Newspaper Page Text
By G. § W. Ro'BERtsoNj
4* HOST HWUl» fW kXXVX 9
94T40LX 1ST iUVAXCl.
fob the country,
.* i h L"£* n fSC!!S,5J
Hie'msil. tnree times * rreet, ,,
Thundsy and Saturday) at the Office of the
niilv Georgian, and contain! *11 the in.elli
[ eence, Commercial, Politic*! *nd Mi«:ell*n-
eouti including advertisement*. published in
,h T I! *Cow>tty r p»perta aer.tto *11 parti of
the ate »nd Union, or delivered in the city,
it five dnli*r* per annum; paytblem-dvance,
Advertisements «e inserted tn both papers
at 75 cents per squire, of 14 1-ncs, for be firs,
insertion, and Wlfer every succeeding pub-
''Communications by Hiil, tnutl be Postpaid
Rules nf land and n'groes. by Adminiitru.
torn, Executors or guardian*, are rcquTed,
l by law, to be held on the firs Tuesday in the
month, between the hour* of ten in the fore
noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court
House of the county in w.iieli the prupertyie
lituate.-Notice of these sales must be given
j in a public gazelle sixty day* previous to the
|||y ||[ g|}|g |
Notice dfthc asie of personal property roust
he give in He manner, Forty days previous
o-tltd d»Y«rsale- , ... .
Notice to the debtor* and creditors of an
estate must be published for Forty days.
I Notice that application will be made to the
I Court of Ordinary for tesve to sell land, must
I be published Mae Months.
N otice.
N INE months after date application will
be made to the Honorable tlieJus-
I tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
I County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
I known as number eight, 8th District, Pike
I (formerly Munroo) County, for the benefit
| of the heirs and creditors of the estate of
ifN. S. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. S. Baya r “-
dan 5
B Y the ship Emperor, the subscribers
have received thirty-five packages of
Genuine Drugs,Medicines, Per
fumery, Fancy Articles, &c.
carefully selected by one 6f the partners
now at the north, which added to their for
mer stack oh hand, comprises an assortment
very extensive, ind particularly suited for
this market, and well worthy the attention
of dealers. Merchants, Physicians, Plan
ters and Families, would do well to forward
their orders, as they will be sold at our
usual low rates.
^ ^ Druggists, Shad's Buildings.
Consumptions, Coughs, $c.
iNE MONTHS after date of tbia notice,
aoplicstion will be made to the Honors,
vi’ih. Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun
It,? permission to tell all the real estate of
Sin Wnkeilv. dec. for the benefit of the
lueira and creditor" "f «" 1 decenacd-
laeira ana jjcUSHT HOY, Execute.
Feb 04
N IMONTHS »fter dati?, Application will
/» made to the Honorable Inferior Court
| jrtHthim county, for leave to sell the renl
I ,iti personal estate of the late Mrs Ann Ham
ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
land creditors'd’s *id estate,
WORTHING I ON G alb. Executor. \_
N INE months after d-to, application will be
made to the Inferior Com f of Chat ham
I Cmjnty, sitting for ordinary purposes for an
I order, absolute, to sell lots Nos- four anr’ five,
I (4 and 5) in Oai penter's How, and lot No.
one, (0 Green Ward, in the city of Savannah,
beinp the real estate of Francis Jalineau, dec
I or the benefit of the heirs and creditors of
[•aidestate WILLIAM GASTON,
Qualified Executor,
ISS* n,on ^ afl f <er dale, Application will be
IwNI nade to the Honorable the Inferior Court
|cf Camden County, when kitting fir ordinary
E es, for leave to sell 250 .acres of land
jiufj to the estate of John Brown, da*
I cessed for the benefit of the heirs and credi*
| tors of sat i estate.
S AH All BROWN, Admistratriz
JetTerson, 18lb June, 1°25.
