Newspaper Page Text
f**|r ,.,
It* of Bavanaah, 'last evening, in
lootUnpityof Joy for the Jro*oteclioi» Ctoo 1
M* Tpo^.- to : th* GabOroatorrfdiaf^rt
,tfe owUrstebd by gotttlem*n from tbe inte
rior, that the same manifestation# of Satis-
Ifaclio* have baeu very general.
iw»«* rtft&w*"
who, be*roMUtly figured aoooosplauously;
hf abeeodiauuasod fromhiackai'ge.A letter
from i member of the Georgia Association
3«-ratal artitio* recently omitted to make
room roe advertisement*, will be found on
to-the editor of the Mbaionary, printed at
Mount Zion, Henohck county, in thii atkte,
By the ahip Rising States, we 'have reeet
red a Providencs paper of the mb inst.
By a gentleman wlw arriaed In thin city
■ on Thursday evening, we have received in
teiliyenee from Early and Decatut, which
With oer previous advice*, compriaea every
county in the State, with the exception oi
Wirt, in which, wo ire informed, no elec
tion tea* held. The foal Mult, wfM not
-yttebpfcljb 7 W materially from what follows
Troup. Clark,'
Chatham County
Effingham ®
& -
Imjm -
Warren ,
Baldwin, y
Hancock, .
• ,169
(a tie)
Leaving a majority, throughout the State,
of mein huutred anil twenlyone. But if we
Telfair and Irwin, majoritiea of
turdniiy and thirty-six, according to the last
statement, wo have aeon, the majority will
he eight hundred add thirty.
It is now ascertained to a aertainty, that
(Wga M. Troup la re-elected Governor
of the State of Georgia, for the enauing
, two years, by a majority of between seven
. and nine hundred votea. The people have
apoken, and, aa quoted by the Columbia
Tcleocope, “ »ox populi vox Dei." The e
lection.bas been more closely contested than
perhaps was expected by either patty at
the commencement of tne contest. Had
the question beca upon the policy advoca
ted by Governor Troup—a support of the
’ late Treaty, and of the rights of the ststpr.
tbe majority-would have beengreetly'jn-
sreased But it should be recollected, that
preceding the election General Clark came
forward in his own ngme; and declared biin-
aelf favorable to the treaty, a ground’ which
was. adaptqd by 1 his - Wends generally
throughout the state, aa the inly one If
. folding a chance for hie election. Yet not
withstanding this—aitlio' supported,by the
warnt opponents of Troup, and backed by
a popularity, supposed to be invincible, in
,i' the interior'comities, hio friends having of
4?. ieojUpUred that before the people his elec-
tio^vh* certain,! the spirit of state pride,
Wired htfo action' by' the conduct of tbe U.
ft Agents. and jhn honoat approbation of
the course punned by Governor Troup, on
tu-Thim at the head of the government of tbe
h\td*\& at QeorgHa May hia adminbtration
r.oooacija our po-
r^iyal ■feelinga, and,may it ba distinguish-
- lid iy biery measure tending to the baa*-
atatei ‘that tbeeonlreeteatered Into by that
body with the Rev. Lie Compere, Mission
ary iu the Grdek Nation, hes been dissolv
ad by ayotis of the’Association,,iti#'terms
of the contract leaving each party at liber
ly to dissolve the engagement at no/ time.
Of the impropriety of Mr. C’a. conduct, it
is stated, that little doubt oxistady but some
objection was made to his dismissal without
a hearing.!
Fhom France.—Paris papers'to the 24tb
of August, and Havre delta to. the 27th are
ryofjywl at tfffyjforh. > ..Thqfr cuntenls art-
unimportant. . .
. It appears that the Dupe of Cambridge
lilt Brussels on (he 18th oftbat tnotith for
Spa, where it is said a diplomatic meeting ia
to be held. Lord Sidmoutb and Lord Liver
pool passed through Ghent on tile 15th Au
gust, on their way to the .Hague,. Account*
from Hamburgh atate that several commercial
expedition* for Columbia are fitting out ip the
porta of Sweden, and Swedish Consuls are ex.
peeled to be'shortly appoiotedtp reside as the
ports of the New American states.
