tn obstinate cutaneous affections,
Profess >r ~f Surgery in the University of
New York, Surge in of the New.Yorlt
Hoscital, he.
1 :e itgid—Camden County.
TrisiE.kS Alexander Atkinson, Arinin,
ist.'ator on ihe Estats of .lohn Atk«n>
>o>; (deceased, applies to the Court of O d:n
arv of said County, for litters di-m svji'Y < •
si id entcte : TIvse are, ther^ fere, to c ir. o» i
dimnish all oi d 3 ; ngul:ir, the heirs vnd ere**
tors of said decease*), to fi e *heir *“
(if any tlioy have) in *ry fli-t*, on o- t» ft*»»
th*- fir t ‘omlay in Jsnua.y next, or letter
•« *'l b-*' rr.nlid to the apu icunt.
Witness ‘h*2 Hon William Gihsou,
one of ' 1 J .8t'C:-9 of guid Court
th s 25 h .l i 18 >5
JOiiM BAILEY, c c o. c r
Caution to TuTcVvasots.
Georgia •-Camden i ou i y.
ic,K vS iV ipplt Aldne applies to ihe
New Ci.U.t of Orditi'try of the sod crnin '
for Letters of admiii'Stra’.on, w ; th the will am
neied, o/i Ihe eatate ot Etizihet.i Williamson,
late of said county, dectan'ir!: These •"♦*
therefore to cite and admonish all and sing ‘y
|a , the kindred andcreditors ui said dcceasci.
tofiU- ?.eu objf!C.ion» (il any they have)
my office on or before the fi st Monday m
8eptc*nber oext, otucrwise IwCttcrs will be
granted the application
WitneM the Hon. William Gibson, one of
tbe J tt'ic s of said C ur', «his 2ld Ju
ly, 18*5.
JOHN BAILEY, C. o. o. c c.
iuly 30 i m
The giudti aeamnd sod wonderful success
of this medicine, h<ve induced a number of
persons to imitate it in various ways—Snrr.
are selling Sarsaparilla and other ayrops, im
posing them on th • ignoraut for the Panacea i
others are mixing the genuine medicine with
molasses, be., making three bottles out of one,
tuus etaihngS'.me of its virtues. Th se im*
i at.onsand and nd lteratoin| havoin ma*.y in*
anc a. ,jr ir acted the s*iff *ri igs >f patients
in c. Bua where the genuine medicine would
have proved instantly efficacious. 1 therefore
d emit a duty I owe til'', the public, to ac
quaint them, that it is impossible, from the
very nature of its constituents, to be discover-
“d by chemical analysi* i and conHcquentli,
ha» all other n.inures represented to be mine
tnd sold as such, are fraud i ent and base im
lusitioiis, calculated to deceive the ipnoran
or) u nwary. -The genuine has m
«**ntiir« of h label represeniinc Hercules and
id# Jfydru, and name on the seal.
the same is hereby proposed j for which pur
pose hooks shall be opened at the Treasury of
the United States, and at th' several loan uffi
ces, on the first dt\ of April next, to continue
open until the first day of October thereafter,
for such parts of the above mentioned de
scription of stock as snail, on the day of sub
scription, stand on the books of the Treasury,
jind on those of tbe several loan offices, re
speclivcly / which subscription shall be effect
ed by a trailer to the United States, in the
manner provided bylaw for Ruch tran fen»,of
the credit or credits standing on the said
books, and hy a surrender of the certificates
pf the stock so subscribed : Provided, That
all subscription by such transfer of .-.lock shall
he c»*nsideied ns part of the snid twelve mil
lions of dollars authorized to be borrowed by
the first secti n»f hi« art.
