Newspaper Page Text
T HIS medicine la offered»a • remedy for
Scrofula, Kin*'aBvil, Ulcerated Sore
Throat, ton* ita.-ding Hhenmttlo Affac-
tioni* CuUncoua Diieavea* White Swelling
end Diweiee of the Bonea, end ell eeeei
ittnerally of *n ulcerous character, enn
Chronic disease*. triring in debilitated const!
tutiona, but more eapecislly for 8yphlll«, oi
- * 1 — Ulcere of the
k co. end Seal. Hilo
Aujr 8
L D'LYON e- c. c-
She rift’’s Sale.
- On Uujtrrt Tuieiay to Stpttmbtr next.
V iri X oe told before the i.ourt Hooee m
i the City Savannah, between Ike
hour* of 10 end 4 o’elook, * . factions arialng therefrom, Ulcere' of the
All thoee two lo*e end Improvement* I* the j [todee, ic, end thet dreedfol die
city ofSavannah known In pine oT aid city it I owirtoned by t Ion* erd eiceuive u»e
nuJebetk (21) twenty one end (22) twenty [ "ggg iTe.-tt Em > M been foiiud
teoJeokwn wejdOdetimiquire levledMi MI Sieeeete of the Liter,
the property efltoee. **rty under h S to. In I u . ,.rising from en Impire or
furor of AmoaSeuddar- . .. contemlnited atate of the JWm* It will be
All thet right title «nd totere* or Andrew I j. ^ t powerful enden effectual remedy.-w
Xnoi In Bicrik wherf The discovery of this medicine ha been the
eighth of two undivided '“V™.*. effect of Ion*ind eltentire study, end It u
divided eeeenth of lone undivided eighlh of now midg p B Hio from ,h e moot decided con-
two undirided thltde, levied on »« ***0 pto I riction. founded on emple experience, of He
perty of And ew Knox to eetir^en wecution ln ell .jj c ,tj ng thoee dieee*ee,«|/»«r awy
in fetor of Wdiiemeoe end Do Vdlere. * m!thcine ^juua.
An undivided moiety «!• portion ?P*J*° b it ceinot, however, be tuppoeed, thet thin
ell thet l.i «f lend in the wt Y 0 ' r „**" n *„ p.xxcax will invariably cure—the moot ea-
known by the numbett ( 5 ')**'' e " ®“3****J* leemert medicine*, employed by the Faculty,
Tyildng P e « ke '" ,ird ;.^ fi “ will often fail in the very dlreeree for which
pertoonteining thirty dx (36) feet in from , (,ey ere considered epeciflci i but if the ueeof
ind ninety feet (93) in dep‘M™^ed nortl, t ^ yered ini u wi „ ^dleelly remove e .
by Bey lane, eeet by lend of Jonah *-*wreiice, meat every ceueejof the dieotder* epecificd.
enuthbyBiyenetteotendweet by lotno .an T |ioueende ere lingering under thoee com-
(6) levied on M the property ot John M. Jar. p | iints> i nlnni eform, einking to the grave,
vie under an execution in favour of Mark ^ llhou ’ t g reme( |v, whom tbie medicine would
Hoag. ^ , lh . rt „ I certainly restore to perfect health and vigour.
AH that garden 0I J* i tl safety and innocence havebeen folly teai-
atraet being the half of lot no (ST) filly aeven ^ |o th|(m|iy be .dminiatered to the ten-
bounded wee. by lot no, (58) hiiy _eigli. and dw#gt Tbe rooIl phyn
on tho eatt by the other hell ol taid tot levied I dtnI m , he Bll - lte g sn.i recommend it, and
on aa the property of Umout Wdliama under >dmit th> , t more jmportaut diacovery m me.
an bxeeution in favor of Dreater and Urned. icience bM pot been made i and to uae
Forty five iharea ofateam boatatoek, levied I . b)nrtn| , r 0 f one of the moat emioeut Pro.