Letters from Stockholm assert that the
olaima ttf (he, Doited Stales had been arranged
with Mr. Connell, who had full power* for tbe
purpose, and he had left the city. f
The sales of Cotton atHavre from the' 20th
to the 26th inclusive, amounted to;$736 hales,
of which 902 bales were sokl on the 25th, vix;
247 Louisiana, at 31) to 32 sous; 118 Alaba
ma, 27 to 31 {; 329 do *r28 t and .213 Up
land, at *6 to 28. These prices pre a jilllii
higher than the previous rates.
Letters of the 26th Afigust, quote Caroli
na, and Georgia Cotton, at 24J a 29; Louis
iana, d°- 29} a34; Rice,dull,36 IoSBf.
20, saj-oir.’* This Goyemmant ha
ly bought aevertl Baltimore built
Thera hat boon lately oonaidtrabln
fer coppered brig*, *uit*bleftir the Aft
It W stated in Pdulaons’a Ade4rliX*i
tliotoon df |66k0Mtd the Scbuylkll
gation Company, ha* beep taken, in I
dolphin, at throe per cent. pr<m. t
recognised hy
divtars Medina has bopo
the President as Commereia Agent of the
Republic of Colombia, lor Us port ofNi"’
York. .
lit reference to the following communica
tion, we have only to sa^. thit our neenuat
rif the transaction embraced is it, waelbui|-
ded on a wiitten momorandum|tbat knowing
neither of the parties. We had no feeling
From Vauahaiso.—Mr. Bowers, who
came passenger in the ship Eagle, arrived
at Baltimorp a short time since from Velpar-
aiao, whence she sailed about the tat of Ju
ly. States that it waa reported there just be
fore he sailed,that Coquimbo had declared
witow^ ‘.ub^sr
meat, io oonsequanoe of the latter having
granted a monopoly to a company of mer
chants, to tha exclosivs trade io the articles
of spirits, tobacco, snuff apd tea. At Santia
go the same spirit of reeolt had shown itself.
The city guard bad marched out of the city,
and encamped in the neighborhood, manifest
ing great dissatisfaction at tbe conduct of the
It is remarked in a late French paper
list France is the only one among the pow-
o(|Europe who lisa a priest among its
ministers. The ssme paper adds— “ we ob
verve, and it is an observation which grows
naturally out of this fact, that our srchbish
ops are now more powerful than ouv pre
fects, and our curates mure powerful than
our mayors."
It ip stated in a Brussels paper, that a
Russian gentlemen, who has for the last 8
years been endeavoring to discover tbe Pbt-
loiopher’g atone, aftor a variety of compo
sitions, has succeeded in finding » a metal
as polished as steel, and as flexible ss gold."
He has made a present of some article-
manufactured from it to the Grand Duke
Constantine, which are said to be very
We are sorry to learn, by the arrival of
theschr. Princess Ann at Norfolk, from
Havana, in It days, that the crew of the
U. 8. store ship Decoy, Lt. Com. Forrest,
at that port, waa very sickly when she sail
ed—17 of her raon were taken ill io ope
day, while diacbargipg her stores, and she
hkd been ordered to sail immediately for
Pensacola. j
. The U.8. ahip John Adams, was cruising
off Havana,
In oqf next #d shall endeavor to lay be-
s filaoi mk a1 o - iiF^llsV . f - - * - *
A Madame Johnston was to oaeen' from
Castle Garden, in New-York on the I8tb
Inst.'in a balloon.
Thd length of the jail of the Comet,
which is now visible; is computed to be a-
bout/a* miUitmt of mila.
