Newspaper Page Text
jttn fterlw—VoV VII.
ING, 8KPTKMHKR 10,1825.
!■ Via
Br ti. if W. Rouehtuom,
fob tub coontby, .
IS itflaM to MCI the arrangementAl
■k* Jii, tluce Date* * week. (Tuesday,
rnawtay s»d Seterilty) at the Office of ilie
OailvGcatiCa*.aud Content *l< the i.-.Ui
i?,xe, Coranwetal. Tohtteal ami Dia rllan*
Jj,,,, iMlurtioK edvetiieeeMBte. pub .ihcd -
the Daily t'apcr.
Ttie Country I’epeel* eei tto ell port* ..
Mk $uteand Union,ordelivered m taecity,
at five dollar* per annum, payablein “tvancr
Advertisement* aro inaened in hr.„ pn-an
at 71 cent* per square. of 14 l , «ea, fcr . a fir«i
inaertioo, and .17* for every eucesedinf pub-
*^e»«unleattooabyM»i',unit »«/'»*<A M
**-• nfI,rut and n-i{roe» by Aditumair«
tore. Rx-eiilora nr guardian*, are required,
by?,w to he held on Hie *ra Turt lay .« Ih<
ai'irtn bnt-.*n ihr Ihu™ of,fc " ‘JCJ™*,
%:z—* *vt
!n s puulie gsaelte tin/ day. prertoua to th.
^Notice of the »*le «»f por«nnal property muat
bn a,re in 1'ke manner, fort) day» previous
o the -lay af .ale.
MMlrr to the debtor* and erodito.» "f an
eat ate muat be published ' Arty day*.
Nnt'ee that applieatmn will be made lo Ihr
C„,irt of Ordinary for leave to aell land, must
be published Mint Mtntht
N INE montlia aftor date application will
be made to the Honorablo the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract ot land,
known as number eight, Oth District, Pike
(formerly Mttnroe) County, for the Benefit
ofthe Itoira and creditors of the estate el
of N. S. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. 8. Bnya r “'
Jan 5 «,
N otice.
I T1NP, MONTHS after dale of this noticr,
1 apnlieatipj! will be made to the Honors-
i- mrCourl SToritiuary itr rh'htnvm nourt-
ty, for permission to sell all the reel estate <;f
Joh’i Wshcrlv, dec. for Ihe bcurlit of th. :
heirs and creditors of said deemed''
ROBKl>r IIOV. Hiecutor.
tr,.l> os tv
VTIVK MONTHS after dale, innlicaflon aril 1
iv lie ma-.le to the Honorable Inf-riur’Gotir
of < county for feuv« tu net* tin* rani
tn I personal citato of'he late Alr»» Ana Ham*
il'»a, dccoraeM, for the benefit of the h«i*'»
•r.dcrcd I o'* of ■did e«'»te,
WO'ITHfNfl I ON fsAF.Fi, Executor
•«»•#•* <** MO*n
N INF# month* utter elite, application will hr
to tin* Inf* rior Court iff Chalism
C -ui'ty^ silting for ordinary purpose* for ta
order. *h"*ilute, to sell lots N**r four am five
(4 and 5) in Cm pouter's Mow, and lot N».
ow» # (t% itrcen W*'(l f in flit city ot S^vjihi;i»i.
being (he r***l < Hatr of Francis .fa'im an d ■
f«r ihr. hfiteftt u! the heirs wn' 1 creditors ol
tiideitits HILLI \H GAB’01.
Qualified Jtxrcntor
N otice.
JOl ‘V month, ifn-r ds e, sppHc.tion will hr
u J nut* In tl a (hnnrsblc ibv lorinr Ouuri
ol dsmil "o County, w'nnt ,itl'n h ’ for ordinary
touffvi o>, fir leave 10 anil 2S0 sees ol land
belt, gi, g to the * sisie of J< h i Urowo, <1
oeiKd f r the bcnclit of tb< burs and crmii-
ton of sai ■ it, lair.
■ AHAll lill'IWN, Adiniatr.trii
J'lr-mon, IS li juna, I 21.
June 21 7» »
K l‘ K moalhs after data. Bpplioalion «d
I'* mad* lo III* lliinoivbio tli* i ourt ol
O'diaaryofUaibitan dnuui) . hit loava lo .<•!,
*11 lb* rest **i*t« u* lb* lain ttit'idnlph M O '
lu.d e«.s< d, for Ihe of III* heir* an
craiiilon ofssid rsisl*.
