Newspaper Page Text
, »
feetie*—Vb\, V1L
AUGUST 25. rt25
tPtSH&S5HTOiaiSo I " ^ u am\ MVUVU t.\L rjiEsa drum,
and published
IS Til*
Bv G. $ w. Robertson,
.a nuhtulied to meet the arrangement ol
P it three times a week, (Tuesday,
Thursday wd Saturday) at the Office of thi
V \r < and contains all the imelli
teucc Commercial, Political aod Hiaeellan-
including advcrltsementa. pUb.mbed tn
fl,e Dad)’y»P* r j, u se- tto all parts of
thJ State and Union, or delivered in the city,
itertion. and 37* for every auceeemng pub
JfcrLwty Pffi* Z. WX
bv law, to be held on ,h „ h f tcn in I,',. f,,re, between, the: ■^ «, „ , h „ 0 »un
day ofsrlf. . r property must
^ rreVi " Ut
n No. e i ;^o"the , dehfor. and e-ditors of an
C.'urt of Ordinary for leave to anil lar.a, must
be published Auie Mouths
BSsagBamsi-gm.i 1 "
N INE months after dale application will
be mode to tho Honorable t he Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of laud,
known ns number eistlit. Oth Iburtw^t, l«-
(formerly Munroe) County, lor the bem fit
ofthe heirs and creditors ot the estate ot
«f N. S. Bayard. jj j, BAYARD.
Administrator celate N. S. Bnya rl •
Jan 5 «
T HE subscriber intending to close his
business in this city, offors his stock
at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting ot
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Co -
modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining; Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlcmeu’s Writing Ta
bles and Book CascH, Inclosed Basin Stands,
Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands,
Mahogany Cribbs. Cradles, Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field tlo. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Cnt.ts, Mattresses,
Cooking-Glasses, Fancy &,Windsor Chairs,
itee. at the Ware-llonso, corner of Whitla-
ker-St reet and Bay l.anc,
J. H. O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make payment with
out delay, and those having nny demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
.Ton 25 III
Consumptions, Coughs, £jc.
» N otice.
N INE MONTHS after date of thia notice,
application wilt be made to the Honors,
ble the Court of Ordinary of-Chatham Conn
ty, for permission to aetl all the reel estate ot
John Waketlv, dec. for tbr benefit ot the
heirs anil creditorsif raid decc-.'icd-
ROBERT HOY, Haeente.
Fob 94
■Vf r-’E MONTHS after da c, •ippf'rifton s ill
IM be made to the Honorable Inf nor Court
of Chatham county, for leave to red the real
ml personal estate of the late Hra Ann Him-
ilttm, deceased, for the benelit or the hens
andcrvtl.ttnai'fsdd e.siute,
won THING TON (1 \LE.<tr.
M.e-l 10 - ‘ ,n *
N TNF. months ui\"v due, application wil! bp
made to tnc Inferior Court nfChiihair.
County. Sitting for ordinarv pnrpos -i for an
one, (1) Green Ward, in ill* o: v of Savannah,
being the real t state of Francis Jaiincau, (leo
for ttu- benefit of thi hrirs an-. 1 creditors of
■aid estate WILLI Ut (- ASV0
Qualified Exeevtor
9 I*
Notice. .
months j.fiec dale, application will Ne
u i Made In tlte Honorable ill.* inferior Court
r.t Oanriden County, when rill ng f ir ordinal y
purpo'e-*, f?r fejive io sell 250 acres of land
belonging (o the estate of .It In Brown, d
cessed fer the benefit of ilitr heirs and credi
tors of seit estate,
SAU KH DROWN, Admistratrix
JciTcrjon, 18-It June 1"2V
J11-10 2’ 7R
N otice.
t'r-1 • E months after date, application n*iT
£-'J be made to the Honorable the court of
Gidmaryof Camden Oouuty, for h ave to sell
•II the real ea’ate of the late Randolph M Gil
lit,deceased, for the benefit of the heir* an
creditors of said estate.
HANNAH M'GIf.i n. Administratix,
G ll'DONALn, Administrator
St Marys, June 13th» 1825.