on aa the property of Thomas Wright undar I feliors n f |he ,„ ei i( „ ,, i U mph in the healing
two exeeutiona.jn. f* vor of Johnston, Bias | nr) T() tbe present end rising genereuone,
the benefit mils'prove incalculable, njt only
by uving many many valuable lives, but im
parling strength and soundness to lUbililaed
and corrupted constitutions,—ilietekg present
ing their offspring from hereditary diseases. -
. These facta, tngeilier with the numerous cures
Onthejirrt Tuesday in September next, I m „de, form imsiible proof of the high value
TTfflliL oe (old at tne Uou.t House i< the I ol t g lf reme dy. No one, however, iai.d.',sed
VP# oitv of 9avanoah, between the hours 1 10 ube it , without first fully convincing him*
of 10 and 4 o’clock- , I self of the truth of what ia here atated, and
All the lot of land situated, lying and being tbe K etitude of the Pri p -ietor’a intentions,
inthe city of Savsnnah, kn wn in the plan of I xhe curea performed in thia city alone, ea
(aid city aa lit No. tu'o 3, Liberty Ward con-1 nbbab j ta luperior virtue on a bavia mo solid
mining 69 feet front and 90 feet deep, togetb-1 to be a ff ec ted by the malignity of the envious,
er with aU tbe buildings and improvements j, „ wort hy of remark, that the greater part
tjhereon, ooundodeast by l, west >y 1 0 j tba p^ienta who have been permanently
lot No. three 3, north by Broughton-st.k south CU ted, had, previous to the proprietor’* un-
by a lane, lev.ed on as the property or the es d er t»xiog them, reeeived the ablest auistance
tate of Thomas Luoena, dec. to utiafy an ex- I ail( j MV eral were abandoned by their Phyn
eeutfon from the Court of Common Plea and | C j anii tabe - m g beyond the reaeh of human
Oyer and Terminer for the city of 8avannati. ak j]|, g u ch it the f id, and n extraordinary
Wm. H- Wall and E iisbslh his wife vs. 8. M wevema ,iy of tbe Cities, that an exhib lion was
Bond administr-tor, C. T A. of Thomas Lu. I mai fa 0 y lfim t / ie University of Peimsy vnn
0000. A. 1 D LYuN, c. a I i a , by lhe P ofessor of Surgery, b'fere a crowd
Ang 8 w I ed audience of Student, who pronounced .1 he to
i ■ ■ I "nrmfrrr — lhe heating it naa been intro*
Cka,.;4'’c VoIP I lucei into the Philadelphia Alma House and
OllCl 111 o iodlC. I p enni j|vania and New-York Hospital, and
On the first Tuesday in October next. I such were iti surprising effects—its success
YTVHLl. be ao„! at the Court Haute, in the I sfier ail other medicines hsd failed, that the
\l]r town of Jefferson, Camden County, Surgeon of the PennaylvaniaiHopital.Dr Wm
between the legal hours of ale, P'ice, was induced to abandon bia highly
A met of land, aituale on Walker 8wamp I respectable offic . from the laudable design
in Camden County, containing seven hundred I of benefitting o;s fsllosr creaturea, by carry -
and fifty acres, more or leu. with the imprave-1 mg the Panacea to England t where it baa al
to-hUthereon,—and five negroes via. Aaron, (ready auperaeded the use of the genuine
Silvia, Ruse, Stephen and Pompey, levied on Freooh Rob of Ufaoteur in a "umber of in-
u the property of John Hardie, under sun atancea, ;n diseases for which that •• intended,
"r, execiitions, in favor of tho Stole of Oeor- and ito virtues are poblioly aeknow edge by
gia, against Joseph Crews Tax Collector, and some of the moat eminent surgeona there.
John Harder and Edward Shearmao, aecurt s-Jn all complicated esses ot Scefutu and Sy-
ties-property pointed out by John Hardie. Uifia,and where the Syphilitic Virua ot tne
Abo, A tract of land lying in Camden Conn, parent eauas a dcvelopement of Scrofula in
ty, containing two hundred and ninety acres, the child, this is the only remedy npon which
more or iean and tbe improvem-nto thereon, a aing.e hope of recovery ean be reMonabiy
Sonm the property of Ho. fouled itbere baa been no inatohoe of its
berta, under an eieution In favor of Thomu failure, where pwpeily used U, impart^i v.
FT. Miller for the uae of Andrew Low U Co. | gour to the whole system while the cure
Communications, post paid, and ordera froi
any part of the world, will receive ImmMiat
attention. . •
tC? Printed dlrectiona accompany the Mi
No. 13, South Ninth Street, opposite tb
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, February, 1835.
The subscribers have^juat^receWed ^ freaj
March, 14, 1825 5
W HEREAS an the 3d of March, 1RV5. s
law was pasted by the Congrea of the
Umted Stoday of which the 3d, 4th. and 5tli
aeetiona are In theworHa following, via t
c/S^, and have made such »rv?ng»nlanl
with the inventor,Hr. Wm. Swaim, M will if
enable them to offer to the public a pure
and unadulterated article. Druggists and
others who purchase to sell again, tan have
it at the original price estfWiahed by tho
proprietor. /
Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
A Treatise on Swainrs Panacea, with
cases illustrating its auc/eas, will be loaned
to those interested, by Ipplying as above,
June 28 /
....... ..J _ i
City Sheriff’s Sale.
going on—an operation to long looked for In
rain by the medical world i at tbe mine time
tae patient ia enabled to take nourishing food,
which under the common model of practice,
is uaually withheld from the sufferer. In ma
ny instances where the horrible ravages of ul.
On the first Tuesday in September next, 1 eeration had laid bare ligament and bone, and
Y4V1I.L oe sold in front of tne court.bouie | where, to nil appearance, no human meaua hut
in Brvan County, between the usual I amputation could have saved life : in cases
WW . » I ....... a„.n an Kana /luBiVyikarl havA r.Q.
property pointed out bv the dsfendent.