June 23 78
IV5 WE months after date, application wil»
I 4)4 be made to the Honorable the court of
I Ordinary of Camden County, for leave to sell
I *11 the real estate of the late Randolph M Gil
I lii, dc ceased, for the benefit of the heirs ano
I creditors of said estate.
HANNAH M'GILLII, Administratis,
G M'DONALO, Adminiilrator
St. Marys, June 18th, 1825.
June 23 *8
I irVlRF.E I'OVTHS from this date I shall
I * m .. •PPhcition to the Bauk of the State
I, jfi 1 *’ for P»iment in full for the half of a
I ten dollar bill „f M ij Bank. better D. No. 217.
|«i|,' ne d A. Porter, Cushier, the left hand half
P»«e»»ion-the right hand half
lfh» n t d i. y i W ®' B Bulloch, President, being
122. *** persona interested will
I ..5 Hi l - ,k * due botie® ®f this intention,
|theiime nSntionm} l0n, * t ***** B “ k ' " ,Uhin
June 2 Jbfpi
INE Months after date, application will
Cou.-f of’chjthtm'r IU \ li "' u ^ lriietiot
ordinary nurni.i.r P Q *j a *Y* «’ h «n sitting for
«flotNo P Sfi2fm f ^- e,V n t0 th,t oart
June to, 182J. EV * N *
F OE he cure ufviulaa, Coughs,Conaump
lions, Spitting of Blood, Asthmas, and
liaeasea of tlie breast anil lungs.
There is perhaps no medical obaervation
better established, none more generally con
firmed by the experience of the beat pbysici-
uns of all ages and countries, and none ot
-■ore importance to the-human fedfily, that
■ lie fact that many of the moat difficult and in
curable consumptions originate in neglect?'
eolda.. In a olimate so variableaaottfs, where
the changes of the weather are frequently
sudden and unexpected, it requite* mote care
and attention to guard againat this dangerou •
enemy of life, than moat people imagine or
ire able and willing to bestow. The bill* o'
mortality exhibit the meianeholy fact that tht
proportion of deaths by this disease may be
considered as about five to one. Inasmuch
then as this fatal disease frequently biti* deli
anee to the skill of the most learned physic!
ana, it is a gratification to the proprietor ilia-
lie i* enabled to offer to thoic afflicted with
it, a goodly prospect Of relief, in that highly
valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Sped
and it ia said by an author of great character,
that a true consumption is t disease never
known among them.
This Specific is obtained by extraction from
herbs, roots, flowers, pljnt;, Ac., when in per
fection. In consequence of a happy combina
tion of the must valuable herbs, Ac. it becomes
u balsam of s superior vslue. It heals the in-
ju-ed ports, opens the pores, and composes
the disturbed nerves, after the manner of an
anodyne; consequently the obstruction ot
the chest sod the lungs which constitute th.s
disease, particularly need its use. It promotes
expectoration, which is constantly called for,
mid whilst it cleanses and heals, it also give,
strength to the tender lungs In this manner
it remorcs the hectic fever, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the
ippclite and improves tite spirits. This speci
fic mav always be given in safety it is mild,
plessant to the taste, and rosy safely be given
o infanta, Tor which ilia of inestimable value.
It affords relief in bowel complaints, teething,
whooping coughs, £tfc. and is found particu-
lirly useful in hypoehondri-iesl, nervous am!
hysterical diseases, Esch bill ot direction
contains a detailed account of this disease in
til its different stages, and will be accompa
r ied with the signature of the proprietor in
Bed Ink. It is offered for tsie by GEO. BY
EBhOb, only (my atile agent) Druggist, cor
nerttay and Whittakcr-atreets, Savannah, at
one dollar pet bottle.
dec 80 30
t RESH garden seeds,
RuYbouft Tloyieic Hoots*
J UST received by the rubscribtr, anrl war.
ranted of the. lust season’s growth, at.
bases Gsrpen Seeds, put up hv A. M’Mtthon A
to. Philadelphia, expressly for this market,
and containing the fallowing assortments, viz.