June M ^8
T RhF.R voNTIfS from this date I shah
ipphcHtion to the Batik of tli« St>»tc
Georgia, for pasment in full for th<* half of a
ten dollar bill of a«M Bank. Letter D. N-*. 2i7 ;
signed A l*orter f flashier, the left hand hall
being in my possession—the right hand hah
limned by W.n. II, Bulloch. President, being
the half lost. 4II persons interested will
therefore 'ake d ie notice of this intention,
■nd file their "'j -ctions at said Rank, within
the time mentioned.
J"ne2 50f §
N t Notice.
INE Mentha after d«te, application will
be made to the Juatieea of the Ulterior
1 " r Cliatham County, when sitting for
oroir.aty purpurrs, for leave to sell that earl
tk. firat Tylhing, Weynolda Ward in
, * •'*» °f Savannah, wbieti belongs to Ih t ea-
me of Be Eantberios. for the benefit of the
heirs and creditcra of said est-t...
, MA1IY EVEN, Adot«.
June 10,1825. 675a
R ESPECTFUt.T.Y informs his friends
and tho public, that ha has purchased
the establishment in tliu nbove business, be-
longing to Dr. A. Delaroclte, oppnsito tho
Ext'ltanga, whore he offers for sale at low
prices, a large assortment of
?rea\\ "Drugs, Medicines,
and ChenAcu\s, ,
Aqua Po.tis, Alum v Antimony
Arrow Root, Borax, Borgatnot
BrimHtone, Barley, Balsam Cupivi, do
Peru, do Fola
Camphor, Cantharides, Cinnamon
American beat and common Castor Oil
Creapi of Tartar^ Calomel, Copperas
Columbo, Finery, Gum Assafbetida
Ak>es, Gtim Arabic, Gum Copal
Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium
Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice
Magnesia, .Manna,Chumomile Flowers
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxvd of Bizmuth
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil
Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar
Glauber, Epsom and Rocjielle Salts
Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine
F OR the cure of Lo»:t«, Coughs,Cotwump
lions, Spittn g of Blood, Aidtnus, and
iise>\se» of the bi east and lungs.
There is perhaps no medical observance
belter esta.>«ished t none mote generally con
Irmcd by the experience of the beat phystet*
.us of ail ages and countries, and none ol
ore* importance to the human family, that
ie feet tliat many of the most difficult and in-
wrnble consumptions originate in neglectful
colds.. In a climate 10 asouis, where
he changes of the wea.her arc tr quentt)
i idden ati.l unexpected, U requires more care
*nd utientioiito gnanl againsv this dungerou^
•inemy oflile, than most people iWfjine u ‘
ire able and willing to bestow. The bills ot
mortality exh'bit the melancholy feet that tin
iroportion of deaths h this disease may bj
^om>idere.u as about • to one. l Asinnch
ificnas this fetal dicea .u frtquently bi is urfi
vice to the skill ofthe r.iott learned physh:-
ins, it is a gratification to the proprietor tha
he is enabled to oflerto these afll ctcd with
it, a go. d';y prospect of rc.ief, in ihnt higbl)
valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Speci
fic. The Indians are happy in their know-
ledge of medicnl plants; governed wh dlr '»•
anevience. they mccertain ' IT e
ana it is saiJ by*»n 'mthcr uf groat character,
that * true consumption is s d.sease never
known among them. .
q hia Specific is pbtmncd by extrsc.ion F.orr
herbs, routs, flowers, planf. &c. when in per.
fectioa. In consequence r <f t* happy csni««tnn
tion .v tiic most valuable h^rhs, Sic* iti esnmes
\ bals tm of a superior value. It heals tnein-
itred parts, oret.sthc pernn, and corrp n’es
the diJ’urbcd ne-ve% utter the manner ed an
ttnndvnc; con«eqnet:tly t’*'© obstruction ol
the ches» and toe lungs winch const*.tote th.s
disease, parti*'ultu ly need j f s u jc. It promott^
expectoration, wh'c’ 1 iseounanll) called for
and whilst il clears .s s» d heals, it also Ki v<?!
strength l*? the tender lungs In th«s m-twnet
it removes the hectic fever, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs utr
vppetuc nr.d improves the sf ir«ts, ’fh*R speci
lie mav always be g;v» n in safety it is mild,
pleisant to the feste, and my stfrly be given
o infants, for which it is of ines inmble value.