O. W. THOMAS, ».a. e.c.
kept 3 09
Sheriff’s Sale.
ply “of the above ^
■ikSli 0
j St.
A certain East India Cure for the Bheu-
mutism. King's Evil, isc.
Extract of a letter from the Rev. Jimm E
litb, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F- Bedwe
Dam Sim :
A GREE ABLY to your request, I have with
difficult* procured and now lend you by
the ship Jaa >n, Cspt. Robinson, a few poundi
of the Polfd dnhiv, or what generally goes
by the name of India Extract, a Medicine un.
iversally esteemed among the people of Indian
as a certain cure for the Rheumatism. Was
I to inform you of the number of people wb
are daily relieved and cured by this valuable
Medicine, it wou d require more paper thani
I am shle to purchase and more time than k
am able to bestow. Iideed, the effect of thia
Medicine is so immediate, that in Rheumatism
veu would suppose it acted si a charm in giv
ing relief and removing that painful disease-
to tbe King's Evil it has been used with great
success, and where Afercury has been given
or used to excess, this Medicine baa proved s
perfect cure. The grestdifficolty, howeAr,
ol procuring the Extract, will for msny years
to come, prevent ito general circulation, it be
ing obtained from a Shrub growing on the
mountains of Thibet, in the Berman Empire
nf India, and held ao sacred by the natives,
thst to part with it ia like parting with their
Letter to Dr. Bedweil, dated Jan. 7, 1823.
Dear Doctor—l have been v olent'y aff ected
with a Rheumatic complaint f >r many yeata <
even my fingers were «o eontracled that l
cou.d neither drew or undrew myaelf, or give
the leaat assistance to mv fa nily—I have uaed
only one box nf the India Extract, a-td
perfectly restored. Your’s truly,
■o Philadelphia
Letter from Tobiaa Jenninga, Stewaid of St
Thomas’ Hosptal London, Feb. I, 18i3.
Dear Sir—I think it my duty to inform you,
that after trying every thing that could be
pointed nut by the moat respectable pbyai-
ciana and surgeons for the relief of my son,
without any success, who you know, has for
many yeara been laboring under aerere Rheu
matism, I wai induced to try the Poladetphis,
with n glimmering hope, that it jnight give
him some relief Irom the excessive pain he
endure!, which rendered bin a useless mem
ber of soeiaty, and a burthan to himself. To
my utter astonishment tbe relief was inatan
tancous, *nd by persevering in the uae of the
Extract, his joints have returned to their pro
per places, and he ia in perlect health. Up
wards of aixty reapectsble nersona have cal
led to see my aon, aa all who knew him though',
it impossible that he emit ’ recover.
Druggist, where additional certificates ol
the efficacy of the above medicine maybe
May 20
** Sac, 3. And be it further enacted, That a
subscription to the amount of twelve miilona
'dollars, of the six p r cent, stock of tbe
r eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
tame ia hereby proposed i for which pur*
e hock, shall be opened et the Treasury of
he United Statee, and at thi several loan ofli
tea, on the first day of April next, to continue
tpen until tbe firat day of October thereafter,
far such parts of the above mentioned de-
mriptlon of stock as ahall, on the day of aub
mtiption, stand on the books of the Treasury)
apd on those of the eeseral loan offices, re
syeotively t which subscription shall be effect
el by e transfer to the United Stotea, in the
manner provided bylaw for auch transfers,ol
the credit or credits standing on the aaid
hooka, and by t surrender of the certificates
of tbe atock so subscribed t Provided, That
all aubicriptlon by auch transfer uf stock ahall
be ennsideted aa part of the said twelve mil
lions of dollar* authurixed to be borrowed by
the first secti'-n < f -his act,
” See, 4, And be it further enacled, That for
the whole or any part of any sum which shall
be thus subscribed, credits ahall be entered to
the respective subscribers, who ahall be enti
tied to a certificate or certificates purporting
that the United Stotea owe to the bolder or
holdera thereof, bia, her, or tbeir assigns, a
sum to be expressed therein, equal to the
amount of the principal stock thuasuhseribed
bearing an interest nut exceeding four am
one half per centum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-first day of Decern- thousand eight hundred and twenty
five ; transferable in the same manner aa i«
provided by law for the transfer of the stock
subscribed, and subject to redemption at the
pleasure of the United States, si follows: one
nnlf at any time after the thirty-first day of
December, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time
after the thirty-ftrat day of December, one
thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine :
Provided, That no. reimbursement shill be
made except for the whole amount of auch
new certificate ; nor until after it leaat six
month! public notice of auch intended reim-
buraement. And it ahall be the duty of the
Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be trans
ferred to the respective subscriber! the lever-
al sums by them auhaeribed beyond the amount
of the certificates of four and one half pei
cent, stock issued to them respectively
" Sec. 5. And be it further enacted. That
the same funds winch hive heretofore been,
snd now are pledged by law for the payment
of tbe interest, snd for the redemption and
reimbursement of the atock which may be re
deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like
manner for the pavmcnt of the mterest accru
ing on the atock created by reaaon of auch
Vegetable Catholicon.
