Newspaper Page Text
mniw saub,
Sheriff's Sale.
On thefirit Tuesday in September next:
‘tin.,!, be aold beibie (be ;iou« Houie in
Jf (he City if Savannah, between the
hour* Af 10 end 4 '/clock,
All those two lote end Improvement, in the
City ofSavannah known In plan of eeid city u
number* (31) twenty one end (Si) twenty
' two Jaekaon - werd Orleene square levied on el
the property of Eleas. Eerly tinder a ft fh. in
ftvor of Amoe Shudder
All that right title end interest ot Andrew
Knox in Rice’i wherf being one undivided
eighth of two undivided thirdi end o ,e un
divided eeventh of ione undivided eighth of
two undivided third* levied on ee the pro*
perty of Andrew Knox tn eetiiiy to execution
fit favor of Williamson end De Villere.
An undivided moiety of e po<ti i n or pert of
ell that it t of lent* in the city of Bevennih
known by the numbers (7) eeven Cerpenteri
Tything Decker werd, the eeid portion nr
pert containing thirty tix (36) feet in front
end ninety feet (90) in depth,bounded north
by Bay lane, eeit by lend of Joiiah Lawrence,
ebutb by Bryan itreet end weet by lot no. lit
(6) levied on ee the property of John M. Jar.
vie under an execution m favour of Mark
ARthat garden lot, no. one (t) Liberty
•treet being the half of lot no- (5 7 ) fifty eeven
bounded weet by lot no. (58) liny eight and
on the cut by the other half of laid lot levied
on ee the property of Lamout Williame under
. in execution in fayor of Dreeter and Larned.
Forty five sharer of steam boat atock, levied
on aa the property of Thoinae Wright under
two executions in fhvor of Johnston, Hills
k eo. and Sami. Hale,
I. D'LYON a- c. n-
Aug 8 98
. City Sheriff’s Sale.
On Me first Tuesday in September next,
1KVILL >e .o d it tue Juu. i flouae i - the
\}f efv of Savannah, between the hour'
of 10 and 4 /olock- ’
All the lot of land aituated. lying end being
in the eity of Savannah, kn wn in the plan a-
laid city aa l it No tno 3, L>ae-!y Ward con
taimng 60 feet front and 90 feet deep, togeth
er with ell the buildinga and improvementa •
thereon, bound'dean by lot 1, weat y
IM No. three 3, north by Broughton-at. A south
by a lane, lev ed on aa the property of 'he ea
tate of Thomaa Lucent, dee. to aatiafy gu ex,
eeutlnn from the Court of Common Pleaa and
Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah.
Wm H Wall and E rabeth hia wife va. S M
Bend administrator, C. T A. of rhsmsa Lu
een- A. I D'LYoN, c a
Ang 8 98
Sheriff’s >7 ale.
On the first Tuesday in September next,
nr»il.L lie told HI fMM of. tue ciur.-hmue
tjJ i;, Bryan County, between the uauai
hours of sale,
A tract of Land in aaid county, known bv
the name of •Palermo,’ containing eight hun.
dred acres, m ire or less, bounded N B by
6weai’a lands, 8 W by a Balt marsh, other
boundaries not known—levied upon as the
property of K* T Kitting, to satisfy tn exe
cution in Ivor of tue aiiminiatrator* of Bei\J
Stiles, deceased-
August 2 9i
Administratrix Sale.
O v Moo lay the eighth day o August next
anil be sold at the nouae of Mrs E 'mith,
in Brvan County, between the hourt of ten
end four o’clock, Six head of Stock Cattle.
and one old Cart, b”ng the remaining perao
nal eatate of Matthew Carter, dec. Condo
lions, cash.
June 29th. 1825
July 2 8*f
F \’E MONTHS after the date hereof, ap'
plication will be made to the Honorable
th. Court of Ordinary for the County of Chat
ham, for leave to sell the whole or a part, or
parti of a tract of land, lying and being in
the eo inty of Effingham, containing by re
cent survey, nine hundred end eighty .five
acrea, and known by the name of the Tuck-
asserking Tract, formerly the property of
King and Hotchkiss, now belonging to the
eatate of Aleaander S. Iloe’a orphans, for the
benefit of said orphans
Guardian A. S. Roe’s Orphans.
July 4 87
Georgia—Camden County
TO ALL TO WHO .1, as -V COhuLll
W HEREAS Helton A. Copp applies to the
Couit of Ordinary of aa d County for
Letters of Admimatrat on, with the will an
nexed, on the estate of Joieph Bixby, late of
laid county, deceased : These are therefore
to cite a”d admon h all and aingular, the
beira a-yd creditors of laid deceaaed to fih
their objections (if anv they have) in my of
fiee, on or before the first Monday in Septem
ber next, otherwise Letters will be granted
the applies't.