• ** Sec. 4. And be it further enactcdj That for
the whole or nny put of any sum which shall
be thus subscribed, credos shall he entered to
the rcRpeitiv- subscribers, who shall be enti
iled to a eertifuate or certificates purporting
that the United States owe to the holder oi^
holders thereof, his. her, or their assigns, i>
sum to be expressed therein, equal to^ th *
amount of the principal stock thiidsu'oRCiTbitd,
bearing «n interest not exceeding four ami
one half per centum p’r annum, payabU
quarterly, from the tfurty-fi ’St day of Uectmv
her,one thonsinn eight hundred and twenty
five ; transferable in die same .tinner as !*•
provided by law for the transfer uf the stock
subscribed, and subject to redemption •! tbe
ple asure of the United* States, as follows : one
half *; any timeaf er the thirty-first day ol
December, one tlniusand eight hundred and
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any tim*
after the thirty li st day of December, on*
ilmmand eight hundrtd and twcntv>«niiie :
Provided, That no reimbursement shall be
made except for the whole amount of such
new c«.*rt ficste / nor until after at least six
months public notice of such intended reim
bnraement. And it shall be the duty of the
i**c« etary of the Treasury to cause to be trans
ferred to the respective subscribers the sever*
a R't/fiB by tb m* subscribed beyond the amount
o> the cer ifioates of four and one half per
• ent. stock isaiud to them respectively
•* Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That
h' same funds which have horetjlitie been,
ir.d now am pledged by law for ;i.c pay men:
of Hie interest, *nd lor tlie redemption ar.i
f-.imbursement of the stock which may be re
fetm-d or reimbursed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, shall rem*»in pledged in like
ma'iner fur <h? pavnuoit ot the irtevest accru-
»g on the stock created by reason of su
itibscrip'ion, and f *r tiic redemption or reim-
bursen ent of the principal of th/ same. Ai d
it shall be the duf\ ol the commissioners of the
sinking fund to esuse to be applied and paid,
out of the said fun**, yearly and ce^y year
such sum and sum* an mat be annually requir
ed to disdiarge the i.’te c^t accruing on the
siock which may be created b. virtue of this
act The said commisiiionors are, also, here
hy authorized to apply, fn»m t me to tim.i
such aum and sums out of she siid fund, as
they may think proper, towards re teeming
by purchase, or by reimbursemetn, in con
formity with the provisions of this set, the
principul of the suid stock : and such part ot
the annual sum often millions »fdollars, vest
ed by law in the said commissioners, as imy
be necessary and required for th- above pur
poses, shall be and continue appiopriaied to
rhe payment of interest ami redemption ot
the public debt, until the whole of t' e stock
which may created under the provisions of
th s act, shall have been redeemed or reim
burse*!. n
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, tha»
books will be open d Jt the Treasury of the
United Stiles, and t 'he several loan offices,
on the first day *»f Anril next, and continue
open until the first di * of October, therenf-
er, for receiving sub«ci ini ions in conformity
wi'h he provisions of the said l»w.
Tlie su'iscriptions may be mace by the pro
prietors >,f the stock, ei'hw' in petson or by
their attorneys duly authorised to subscrib
and transfer it to tbe United States.
Sh uld subscriptions of said stock be made
to an amount exceeding twelve millions of
r.fiars, a distribution of the Slid sum of twelv»’
millions of dollars will be made among the
subscribers, in p f iportion to the sums subscri
bed by them respectively.
K ting Secretary oft Tr- »*mrv
from the sj strm the very seeds of disease,
June 30
Georgia-— amilen ( ounty.
W HEREAS LoU'S 0' idminiat'aio
of the Estate of Basile Pelietier, d
applies to 'he Court of Ordinary of said eoun
v, for !et«e»*s dismisso y on said estate:—
/hese are, the'efjre, to cue and xdmon-sh *>
*nd singular, the heirs .and creditors of si d
deceased to file th^ir o'jec ions (if any tb*
nave) in my office, on or Define he first Moi
lay in January next, or letters will be granted
to »• e applicant. i,
Witness the Hon. Will'am Gibao
Z.-v.|| one of the -fustic”* cf said Cou
~ ' this 25*h Ittr.e, '8 5.
JOHN BAU-Y, c. e.o. c- c.