IUKNiH M'OII U' AdmliilMrulb,
U M ININ.L", fdmiulMralor
•t Ms*,., Jo,i* |Sib, till,
law <1 *1
T 'l'IKR vtivrifl from ihladst* laha'I
maka ,ppU do* in Iba Bsub of lli* il.ti
U -orfiis, lor os meat lb full far ih- half of a
tiiidiuho mil fodd Haab. LaMar D 11". t>7.
*«a*4 4 Partai, llwhlar. tb* Mi Imnd half
barng m at, p, mamlaa-lha ilffht hand hall
n***A7. *■ ** MMb Pr.aldatH. balH
I t M loti AH paemtw ItHtraaUd will
•bwafn * *b* d ta uatma af Ihla mtantlao,
•adlta <h«ir<ijuftaMd mM Haak, within
||* |uy
(aatt rt «
' Notice.
w* MaMh* after dH*. (Mfiaaiia* wlft
h* madat* lha Jnai*««*f th> I
f l 4 (IhMaiM Oatmit. whe* *m*I
that *
tw tdf 4 ••***«. (.whShhalobF* lath* «*•
JM* af lie Lmbharta*. far tha hmw* of li
ba>i»**4 MafUsmaf s*M as*/|e
MANY fcVftft, A•»*>*'
l«M 19,1*21, ' »H
ama>a<Dii»iR0 a
B Y thn ship Emperor, the anbucribore
have received thirty-five packages of
Genuine Dntgs,Medicines,Per
fumery, Fancy Articles, &c.
carefully selected by one of the partners
now at the aorth. which added tn their for
mer stock on band, comprises an assortment
very extensive, and particularly suited for
Ibis market, anil well worthy the attention
of dealers. Merchants, Physicians, Plan
ters and Families, would do well to forward
their orders, as they will be sold «t our
usual luw rates.
July Id
Druggists, Shad’s Kuildings.
Consumptions, Ooijgiis, tyc.
I jtOK the cure of Uidda, Coughs, Consump-
tides, Spitting of Iliuod, Asibmss.*nd
iitcnscs ofthe breast aud lungs.
There -u perhups no medical observation
better established, none more generally con
tinned by the experience of the best pliysici-
,ns of all ages and countries, and none ol
.ore importance to the human family, then
lie fact (bet many of the moat difficult and in
curable consumption* originate ill neglectmi
colds.. In a climate to variable as ours, where
[m change, of the wea.hur ere frequently
.hidden end unexpected, it require* mure cere
and r.y’enlion to guurtl against this danguron
■nemy of life, than most people imagine ot
ire able and willing to beaiow. 't he biila of
mortality exhibit the melancholy fset that ttu
,'roportion of deaths by this (Unease may bi
ronsidered as about five to one. Inasmuch
then as this fatal di-ease frequently bids defi-
nice to the skill ofthe moat learned phyeici
.ns, It is a gratification to the proprietor tha 1
•■.e is enabled to ofterto those afflicted .with
t, a goodly proapect of relief, in that Mghlt
valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Sptci
Jtc. The Indian, are beppy in their know
ledge of medical planisi governed whnllvhi
i sperienee, they are certain as totneir off e ,
.ml it is ssid by an author of great character
'.hat a true e iisihnption is a disease neve,
known among tnem. ' —
This Specific is obt lned by extraction ftont
herbs, root*, flowers, plant, 8tc. when in per
fection- In consequence nf a happy cumbinn
linn ofthe moat valuable herbs, Stc. il becomes
,bsls»m of a superior value, li heals then
jn-ed parts, opens the piitea, and composes
ihe disturbed nerves^ after Ihe manner of an
inodyne / consequently the obstruction ot
the cher sod the >ungs which constitute th.s
disease, particularly ncediiauso. It promoter
"apectoralion, which is contlsntlf called for,
and whilst it cleans"* aud heals, it nlso give 1
urangili to the tender lungs In thn mannei
t removrs t he hectic fever, improves diges
tion, pi'/es strength to the nerves, repairi the
sppet'ie ami improves the spirits. This ipeci
lie msv al'vaya be givr n in safety it ia mild,
defiant to the taste, and may safely be given
o mfanta, for a Inch itia of inestimable valut.