Witnesa the Hon. William r.f
the Jindices of said Court, this 23d Ju
ly, 18*5.
JO lNBAILY.e. c. o.e. e
July 30 <93
Georgia—Camden >.;ou:i y.
\fy«BRAAS Wliipp-t Aiilncapplies to the
<## Court of Ordinary of the said count}
for Letter! of administration, w s th the will an
nexed, on the eatate of B'izabeth Williamson,
late of laid county, dec,said: These are
therefore to cite and admonish all and aing j
lie, the kindred andereditora of said deceaatc
to file 'heir objections (if any they have) in
my rffice on or before the fi at Mondav in
September next, otherwise Letters will b,
granted the application
Witnesa the Hon. William Gibson, one ,.
the Jus'icei of said Court, this 2dd Ju
ly.18 5.
JOHN BAILEY c c. o. e c
Jnlr.3!) 19 >
Do ib e Distilled :tosc Wu'er
A FRESH SUPPLY of best London
Roae Water, received per brig Pan
then, and for sale by
Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buddings.
May 10
Castor Oil.
A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold
pressed Castor Oil, lor family and
plantation use, for sale by
March 29 Opposite the Exchange.
T HIS medicine ia ofl'eredas a remedy for
Scrofula, King’a Evil, Ulcerated Sore
Throat, long ato-ding Hlieumatic Affec
tions, Cutaneous bueasei. White Swelling
and Diaeasea of the Bone* and all case?
generally of an ulcerous chsncter, snd
Chronic diseases, arising in debilitated cansti
tutiona, but more especially for Syphilis, oi
-flection, arising therefrom, Ulcers of the
Larynx, Nodes As., and that dreadful dis
ease occasioned by a long lt d eaceaaive use
of Mercury, Ac. Ac.—It has a so been louud
useful in Diaeasea of the Liver,
Ina l disorders arising from an impure nr
contaminated state of the Bleed, it will be
found a powerful and an effectual remedy.—
The discovery of this medicine has been the
effect of long and attentive study, and it la
now made public from the most decided con
viction, founded uo ample experience, nf ite
power in eradicating those diseases,after every
ether medicine has failed.
It cannot, however, be supposed, that this
•’aaacea will invariably cure—the 'molt es
teemed medicines, employed by the Faculty,
will eftenfail in the very diaeasea for which
they are considered specifics i hut if the use of
it be persevered in, it will radically remove al
most every causefof the disorders specified.
Thousands are lingering under those com
plaints, in some form, sinking to the grave,
virhnut a remedy, whom this medicine would
certainly restore to perfect health and vigour,
tla safety and innocence have been fully tea -
ud, ao that it may be administered to 1 he ten
dered infant The moat distinguished physi
cians in the United Slates recommend it, and
idmit, that a more importaut discovery in me
dical acienco bus pot been made i and to use
the language of on- of the moat eminent Pro-
easors ef the age, it is a triumph in the healing
art. To the present and rising generations,
the benefit mua' prove incalculable, not only
oy laving many many valuable lives, b it ,m-
aning strength and soundness to drbililued
1' corrupted constitutions,—thereby present
ing their offspring from hereditary diseases.
These tact,, toge tier with the nume'ou, cures
made, form irrestiblepreff of the high value
if this remedy. No one, however, is dvaed
o take it, without first fully convincing lum-
self of the truth of whai is here stated, and
the rectitude of ihc Pr. prioter's intentions.
The cures performed in this city alone, ea
tablish its superior virtue on a basis too solid
to be affected by the malignity of the envious.
I is worthy of remark, thut the greater part
»f the patients who have been pe'inanently
cured, had, previous to the Proprietor's un
derrating them, received the ablest a siatsn-e
and several were abandoned by tiie r Plu s'
ciana, as fir ing beyond the rear > if um n
•kill. Such is the f cl and so extraordinary
vers many of bee see thut an txhibion mu
made of th,m it, the Universtiy of Tenney v.n
in, by the V ofessor of Surger , b fore a c oted
etl audience of Siuderu who pronounced,horn
wonders in the healing art. It ,.as i een intro*
uce.,,rito the Philadelphia Alma Hoi'S- .si d
Pennsylvania and New-Yurk, ar.
such were its surprising effects—its auccetr.
after ail other m-dioines had failed, that the
burgeon of the PennsylvaniaiHopital, Dr. Wm
P ice, was induced to abandon his highly
respectable offic , from the laudable design
of benefitting u s fellow creatures, by carry
mg the Panacea to England t where it h- s al
ready superseded the use of the genuine
French Rob of Lafscteur in a number of in
stance* n di,eases for which thatra intended,
and its virtues are publicly acknowledge by
some of the most eminent sur,-enna the re.