June 30 82
and in restoring the deranged and mot bid
condition of the organs of life to a free amt
healthy evc 'cise of their functions, has exci
ted the astonishment, and completely siltn
cod the objections of tbe mo§( tn»;n duloui —
Facts are the best arguments. In order to put
the virtues of toe Catholicon to as severe a
scp’tiny as possible, it was offered by adver
tisement, together with the attendance of a
physician, gratuitously to any ,-*rsnn who
would apply for it, an i whose cause might
seem come within the range of its healing
power—numbers of severe eases of long **tid-
r..g, and S'»me of them seemingly de<;i:f.ite
ones, nre* enter! themselves, all of which have
been cured, or ko much relieved as to warrant
till* assertion that a little perseverance will do
so In fact, such is the confidence of the physi
cian under whose care these patients were
* laced, in this remedy, a coi fide ice result-
ng from the irresistible convicti-m that has
been forced upon his mind by ocular demon*
Rtratlon, and a personal trial of it on himselt
that he permits me to declare it as his deci
ded opinion, that he Ca'U dicon is not only s
perfectly «j.fe ir.d innocent, hut a molt pow
erlul and invaluable remedy in certain dis
eases and states of the s>atem, such aa the fol
owiu g —
Debility resulting from imemperance and
dissipation} Old and inveterat Ulcers. Pains
in the attended with swellings of th
taints{ Indigestion^ Biot'.hcs on the face,
umpie* 1 , &c.; AI. complaints of the Liver *
r, etter.- Y/iwS} Syphilis .* Cutaneous disease*
generai'y ; Mercurial and scrofulous com.
Tlie Catholicon (which the propricter sol
emnly pledges h » word consists exclusive!}
if vegetable matte*) with the exception of ^
sl'ght determi xtion to the bowels., whiqb it
preserves in a soluble state, acts insensibly, i*
pleasant to the taste, aud requires n.» particu
■ar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuous li
quors alnays excepted.) or confinement. Ah
ag*ntle, safe and agree «h!e cat hart c. med.
cu.e, improving the appetite and restoring t.u-
general tone of the system, it is confidently
recommended to iadiea in a delicate situa
tion. W W. PO T I ER,
fid Chesnut-atreet.
Philadelphia, May 31,1824.
At the request uf Mr. sV. W Potter, I h*v
lately exhibited, in several inctances, a melt
c.ite/1 sirup, called Potter's Vegetable Catbo •
licou, with the most decided advantage. T
has, as vet, never failed effecting a cure in
e.erv case in which 1 have thought proper to
employ it. 11. M 1 MUR HUE, M D
could wish tol«. With my th.nk,, t m y„ u ,
iblig.d humble .erv.tii, Uc
City if Phi'ndclpUa, n
Georfse K-.iu, uf the District of Somt,,
*»rk, personally appealed, and, d„|y
.worn, doth declare and say tost the tb ire
.(atrment all respects correct and true
ind that the .ign.ture to it U in the ha„d!
writing of thia deponent.
JOH't BINN3, AUermtn
PbiUdelpbia, May 28,1834-
Plii'adelpliia, Lily 28th, 1824,
IV- IT. Pauer,
Georgia—Chatham County.
In the v; ,u't of OrUinary, Mcv Term, 1815.
O N the pe'iiion of Henry Champion, .ilmin
istrator of J iho Street, 'i, e. ased, pmying
in order A'ui .., be mude absolute oh his com.
plying wits, ihe law, loi >. t nde of s Lot o'
Ground, number f'hr [4] necund Tytiiinp,
Reynolds W.rd—Also, u m.f a Lot, number
six. Tower Tylhillg, De. ker beini; the
• eal e.t.te of the arid dec lor the benefit of
me heir, and creditor.:—It is ordered, that s
notice be published nine month., in one >,!
.he Public G.aetta of the City of 8»v»nn«h,
requiriii(.ii.l per.onr intere.tcd, to .how esilte.
if any they hsve, why the pr.yer of tbe peti
tioner ihould not be granted.'
S M.BOND,e e.o,
May 14 44§
Georgia—Chatham County.
11 ihe Cuorof Ordinary—May I’eim, 835.
0 3 the petition of Robert Hoy, Bxe umr
of John Wicker! dec. prayi, g an order
Aiei lo be mads absolute, on In. c 'mplviiv
w. lithe lew, to .ell Jwo Tr«ct. of Ijnd in
Lauren. County, being tbere.l e«t He of (he
sei.l deeeaMd, for the benefit of the heiraatid
creditor.: it i. ordered, that a notice he
-nibliahed, nine months, in one of tbe C,.
a. tie. of the city of Savannah, requiring a i
l.ertona interested, lo .link cause, if any they
cmi, why the pr.yer of the pi t tinner ihould
not be granted. S, M, BOND, 0. c. o.