It affords relief in bowfl complaints, t ething,
'-net run up* Wc.and is found p?.rticu«
hrly useful in nypocnondri.'cai, nervous amt
hysterical «V u -ases. B>-ch bdl ol direction
contnini a dctoiled account of this disease in
ail its different stages, and will be acc«»mp*
•.ded « ith the signature of the preprietor it
lied Ink, It is offered for sale by Gf.O. ItY
KIU ON, only (my s'de agent) D-uggi-’t, r#.v
ncr Bsv and Whit taker-streets, Savannah, a*
one dollar per bottle.
dec no SO
fKESH G^vliUIiM aiiliUs,
DuDjuyxs Tltmer l\ool3*
J UST received hy the rubsr.rtlur, and wa
runted «.f the T«st geuson's growth, 2
box»*8 GtrdenSeedi,putunhy A. M*Mahon
-o. Philwdelphia, expressly for ti»i» market
and containing the following assortments, viz
1. Drumhead Cabbage 14. Karlj cuilcd Let
V Long Red Beet luce
3 Long Orange Carrot 1S Hnyid Cabbage dc
4. Fur.dey 1 <5. Nutmeg Melon
5. Leek 17. Spinach
6. Onion 18. Lummer Savoy
7. Salmon Radish 19. Sweet Basil’
8. Early Purple do. 20. Sage
9. Round leaved 21. Nasturtium
tO Early Tumi pa 22. Cekry
11. Late do 23 Early Peas
«*2 Saisafy -4. Late do
13 Asparagus 25 Early bunch bean
26 Red French do
A i. s o;
?0 Packages containing the following But
botis Blower Roots, viz.
1, Double Hyacinths I 4.Mexican tiger flower
9. F ne Tulips I 5 D iuble Tuberose
3. Narcissus 1 6 Star of B» tl lehem
Kor sale by P. M-DERMO IT
V K *> •«
bssentiid Oil of Spruce
J UST received from the Patentee, and
neatly put up in phiuls, and for sale by
May 25 Shad’s Buildings.
E mpty wine Apply to
Mnvii geo. r Verson.
A Negro Man.
A PRIME Nepro Man, about 35 years of
ago, a good field hand. For sale hy
Juno 24 . 73
Taints Di-j nnA in 0t\.
White, Red and Black Lead
Prussion Blue, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow
Venetian Rod, Vermillion, Smalts
Japan nnd Copal Varnish.
r.imntum, Anliquc Oil, Mncassar Oil
Bast English Shaving Soap
Eau do .Cologne, Lavender Water
Otto of Roses
Surgicnl Instruments and Patent Med
icnics of every kind, the whole of
warranted quality.
Jan 20 47
inno t’oi tes. Curled Hair Ma
trasses, l eather Beds,
si as a> a© asm $ 3
B Y the ship Fltnperor, the subscribers
havo received thirty-five packages of
Genuine. Drifts,Medicines,Per-
fumertj, Fancy Articles, tec.
carefully .selected by one of the partners
now at thi. north, which added to their.for
mer stock on hand,-comprises an assortment
very extonsive, and particularly suited for
this market, nod well worthy tho attention
ofdealerw. Merchants, Physicians, Plan
ters anil Families, would do well to forward
their orders, as they will bo sold at our
usual low rates.
Druggists. Shad’s Buildings.
July tffi
Price in Boards $1 37} Conta,
Religious Cases of Conscience,
•Answered in an Evangelical JHa41
ner, at the Casuistical Lecture,
in Little St Helen's, Dish-
. opgaU-Slrcct,
The Spiritual Companion or
the'Prof essing Christian,
Tried nt the Ba r of God’s Word; and some
free thoughts on the character uf
Mpamsh gars.
A FE’*V M ulf and Quarter boxes very
6up«erior Spanish Eegnrs, or sale by
Opposite the Exchange.
June 22 77
Just Hrcehedpcr brig Pheasant.