In all complicated esses of Scofuiu and Vy
phiiis.ond where tile Syphilitic Virus «,f ,„c
parent causes a developcment of Scro'ula in
the child, this is the only remedy upon which
a single hope of r-covery can be reasonably
founded) there has been no instance of its
failure, where propely used It impa-ls vi
gour to the wh'de system while h- cure ia
going on—an operation so long looked for in
vain by the medical -world i at i.,e erne
me patient is enabled to take nourishing food,
which under the common modes of practice,
is usually withheld from the sufferer. In ma
ny instances whore the horrible ravages of ul
ceration had laid bare ligament and bone, and
where, to all, no human means bu
amputation could have saved lile : in case,
eatteme even as here described, have pa.
tienta been snatched from the grave and re
stored to good health, and the devouring dis
ease completely crvhcaied The discovery tf
a remedy tike this now offc-ed for tate, law
been a desideratum from time immemorial,
The Proprietor doe, no, uppoie ids bare
assertion will convince : iie wi.l therefore give
reference, to such as have been cured, and
those u, d'.rhia care among whom are many
highly reapec'.acle citizes, that ahall satisfy the
most incredulous of its superior efficacy in the
disoiders for which it is here rccommen 'r d,
Every member ofsociety should aid indiffui-
uig in' rrei'tion of this discovery—human
ity alone makes it a dv y
”1 have within the last two years hid an op
portunity of seeing several cases of very love
lerate ulcers, which having previously resist
ed the regular modes nf treatment, wert
helled by the use of Mr. Swaim’s Panacea
and I do believe, from what 1 hare aeen.
that it will prove an important remedy ia ocro,
fulous, venereal and mercurial diaeasea.
Professor of the Institutes and practice
of Phyaic, in the University of Penn
sylvania (In A.
“Philadelphia, February 16,18j3.”
“1 bare employed tm t'anacea of Mr.Swaim.
in numeroua instances, within the last three
years, and have always found it extremely
ifficacious, especially in sec-ondary syphilis
and mercurial diseases. I have no hesitatio
in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable
value. “W. GIBSON, M D.
Professor of Surgery in the Uni’ty of
Surgeon and Clinictl Lecturer to the
Alms House Infirmity, Ac
“ February 17, 1823.’’
“ 1 have repealedly used Swaim’s, Panacea,
both in the Hospital and in private practice,
and lyave found it to be a valuable medicine in
ch oi.ic, syphilitic and scrofulous complaints,
and in obstinate cutaneous affection!.
Profess tr of Surgery in the University of
• New Y ,rk. Surge in of the New-York
Hnfr.hal, Ac.
Wm ro' A. i llmo 5th, 3 8 ’4 ”
Caationto l’utcbafteTg.
The great i.rifiai.u a,.d wonderful success
ni this medicine, h .ve induced a number of
persons to imitate it in various ways—Some
are selling Sarsaparilla and other syrups, im
posing them on th' ignoraut for the Panacea;
others are mixing the genume medicine with
molasses, Ac., making three bottles out of one,
thus retailing some of its virtues. Th. se im.
i'ations.andandadiilieratoina have in many in-
t'lncea iroteacted the "iffiviuga of patienta
in enact where the genuine medicine would
have proved instantly efficacious. I therefore
d.emita duty I owe the the public, to sc
quaint them, that it ia impossible, from the
vary nature of its constituents, to be discover
ed by chemical analysis I and consequent!.,
'ha' all other mixtures represented to be mine
.'ind sold as -uch, are fraudulent and base im-
positions, calculated to receive the ignorant
and unwary .---The genuine medicine has im
' igmtur.' of a label representing JJerculet and
the Hydra, and nixie on the seal.
Communications, post paid, and orders from
any part of the world, w ill receive immediate
tp* Printed directions accompany the Me
dicine. a
No. 13, South Ninth Street, opposite the
University nf "ennai ivanis.
Philadelphia, Fehmary, 1825,
The subscribers have just recetvsd a fresh
supply of the above VALUABLE MEDI
CINE, and have made such arrangements
with the inventor.Mr. Wm. Swaim, as will
cnabio them to offer tn the public a pure
and unadulterated article. Druggists and
others who purchase to soil again, can have
it at the original price established by the
Chemists and Druggists, SharfV (dings.
A Treatise nn Swaim’s Pa to, with
cases illustrating its success, wi ue loaned
to those interested, by applying aa above.
June 28
A certain Hast India Cure for the Rheu
matism, King's Evil, Ifc.