I adonis relief in bowel complaints, teething,
rhoopilig coughs, £fc. and it found ptrticu-
rly useful it, hypuebondri ical, nervous and
lijstericsl discaaea. Each bill ol direction
i.nntains a dr-tailed accuinu of this disease in
all its different stages, and will b • accnmp*
■ded with ihe signature of the proprietor in
lied Ink. It is offered lor i ale by GEO, UV
Elt <0 ., only (my s de agent) D uggi"t, cor
nr Rjv and Wliiiiakcr-streets,Savannah, at
one dollar per bottle.
dec 10 30
KUE8U garden seed^,
\iuVbou8 TloviftY TLoola*
J UST received by the rubtoriber, and war.
ranted of the lust lesson’s growth, 2
boirs U,rSen8eti)i,pntiiphy A. M 1 Mahon It
Pliiladelphia, expressly for this market
-tn.l coni'-luing the foil rwing easortm nt*, vis.
1. Drumhead Uebbsge 1.4. Karl) curled Let-
J Lung Hcd Ueet tuce
J Long Orange Carrel 15 Koysl Cshhsge do
4 fjrslvy tfi. Nutmeg Melon
5, l^ck IT. Spinsen
II, Union 18. Summer Savoy
T, Salmon Bsdieh IV. Sweat H rail
H. Early Purple do. 20. Sage
0. It'sind leaved il. Nwlurtiura
<0 Ktrly Turnip* 22. Celery
II. Lata de 23 Early Peu
9 Stiaefy lift Lata do
iJ Auieragne 33 Barlv bnneh ba*n>
26. Had Freneh do
A L* O,
TO fiekagc. eonisinmg Ih* tallowing Bui
bona Mower Hoots, via,
I, Double Hyaciallii
3. Pm* fillip*
3. NarolMti*
Far tala by
4.Maxl*an tiger flowar
5 D ruble Tuberose
9 flier of Bethlehem
Essential Oil of Spruce,
TUHT received from tho Patentee, nnd
J ~sr tK . x t.ef I 5 iS {j. ( -i.a
May 25 Hlinil’s Building*
and MEMC1.VK
R E8PECTFULLV inform* his friends
and the public, that he has purchased
the establishment in the above business, be
longing to Dr. A. Delarochn, opposite the
Exchange, where be offers lor sale at loftf
prices, a large assortment of
¥rea\\ Brags, evVvcAueg,
and Cli«fldea\i,
Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony
Arrow Root, liorux. Bergumot ,
Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do
Peru, dn Foln
Camphor, Cantharirles, Cinnamon
American best and common Castor Oil
Crunm of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas'
Coluuilm, Finery. Gum Assnfetida
Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal
-Ginn Guiacnm, Gum Opium
Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice
Magnesia, Mamia.Chamomile Flower*
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bismuth
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Clovea
Do Cinnamon. Sweet Oil
Pearlusb, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb. Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar '•
Glauber, Epsnm and Rochelle Salta
Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine
Paints B jy and in Ok\.
White, Red and Black Lead
Prussirm Blue, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow
Venetian Rod, Vermillion, Smalts
Japan aud Copal Varnish. /
V V?-
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil
Best English Shaving Soap . r j
Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water ' I
Otto of Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Med’
icines of every kind, the whalq pf
warranted quality.
Jan 20
Piano P’oi tes, ourled Hair Mill-
trasses, leather Beds, I
T HE subscriber offers for sale the follciw-
ing articles, warranted to be of fhe
best, quqjily
Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables /'
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables i
Break-ist/io. Dressing Tulilei
Do. with Glosses. Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Slancls
Ward Robes, Piano Stools
Mahogany Chairs, (J irfod Maple do
Rosewood do
Higii Post Mahogany Bndsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands. Window Blinds
Hall Lamps. Bruss Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Sliovols
I)re8sitig Glasses of every description
Pii -m Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrasses
Do do Moss do
Feather Beds, Bolsters nod Pillows
Children's Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
Cots and Matrnsses to fit.
Also, a largo assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Cnrpcting and Rugs tn match
The above articles can be examined at
the store in Wliitluker-Street, opposite Col.
Shellman. I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 03
May II
A Negro Man.