It is itatej in tha Washington Gaiotte that
a boom in Charleston, S.C. which has fciled,
te ooMSqwaco of tbe late oettoo speetdation,
owe* tee Custom Mona* about two handled
tbonsand Mian, tad to the Banks mf that ci
ty about she hnadrad and flfty thousand dol
lars more. ‘.''.i
Oi« the rameoitrsmpe of tb* Spanish Minis,
ter af StoOkholm, the Swedish gpvorament
baa prohibited tba sailipg of eortaio Vessels
of vtrYwbiebhsd boon pwehasad. wd ware
the mniijwerdik
-■* - ■*- Bspubliot
the occasion, and that wd molt choerfullj
do justice to Mr. Harn by giving the pres
ent account of the unfortunateiv»nt :-w-- (
In yaul paper of Thursday rooming,’ the
201 h instant, an account is given of ati isi
fortunate dispute wliioli took place at Jejicla’
Ferry, on the 16th, between Thomas Harn
and John Smith, which terminated in| thi'
death of the latter. THo cirnuns'ancpsa-
therein Stated are whidly-yariant front the
facts of tho ease, as disclosed in the sBtls-
vits of five or six respectable witnesses! aid
are calculated to prejudice the public /nifd
agiinvt the unfortunate prisoner. -
Mr. Ham did not flee from justice, at was
stated j on the contfary, ho came tp' town
for the purpose of consulting counsel.. lm
mediately on doing so he returned to. Bryan
county, and made a voluntary surrender to
Col. Maxwell, one nf the Justices of tbe In
ferior Court, (there being no coroner in' the
county,) and remained in bin custody unti;
Wednesday the 10lh, when he was brought
nil at the Court-Hotiae in said county by
Haibeaa Corpus. Afor hearing arguments
and looking into al) the testimony, at dis
closed by the affidavits of the state’s wit
nesses, the Court, consisting of the Hon'
Jnhn J Maxwell, John Harvey and Solo
mon Smith, wore of tbe opinion that it was
a case, within the definition of Iuvolunta-
ry manslaughter in tpe commission of an
unlawful act. The prisoner was according
ly bailed by font respectable gentlemen, for
Ilia appearance at the next Superior Court,
in the sum nf five thousand dollars. I would
further add, that all the witnesses, excop
Raacn, have sworn that it was their belief
Harn had no intention to take the life nf
Smith.'being engaged in fight Without a
weapon of any sort; and that it wns entirely
the result of accident; This statement of
facts ismndc for the purpose of a (fording
to Mr. Harn a fair and impartial trial, anil
that public opinion should not be forestalled
to the prejudice of a man. who has stood al-
ivs deservedly high in his own county
d who has a virtuous and amiable Family
to share with him, in feelings that fate which
'm.msl L*
. ... ,SWI*iwht in which
Thht office ia Situated In one teneroeot of
the Gity-Hom, Into the property of hi*,pro-
jdocoddpr in office, i ThU Hotel, inel“dln.
the PuOt-Offiee rooms, bad boon mdrt|
■by hid predecessor, to thai. B»iib, of -Biiri«n,
Which mortgage, at the limdqt hK Spppiat-
meat, wu under fbroclo«ura, 'and on the
»lrai Tuevdayof April last, tM title became
iransferred (o tho Bank. Tbe late Fust
Master commenced hit official dutiepas sucla
oft the fim October, 1824; and consider*
himself bound to acchont to hla prodobawor
for rani,.hntil the efHty of reddffiption ,on
bis mortgage lo the Bank aforesaid, became
foreclosed, which comprised a period of six
months. For this six month* he had not
accounted to hi* predecessor f or t eppoified
sum. nornraahfijft any way bboad legally
to pay him a apecified aum, or more than
what a jury might determine it to be worth.
Ink conversation,.however, which took
plnct between him and his predecessor, and
he thinks alter the Pout-Master Genera) had'
signified his intention uf making the appoint
ment, Mr. Early Tematked. that he thought
lur the rent of tho office, thid perquisites of
letter box rent,' and the privilege of board
ing in the Hotel tt the rate of {260 per an '
num, if allowed to the Post Master and hist
Clerks,-he the Post-Master, in conaideratioqj
of these privileges, - ought to pay for office
rents* nnrob as {800 per annum, Hie ar
rangement of board; at {260 per annum, was
founded on a previous stipulation between
Mr. Early nod the landlord of the Hotel,
when lie leased him the building :—That in
to say, the landlord for tome advantage in
the cootfact, yielded to hiei; agreed to board
and lodge under hi« regular price*. Mr.