Extract of a letter from the Rev- James E
link, dated at Bengal, to Dr. P- Bedwe
Daam Six :
A r.HEE INLY to your requeat, I have with
diffi ultv procured and iriw send you by
ttie ship las n. Capt Robinson, a few pound,
of the Polidelnliia, or what generally goes
by the name nf I idia Ext,art, a Mediciie un
iversally esteemtal among the people of Indian
•a a certain cure lor the Rheumatism. Was
I to inform you of the number of peoplr wh
tee daily relieved and cured by this valuable
M' d’cine, it woo d -equ ne more paper than
I am able to purcha-.e and more time than ]
am ab'e to be-tow. Indeed, ihe iff-c, of t’ ’-
■dedicni" ia a, iuuvd ite, that in Rheumatism
y)U would -uppose it acted el a cha in n giv
•ng relief on ’ I'm ,vin^ hit painful d-eire.
In the King’s Evil it haa b -en used with grea'
success, and who'i- Mercury has been give-
nr used to exctis.'h' , 04-u 'ne has proved a
perfeet cure. The great difficulty, however.
>1 procuring the Extract, will for many year,
to come, prev< lit ita general circulation, it be-
ng obtained from a Shiub on the
mountains of Thibet, in the B-rmin Empire
nf India, and held io sacred by the natives,
that to part with it is like parting with their
Letter to Dr- Bedwe!!, dated Jan. 7, 813.
Dear Doctor—I have teen v olentiy affect,
itli» R u natic compilin' f ir manv y.a.a i
.over, mv fingers were so contracted that I
cuu d neilhc dress or undreaa myself, or give
the least assistance to mv fa ally—I have used
only one ox of the lnd.a Extract, a id I am
perfectly restored. Your’s truly,
Letter from Tobiaa Jennings, Stews d ot St.
Thoma*’HosptaJ London, Feh 1 18a3.
Dear Sir—l think it my duty h inform you,
thm after trying every thing that cuuld be
pointed out by the moat reapectable physi
cian! and surgeon" for tha relief of my sun,
without any success, who you know, haa for
many yearabeen laboring under severe Rheu
natism, I was induced to try the Poladelphis,
with a g immering hope, that it might give
him some relief from the eaeesslre pain be
endured, which rendered hi n a usaleas mem
ber of society, and a burthen to himself. To
my utter astonishment the relief was instan
'.menus, -nd by persevering in the use of the
Extract hia joints have returned to their pro
per places, and he ia in periect health. Up
wards of silty respectable nertons have cal
ted t • sse my son, as al! who knew him though
it :r"pp«a S|- that he -md r eave-
Druggist, where additional certificates of
the efficacy of the above medicine may be
May 20
Georgia—Camden Count).
\\$f IBKBAb Alexander Atkimon, Ad nin
strator on the Estate c f John Atk*n-
aoi % deceaaed, applies to the Court of O din
:iry of laid County, for letter* dismiaaory on
aaid estate s These are, therefore, to c te m-d
dimmish all and angular, the heirs • nd cre<
>iors of a dd deceased, to fi e their obj^ ' r na
(if any they have^ in my office, on or before
the fir t Monday in January next, or letter
w ’1 be grunted to the applicant.
PJ- r _!i l “| Witneas 'he Hon William Gibaoti,
IjL S i| one of thr Justices of aaid Court,
L..-J this 25 h Junf, 1825.
JOuN BAILEY, c. c o. c. e
June IO 82
TTeasars "Department,
March, 14, 1825 5
tlTHBTlE AS on the 3d of March, IP’S, v
YY law was pasaed by the C'mgresa of the
Un-ted States, of which the 3d, 4th, and 5th
sections are in the worts following, viz i
“ See. 3, And be it further enacted, Thst a
subscription to the amount of twelve millona
of dollsrl, of the aiz per ceni. atock of tile
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
the same is hereby proposed i for whioh pur
pose hooka shall be opened at the Treasury of
the United States, and at th> several loan offi
ees, on the Aral day of April next, to continue
open until the first day of October thereafter,
for euch parte or the above mentioned de
scription of atock aa shall, on the day of sub
scription, stand or the books of the Treisury,
end on those of the eeveral loan offices, re
ipeetively / which subscription shall be effect
ed by a transfer to the United States, in the
manaer provided by law for euch transfer* of
the ereait or credit! standing on the eaid
book* and by a surrender of the certificates
of the iloek so eubseribed : Provided, That
•II aubscription by euch transfer of stock shall
be considered as part of the eaid twelve mil
lions of dollars authorized to be borrowed by
the first aeeti 1 n of hia act,
*’ See. 4. And be it further enacted. That for
the whole or any part of any sum which shall
be thus subscribed, credits shall he entered to
the respective subscriber* who ihall be enti
tled to a certificate or certificates purporting
that the United States owe to the holder or
holder! thereof, his, her ; or their assigns, •
sum to be expressed therein, equal to the
amount of.the principal atoek thus subscribed,
bearing in interest not exceeding four and
one half per eentum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-first day of Decem
ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