^FRIME Ntpro Man, about 35 year* of
IME Nam Na
ag*,a guoJflaM hand. Fiir sain by
uua 94
Patent¥an\\)7{ Medicines.
do do
do do
Turlington’s Bulsum
of Life
Opiul Ibr the cleans-
ing of the teeth &
HelPs Asthmntirl'ills
Du Botutiical Drops
Ausi Fit's Remedy Ibr
the Piles
Hinckley’s do do
Thompson's celebra
ted Eye Water
Thompson's Tooth
Squire’s Grand Elix
Jesuits Drops
Tooth Ache do. lie.
of the above useful
Palenl Family iiletlitlhus, together with a
Essence Mustard
Worm Losonges
Black Drop
Henry’s True Cal
cined Magnesia
AtiillerVAsiulic Len
Roger s Pulmonic
llalby’s Carminative
A constant supply
general assortment of Drugs, Cliemitals,
Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Sufi*.
Cut Glare Lamps. Lnni|i Glasses, Limp
fill, 2kc. die. cm be obtained at the store
May 20 Druggists, Shed’s Buildings.
Notice is Free i’eisoifP to
1 Colnr.
T HE Free Persons of Color residing in
Chatnm Country, ere hereby nntifl-
Hi'tl tn appear and register their names in tbs
Clerk's Once ofthe Inferior Court of said
County, alterable to law, on or before Lite
first Monfty in July unit.
A. B. FANNIN, Clork.
9 45
king BmihUf
O F a Aprrior quality, just received an
'Su/at, ga Congress Spring Wu-
F IFTY DOZEN of these Waters, fresh
bottled by Messrs. Lynch & Clark, of
New-York, and direct from the Springs,
just received per ship Augusta. Persons
going to sea would do well to supply them
selves, as ihev are offered at redti.-ed prices
Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
Mav 25.
Ilf E subscriber respectfully informs the
' public, that he lias opened an exteny
ive. establishment in the above line, .next
floor south-of bis Cabinet Furniture Ware-
HoUae, id -Wliittaker-Street, and will at all
sahMD's offer fpr sale a general assortment
aisting of
Fe'utner Beds, Bolsters and Pilli
* Matt “ ~
Mats, and a lai _
of Cabinet Forui
All of which, will
or approved Credit.
very low for cash
, Jf. B. Old Sofa*,Mahogany (Ibairs, Ea-
AjffOfcaiaipsjad.llsii M"tre-see, corded end
reatuffeo tn the best manner. " —
July Cl
Fresh Teas and Cassia.
just nxcEive.n ev;n *Hre E.Mre.aoR,
j f» K CATTY BOXES GtinpowderTea
1UJ 129 dodo Imperial dn
100 Jd do Hvsun do
iaChcsts Hyson do
/ 3 Half Clients Pouclinng do
200 Mat* Caaain
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
. July »4
Spanish Segars.
A FEW Half and Quarter boxes very
superior Spanish Sugars, ferrule by
June 22
Opposite the Exchange.
S'idlUz and Soda Powders-
QA DOZEN Genuine Scidlitr Powders
tJU 50 do do Soda ■ do.
Just received hv ship August:!, anil for sale
Jutv 30
Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
Glass ivdtnps.
A NEW supply, assorted patterns, with
Glass StunJs, fur sale by
Corner Bay and Whittaker-Streets.
March 4
Door. Mats.
J UST received by the Wilfiom Wallace
three dozen best quality India Door
Mate, for Halo by I. W. MORRELL.
March I ft ott .
T HE Subscriber has at present on hand
a large stock of Bricks of stipprinrqtts
lity, which he offers ill such quantities as
may be wan'ed, at the lowest possible price
for cuth only. *
For the convenience of his Town Custo
mers, lie intends in future to keep always
a considerable supply in town ; those in im
mediate want ofthe article willfie supplied
by application to Mr. James Roberts, cither
at his residence in West Broad Street, or
at Mvers’ Wharf.
June 24 7'J
N INE MONTHS after tlie date of this
notice, application will ho made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to self a part of
tile real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec IS * 21
T HIRTY DAYS after date, T shall ap
ply to the Honorable the Justices of
the Inferior Court, when setting for ordin
ary purposes, for leave to sell a negro man,
a good jobbing carpenter, and would make
a good driver on a plantation, he- being a
tolerable good planter, fur the benefit of
Mary Loby aud children.
A ilgnst 23 04fe
N otice.