Early himself, and afl these who might be
-iiigSgi d in the Puet-OIBce: when,, there
fore, Mr..Early agreed to extend thid privi
lege to bis successor, he was bound to ac
count to kimfor its value.
It ti incontrovertible, that the Post Mas.
ter and Ida .two Clerks did receive their
hour.I at the Hotel, *t ihe rate ofd-260 per
annum, that he accounted to Mr. Early only
fnr tliis board, and not to the landlord of the
Hotel, until the foreclosure of the inortgagi
j t-ove mentioned. It is also undeniable that
M 1 Scudder. as well as Mr. DriscUl, then
r.d dill in the Puat-Offiee, since the traftsler
.i the building to the Babk of Darien, have
paid at (lie rate of sereO dullars per week for
their board at the same lintel and the same
'able—making a difference of {l 15 between
the board of {250 bj the year, and {7 per
week, or {:)65 hi the year.
This pi ivilege, therefore, of board, at {250
per annum, ia demonstrated by facts to be
worth to Oach individual, {115 by the year,
and as it waa enjoyed by three persons, to
wit—the Post-Master and bis two Clarks,
may be valued at {-.45; this sum deducted
from {800, the enormous rent which it wav
staled was paid Mr. Early, leaves only {155
for the rent, of an office fitted up io tho bett
possible stylo—the letter boxes of which have
rented and brought iu to the Post-Master,
near {TOO per annum, and have the present
year .i ltd -ed him some,! hiug abort of {4')0.
The .-xiaiit tlieo of the root allowed for the
A writer in the New York Commercial Ad-
vertiaer states the following facts relating to
the fate sales of government property on the
Northern frontier:
“The shipping at Sackett’a Harbor was sold
to Capt.Huganan, for {8000, and the purcha
ser ia now breaking them np. The amount
he gave was considered large, as the vessels
were all sank, and it wu supposed were near
ly destroyed by worms; but it was quite the
reverse. Most of them have been raised by
the meant of pumps, worked by liorae power,
and proved to be perfectly sound, and Mr
H. informed me that he anticipated a profita
ble speculation. The four large vessels o>
Lake Erie, vix, the Detroit, Queen Charlotte.
Lawrennr. and Niagara, Were sold at pohlh-
auction, at Erie, tor the ifnall sum uf {:176
They also were all sunk, but Mr Brown, tnc
purchaser, expects to be able to raise them jn;
a small expense, and having ascerlalrhd lips:
they are sound, lie intends to convert two of
them into ateain boats "
A singular cimumstance has recently oc
curred io New York in relation to a loiter)
ticket, A poor feilow was arretted by an
officer for a small debt. While on the way
to prison, the debtor offered to the officer
three lottery tickets, which was all he had
to offer. He look them to the creditor,
who thereupon directed the officer to release
him from confinement. In a few days after,
one of the tickets drew a prize of twenty-five
tlwnaand dollars. The creditor offered this
Itical ticket to the officer, for his fees.
whoNbot likeing the number, chose one of the
others which drew a Wank. It has not been
staled whether the pour debtor has received
any part of the prised— but we question the"
right of the creditor to bold any more than
the amount of his debt and coats.
Meet too or veterans in the sea ana-,
vice.—Tbe four following gentlemen lately
met at a Hotel, in St, Petersburg. (Rossi*,)
vis* Captain Baffington, nf ship Messenger,
Capt. Hulen, of ship Isia—Capt. Fames, of
brig Howard—and Capt. Allen - of brig G)a!-
lego. These gentlemen have iollowed the
aea, an average of 42 year*, end neither ot
them wi* ever cast * way. The first named
e ntleman belongs to tialem, the second- to-
arblehead, tbe third to Bootes, and the
last to W arren, R. I.