five ; transferable in the aame manner aa
provided by law for the transfer of the stock
subscribed, snd subject to redemption st the
pleasure of the United States, aa follows i one
half at any time after the thirty-first day o(
December, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time
after the thirty-first day of December, one
thousand eight iMiudred and twenty-nine:
Provided, That ho reimbursement shall be
made except for the whole amount of such
new certificate; nor until after at least six
months public notice of such iatended reim
bursement And it shall be the duty of the
Secretary of the Treatury to cause to be trans
ferred to the respective subscribers the sever
al sums by them subscribed beyond the amount
of the cer 1 ificates nf four and one half pei
oant. atock issued to them respectively
“ Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That
he same funds which have heretolore been,
Mid now are pledged by law for the payment
>f‘he interest, and for the redemption ami
eimburaement of the stock which may be re
deemed or reimburs'd by virtu: of the pro
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like
manner for thepavmentof the interest accru
ing on the stock created by reason of such
eubsciip ion, and for the redemption or reim-
■urtement of the principal tf the same. And
it shall be the duty of the commissioners of the
linking fund to cause to be applied and paid,
nut of tile said fund, yearly and every year-
such Sum and sums as may be annually requir
ed to discharge the inte est accruing on the
stock which may be crested by virtoe of this
act I he said commissioners are, also, here
by authorized to apply, from time to timi
such sum and sums out of the said fund, as
they may think proper, towards redeeming
by purchase, or by reimbursement, in con
formity with the proviaiona of this act, the
p-incipal of the said stock : and euch part of
the annual aum often million! of dollars, vest
ed by law in the said commissioners, aa may
he necessary and required for the above pur
pose* shall be and continue appropriated to
the payment of interest and redemption of
the public debt, until the whole of the stock
which may be created under the provision! of
th.a act, shall have been redeemed or reim
burned. ”
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that
books will be opened at the Treasury of the
United Stvtes, and at the several loan office*
on the first day of April n-xt, and continue
open until the firat da- of October, thereaf-
er, for receiving cubscrintions in conformity
with the provisiens of the said law.
The subscriptions may he m»de by the pro
prietors of the stock, ei’ii'r m person or by
their attorneys duly authorized to subscribe
and transfer it to the United States.
Should subscriptions of sa\J slock be msde
to an amount exceeding twelve millions of
tfellar* a distribution of the aaid aum of twelve
millions of dollars will be msde among Hie
subscriber* in proportion to the sums subscri
bed by them respectively.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury*
t'-rcti d *0 ; li"
Georgia— amden County.
!IE n EA8 Louie Dufour. Administ atm
TT of the Estate of Basile Pelletier, decM
ippiies to ihe Court of Ordinary of said eoun-
'v, for let'era dismiisot-y on aaid estate:—
t hese are, therefore, to cite and admonish th
nd singular, the heirs and creditor! of said
deceased to file their of jec- ions (if any they
nave) in my office, on or before the firat Mon
lay in January next, or letter* will be granted
" • e applicant. 1 „
|~ Witnese the Hon. William Gibio
|! L- >. |f one of the Justices of said Cou
- - I thi«25 h time, 18 5
JO 'N BA1I.Y.C.C.O, e. c.
Juni 30 82
Georgia—Chatham County,
In ihe O .urt of Ordinary, May Term. 18zs
O N the petition of Henry Champion, admin
istrator of John Street, dec rased, praying
an order JVfti to he made absolute on hia com*
plying witn the law, tor the sale of a Lot ol
Ground, number four, [4) second Tythinv
Reynolds Ward—Also, p.-rtof a Lot, numbe-
'is, Tower Tything, Decker Ward, being the
>eal estate of the eeid dec, tor the benefit cf
the heirs and creditorsIt is ordered, that i
notire be published nine month* in one «l
ihe Public Gaaette of the City of Savannah,
requiring all person, interested, to show cause,
if any they have, why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted.
S H. BOND, c e. o.
May 14 444
Georgia—Chatham County.
Li the Cuur of Ordioary—May Term, '825.
O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Executor
of John Waekerlv, dec. prayii g an order
Msi to be made absolute, on hia complying
witn the taw, to sell Two Tract! of Land in
Laurena County, being ,tbe real estite of the
Mid deceased, for the benefit of the heirs end
creditors: It is ordered, that a notice bi
nublished, nine months in one of the Gi
settes of the eity of- Savannah, requiring ad
persons interested, to chow cause, if any they
can, why the prayer cf the petitioner ehould
not be granted. S. M. BOND, c. e. o.
| May 26 '57
JN otice.