A LL those having demands against the
estate of Peter Timothy, late of Chat
ham County, Planter, deceased, are hereby
required to render them in, duly authenti
cated, within the time prescribed by law,
and tlioac indebted to mako payment to
Qualified Adm’r.
August 9 ., (is
On the firet Turmlim in Orlnhtr fieri,
W ILL lie aold at the Court-House at
Ricchornngh. Liberty County, be
tween the usual hours el'sale, tour Negroes,
a woman by the name of Mary, her non
Joe, daughter Louisa, ami an infant. Sold
as the property of John Stewart, dec-eased.
Terina.of’tnlc made known on the dav.
D, STEWART, Adm’r.
August 27 Ofi
From thl Kiilional MeUigtnnt, let Manck, 1813.
os las Yaioo claims.
Mr. Troup having asked if a motion to reject
the bill would not supercede a motion to commit,
and b'dng answered by the speaker in the aBr-
mative, said—ffl is on no ordinary occasion, sir,
I would permit myself to move the rejection of a
bill on - Abe first reading, coming from another
branch 6ft*e ‘ " ‘ ‘
ing out
nity to
Slid tn
but 1*0 measure grow*
irruption, I awe it to you
tu«Ca it to yauaotyn oig-
ftt p|k»' anjtduliious etl.
sortupfiorvof tha Georgia
vldqaee satisfactory to you
tprehd upon youroM re
cords by commissioners oi your ownappoinluieiil
ar,d winch the clerk can be cnllod upon to read.
The nature, the eilent, the detail of the corrup
tion by which the legi.lHture of Georgia weie in
duced to sell the public property—are there
(Wurtraped by -youriiwu eummisiiunrrs. It is
-^ i•:«.—.-v-g'.” *« ».J ytnir
irurntfifn measure. Iti* founded in corruption—
the people know it; they «re not yet ripe forth*
support of men who will support sui:h measurer.
If you want to mount into power, if you wish to
conciliate Ihe affection of this people, you must
assume a virtue if yon have it not.’’
Mr. T. said be wished it understood, that in ot>
Ving the rejection of the bill, it was not hit de
sign to enter at all into the merits of the Yaaoo
claim.. The few observations he had submitted
® re directed to the principle contained in the
hill. If, however, the bouse should in its discre
tion, determine to sustain that principle, end'to
enter into Ihe merits of the question at large, he
should, notwithstanding it had been so often dis
cussed nnd Was so well understood by every man
in the nation, have no objection to meet it. He
would then undertaketoshew tothe house. First,
That the legislature of Georgia bad nu conrtitu-
tional newer to aell the public domain. Second,
Thai till lied, it could not 'sell fraudulently ana
corruptly. Third, That these claimants had no
tice of the fraud, and having notice, me accord
ing tn the maxim or ihe judges themselves, with
out ciaiinjif shadow Jfl claim
*ua|4 of this hill, tel ikt etmmimU muter the nr .
nephn of the npneentatiru »f Uu people he n-
waroee. In a nation of nnlichlcnea men, a b --*
g overnments havn their origin in, and esisls only
y I, wlb of tae people, that will in .contemned
and held lor nothing. Why, it may be asked, do
Ihe judges , ho passed this dcclsitm live, aad.llve
unpunished t The answer is found In tiie ntild-
nesa and moderation ofonr government. I thank
God it is so. If under a despotism, the throne nl
the monarch had l»*en Unas assailed, the judge*
would hnve nertohed.
Htrt the foundations of the pepuMir. are shaken
nnd ihe judge* sleep in tranquillity's! home,
inke my w^rd for it Mr. Speaker, I beseech yon
to remember wtist I wy, no party in this oountry
however deeply seated in power, can lone »ut*
vivc* the adoption of this measure.