CF The late change of officer* in the
Post-Office of this city, being made on a
charge of corruption, and Mr. Scudder,
the officer remo- ed, being informed that
this charge has gained credence, ia desirous
that this oommuttity should be acquainted
ft" ground* upon which it ia sustain
cq» To eotble them to judge more ecctr
rjtely on this subject, he obtained from the
General Post-Office the correspondence up
on which tbit removal waa founded, tilth
the- intention of laying it before them; to'
do this, however; would render it necessary
for him to impugn it, and as this might bring
him in a collision, which if is-his purpose if
bestowed tij
coins few
0 of Pnat-Mteter of this city was
item him without solicitation—
friends, it i* troe, had warmly
MtftOT U6B6rlf, Out WlWMlt Oil lQttmir*
^noo. The chaigo aot|{oed uthq o4oao of
pmflbV 01 agreeing to
hil -A. .——
pay him,'* rent for '
Ibof*" - - , * ' :
Early’* intentW of resigning.
waa sometime preriously determined no) were
fuel known to him. He believed, it is true, that
a. oliaeg# would soon.take place, but tWa.waa
matter trf opiniotf fdqoded oft Mr fiartr’a cir-
eumstaooaa which hoaour and goad faith to
Mr,.Early,-required ba should ooaooal.. If
ha had made known (whielibe did - saloon a*
he ooorenieqtly«could) Mr. Early V iuteudad
resignation, when it was known to llim, it
wotiid have beau of but little ase to the eiti-
aeo» of Saranpab, aa.bis appomtmaot imme
diately followed it.—Ha bod no ageoey in
proeuviag itln thi* hasty manur. He had
himself oo desire that tlwrs should be liurrv
about it. It was bowtrer.bestuwed upon him
with ceremony and taken frpm him without
cause. Ttie leading cliaraOtarislio of both
act* was precipilatiohbut the latter was
manifestly unjust,and deplorably unwise;—
unjust because-the oliargo upon which it was
made is slanderous and falseunwise, be
cause virtue i* the only firm basis of power.
Tlie ngnimu politician who build* his politi
cal fabrick upon hypothetical principles of
policy, without regard to justice, tlioug,, he
may gain temporary advauUge*, usually finds
his .overthrow from the iustrunisulality of liis
own craft. r ,
Mr. Scudder, wi)h some confidence, in
dulges-the belief that the foregoing atate-
ineiit will matnfeat to thi* community that
I he privileges extended to him were-equal
to a definite sum in cash, that it left for the
rent of the office, situated in the most elegi-
hlepart of the city, and fitted up in point of
elegance and convenience without, regard to
expense, only g100 when the rent of the let-
ter boxes is deducted, end that the arrange
ment on which this rent ia founded waa de
termined by a period of six months. Hebe:
lieves it also manifest, that a corrupt bar-
S ain could not exist, where mutual coufi-
Once and mutual honour are relied upon aa
itabaaia. He further believe* that he has
demonstrated that Mr. Early had nothing
as it regards this office, which he could or
had a right toeell. To constitute a bargain
aurely the grantor ought to hive somethihg
to convey. If it can urged that he had a
right ofeontinuanceiothe office to dispose
of it is apparent that the Post Master Gen
era) ha* been guilty of a criminal neglect n)
duty: Neither would this cunelusiou leave
room for the suspicion of u bargain, because
Mr. Scudder had no right to suppose that the
Poit Master General would set inconsistent
with the duties of bi* office, and thereby
leave to Mr, Early n right to whioh ho was
not entitled. ;
Detest alone, in eases liko-this, usually
carries with it something like obloquy, and
oftentimes a conviction, without a knowledge
of it* eausaa, that it is merited. Fewer ia ao
imposing that it appears to posse** every vir
tue. and when it prevails againat Us rare oif-
oumstances must interpose their defence,
or tha darkness of di«honimr follows it*
frown. Mr. Sounder admits himself it* vie
tint, but bo has never felt humbled by it. He
would, however, feel himself dishonoured in
deed, if in hia overthrow he bad fallen
letter boxes of wliioli have this year rented
for rising {350, which deducted from the sum
of {455, leaves about {100 only, paid for
rent; nor could tha contihaaoce of this ar
rangement exceed aix months, it being de
termined by the foreukisure of the mortgage.
Will this constitute bargaining for an office t
Will aoy man of common sense, under these
circumstance^, say Mr. Scudder purchased
this office ? From one who hpd not the pow
er to bestow it ? From one Who was a de
faulter and cuuhl not with propriety bo aua-
tained in it ?