N INE MONTHS after date, application
will be msde to the Inferior Court of
Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purpo
ses, for leave 'o aell all the real estate of the
late Thomaa Savage, of Bryan County, viz:
Point Plantation, consisting of two hundred
snd eighty scree Rice Land, on the O -eecbee
Hiver, four miles below the Furry, .djnining
the plantation i f Joseph Habersham ami Ste
pben Elliott. Also, two hundred and fifty
acres, more or less, nf Pine Land, appertain
ing thereto. Also a Tract of Land called
Salin* containing fif y acres, on Medway Hiv
er, adjoining the lands of J. J. Maawell.
June >j 71
Vegetable Catholicon.
JPIIE aubscrib' r resp ctfully aolicin the at
IT tention of every friend of suffering hu
munity, to to the above new and invaluable
remedy, whose unequal powera in eliminating
from the system the very seeds of disease,
and in restoring the deranged and morbid
condition cf the organs of life to a free and
healthy ezersiae of their functions, has exci.
ted the sstnnishmeni, and completely eilen
eed the objections of the most incredulous —
Facts are Ihe best arguments. In order to pul
the virtues of tnet'.atholicon to as severe a
scrutiny aa possible, it was offered by adver
tisement, together with the attendance cfa
physician, gratuitously to any lerann who
would apply for it, and whose cause might
seem to come within the range of its healing
power—numbers of severe cases of long ate d-
ing, and some of them seemingly deipi-r»'t
ones, pre ented themselves, all of which have
been cured, or so much relieved as to warrant
ibe assertion that a little perseverance will do
•o. In fact, such ia the confidence nfthephysi
cian under whose care these patients were
placed, in thfc remedy, a confidence reau t-
ing from the irresistible conviction that has
been foret'd upon hia mind by ocular demo',-
siralion, and a personal trial nf it on himseft
that he peimits me to declare it a9 hia deci
ded opinion, that the Catholicon is not only a
perfectly safe and innocent, but a most pow
erful and invaluable remedy in certain dis
eases and statea of the system, such aa ihe fol
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dii'ipation: Old and inveterat • Ulcers. Psina
in the bones attended with swellings cf the
jointa; Indigestion, Blotches on the face,
pimples, Ac.; Alt complaints of the Liver 1
Tetter.- Yaws , Syphilis t Cutaneous disease,
generally ) Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Cstholicnn (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledges h.s word consists exclusively
if vegetable matter) with the exception of a
alight determi ration to the bowels, which it
preserves in a soluble state, acta insensibly, is
pleasant to the taste, and requires n- narticn-
lar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuout li
quors always excepted.) or confinement. Ai
a gi. ntle, sale and agreeable cathartic mrd:
cine, improving the appetite and restoring the-
general tone of the system, it is confidently
recommended to isdies in a delicate situa
tion. W W. POTTER,
66 Cheiout-street,
Philadelphia, May 31, IB24.
At the request of Mr, W. W Potter, I have
lately exhibited, in several instances, a medi
cated sirup, called Potter’s Vegetable Oatho
licoo, with the most decided advantage. It
has, as i et, never failed effecting a cure in
every case ia which ) hare thought proper to
employ iU H. M’MUR I UIE, M D
Philadelphia, July 28th, 1824,
Mr. W- W. Potter,
Dear Sir—You expressed a wish thst I
would give a concise statement of my suffer-
ing* from ‘the hopeless commencement, to
the present propitious stsge of my disease.’
About five years ago, 011 my passage from
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I was seized
with a violent fever. Having no medical at
tendants on board, I was compelled to tear
it, as I might for two weekt, when on my ar
rival at Charleitnn, S. C. it. was treated as
Typhus. The skill of my Physician subdued
the fever, but Phoenix-like, the termination
of tbia gave rise to a disease equally distres -
iog, and which, till now, I had thought incut-
able. Various abscesses made their unwel
come apperrance, particularly on the joints,
which were swelled to an enormous sue.—
These gradually subsided into herd tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an incision was now made and a large
evacuation of nus, mixed with pieces of bone
took place. In addition to this, I suffered the
most eacruciating pains in my joints that man
ever experienced. Every thing that was
administered either gave me no relief nr ser
ved to aggravate the disease, the severity of
which increased with every succeeding year.