JTkHB tubscribir reaoeetfiiHy aofieita the at
IT tentlon ofeveiy Mend ofeuffering hu-
manity, to to the above new aed Invaluable
lemeili, wboae unequal powera in wimmating
extieme even here described, bave pa-
A tractofLand in aid county, known bv I tienta been matched from the grave and re-
e name of •Palermo,’ containing eight bun- stored to good health, and the devouring dis-
' ease completely eradiated- The discovery of
a remedy like thie now offered fer sate, has
been a desideratum ft om lime immunor ini,
The Proprietor, does not -uppuae bis bare
assertion will convince: be will therefore give
references to such as have been cured, snd
those uud-. r bis are among whom are many
highly respcctacle citixea, that ahall astiafy the
moat increduluus of ito superiur efficacy in the
'diaurdera for which it ia here recommenced.
Aery member ofaociely should aid in diffus-
O -i the firat Saturday alter the arat lueaaay fo n inf . rma ,i on of tWi discovery —human-
m October otit,will be fold it the Market j ^ makes it a duly
hours of aile,
A tract
the name - _ .. „ ,
d-ed acres, more or leu, bounded N. E. ky
Sweat*! landa, S- W by a Salt marsh, other
boundaries not known—levied upon aa the
property of R-T Kiating, to satisfy an exe
cution in favor of the administrators of Benj,
Stiles, decerned-
TH08. HAHN, a, a.
August 3 95
Sheriff s Sales.
\ the ftrat Saturday after tbe firat Tuecday
in October next,will be sold at the Market
House in tbe town ni 8t. Mary’* between t’re
usual hours, fifty acres of land ; together aritb
the improvementa thereon, lying and being .
in the County nf Camden, on the Post Road | portunity of seeing several ases of very mve
lading from Jefferion to St. Marya, levied terate ulcers, which hiving previously resist-
oo as tbe property of H. A Nunis, to atisfy | ed the regular modes of treatment, were
sundry execution* in fhvo- of Eiskiel Week*. | healed by the uae of Mr. Ssrrim’a Panacea-
Property levied on and turned over to me by | an d I do believe, lirom what I have seen,
a constable. | that it will prove an important remedy in aero,
M. H. HEBB ARD, J C.C. I t'uluua, venereal and mercurial diseases.
St. Marys, 26th August, 1825. 1 ”N. CHAPMAN, M. D.
Sunt 3 "C9 | professor of the Inalituta and praeticr
- I of Phync, in the Unirersity of Penn-
Slieritr 9 Hales. ayivanix u= a.
”1 have within tbe lust two years htd an op-
Georgia—Camden County.
t/HEUEAS Alexander Atkin-on, Ad nin
ij# istratnr on the Estate uf Jolm_ Atkin
son, deceased, applies to the Cuurt of O din
ary of said County, fur letters dism'ssory on estate s These ire, therefore, to cite m d
'diminish all at d singular, the heirs snd .’.red
Hors nf ssid deceased, to file their obj^inns
(if any they have) in myoffi ie, on oc b fore
tlie first Monday in January next, or letters
will be granted 10 the applicant.
Witness tbe Hon William Cibson,
one nf the Justices of said Count
this 25h June. 1825.
JOtihi BAILEY, e. c o. e. c
June 30 82
George W ,y Msrtm ed to U ."ti“ya h a e e P *«m!toa “n | in pronouncing it a meUiciaeofJnesUmable
favoiof B. A.Copp. • v * lue ’
St Marys, August 26,1825.
Sept 3
tshentf’a vale. -
On the first Tuesday in November next,
At WILL be aokl before the Court House in
<Xr the city of 8avannab, between the ui
ual hours of ule,
Two 8ta«v lour Horses, and four sets of
Harneaa, belonging to thia end ol the Augus
to Line, levied on under ■ fircloaure ®* * L irosm
Mortgage from Jaeeph I. Thompson, to Jo-1 r °'*' ***"“ 5<V1824.
sepb Cumming, aligned to Alexander T-1 C&QUOH to EUCBUtiYg.
Dopson, A- L D’LYON, n. a. o. e. | The erelt demand and wonderful aueee
sept 8
Professor of Surgery in the Unity of Pent.
Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer to tbe
Alu» House Infirmity, Ac
“ February 17,1823.'*
«I have repeatedly uaed Swaim’a, Panacea,
both in the Hospital and in private practice,
and have found it to be a valuable medicine in
ohi onic, syphilitic and acrofnloua complaints,
and in obatinate cutaneous affectiona,
Profess ir of Surgery in tbe University of
New York, Surgeon of tbe New.York
Hoapital, he,
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS Louis Dufour, Adminiitoator
of the Estate of Basile Pelletier, dee’d
applies to the Court of Ordinary of said coun
ty, fur letter* dismilsoiy on aid estate:—
These are, therefore, to cite and admomsb all
and singular, the heirs and creditor! of sa d
deceased, to file their ohjec'iona (if any they
nave) in my office, on or before lhe firat Mon
day in January next, or letters will be grantee
tn t< e applicant.
Trt Witness the Hon. William Gitso
one of the Justices of aid Cou
this 251 h lime, t8‘5.
JO IN BA1LY, c.c.o. e-c.
June 30 82
The grat demand and wonderful success
of thia medicine, have induced a number of
persona to imitate it in various ways—Some
are aclling Sarsaparilla and other ayrups, im
puting them on tb- ignoraut for tbe Panacea i
others are mixing the genuine mediciae with
Georgia—Camden county.
\IW 1BHBAB John Ha dee, Adminiatrator | moltaaea, Ac» miking three bottla out of one,
VM of the Estate of Dsvid G. Jones, late | thus retailing some will, virtues. These im-
of said county, deceased, applies to tbe Court I Hations.aod and adulteratoins have in many in-
of Ordmary of aid enunty, for letten (fit-1 unciis, protracted the sufferings of patients
aaiisory go mid Batatai 1 in ases where the genuine medicine would
These are therefore to ate aed admonish [have proved instantly efficacious. I therefore
ill exd.amgubr, the heirs and creditors ofuid [deem it a duty I owe the tbe publie, to ac-
deceaaed, to fi e their objections (if any they | quaint them, that it la impossible, from the
have) in my office, on or before tbe first Mon- I very nature ofito conatituento,to be diseover-
day in March oat, otbetwit* letters will be |edby ehemlal analyaUi aid eoiisaquentlj.
Sranted the applicant. | that all other mixtures represented to be mine
Wituea the Hon, William Gibson, one of |and sold a* auch, are fraudulent aodbueim.
f L. 9.] the Justieea of mid Court, tbia | positions, calculated to deceive the ignorant
37th August, 1825. | and uqwary—The genuine medicine has my
JOHN BAILEY, Cik. C. 0 C. C, 1 signature of a label repreaenting Hercules and
■apt. 3 209 | the Hydra, and name on the leaf
L S |
(Vomthe ayrtem the very aeedl of dtoeaac,
and in reatoring the deranged and morbid
condition of the omna of life t« * f f «e and
healthy exereiae oftheir funetiona, has exet.
ted the mtoniihment, and completely ailen
oed the objeetiona of the mat inert duloui —
Pacts are the beet arguments. In order to put
the virtues of the tJeiholioon to i* severe a
scrutiny u poaible, It wa offered by adver
tisement, together with the attendance of*
physician, gratuitoualy to any eeraon who
would apply for it, and whoae eaiiBC might
seem te eome within the range of its healing
power—numbers of severe aaeaof long stxnd.
ing, and acme of them seemingly de.perste
anea, preentcil themselva, all of which have
been cured, or to mueh relieved a to warrant
the assertion that a little perseverance will do
so. In hot, auch is the confidence ofthephysi
cian under whose are these patient* were
diced, in thia remedy, a confidence result
ng from the irresistible conviction that lias
-,een forced upon hi* mind by ocular demon
stration, and a perumsl trial of it on hWnselt
that he permits me to declare it as hia deci
ded opinion, that iheCalholicon ia not only i
perfectly safe aid innocent, but a most pow
erl'ul and invaluable remedy in certain dis
cues and atatea of the ayateiu, auch aa the fol
owing:— . ,
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipations Old and inveterat"Uicera. Pains
in the bone* attended with iwelling* uf the
join's s Indigestion, Biotchea on the face,
pimple** kc. t All compltinti of the Liver s
letter.- Yaws-, Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases
generally s Mercurial and acroluloua com
The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledges hi word conliiia exclusively
, if vegetable matter), with the exceptional a
slight dftermi iitiun to the bowels., which it
preserves in a soluble state, acts insensibly, i;
pleaunt to the lute, and requires tin pirticu
lar regimen, (abstinence flnm spirtuinil li
quors always excepted,) or confinement. As
a gentle, safe and agreeable cathartic medi
cine, improving the appetite ami reatoring the
general tone of the ayatem, it is confidently
recommended to iadies in * delicate situa
tion. W W. POTTER,
66 Cliesnut-street.
couid wiA to be. With my ti.uaki, aavil „.
obliged hnmble servant, Ue * “
City ef Philadelphia, «•
George Kine.uf the District of South
«*rk, personally appeared, and, being did,
sworn, doth declare and say that the ,b ov ,
statement is In all respects correct and tru.
snd that the signature to it ia in the hand
writing of tbia deponent.