-g Ai't BBLS. Gm, for sale by
June 22 77
S idlitz and Soda Powders-
OAk DOZEN Genuine Seidlitz Powders
•Jvr 50 do do Soda do.
Just received hy ship Augustn, and for sale
Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
.TillV 30 »4
triass jidinps.
A NEW supply, assorted patterns, with
Glass Stands, for sale bv
Corner Bay and Whittakcr-Strects.
March 4
IIE subscriber offers for sale the fullow-
bost qualify :—
Sideboards, Sets ofDiiling Titbits
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables
DreaKiusi uo. Tnlil,,.
Do. with Glasses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus ,
Double and single Work Stands
Ward Robes, Piano Stools
Mnlmgany Chairs, Curlpd Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curlad Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire'do
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrnsses
Do do Moss do
Feather Beds, Bolsters nad Pillows
Children’s Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chnirs of every description
Cots and Mntrnsscsto fit.
Also, a large assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match
The above nrticles can he examined at
the store in Wliittaker-Street. opposite Col.
Sliellman. I. W. MORRELL:
March 15 33
Patent Family ^Medicines
Anderson’s do do
Coil’s do do
Anderson’s Cough
American do do
Church’s do do
Essence Mustard
Worm Lozenges
Black Drop >
Henry’s True Cal
cined Magnesia
Andler’sAsiutic Len
Roger’s Pulmonic
Dalby’s Carminative
A constant supply of the above useful
Patent Family Medicines, together with a
genital assortment of Drugs, Chemicals,
Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Shift,
Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp
Oil, &c. &c. can be obtained at the store
May 26 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
Turlington’s Balsam
of Life
OpiiJ for the cleans
ing ofthe teeth &
Do Botanical Drops
Austen’s Remedy for
the Piles
Hinckley's do do
Thompson’s celebra
ted Eye Water
Thompson’s Teeth
Squire’s Grand Elix
Jesuits Drops
Tooth Ache do. &c.
T O be drawn on the 7th of September,
1825, and finished in a few minutes.
Sixty -MX Numbers—Nine Ballots to be
t Prise of
25.000 1)( liars is R25 00
12 5 ( XJ
< fcft)
5 660
5 m)
10 000
5 700.
15 950.
14 64
16500 Priz-s,
29:60 Blanks,
j gl 3,040
45760Tickets at 21
£ 183,1.40
r enoo of the Piviln,
wu’f S. HAYW .Ui).
i^s ol God with his
In t’is Scheme with nine drawn billots
there wllbe 84 prizes with three numbeison
the n, $052 with two numhers on them and
14 364. with one number on them- Tbosr
cketa having none of the drav n ballots or
them bang blanks.
to determ ne the fate of all the tickets in
the above lottery 66 numhets, from one to
66 inclusive, will severally be placed in v
witeel on the day of drawing, and nine cv
them will be drawn, and that ticket having or
it la a combination, jhe 1st, 2d and third uum*
b^s drawn, will be entitled to g°5,000
That having on it the 4th, 5th at d 6:1), wil'
bf entitled to $i2 ;00
Thkt having on it the 6th, 8ih and 9 h, wil
bp entitled to g5,666.
That having on it the 7th, 8ih and 9ih wil
ke entitled to 5,000,
Those tO having on them the
I ^HK following Answers were, amongst o
. them, delivered in a weekly Lecture, du
rirg th last winter, with a view to *cmov
the doubts of the timorous Christian, q ncktii
him in the way to Znui, to gita d pre
sumptuous hopes, promote the life of reli
gion in the soul* That these important endr
m ght be answered, the auditory were desired
to supply us with se*-1ous Gases of Conscience
arrismg tram the d fftculties they met with it
the course of their experience, and to conceal
heir names, that so they might, with the.
greater freedom, propose their respective
G ises, and th;it we, in our solution ot them,
might be kepi iVum .he least degree of fear or
Through the repeated importunities of our
friends, and from s . tit-factory evidences of use
fulness, we hare been prevailed upon to com
mit to public view a select number of these
answers, though somewhat con racted. And
we l opr-, that those, into w hose hands tlur>
•nay coni", will read them wi h t. h istiun can
dour.—And imiy the Spirit' of God, without
whore p« culiai blessing all attempts will be
iiicfTectUi.! to answer ativ saving purpose,
in ik«- th >e a powe> ful means ot bringing them
nearer to Christ, and of making tumn mute
lively and tetive in hia service ! If his happ>
end s hue in i!*c 'e«8t answered, we s.tali re
joice, and give G d the glory, diaiegmdirg
a*l he Hide con%e:n|it that n.ay be cast upo
us and our imperlect labours.