I, Drumhead Cabbage 14, Earl) curled Let-
2 Long Red Beet tuce
3 Long Orange Canot 1 J. Royal Cabbage do
4. Parsley 16. Nutmeg Melon
5. Leek 17, Spinach
6. Onion 18. Summer Savoy
7. Salmon Radish 19. Sweet Basil
8. Early Purple do. 20. Sage
9. Bound leaved 21. Nasturtium
10. Early Turnips 23. Celtry
11. Late do 23. Early Pea*
" 2. Salpafy 24. Late do
13- Asparagus 25 Early bunch beans
26. Red French do
20 Packages containing the following Bui
bous Blower Roots, vis.
t. Double Hyacinths 14. Mexican tiger flower
2. Fine Tulips I S Double Tuberose
3. Narcissus I 6 Star of Bethlehem
For sale by, P. M’DERMO IT,
Feb 2 SR
Essential Oil of Spruce,
J UST received from the Patentee, and
neatly put up in phials, and tor sale by
May 25 Shad’s Buildings.
A Negro Man,
A PRIME Negro Man, about 35 years of
age, a good fit "
. age, a gooif field hand. For sale by
w»24f 79
R espectfully informs hi* friends
and the public, that he has purchased
the establishment in tho above business, be
longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the-
Exchange, where lie offers for sale at low
prices, a large assortment of
Btwflfc Drugs, Medicines,
and Chemicals,
Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony ’
Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot
Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do
Peru, do Foia
Camphor, Cantharides, Cinnamon
American best and common Castor Oil
Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas
Columbo, Fmery, Gum Assafostida
Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal
Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium
IsingiasB, Iqdigo, Lancets, Liquorice
Magnesia, Manna,ChamontUe Flowers
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizmuth
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil.
Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt ofTartar
Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts
Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine
Paints Dej and in Oil.
White, Red and Black Lead
Prussion Blue, Verdigris ' 1 ! , - -
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow 'Utters<>f Adiminrtrst^on, with the prill
d, Vermillion, Smalt*.\ ..
Venetian Red,
Japan and Copal Varnish*
Perfumery. j
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil
Best English Shaving Soap
Eau do Cologne, Lavender Water
Otto of Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Med
icines of overy kind, the whole of
warranted quality.
Jan 20 47
Piano Fortes, curled Hair Ma
trasses, Feather Beds,
best quality:—
Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables
Breakfast do. Dressing Tables
Do. with Glasses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Stands
Ward Robes, Piano Stools
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrasses
Do do Moss do
Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows
Children’s Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
Cots and Matrasses to fit.
Also, a large assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match
The above articles can be examined at
the store in Whittaker-Street, opposite Col.
Shellinan. I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 03
Jen CoitiVy.
v. j MWmi rrMAT cotfviiitijjr.
iiEHKAS WitVp'ilt Aldnc spplies to th«
'. Court of Ordinary of tha said county
s.of afitninistration, w ! th tho Wili am
d, on the estate ot Elisabeth
THE PRasro .,
Abo witi,.»a arisen.* rrpinsko *'•
'Pricein Boards37] Cents,
eligious Cases of Conscience,
Anntered m an Emngelknl Man-
metical Lecture,
ffelen't, Dieh-
ChriMi»(i'"*rhii cannot 'fetat#' any „| tr
,WThaywSSST * Wllfc,h
The touebatone of saving faith , or a plain
•Ha brief tiwwer to tbe two following quci*
tiona i ’
far may a person’s heart and w*y»
Jnlv 30
JOHN BAILEY, c. e. o. e e.
, '93
Georgia.—Camden County.