J Hay S« ' tr
.No lice.
N INE MONTH# ft r application
jT be ma.ii* to Tie Inferior Jourt of
'Lathifn bounty, sitting f »r ordinary f-urpu
-•e**. for leave *o sell a ■! 'lie vol estate if the
ia'c* Thomas Savage, of R yan Goiintv, via:
Point Plantation, co'isi- c tir.g of»wo hundred,
and eighty aerss Rice Land, '*»•. tlw. Ocnerhce
River, four miles below th< F rry, mIj* uung
ihe plaitstion cf Joseph Habersham tr.d Sle
phen El iott Also, two Hundred snd fifty
r,crr.’S, more or less, of Pine f.Hti*f, appertain
ing th^i-eto. Also, a Tract of f.a*.ft calltd
^a’inn, c i*it: t >ing fif-y acre^ on Medway Uiv
r, i<\j.nning the Ian*:* of J J. Maxwell
MARY SAV GB, Adm'rx.
Tire 5 71
IX i
INF. mom h» after il.te, application will be
made to ti,. 1 Hon. the Ju-tges of the Court
jt Ordinary cf Cha ham ci, for leave to
sel’ all the real estate of the late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cted
iterauf .aid estate.
JOHN M’NISH, Executor,
net 10 7|
A LL persons hiving demands against the
\ estate of Conduct Freeman, Eiq. late of
the city of Washington, deceased, are re
quired to hand them in, legally attested,
within the time prescribed bv law : and those
indebted to said estate, are required to make
immediate payment, to
.Tan 14 42m
Georgia—Camden County
W HEREAS J UacHot'. Jun. administrator
on he eitatea of DividTucker and Divid
4'rredic, applies to the Court of Ordinary
of ar d County, for Letter, di.mis.ary on the
r.sta'es of wid decea-ed persons: These are,
therefore, to cite ind admonish the heirs and
cred.tors of said deceased persona, to file
their objections (if any they Imre] in my of
fice, on or before the first Mondsy in January
next, or letters will be granted to the appli'
r~-~1 Witnrar the Hnn, William Gibson,
I'LS if of laid Court,
L .T.rl tkia25th June, 18"J.
JOHN BAILEY, c. a. o.c.e.
June U 82
Dear Sir—You expressed a wi6h that I
would give, concise statement of niy suffer
ings, from ' the hopeless commencement, tr
the present propitious stage of my’
About five years ago, on py passage from
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I was aniied
with a violent fever. Having no -medical at
tendants on board, I wax compelled to bear
it, as I might for two weekx, when on my ar-
ival at Charleston, S. C. it was treated as
t'yphus. The sk ll of my Physician subdu. <1
the fever, but Phanix-iike, the termination
of this gave rif: to a disease equally distress
ug, and which, till now, I had thought incur
dile. Vinous abscesses made thei newel-
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were swe'lcd to an enormous aixe.—
These gradually subsided into hard tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an inc ; sion was now made anu a large
evacuation uf pus, mixed with pieces of bone
look place. Pi addition to thin, I suffc-rec 'h.
most excruciating pains in my joints that mail
ever experienced. Every thing that wui>
administered either gave me no relief r sci-
ved to aggravate the disease, the severity of
whirh increased wilh every succeed-ng year.
Such was my painful si.uation that 1 ierpaire ■
of ever being restored to my heal h i Iliad
not only tried the .«fiilxr means of relief,
but used, though in vain, every popular rem
edy 1 could hear o 1 ’- It was in this awful and
despunding condition.ihat I wm persuade'’ to
..nmmence a course of you- Vegetable C .>h I
icon, and the happy re "ult is, “/ am Ihe me
of the tivo b'lillee. my whale system ha. under
gone a complete revo ution my pain, h vc fo aa
ke me,” the discharge from my inee Oeg-n
lo dimmish, and soon ceased aliogelher, tin
ulcerfeera whence it proceeded being cow
pietely healed. The tumors, for the removal
of which l have tribd ia vain more remedies
than l can name, are rapidly decreasing i my
appetite, which was gone, hat returned—I au
in fact, near!) well, and feel confident that a
few bottles more of y, ur, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will tmike me pcr.ectly so.