It mu-t r.e acknowledged to be a vety d.ff
cut. a d Critical work to distribute to eve*)
one tiicir proper portion, and so to divide t!
.word of truth, as to give suitable encourage*
faent to those to whom it belongs, and yet t
Wave the hypocrite or pr*.s imptu« us sinne
no room to hope* It is eqoaH> difii- ult to at«
tempt to destroy the vam t'onf.d . nce of ih
sinner, without disturbing the peace, and di- •
'imiraging the minuiol those who are Jhe rea
foliowevs of Jesu.s. W bo ia^tiificient for th^sc
things f We readily confessou msufficienci;
but yet hope, that the Lord has enabled us <
be iu aome measure faithful, so far as our spir
•nal knowh d^c extendi s and may be enabir
*-Oti who read, to deal lulthtutly with yi ur owi
vnula tiut so neivb r uur labours, nor your per
usal, may be in vain ! S. i*lK*\
London, May 30, 1755.
As the Cases of Conscience have alread;.
been well received by the religious disposer
nart of ra ;, the Editor thiughtt at ad
itiona* Q ifstions of the same • atine,* ed
from the Pious Thoughts published in the
Spiritual Magazine, whior brea h-xl the same
evangelical spir t, would be acceutabte to se
nous persons, and doubts not, but such as hnve
regard for gospel-doctrine, will find tt i
same u»e ul instruction and cumfori from pet*
using the Q ustions that are now added.
How shall we distinguish between the work-
ngg if natural affection, a. d ihe re«l exercAe
f grace in religious duties l S. PIKE.
What methods tmud a Christian, in d -di
ning circumstances, tak* 3 to recover a health
ful vigorous frame of soul, so »s to be able to
maintain rest r.nd close communion with
G d amid t the humr* and business of tbm
world? S. HAY WARD,
A serious person, woo scruples to comply
with the usu’-l practice* tf piayuig at carus,
di-s.nrs to know whether these scrupl: s arise
from a needless tenderness of conMCienue, or
f.nm the faithful monitions of the spirit if
The touchstone of raving faith / or a plain
and brief answer to the two following quea*
'ions :
l How fir msy t person’s heart and way*
be rectified, and h<viotwithbtsuding be desti
tute of saving taitli ?
2. How shall we know whether our faith it
-aving amidst sll trie weaknesses anddoubtt
that may attend it ? 8. PIKE.
Q est 3. When ^.may a person conclude
<>a nee j.*y» •- d in tie perforr.mce ofdu-
tv ?
Quest 4 How may a person know, ih the
o rc se of p ayer'.he'.hcr h« is under ti e
u.ft ence of the blessed, or under »he
< <-v i«|!s of his own (siurai spirit or iu>sginw>
ti * ?
Q ictt. 5 How fer a chihl of Gt d may fall*
a :t yet b'lvn rue g- ace it. h>a Soul f
Quest 6. What is the ess^ntivl «..fierencu
bete'ren ■ natural and a spiritual faith l
Q itfit 7. Hew may a person distinguish be
tween the genuine consolations of ihe goa*
pel wrought in the he*rthy the Spirit o God,
and those comforts tha spring from our own
imag nation, ot- adelurive spirit
Q «est. 8. Why should tbe king of Moub, by
tb r advice of hi/ privy council, in a time of
rnmineat danger and threa enii g rittfre**, ap
ply fur relief to a prepbet of thi G d I feratl
< s Ba'aam certainly w; a. n d not to lies! } eor,
thr G >d of he Mosbi'e' ?