U|WilERF,AS M H. Hebbard applies to the
Court of Ordinary of said county, for
LePer* of Adminiatrathn on the estate o‘
Ctpt, James Vincent, late of said county, de-
ceiled: These are therefore :o cite and
admonish, ail and singular, the heirs and ered
'ton of said decealtd, to file their objections
If any they huve, in the Clerk’s Office of said
Court, on or before the third Monday in Oc
tober nest, otherwise letlera will be grained
the applicant
Witness the Honorable William
[L.S.] of the Justice, of said Coun. this 18 h
September 182J
?*»*«♦ 14 14,
i Georgia—Camden County.
IbTHEREAS Belton A. Copp applies to the
TV Court of Ordinary of aad County for
II ir.
vhexed, on the eah.te of Joteph Bisbv, latenf
"Vr. -I vaid county, deceaied : These are therefore
] .2 .<5 cite »"d admom h ail and singular, the
>■ ; ]fiaics ai d eredit jra of said deceased to file,
iifeirobjeetiona (if any they have) in my of
fine, on or before the first Monday in Septem,
her nest, otherwise Letters wiU be granted
the applicant. ■
Witness the Hon. William Oibaon, one of
the Justices of said Court, this 23d Ju
ly, 1825.
JO IN BAILY, c, c. o.c. c
Jolt 20 193
Georgia—Camden County.
’IBREAS William W* Seals, applies to
he Court of Ordinary of Mid county,for
Letter* -f Administration on the estate of Eve
Wight, late of said county, deceased*
... ridSaed.
- - - - ewy^they'liivWi in
tiie Clerk's Office of avid Court, on or bt fore
t ! Ve third Monday in October next, otherwise
Letters wilt begrimted the applicant.
W tnets the Honorable Samuel Clsrke, one
L.S.] of the Justices of said Court, this 18 h
bepember, 18*5
Sent 15 14
Georgia, Chatham County
By the H 'oorahle tbe Justices of the L.t- rior
Court of Chathsm County, sitting for
d nsrv pu”p:
thfcfHERF'AS Jonathan Meigs, udministra
tor of the estate of 8smuel Ilaughton,
deceased, has petitioned the Court ot Ordina
ry» to be diNmissed from his said administru*
<icn: Now these are therefore, to cite ano
ndmonish all peraons interested in the said es
tftte. to file their objections, if any they have,
to the granting of the prayer of the petitioner
in the Clerk* 0$ce of the said Court, on or
before the tenth day of If arch next, other,
wise Letters Dismisiory wMl be granted the
petitioner* s
Witness th* Honorable Anthony Porter, one
of the sftiu Justices, this tenth day o(
September^ eighteen hundred a- d twen
t)*five. SALUFLM B^NO,
Clerk Court Ordinary
talent YanvUy
Anderson’s do do
Coil's do do
Anderson’s Cough
American do do
Church’s do do
Essence Mustard
Worm Lozenges
Black Drop
Henry’s True Cal
cined Magnesia
Audler’sAsiatic Len
Roger’s Pulmonic
Dalby’s Carminative
Turlington’s Balsam
of Life
Opial for the cleans
ing of the teeth &
Do Botanical Drops
Austen’s Remedy tor
the Piles
Hinckley’s do do
Thompson’s celebra
ted Eye Water
Thompson’s Teeth
Squire’s Grand Elix
Jesuits Drops
Tooth Ache do. &c.
A constant supply of the above useful
Patent Family Medicines, together with a
f eneral assortment of Drugs, Chemicals,
erfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs,
Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp
Oil, &c. Sic. can be obtained at the store
May 26 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
Notice to Free Feisons to
T HE Free Persons of Color residing m
Chatham Country, are hereby notifi-
fied to appear and register their names in the
Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of said
County, agreeable to law, on or before the
first Monday in July next.
A. B. FANNIN, Clerk.
May 16 45
Marking Bmhea,
O F a superior quality, just received anc
for sale by GEO. RYERSON.
a> OtlCC.