If Mr, Scudder purchased this office from
his predecessor, “ by paying him a rent for
the tehoment in which il wu* situated, greatly
(i-proportioned to its estimated value," how
was Mr. Early lobe secured in the payment
o' this rent! If the office be.of value, and
Mr. Earlv sold it to Mr. Scudder. relying on
his honor for payiaeot. (there waa not a scratch
of a pen between them on this subject) he did
not in this instance, betray that sagacity
which ia usually attiibuled to him. Who.
posaeuing his capacity, woulij sell an office
and rely upon the honor of the purchaser for
:treward? Who would make an illicit bar
gain with a man and place the contingency
ofpayment in future and on hia honor, when
he had the immediate means in his possession ?
Who, if disposed to sell an office, would do
so without having the purchase money in hi*
pocket ? Who would trust a mao oo hia hon
or, who enters into an engagement which is
not fair and honest! In whatever light this
charge is presented, it appears preposterous.
He who can believe it, must have a singular
faith. He must believe io a straege inuon-
sistency in the characters concerned. It
renders necessary a compound of honesty ant!
corruption—qualities which have about the
ssme affinity aa oil and water-
The supposition of a purchase from Mr.
Early, must be founded on the presumption
that he, Mr. Early, could have retained the
office, if he had thought proper, fo! surety he
had nothing to sell, ao regard* the office, but
his right of continuance in it. and if be did
not even poseess this right, it mnst be conced
ed that he-could not sell it. Tito cironm-
itaneauf hia default and the refusal of one .of
bit sureties to continue on hia bond, which
refusal, at that time, to the knowledge of Mr-
Scudder, bud-been communicated to him, Mr.
Early will probably ba doomed sufficient to
shew that he could not have been entitled to
this right of continuance in office. If the
Post Master General, wduid atill hare allow,
ed him thin right of oootiauaoce, jt would
hare been an indulgence inconruttnl with a
proper ditcharge tf the duties ql
Mr. Scudder has hitharto taken little pains
tb defend himself fiom tlie charge of oorrOp.
tioo with hia predecessor, because ho did not
apprehend that such monatroua doc trio* would
be any whore entertained, a* that of bargain-'
ing for an office with a panoa unqualified to
make aa
se an appointment to it. ; fltrlhyg, howev
er, it. bad gained credence, he is willing at
Early waa about resigning, he advised
agaipat that measure, and particularly
him that be'did not wish him to reatfs on
may lime to declare. Under oath, (hit when
Mr. Early waa about
told hi!
hla, Mr. Bcodder** account. If at the
time he waa bargaining for tho office,- there
most have been a strange inconsistency io his
eoaHimt. The absurdity is too great to sup
pose, that he ouuid have advised him to con
tinue in office, and at the same lime have of
fered him a fewonl to abandon it.. Who that
Miovoa tb« show* deotyrabon, can sat that
Mr, Seaddev^ltappnaoachaaga .inavit*.
vfoo, all
would 'hat
tho yd vies
coaling Mr.
fl rf tfcftuooy will kdmil that it
t^au superfluous: oorarlhalet*
saffron io linearity. •
r Ills been charged .with cdo-
uf of rbsig
by lueceaa, ,
yrosS murepresen
tation and deception'ha re been practiced a-
gsinat him. That this community have beeu
grossly deceived and imposed upon ah it re
gards this matter. That the opposition which
he hat experienced has grown out of this de
ception and mitrepraseotatjoo. Tho corres
pondence io hia possessjon it alto an arideoce
that erery effort has been used to practice a
like deception upon the department. Wheth
er a like success ba* encoded this endeavour,
nr whether Ins removal waa founded on whal
may have been deemed policy, be will not
here undertake to determine. His object
is todissipute tbe misrepresentations and false
colours which have hid the truth from thi*
community —which have involvod this subject
in mystery—which hare placed him in an un
happy sitnation, calculated Io produce unfa-
vourable conclusions. He, however, feels as
sured that when they are convinced uf his in
nocence they will award him that justice
which is his due. He it not indifferent to
their good opinion, ft hopes to find he Ita9 done
nothing to forfoit it. A good reputation
is the aliment on which he lives. No earthly
(teaaure could compensate for its loss. Take
it from him and you deprive him of every
thing be esteema valuable. He would pine
in the midst of plenty. He would consider
il a misfortune from which he could discover
no earthly hole of refuge but hit grave. His
knowledge, however, of human nature has
convinced him (hat charity ever finds a resi
dence with the virtuous and wise; but lie
doe* not think it requires a great extension
of it towards him to believe him innocent of
corruption, and that tlie charge assigned a*
the ground of hi* remoral from office is ill
founded. JOHN SCCDDER.