Quest 9 How far should the master of a
<'nuiy concern himself ab< ut the ete- nal sal
vation ofhia cbi dr n,s 'vants, &c. is it hit
July to read a portion ofthe scripture to them
men i ing and * vtning, ntid pray with them as
often? Sb'.old he not cat chise,or»*skthem
pertinem qu- s- ons, at pro» e least n - ?
Q iest. to. In it possible f < a person to be
regenerated, or b ru aga n, and yet fur many
rears -Iter fear he s no? ? Ann may a person .
■>r> wav doubt of his reg; tv rction, and. at the
Bgirt timej be kn uneonvt rted person r
Quest. U What advice can be given to a
erson grievi ualy distieased with fears,doubts
md uiihelull
Qm 8t. 12 Is^hc death and sufferings o
cr his passive rbedie.' ce, all that is re-
mind for the r >a valien sr.d justification of s
• •inet ? H(>tb b.s active righteousness no
ait in the work, or robs* it be imputed?—
• lie imputation cf(h is.'a active righteous*
eas ankssi-ntial point of doctrine, or may a
ini" be rafe W'iihoul it.
Quest-13 Is it posible f >r a person, who i» .
*ed to bewaii his own vilent as, to be. as-
rtd of an interest in C!i ist witheterua! jt*y.
nd yet not have vn astonishing view of the
lory, fulness, ar.d suitsblc r css i f die llrdi-
:or, engaging ar d co-tiacting h'n; to iove
his Saviour, ai d delight in hi? ways ? And >i
possible to have such an .ft'ec'ing view uf
• st bef >re regeneralicii ?
Q est. 14. As I ppren nd tbet the prac-
e of iamily pra er is unfi.ahi mulle in < ur
is it because age is so rruirii wipj»r
ha- the last, or is it becMise we are !e ; s ac*
quainted with the life, t ower, and erndurt of
r-t religion which is pure and undufiled be-
ijre God?
4h,7th and 9t1
4t;*.8th and 9-:
S.h.6th and 7i
Ah 6th and Bit
'th. 6th and 9 1
*th,7lh and 8il
'U'.,7».hkud 9:1.
5.1),8th and 9?r-
6th.7thand 8th
6th,7th nnn 9i-
each gOAJu
Notice to ) rec Persons to
T HE Free Pnrpons of Color rcsiillnj; in
Cliatham Country, aro hereby notifi-
lied to appearanJ register lhoir names in tho
Clerk’s Office ofthe Inferior Court of said
County, iljeenhle to law, on or before the
first Monday in July next.
A. 11. FANNIN, Clerk.
Mav IB 45
Marking BvusVies,
O F a superior quality, just received ant*
for sale by GEO. RYERSON;
nov 20
Those havii.-g on them.
36,4th and 7th 31. 6th and 7th 4? :.5,th and 8'.l>
3d 4 It and 8i !> 1 \ 6th anr 8tl 4 h,5tiiand 9 b.
3d,4'h an' 9’.' > >, 6*.i» and 9'h 4,h,fith and 7«*
3d,5th and 6fV 1!, 7th and 8th 4?b,6lh and 8d.
3d,5th and 7t‘* t'- 7th a id 9t!i 4ri. 6 hand 7il
3d, Ah and 8? Id JBtbund9'l 4*b,7th and 8th
3d, 4t!i and 9tl. 4t»),5th and 9ti- each
Ail others, (being 30 ticVcts) having thre<
of <he drawn numbers on them will each b«
enitled to $£200.
The 57 tickets having on them two of the
drawn numbers and th<*?e two, the 2d and
3«>, will each be entitled to $100
The 114 tickets having on them tbe 3d
and 4th or 4th and 5n drawn numbers only,
will each be entitled to $50.
The 285 tickets having two of the drawn
numbers on, and those two the 5th and 6tb,
or the 6’h and 7th, or the 7th and 8th, or the
7th am) 9th, or the 8th * r d 9th, each 7,20.
All otb.tra (b«ing 1596 tickets) having tw<
of the d^awn numbers on them, will each be
entitled to $10.
And th»<se having on them any one of thi
drawn numbers, (be : rg 14,364-tickets, or 159i
for each drawn number,) will each be'enti
tied to 25.