N ine months after the date hereof, ap-
plication will be made to the Honorable
tilt: Court of Ordinary for the County cf Chat
ham, for leave to sell the whole or a part, or
part* of a tract of land, lying and being in
tbeeointy of Effingham, containing by re
cent survey, nine hundred and eighty-five
acres, and known by the name of the Tuck-
‘Meeting Tract, formerly the property of
Kng and Hotchkiss, now hr longing to the
esime of Alexander S. Roe’a orphan*, for the
benefit of laid orphan*.
Guardian A* 8. Roe's Orphan*.
July 14 87
4 GREEABT K to leave obtained frr m the
Honorable the Inferior Court, sitting for
oidinary purposes, for Camden County, I
•hall on tbe first Monday in December next,
xpoic to rublic sale, at the Court-House at
Jefferson, in said county, a let of land in the
Tenth District of Monroe County, No. 91, for
the benefit of the orphans of I.evi Johns dec
JOHN LEE, Guardian.
Sept 15 14
On thefirel Tuesday in October next,
W ILL be Bold at the Conrt-HouBe at
Riceborough, Liberty County, be
tween the usual hours of sale, four Negroes,
a woman by the name of Manr, her son
Joe, daughter Louisa, and an infant. Sold
bb (he property of John Stewart, deceased.
Terms of sale made known on the'day.
August 27 06
N otice.
A LL those having demands against the
estate of Peter ’Timothy, late of Chat
ham County, Planter, deceased, are heroby
required to render them in, duly authenti
cated, within the time prescribed by law,
and those indebted to make payment to
Qualified Adm’r.
August 9 98
. to which is an
e Spiritual Companion or
the Professing Christian,
Tried at the Bar or God’s Word
free tliuuglits on the chancier uf
d, Slut hr notwltbll
Hug fifiith t.
a peraon conclude
performance ofdu>
Preface to the above work.
T he following AuSwere «rer«, amongst o-
thera, delivered in a weekly Lecture, du
ring tha last Winter, with a view to -amove
the doubts of the timoroui Christian, quicken
him in ihe war to Z on, to guaid pre--
vumptuous hopes, ai d promote the lite of relU
gion in the soul. That these important t ods
might be answered, the auditory were defined
to supply ua with serious Cases of Conscience,
arrising from the d.ffisu)ties they met with ii
the course of their experience, and toronceal
their names, that so they might, wUhltln
treater freedom, propose their respeftive
),sea, and that we, in our solution ot them,
might be kept from ihe least degree cf fear or
Through the repeated importunities of our
friends, and from r-tiiifactory evidences of tire
mit to public view a select number of tiles:.
answerq, though somewhat eon racted. Am)
we hope, that those, into whose hands the)
may com?, wi.| read them with Christian can
dour.—And may the.8pirit of God, without
who«e peculiar blessing all attempts will b
ineffectual to answer any saving purpose.-,
make llice a powe. ful meant of bringing then
nearer to Chriat, and of making them more
lively slid active in his service! If thahenp
end is bur in the least answered, we snail re
joice, and give G d ail tbe glory, Oisregardu g
all the little contempt that may be cast upon
us and our imperfect labour#.
It must l e acknowledge!! to be a very dlffi
cul. and critical work to distribute lo even
one their proper 1>orti< a, and so to divide tin
word of nuth, aa to give suitable encourage.
ment to ihnaoju^lyBy
no room ro Lope. It is equcll) difficult to a),
tempt to destroy the vain conf dince of rh
'iffllnoMt Hi* ]>MI9S> find I Jii
tat all the -
attend, m*.
3., Whfen L
i bar he ei joys God In’
ty ?