Such was mv painful ai'unliun that I despaireu
of ever being restored to my lieral h; I had
not only tried the regular means of relief,
but used, though ill vain, every popular rem
edy 1 could hear of- It was ill this awful and
desponding condition,that 1 was persuaded to
..ummenceicooraeofyoiir Vegetable fail: I
icon, and the happy result is, “/ om the use
of the two bottles, my whole lys'em has under
gone a complete revo'ution. my pains have forsa
ken me;’’ the discharge from my xnec began
to diminish, and soon cessed altogether, ihe
ulcer from whence it proceeded being com
plelelv healed. The tumors, for the remova I
of winch I have tried in vain more remedies
than 1 can name, are rapidly decreasing ; my
appetite, which was gone, has returned—I an
in fact, nearly well, and feel confident that a
few bottles more of yuur, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will make me perfectly so.
Your obliged friend,
oould wish tube. With my Ihtnkt, am you,
obliged humble aervant, Wc, ” 0M
George sank
City of Philadelphia, at. *
George Kine, of the District of South
wark, personally appeared, and, being duly"
iworn, d.'th declare and aay that the abo/.
statement is in all respects correct and true
and that the signature to it it in the hind
writing of this deponent.
. JOH’t BINNS, Aidernin
Philadelphia, May 28,1824-
The Vegetable Hatholicon is peculiarlv
_ lapted to thoie diseases which are prcril,.,,
among the coloured population of the i omh
In that disease which is called yaws, it
sure remedy 1 a tingle trial of it, will convince
planters of its superior efficacy ( to any rene
dy of a similar nature in the United suite,- '
The advantages of this medicine are, not
confining the patient unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from his businru—
With one solitary exception, that of spirit,,,
out liquors, is does not lay any restrictions ubtn
his appstite It iaso gentle in it, opera,'V"
Jhat the patient finds himself getting well h>
cannot tell how. As it is not the w" h oftbe
proprietor to take any tiling for oh.cb h e
cannot give a consideration equal in W1 w
persona at a distance who may wist: to t, v ’
uia medicine, but ttdio are not certain if \\
be applicohlc to theircomplaint, are request,
ed to describe their case and symptoms in
a letter, poat-paid, and directed to W-tlr,
letter will be immediately placed in bonds
fully competent to decide the question,-
Should the remedy not seem to suit the dis-
ease, they will L-e frankly told so.
To prevent disappointment it is wo'l to
nt«te that it takes in ordinary cases from 3 to
5 bottles to effect a cure so that persons vr|,o
are labouring under any ser ous infirmity,
must make up their mind to persevere to that
extent at least—ff they do not, t.'iey might ar
well gave themselves the trouble .id expense
f usings suudlerequimity.
All orders post paid and enclosing the money,
immediately attended to, and'the medicine
r 'scked and delivered with directions fomin,
> any place in the city, and forwarded as di
N. B. To prevent the possibility of all im
position, it will be sohl in the ci*y of Philadel
phia, at the office in Fifth near llace-Sir-ct,
irat the dwelling of the propri. tor, Hi. 66
Jhesnut street, only, end abroad by hia kit-
ikorixedagents. W W POTTER.
66 Chesnut Street, Philade'pfiia•
I have appointed GEORGE UYEdSON,
Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent. Ding,
gists wanting the above valuable medicine,
will be supplied by him for cash, at the same
rate, as if ordered direct from me—Viz. giiO
per d'.zen, or three dollar, a auigle houlc.
W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia.
Any person on application to the subscriber
will be furnished with certificates of ihe 1 ffi-
cacy of the above medicine, sufficient in run-
vmce the mind of the moat sceptical, although
too numerous and lengthy for neweptiprr n.
aerdon. GEO. RYERSON, Dm; gist, ,
Corner of Day and Whittaker Street*,
dec 13
Between fV Davict Administrator, Complain•
ant. and John t.'arnochan Administrator t dt
bonis no with the will annexed of Gvorre
Richardson and others, Defendants Jn
equity, Chatham Superior Court Chanceryp
20th August, 1824.
I T appearing tbit John Hurray Carmichan,
one of the defendants in the wid bill of
complaint named, reaides without the atate of
Georgia; in that part of the United Kingdoms
of Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotlard .*
It is ordered that the aaid John Murray Car*
nochan, do appear rod answer to the com
plainant 1 * aaid bill, within nine month* from
the* date of this order, otherwiae that the
said bill; 89 to him, betaken pro confessor
and it ia further ordered, that • copy of lhi»
order be publish'd once a week, in one of
die public Guzeitcs of this state, until the ex*
pifMtion of the tune within which the said de
fendant is required to appear and answers
True copy from the Minutes* his 2lst
August, 1824. A. B,FANNIN, Clerk,
august 24 -
N INE months after date, application will be
made to the Hon. the Judges of the Court
jl Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to
sell all the real estate of the late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of the beira and creti-
itora of laid eatate.
JOHN M’NISR, Executor
on 19 91
in otice.