I remember a gentleman once a member q( this
house; he had his seat on the opposite side of it;
nc wit a man of the most vigorous intellect I ever
knew: he had deeply studied humnn nature: to
, * ure his conduct was not always regulated by
Ins knowledge of it; he was often imprudent and
not unirequently extravagant. Whenever this
S uestion was turned up, however, lie used to ad-
. ^ reM himself to hi* political friends— 1u Gentle*
stated that more than two thirds ftf th~ fegidatutw JW» * beseech you to withhold yrtitr couatcnauce
were hrihed and corrupted, were interdstbd in,
and parties to the purchase. They sh?w you that
A. received 112,000 acre* of land for hi* vote;
that fl. received 75,000 acres for his vote; that
C. received 66,000 acres for his vote, cud that
non* risceived l«s» than 56.000 acres. It is upon
this record evidence then that I move you to re
ject the bill. You rejected the bill from the se
nate on the first reading for the suspension of the
Habeas Corpus Act. Why ? Because that bill
contained a principle violative of civil liberty. 1
move you to reject this bill! Why? Because it
contains a principle destructive of republican go
vernment. The purity apd incorruptibility ofthe
representative character is the basis of our repub
lican institutions ; if there be oneprindple of our
government more fundamental than another, it
is that Jio lent jit, or pnijit, or ndvaalUgc shall re.-
suit cither immediately or»emotelyto any human be
imr from Ihe corruption of Ihe representative of the
people. The hill proposes to give five millions of
dollars to those claiming under the corruplors ot
the representatives of the people. The corrupt*
ors only gave five hundred thousand dollar* ■, the
United States only gave twelve hundred and fifty
thousand dollars to Georgia for her ter itory.
Tbebill proposes to give five millions ol dollars h.
the claimants ; five millions of dollars to exiin<
gtiisli their claim. You are required to rewnrd
the claimants who bought af those who corrupt
ed the legislature of Georgia. We say no. Let
min overtake Ihe corruplors of the representa
tives ofthe people and all claiming uniter them.
The corrupters have made their fortunes, now
you ore called upon to make the fortunes of the
claimants; this is to be precedent; this is to lie
The claimants have hitherto urged their claim
with indefat gable perseverance; they have teuc*
ed and tvorriedyou ; you have coiiitantly repel
led tnt-m; they have seen their discomfiture in
the justness and simplicity of your reasoning.
You suy to them in substance, the Yatoo act hav
ing been fraudulently and corrupUy obtaiued, was
unit and void, ah indio- All contracts founded
in fraud are void, it could pass no right; if if
couid pass no right to the original puralmsers,' it
is impossible that the original purchasers could
fMUUi.!UI|l-e*t|^H 1|f ..A ff — -n
parsed to the claimants it is impossible they can
have a claim or a shadow of claim against you.
They constantly found themselves foiled by this
honesty and simplicity of reasoningseeing you
lirni aud indexible they turned about aud addres
sed themselves to the judiciary. They found in
the taw books of England a maxim which suited
them .two ofthe speculators combined and made
up a fictitious case a feigned issue for the decision
of the supreme court. They presented precisely
those points for the decision of the court which
they wished the court to decide, and the court
did actually decide Mu ni as the speculators them-
selvesAvdujd have decided tlnpu if they had been
ill the place ol lira supreme court. The 1st point
was whether the legislature of Georgia hadpourr
to sell the territory ? Yes, said the judges, they
had. 2d. Wild her by the Yazoo act an estate
did vest in the original grantees ? Yes, said the
judges, it did. 3d. Whether it was competent to
any' subsequent legislature to set aside 1lm act on
the gronna of fraud and corruption 1 No said the
judges, it was not: an estate did vest in the gran
tees by the Yaaoo act, which couid uot be divest
ed by the act of any subsequent legislature., No
matter, say the judges, what the nature or ex
tent ofthe corruption, be it never so wicked, be
it never so nefarious, it could not be set aside.