•In eighteen hundred end twenty-two I leas
ed the City Hotel from Mr. Early, and in
part payment was to board the th{ee young
genlietneb then in the .Post Office as {250 per
annum. After the traesfer of said property
to the Bunk of Dariqe tho two lurriyort, Mr.
Curry being dead, bftve aceounaed to me for
hoard at three hnadrad And sixty-five dollars.
Savannah, 20th Oct. 1824- ,' ,,, *
JVen Tort: Oct. 12.—Cotton—Siooo onr
last report about 200 Sale* iff' Alabama* sod
Uplands have been disposed ot *| 13 1-2 a 14
coots, cash; and a let Of about 40 bate* infe
rior at 12 1-2 cents.' The tendenoy in the
price of thi* article b evidently downward*,
and we reduce our quolatiooi 1-f a oant.
Tbe Importiesi has been—from North Carali-
ni 6 hales.
Total Import, since Jit hMt 44 bales.
Expoyt, from lst to 6th iqat. 112 bole*.
New-Orteins, 17a 2l ; Cpland. l3 a 161 At
abama, 13a 16; Tennessee, 13 a IS.
Hies.—But little business has been donoin
tinue the s ome rates. There has been no lm
Ifotalli "
Import, ainco 1st init. 122 tier-
oea. Rica, lb 21-2*4.
fVeighte.—Jo Liverpool, Cotton. 3-6d. a
1-2d* lb.—Rice, tbroea 8a. a 8a. 6d.—To
Continent, Cotton; 1 a i M cent* lb»Jti
beqn aucli to article in the market;
queUt|j,tvo*resS-'- 1 “" *- ---
ffipelledto cOOtlnue blank
'Odair • • -
...... ..... jMqpo. eatlait.45 bal*.
00ft crop, making thk receipt* this sem.a n 68
bafei i oq the 30tlJ &eiHenib«r|«{t treir ih».pn
had arrived fill. bale!!. No tlV °
cleiraocei this
CJarose, Oct- 14;—Cotton ia coming j 0
hriaktv, and sell* kt from 1*4014 cents,-
Per ~
The Poe Deo continues unuatially low lor
the aeaeon; there has been no fain of cob-
■equence here for the laat five or aix weelu.
At Augusta, In Georgia, oo the ipth inst,
after a *hort illuess, qnd io the 25th year of
bit age. Lieutenant John C. Holland, of
the United Slates Army, and a native of this
“"“‘J-Weroty beloved and lamented by his
brother offioers oe the statioo, and by a res
pectable circle of friend# and aaquaint-
anees, to whom he had there endeared
himself by the urbanity of his manner#, and
the excellence of his disposition. Few youog
men have been educated at West Point, with
•“dh eredit to the inslitntion; and fewer still
ire l h#f»"h o so early io life, have given
eximpfirdf such loftiness of ientiment, and
such singleness of heart and purpose. To lus
afflicted parents In this oily, who wilhio «»
lost thirteen months, hav« been deprived uf
three of their sons; of mature age, fti* loss of
a young man of so much-promise; of feelings
so honorable | with a mind to untainted by
vice; and whose greatest delight and study
wu to make them happy, is to them a calam-
ity-of oo ordinary character-
“ Reader, whoe'er thou art. I pray, draw near,
Here view, the friend most lov'd, the sun mint
tVhu ne'er knew joy, but friendship might
' divide,
Or gave Ids parents grief, but when he died."