No ticket which shnll have drawn a priz.
of a superior denomination can be entitled tc
an inferior prize. Prizes puyable thirty dayi
after the drawing, and subject, as usual, to a
deduction of \5 per cent*
Philadelphia, June 28, 1825.
Whole $5, Halves 2 50, Quarters 1 25,
Eighths62$. .Apply at
August 6 **
Persons wishing the r.bove above work will
o^ease to leave their i.nines at the Bookstore
d trie Pubiisberi* - where the Subscription is
low opened.
A. g 13 200
T HE subscriber will dispose of his Milla
in Montgomery County, having &
grist and four suws running, which last ard
calculated to turn out from 4 to 6000 feet
of lumber per day, which can be rafted im
mediately into the Ocmulgee River, with
600 sores ofthe best timbered pine fend in
that section of the state. A§ to terms of
sale, they will he made easy. The above
property was formerly that of E. W. Bar
ker. My residence is near Milledgeville.
June 12 - 69fr
G.-u ?-S. PIKE,
How may a person judge when a promise o-
hreatening comes frun- G >d or is brought by
Satin to the soul ? S AY tVAHL,
case v.
How fer may a pemon judge of ihe strengt!
or wenkucss of his feitii by the r*rigiitncLS o
darkuess of bis ? S. P.KE*
Whether a pers u* d who has been a great
sinner, I as any ground ta expect pardon, ano
the condor is of the Hoi v Giles 1 ? ai.d whet hi
ne may partake oi ah the ordinances of God ?
What judgement should that person pAr
upon hiiwselfi'who knows bimadf to he in *
nark and corrupt frame, but finds himself
greatlv tinxfiected with it, and .tup.d under il ?
How muy tbe times of family ar.d closet dot)
be beat regulated to the glory of God, out
own comfort, and the Advantage of those about
us ? S. HAYWARD.
Is it not presumptioi.s lot* s person to hope
hellyisa n interest in Christ when he sees lit
tieor nothing in himself, but reason to doubt
u>.d q jcit.on it ? S. PIKE.
case x.
Is going to plays ai«d other theatrical ptr..
formancca consistent with th'« profeisum fine*
practice of Christianity ? S. HAYWARD.
Hou may a person, who is desirous of fl
owing ihe dictates of in ever,
expect, know, the mind and will of God in an;
particular circumstance, whether temporal or
spiritual ? S PIKE
Should not a person who is not comfortably
icsauaded of his b ing a real Chris' ian,abatair
from the of the I ord’s supper, lost
tie shouM est and drink d^mna'ion to himself ?
nd what method must that person take to ss*
risfy s church of Christ of his being s teal
Ubristisu, who oanuot relate any particular
S' iratogo Water Cooled in Ice.
F OR the accommodation of tlic public,
Saratofrn Congress Spring Water will
be kept cooled in ice, during the season,
and will be rendy for delivery every morn
ing at six o’clock precisely. No additional
charge will bo made.
July 19 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
Txfcaawy V e^HTtment,
April 29, 1825.
T HAT, Oil the first day of October next,
the principal of tho six per cent, stock
of the United States, created under the au
thority of an Act of Congress, entitled “All
Act authorising a loan fora sum not exceed
ing eleven millions of dollars,” approved on
the fourteenth day of March, one thousand
eight hundred and twelve, together with
the interest then due thereon, will be pnid
to the proprietors of said stock, or to their
attorneys duly authorized, at the Treasury
of the United Stntes, in Washington, and
at the several I-sian Offices,-on tile books of
which any portion of soid stock may stand.
A surrender of the Certificates of said
Stock, will be required at the time of pay
ment, and the interest on said Stock will
cease, from and after the thirtieth day of*
September next.
Acting Secretary 01 -he Treasury.
Mav 12 42tbt
T HE Subscriber has at present on han&
a large stock of Bricks of superiorqua
.ity, which he offers in Buch quantities e.
may be wanted, at ilie lowest possible pric.
for cash only.
For tlie convenience of his Town Custo
mers, he intends in future to keep always
a considerable supply in town ; those in im
mediate want of the arlicluwill be supplied
by application to Mr. James Roberts, either
at his residence in West Broad Street, or
at Myers’ Wharf.
June 2d T9