The speculators had huuled up a maxim of the
common law or equity courts of England, and
the judges wielded it for their-benefit and to the
ruin of the country ; the nap that third purcha
sers without notice, shall not be affected by the
fraud ot the original partied* Thus, sir, by a max
im of English law are the rights aud liberties ol
the people of this country to he corruptly barter
ed by their renresentatives. It is this decision of
the judges which has been made the basis of the
bill on your table ; a decision shocking to every
friend of free government, sapping ilie founda
tions of ail your constitutions, and annihilating at
a breath the besihtijre of mall. Yes, sir, it is, pro
claimed by the judges, and is now to be sanction
ed by the legislature, that the representatives of
tfr ploop .io|in a,
tCv 20 Crates Crockery
20 Kcga TobAcco
200 Barrels Flour
50 Boxes Sperm Candle*
50 Barrels Molasses, 20 Hhds do-
60 Darrein Sugar, 50 Bags Coffee
60 Pieces Cotton Bagging
20 Qr. Casks Sweet Multga Wing
15 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
8 Half Pities Port Wine
15 Pmes Cognac Brand/
10 Do HdlandGin
100 Barrels Northern do
5000 Pounds Bacon ^
if so, un uivmce c
20 CliOnts
30 Half do
*00 Qr do
100 Quarter
100 I
tie may corruptly betray the people, m uy cor
ruptly lurlci their rights and those of their posteru
ty, 'and the people arc wholly without any Itiud of
remedy whatsoever. It is this monstrous and al>-
horrent doctrine which must startle every mun in
the nation, Chat you ought promptly to discoun
tenance and "Condemn. It is this doctrine, the
bast* and essential principle of the bill, that we
call upon you to reject. Snp|>ose sir, the legis
lature of Georgia, instead ot selling the public
territory, had corruptly S 'ldthe good people, of
Georgia aud all their posterity into slavery; the
consequence would nave been the same; the
judges would have decreed that an estate did vest
in the original grantee notwithstanding the cor
ruption, which coulJ not be divested by any sub
sequent legislature. But, sir, let me state t > you
a case, exposing at ones the flagrant enormity ol
the principle ; it is a case as perfectly parallel to-
the human mind can conceive ; suppose, sir, that
the 12tb congress should corruptly sell the good
e of the United States to England and Eng-
should instantly sell to France; France
would come upon the I3th congress and demand
possesion ; the virtuous 13th congress would say
uo ! we will not give you possession, the 12th
congress was bribed aud corrupted to sell the
good people of the United BUtes, fraud vitiates
every grant and therefore you cun have ho right*
to demand possession. Ah! but, says France, I
am au innocent purcbafcer; I purchased without
notice ; and If is a maxim of tnc common l*w ol
England, that third purchasers are not to be af
fected by the fraud ef the original parties. Thus,
sir, acoordincto the judges, would the gopd peo
ple ol the United State* be sold like a flock ol
sheen by the corrnptibn of their representntives ;
leaving.them, (the people,) .without any kind ol
remedy whatsoever.
If, Mr. Sneaker, the arch fiend had in the bit
terness of nis hat fed tq mankind, resolved the
destruct on of re|mhli<!fca govocnineiit on eaith ;
lie would haveissned's decree like that mtlie
judges; h« w ould have raid iii tliQ spirit aud Ian
’wit, consisting rf
l H V HON,of the latest
C importation..
EightMo | In, P cri »> ia *
‘95 Eighth'., j do *>
25 Cases Canister Gunpowder and
Imperial do
For rale by J. B. HERBERT ft CO.
August 17 1
Tveastaj l epartinent, )
April 29, 1825. 5
T HAT, on the first, duy of Octoh. r next,
thn principal of the six per cent, stock
of the United States, created under the au-
thurify.of an Act of Congress, entitled “An
Act authorising a loan for a sum not exceed
ing eleven millions of dollars," approved on
tire fourteenth day of March, one thousand
eight hundred and twelve, together with
the interest then due thereon, will be paid
to the proprietors of said stock, or to their
attorneys duly authorised, at the Treasury
of the United States, in Washington, nnd
*1 the several Loan Offices, on the bonks of
which any portion of said stock may stand.
A surrender of the Certificates of said
Stock, will be required at the time of pay
ment, and the interest on ssid Stock will
cense, from nnd after the thirtieth day of
September next.
Acting Secretary of the Treacnr/.
Mav 12
Georgia, Chatham County
VV-IIKHEAS Jane M. Russell, has ap-
v Y plied to the Honnralln the Conn of
Ordinary of Chiithnin County, for letters of
'administration, on the eatate and effects of
John M Russell, late of Savannah, deceas
ed, as widow : These are therefore In cite
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred'
and creditors of the Baia deceased, to.file
their objections, if any they have, tothe
granting ofthe adininistratii n of the estate
of the said deceased, to the applicant, in
the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or
before the eix'.h day of October uext. other
wise letters of administration wilkbo grant
Witness the Honorable Elia* Fort, or # of
Ihe Justices of the said Court, the r ix'h
day of September, A. D. one thou an.I
eight hundred antTtwenlv five. .
Septfi '10
TYk» ftxibsctibeY
W affle and wafer iron*
Dual Pans and Spit-Boxn
Hair and Wist Btpoma
Clnb and Broad Am
Scrubbing, Cloth nadfUir BrnsW
4I*eo, ' "
July 93