Ch Courier.
sc mm mmu*l
Sloop Delight, Cooper, Charleston,
'. , , . , Master.
Ship Rising Slates, Pearce, Providence,
7 days, with a full cargo to Tnft ft Pndel.-
ford, P Hill, L. Baldwin & co. W. Jrffet-
bob. 1J. Blair. A. ft E. Wood, O. Taft.R.
Watermen, E. Joituke. J, R. Aburn.K Wyl-
ly. and the master. Pasaehcerf—0- Tall,
lady, child and servant, J. B lticlmiond,
lady and child, Mrs Howard and two
dren, Mrs. Telft and three rhildren, Mrs.
Olmsfead and child, Mra. Pudelford, Mu.
Gardner, Mrs. Wylly and servant, ft Mm
Howard—Messrs. E. Jencks.E. Perkins,!.
Hawes, Jr. F. Flints. J. G. Gladding, II.
Wilder. J Wymin, G. S. Bottey, E. 8«--
'ey. C. Slratnn, H. Hines, E Gnodlich W‘
Jefferson. J. W. Fiteh and Mercer. Lost
overboard on Monday, 17tli inst ; off Cape
Hatleras, the cook, Aapon, a Chinese, in
he attempt to draw a bucket of wster.-
Spoke 15 {b inst. brig Prize, from Ha van*,
hound tn Boston. 12 days out—lost the cap
lain a few days before.
Brig Clarissa Ann. Fairhank<,10 days from
Baltimore and 4 from tha Capes, to J B.
Herbert ft Co. consigners, F Sorrell, ft B
Weed, H Harper, G B Lamar. W 1 Hunter,
Hall ft Hoyt, Johnston, Hills ft co. LBsId-
win, R Campbell and E Fnrt. Patsrngrrs,
Miss Byrne. Capt. Rogers, J. C. Rockwell,
Wro.C. Jackson, and 3 in tlie steerage. Of
Tybre Light spoke schr Hetln. Bri tts, it
days from Neuvitas. bound to N. York.
Brig Frances, Croft. Philadelphia.
Sloop Pelight, Cuoyier. Charleston.
At New-York, Oct. 12, schr- Sophrouil,
u» roa this roRT,
At N. York, l*ib inat. ache General Chad- j
wick, Io sail I6lb inet.
The ehip Louisa, Hopkins, frpm Liver-1
pool, arrived al Havana, 2Btli ult.
Land Lottery Notice.
T HE siibacriber having acted m oned I
the Receivers of Names lor Cbstlua I
County, begaienve to inform the inhabitin'' I
of said county, who may have been alueiil«i I
tnuful burin in. or deprived hy ether tomb |
contemplated by the act. from r* gisiering I
their names, that he will attend to makiiif I
oot the necessary affidavits to be Inrwsrd-1
ed to the exeentive in ample and logal f"™-'
My office is in the Custom House.
’ JOS. 8. PELOT.
Oct 22
».■ ' ■■■
Savannah, 21«t October, l* a 'i
T HE Board of Directors hafinf thi* '*>!
declared a dividend of aix
{3 per ahare, on the Capital Stock or t
Sank,.for the last six months, *1* "ro
be paid to the respective SlockhohwjJjBtf?'
of r or. to their order, oo and aAer Tereu; |
By order of the Board, ._
Oct 22
TERM, 1825.
WTHEREA8 Wiiliam C- WajM.^
w “-*lSlSSa;;
I in tha
Mae balled ok oath with **i!
eoor before tha fint day of "*
jiam Ioor. were di
tend aa Grand Ji
term. . f.
And whofsos Hugh Caandy,
line* end Matthew Loffbowogh. •«» )r
lira tad iiKniiioiied toattend ^
»nwo bod HnmiMwn w"”"", k(t Ml
PeterAutg, Oct. U.—CoRan.-4tkt were
unl*ae gODd and»*»ci#a* caaM </ 1
Troemriraetfrom the minu're^
, ' RQBERT W. POOLER) 43 **
Snraonak, 2tst OiV jm
jmm r
1 31*
■v 2
! SV4