Manat- 4 llow may a person know, in the
e»? of p ayer whether he is under the
mfi.ienee of the bfessed Spirit, or under the
and some mnvyipa uf hi) uw* nauaaM *e.riY«J bwagiiui-
Mueat. 5 How far a ohiltl ofG-d may fell,
and yet have, tnrg: ace ip;his soul f
Quest 6. What 'a Ihe eaarntial difference
iietween a natural end * spiritual Lilli I
Quat 7. How qiky s person diatieguish be.
tween the genuine coniolnliqp of die gos
pel wrought in the heart by the. Spirit o God,
and those comforts thai spring from our own
iioai'ination, or s delusive spirit-
Quest. B Why should the king of tfoab, by
Ihe advice of hit privy council, in a time tif
imminent danger and three-enipg distress, ap
ply fur relief to s prophet 'of,the tt dof Israel
aa Balsam certainly was, ai d not to Bast neur,
ihr Giwl of he Moahiic t
Quest 9
nnursging the minds oi those who are tbe re?
f. llowers of lesui. Who is at ffinleiit for th-re
tilings I We readily confess ou< inrufficicnc ,
but yei hope, that the I. r:i has enabled us i
be in some measure faithful, an far aa our spir
tual knowh-dge extends i and may he enabi
rou who read, to deal faithfully with your ow i
s-'uis that so neilh r our laboura, nor your pci
usal, may be imvair. i S. f lK".
L.oxnox, May 30, 1755.
As the Casra of Conscience have alretd
been Well received by the religious dispose'
part of u-sukind, the Editor thought tost »d-
itionai Q .eitions of the same
from the Pious Thoughts published in tht
Spiritual Magsaine, which breathed the same
evangelical spirit, would be acceptable to ae
tout persona,and doubt* not, butsuch
a regard for gospel-doctrine, will find tht
same u-e’iil inatiuc looand eomfori from per-
■taiug the Q n stiuna that are now added.
How rhall « e distn guisb between the work-
mgs cf natural affection, a> d the re <1 eserene
f grace in religious dutidl I S. PIKE.
case ii
What methods mutt a Christian, in d -di
ning circumstance*, take to recover a health
fnl vigorous frame of soul, so as to be able it
maintain real and close communion witl
G' <1 tin id t the hurries and buaiueaa of this
world t S. HAYWARD,
A serious person, who scruples to comply
with Ihe usual practice* of playing at card,
deares to know whether these scruples arise
from a neediest tenderness of conscience, oi
from the faithful monitions oi tbe Spirit ol
Gju i-s. pike,
How may a person judge when a promise oi
threatening comes from G d or is brought b)
Satin to the soul I S HAYWARD,
Hove far may a person judge of tbeatrengt
or weakness of his fsith Dy the brightness o
darkness of his frames l S- PIKE'
Whether a person^ who has been a grea<
sinner, has any ground t > expect plrdon, an.
the comforts of the Holy Ghost I slid whethr
he may partake of all the ordinances uf God I
What judgement should that person psi:
upon himself, who knows himself to he in s
dark and corrupt frame, but finds himst-1'
grestly unaffected with it, and stupid under it!
cabs mi.
How m.y the times of family snd closet duty
be beat regulated to the glory of God, ou
own comfort, and the Advantage of thoee sbuu
o> l S. HAYWARD.
Is it not presumptioua for n person to hope
he has* n interest in Rbrist when be tees lit
tleor nothing in himself, but ressnn to doubi
and question ill B. PIKE.
Ii going to plays and other theatrical per
formances consistent with tbe prnfeatiun ant
.rraetiee of Christianity I 8. HAYWARD-
How may a person, who is deal rou* of fol
lowing the' dictates of providence is ever
•espect, know the mind and will of God in an
particular circumstance, whether temporal o:
spiritual l S. PIKE.
cass hi.
Should not s person who is not ecmfortsbl)
pessusdhd of his being a real Christian, sbstaii
from the ordinance of the I old’s supper, Its-
he should eat and drink damnation to himself I
and what method must that peraon take to a*i
iafy t church of Christ of bin being n »ae-
Huwfar should the master of
(■■mdy concern iiimuelf about ihr- ete'mal sal.