A LL persona hiving demands against the
'Jl estate of Constant Freeman, Esq late of
the city of Washington,. deceased, are re
quired to hied them in, legally attested,
within the time prescribed by law : and those
indebted to eaid estate, are required to make
immediate payment, to
Jan 14 42pi
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS J. B'chlott fun. adminiitra 1 or
on 'he eetatea of DavidTucker and David
M’Credie, applies to the Court of Ordinary
of said County, for Letters diamirsary on the
< states of said deceased penoat: These are,
therefere, to cite and admoniah the heirs and
creditor, of said deceeaed person* to file
their objection* (if any they have) in my of.
fice, on or before the first Monday in January
nest, or letters will be granted to the appli
S Witnesa the Hon. William Gibson,
one of the Juatieea of aaid Court,
this 25th June, 1875.
JOHN BAILEY, c. 0. o. e. e
June 30 as
Philadelphia, July ”6, 1824.
My confidence in the vegetable catholicon
is umliminishnd, and as fresh in-tancea of its
powers arc daily occurring, in my own prac
tice. I hare no hesitation in recommending it,
in the peculiar diaeasea to which it is applica
ble, as superior to aoy remedy I am acquaint
ed with. M. M’UUHTHIE, M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,18.4
Six—In consequence of imprudent expos
lire four years ago. I had the misfortune to be
come afflicted with a disease, the painful re
sulis of which induced me to apply in sue-
ceaaion to several respectable pbykiciana of
this city, from whom, however, ( received
either no VelieL or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite as distressing
aa the former, Uy whole ayatem became a'-
fected. 1 could get no rest at night on ac
count of the violent pain ttml I felt in every
part of my body s Ihe weakness and c—evia
tion of which was such that I oould scarcely
walk. In this atate I fortunately heard of
your vegetable catholicon—four buttle, of
whioh, has completely restored me, I have
now no pain 1 my appetite it good; and mv
strength restored With many thanks for
the relief your medioine has given me, I am
your obliged friend, ke.
Sworn and aubaeribed to before me, May 28,
1824 JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,18"4.
Sin—I am now, thanks to your nfedicine, a
hearty mar For nearly six yean I have been
a martyr to a disease, whole ravage! threat
ened, if not eoonitopped,to put a period to
my existence. Having bad no regular medi
cal advice from the commencement, my
complaint atlut got to auch a height that I
could not swallow without great pain and
difficulty- Tumors farmed in different parti
of my body, and I began to think my aituation
almost drsperate. The five bottles of the
Catholicon which I have taken have com
pletely cured me, and 1 am new 1* well a* I
Georgia Camden County.
ro all to whom it may congeun.
tjmiEK&AS Sarah Brown, Junior,
▼ ▼ applies to r he Court of Ordinary of
bounty, for Letter* of Administration on the
•:*tate of John Brown, late of sa.d county* de
ceased, ar next of k;n: Tbeae »’'e, therefore,
cite and admonish, all »nd singular, Jje
kindred »nd creditors of aaid deceased, to n'«
their objections, if any the) hive, in im <•»•
fice, on or before the fir9t Mo d ’V in J"*> c
next,otherwise Letter* will begrimed tht tp*
Witness the Honorable Bri'ian R. Bun*-
Icy, one of the Justices of mid Court,
this sixteenth day of .April, eighteen
hundred *fd twenty ’five.
Anril 21 ?4
Georgia—Camden County.
IK7HEREAS 'olin Chevalier, has applied
T V to said Court, fir Letters Dis'-Jijaiiry
jn the estates of Samuel Cozens and Evan E-
Muck, deceaaed. Theae are, therefore, «>
cite abd qdmoniah, all and aingular, die kin
dred and creditors ot the aaid duceiied per
son* tn file their obj-ction* if any thevhavj
in my office, on or before the first Monday in
January next, or Letters will be granted UR
Witness the Honorable Junes Scott, one
of the Justices of aaid Court, this *'*' day of April, eighteen honors
and twenty-live.
At I 71 "1
Geo; gia— Camden County.
-TWHEREAS Lewis Bachlott, appliel to »*
Court of Ordinary of laid Cwiiity) ‘‘‘
Tetters Dismiasory on the eatate of Fr.n«''
Rtiaolupe : Theic are, therefore, tp cite «»
admonish, all and aingular, the kindred
Creditor! of said deceaaed, to li'e their o.J»
tion* if any they have, in my office, on or re
fute the fi- it Monday in January next, oin"
*ne Letters Dismiasory will be granted
applicant ^ ^ n onort hl e Samuel OlaAj
one of the Jnatioes of laid , Cour, '.;:„
sixteenth day of April, eighteen b
dred and twenty-five. f
Ap-'l 2!
50 r. BrigP “^»'
April 1