J0H«BTNNS, Alderman
Philadelphia, May 28,182A-
The Vegetable Catholicon is pectdhffi
adapted to thoae diieues which are nrs,,| ( ';
Ine south-
among the coloured population of the tooth'
In that disease Which is called yaw a , ft
sure remedy; a single trill of It, will convince
planter* of its superior efficacy to my rtc-,
dy of a similar nature in the United auto-
The advantages ofthii medicine ue , not
confining the patient unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from hie business
With one loh'.ary exception, that „f spiritu-
oua liquors, it does not lay any restriction vp n
his appetite. It iaa gentle in its onersiion
that the patient findahimaelf getting well he
annot tell how. As it is not the wish 0 f the
proprietor to take any thing lor which he
cannot give a consideration equal hi value
persons at a diatance who may w-«h to uy
his medicine, but who are not c-nii-i i( ft
be applieoble to their complaint, arc requeit-
ed to describe their case and symptom) in
a letter, pust-piid, and directed to him-lhii
letter will be immediately pluced in h»nU»
fully competent to deride the (pie-fion,—
Should the remedy not seem to suit the dil
ease, they will be frankly told an.
To prevent disappointment it is well to
iMe that it takes in ordina-y cases from 3 to
5 bottles to effect a cure so that pera tiu who
are labouring under sr.y ser ous infirmity,
must make up their min'* to persevere to that
extent at least—if they do not, they might ai
well save themselves Ui-- trouble and expense
f using a smaller quantity.
Ail orders post-paid and enclosing the ri:r-y,
immediately attended tn, and the mer‘ic-ae
iaC-e-1 and delivered with directions forme,
o any place in the city, ami forwarded >i di.
re ted
N. B. To prevent the possibility of 11 in.
position, it will be sol i i" the city of Philadel
phia, St tile idficn in Fifth near Uace-Sir et,
oral the dwelling of the tiropri tor, Nj. 66
JhCiiiui atreet, only, and abroad hy hia «u-
horixed agents. W W POTIF-H.
66 Cliesnut Street, Philadrpfir
* m subserip’ion, and 'for the redemption or reim-
butaement of the prlr.cip'd of the aamc. And
it shall he the duty ofthe commisiioners ol the
sinking fund to cause to be applied and paid,
out of the said fun-', yearly and e-e-y year,
such sum and sums *« may be annually requir
ed lii discharge the interest accruing on the
stock which may be created bv virtue of thi*
act The said commissioners are, also, here
by authorised to apply, from tune to timt,
such sum and sums out of the aid fund, as
they may think proper, toward! re teeming
by purchase, or ny reimbursement, in con
formity with the provisions of this set, the
principal ofthe uid stock: and such part ol
the annual aum of ten millioni of dollars, vest
ed by law in the said oommiaaionera, as may
be necessary and required for the above pur-
paea, shall be and euntinue appropriated to
the payment of interest and redemption of
the publie debt, until tbe whole of the stock
which may be created under the provisions of
thia acl, shall have been redeemed or reim
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, thst
books will be opem-d at tbe Treasury of the
United States, and at the several loan offices,
on the Aral day of April next, and euntinue
open until the firat da- of October, thereaf
ter, for receiving aubvci intiona in conformity
with the prov arena ofthe said law.
The subscriptions may be made by the pro-
prietora of the stuck, eiilior in person or by
tbeir attorneys duly authorised to subscribe
and transfer it to the United States.
Should iiibiicriptiiina of said stock be made
to an amount exceeding twelve millioni of
dollars, a distribution ofthe aid aum of twelve
millions of dollars will be made among the
subscribers, iu pr uportion to the aum* subscri
bed by them reajhtctively.
Philadelphia, «Way31,1824
At the request of Mr. V7. W. Poller, I have
lately exhibited, in several instances, a medi
cited sirup, called Potter's Vegetable C-atho.
licoo, with the most decided advantage. It
baa, aa < et, never failed effecting a cure in
every caac in which t have thougi-t proper tu
employ it. H, M'MUR HUE, M 0
Phi'adelpldu, July 28l/i, 1824.
Jlfr. W W. Poller,
Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that I
would give a concise statement of my suffer
ings, from • the Hopeless commencement, to
the present propitious stage of my'
About five years ago, on my passage from
Bordeaux, during tbe month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I wm seized
with a violent fever. Having no medial at
tendants on board, I vru compelled to bear
it, as I might for two weeks, when on my ar
rival at Charleston, 9. C. it wa* treated aa
Typhus. The skill of my Physician aubdurd
I have appointed GBOIIGE RYE (505,
Druggist, of Savannah, m, sole agent. Dnig-
gist* wanting the above valuable medicine,
will be supplied by him for caah, at the nme
rate, aa if ordered direct from me—r z. gilt
per di zen, or three dollar.! a amgle lioule.
W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia.