Your obliged friend,
Philadelphia, July ‘‘G, 1824
My confidence in the vegetable catholicon
is iiiidiminiatwd, and ss fresh in tanecs of its
powers arc daily occurring, in my own prac
tice. I have no hesitation in recommending i'
in the peculiar diseases to which it is applica
ble, as superior to any remedy I am acquaint-
-1 with. M, M’MUliiiUE, M. I).
Philadelphia, May 28,18 '4
Sin—In consequence of imprudent expos
ore four \ ears sgu I had the misfortune 'o be
come fflicted with a disease, the painful re
sul'sul which induced me to apply in sue-
cess'on to several respectable physicians of
this city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies 1 re-
ceived another complaint quite aa disti essing
s the former. My whole system became a-
fected. I could get no rest at night on ac
count of the violent pain that I f jlt in ever)
part of my body t lhawesknesa and emacia
tion of which was such that I could scarcely
wall. In this atate 1 fortunately heard of
your vegetable catholicon—four bottles of
which, has completely restored me, I have
now no pain i my appetite is good i and my
strength restored With many thanks for
the relief your medicine has given me, I am
your obliged friend, Ac.
Sworn and aubacr'bed to before me, May 28,
1824 JOHN B1NNS, Alderman.
Pki’aMphia, May 28,1834.
Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, •
hearty mar. Fnr nearly aix years I have been
a martyr to . disease, whose ravages threat
ened, if not toon stopped, to put a period to
my existence. Having had no regular medi
cal advice from the commencement, my
complaint at last got to such a height that I
could not awallow without great pain and
difficulty. Tumors formed in different parts
of my body, and I began to think my situation
almost d.aperste. T he five bottles of the
Calholionn which I have taken have com'
pietely curnd me, and I am now aa well aa 1
The Vegetable Catholicon is per il'ir],
adapted to those diseases which rt nrevt], t
among the coloured population of the sm||.
In that disease which is called ya' s, it lS ,
sure remedy i a lingle trial of it, will conv'nre
S lantcra of its superior efficacy lo snv rene-
y of a similar nature in the United States- '
Tbe advantages of this medicine are, not
confining the padent tinneceisar lr to the
house, or keeping him from his buiinssj,—
With one solitary exception, that ol spiriin.
uus liquors, it does not lay any reelriciim upn
hie appetite It i»ao gentle in its operanon
that the pitient find.Tiimielf getting well lie
cannot tell how. Aa it is not the wsh ofthe
proprietor to take any thing tor which he
cannot give a consideration equal in value
persons at a distance who may wish tn iry
•is medicine, but who are not certain if it
he applicoble to their complaint, are request
ed to describe their case and symptoms in
i letter, post-paid, ar d directed to him—thk
letter will be immediately placed in hinoi
fully competent to die queditm.-
Shoold the remedy nut seem to suit the tin-
ease, they will be frankly told so,
To prevent dmppointm nt it is well io
it tie that it taken in ordinary cases from 3 o
5 Potties tn effect a cure so that pecs,mt who
sre labouring under nny set- uus iniirmit;’,
must mike up their mind to persevere «, tliv.t
extent at least—if they do not, they n.ighi i
well s<ve themselves the trouble andesprn:e
f uiinga ainaller quantity.
All »nfe"» poet-p ad aud enclosing the rr.-.n-y,
immediately attended to, and me i.n -lici-.e
lacked and delivered with directions forme,
n nny plate in the city, aud forwarded as ,m.
reded .
N. B. To prevent the possibility of .,11 ita-
p sition, it wi'i bt Sold in the city of Fhiiadei*
idiia, it the nffle in Filth near Rsce-SU'eet,
irat the dwelling of the propri. tor, No. 66
dhesnu'street, ui,ly, at’d nbrosd hy Ms a".-
horiled agents. W W PtVITKH,
66 Cbe.nnl Street, Philade'pfiieg
1 hove appointed GEORGE RYE tSON,
Orugrist, of Savannah, mv sole agent. Drug,
gists wm ting tlie above valuable medicine,
. ill be supplied by liitn fur cash, ai the* some
rate, ui if ordered direct from me—nx. J!9
per d z"'ll, or three dollar! n sngte bouie.