•'alido of his ehtidr n, se rvants, he. ia it hin
duty to read a portion of the scripture to them
morning sr.d evening, and pray with them t
often i Should he nor cot chint', pr ask them
pertinent qunations, atproi er acarrus I
Quest. U). Is it posiible tor a person to he
regenerated, m b ,ru sgsin. *nji ytffr many
rears .Iter fear he is not ? Ann may a person
no way doubt of his regeneration, snd, at the
iame time, be so unconverted person ?
Quest, 11 ->■— — r >
einn grievir.
■r.d unbel t Id
Quest. 12, Is the death and suffering! o
r; hri.vj, or Ir'ia pasr’-e obed.e'.ce, all that is re*
■uittd for the snlsafian and justification of a
mnei l Halil bis active righttousnesa
.11 Wh*t advice can be given to s
Srirv'u.usjy distressed with fears,doubts
el tff .
ait in the work, or must it be .imp
tv ‘.he imputation of f.hVia-’s active r^ghteofiot
ess an essential point of doctrine, or may X
non bepsfe without it. "■ ( .
Quest 13 la it posible f>r, ajstaso®. who in
■utbied to beu ai) bis Own vilen.aa, to be a*,
-tied of an iurereat in Chriat with eternal joy,
nd yet nothaye,Ap*|turiisniox »*«• of tho
Wowod* WfwSp^We of tbo Medi.
~.0>*-O«gagtng ar-it cot.tiaciiiig him to k>vo
in . Saviour, and ^elight in bis wayi/ And is
. possible to have, suob an affcotlng new of
lALbtfbre regaroeratien I - :
Q.ieit. 14. As I apprehend that the prao>
cc oHamiiy prayer is unfashiunable in «ur
dSya, ia it because this age ii so mueh wiser
Ilian the last, or is it becnnewe are lew sc’ d with the life, power, and of
-fiat rehg-on which is pure and unde filed bo-
fole God I
Persons wshing the sbove sbove work will
please to lesvetlieu names at the Bookstore
if tbe Puhliabera-wlrerethe Subscription i»
ow opened
A- l- 13
’IxeasuT's i epavtment,
April 29, 1825
T HAT, on the first day of October next,
the principal of the six per cent, stock
of the United States, created undor the au
thority of an Act of Congress, entitled “An
Act authorising a loan for a sum not exceed
ing eleven millions of dollors,” approved on
the fourteenth day of March, one thousand
eight hundred and twelve, together with
the interest then due thereon, will be paid
to the proprietors of said stock, or to their
attorneys duly authorized, at the Treasury
of the United States, in Washington, and
at the several Loau Offices, on the bonks of
which any portion of said stork may stand.
A surrender of the Certificates of sai
Stock, will be required at the time of pny
ment, and the interest' on said Stock will
cease, from and alter the thirtieth day of
September next.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
May 12 42thl
Georgia, t hathi.m Ctuviy.
W HEREAS Jane M. Russell, has ap
plied to the Honorable the Court 0*
Ordinary ol Chatham County, for letters of
ndmiiiiFtralion, on the estate and effects of
John M. Russell, late of Savannah, deceas
ed, as widow : These, are therefore to cite
and admonieh, all and singular, the kindred
and credit ora of the said deceased, to file
heir objections, if any they have, to the
granting of the admin istratim of the estate
of the said deceased, to the applicant, in
the Clerk’s Ortice of the said Court, on or
before the sixth day of October next, other
wise letters of administration will be grant
Witness the Honorable Elios Fort, one of
the Justices of the'said Court, the sixth
day of September, A. D. one thousand
eight hundred and twenty-five.
M. BOND, *
Sent 6
C. C. O.
l ive. teub»cn\)fcT
Dust Pans and Spit-Boxes
Hair and Wist Brooms
Club and Broad Axes
Scrubbing, Cloth and Hair Brushef,
A few dozen Pockeilighta
N. B. WEED. -
July 23 91s
f fkfiKEGS PRIME LARD, landing
IvU from ship Savannah, and for salp
August *5