Any person on application to the subsetibrr
will lie furnished with certificates nf the tffi»
acy of the above medicine, sufficient to row
Vince the mind of the must sceptical, although
too numerous and lengthy for newspnper .it*
,union. GEO- RYBltSON, Druggist,
Corner of Bay -sod Whittaker-Strectl
dec 13
Acting Secretary of the Tresiurv,
Msroh ‘‘6 'V'V'
M otice.
N INE MONTHS after date, application
will be made to the Inferior Court of
Uh..tham founty, aiffing for urdmary purpo
ses, for leave *o sell all '.lie real estate ofthe
late Thomas Savage, of By an County, viz:
Point Plantation, consisting of I wo hundred
and eighty acre* Rice Land, on the O leechee
River, four mile* below tbe F rry, idj-iining
the plantation of Joseph Hub rsham snd Ste
phen El iott Also, two hundred and fifty
acrea, more or less, of Fine I-and, appertain
ing thereto. Also, a Tract of Land called
Salina, containing fifty acre”, on Medway Riv
er, adjoining the lan-is of J J. Maawell
June 15 Yt
mg, , . .
able. Varioua abaceaae* made their unwel
come appearance, particularly on the jointo,
which were swelled to an enormom aize.—
Tbeae gradually subsided into hard tumor*,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an incision wm now made and a large
evacuation of oua, mixed v.ith pieces of bone
took place. In addition to thia, I suff'ered the
mat excruciating pains in iny joints that man
ever experienced. Every thing that wa*
administered either gave me no relief '*r ser
ved to aggravate tlie disrate, tlve severity of
which increased with every succeeding year.
Such wm my painful si tntiun that I despaired
of ever being restored to my hesl h i I had
not only tried the regular means of reliet,
but uaed, though in vain, every popular rem-
edy 1 could bear of- It wa* in thi* awful and
devpond'ng condition,! hat I wuperauaded to
commence a course of your Vegetable f-'h-1
icon, and the happy result is, ••/ om the use
df tbe two bottles, my whole system has n inter
gone a complete revolution, my pains have fo Hi
kes me,-" tliediachargefrom my ante neg -n
to diminish, and aoon ceased altogether, UK
ulcer from whence it proceeded being com
pletelv healed. The tumors, for the removal
of which I have tried in vain more remedies
than I can name, are rapidly decreasing -, my
appetite, which wm gone, has returned—1 an
in fact, nearly well, and feel confident that a
few bottles mure of your, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will make me perleclly to.
Your obliged fnend,
Between W, Davies, Administrator, Complain
ant. and John Vamochan, AdministratorAt
bonis no , with the vri4 annexed of George
Richardson and others, Defendants.——fa
equity, Chatham Superior Court- Chancery*
*0/A August, 1824.
I T appearing (bit John Murray CtTnocbmu,
one of the defendant* in the laid bill <n
compliint named, reside* without the state uf
Georgia* in that part of the United Kingdom!
ol Great Britain and Ireland, cal.'ed Scotland :
It i* ordered that the *aid John Murray Car-
nochan, do appear ar.d answer to the coin.
p!ainNn( v f *sid bill, within nine month* from
the d:«te of thi* order, otherwise that the
*ttid bill; a* 4« him, he uken pro confesio j
and ii i» further ordered, that a copy of tin*
order be pubtishrd once a week, in one of
t!it* public Guze.te* ot thi* *tate, until the u»
piration ofthe time within which the raid de
fendant i* requir e to appear and air,wen*
aforesaid. ,. .
t rue copy from the Minute*, this 51st day
August. 1824. A- B.FANNIN, Clerk,
august v’4
Georgia—Chatham County,
In the Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1825
J AN the petition of Henry Champion, admin
VF iatrator of John Street, deceased, praying
an order Nisi to bs made absolute on hia com
plying witn the law, lor lhe ule of a Lot ol
Ground, number faur, [4] second Tything,
Reynolds Ward—Alan, p»rtof a Lot, number
six. Tower Tything) Decker Ward, being the
real estate of the uii dec. lor the benefit of
the beiraand creditor:—It ia ordered, that a
notice be published vine montha, in one nl
the Public Gasetti ol the City of Savanna!)
requiring ail persona intkrested, to show cauie
if any they have, why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted.
S. B. BOND, e- e. o.
May 14 444
N INE month* after date, application rilPbr
made to the Hon, the Judges of the Court
jf Ordinary nf Chatham county, for leave to
tell all the real estate ofthe fate William Craig,
deceaned, for the benefit ofthe heir* end cred
itors of said catste.
JOHN M'NISH, Eiecutor.
oc» 12 ^
is otice.