' IV. W. HOTTER, Pliiladtl|ihis.
Anyper.onon application to the subicnf-r
will be furnished with certificates of the effi.
c«cv of the above medicine,sufficient in 101-
vince the mind of the most sceptical, althoug h
too numerous and Irngthy fortiewsp„per n.
aertion, GEO. RYERSON, Dru gist,
Center of Bay and Whittaker Street),
dec 13
Be tween fV, Davies Administrator, Comp’ua-
ant and John L'amochnn Administrator de
bonis no with the will annexed of (Jcor-e
Richardson and others, D-Jen limits In
equity, Chatham Superior Court- Chancery,
eOth August, \824.
I T appearing that John Murray Catnnc.ltan,
one of the defendants in the said bill of
complaint named, resides without Ihe state of
Georgia, in that part of Ihe United Kingdoms
n? Great Britain anti Ireland, colled Scotland:
It is ordered that the f&id John Murray Cin
nochan, do appear and answer to the com
plainant's snid bill, within nine months from
the date of this order, otherwise that the
siiid btil^ as to him, he taken pro confess**;
and i* ib further utd«. *id, that s copy of tlrs
ord^r be : ubtisht d "once a week, in one *f
the public Gazettes of this state, until the ex
piration of the time within which the s.iitl de
fendant is required to appear aud answer a
1’iue copy from the Minutes, this 21st dr.y
August, 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Clerk.
august 24
Camden Counti/■
iXTHERUAS Sarah Brown. Junior, wido'f*
fY applies to he Court of Ordinary of **’4
ounty, for Letters of Administration on t' e
astute of John Brown, late of said c«»un»y, dft-
ceaned, k:• next «f k.n: These are, tfier«'f'»re,
;*» cite and adm inish, all and singular, ,he
xindred and creditors of snid *l?ceased, 'oh s
their «hjactions, if any tliev have, in m «•«*
fice, on or before the first Mo* d*y in Jm »
xt, iherwise Letlers will be granted tilt ap
Witn r s r the Honrrublr Br'-iian U. Bunk-
ley, one of the Jmtices of said Court,
thii sixteen'n diy of April, eighteen
hundred *. dt verty -five.
(L S. JOHN BAILEY. C, C. 0 C. C.
Anril 21 24
Georgia —Camden County.
YKFIIEREAS >ohn Chevahcr, has ip plied
TV to «id Court, fir Lct'crx UismiinfJ*
m the estates,of Samuel Oozi-p* ind Evsn B,
Ilvck, deceased. These sre, therefore, »
die xml admonish, til and singular, the kirn
dri’-d and creditors of the said d censeu per*
ion*, to fi'j their objections^ if any they havr,
n my office, on or before the first Mondsy »n
January ne.xt, or Letters will be granted the
Wii’ ess the Honorable J rnies Scoth one
of the Justices cf said Court, this MJ day of April, eighteen hund*”
and twenty-five, .
[L. S.) JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. C. C.
Aprn 24
Georgia—Camden County-
TWHEREAS Lewis Baehlott, spplies»>™
NW Court of Ordixsry of xtid Couutyi }
I eiters Dismistory on the estxte of Fr neex
Rufulupe: Thexe ire, therefore, to cite *™
admonifh, »U »r,d singular, the kindred s™
creditors of Mid deceased, to file their objjt®*
.'sons, if xny th.y h»ve, in my office, nn vr
fore the fi st Monday in Januiry next, 0'"'^
W IM Letters Diamissory will be granted tM
’^'witnei* the Hnnonthle Ssmuel Clarke,
one ofthe Justicea of Mid Court, tit
■ixteenth Hay of April, eighteen w*
dred xnd twenty-five. ’ .
fL S.l JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. C 0
irom Brig Pheaeant, for sale by
>r U 1» C. T C. GRISWOLD,