4 LL persons having demands against the
estate of Conatant Freeman, B»q- late of
the city of WMhington, deceased, are re
quired to hand them in, legally atteated,
within the time prescribed by law : and those
indebted to said ntate, are required to make
immediate payment, to
Jan 14 42p»
Georgia—Chatham Coim
In the Court of Ordinary—May Term,,
O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Em
of John Waekerly, dee. praying an
Mei to be made absolute, on bis compiling
with the law, to aell Two Tracts of Lent in
Laurens County, being the real estate olthe
raid deceased, for the benefit of tbe heiN|and
creditors: It is ordered, that a notice be
published, nine monthib in one of the Ga-
aettes of the city of Savannah, requiring all
persona Interested, to show cause, if any (hey
an, why the prayer of the petitioner ah '
, not be granted; ». M. BOND, e. e.
j May 34 57]
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS J. Biehlott lun. administrator
ou the eatatea at DavidTueker and David
M'Ctedie, applies to the Court of Ordinary
of Mid County, for Letters diamirury on the
eatatea of Mid deceased personal Theie are,
therefore, to rite and admonish the heirs anc,
creditors of aaid deceaaed persona, to file
their objeetiona (if any they have) in my of
fice, on or before the first Monday in January
next, or letter* will be granted to tbe appl
f I WitneMthe Hon, William Gibson,
|| L.S. || one of the Justices of Mid Court,
LsJ thia 25 th June, 1875.
JOHN BAILEY, e-e.o-e.e-
June 30 S3
Philadelphia, July *'6, 1824.
My confidence in the vegetable catholicon
is undiminiah-.-d, and M fresh in fences of its
powers aru daily occui-rii g, in my own prac
tice. I have no hesitation in recommending it,
in the peculiar diseases to which it is applica
ble, aa superior to any remedy I am acquaint
ed with. M. M’MUR TRIE, M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,18 4
Sm—In consequence of imprudent expos
ure four years ago, I had the misfortune to be
come afflicted with a disease, the painful re
suits of which induced me to apply in auc-
cession to several respectable physicians or
this city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whoae remedira I re.
erived another complaint quite aa distreumg
as the former. My whole ayatem beame o'-
reeled. I could get no rest at night on ac
count ofthe violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body,- the weakness and emaeia
tion of which wm auch that I could sarceiy
walk. In this state I fortunately heard of
your vegetable atholicon—four bottles of
which, bM completely restored me, I have
now no priu i my appetite ia good i and my
strength restored With many thank* for
the relief your medicine baa given me, I am
your obliged friend, kc.
Swam end auhaeribed to before me, May 28,
Georgia Camden County.
W HEREAS Surah Brown, Jnnier, »**•
applies to 'he Court nf Ordinary ii''*®
’.ounty. for Letters of Administration tin the
state of John Brown, late of aid enmity,i de
ceased, ac neat of kin: Theae ire, theretorr,
to cite Mid admonish, all and lingula’,
kindred and creditor* of laid deceased, to li s
their objection*, if any they have, in m> ol-
lice, On or before the first in June
ncxt,"therwise Letters will be grained tlie ap-
l>llC *Witncss the Honorable Britinn R. Hunk-,
ley, one of tbe Justice) of Mid Court,
thia sistcen'h day of April, eigb'rea
hundred and twenty -five,
[L S. JOHN BAILEY. C. C. 0 C. C.
Anri! 2t 4
JOHN BlNNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,1824.
Sir—I am now, thanks to your medieine. a
hearty mar. For nearly six yean I have been
a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat
ened, if not aoon stopped, to put n period to
my exigence. Having had no regular medi
al advice from the eommenoement, my
complaint at last got to such a height that I
could mot swallow without great pain end
difficulty. Tumors formed in different parts
of my body, and I be^an to think mv situation
almost draperate. The five bottle* of tbe
Catholicon which I have taken have com
pletely cured me, endl am now M wed a*
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS John Chevalier, has applied
lo uid Court, ft-r Letters Dismunnry
on the estates of Samuel Dozens »»<• Ev*n E.
Muck, deceased. Theae are,# therefore, to
cite and admoniah, all and lingular, the kin
dred and creditors bt the aid d^ceued per,
sons, to file their objections if any **»««>
in my office, on or before the foil *°udayin
January next, or Letter* will be granted
applicant e^ ^ Honorable Jamea Scott, one
ofthe Justices of and Court, Jm
teeith day of April, eighteen hanoreil
and twenty-five.
f L. S.] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. C. C.
Apr 121 24
Georgia—Camden County.
TfDHEREA8 Lewis Bacblott, applies lo tbe
\## Court of Ordinary of aid Countyi for
Letters Diamiaory on the estate of Fnneei
Rusolupe I Theie are, therefore, to cite and
admonish, all and lingular, the kindred and
creditors of said deceased, to file their objec
tions, if any they have, in my office, on or be
fore the ft at Monday in January next, other
wise Letters Diamiasory will be granted IM
* PPU WUrieu the Honorable Samuel Clark*,
one of the Justieea of uid Court, "ij
sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun
dred and twenty-five. ,
April 21 24
5 * 1 ST.'" ,, '*c““ , 6Kwi&